On-board catering. How in-flight meals are prepared. In-flight food production is for sale.

The German company LSG Sky Chefs is one of the world's largest enterprises, providing in-flight catering to aircraft in a variety of countries. LSG Sky Chefs is part of the Lufthansa group, which is the largest airline in Europe and ranks fifth in the world in terms of the number of passengers carried.

LSG Sky Chefs owns the largest catering network, which includes 200 catering companies in 48 countries. LSG Sky Chefs works with more than 300 airlines and produces approximately 460 million in-flight meals per year. This is what the in-flight food production process looks like at one of the LSG Sky Chefs factories located in the German city of Frankfurt am Main.

(Total 21 photos)

1. Business class dinner for short-haul flights. In business class, food is served in real porcelain, unlike economy class, where plastic and cardboard disposable tableware is used.

2. January 16, 2012. LSG Sky Chefs factories have the strictest hygiene requirements for employees. A mandatory part of work clothing is a robe, hair nets, as well as special masks for those employees who wear beards.

3. Business class dinner for short-haul flights.

4. One of the production workshops where in-flight meals are produced. The workshops of the LSG Sky Chefs factory work non-stop around the clock. Each year, more than 460 million in-flight meals roll off their production lines and are served on flights on more than 300 of the world's largest airlines.

5. The requirements for the quality of in-flight food are very strict. An additional challenge for in-flight food manufacturers is created by the fact that the increased pressure maintained in a flying aircraft greatly affects a person’s perception of the taste of food. At altitude, regular food seems tasteless and too dry. In addition, most passengers at altitude experience increased thirst. To take all these factors into account, LSG Sky Chefs maintains ongoing cooperation with the Fraunhofer Research Institute (Munich), where they study the effects of altitude on the human body. To accurately recreate flight conditions, a special laboratory is used. Despite the fact that a person's taste sensitivity to salt significantly increases during a flight (food seems bland), LSG Sky Chefs does not simply increase salt and other flavoring additives. LSG Sky Chefs in-flight meals contain as much salt as required according to generally accepted standards. Improving the “high-altitude” taste is achieved through the use of a variety of spices that retain their taste well in flight conditions. For example, ginger, cinnamon and some other spices are well felt by a person even on a flying plane.

6. Business class dinner served on Japanese-bound flights.

7. The production area of ​​LSG Sky Chefs is more than 40,000 square meters.

8. Business class dinner served on Japanese-bound flights.

9. When producing in-flight meals, special attention is paid to the quality of products and overall food safety. Food safety requirements for aircraft crew members are even stricter than those for passengers. All food for the crew must undergo deep heat treatment. The set of products included in the individual ration for each crew member is necessarily different. This reduces the risk that the entire crew will get sick and be unable to work if low-quality food gets on board. Already on airplanes, the name of the crew member for whom it is intended is often placed on the package with individual rations, so that in the event of an accident it is easier to track how poor-quality food got on board.

10. Business class dinner served on Japanese-bound flights. The airline Lufthansa is one of the world's largest consumers of caviar. Every year the airline purchases almost 8 tons of this expensive delicacy.

11. Food is prepared in a factory. Prepared food is packaged in rations, which are stored in special refrigerators that use dry ice. Usually, rations are heated up immediately before the plane takes off while still on the ground.

12. Children's dinner served on long-haul flights.

13. Every day, the LSG Sky Chefs factory bakes about 80 thousand buns.

14. Business class dinner served on short-haul flights.

15. Rations are packaged in such a way that the huge cargo that carries in-flight meals to the airport can be loaded in just five minutes. The LSG Sky Chefs division in Frankfurt operates 116 trucks.

Airplanes first

Large Russian operators specializing in in-flight catering are concentrated in two capitals - St. Petersburg and Moscow. The latter, according to the Association of Manufacturers of Services for Passengers in Transport, accounts for more than 80% of the market. In general, the domestic market is divided (in descending order of shares) by enterprises at the airports Domodedovo (Moscow), Sheremetyevo (Moscow), Vnukovo (Moscow), Pulkovo (St. Petersburg), Koltsovo (Ekaterinburg) ), “Tolmachevo” (Novosibirsk), “Kurumoch” (Samara). In the remaining 50 international airports of our country, from 500 to 3 thousand rations are produced daily, depending on the season.

Among the operators, the leader of the Russian market is the Domodedovo Air Service factory established in the 80s (45–60 thousand rations per day), followed by the AeroMar company (15–47), then the in-flight catering workshop “Restaurant at the Vnukovo International Airport” "(15-25), "Pulkovo" (8-14) and "Aerofood" (3-5).

Most modern domestic food suppliers organized their business according to Western models or with the participation of foreign firms. For example, the Vnukovo workshop was created with the participation of the German company Eurest.

Experts believe that over the past five years the quality of in-flight meals offered by most Russian airlines has decreased

The founders of the AeroMar company were the Russian Aeroflot and the British corporation Marriott Inflight Services Ltd - currently the Western shareholder is LSG Sky Chefs (Germany). It should be noted that LSG Sky Chefs is the largest player in the international market of in-flight catering services, which, according to experts, owns more than 30% of the market. The company is very active in the Russian market (it is part of the shareholders of the in-flight catering shops at Moscow's Sheremetyevo Airport, Krasnoyarsk's Yemelyanovo, and Adler's Sochi).

The company is also set to enter the CIS. A special niche is occupied by enterprises providing premium in-flight catering. This segment is insignificant in volume and is 90% concentrated in the Moscow air hub. First of all, the companies “Provider-Service” and Fly Fusion operate here (the brand is being developed by “Uley-Catering”), as well as the restaurants “Cafe Pushkin”, Café des Artist, “Shinok”, “Bochka”, “Capri”, “ Gallery", "Nedalny Vostok", "Seiji", etc. “The appearance of Fly Fusion air catering in 2007 was natural, because at that stage there was simply no operator that would provide premium class food on board around the clock and promptly in accordance with all the latest technologies, sanitary standards and safety rules,” said Anna Poverennova, brand manager of Fly Fusion. The St. Petersburg restaurant holding Ginza Project also plans to launch in-flight catering for private and business aviation flights.

Who is the head in this house?

For many years, the procedure for service, requirements for food and utensils in Russia were determined by instruction 11/7 of 1979. Director of Strategic Communications at Koltsovo Airport, Yulia Fedotova, believes that since then the requirements for the safety and taste of in-flight food have not changed fundamentally. The changes affected mainly the range of products; it also became possible to use modern culinary processing methods and offer dishes from various cuisines.

However, today the activities of a catering company must comply not so much with the federal document entitled “General Rules for the Air Transportation of Passengers, Baggage, Cargo and Requirements for Services for Passengers, Shippers, and Consignees,” but rather with the requirements of the customer airline. “All issues related to the organization of in-flight catering for passengers are entirely within the competence of the carrier. Each airline sets its own requirements for the quality of in-flight food rations,” says the General Director of the Association of Transport Service Manufacturers. This can be explained by the fact that air passenger transportation from mass and generally available has turned into an element of luxury: today no more than 3% of the population of the Russian Federation use air transport services.

However, experts believe that over the past five years the quality of in-flight meals offered by most Russian airlines has decreased. “Of course, airlines are optimizing budgets for in-flight catering in order to reduce costs,” confirms Yulia Fedotova. – For example, over the past two years, the base airline of Koltsovo Airport has reduced food costs by 50%. And the main difficulty of operating a company specializing in air catering is maintaining high quality and safety of in-flight catering with reduced airline budgets.” It should be noted that domestic operators were forced to significantly improve their product by the arrival of such international customers as British Airways and Emirates.

“Daily control is carried out on the basis of the “Production Control Program” developed and approved by Rospotrebnadzor (RPN). Routine monitoring of sanitary conditions and food safety is carried out by RPN, and product testing for compliance with GOST requirements is carried out by a sanitary-technological food laboratory,” Yulia Fedotova talks about the standard procedure. “The last violation, identified two years ago, was non-compliance with the quality standards of tap water used for processing raw materials.”

According to the head of the Ground Services Department of VIM-Avia, Rayane Mursekaeva, quality control of the service is carried out comprehensively, and not only the RPN. At the airport, constant control is carried out by employees of the in-flight catering department - from the moment the ration is completed in the in-flight catering department and ending with loading into the elevator that delivers the products on board.

It must be said that the on-load tap-changer does not have permissive or prohibitive functions. Today, in accordance with the laws of the Russian Federation, responsibility for food safety lies with the air passenger carrier, which is obliged to develop requirements for the quality of services of suppliers and monitor their implementation. As Alexander Avdeev notes, the vast majority of Russian air passenger carriers have withdrawn themselves from fulfilling these responsibilities.

How much does it weigh in grams?

In-flight meals are prepared on a just-in-time basis. Operational work begins with three-day planning, adjustments are made within a day. Taking into account the number of passengers, food is first ordered, then, 10 hours before departure, rations begin to be assembled, 8 hours before – hot dishes are prepared, 6 – cold snacks, 5 – portions are prepared, 3 hours – food is placed in the refrigerator compartment , 2 hours before departure – food is delivered on board.

In the summer, the airport operates more intensively, the number of flights increases, it becomes necessary to take a large supply of water and drinks on board, so logistics become more complicated.

One of the basic principles underlying in-flight catering is: “Standard, standard and once again standard!” This applies not only to the contents of the diet, but also to the design of the dishes. The passenger sees not only his “plate”, but also the neighbor’s, so the portions should be the same. This is also important because in this business the price cannot be calculated every day. The need for calibrated raw materials makes it difficult for a catering company to select suppliers. For example, in Russia there are no calibrated apples, but you can get the same ones from abroad. Buns and desserts should also be the same diameter and height. Having not found an enterprise in Russia that met this requirement, Domodedovo Air Service began to develop its own confectionery line.

In the West, there is a whole industry of suppliers specializing in supplying products to catering companies. In Russia, calibrated products are still provided by an extremely limited number of suppliers, so preference is often given to foreign partners.

Snack on the fly

The choice of food depends on many factors - the direction of the flight, the specifics of passenger flows, the aircraft used, or simply the person who is doing it. A standard set must contain at least three options: poultry, meat and fish. And most companies adhere to this rule.

After the airline determines the basic food parameters (budget, assortment, volume, food cycle), the catering operator begins to develop the menu - a process that takes from two weeks to several months. An individual assortment is developed for each company, including not only standard diets, but also special ones (medical, vegetarian, religious, children's). If an airline has its own chef, the in-flight catering department receives specific recipes. At the final stage of menu formation, special specifications are prepared with photographs of dishes, recipes and the cost of meal kits.

Catering companies regularly hold menu presentations (usually on the eve of summer and winter navigation). In accordance with this, all major airlines review their in-flight meal plans twice a year. For example, Aeroflot updated its menu at the end of March 2010. The business class set includes items such as swordfish and cold-smoked tuna, raw and cooked-smoked turkey, Bressola beef and mini sandwiches on premium bread. Passengers will also be able to taste medallions of beef marinated in Watchchester sauce, veal steak with Calvados sauce, beef Bourguignon with new potatoes, banana mousse and vanilla ice cream with Mango sauce. In addition, a wine list appeared in business class, and flight attendants began to master the art of sommelier. “One of the criteria when choosing wines was versatility: they are designed for a wide consumer and can be combined with a varied menu. The taste, color and aroma had to be pleasant and understandable to our passengers. Observations show that our customers give preference to red Chilean and white French wines,” says Victoria Molotkova, deputy head of Aeroflot’s product development department.

The food provided to first and business class passengers is not only distinguished by a richer assortment of dishes. In first class, the service is restaurant-style: first a snack is served, then a main course and then dessert. In other classes, lunch is served immediately in a special container. The table setting also differs: in first class cabins, porcelain, crystal, and cupronickel silver cutlery are used, while in economy and business class, as a rule, plastic tableware is used. “The level, complexity of the dishes and the skill of preparation are important regardless of the class, but if a passenger buys a business class ticket, then he expects, of course, a higher level,” comments Rayana Mursekaeva, head of the Ground Services Department at VIM-Avia.

A few words should be said about the diet for important people. VIP meals, as a rule, are prepared not on an assembly line, but under the guidance of a chef. On special occasions, food for a high-ranking person is prepared by his personal chef, and the company’s employees help him. This practice is sometimes used when serving delegations from countries whose cuisine is exotic. “The specificity of business aviation is that people using its services have the opportunity to order any food from anywhere in the world. For a business aviation passenger, food on board is not just a banal satisfaction of hunger; even at an altitude of 10 thousand meters, he wants to eat exactly what he loves, and in the best quality and truly gastronomic execution. And even despite the fact that in a business jet there is no kitchen area or only takes up two square meters,” says Anna Poverennova.

As a rule, the cost of meals is 4-6% of the ticket price - from 6 to 37 $, depending on the content of the diet, class of service and flight duration. “The cost of one “meal set” for an airline is determined by the cost of food products declared by the in-flight catering departments. For example, the cost of one tea bag at regional airports can be 2-3 times higher than the cost at Domodedovo airport,” notes Rayana Mursekaeva.

Diet budgets

The trend in the global in-flight catering services market is the gradual disappearance of small independent operators. In addition, the desire of some airlines to save as much as possible is forcing all players to reconsider their attitude towards food on board. Thus, low-cost airlines, while freeing passengers from additional services, also refused to provide meals (if desired, you can buy juice or a bag of chips). Naturally, this is reflected in the ticket price - it is very low.

“The market for in-flight catering services is stagnating. Leading foreign airlines for economy class passengers have excluded meals from the cost of air passenger transportation services, offering them for an additional fee. In Russia, so far only two low-cost airlines - Avianova and Sky Express - do not include in-flight meals in the flight fare; other airlines, with rare exceptions, are reducing in-flight meal rations,” says Alexander Avdeev, General Director of the Association of Service Manufacturers for passengers on transport.

However, the quality of food on board still remains one of the key criteria for passengers to evaluate the airline's service. It is clear that not every Russian airport meets international standards for air catering, but the capital’s operators set the tone for the regions, gradually bringing their work to the proper level.

Expert opinions

Alexander Avdeev, General Director of the Association of Producers of Services for Passengers in Transport

Today, 28 Western airlines operate through international airports in the Russian Federation - and only in four terminals do they provide in-flight meals on an ongoing basis: Domodedovo, Sheremetyevo, Pulkovo and Krasnoyarsk. The reason is that other suppliers do not undergo independent audits by foreign airlines regarding the safety of in-flight catering services. Since 1995, foreign airlines have required, in addition to good manufacturing practices, the implementation of the HACCP methodology, which is aimed at preventing the occurrence of conditions during production that lead to loss of safety of in-flight catering.

Our suppliers today mainly focus only on ensuring the requirements of proper industrial hygiene and producing products in accordance with sanitary standards and regulations. There is a clear problem of non-compliance with accepted international standards, as well as extremely low production and corporate culture. Thus, today, ensuring the safety of products and services at the level of generally accepted international requirements is one of the most difficult aspects of the work of a catering operator.

Anna Poverennova, brand manager of Fly Fusion

Food safety cannot be ensured in enterprises organized on a “pre-cooking” principle, which primarily includes stationary restaurants. In them, most of the premises are allocated for trade in order to cover high rental rates and extract maximum income per square meter of rented space. Workshops for preparing in-flight meals, even in the most famous of them, are located in atypical premises, since providing in-flight meals is an additional, not the main service for any stationary restaurant. Because of this, the storage conditions for returnable containers, equipment, detergents and disinfectants, as well as the requirements for the conditions for collecting industrial waste and garbage are often not met, and there is no opportunity for staff to maintain personal hygiene. Pursuing the goal of cost optimization, restaurants offer business aviation passengers to choose absolutely any dish from their menu.

As a result, the sale of dishes prohibited in the diet of air passengers and crew members, for example, dishes with sauces and dressings, seafood, medicinal mineral water and dressed salads. Production control programs for in-flight catering companies must be followed first! Fly Fusion has specially developed and implemented an internal control system to ensure the safety and quality of food for business aviation.

Who eats on planes? In response to this question, I would always raise my hand. An hour's travel time for a meal is reduced to just a few minutes. I come up with interesting sandwiches from cold appetizers. I also compete with myself for the neatest container, which after eating becomes a warehouse for packaging. I almost always give dessert to Maksiche, who meets me. He has a sweet tooth, unlike me.

I ate and ate and never thought about how this food was prepared and got on board. UTair invited me to its historical homeland, Surgut, where food is prepared for all flights departing from this airport in a 350-meter in-flight catering workshop. In general, among Russian airlines, only UTair and Aeroflot provide their food. The rest order catering at the airport, packaging it in their own boxes, as Siberian S7 does.

In Surgut, UTair cooks not only for airplane passengers, but also for cafes at the airport and for its hotel.

The main person in UTair's in-flight catering is Nikolai Vasilievich. Seryozha wrote very well about him, we flew together with him.

« Tens of millions of passengers fed per year. More than a thousand people at four airports. And two and a half billion in revenue. He manages all this from his office here in Surgut. The scale captivates him and inspires me with it. This is how he is - Nikolai Vasilyevich.He suddenly exclaims his favorite: “The passenger is always right!”

And again he begins with love about the children. How difficult it is to transport them. Much more difficult than Hajj pilgrims. How to prepare flight attendants. He disappears somewhere and returns with a coloring book and pencils. Gives them to my colleague. After all, she has a child.

He is noisy and kind. Knows everyone by name and patronymic, which he pronounces with love. Here, among all the combi ovens and stoves, there is a completely different atmosphere than in the kitchens of chain restaurants in Moscow. It's like a movie here. And it smells like buns.”

Where the food begins, the sterile zone begins. We take off our outerwear and pack ourselves into robes with an “entrance” on the back, shoe covers and hats. The bristly Seryozha was given a mask.

The rug is in a recess, so don’t trip.

I compared these measures to changing clothes in the dirty area at the Smolensk nuclear power plant, where we left all our clothes except underwear in the lockers and dressed up in thick snow-white cotton overalls and helmets. We had a nice honeymoon!

But let's return to Surgut. On the ground floor of the workshop there is a food warehouse. They are prepared for cooking: washed, cut, peeled.

There are refrigeration units and defrosting chambers.

Dirty dishes also arrive here in carts. The carts are first washed in a separate chamber with the product, and then more thoroughly cleaned in order to be filled with new portions.

It seemed strange to me that meat and fish were cut in the same room.

But when I entered it, it smelled of meat. It was just cut. If they can handle the meat, they'll take on the fish.

The meat and fish workshop has refrigerators, cutting tables and a sink. The walls are tiled everywhere; the same requirements apply to operating rooms.

The vegetable shop smells fresh. Just peeled carrots!

Kitchen worker Patimat peels the eyes from potatoes. He says there are many of them in this batch. More than a hundred kilograms of potatoes pass through her hands per shift.

Of course, she doesn't clean hundreds of kilos by hand. This is what the machine does. Two buckets of root vegetables are loaded into it, closed and the drum is turned on. The peel rubs against the sandy interior of the centrifuge. During cleaning, vegetables are watered. At home, I also peel potatoes under running water. The vertical photo shows dirty water draining from the machine.

The unit itself stands in a kind of bath.

We go up to the second floor. In the rooms on the right, food is prepared, sweets and bread are baked. And on the left they are packaged into carts, lunch boxes and carts.

A cassette is an aluminum box for hot food. Lunch boxes serve snacks, cups and partings on board. The cart is used by flight attendants to carry food around the plane.

Up to 1,000 buns are baked per shift, replacing white bread. The machine mixes the dough for them. And the confectionery products are prepared entirely by hand.

They spend 18 minutes in the oven, and after that they immediately go to the packers.

Meet the chef and his crazy pants!

I’m used to the fact that on an airplane they always serve two meals: meat and fish; I was very surprised when they also offered me sausages to choose from. It is known that altitude greatly distorts tastes. For example, on the ground I don’t even remember the existence of tomato juice, when, like on an airplane, I begin to feel its taste in my mouth as soon as the car leaves the ground. Of course I took the sausages. And tomato juice.

Let's move on to packaging. Cassalettes are assembled in the hot food department, snacks - in the cold department. The vegetables have just arrived on the second floor via a special food elevator.

Two hours before departure, when it is already almost exactly known how many people will board the plane, they begin to collect lunch boxes and pack them in carts, and hot food in containers.

Everything is done so quickly that food doesn’t sit idle. If the plane is delayed for a long time, this is usually known in advance, so they are collected by the actual departure time. And if the flight is delayed for half an hour, then the packaged food simply sits in a special refrigerator and waits to be boarded.

The cost of a meal set per economy class passenger is 130 rubles.

A set of sauces, dishes and rations for business class. UTair also has an improved economy seat, the price is somewhere between business and economy, in fact: economy seats, but business services.

Boeing trolleys.

Container for hot dishes.

The cart is sealed and the number of servings is signed.

Meals are delivered for the flight based on actual load. If someone is late, the extra portions are taken off board. There is another set of food for 50 passengers. If there are 150 people flying, there should be 153 meals on board.

Loaders carry containers and carts to the elevator. But that's not all, the food journey continues.

Everything is strict at the airport. The security service does not ignore food either.

In this container, the food will travel through the airport to the plane. It will be heated on board and served to each passenger.

This is such manual labor!

After the tour, we treated ourselves to all the possible dishes that the kitchen prepares. Muksun, venison, fruit. Some with wine, some with cognac.

A bag similar to khinkali is a lemon. It is pressed onto the fish without removing it from the fabric so that it does not slip in your hands and the bones do not fall into the plate. Life hack for home! I've already wrapped it up.

Finally, I’ll tell you a few interesting facts.

In the canteen of the Surgut airport, it is impossible for employees to simply eat for a hundred rubles; with this money you can overeat!

Pasta - 4 rubles, mashed potatoes - 6 rubles, cupcake - 8 rubles.

The crew is not allowed to eat foods that cause stomach turmoil before or during the flight. Here is one of the diets provided to flight attendants and pilots.

UTair has also opened additional flights from Ingushetia to Saudi Arabia for the Hajj. They pass at night so that passengers can eat. During the month of Ramadan, devout Muslims must fast from the onset of morning prayer (prayer at dawn) until the onset of evening prayer (at sunset).

Alex Cheban, travel blogger: A delicious lunch above the clouds - what could be better? 35% of passengers choose fish, 45% choose meat, and only 18% believe that it is not necessary to eat on a plane, you just need to fly on it. Well... they will most likely miss this report. I invite everyone else to the UTair airline's in-flight catering factory in Surgut.

Secret No. 1. UTair has its own baked goods for in-flight catering kits.

The small room has the positive smell of fresh French cinnamon rolls.

Each bun should weigh 60g.

On the ground floor there are procurement workshops: meat, fish and vegetables, a defrosting chamber and a freezer. In the cold workshop, cucumbers and olives are packaged and salads are cut.

Let's move on to the hot shop...

Sautéing for roasting beef.

Secret #2: Even the in-flight catering has a chef! He prepares the in-flight food ration for the airline as a whole and coordinates production. Knows the energy value of dishes, flavor combinations and food composition rules.

Chef Egor Korolev oversees the process.

And if the factory suddenly runs out of animal meat, then children and crews are used (smiles).

Secret No. 3. The cost of one serving of in-flight meals (economy class) is on average 150 rubles.

Preparing trays containing cutlery, salad, dessert, and UTair branded chocolate.

Secret No. 4. The shelf life of in-flight meals is three hours. That is, if the flight is delayed, then it is necessary to completely redo and reload the food into the boxes. Meals on the return segment of a turnaround flight are a new set that is loaded before departure at the intermediate airport.

Packaging of finished products for loading on board.

Secret No. 5: Inflight meals are distributed strictly according to the number of passengers on the flight, plus one spare set per 50 passengers (according to industry standard). So, most likely, there will be no supplements, even if the cabin is half empty. An additional portion is issued in case of unexpected transportation/distribution defects on board.

Secret No. 6. Absolutely all products, main dishes and salads are prepared for a specific flight; the full cycle of preparation and serving of one flight takes three hours. The in-flight catering department operates around the clock and the start time of cooking is coordinated with the airport and is clearly linked to the actual expected departure time.

These carts with food are supplied from the second floor to a specially equipped vehicle, which supplies food on board.

Secret No. 7. The menu is unified for each airline and is always prepared identically according to certain recipes at all in-flight catering factories, even if some point does not have its own factory.

For example, you were fed stale fish on a flight from Irkutsk to Moscow, you send a complaint to UTair and the airline conducts an investigation with the service provider in Irkutsk, conducts an audit of the enterprise, all the way to changing the supplier! After visiting the factory itself, we were able to taste the in-flight food. Everything was divided by service class.

Secret No. 8. The crew has a separate menu! I always thought that the crew eats the same as business class, but it turns out not. A special diet has been developed for the crew, which takes into account the energy requirement of 3500 kcal/day. Legumes, plums and prunes are excluded. The crew consists of pilots and flight attendants; there are no differences in diet.

Economy Superior.

Business Class.

Secret No. 9. There is cream soup in business class! And for breakfast, porridge, even in a liquid consistency. They are served on board the aircraft in a “geyser”, and directly to the passenger in a recessed cup.

A "deep cup" is simply a deep dish. In general, it is very interesting to listen to professionals and catch such words.

Secret No. 10. Exotics are available on board, but only by special order. For example, a venison menu can be prepared specifically for a charter flight or business aviation. In such cases, the menu undergoes additional approval and preparation may take more than three hours.

In my opinion, UTair food is really tasty and plentiful, especially on short flights, and on the Kyiv-Moscow flight it is the best menu among all line operators.

My meal on the morning flight Surgut-Kyiv on the way home. Everything is absolutely identical visually and just as tasty as in the presentation. Well, maybe the pasta is a little different, but that doesn’t matter.

The in-flight catering shop was founded in 1995 and is the pride of Kapitan LLC.

More than 50 airlines, including foreign ones, use the services of the in-flight catering department of Captain LLC. The largest consumers of the company's services are S7 airlines, UT Air, Ural Airlines, Nordwindairlines, Transaero, Yakutia Airlines, etc.

To create food rations for different classes of service, airlines offer a wide range of dishes and goods. When compiling the menu, any wishes of air carriers are taken into account, based on the passenger service standards adopted by the airline. In accordance with the Carrier’s needs, a presentation of the assortment of dishes and products is carried out at the in-flight catering department, during which the Carrier’s representatives formulate all types of food rations, draw up “Ration Menu Specifications” with photographs of the dishes, and specify the order of serving and the type of utensils used.

In order to meet consumer demand for certain types of special meals, the specialists of the in-flight catering department have developed standard rations for all air carriers, including dishes of national cuisines, diet meals, vegetarian food, baby food:

BBML – infant
ORML- Eastern
SFML- seafood
MOML - Muslim
VGML- vegetarian
FRML - fruity
CHML- baby

The service of VIP-flights, Heads and Governments of various countries is also carried out. The possibility of an individual approach to each client is provided.

Every six months, the in-flight catering department of Kapitan LLC updates the range of products for airlines. The updates correspond to the transition from spring-summer to autumn-winter.

In 2008, the in-flight catering department of Kapitan LLC received a registration certificate from the authorized organization NQA Global Assurance Limited for compliance with the requirements of the ISO 22000-2007 standard and the HACCP system.


In September 2008 Kapitan CJSC received a certificate of registration from the authorized organization NQA Global Assurance Limited (Great Britain) for compliance with the requirements of ISO 22000:2007 and the HACCP system (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points - risk analysis and critical control points (CCP)), then twice successfully passed supervisory audits. This year, 2011, the company is preparing for a recertification audit.

Since that time, the food safety management system (FSMS) defines the goals, principles and directions for the development of the enterprise in the process of manufacturing high-quality products and providing services for in-flight catering.

Due to the implementation of the FSMS, high performance was achieved. It includes gaining sustainable consumer confidence, creating conditions that ensure the conscious involvement of employees in the safety management process, continuous professional development and the realization of the capabilities of each employee, improving the technical level of production and introducing advanced technologies.

Our main goals:

  • guarantee of product quality and safety;
  • ensuring product competitiveness,
  • increasing the profitability of the enterprise,
  • expansion of sales markets.

To achieve the set goals, the following tasks must be solved:

  • continuous improvement of activities based on analysis of top management, implementation of planned activities at least 100%;
  • updating the range of products in accordance with the requirements and expectations of consumers;
  • achieving 100% awareness of enterprise employees about the FSMS and the implementation of this policy;
  • expanding the external exchange of information with consumers (questionnaires, inquiries) on the safety of manufactured products, reducing claims from consumers to zero;
  • active cooperation with suppliers of raw materials and auxiliary materials;
  • developing relationships with partners based on stated principles in the field of security, focusing on working with highly rated suppliers;
  • professional equipment maintenance, 100% implementation of preventive repair plans;
  • targeted training and professional development of personnel, achieving an assessment of the professional level of employees of at least 9 points.
The management of JSC "Captain" undertakes to ensure the implementation of this policy with the participation of the entire team of the enterprise. By following the principles of our security policy, we will be competitive and confident in our future.

Afterwards, it underwent surveillance audits twice and, based on the results of a recertification audit in 2011, the certificate was extended for another 3 years. Thanks to this, airlines that place high demands on the quality and safety of in-flight catering cooperate with Kapitan LLC, showing high trust. In-flight meals are prepared according to the “Just-In-Time” principle. The supply of food raw materials and other goods to the in-flight catering workshop is carried out from the trade and warehouse complex of Captain LLC.

Responsibility for the acceptance of products in terms of quality and quantity rests with the food product specialist.

The distribution of products among warehouses and refrigeration chambers is carried out in accordance with the accepted classification by type of product, their storage mode and sanitary and hygienic requirements:

  • dry (flour, sugar, cereals, pasta, spices, industrial sauces, etc.) – dry warehouse temperature +22 - +24 ° C (FGU “Novosibirsk NTsSM test report No. 3501 dated 07/01/08), storage on racks and shelves;
  • Frozen meat, fish, poultry - freezer with a temperature not exceeding -18°C, storage on racks and shelves;
  • frozen vegetables - freezer with a temperature not exceeding -18°C, storage on racks and shelves;
  • milk and fat - refrigeration chamber with a temperature not higher than +6°C, storage on racks and shelves;

  • soft and alcoholic drinks, grocery products - dry warehouse temperature +22 - +24°C (FGU "Novosibirsk NTsSM test protocol No. 3501 dated 07/01/08), storage on racks and stockpiles;
  • juices and beer - refrigerated compartment with a temperature not exceeding +6°C, stored on racks and stockpiles;
  • meat and fish gastronomy – refrigeration chamber with a temperature from +0 to +3°C, storage on racks and stock shelves;

  • vegetables and fruits (fresh and canned) – refrigerated compartment with a temperature not exceeding +6°C, stored on racks and shelves.

All production workshops are equipped with modern technological equipment.
The food preparation process is carried out in accordance with production

The salad shop prepares various fruit and vegetable snacks. Ready-made dishes are stored in baskets marked “Salad Shop”; a label is issued indicating the flight number and the name of the dish. The baskets are transferred to the production refrigerator of the “Completing Shop” at a temperature of +2/+6°C.

In cold – cold appetizers from meat, fish gastronomy, cheeses, etc. are portioned. Ready-made dishes are stored in baskets marked “Cold Shop”, a label is issued indicating the flight number and the name of the dish. The baskets are transferred to the production refrigerator of the “Completing Shop” at a temperature of +2/+6°C.

In the cutting area, semi-finished products from meat, fish, and poultry are prepared.

Which subsequently enter the hot shop, where they are subjected to heat treatment.

After cooking, hot dishes, as well as side dishes, go through a blast cooling stage, which helps ensure product safety and quality, in accordance with ISO-22000 requirements.

In the casserole serving area, chilled products are portioned. The finished cassettes are stored in special aircraft equipment, onto which an accompanying label is attached, which indicates the flight number, flight departure time, information about the contents (hot food code and quantity by class of service), date and time of assembly (flight), expiration date. Aircraft equipment with enclosed chilled cassettes is transferred to the “Dispatch refrigerator” at a temperature of +0/+4°C, where it is stored until the start of flight assembly and transportation to the aircraft.

The ration assembly shop forms ready-made sets of cold appetizers, bakery and confectionery products.

At the end of serving, lunch boxes and food trays are placed in removable aircraft equipment corresponding to the type of aircraft (carts, semi-carts, reusable or disposable containers). The filled removable aircraft equipment with open doors to ensure circulation of cold air and more efficient cooling is placed in the “Control Refrigerator” with a temperature of +0/+4°С and stored there until the inspection and loading of food into special vehicles for delivery to the aircraft.

The in-flight catering shop of Kapitan LLC does not stand still, expanding the range of dishes offered, mastering modern technologies, and improving the skills of its specialists.

Particular attention in the in-flight catering department is paid to ensuring aviation security from acts of unlawful interference. Inspection of in-flight catering and buffet and kitchen equipment is carried out at the inspection point of the In-flight catering workshop by inspectors of the aviation security service of the Tolmachevo airport with the participation of an employee of the LO of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia at the Tolmachevo airport

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