Own car service that brings profit to your neighbor. How to open a car service: investments, payback, profitability

We are launching a series of posts on how to open your own car service center. Today we want to talk about how much you need to invest in opening a car service center, when it will reach operational zero, when the investment will pay off in full and how profitable a service center can be.

Opening costs

5.5 million rubles will be spent on opening a new car service center with 6 lifts. These are the costs of launching a car service that is optimal for business and comfortable for the client. An average service for 3 – 6 lifts will satisfy the demand in the plumbing repair and maintenance segment. The amount includes the cost of renting the premises, its repairs, equipment, spare parts for the first month of work, Internet, telephony and furniture.

Equipment for body repair and engines will cost 1–2 million more due to additional highly paid specialists, special premises and equipment. Such a service risks not paying for itself.

Read more about costs in the next post.

Operational zero

Most private car services reach the break-even point in 1–2 years. For example, our first car service reached zero operating value only after 18 months. After we have developed and implemented and adjusted all the processes within the system, the network’s new car services reach self-sufficiency in 2–4 months (depending on the region). Franchisee Evgeny Sherstnev from Altufyevo reached operating zero after opening in 2 months. Some franchisees succeed in this in just a month of work, for example, Alexander Mikhailenko from Krasnogorsk.


The investment will fully pay off in 14-16 months. This is the return on investment period for our stations. In car services, all processes are controlled: financial accounting, personnel work, spare parts circulation, compliance with quality standards. Marketing tasks are solved by the management company, which provides all car services in the network with a stable flow of customers from the first day of operation.

Thanks to the order and efficiency that it brings to the opaque and difficult to control business of car repair, our service stations very quickly begin to generate and increase profits.


With effective organization of work, a car service can bring 10–25% of profit from turnover.

Car service indicator in Moscow and the Moscow region

Profitability of the Vilgud car service

2-4 month6-8 month12-15 month16 and over
Turnover, rub.2 000 000 3 000 000 4 000 000 5 000 000
Number of employees per shift7 8 9 12
Marginal profit65% 65% 65% 65%
Payroll including taxes30% 25% 22% 20%
Rent20% 14% 10% 8%
Contributions to the Management Company*10% 10% 9% 8%
other expenses5% 5% 4% 4%
EBITDA 0% 11% 20% 24%

*If the service station is opened under a Vilgud franchise

Turnover is growing, costs for maintaining a car service are decreasing (rent, payroll, other expenses), profitability is growing.

The average turnover of service stations included in the Vilgud network in Moscow is 4-5 million rubles, in the regions - 2.5 million rubles.

90% of private car services do not have such a system, so no matter how well the technicians work there, the profit of such services fluctuates at zero. Unfortunately, it is too expensive for an independent auto repair shop to create and maintain a marketing department. It is more profitable for him to join a network that has already built


Opening a car service center.
Construction of a car service building.
Rent of premises for car service.
Necessary documentation and permits to open a car service.

How to open a car service?
Premises for car service. (diagram, drawings, car service areas)

Car service staff.

Technical equipment of a car service.
Occupational safety and health at car service centers.

List of services provided.
Types of work performed in a car service center.
Pricing. Prices for various types of work.

Marketing strategy for a car service center.
Car service advertising.
Development of car services. Prospects for development.
Additional profit from car service activities.

Investments in car service.
Auto service payback.
Profit from a car service center.

Car services today. Market analysis.
Types of car services in Russia.
Car service in the garage.
Mini car service.
Car service for three bays.
Medium-sized car service.
Car service with car wash.
Car service with tire fitting.
Franchise car service.
Construction of a car service station and renting it out.
Self service car service.
Car service for an insurance company.
24-hour car service.

The history of the appearance of car services.

Henry Ford can easily be called the founder of the emergence of car services, because it was this man who invented and put the first car on the assembly line.
At the very beginning of the development of the automobile industry, only wealthy people could afford a car.
Over time, cars have become more accessible and the issue of their maintenance has become much more pressing.
The first car services appeared about 100 years ago; the automobile appeared a little earlier. But at first, owning a car was really problematic, and if some part failed, you had to make it yourself, not to mention replacing it. As you know, demand creates supply. After some time, craftsmen appeared who understood the principles of operation of cars and could make parts for them. That’s when the first car repair shops began to appear, at bases where cart and bicycle repair specialists were located.

Then, with the development of industry, auto manufacturers had the opportunity to organize the production of spare parts, which they had been asking for for quite a long time from trading houses, through which new cars were sold.

With the advent of spare parts production, the car became even more popular. The business of handicraft production of parts was no longer so profitable, but the installation of factory parts was developed. This is where more and more new car services began to appear, since installing factory parts was much easier than making them yourself. More and more entrepreneurs, realizing the opportunity to make good money, flocked to this business. And car services began to appear far beyond ordinary car trips. Accordingly, people could travel by car, going on long journeys without worrying about possible breakdowns. At that time, automakers began running advertisements about how to enjoy traveling in your car. Such marketing moves created a new wave of interest in the car, and soon almost every family had a car.

In Russia, car services appeared much later, which was due to delays in the development of the automotive industry. But over time, this business has gained momentum in our country and today we can say with confidence that if there were no car services, many car owners would refuse to use them.

Opening a car service center.
Construction of a car service building.

When building your own car service center, the main task is to select a plot of land. As a rule, the best places are already taken, and those that are offered to you will be far from ideal. In this case, you need to have connections in land management. In general, everyone “knocks out” as best they can.
It is also worth considering the fact that the closer the building of your future car service is located to the existing premises, the less money you will spend on communications and electricity.

A car service center can also be built as an extension to some other premises, which will also undoubtedly reduce the cost of construction.
If you have a site for construction, by the way, it should be no closer than 50 meters from residential buildings, then it’s time to prepare design documentation for construction. It is best to order the project from private designers, this way you will save money without overpaying the company.

It is also worth looking for contractors not through large companies; it is better to hire a small private team, and rent construction machinery and equipment from third companies. This will also reduce costs.
The building itself should be designed as conveniently as possible, and be convenient for employees and for your clients.

The following premises must be present in the car service building:

  • Repair boxes
  • Dispatch room where clients are received and orders are placed
  • Locker room for car mechanics with a hygiene room (toilet, shower)
  • Meal room for staff
  • There is also a waiting room for clients, which in principle can be located right in the control room
  • A separate toilet should be provided for clients.
  • And don’t forget about utility rooms for storing equipment.

In the construction of a car service center, the main thing is the foundation. It is also worth paying special attention to the floor in the repair bays; it must be made of the best grades of concrete and be perfectly level, because in the future car lifts will be attached to the floor with anchor bolts.
The car service building itself can be built using rapid warehouse construction technology. The base is made of metal structures, which is sheathed with corrugated sheets, and insulation is laid inside. The roof sheathing and rafters are made of wood, the outside is corrugated sheet or linocr, and the inside is insulated.
But the best option for the capital construction of a car service center is construction from a monolith and brick.

The chosen construction option will depend only on your capabilities. It only remains to add that the payback period for a business with the construction of its own car service is at least five years, but this approach to business is worth it.

Rent of premises for car service.

Perhaps the main issue in opening a car service center is finding suitable premises. The room must meet three main factors, and it would be better if you manage to find everything in one:

  • Not high rent
  • Ease of use and possibility of future expansion
  • Crowded, passable, visible place

In practice, as a rule, renting such premises is not so easy, because many are already occupied. Probably the most basic problem that a businessman who wants to open his own car service faces is the need to re-equip the premises he has found. In some cases, you need to pour a good floor to install lifting equipment. In some cases, make bathrooms and partitions. These are all unavoidable costs. But experienced entrepreneurs agree with the owners of the premises that the money spent will go towards future rent. Subject to a long-term contract, the landlord usually agrees. In some other cases, the owner of the premises may take on part of the burden of refurbishment.

Always try, when looking for a room to rent, to talk and negotiate only with the owner, because otherwise you will overpay money to the intermediary.

Try to look for premises for a car service in accordance with the rules:

  • Fire inspection
  • Labor Inspectorate

To do this, there are certain rules for organizing auto repair work, which are best followed by any entrepreneur.

  • Distance from residential buildings at least 50 meters
  • Room ventilation
  • Storage of paints and varnishes in separate ventilated rooms
  • Meal room if there is no dining room
  • Water supply
  • Bathroom with shower
  • Cloakroom with metal drawers for clothes
  • Fire-fighting equipment
  • Smoking room on the street
  • Illumination of the room with daylight penetration

Perhaps these are the basic requirements for finding premises for your future car service center.

Necessary documentation and permits to open a car service.

Since licensing for car service services has now been cancelled, opening a business remains a small matter:

  • Organize an LLC or individual entrepreneur
  • Prepare documents for the purchase or lease of industrial premises
  • Get permission from the SES
  • Fire Supervision Permit
  • Conclude agreements with the water utility and the city. power grid
  • If you need to conclude an agreement for waste removal and recycling of paints and rubber

Necessary resources for opening a car service.
How to open a car service?
Premises for car service. (diagram, drawings, car service areas)

Since we have already talked above about the construction and rental of premises, here I would like to write a little about the internal layout and maximum ease of use of the car service. As you know in any business, each meter of occupied space is assessed separately, and each meter costs a certain amount of money, and it simply must pay for itself. In this case, a car service is no exception. We can also say that the most convenient layout and arrangement will increase the speed and quality of work. A trait of many car mechanics is the fact that if they see a free corner, they definitely try to clutter it, and here your task is to eliminate such a drawback by properly planning the room.

As a businessman, you must think through and organize all movements around your car service premises so that during working hours there are no free “walks” on the part of your staff and clients. Access to the smoking room and locker room, as well as to the eating room, passed only through the dispatcher (receiver master), who, in addition to his duties, must maintain order. Most of the time, even if there is no work, auto mechanics must stay in the boxes assigned to them according to fire safety regulations.
For better control, you can install video equipment, with which you can track all the movements and actions of employees in the service center premises. Online surveillance will also allow you to track all your customers who have arrived for repairs at your auto repair shop.

How much equipment is required for a car service? What equipment should you choose for your car service?

Today, the equipment sales market has undergone enormous changes, and if 10 years ago, good equipment could only be brought from abroad, now you can buy everything you need literally without leaving your home. Manufacturers of various equipment can be found on the Internet; for every taste and budget there are various modifications of any tool from both imported and domestic manufacturers.

And yet the question of what equipment to choose for your car service remains unanswered. Let's try to answer it logically, identifying the main components of the success of any car service. First of all, let's look through the eyes of a client who comes to a car service center for services. What does he pay attention to first? For equipment? No! He can see the appearance of the staff, pay attention to the cleanliness of the premises and, of course, the attitude of your employees.
But this, of course, does not mean that the equipment may be in poor condition and there may not be enough tools. When selecting equipment, you must adhere to the price/quality ratio. In my opinion, Russian manufacturers have long learned to satisfy such requirements. Therefore, I can recommend that you pay attention to domestic manufacturers, whose equipment meets safety standards in car service centers, is easy to maintain and is not expensive.

Basic equipment for car service:

Car lifts.


List of additional equipment for car service.

Cutting machine
Side cutters (nippers)
Long nose pliers (platypuses)
Clamps, grips
Hammers, sledgehammers
Hand tool repair kits
Other hand tools

There is other pneumatic equipment for car service, with which you can press out and press in various components and parts of a car. Prices for such equipment start at 25,000 rubles.

Car service staff.

The selection of personnel for your car service will depend primarily on what direction you choose for your business. For example, if you want to do body repairs, then you don’t need an engine repairman on staff. Or let’s say you are opening a car service center to provide a wide range of services, then you will need craftsmen, general workers and auto electricians. Also, do not forget that there should be several specialists of the same profile, in case of sick leave or vacations. That is, there must be interchangeability of personnel. Also, do not forget about the position of a receptionist, who must organize work, answer phone calls, communicate with clients and fill out repair orders.

How to find qualified personnel for your car service for a small salary?

Today these are two incompatible concepts, since there is plenty of work for an experienced auto mechanic. Another thing is that it is possible to average wages by recruiting personnel in pairs. This is when you hire a qualified specialist for a good salary, and pair him with a young, inexperienced partner, but with aspiration in his eyes. And believe me, such a tandem has very good prospects, which will undoubtedly have a positive impact on your business. Why?
There are many reasons for this, the main ones lie on the surface, and if we consider the problem of recruiting personnel for a car service center from the other side, they will become clear.
For example, you hire two highly qualified specialists who, due to their experience, consider themselves the best. And when some problem arises in the work of such specialists, disputes arise between them. And as you know, every problem has many ways to solve it and it turns out that both will be right, but due to selfishness it will be difficult for them to sacrifice each other. And instead of working, they will argue. And you will pay high salaries to such professionals. Do you need it?
It’s another matter when a specialist works with a student; undoubtedly, he will feel responsible and impossible to make mistakes since he sets an example. This is where the psychological factor comes into play and people’s desire to be an example and teach others. And the student, in turn, will strive not to fall in the eyes of his teacher. And if you manage to observe a picture of such a tandem in your business, then there is some advice on how you can further bring such employees closer together. How?
Give them the opportunity to earn “left” money. How?
You can carefully allow them to roam, even during work hours, or provide them with lifts after work. Believe me, such people will become close to each other and will help you earn regular customers.

Another indisputable fact for small mini car services is the fact that it is the car mechanics who communicate with clients most of all, and not the receptionists, since the mini car service is more open to its clients. Therefore, your auto mechanics must be able to communicate politely with your customers!

Providing labor in a car service center.
Technical equipment of a car service.

The technical equipment of a car service center certainly affects the performance of personnel and therefore must be carried out in accordance with labor legislation. For employees, there should be locker rooms with separate cabinets and a meal room, unless there is a canteen nearby that offers set meals. Further, water supply and sanitation are mandatory; these are labor hygiene standards. A toilet and washbasins, soap and paper (napkins) should also be present in the car service center. To clean inside the car service center and the surrounding area, the following must be available: mops, shovels, brooms, and a crowbar.

In addition to supply and exhaust ventilation, the workplace must have sufficient lighting. Additionally, the service center must have light carriers.

To comply with temperature standards in the workplace, many car service owners install thermal air curtains, which is especially important in winter.

Occupational safety and health at car service centers.

Occupational safety and health at car service centers. Safety precautions in a car service center.

Before starting a business to open a car service center, you must understand an important factor: safety precautions. There shouldn’t be any particular difficulties here, because safety standards are the same as in any production. The main thing will be compliance with electrical safety and fire safety.
Electrical safety is caused by a large number of working electrical equipment and power tools. Fire safety is caused by the fact that a car service involves working with fuel and lubricants and being responsible for the property of clients. Therefore, it is prohibited to keep open fire and smoke in the car service premises. Flammable liquids must be stored in a well-ventilated area.

Car service workers must be provided with:

  • Workwear (winter, summer)
  • Special shoes
  • Rubber coated gloves, rubber gloves
  • Goggles, eye protection masks
  • Respirators
  • Clothes for painters, protective mask
  • Clothing for welders, welding masks

Any car service center must have a person responsible for labor protection, who must instruct workers. Safety training can be either initial or on-the-job training, after which each employee must sign the occupational health and safety journal. After that, briefing is carried out either when changing duties, or annual briefing.

Most often, accidents and safety violations in car service centers occur due to faulty equipment and poorly trained workers. It is also worth paying attention to the correct installation of lifting equipment, because working under a machine raised on a lift is especially dangerous.

List of services provided.

Types of work performed in a car service.

Car service centers carry out any work related to cars. The only thing that matters is the specialization of the car service. Some car services have chosen painting and car body repair as their main activity; due to the large number of accidents on the roads, these services are in demand. Other businessmen choose to repair the running gear of the car's suspension. It is also caused by the poor condition of the roads, resulting in frequent car breakdowns.
When opening your own car service, think about what direction you should pursue and whether it is worth getting into those services in which competition is already great. It may be worth paying attention to installing additional equipment or specializing in glass replacement and air conditioning refills.

List of car service services:

Main types of work.
  • Oil change (engine, gearbox)
  • Replacing suspension parts
  • Engine repair
  • Engine adjustment
  • Electrician work
  • Setting up lighting equipment
  • Body work
  • Repair of starters and generators
  • Car painting
  • Brake system repair
  • Steering repair
  • Setting up the injection system
  • Exhaust system repair

Additional types of work.

  • Installation of additional equipment
  • Installation of car alarms
  • Installing car music
  • Auto-aerography
  • Application of protective films on the car body
  • Production of external tuning elements
  • Installation of HBO
  • Engine tuning
  • Interior noise insulation
  • Interior reupholstery
  • Glass tinting, replacement and repair
  • Anti-corrosion treatment
  • Chip tuning
  • The collapse of convergence

Pricing. Prices for various types of work.

Pricing in car services can depend on various factors that in one way or another influence the final cost of the service. If we take car services that work with car dealerships and insurance companies, then the prices for repairs are set not by the car service owners, but by car dealerships and insurers, respectively.

In other cases, the price also consists of a number of factors, such as:

  • Rent
  • Staff payment
  • Tax rate
  • Owner's wish

Average prices for a specific service also play a key role. That is, competitors' prices.
Be that as it may, today, due to great competition, prices are minimal and if they change, it will only be upward.

Many entrepreneurs in car service centers are beginning to resort to pricing technologies similar to those in grocery stores. Namely, they reduce the price of one service and begin to actively advertise it, but at the same moment they raise the cost of another equally popular service. Due to this, they get new clients and keep their money.

If we talk about attracting customers through pricing, then we can also add one more marketing ploy by which customers are lured by some technically simple service, for example, “We are running a promotion - oil change for 50 rubles for the first 100 customers!” Moreover, this work is performed not by professional workers, but by student trainees.

In this approach, the owner of a car service receives the first 100 customers without spending virtually any resources.

A normal hour at a car service center.
In car service pricing there is such a thing as a standard hour. What is a standard hour and why is it needed? Such prices usually apply to work that is difficult to calculate at other rates, for example, electrician work. If, say, several clients’ fuses constantly burn out, and because of this, the devices do not work, then in such a repair it is not enough to install new fuses, but you need to figure out the reason, and, as we know, there are many reasons. The search for such reasons always takes different amounts of time, although at first glance it seems that the reasons are the same. That is why such concepts as standard hours in a car service center appeared. On average, the price of a standard hour for an electrician is about 800 rubles.
If an entrepreneur decides to work according to standard hours, then his task is to select qualified personnel and constantly ensure that the employee does not sit idly by, thereby deceiving his clients.

Price list in a car service center.
Once you have decided on pricing, you should create a price list. The price list with prices should be posted along with photocopies of documents on registration with the tax authorities and a book of complaints and suggestions in a place visible to customers. Most likely in the control room, where orders are placed.
The price list, like any other document, must be drawn up correctly and contain information about the prices in force at a given time. When compiling a price list for your car service center, try to follow a logical sequence and arrange the services provided either in order of demand or in alphabetical order so that your customers can easily find the price for the repair they are interested in.
If your car service center has its own website on the Internet, then you should definitely add a price list with prices to its pages so that customers are informed from the very beginning, and your business seems transparent and trustworthy.

An example price list for a car service with average prices can be downloaded

A good name for a car service is at least 5% of the success of the entire business! Do you want to have five percent success before you even start your business? Then come up with a consonant, memorable name for your car service.

What is the best name for your car service?
Here are some good name options for a car service:

  • Torque
  • Oil can
  • Jap
  • San Sanych
  • AutoMaster
  • Service station Kulibin
  • RepairZone
  • Finish
  • Megavolt

Advertising for a car service center is suitable in any form, and therefore the advertising fund can range from several thousand to hundreds of thousands.
Advertising costs may also increase if you develop your brand for subsequent sales of your franchises or enter into service agreements with motor transport companies.
At the early stage of opening a car service center, a good policy would be to attract customers from the immediate area. For this method of making yourself known, paper advertisements such as business cards and simple posting of advertisements, say, near gas stations and garage cooperatives, are suitable. Business cards can be distributed “under windshield wipers” in parking lots and near shopping centers.
Over time, the range of advertising campaigns can be expanded and attract clients from other areas of your city by offering the best services.
Advertising, like your business, should expand gradually as funds become available, so make a plan for advertising campaigns.

  • Opening a car service from 30,000 to 60,000 rubles. - printed advertising (business cards, printed advertisements). Attracting the first, main clients.
  • The second stage after 2, 4 months from 20,000 to 40,000 rubles. - print advertising to expand the circle of clients. Neighboring areas. Offering our best services.
  • The third stage after 7, 10 months from 40,000 rubles. up to 70,000 rub. - print advertising in all previous areas plus advertising on local radio.
  • A year later, you can create your own website and order online advertising linked to your region, this starts from 100,000 rubles.

Development of car services. Prospects for development.

In recent years, with the advent of loans, the number of car sales has increased. And the number of new cars is growing every year by 6-8%. Sales growth is also facilitated by the emergence of assembly plants of almost all leading brands in Russia. By the way, assembling cars within the country reduces the final price for the consumer.

For the emergence of assembly plants, a lot of work was done to create favorable conditions, including the adoption of new laws, including an increase in duties on the import of used cars and government investments. funds into the automotive industry, the emergence of auto loans, and accession to the WTO. And the long-awaited investors came to our country. The shares of Avtovaz (Renault-Nissan Association), the Izh plant, and the GAZ group of companies were partially purchased.

Many of our citizens did not understand why, during a crisis, the state supports the domestic auto industry, saving the “sinking ship.” Those cash injections were mainly aimed at attracting investors. And the growth of automobiles contributes to an increase in sales of oil, from which gasoline and other fuels and lubricants are produced.

All this contributes to the appearance of more cars on our roads. But not only do you build a car, you also need to sell it, and then it is very important to maintain it.

Various types of car dealers sell cars. Car service centers. And not all car dealers have their own car services, so many dealers enter into contracts with private car services.

Insurance companies also enter into contracts with car services to service cars of their customers. Mainly for insurance companies, the specialization of a car service in painting and body repair is important.

Any businessman should strive to develop his business. Following the law of physics, according to which small bodies are attracted to large ones, a private car service should also strive to conclude an agreement with a car dealer or insurance company.

If you decide to open a small car service, say, for three lifts, then in the future, a wheel alignment stand or a car wash or tire fitting should definitely appear.

Additional profit from car service activities.

  1. Opening an auto parts store
  2. Organization of mobile mobile car service
  3. Opening a car wash and tire shop
  4. Adding new employees to the staff, motor mechanic, electrician, if they are not available.
  5. Delivery of auto parts for your vehicles
  6. Car delivery by tow truck
  7. Training staff in new areas, for example:
  8. Providing a free office space for a car appraiser, car lawyer
  9. Installation of vending machines
  10. Sale of car oils from barrels along with replacement
  11. Sale of car enamel and consumables for car painting
  12. Enamel tinting
  13. Grinding and boring services for engine blocks
  14. Refueling air conditioners on the go

At the initial stage, you need to focus on the main activities of your car service and invest all your strength and thoughts only there. After the main activity begins to generate profit, you can look around.

Taxation for car service.

According to the law, vehicle repair services are subject to UTII. But any entrepreneur has the right to change his taxation system in accordance with Federal Law No. 94 of June 25, 2012, that is, choose between the simplified tax system and UTII. Just remember to notify your tax office.
In simple terms, a business car service falls under Article 346.26 of the Tax Code, which provides for UTII.

Financial development plan for a car service center.

How much profit does a car service bring?

Investments in car service.

Investments in opening a car service center can be completely different and start from 300,000 rubles and end around 6,000,000 rubles. Everything will depend on the scale and additional services.
It is possible to invest money in the construction of a car service center from scratch and on a turnkey basis. Or rent a ready-made premises, purchasing only equipment and tools. Let's make an approximate calculation of the investment of an average car service center, without taking into account the cost of premises.

Organization of a company, registration with the tax authorities of an LLC or individual entrepreneur - 5,000 rubles.
Purchase of equipment:

  1. Two two-post lifts - 105,000x2=210,000 rub.
  2. Two scissor lifts - 155,000x2=310,000 rub.
  3. Trolley-box with tools - 40,000x2=80,000 rub.
  4. Tools in a box - 4000x2=8000 rub.
  5. Set of pullers - 6000 rub.
  6. Workbench table - 9000 rub.
  7. Hammers, drills, grinders, vices, etc. - 25,000 rub.

Totals: 210,000 +310,000+80,000+8000+6000+9000+25,000= 648,000 rub.

In one shift they work:

4 auto mechanics:
2 professional ones - 25,000 rubles each; 25,000x2=50,000 rub.
2 “student” assistants - 15,000 rubles each; 15,000x2=30,000 rub.

1 auto electrician - 20,000 rubles;
1 master inspector - 20,000 rubles.

Totals: 50,000+30,000+20,000+20,000= 120,000 rub.

You can work one shift, but you should immediately pay for overtime, because you will still have to stay late after work. Another option for the work schedule is two shifts, two after two. In the second case, the monthly wage fund doubles. But be that as it may, the wage fund must be laid down three months in advance.

Auto service payback.

The return on investment for a car service will directly depend on the investment and many other factors, such as:

  • Number of clients
  • Types of services provided
  • Interest on loans (if any)
  • Salary fund

In Russia, as well as in other countries, the number of cars increases every year. Thanks to this pattern, the number of motorists who have to go to service stations (car service stations) from time to time is constantly growing. Therefore, it is logical to conclude that the demand for car repair services is steadily increasing.

Enterprising people who notice these trends decide to open their own car maintenance business. Businessmen are especially attracted by the reality of obtaining a stable profit.

At the same time, it is worth taking into account the high level of competition, so the quality of the services provided must be high.

Service station business plan: what you need to open from scratch

A well-thought-out business plan will help you open a car service in the best possible way.

To open a service station from scratch, you will need to bring the following documents to the Tax Service:

  1. Application of the appropriate sample.
  2. Permits from fire and sanitary services.
  3. Contract for the provision of heating and water supply.
  4. A document confirming the status of the owner of the property or the right to rent it.
  5. A document indicating compliance of the services provided with standards.

After registration with the tax authority, you must register with special off-budget funds.

Business activities must be registered as required by law.

For example, if the work is carried out in a garage, then it is better to open an individual entrepreneur, but when it comes to the services of a general workshop, an LLC is suitable.

Even a newly opened car service can become famous. In cities, there is a problem with the speed of providing technical services, so success will depend on the efficiency of work.

In addition, it is very useful to analyze the activities of competitors located in close proximity to your service station. For example, consider factors such as cost and range of services, as well as what target audience their business is focused on.

Based on this data, you can find your place in the repair business and hit the weak points of your competitors.

Types of service stations

The scope of vehicle maintenance and repair depends on the number of motorists in our state. Literally over the past 10 years, the total Russian vehicle fleet has increased at least 3 times.

Thanks to the development of the car service market, the following types are now distinguished:

  1. Single stations, which in most cases have not received official accreditation.
    At the same time, their services are in great demand among motorists due to low prices, while authorized service stations provide services that cost about 25% more.
  2. Authorized repair services work only on a specific brand of car.
    Typically, auto manufacturers themselves own this business, or large official dealers play this role.
  3. Network service stations have their branches in certain regions or throughout the country.
    This part of the services market needs development.
  4. Skilled entrepreneurs who work individually and are also known as craftsmen.

Each market share has its own competitive characteristics and is in different demand for services. It is important to correctly approach the choice of the type of enterprise to be opened, taking into account the list and prices of services of surrounding car services, as well as their number.

Services provided by the service station

First of all, it is worth designating in the business plan the maximum possible number of works and services provided, in other words, the range of services should be wide.

The most cost-effective types of services:

  1. Gearbox repair.
  2. Clutch adjustment.
  3. Engine repair.
  4. Replacement of machine parts.

Services that bring little profit:

  1. Repair work related to the brake system.
  2. Mechanical and adjustment types of work.

In practice, it has become obvious that service stations with a narrow specialization receive more profit than general car services. We are talking, for example, about a service for a particular brand of car, about tuning, installing xenon, and about other types of work.

Location selection

A competent approach to choosing the location of a service station plays a significant role in the profitability of this business. Since car maintenance can bring in at least 30% of profit, businessmen should approach the issue of choosing a place for a car service seriously and thoughtfully, because the amount of profit and the competitiveness of the establishment will depend on this.

Before choosing a location, you need to consider the following factors:

  1. The location must comply with sanitary rules, for example, the distance between a car service center and residential buildings must be at least 50 meters, and there should be no bodies of water near this building.
  2. It is better to locate the object where it can attract the attention of the maximum number of potential clients, for example, densely populated residential areas of cities, places near gas stations and major highways.

It would be useful to do an analysis of your closest competitors. It is worth considering that large service stations located nearby will complicate your work, since competition will work against the newly opened car service center.

Premises requirements

The recommended building area for the maintenance of passenger cars is on average 700 m², while the smallest allowable (suitable for a service station with a narrow focus) is 300 m². It is also worth considering that equipment also takes up a lot of space, and the standard working area of ​​each repair worker should be at least 5 m².

Most clients will turn to a service station that provides a wide range of services. If you organize the provision of additional services for motorists, your profits will increase.

If there is only a site for a car service in a convenient location in the city, then you can quickly (in 1-2 months) build a ready-made car service from sandwich panels for several cars. Such structures benefit not only in construction time, but also in the cost of materials.

Using a large structure, it would be profitable to provide additional services, for example:

  • directly to the service station;
  • tire fitting;
  • car wash;
  • diagnostics;
  • replacing and adjusting wheels;
  • compressor.

It would be good if the building was equipped with a relaxation area, where the client would wait in comfortable conditions and then want to contact this car service more than once. At the same time, car enthusiasts always pay attention to the quality of the work performed.

Also, office space should have its place, and workshops will require considerable space for work equipment and other equipment.

We offer you to watch a video that will tell you in detail how to open a car service center from scratch.

Selection and purchase of equipment

Technical equipment is usually purchased in accordance with the specifics of the services provided. The following areas of services should be identified as key in the business plan: engine repair, painting of the car or its parts, balancing, tire fitting, diagnostic and electrical procedures.

If the service station provides a wide range of services, you will need to purchase:

  1. Lifting devices.
  2. Hydraulics.
  3. Painting booths.
  4. Welding equipment.
  5. Equipment for diagnostics.
  6. Necessary tools.
  7. Jumps for straightening the body./li>
  8. Equipment for all types of tire fitting work.
  9. Trolleys and presses.
  10. Oil skimming equipment.

You also cannot do without the following:

  • registration and registration;
  • Supplies;
  • advertising expenses;
  • staff salaries;
  • utility fees;
  • rent payments.

Since prices and manufacturers in each region of the Russian Federation differ, and it is impossible to take into account all the circumstances of a given business, a business plan cannot accurately calculate all purchases and expenses. But at the initial stage you will need to invest from 2.5 to 5 million rubles.

At the same time, monthly revenue will be about 500 thousand rubles, and profit – 75 thousand rubles.


The speed of business development depends on the level of qualifications of employees, on the quality characteristics of their work, as well as on polite treatment of customers. It is recommended that before hiring a new person, give him a practical task.

Based on how the craftsman performs the job, it will be easy to see whether he is a specialist.

For the smooth operation of a car service center, the following specialists are needed:

  1. Auto mechanics.
  2. Electricians.
  3. Welders.
  4. Painters.
  5. Locksmiths.
  6. Tire fitters.
  7. Bodybuilders.
  8. Reception manager.
  9. Guards.
  10. Accountant.

The staff must be staffed so that the number of specialists corresponds to the volume of work, the size of the car service and the range of services.

Please note that the work of professionals will always be in demand even in big cities. Therefore, you should not offend a person with “golden hands” with a low salary.

Such a mistake by the owner of a service station can lead to him being hired at another car service center on more favorable terms.

Parts suppliers

A practical and convenient option for cooperation with auto parts suppliers is the use of Internet services that help quickly obtain information from the warehouse. There are programs that retrieve data on the cost and availability of goods from the warehouses of different suppliers.

The client will have to wait only a couple of minutes before receiving the information he is interested in upon request and placing an order.

These services:

  • reduce time for searching for spare parts;
  • reduce the number of errors associated with the human factor;
  • protect against the provision of outdated information.

So, if a supplier has his own web service, then it will be easy to cooperate with him. It is important to pay attention to the quality of the parts and the country in which they are produced.

In addition, the low price of a particular spare part indicates that it is made of low-quality material.

Costs of organizing a business and advertising

We will talk about average statistical expenses in the Russian Federation, since real figures will be lower or higher.

So, the costs of starting a business (all prices in dollars):

    • car service with a small area - 30 - 60 thousand;
    • company - about 100 thousand;
    • tire fitting - 10 thousand;

  • washing equipment – ​​7 thousand;
  • anti-corrosion service – 3.5 thousand;
  • painting department - 4 thousand;
  • body department - 8 thousand;
  • rent;
  • workers' wages;
  • other expenses.

Please note that you will have to pay from 100 to 200 thousand rubles for renting land. The car service building project will cost approximately 400 thousand rubles. A complete set of equipment costs 5 million rubles.

Revenue and business profitability

The amount of revenue depends on the location of the service station, the level of development of the organization, and the number of clients. Even in the autumn-winter period, when the number of those who need technical maintenance becomes much smaller, working with regular customers at any time of the year will be pleasant and profitable.

Customers especially like to go to those stations that provide discount systems and bonus rewards.

Let's calculate some types of income (approximately):

  1. Tire fitting work – 50 thousand rubles.
  2. Testing of car electronics – 2.3 thousand rubles.
  3. Replacing brakes (discs) costs 2.8 thousand rubles, for an axle – 1,500 rubles.
  4. Clutch replacement – ​​5.8 thousand rubles.
  5. Replacement of bearings - 2.5 thousand rubles.
  6. Replacement of spark plugs - 1.5 thousand rubles.
  7. An oil change costs 1.2 thousand rubles.

If a service station provides a wide range of services, then it can bring in an average of 280 thousand rubles monthly.

It is desirable that the enterprise brings in at least 30% profit, then its activities can be called profitable. The investment can pay off in 3 to 5 years if you work only on the day shift.

If a large car service operates in an organized manner, then in a year it will bring in from 7 to 10 million rubles. If the car service is small, then its annual profit will be about 3.5 million rubles.

About business secrets and solving possible problems

If a car service starts its activity, so to speak, from scratch, then you need to focus on those services that are the most profitable (body repair, paint work, car wash, tire fitting), otherwise the problem of low profitability of the service station will be created.

In order for an enterprise to generate maximum income, it is necessary to reduce costs and increase the number of regular customers.

These steps can be achieved by:

  • reducing costs for technical equipment;
  • reducing advertising costs;
  • attracting regular customers;
  • providing a wider range of repair services;
  • reduction in rent.

It happens that purchasing certain spare parts can be problematic; to avoid unnecessary problems, the owner is advised to establish relationships with reliable suppliers and place orders for parts in advance, taking into account seasonal changes in demand for spare parts. It is better to make purchases so that spare parts, which are always in demand, are in stock.

Purchase of a ready-made car service

A businessman can buy a ready-made car service center for an average of 60 thousand dollars.

This is how you can bypass the stage of promoting and organizing a business, which requires large investments of time, effort and material resources.

Before purchasing a service station, you need to pay attention to the following factors:

  1. Level of business relationships with spare parts suppliers.
  2. Experience and professional skills of the working team.
  3. The validity period of lease agreements concluded with the owner of the building and the possibility of its extension.
  4. Quality characteristics of tools and equipment.
  5. Whether the location of the car service is convenient for motorists.

If all these components of the business function successfully, then purchasing a service station will bring benefits. If something has to be changed in at least one of these areas, then such a purchase will cause additional costs, there will be a need for organizational measures, and a lot of precious time will be lost.

Therefore, one should not underestimate the presence and influence of the above pitfalls before purchasing a car service, otherwise the business may become unprofitable, and the money will already be paid.


Before investing in opening or building a car service center, it is worth considering the following factors:

  • a well-written business plan will help you organize your business correctly and assess financial risks;
  • the quality and speed of work performance depends on the quality of the car service equipment;
  • It is better to hire only experienced specialists;
  • attracting regular customers is the key to the development of the enterprise;
  • Reducing costs and expenses will help to allocate funds in the best possible way and increase the profitability of the workshop.

Learn more about creating a mono service station business plan from the video.

In contact with

Running a business is a serious alternative to hired employment, the opportunity to earn money independently and be independent financially and morally. Of course, at the same time you have to bear the burden of worries and risks associated with doing business, and the burden is not small. But freedom from someone else’s instructions and the full right to manage your time and independently decide what and how to do is too big a plus, which more than compensates for all the difficulties.

Before opening a car service center from scratch, let’s outline the relevance

Transportation of people, goods, mobility and the ability to move long distances in a relatively short amount of time are the main signs of the development and civilization of society.

Of all types of transport, the car is the most common and versatile. The number of cars on the roads is constantly growing, the role of vehicles in the economic system and in everyday life is increasing. Therefore, any business related to cars has high prospects and opportunities.

The most popular area in this area is the repair and maintenance of vehicles, due to necessity.

Any car service that performs work at a decent level has a constant flow of customers and is provided with work.

The increasing number of women driving to a certain extent increases the demand for auto repair services and increases the profitability and employment of workshops.

What documents are needed to open a car service?

So, what does it take to open a car service? Documentation. To officially register and launch a car service you will need license. To obtain it you will need:

  • statement;
  • list of types of services;
  • certificate and bank details;
  • lease agreement for a plot of land for a workshop;
  • charter of the enterprise;
  • certificates from SES, fire inspection, from the State Tax Inspectorate regarding registration;
  • orders to appoint persons responsible for TB to a security point;
  • order appointing someone responsible for repairs and maintenance;
  • a copy of a document certifying professional suitability and training;
  • certificate of compliance with GOST standards (not mandatory for individual entrepreneurs, but the presence of a certificate gives more weight in the eyes of clients).

A list of only the most necessary documents is provided; in each specific case, it may be necessary to provide additional documents.

For entrepreneurs, or summer as the most profitable season.

How can recycling unwanted tires become a successful business? our business plan.

Where to start opening a car service center? Of course, from the choice of premises


The most common option for locating a car service at the initial stage of work is a regular garage. If it is owned by the owner of the service, then maintenance costs are minimal, there is no rent, there is no risk of losing the premises at the will of the landlord - undoubtedly this pros.

In addition, garages are often united into cooperatives, which automatically advertises the opened workshop and provides clientele.

cons limited work space and, as a consequence, the impossibility of expanding the business. The work is also seriously complicated by the lack of necessary communications - sewerage, water supply - which may cause complaints from the SES. Working conditions in winter are also not favorable.

Or rent a space for a car service?

Another option may be to rent premises from third parties. Pluses Such a choice should be considered an opportunity to obtain a spacious room suitable for performing several types of work at once, with communications and convenient access roads. A significant advantage will be the location near major roads, making it easier to find a workshop and providing the opportunity to place effective advertising.

Disadvantage is high rent and short lease term, which threatens the success of the business.

What to choose?

From the point of view of large volume and long-term use, the most preferable option is to rent a plot of land and build a workshop on it according to an individual project. In this case, you can get the ideal service station according to your needs, taking into account all your plans and projects.

The disadvantage of this option is the time required for construction, installation of communications and all related administrative and permitting actions. In addition, this option requires a large one-time financial investment.

What you need to open a car service: equipment and tools

The choice of equipment is largely determined by the capabilities of the room. If you have an ordinary garage, then you won’t be able to use a lift in it - they make do with an inspection hole. Also, limited space can create problems in painting work.

If the occupied space is sufficient, then you should purchase equipment of the highest quality and reliability - you cannot save money on it. Basically, imported mechanisms and devices are recommended as the most accurate, reliable and practical. You need to be very careful when handling used equipment.— It is better to avoid purchasing such a tool.

If you have decided which tool is needed for a car service, then you need to make a list of devices needed for the planned work, choose a manufacturer, and decide on models and brands of tools. After that, you need to purchase everything you need. This approach to some extent guarantees the completeness of the equipment and eliminates the need to urgently purchase something later.

It must be remembered that the quality of work and, as a consequence, the income of a car service center depends on the quality of the equipment used, so the issue must be considered extremely seriously and responsibly.

Required personnel for car service

Finding a good specialist has always been a difficult task. All experienced craftsmen are usually in business, they are known, appreciated and tried to be retained. In no case should you hire random people who do not have the proper training and qualifications, since the specifics of the business are such that instead of income you can get losses, and quite serious ones. In addition to equipment damage, there is a risk of damaging an expensive car, for which compensation will fall on the shoulders of the workshop.

Ideally, it is necessary to attract professionals with specialized education, experience and experience. In practice, this is not always possible, but one should strive for it in any case.

Most often, small teams are used - one master and one or two assistants. With a high level of training of the master, his assistants gradually gain experience and skills, becoming masters themselves.

A wide-profile service may include positions as a mechanic, bodyworker, electrician, painter, motor mechanic. A receptionist will be required to contact customers when placing an order.

Organization of car service work

The work process is organized according to the usual rules for production teams, with minor amendments to the specifics of a particular area.

The main criterion for the effectiveness of the process is use of time. The quality and profitability of the car service depends on what it is spent on. It is necessary to constantly monitor the loss of time on paperwork, forced downtime for various reasons, searching for spare parts, smoking breaks, etc. At the same time, one cannot go to the other extreme - haste and haste are unacceptable, since they cause nothing but harm.

Constant process optimization helps reduce losses and identifies the most ineffective operations, which helps increase productivity and disciplines the team.

How much money do you need to open a car service? Is it profitable?

With proper organization of work and high-quality equipment, which is used by competent and qualified people, the success of a car service center is undeniable. If all the necessary conditions are met, the process is sure to be profitable. However, the situation is constantly changing and requires periodic intervention.

The economic situation in the country, exchange rates and seasonal factors - everything can have one impact or another and require a response. Therefore, you should remember that only the business you engage in is successful. No process works by itself.

Let's consider an approximate option expenses workshop. How much does it cost to open a car service center from scratch, and what is needed for this?

  • Receive documents - 20,000 rub.
  • Purchase of equipment - 2,000,000 rubles.
  • Advertising - 30,000 rubles (all available methods).

The cost part also includes:

  • rental of premises - 140-160 thousand rubles;
  • salary - 200,000 rubles;
  • purchase of consumables - 100,000 rubles.

Profit at such costs it will approximately be from 50,000 rubles monthly.

The profitability of a car service as a business is quite high and ranges from 20% to 50%.

Thus, payback STO can be completed within a period of 1 to 3 years.

It is necessary to take into account that these figures are quite arbitrary and reflect only approximate costs and income, but the order of financial movement is reflected correctly. We also must not forget that profitability at equal costs may differ significantly under different operating conditions of the workshop.

Don’t forget to draw up a business plan for opening a car service center

A detailed “How to open a car service center from scratch” should include specific figures based on the example of your region, market analysis and possible risks that you will have to face. In addition, do not forget to pay enough attention to activities responsible for how to increase the profit of a car service center.

Thus, a car service station is a promising and profitable type of business, which, given current trends in economic development, will constantly strengthen its position. The growing number of cars and car owners allows us to look confidently into the future and plan work for the years ahead.

Every day the number of motorists is steadily growing both in large cities and in small settlements. Many of them are busy people who do not like to spend their free time repairing their own car, even if it is simply necessary. For this reason, many drivers are willing to pay any money for car service. So why not make money on it? How to open a car service from scratch? What business plan format should I use?

The idea of ​​opening a service station is very relevant and promising, if it is carried out correctly. To do this, it is best to use a car service business plan with calculations, which we will consider today.

Service sector

At the moment, the car park in Russia has tripled, which has led to an expansion of the structure of the car service market. At the moment it includes:

    Private repair services. There are now a huge number of such individual masters; their services are the cheapest, but not always the highest quality.

    Single car services. One of the most popular segments of the market, advertising itself due to the ideal combination of "price-quality".

    Specialized car services. They work with a certain brand of car, which greatly reduces the number of potential customers, but highlights a clear target audience.

Depending on your capabilities, personal goals and market conditions, you need to choose one of these segments for work.

If commercial transportation is very popular in your city, then it is reasonable to use a business plan for a cargo car service with calculations, an example of which will help determine the average investment.

Private and solo car services are more profitable in terms of initial costs, but their payback may suffer due to serious competition with larger companies. This problem is especially acute in large cities.

Network service stations are best opened in places where there is no popular brand in this area. Here, the main costs will go to advertising promotion of the brand.

The franchise car service is advertised by itself, but for this the owner of the network imposes certain requirements on the businessman, ranging from maintaining a certain appearance of the office, ending with the tactics of selecting each employee. In this case, the business plan (sample with calculations) of a car service may change, since investments in advertising are reduced here.

Analysis of the market situation

A new car service has a good chance of success if it correctly assesses the environment in which it will have to work. In order to choose the right direction of activity, possible specification and territorial location, it is necessary to analyze the market situation, without which the business plan (example with calculations) of a car service will not be relevant.

To begin with, it is worth objectively assessing the number of your competitors, the range of services they provide, their cost and target audience. If you feel that your service station will not be able to compete against the background of neighboring bus stations, you better choose another specialization, there are a number of jobs that you will perform at a higher level or at a lower price, or focus on a particular brand of car that you want to service.

Having learned all the weaknesses of competitors, you can safely use the business plan (example with calculations) of a car service for your own purposes. An approximate calculation of investments will help you navigate the possibility of organizing such a business.

Services provided

The business plan of a car service with calculations, an example of which we are considering, is designed to provide a wide range of services: overhaul of the main components of the car, diagnostics and repair of the electrical part, body and locksmith work, tire fitting, painting and much more. As additional services, it is worth considering the selection and installation of acoustics, alarms, gas equipment, airbrushing, vinyl application, interior upholstery, etc.

The most profitable from this list are repair work with the gearbox, engine, clutch, steering gear. It brings less income, however, it is simply impossible to refuse it.

It is best for workshops to choose a narrow specialization, which will reduce the cost of maintaining the business. However, this tactic can greatly reduce the number of potential customers.


After you have decided on the direction of commercial activity, you need to choose the premises in which you will carry it out. At the moment, rent or construction is available for a businessman.

The latter option is used extremely rarely, as it requires the execution of additional agreements with the local administration, waiting for the decision of the commissions and then buying out the rights to rent. Thus, it turns out that the construction itself requires an investment of 600-900 thousand rubles, and the lease of a land plot - about 200 thousand rubles a year for 7-9 acres.

It is cheaper to rent a room, but it is difficult to find a suitable option, since many of them either do not meet the requirements of a businessman or do not comply with fire regulations. If you're lucky, you can rent the required area for service stations for 200-300 thousand per month.

In all cases, the business plan (example with calculations) of a car service should take into account the future size of the workshops and the required area for the tire fitting and electronics departments.


In the resulting room, there will be nothing but bare walls, so the next step is the selection of equipment. The main expenses here are spent on diagnostics (90-150 thousand rubles), workbenches (from 20 thousand rubles), a lift (90-120 thousand rubles), large tools (from 140 thousand rubles). Also, do not forget that small tools are also required for work: hammers, vise, side cutters, etc., which can take up to 30 thousand rubles.

In fact, the car service business plan with calculations, the example of which is given here, includes the standard characteristics of the service station, which can be improved by investing more impressive amounts.


Not only the quality of work and the number of customers, but also the image of the company itself depends on who will work at the service station. Therefore, the choice of personnel should be considered carefully. For a small car service, 2-3 masters, a manager and a customer service specialist are enough. Thus, for a staff of 5 people, the average salary is from 100 to 150 thousand rubles. This amount should also be included in the initial expenses, since at the beginning the business may not bring the desired income.

If the service station will carry a different focus, then the staff should be expanded. So, a business plan for a cargo car service requires at least 10-15 people.


The law requires a clear implementation of the prescription regarding the service station. Thus, the functioning of a car service should be coordinated with the fire service, traffic police and sanitary and epidemiological supervision. The room in which the work is carried out must be connected to the central sewerage system and located no closer than 50 meters from residential buildings.

Particular attention must be paid to labor protection. The service station is a place of increased danger, therefore, compliance with the labor code, namely the chapters on ensuring the safety of personnel, is required very strictly. It is in the interests of the businessman himself to comply with fire safety rules, not to reduce the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe premises in order to save money, introduce rules for the storage of combustible substances, and provide employees with uniforms and protective equipment.


If the service station does not operate under the wing of a franchise, then it is worth highlighting a separate chapter on advertising in the expense item. Promotion methods include advertisements in newspapers and magazines, distribution of informational flyers, outdoor advertising on banners and in transport, advertising on TV and radio, website design and promotion. Such a complex set can cost 400 thousand rubles. However, in a small service station, you can meet 50-100 thousand rubles a month. Then the costs will gradually decrease, as their own will appear and the so-called "word of mouth" will be launched.

Final count

For those who are thinking about how to open a car service, it is better to use a business plan as a recommendation. Constant changes in the exchange rate, economic events, increased competition can affect the amount of investment required to open a business. At the moment, this is the reality.

The business plan (example with calculations) of a car service includes the following expense items:

1. Initial expenses:

    purchase and installation of specialized equipment - 1.5 million rubles;

    coordination with other authorities - 50 thousand rubles.

rent of premises - 200 thousand rubles;

salary for employees - 15 thousand rubles.

consumables - 100 thousand rubles.

So, investments in the first month of work will be about two million rubles. If done correctly, the monthly revenue of a service station can exceed 600 thousand rubles, of which about 200 thousand rubles is net profit.

Thus, I was able to answer the question of how to open a car service, even of an exemplary nature.

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