What needs to be done to open a detective agency. Your business: how to open a detective agency


There are not enough detective agencies on the Russian market today when compared, for example, with security organizations. In the capital there are about 150 such units, in other large cities of Russia there is a maximum of 6 individual detectives. There are no large organizations at all. Therefore, if you decide to open a detective agency, then know that there will be little competition.

The format of a detective organization in our state can be represented by a lone detective or a licensed specialist who served in law enforcement before opening the company. It is better to open your own detective agency as an individual entrepreneur. And after receiving a license, the detective has the right to provide detective services.

This license does not give the right to carry or use weapons. A private detective is only allowed to use a bulletproof vest, a baton, or a gas canister for his own protection.

Step-by-step opening of a detective case

This type of activity can initially be started alone, but later you will need to hire assistants. Recruitment of personnel is the most important stage in organizing a business in this field of activity. As practice shows, the best personnel for a private detective agency are former operatives who have extensive experience in conducting investigative activities. The speed of growth of a private agency’s reputation and, accordingly, the formation of a client base will depend on the professionalism of its employees.


Of course, like any business, to open a private detective agency, you need to officially register. At the initial stage, the individual entrepreneur form is quite suitable for registration.

To open your own detective agency in Moscow you will also need a license, to obtain which you need to collect the following documents:

  • Statement.
  • Filling out a special form.
  • Passport of a citizen of Russia.
  • Medical certificate of health.
  • Documents certifying completion of special detective courses, legal education, work experience of more than 3 years in law enforcement agencies.

Only after collecting can you think about how to open a detective bureau from scratch.

Necessary equipment

To open your own detective agency in Russia, you will need to purchase specialized equipment:

  • Professional video cameras, cameras. This equipment must only be of high quality, since the detective will have to take photographs and videos in uncomfortable conditions: hidden, unnoticed by others, at a remote distance, without the possibility of fixing the equipment, etc. In such conditions, it is possible to shoot the highest quality material only with using high-quality professional equipment, the price of which is quite high.
  • To process photographs and video material and then transfer it to the client, you will need a PC (laptop). Without technology it is impossible to open a detective agency.
  • Of course, espionage activities will require additional special equipment, the sale of which is prohibited in Russia. An assortment of similar equipment: listening devices, tiny video cameras and other elements of espionage can be found on foreign websites. But before you open an agency, you need to understand that the use of such technology is almost always considered illegal.

The demand in Russia for detectives is quite high. According to statistics, more than 300 people go missing every day in our state. Police officers cannot cope with such a workload; many cases never get completed. And the detectives have all the authority to start searching. Therefore, opening a detective business is a profitable decision.

Detective agencies are able to help many people find their loved ones and collect the necessary information about a specific person.

Organization costs

To open your own detective agency, a fairly small investment is required, but its profitability can sometimes be completely unexpected.
Due to the fact that in most cases a detective has to risk his own life, his services are quite expensive.

Of course, there is no need to talk about stable profits in this business, but the fact is that the services of detective agencies are used by people of average income, and they offer impressive monetary rewards. Therefore, opening a detective case is profitable.

The main activity of a private detective is interviewing people, studying documents, video, and photography. The main thing here is not to forget that according to the law of the Russian state, it is prohibited:

  • Install listening devices on phones.
  • Install hidden cameras.

To open a detective business, you need a legal education and connections in the police. Often, employees of this government agency can provide valuable information for a fee, which will facilitate the work of a private detective agency.

Project business plan

  • To quickly open an agency, save on renting premises. Organize meetings with clients on neutral territory. But having your own office will give the detective agency credibility, and accordingly, there will be more clients. Therefore, if you decide to create your own detective business, then remember that you can save on premises.
  • The second expense item is employee salaries.
  • The initial costs also include renovation of the premises, purchase of office furniture, necessary equipment: computer, photo, video equipment, spy equipment.
  • An advertising campaign is mandatory for those who decide to open a detective business. Any type of advertising is used in promotion: advertising on radio, television, Internet sites, distribution of business cards, etc. The main goal is to attract potential clients, the number of which will determine the profit of the detective organization.

How much do private detective services cost?

  • From 7,000 to 17,000 rubles: full registration data of the enterprise, information about managers and investors. The order fulfillment period is up to 5 days. Opening a detective business is quite a profitable solution.

Additional Information

  • From 35,000 to 70,000 rubles: actual address of the agency office, number of working personnel, office rental conditions, analysis of receivables, information about the director of the organization (contact details, place of registration, photo, personal characteristics). The execution period is up to 12 days.
  • From 150,000 to 350,000 rubles: information about branches, annual turnover of the agency, list of suppliers and clients, credit assessment of the enterprise, contractual terms with a partner. As well as a thorough check of several company managers. Availability of own property, relatives, connections in the criminal world, handwriting samples, signatures, shares in other types of business, military service, past illnesses. Completion period – up to 25 days.

To open a detective business, you must have a good understanding of prices.

Inspired by cinema or having certain practical skills, some people think about the question of how to become a private detective and open their own agency. But it is worth noting that this activity in reality is significantly different from what we see on the screen.

This direction has its own specifics, without taking into account which it will be impossible to establish a business properly. In order to make a profit and build a good reputation for the agency, you need to have certain training, ideally know the law and clearly understand what you will do and what types of work you will not undertake.

Features of detective activity

Today in our country private detectives are not yet as popular as abroad. But the demand for their services is increasing every day. People with middle and high incomes turn to such an agency who want to obtain certain information about an object or protect themselves. Typically, detectives come to clients who are disillusioned with the capabilities of government agencies or who have not received their support.

To successfully carry out such activities, you need to have certain experience, an analytical mind, and in some cases, connections within the legal system. Therefore, most often such agencies are opened by former law enforcement officers or experienced lawyers. The law also requires this.

The most common requests are:

  1. Find a person through a detective agency.
  2. Determine the fact of cheating on your spouse.
  3. Check your business partners.
  4. Find stolen items.

The attractiveness of the idea of ​​opening a detective agency in Russia is that you can limit yourself to minimal investments and in a short time get a solid profit. In addition, with the growing demand for private detective services, the level of competition even in large cities is at a low level.

What documents are needed?

The work of detective agencies is regulated by the 1992 law “On private detective and security activities of the Russian Federation.” Therefore, initially it needs to be studied in detail. Next, you should register with the tax service as an individual entrepreneur or legal entity (LLC).

Taxation can be either unified (UTII) or simplified (STS). OKVED code – 80.30 – investigation activities. First, you need to submit documents (a copy of your passport, an application and a receipt for payment of state duty) to the tax office and receive official papers.

  • photographs measuring 4*6 cm;
  • photocopy of passport;
  • documents confirming receipt of higher legal education;
  • if you have work experience in the relevant authorities, make a copy of your work book;
  • medical certificate, which is issued after passing the commission.

Please note that in Russia only a person with a legal education can become a private detective. But in some cases, such activities are allowed for people who have at least three years of experience in government law enforcement agencies or have undergone special training. To confirm your knowledge and skills you will have to take a test.

A license may be refused only in the following cases:

  1. Age up to 21 years.
  2. The candidate is or has previously been registered with a psychoneurological or drug addiction clinic.
  3. There has ever been a criminal record or the person was under investigation.
  4. Previous service in law enforcement agencies ended with dismissal due to violation of the law.

Otherwise, after passing all checks, you will be issued a license. However, it will only be valid for 5 years. Then the document will have to be renewed in a similar way. Since the procedure can take up to two months, make sure to submit your documents in a timely manner in advance.

Pay attention to this point as well. If you are going to hire assistants for your agency who will also conduct detective work, then each of the team members must independently go through the licensing procedure and receive the appropriate document.

Work specifics

The activities of such an agency are strictly limited by law. Detectives in Russia can only provide the following services:

  • collecting information about individuals, but only with their written permission;
  • studying business partners, their creditworthiness, past transactions, credibility and reliability;
  • external surveillance of objects, but without penetration into private property;
  • investigation of any misconduct or criminal matters;
  • inspection of vehicles, real estate and other objects;
  • search for missing property;
  • study of archives and documents;
  • detection of people whose whereabouts are unknown;
  • protection of property or person;
  • protection of life and health;
  • legal consulting services;
  • ensuring order, etc.

Despite all the similarities between activities with government agencies, a significant difference should be noted. A detective has no right to use weapons, enter illegally into private property, or use various “spy” devices to collect information. He can even protect his life or his client only with the help of simple permitted devices - gas canisters, body armor and a club.

Clients often ask to break the law and use a forbidden but effective remedy. In this case, you need to understand that by violating certain rules and regulations, you personally risk not only losing your license, but also may be subject to criminal liability.

Therefore, people with work experience and appropriate education have a significant advantage over others - they are very well aware of the legal side of the issue and can balance on the brink without violating the law.

Partially, in order to protect yourself and confirm the fact of the order in the future, you need to have a sample contract that is drawn up with each client. It is important to clarify all the nuances of the activity, the method and amount of remuneration, the results to be achieved, the terms specified, etc.

Premises and equipment

At first, you can try to conduct detective work at home, and meet with clients somewhere on neutral territory. But it would be much better to rent a small office. So, you can conveniently arrange all the equipment required for work, create a complete archive of documents and dossiers, and also arrange a place for confidential conversations with customers.

To run a business alone, an office of 20 square meters is enough. m. If, over time, you plan to hire employees to expand your customer base and fulfill more orders, then look for more spacious premises. An office renovation doesn't need to be too fancy or luxurious. Typically, customers don’t care what your office looks like, as long as it’s clean and tidy. The location also does not play a significant role.

Let's list what you need to do business:

  1. Furniture for the owner and employees (tables, chairs).
  2. Cabinet for storing archives, papers, documents.
  3. Computer or laptop with installed software.
  4. Internet access, telephone line, fax.
  5. Office equipment.
  6. Stationery and other consumables.
  7. Safe.
  8. Special professional equipment – ​​voice recorders, cameras, video cameras, etc.

Remember that various “spy” equipment is considered prohibited and its use is unacceptable under the law.


Private detectives prefer to work alone. Although abroad there is practice in opening entire complexes with many employees. If you properly assemble the staff of such an agency, you can perform a variety of tasks that are not available to your competitors. For work you may need:

  • The same detectives with a license in their own name, helping to conduct the main activities.
  • Security guards who provide related services.
  • Secretary, communicates with clients and helps with organizational matters, maintains documentation, takes calls, etc.
  • Sometimes such agencies use the help of professional actors and make-up artists, but they are not part of the main staff.
  • Programmers, lawyers, economists and other representatives of a narrow specialization are able to search for the necessary information that not everyone can understand on their own, which significantly increases the chance of collecting data on an object.
  • An accountant can be either a separate staff unit or carry out activities through an outsourcing system.

Who exactly is needed in your agency is up to you as the owner to decide. Much also depends on what services clients order and what there is demand for.

Another feature of a detective agency is the difficulty in finding clients. After all, openly advertising yourself is quite risky. If you, as a private detective, are recognized on the streets of the city, then searching and collecting information, tracking an object and other functions will not be possible to perform personally.

  1. It is necessary to name the agency in a sufficiently succinct, sonorous, concise manner so that it is immediately clear what we are talking about.
  2. Print out business cards and hand them out to potential customers.
  3. Use online resources - social networks, groups, advertisements, forums, etc.

You can download it here for free as a sample.

Financial questions

You can become a private detective without making large investments; all you need is experience and tools to help you find the necessary information. But in order to open a full-fledged agency, it is advisable to spend money on its organization and arrangement.

Also, do not forget about the constant costs of supporting the company’s work and various consumables.

Income will depend entirely on the number of orders, their complexity, variety, established prices and speed of work. Set the tariff schedule so that it is easy for you to calculate the cost of services if they are requested as a whole.

It should be noted that the work of a private detective is valued quite highly and rich and wealthy people turn to such agencies, so it makes no sense to lower prices too much, especially if there is no competition in the city as such.

It is believed that in a metropolis, for a month of work of a small private company in this area, you can get at least 260 thousand rubles. Therefore, even with modest beginnings and gradual development, we can talk about full payback within a year.

Video: profession - private detective.

Currently, the Russian private investigation market is experiencing a relative shortage of detective agencies that are able to provide qualified assistance in the form of quality services. The sphere of security business, compared to detective work, is much more developed, and as for detective agencies, in the Russian capital - Moscow alone - there are more than three hundred such structures and organizations. Other cities in the form of regional centers have a maximum of several agencies or private investigators, the number of which amounts to only a few. Large detective agencies practically do not exist at all, or rather there are just a few of them. Activities on behalf of the agency are often represented by one single private detective, who, being self-taught, provides investigation services, having experience working in the police or law enforcement agencies. To officially provide this type of service, it is enough to register your business as an individual entrepreneur and obtain the necessary license from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which allows you to legally carry out your work. Although today up to 30% of the private investigation market is filled with the services of private detectives who are not “licensees”, but work under a “black flag”, provide or try to provide low-quality services. This article will not talk about such “chernushniks”, but will talk about how to open a legitimate detective agency and become a private detective in the Russian Federation.

"Detective activity" in Russia

The format of the legality of the services provided leaves an imprint on their content and capabilities. Private detectives in Russia do not have the right to install hidden video surveillance, listen to mobile phones, city communications, provide services for detailing conversations, hack mailboxes, accounts, or invade the privacy of citizens by conducting surveillance within private property. In addition, the law does not allow a private detective to conduct open operational investigative activities, the right to which belongs only to state law enforcement agencies. Therefore, the goals of a private detective are not to capture a criminal. Detectives have the competence to conduct investigations in the field of finding information and facts, which subsequently must be used in state courts and other authorities to make fair sentences and decisions. The modern activity of private detectives implies the ability to work in the field of providing services to carry out individual orders - tasks from clients. In this context, the detective does not have the right to accept illegal orders for execution, as well as to undertake anti-legal methods for their practical implementation.

Documents and requirements for obtaining a license

Detective business in Russia requires registration, for which a simple form of individual entrepreneur* is suitable. At the same time, work in the field of private investigation in Russia is subject to mandatory licensing. The license is issued by the licensing service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. To obtain a permit you will need:

  • Submit the appropriate application;
  • Fill out a special form;
  • Provide a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • Have a certificate from a medical institution confirming your health status;
  • Provide documents that confirm legal education, completion of special detective courses, as well as three years of work experience in the Ministry of Internal Affairs (operational and investigative units).

*Individual entrepreneur must register with the Federal Tax Service. The main type of activity must be OKVED 80.10 “activity of private security services”; if such an OKVED is not the main one or it has additional status, you will not be able to obtain a license, even if all other requirements are met.

Business Plan Basics

So, what is needed to organize your own detective agency? At the first stage, this kind of work can be done personally, and subsequently resort to searching for hired workers and personnel. At the same time, it is the quality of selection of the right employees that plays the most important role in the success of the entire business process. Based on practice, we can conclude that the most valuable contingent for the implementation of services in this area are ex-law enforcement officers who already have the necessary arsenal of skills and knowledge in the field of investigative activities. The qualifications and professionalism of the staff are drivers of reputation growth, on which the influx of clients in particular and the revenue component in general will depend.

Think over the agency name and logo

Determine the main directions of future activity of the detective agency, because the name of the agency and its logo will speak for themselves. If over time you plan to deal with business intelligence or verification of business partners, and generally serve the business segment, then a name such as “marriage reading” will definitely not suit it. And a logo with a camera that films the moment of betrayal will only alienate a potential client who will need business services. Also, if you plan to specialize in identifying betrayals, then the name, for example, “intelligence” will not be very suitable for it either. Just like a logo in a business sense, for example “financial charts”, etc. If you cannot decide on the main directions of future detective activity, use neutral names such as “person”, “search”, “truth”, etc. In such cases, “magnifying glass”, “fingerprints”, etc. can be used in logos. Some name their agencies based on the surname of the founder with the addition of a synonym for the word “companions”, for example “Ivanov and partners”, “Petrov and team”, etc. In addition, take into account the principle of territoriality; if you plan to work only in your region, you can add the name of the region or city to the name of your agency. Many people do this, an example would be “Search-Crimea”, “Intelligence-Moscow”, “Alibi-Krasnodar”. The name of a detective agency can say a lot about itself, just like its logo. When naming your company and project, remember: “As you name the ship, so it will sail”!

Acquisition costs

To provide services in the field of private investigation, it is necessary not only to register, but also to purchase the appropriate technical equipment. Material costs are necessary to purchase both high-end photo and video equipment. A professional detective needs trouble-free equipment that will provide high quality despite a number of limiting factors, including uncomfortable working conditions, the possibility of hidden use, a long distance to the object and other aspects. Personal computer or several computers for private detectives. It is most rational to purchase a laptop, which, unlike a stationary PC, is mobile. Many people associate the work of a private detective with espionage activities, which imply the presence of special means for wiretapping or other covert collection of information. This activity is a violation of the laws of the Russian Federation and is subject to criminal prosecution. Therefore, if we are talking about a legal private detective agency, the purchase of special equipment is not necessary. In addition, their sale in Russia is prohibited. In addition to certified ones, which are sold in stores. If you are going to purchase them, keep your receipts, as you may have to prove the legality of their purchase on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Does a detective agency need an office?

Do you need an office or can you do without it? This question is often asked by newly minted private investigators. But some agencies and detectives work without an office, but for the functioning of a full-fledged detective agency, basic attributes are necessary, one of which is the office - the face of the enterprise. In this regard, the issue of leasing premises for an office or purchasing non-residential premises is relevant. The premises may be different, but the rental price should be considered as the agency’s solidity and reputation, which attracts clients and allows them to make a profit. Moreover, it is worth noting that it is impossible to organize a truly synergistic approach to cases, which will be many or few, sooner or later in the proceedings of a private detective without an office. Also, in terms of one-time costs, after renting and purchasing office space, there is the purchase of furniture and the formation of the interior, the purchase of hardware and the design of a workplace or workplaces.

Salary and advertising expenses

If there are employees in the agency, their wages are also an expense item. The agency's advertising company, as well as the services provided, also requires capital investments. By investing in advertising on television in the media, on the Internet, as well as in promoting the official resource of the agency, profits will increase from an increase in the number of customers. Attracting a potential client is one of the primary tasks when implementing a private investigation agency project.

Profitability of the private investigation industry

The specificity of the work of a detective agency or private detective in the financial aspect, which takes into account the ratio of costs and profitability, consists of relatively small investments and, sometimes, unexpectedly high earnings, which attract a huge number of people who want to try themselves in a new field. Private investigation and detective services are in demand in society, because there are more than 300 people missing in the country every day. Considering the possibilities of professional investigation, detectives compete with law enforcement agencies, which sometimes cannot cope with the flow of difficult situations. Private investigation services can be of different types and complexity, and therefore, when calculating the cost of services provided, physical and moral aspects are taken into account. It is quite obvious that the services of a private detective are not a cheap pleasure. Detectives' clients are people with average and high incomes who can offer a high fee for the work done.

The cost of detective services depends

The cost of private investigation services is determined individually and is practically not subject to a single tariff. The price depends on factors such as the complexity and duration of the work, the presence of difficulties and risks, criteria that make it difficult to complete the task, and the volume of the service as a whole. For example, the information service sector may include the ability to search for information about individuals and entire companies, the cost of which ranges from several tens of thousands of rubles to half a million. Tariffing for services depends on the level of professionalism of the detectives, the reputation of the agency and the level of capabilities. In particular, only 10% of private investigation representatives can do the highest-class luxury work. It is quite obvious that composite services in this segment will be the most expensive and costly.

Practical aspect

When assessing all the pros and cons when implementing a detective agency project on the territory of the Russian Federation, one should take into account not only the legal aspects of the legal registration of activities. Private investigation is, first of all, a range of services, the quality of which depends on the professionalism of detectives and employees. Currently, the scope of detective work is diverse and affects almost all social, family, and criminal issues in society. In this regard, the demand for high-quality investigation services is growing. The work of amateurs is not popular and over time, unprofessional detectives and their agencies cease to exist as subjects. In this regard, at the stage of creating an agency, you need to assess your capabilities and measure your strengths, to figure out what kind of quality services you can provide.

Detective License allows you to legally carry out detective activities in the interests of private clients interested in using the materials obtained during such activities in their own interests.

To obtain the appropriate permit, you must meet a number of legal requirements, including being registered entrepreneur and have demonstrated knowledge of the subject area.

A license allowing private detective activities is a document issued by authorized government services to citizens on an individual basis. There is no direct difference between an individual document and an agency permit– every specialist, even in law. a person specializing in investigations must have an individual document confirming his rights and qualifications.

Within the framework of his legal status, the detective has the right to carry out survey ordinary citizens and officials, if they have their consent, conduct inspections of objects, premises, buildings, movable property, make inquiries, conduct surveillance.

You can film video, take photographs, make audio recordings, use legally permitted equipment and devices that do not harm the environment and citizens.

The results of the activities of private investigation workers, obtained legally, can be used as evidence in court.

The activities of detectives are regulated by the relevant law of March 11, 1992 (as amended on July 3, 2016).

Important! Private detectives must legally provide assistance to official government services, and within the limits of their competence they can count on the assistance of government agencies.

If you are thinking about the discovery, then read the article at the link.

Issued by whom, terms and grounds

Licenses for private detective activities are issued licensing departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs at the place of registration of the applicant or at the place of the proposed location of the detective agency.

The license is issued for a period of 5 years, for violations can be suspended or revoked early, after the accounting period has passed, it can be extended, and the document can be re-issued at any time while it is valid, taking into account new circumstances (for example, if the need arises for a detective to start using technical means).

The provision of licenses is based on the provisions of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the law “On Private Detective Activities”, government regulations, certain procedures and administrative regulations that guide the competent authorities in their work, as well as other federal and regional regulations and legislative acts.

You can find out who issues the license in the article at the link.

Requirements for the applicant

An applicant for a private investigation license must meet the following legal requirements:

  • age from 21 years;
  • absence of medical contraindications, confirmed by passing a medical examination;
  • registration as an individual entrepreneur under activity code 80.30, which implies the provision of investigation services;
  • experience of at least three years (in total) of work in investigative bodies or in a position involving the conduct of operational investigative activities in the relevant bodies;
  • or having a secondary/higher legal education;
  • or successful qualification after completing a specialized detective course.

Cannot apply for a license, including:

  • registered in drug and mental health dispensaries;
  • convicted or under investigation;
  • dismissed from the bodies responsible for maintaining law and order on incriminating grounds;
  • if less than a year has passed since the applicant left the law enforcement unit responsible for monitoring the activities of private investigation workers.

Reference! Foreigners and stateless persons also cannot count on obtaining a private detective's license, except in circumstances provided for by international treaties with the participation of Russia.

List of detective services and prohibitions

The license allows you to carry out the following operations legally:

  • collect information on issues related to civil litigation;
  • study market conditions, collect data and identify unreliable business partners when preparing transactions and negotiations;
  • identify circumstances in which the business reputation is damaged, interests are violated, information related to the category of the client’s trade secret is disclosed;
  • to find out the details of the biography and other relevant data about the persons who provided consent in writing during the signing of contracts and agreements;
  • search for missing persons;
  • collect necessary information on issues related to the progress of criminal proceedings;
  • look for debtors, guided by the writ of execution;
  • carry out other detective activities that do not contradict the law.

Legally private detectives are prohibited:

  • commit actions that violate the rights of persons whom the detective encounters in the course of work, including violation of the rights of inviolability of home, privacy of correspondence and other forms of communication, etc.;
  • use prohibited technology and equipment;
  • provide services not specified by law or act without concluding a formal agreement;
  • prevent inspections of their activities by regulatory authorities;
  • introduce yourself as a law enforcement officer.

Important! In addition, private investigators have an obligation to annually confirm the absence of health contraindications for this type of activity; a medical examination report must be submitted to regulatory authorities.

Required documents

The applicant must provide the licensing authority with:

  1. Statement indicating:
    1. FULL NAME.;
    2. information on individual entrepreneurs;
    3. the proposed territory within which detective activities are planned to be carried out;
  2. Questionnaire;
  3. Data on the necessary technical equipment (the law includes handcuffs and a rubber truncheon in this category) and the need for their use;
  4. Medical certificate in form 046-1;
  5. 2 photos (4x6 cm);
  6. Copies of passport, work book, TIN;
  7. Documents that confirm that the applicant has a higher/secondary legal education or the fact that he has successfully completed a detective course;
  8. Document confirming payment of state duty.

Important! It is also necessary to go through the procedure and have a document confirming the fact of passing fingerprint registration.

The documents that need to be prepared to receive can be found in the article at the link.

How to get a private detective's license in 2019: step-by-step instructions

To successfully obtain a license, you must complete the following steps:

  1. Register as an individual entrepreneur in order to have the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs and the OGRNIP, which are necessary to obtain a search permit;
  2. Pass a medical examination;
  3. Contact the OLRR of the Ministry of Internal Affairs at your place of residence/place of intended professional activity and go through the fingerprint registration procedure;
  4. Fill out the form indicating only reliable and up-to-date information;
  5. Submit an application and package of documents to the required OLRR;
  6. Pay a state fee in the amount of 7,500 rubles. and provide a receipt for payment;
  7. Wait within the statutory period of up to 45 working days;
  8. If you receive instructions about the need to supplement the package of documents, clarify information or provide all the necessary documents, complete them within the allotted time (usually up to 30 days);
  9. If everything went well, get a license and a private detective certificate.

Reference! The application can be submitted in person or through the government services portal by sending documentation with an electronic signature.

Extension, re-registration, termination and suspension of activities

To renew a license for a new period, an application, a medical certificate, 2 photos and a questionnaire are submitted to your OLRR.

Re-registration under new circumstances will require the same set, plus documents that confirm the legitimacy of the changes being made.

Termination and suspension of a license may occur as a result of detection of violations by decision of the regulatory authority.

Suspension implies the presence of minor or ongoing violations, upon correction of which the activity will be able to continue.

Termination implies the presence of a gross violation (for example, the use of narcotic substances during detective work), followed by revocation of the license and a ban on carrying out detective activities. The license can also be terminated at the initiative of the detective through an application submitted to the same authority.

Consequences of working without permission

Unlicensed detective activity may result in penalties fine, administrative penalty, punishable by criminal prosecution and legal proceedings. Working under an expired license may result in refusal to renew it.

A license for private detective work is granted to citizens who are registered as a specialized individual entrepreneur, have experience in operational investigative work or a legal education, meet legal requirements and have the necessary health. The period for consideration of an application for a license cannot exceed 45 days.

Recently, this type of income as private detective activity has become increasingly popular. However, this segment of the service market is more developed in Western countries, but in our country it remains quite free, since there are very few real professional detective agencies. As a rule, some services of this kind are provided by law firms or security companies.

If you have an analytical mind and a love of detective work, then you can try to apply your talents in business. Just keep in mind that you will still need a lot of knowledge, skills, abilities, absolute dedication and a high level of professionalism.

Main stages and features of activity

Experts say that there is very little competition among detective agencies. Moreover, organizing this business will require relatively small investments, and the profit can be very, very substantial. At the same time, it is worth noting that this activity itself is specific, so starting to earn money will not be as easy as it seems.

What should you pay attention to?

In 1992, the law “On private detective and security activities in the Russian Federation” was adopted. Having studied its provisions, you will be able to decide on many questions before opening a detective agency in Russia.

A private detective may not provide the entire range of possible services, however, he is still allowed some things:

  • collect information and information on civil cases (personal observation of objects, telephone or oral interviews);
  • engage in the same collection of information and its analysis for business negotiations (in order to determine how reliable or creditworthy the partner is, etc.);
  • investigate the circumstances of illegal actions in business activities (unfair competition, deliberate disclosure of official or commercial secrets, etc.);
  • check vehicles, real estate, land plots;
  • work with archives, study documents;
  • find out personal data (biography, characteristics, confirmation of nationality, etc.) for individuals, if they have their written consent;
  • conduct various search operations (for people who are considered missing, lost or stolen property);
  • collect some information on criminal cases (in some cases).

There are separate provisions on services for protection purposes:

  • protect people's life and health;
  • protect entrusted property (possibly during transportation);
  • advise and conduct training for clients on issues of lawful protection from unlawful attacks;
  • design, install and maintain fire alarm systems after commissioning;
  • ensure order in places where public events are held.

Some nuances

The activities of detectives are in many ways similar to the activities of law enforcement agencies, however, as a private investigator, you will not be able to have all their privileges and capabilities. By law, you do not have the right to install wiretapping or hidden cameras, as well as other tracking devices on private property (in apartments, houses, cars, personal belongings, equipment, etc.). The most you can do is take a photo or video, and even then not always. In other cases, you will just have to look for witnesses. Sometimes your activity may be positioned as an unauthorized intrusion into someone’s privacy, so you should be prepared for any difficulties and surprises.

However, some clients demand that they break the law. If you decide to take this step, then you should be aware that you are acting unlawfully; moreover, it will be impossible to demonstrate evidence obtained by criminal means anywhere.

Many private detectives have connections in law enforcement agencies and courts. Using acquaintances, they can quickly obtain the information they are interested in (for example, who owns a certain car or something like that) or find out the decisions of the examinations.

Please also note that an employee of a detective agency is quite limited in the means of his own protection and has no more rights than any other citizen of the country. That is, you can try to protect yourself with a gas spray, body armor, or even a baton if it comes to such self-defense, but you are not allowed to use firearms or bladed weapons. Only security guards can have a license for such types of weapons.

Where to begin?

  1. Decide on those types of activities that you are really ready to take on (business intelligence, working with jealous husbands and wives, searching for missing people, debt collection, debt collection, legal advice, etc.).
  2. Prepare and complete all necessary documents to obtain permission to open an agency. Complete the required commissions and special training if necessary.
  3. Think about where you can place your office and equip it with everything you need.
  4. If necessary, hire assistants or other employees.
  5. Organize advertising for your agency so that people know about your services.

How to open a private detective agency: legalization of business

Any business starts with registration. If you are not registered with the tax service, then you will need to register (you can as) and select a taxation form (or). You also need to pay a state fee and pay for the license itself.

You will need to prepare documents at the internal affairs bodies. They will fill out special application forms and write an application; you will also need to provide two photographs measuring 4*6 cm.

In addition, you must have:

  • copies of the document that proves your identity (passport);
  • copies of a document that would confirm that you have a completed legal education (if this is not the case, then you need to undergo special training to work as a private detective). However, if before this you have worked for at least three years in a unit of operational or investigative bodies, then this length of service in your work history will be sufficient;
  • detective work can only be carried out by a person who is in good health, so you will have to undergo a medical examination to determine your suitability for this profession, as well as visit drug treatment and psychoneurological dispensaries so that they will issue you a certificate that you are not registered with them;
  • You will also be asked to provide a full report on those communication means (plus special technical or other means) that you plan to use in your work. That is why it is important to decide in advance on the specifics of the activity and assess how much and what you really need. Calculations will be required in writing;
  • as a private detective, you are subject to compulsory insurance (in cases of injury or other harm to health, as well as death during detective activities).

If you break the law, your license may be revoked. The Department of Internal Affairs refuses to obtain a license:

  • those who have not yet turned 21;
  • those who have not passed a medical examination or are registered for problems with drugs, alcohol, mental illnesses and disorders;
  • those who have had a criminal record (for an intentional crime) or who are currently charged (until this issue is resolved in court);
  • former employees of authorities (law enforcement, courts or prosecutor's office), if they were fired due to compromising actions or offenses.

In our country, unfortunately, there are mostly lone detectives who have a license and registration as a legal entity. Whereas the world detective practice has huge detective corporations, whose representative offices are scattered across different countries. According to the law, you can also then organize “detective associations with the status of legal entities” and open your branches or offices in any other regions. As you can see, there is room for improvement.

Where and how to settle?

You may not need to set up a large office at first unless you plan to hire other employees right away. The agency can be located in a small, cozy room in a fairly crowded place, preferably closer to the city center.

In the office you will receive clients and negotiate with them, so try to make the environment personable and respectable. You may have to make some repairs. It would be good if, in addition to the meeting room, there would also be a room or hall for waiting for clients. At the start, 15–20 square meters will be enough for you. m area.

For arrangement you will need:

  • tables, chairs or armchairs;
  • cabinets (to store client files, magazines and other working documents);
  • reception desk (depending on the situation);
  • a good computer or laptop with special software;
  • Internet access and telephone line, several mobile numbers;
  • printer, scanner and copier (possibly in one device), fax;
  • high-quality equipment for filming (camera with a good long-range lens, video camera), voice recorder;
  • safe.

All other special equipment: bugs, mini-cameras and other “spy” equipment can be purchased, but remember that using this is prohibited by law.

In some cases, you may need disguise clothing, special props or makeup. A fairly large expense item is car rental, as well as personal protective equipment (body armor).

Personnel and work organization

At first, you can start working on your own, but then it is still better to hire several assistants (up to 4-5 people). Experts say that former law enforcement officers can best handle this type of work.

Sometimes you will have to resort to the services of professional actors if you need to conduct some kind of surveillance or find out certain information (old ladies on a bench, random passers-by, potential clients for the company being audited, etc.).

In Western countries, there is a more developed tendency for narrow specialization in work, when a person is an excellent expert in one field. By recruiting a team of such experts, you can create an excellent detective agency. However, our situation leaves much to be desired. Almost always, you will have to try on a lot of different roles and be at the same time: an analyst and operative, a strategist and tactician, a technical specialist, a subtle psychologist or a diplomatic negotiator and a brave fighter, a photographer and cameraman, a driver, an expert and a criminologist... It’s not for nothing that many detectives publish a lot for themselves different business cards, because the detective rarely introduces himself - the real one, basically, he has many faces.

You will have to listen a lot, but that is not the main thing. The main feature of a detective is the ability to listen and hear, look and see exactly what is needed. You must not just dump information on the client, but analyze and process it, establishing chains of events and possible connections between disparate facts.

Sociability, courage, resourcefulness, analytical skills, ingenuity, the ability to transform, self-confidence, developed intuition, activity - these are the necessary qualities of your employees.

You can do your accounting yourself or outsource it to companies that handle reports remotely.

How to introduce yourself?

After opening an agency, the first serious problem is finding clients. Since no one knows about you yet, it may not be easy for you, because a reputation in this business, like in any other, needs to be developed. It is difficult to advertise yourself through public and well-known means, because you (and your employees) should not be known by sight to the general public: how will you then infiltrate or quietly collect information?

You can create a website on the Internet and thematic groups on social networks, which simply describe the types of services provided.


It is believed that this business can be very profitable. Do the math for yourself: one day of your observation of someone will cost 150–200 USD, and for collecting information about the required person you can get up to 1000 USD, for a company - several times more expensive. The wider the range of your services, the more opportunities and income you have.

Estimated costs (figures in dollars):

Before you open a detective agency, you should understand that in this business, investments, in fact, do not play any role. To get started, you will need about $10,000–12,000, and you can return 70% of this amount and become profitable in the first year of operation. However, everything depends only on you and your professional skills.

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