The current state of the restaurant business. Trends in the restaurant business Main directions for the development of the restaurant business

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Restaurant business is a complex field of activity, since when opening your own establishment you need to take into account a lot of features, from choosing a direction to creating a menu and choosing. In this article we will look at how this area developed, current development trends and prospects for this niche today.

Do you plow all day long, but there are no results? Maybe you're doing something wrong? The only way out is to hire a successful restaurateur. This should be the “opening” person who has made more than one establishment successful. The pleasure is not cheap, but believe me, the result is worth the money spent. The costs are recouped within 4-6 months.

There is a lot of literature on this topic. Famous book - Georgy Iosifovich Mtvralashvili. Profitable restaurant.
Advice for owners and managers.

Golden triangle rule

According to the advice of Georgy Iosifovich Mtvralashvili, the rule of the golden triangle applies in the restaurant business.

The first peak is the name.

“Whatever you name a yacht, that’s how it will float”! Remember this expression? The name of the establishment should be flashy and easy to remember. The promotion of a restaurant depends 30% on this. The name should match the style, cuisine, interior, location and other factors.

The second peak is the kitchen.

Don't skimp on the project. The kitchen should be comfortable and have the necessary equipment. Get into the details. Expand your activities. Hire a famous chef. By the way, it is better to coordinate the project with the chef. If the food is not tasty, even a dancing bear with a balalaika in the center of the hall will not attract customers.

Delicious food and quality service are the main factors for success in the restaurant business. The establishment should be harmonious - the design of furniture and dishes, music, color palette, waiters' uniforms, names of dishes.

Third peak - interior, design and decor. These components must be one whole, and the details flow into one another. You must clearly answer the guest’s question: why did you decorate your establishment in this style?

Webinar: How to stand out among restaurants

Increase staff productivity

The soul of any restaurant is the attitude of the staff and the atmosphere in the team. Our success and income are our guests. A lot depends on the quality of their service. A talented restaurateur must assemble a friendly team of like-minded people who greet visitors with a smile and enjoy their work.

How to make team work productive?

1. Set goals. Every person has a goal towards which he is moving. For example, the goal of waiters is to get a promotion and increase in salary.

2. Distribute roles. Each team member must know what they are doing. This is why they are carried out.

3. Encourage leaders. The administrator sees the leaders of each group of people communicating with each other. An informal leader can become an excellent shift leader.

4. Encourage mutual aid. It’s good if the business owner leads by example. If the director cleans the fish or carries the plates, the employees will probably appreciate it.

5. Build trust. You should not be treated as a boss, but as a friend who can always be turned to for help.

6. Establish contact between different departments. People should know each other. It’s very good if the cook helps the waiter clear the visitor’s table.


Here is a list of global trends in the field of public catering (restaurants, cafes, pizzerias, etc.) that are relevant this year.

1. Increasing popularity of chicken food among visitors, as it is fashionable, tasty and reasonable.

2. A significant increase in the share of vegetarian cuisine, the use of steamed dishes.

3. Increasing the consumption of healthy foods made from grain crops.

4. Increasing the share of the total sales volume of various soups and drinks.

5. Bonuses (card bonuses, certificates, discounts, etc.) are becoming increasingly important.

6. Increasing attention to gourmets (preparing soups, side dishes, etc., with non-standard recipes).

7. The presence of signature dishes and snacks influences the formation of a constant flow of customers.

8. The popularity of foods whose main ingredient is noodles. They prepare quickly, are not expensive, and in taste are no worse than expensive masterpieces.

9. Increasing the popularity of national dishes of South America (alcoholic cocktail caipirinha, dish of raw fish ceviche and others.

10. Increase in visits to fast food outlets - fast casual (combination of restaurant and).

How to achieve heights?

Development prospects

1. Small coffee shops and pubs.

Today, the popularity of casual dining is growing, and their number is increasing from year to year. Directions of this segment: coffee shops, cafes of national cuisine (Italian, Japanese and others), steakhouses and beer restaurants. The reason for the success of beer restaurants lies in the clarity and familiarity of this format for consumers.

As for the spread of coffee shops and sushi bars, restaurateurs believe that this is due to the ease of launching them. Establishments of such formats practically do not have a kitchen (desserts sold in coffee shops are often prepared by third-party companies, and to prepare sushi you only need frozen fish and a rice cooker). Consequently, there is no need to invest in expensive equipment, which significantly reduces the cost of opening an establishment.

2. Japanese cuisine.

Due to the absence of a kitchen workshop, the search is simplified and the requirements for premises are reduced, which is very important for the markets of large cities (Moscow, St. Petersburg). Despite the fact that the culture of Japanese cuisine has been instilled in Russia for a long time, active promotion and low prices have made sushi bars incredibly popular.

3. Caucasian cuisine.

Caucasian cuisine is very promising in Russia, since the population was familiar with this direction back in Soviet times. Naturally, many citizens return to national cuisine after eating exotic dishes. But this does not mean that it has good potential for development. This is explained by the reluctance of people to pay high sums for simple and familiar delicacies that can be prepared at home.


Since ancient times, the main human need that ensures the existence of people has been the consumption of food. With the development of mankind, the ritual of eating has undergone significant changes. In ancient times, it was eating raw or fried meat with your hands without using any utensils. In ancient and Middle Ages, cutlery appeared.

When the “New Time” came, everything changed, especially the culture of eating. People are no longer embarrassed to use cutlery and invent sophisticated tools for eating dishes.

In Russia, Ivan the Terrible is considered the founder of the restaurant business. To prevent drunkenness from flourishing in Rus', there was a ban on the sale of alcohol; these drinks were sold only in the tsar's taverns. In the middle of the 19th century, these establishments received the name drinking houses, and could no longer be state-owned. The drinking houses sold not only booze, but also snacks, hot dishes, and even tea and pies.

Later, taverns appeared where delicacies of Russian national cuisine were served. At that time, taverns were very popular, but not many people visited restaurants, since they catered only to the elite.

At the end of the 19th century, various tea and coffee shops and the first restaurants appeared, not intended for people with average incomes. At the beginning of the twentieth century in Moscow, St. Petersburg and other large cities, they replaced many taverns. A classification of establishments by categories has appeared.

The first non-state restaurants arose during the collapse of the Soviet Union and perestroika. This is the time that is considered the beginning of the dynamic and stable development of large networks.

The development of certain trends shows that today the restaurant world is beginning to change. There is a global and profound change in the consumer motivation of society. This can be seen as the beginning of a completely different life for people.

Today, a reduction in the number of premium restaurants is inevitable: there should be only as many of them as the number of guests allows. On the other hand, the formats of democratic restaurants will expand and be supplemented with new ones that are not yet familiar to our guest. And of course, the number of fast food enterprises will increase.

The modern guest is constantly on the move and always connected.

Today's guest is well informed and always in touch. The speed with which information spreads on the Internet and social networks is colossal, and modern computer technologies with smartphones and tablets allow you to be in touch anywhere in the world. Such a guest, as a rule, is constantly on the move and has almost no free time. This type of buyer not only prefers, but often needs the ability to get information, place an order or make a purchase from anywhere. Moreover, he is ready to pay in any way (using a bank card, check, various types of webmoney, and finally, just cash).

Russia has not yet fully realized the appearance of such a guest, so the field of the restaurant business will remain with those who are proactive. There's no point in fighting. It is better to show mobility, improve your knowledge, turn on creativity, gather all the will and strength to try to “ride the wave” and stay on the crest. This approach is the basis for survival in the future.

Stratification of the restaurant market

We must realize that in the restaurant world today it is precisely the stratification that is happening. Restaurants in the high price segment go even higher, increasing the quality of dishes, products and the level of service. Such establishments should ultimately become benchmarks for the restaurant industry in Russia. Of course, they will be the property of a wealthy and isolated public. It is in them that people will go, maybe once a year, but as if they were going to an enogastronomic holiday.

The largest segment of the market is democratic restaurants aimed at the middle class. This is why they are exposed to the risk of unstable consumer demand. There are several clearly emerging trends in the democratic segment. First of all, these are restaurants with open kitchens - establishments that have brought production processes to display, in which the guest has the opportunity to sit on a comfortable sofa in front of the counter, where the chef cooks specifically for him.
Another important trend in the democratic segment is themed and single-product restaurants. Some of them are still the top version of this segment, since steak houses or fish houses most often cannot please the guest with a small average check (although a downward trend has already emerged).

The single-product restaurant is finding its footing with difficulty, despite the obvious love of some restaurateurs for this idea. Either society has not yet figured out its food preferences, or a new type of guest has not yet fully entered the streets of our cities - but so far these are only attempts. The good thing is that so far they are successful and no one risks going into the high segment of a monoproduct.

No less interesting is the trend in which the cornerstone of marketing and promotion lies on the personality of the restaurateur. I’m not talking about restaurateurs who have restaurant groups or networks, have gained media clout, and so on. I'm talking about restaurateurs who themselves took the helm of their only establishment and are themselves part of the company's staff. In addition to restaurateurs, famous chefs can also be an attractive personality. These are interesting concepts that will live as long as the owners themselves are at the helm.

Another interesting niche of democratic restaurants is national and authentic establishments, as well as beer restaurants and pubs.

Fast food businesses, numerous and varied

Finally, fast-food enterprises. This industry has emerged recently and is not classified at all, so there is some confusion in this area. By and large, no one has consciously studied it yet. The first notes and articles about fast food appeared relatively recently, and there is even an opinion that fast food in its classic form belongs more to retail than to the restaurant business. What is fast food like?
1. Fast food restaurants/cafes. They are characterized by a small average bill, limited menu selection, and sometimes the availability of service. Most often they are located in business or shopping centers, as well as office buildings.
2. Free-flow establishments, which involve free movement around the trading floor. There is a low average bill, a large selection of ready-made or prepared dishes for the guest, and high throughput.
3. Fast and democratic fast-casual format. This is one of the most interesting formats, located between fast food and a democratic restaurant. Such enterprises have a much tastier and more varied menu and combine it with fast service. The food is prepared from higher quality products, according to the guest’s individual order, and served on porcelain dishes. Typically, such enterprises have small areas, are located on good traffic, and when developing the concept, it is clearly planned to create a factory-kitchen.
4. The fast-fine format is another consequence of the democratization of society. It is characterized by the use of high-quality and even gourmet products in food preparation, a combination of almost premium food with fast service and a very democratic setting and atmosphere.
5. Classic fast-food and its closest clone street-food (street fast food). Both options are most often positioned as a single product, the average bill is low, there may be special promotions and seasonal offers, self-service is assumed, and for street food it is important that the offered dish can be eaten with one hand.

Why is classification needed?

This classification is primarily needed so that the investor can decide what he ultimately wants to open. After all, the choice of the final format will determine the concept, financial calculations and business plan.

In addition, the choice of format is dictated by the location: where the establishment will be located, what is nearby, what is the surrounding map of the trading area. Next, the target audience: who will eat what we start preparing.
Finally, the development of marketing as a product management and communication concept, because for each format, even within the group of fast-fast restaurants, there are its own rules of the game.

In the next issue we will tell you in detail what exactly needs to be provided for opening a classic fast food, and we will analyze it according to criteria important for further successful activity, namely, what should be the location, design project, furniture, dishes (and packaging), kitchen and staff.

Fast food restaurants and cafes;
- free-flow establishments;
- fast-casual establishments;
- fast-fine restaurants;
- classic fast-food and street-food.

A collection of different types of fast food on one site is called a food court.


Restaurant (French Restaurant) is a commercial establishment (sometimes with music and dancing) where food and drinks are served. One of the types of catering establishments differs from others in its high quality of services, wide menu; in addition to food, restaurants usually also provide entertainment and recreation services. A small restaurant is also called a kitchen.

The first restaurant was in France in Paris in 1533, “Tour Dargent”. It was different in that it was the first (white tablecloths, clean dishes, service culture). Founder of Boulanger.

Restaurants have always been an important place. They hosted banquets, romantic dates, business and respectful meetings.

Michelin (a well-known tire manufacturer), which issues the LeGuideMichelin guide (the “red guide” is the most famous and influential of the restaurant ratings, which has a three-star rating system for restaurants)

Gault Millau - famous French restaurant guide

The main assortment at that time was represented by biscuit products, which quickly became a scarce product. Other confectionery variants were produced in limited quantities, despite the growing demand and popularity of such products. A pleasant surprise for consumers was the appearance on the shelves of shortbread cakes, which soon received well-deserved recognition.

Confectioners from Leningrad decided to experiment and created a culinary masterpiece based on shortcrust pastry. The recipe for the new product was approved at the beginning of 1960. It was from this year that a cake with the name “Leningradsky” appeared on the shelves of domestic stores and in the culinary market.

The new product was named in order to compete with branded products of the Kyiv factory named after. Karl Marx, which produced confectionery products under the Kyiv brand. In Leningrad, the product was manufactured according to a new, approved state standard. Photos in culinary magazines of past years and on Internet pages show ready-made delicacies, the hallmark of which was the inscription “Leningradsky”. Unfortunately, today it is almost impossible to find such a product; domestic confectioners have stopped producing cakes with this name, producing products that only resemble the well-known dessert in their recipe.

Characteristics of the state and development of modern restaurant establishments

According to GOST, restaurants are of three classes:

1. "Lux".

2. Supreme.

3. First.

Today's restaurant gurus use a different jargon:

1. Elite.

2. Restaurants for the middle class, “middle class”.

3. Fast foods.

Elite restaurants require:

High prices

High level of comfort,

Sophistication of the interior,

Wide range of menus.

Middle class offers visitors a good menu for reasonable money.

Fast food is a standard set of dishes and self-service.

A restaurant for the “middle” class can bring its owner an average of 100 to 350 thousand dollars. per year, the maximum annual profit is 500 thousand dollars. On average, you will have to spend 200-250 thousand dollars on opening.

Bars - about 20-60 thousand dollars.

Cafes with a relatively small level of initial investment have about 10-25 thousand dollars. annual profit.

An enterprise without a clearly visible theme risks going unnoticed against the backdrop of a motley variety of competitors; the theme of a restaurant is directly related to what it will serve. Recently, with the growing prosperity of people, interest in a healthy lifestyle has increased, so pay attention to the fashionable low-calorie diet, vegetarian cuisine. Fashion is shaped by professionals. Japanese cuisine was introduced artificially in our country. The excitement here has died down a bit.

Today, the fusion style, which is characterized by a combination of different cuisines of the world, is at the zenith of the popularity of the restaurant business, that is, adding a slight exotic accent to quite traditional European dishes. The potential for creativity is unlimited. For most people, fusion is a new phenomenon.

A very common mistake of a beginner is that he relies on the kitchen that he loves. But let's think about what other people know and understand. After all, you will not be feeding yourself, but the consumer. Muscovites, for example, are not particularly fond of Caucasian cuisine. People go to this restaurant once, for show. Anyone who grew up in the Caucasus and feels nostalgic for their native cuisine will be a regular customer of such a restaurant.

Perhaps the most difficult thing in opening a restaurant business is obtaining and processing all the necessary documents, and the paperwork itself, which can take a lot of time and effort.

Flour confectionery products include various types of cookies, waffles, crackers, rolls, muffins, crackers, gingerbread cookies, as well as cakes, pastries and small baked goods. The main producers of confectionery products are large bakeries, confectionery factories and factories. Most often, most of the products are distributed in the region where the enterprise is located.

This is explained, first of all, by the very large number of such organizations, represented in almost every city of Ukraine, as well as by the relatively short shelf life. The largest bakeries distribute their products throughout the country and even export them to other countries. The products of such manufacturers are distinguished by colorful and convenient packaging, longer sales times achieved by improving the manufacturing process itself.

Market shares of domestic and imported confectionery products are distributed unevenly. If domestic crackers, dryers, and gingerbreads have almost 100% market coverage, then cookies and waffles share the market with foreign analogues. The saturation of the Ukrainian market with flour confectionery products is maximum. Most wholesalers believe that each manufacturer and supplier of confectionery products occupies a certain niche in the market, however, this market can be called highly competitive.

The harsh realities of competition in the market force manufacturers to take the path of expanding their range, creating new products that distinguish them from competitors. Therefore, most large bakeries and confectionery factories are engaged in updating production, designing their branded goods, creating new products or resurrecting once-forgotten recipes. Flour confectionery products occupy an important place among new products.

Production renewal is carried out mainly through the installation of imported equipment. In some cases, foreign equipment is manufactured specifically for a given plant and adjusted to domestic raw materials.

The financial crisis of 1998, which entailed a reduction in food imports, provided an opportunity for domestic producers to strengthen their position in the domestic market. However, with the crisis came difficulties associated, first of all, with the purchase of imported raw materials and equipment. Domestic confectioners bought about 80% of raw materials abroad, and after the jump in the dollar exchange rate, such production became unprofitable. Many factories simply “eat up” their working capital. According to the Askond confectionery association, in the confectionery industry as a whole, the working capital of enterprises has decreased threefold, and the average annual consumption of confectionery products has decreased from 10.9 to 8.5 kg per capita. Production volumes also fell; already in 1998, about 1.3 million tons of sweet products were produced compared to 1.4 million tons in 1997, with an enterprise capacity of 2.6 million tons. And this year, according to some forecasts, the confectionery industry will produce only 1.2 million tons of products.

The crisis has also changed the pricing policy of companies along the entire chain of goods: manufacturer - wholesale - retail. The spread in prices for identical products of the same product group in different retail outlets is more than 30%.

Unlike others, the market for flour confectionery products is developing quite steadily. The purchase of imported equipment allowed enterprises to expand the range of products and improve the quality of products. The August crisis significantly reduced the presence of similar foreign products on the market and made it possible for domestic producers to take a share of the market for foreign products. On the other hand, the market share of traditional Ukrainian products has increased due to the expansion of the range.

Under restaurant service This means service that brings pleasure and satisfaction not only to the restaurant visitor, but also to its service personnel.

The main trend in restaurant development is the increase in the number and size of restaurant chains. This applies primarily to fast food restaurants in various countries. The leader in this direction is the United States. American restaurants are actively expanding in foreign markets, including Russia. Restaurant chains with standard menus - hamburgers, sandwiches, pizza - are growing especially fast. The same menu allows you to install the same type of equipment everywhere, standardize the technological process of production and sales of products. This approach dramatically increases productivity, reduces costs and allows us to set standards for the culture of customer service.

The largest segment of the food service market is hamburger restaurants. The McDonald's restaurant chain has the highest turnover, although in terms of the number of enterprises it is inferior to the 7-Eleven restaurant chain.

In the early 1990s The pizzeria market has increased significantly. The most significant among them are the chains of pizzeria restaurants “Pizza Hut”, “Domino Pizza”, “Little Caesar”.

One of the modern trends in the restaurant business is the rapid development of ethnic restaurants with various national cuisines. It should also be noted that there is a trend in the development of restaurant chains in large shopping centers. This ensures an increase in the number of visitors to the center, the length of their stay, respectively, an increase in sales and an increase in profits for both the shopping center and restaurants.

Thus, the general direction is to expand the restaurant service, turning it in our country into the same public as abroad.

Despite the presence of unfavorable socio-economic and political factors (high risk for investors, low purchasing power of the population, lack of tax benefits, etc.), the number of restaurants in Russia is constantly increasing. At the same time, both fashionable restaurants for a select public and fast food establishments are opening. Fast food restaurant chains are developing especially successfully: “McDonald’s”, “Russian Bistro”, etc.

A distinctive feature of the Russian restaurant business is the concentration of the bulk of both elite and public restaurants, mainly in Moscow and St. Petersburg.

In many countries, such as Italy, family restaurants are common. This is also due to the tax benefits provided. In Russia there are no such benefits; there are still few family restaurants in their classic form. However, this direction of development of the restaurant business has great prospects in Russian conditions. With the further development of this market segment, family restaurants can become an area of ​​employment and a source of income for many families. It is the concept of a classic family restaurant, when business owners themselves work in the establishment they own, that prevails in the global restaurant market.

Currently, the state is paying more and more attention to the development of small businesses in our country. The creation of favorable conditions for the functioning of small restaurants in various areas of the real sector of the economy and the low employment of the domestic market for restaurant services ensure the development of a network of family restaurants.

Types of restaurants. According to the completeness of service and range of services, all restaurants are divided into full-service and specialized, including national, themed, quick service, etc.

In all types of restaurants, the list of dishes offered, their price is indicated in the menu, which in its content, design, and composition corresponds to the type and character of the restaurant. But in any case, the sequence of dishes on the menu must coincide with the sequence in which they are served. In addition to the menu, visitors are offered a wine list, which contains a list of drinks indicating the cost of the bottle and portion (for example, 50 g, 100 g).

A high level of comfort is ensured by the architectural and artistic design of the halls, music and pop accompaniment, and the highly professional work of the staff.

Aesthetic originality and uniqueness of interiors are achieved through the use of various elements of decorative cladding (mosaics, stained glass windows, frescoes, reliefs, sculptures), elements of nature (ornamental greenery, aquariums, ponds, stones, etc.).

Full service restaurants They offer a wide selection of a la carte dishes, usually more than 15. The menu is dominated by complex, signature haute cuisine in the traditions of French or Italian cooking. Exquisitely designed interior, furniture, dishes, well-trained staff - all these are indispensable components of full-service restaurants. They occupy a relatively small segment of the market, aimed at a sophisticated audience. There is very high competition among restaurants of this class. This is due to a number of reasons. First of all, creating such a restaurant and maintaining a high level of service culture requires significant funds. As a result, the menu prices are very high, so only a small percentage of the population can visit them. For this reason, full-service restaurants can operate more or less successfully only in large cities. For the same reasons, chains of high-end full-service restaurants are not created even in countries such as the United States.

Specialty restaurants very diverse. This class of food establishments includes restaurants specializing in certain dishes (for example, national or fish), as well as one or more dishes.

The most popular among them are fast food restaurants. They offer a set menu of a limited number of dishes, which are prepared in advance and served as needed. The result is fast service and lower overall restaurant costs. Among such restaurants are the well-known McDonald's, Burger King (hamburgers); Pizza Hut, Pizza Domino (pizza); Red Lobster, John Silver's (seafood); KFC, Church's (chicken dishes); Sizzler, Ponderosa (beefsteaks); Subway (sandwiches).

Specialty restaurants include numerous national restaurants whose menu includes dishes of national cuisine: Chinese, Japanese, Thai, Mexican, Russian, Italian, etc. Moreover, these restaurants can also be fast service restaurants, such as, for example, the chain of Mexican restaurants Taco Bell.

Are very popular restaurants for the whole family. The ambiance and menu in such restaurants are simple and cozy. Each family member is served individually. There is a corner with toys for children, where a teacher works with them.

Along with restaurants for the whole family, national restaurants include specialized thematic restaurants that use a specific theme in their design - football, musical genres, airplanes, cars, the Wild West, railroads, etc. The main task is to create the right setting and atmosphere; the dishes, if possible, correspond to the theme. Such restaurants usually have a regular clientele.

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