How to live in a small town. Is life in a small town a cozy corner or a dull swamp? How to find something to do

==>>>21 ways to get your own product to sell

In the second question of the interview with Pavel Berestnev, we found out how many and which ones Pavel translated into Russian. Now let’s take an interest in the secrets of success of a person who lives, like Berestnev, in a small town.

Andrey Khvostov: Pavel, you yourself were born in a small town, in Kolomna, so it will be easy for you to answer the next question. How can a person from a small provincial town become such a successful and famous person as Pavel Berestnev?

Pavel Berestnev: In fact, I was born in a city that is much smaller than Kolomna. This is the city of Borisoglebsk, Voronezh region. I grew up and became stronger in Kolomna.

I'll tell you this. Geographic location doesn't really matter as long as you have Internet access and it all works. The only barrier that exists on the Internet is language. All other barriers do not exist there.

An interesting question, of course, is how to become. Just take it and start doing what you want to do. Do not need anything else. No tricks needed.

And as an example. Recently I had a training on finding customers for copywriters, “How a copywriter can find a customer,” and during it I told the following story.

When I was first looking for clients for copywriting, I sent a fax to all cities, to all enterprises offering my services. I sent several hundred of these faxes to all cities and villages. And the first agreement that I entered into was an agreement with an enterprise that was located in my city, 10 minutes by tram from where I was.

Here it is useful to remember Kononov’s speech, “Macro Diamond,” about how diamonds lie in our own river, which flows between our own mountains.

It is clear that the neighbor's grass is always greener. But I tell you again, colleagues, if you want to open a chain of stores, a chain of supermarkets of some kind, your geographic location is of great importance. It matters greatly how much population there is in your city, what competitors there are, etc.

If you are going to work via the Internet, this is not so relevant. Therefore, the only thing I can say is start doing what you have in mind, and you will be happy. No need to be smart, everything is simple here.

Andrey Khvostov: The secret is very simple - action.

Pavel Berestnev: There is no secret - that's the secret.

How to live in a small town and be successful. VIDEO with Pavel Berestnev

In the fourth question, we will find out from Pavel a list of books that he recommends for reading.

Courses by Pavel Berestnev

  • Pavel Berestnev "Copywriting Basics", 2 DVDs
  • Course by P. Berestnev “Your career as a successful copywriter”
  • Free book by P. Berestnev “21 ways to get your own goods to sell”
  • Webinar by P. Berestnev “The natural enemy of newcomers to the information business”
  • Business card Copywriting League for Copywriters
  • Special report by P. Berestnev “Antikasha”
  • Pavel Berestnev Training Center

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Some people dream of life in a metropolis, others cannot stand the hustle and bustle of a big city and want to leave it. How to make the right decision and understand whether this option is right for you? To do this, consider all the advantages and disadvantages of living in a metropolis.


First, let's look at all the advantages of living in a metropolis:

  1. Interesting and useful acquaintances. Indeed, meeting interesting people and establishing promising connections in a big city is much easier than in a small one. The metropolis attracts people, especially those who are ambitious, educated, active and purposeful.
  2. Opportunity to get a good education and a prestigious profession. There are more higher educational institutions in the metropolis, and personnel training is at the highest level, and that is why there are so many out-of-town students here, each of whom dreams of graduating from university, getting a start in life and building a career.
  3. Living in a metropolis gives you discipline. You have to get up early every day to be on time for work, take care of yourself to look good, keep yourself in shape to attract the attention of the opposite sex.
  4. More opportunities to build a personal life and start a family. It’s easier for even the most modest girl in a big city to find her other half, because after all, many male residents of megacities are not shy. The stronger sex also has many more options. There are several explanations for this advantage. Firstly, there are more public places in which acquaintances usually take place in large and developed regions. Secondly, residents inevitably contact and interact with each other. Thirdly, you can register on a dating site and meet with a virtual interlocutor.
  5. Developed infrastructure. In a large city, in every district there are schools and kindergartens, clinics and hospitals, large stores, shopping centers and other institutions that people need for a full life. Residents of small towns sometimes have to go to large regional centers to receive qualified medical care, resolve housing issues, and for other reasons.
  6. Various leisure options. In any metropolis there are cinemas, shopping and entertainment centers, restaurants, bars, fast food chains and cafes, museums, water parks, nightclubs, theaters, zoos and much, much more. The entertainment industry is developed, and new establishments are constantly opening where you can have fun, interesting and even usefully spend time.
  7. Availability of different categories of goods. Many manufacturers and suppliers focus specifically on large cities, and therefore we can safely say that it is possible to purchase almost everything there, including cutting-edge gadgets, exotic products and unusual things.
  8. Job. In the metropolis, there are much more opportunities to build a career, since there are many enterprises and various institutions that need employees, including young, active and creative ones. There are much fewer vacancies in the villages.
  9. Opportunity to open a business and grow a business. If you are an enterprising and smart person, then you can become an entrepreneur.
  10. Earnings in megacities are an order of magnitude higher than in small settlements, this is a fact. Therefore, the standard of living is better, which opens up opportunities for development, improvement of status and financial situation.
  11. The ability to travel. All megacities have international airports, railway and bus stations. In addition, embassies and travel agencies are located here, so organizing a trip abroad is much easier from here than from the village.


Now let's look at the disadvantages of living in a big city:

  1. Bad ecology. The metropolis has many plants, factories and other enterprises whose emissions pollute the environment. Some compounds enter the air and are inhaled by people, other substances penetrate into the water and also inevitably rush into people's bodies. In addition, in large cities there are many more cars, the emissions of which also have an extremely negative impact on the environmental situation.
  2. Listing all the shortcomings, it is worth including the rhythm of life in their list. In some megacities it is simply crazy, so it will be very difficult for people accustomed to a measured existence to adapt to it. Some, having failed to adapt and learn to constantly rush and keep up, end up changing their place of residence.
  3. Big competition. To get a good position, you need to make a lot of effort, because there are probably several people applying for it. It is important to be able to show your best side, highlight your positive qualities and prove your capabilities and strengths. Not everyone is ready for this.
  4. Frequent illnesses. Unfortunately, residents of megacities get sick much more often than those living in small settlements. Firstly, the frantic rhythm undermines the immune system, as a result of which the body’s defenses are weakened, and a person cannot resist attacks from pathogenic microorganisms. Secondly, due to crowds of people and high population density, all infectious diseases spread at a rapid pace, which often leads to epidemics. Thirdly, it is sometimes simply impossible to limit contact with sick people, because they are often in close proximity to healthy people.
  5. A modern metropolis is a huge number of people, and not everyone likes this feature. If you prefer loneliness, are a modest person, an introvert, or even more so a sociopath who does not know how to exist in society, then you will have a very difficult time.
  6. The next disadvantage is important for car owners. Since many residents of large cities have personal transport and have long been not a luxury, but a means of transportation, this inevitably leads to the formation of congestion and traffic jams. The situation with the road transport situation is much worse: in megacities, traffic is busier, and road accidents occur more often.
  7. A huge flow of information that not everyone can cope with. To keep abreast of events happening in the city and keep up with life, you need to use modern gadgets, regularly study the media, be an active Internet user and be able to process data, filtering out everything unnecessary and highlighting the most important.
  8. Small spaces, cramped conditions. Megacities are quickly built up and populated, new people are constantly coming to them, so at some point you may get the impression of a lack of space, especially if you are used to space and freedom.
  9. People. Since many of them are constantly in a hurry, giving 100% and are tired at work, they become withdrawn, irritable and indifferent, and this is sad.

Living in a big city has both advantages and disadvantages, so don’t rush to the metropolis if you have doubts and are not ready for change. But new opportunities and prospects may open up before you.

A few years ago I had to move from a noisy millionaire to a quiet provincial town. To say that this circumstance saddened me means not to convey even a hundredth part of that soul-rending “I don’t want to” and “What am I going to do there?”

But over time I'm not only got used to it(and found a lot of things to do that a resident of a big city can’t even imagine), but she considered a lot of advantages in provincial life (although no one canceled the disadvantages either).

In a small town everyone knows each other.

Yes it is. And even if a small city is not so small (for example, just over 90 thousand people live in mine), then the maximum separating you from any resident is two handshakes.

At first it made me feel terrible. annoying. Not only is it impossible to walk down the street without saying hello many times (and the point is not at all my impoliteness, but the fact that I may be tired or simply not in the mood for communication at the moment), but simply my whole life goes by under the supervision of others. Everyone knows where you work, who you are friends with and what you do in your free time, and if they don’t know, then it’s very easy to find out through someone who knows :)

In general, personal space is the bare minimum (if it exists at all).

True, this “all-omniscient” phenomenon also has a positive aspect - it is much simpler decide any kind of questions, be it finding a good auto mechanic or enrolling a child in kindergarten.

It is difficult to find a job in a small town.

This statement, in my opinion, is enough debatable.

To begin with, of course, it would be nice to define what is meant by the word “work”. If “doing something in an office for many thousands of money” then yes, it’s probably difficult. And a qualified specialist of a common profile - a teacher, doctor, engineer, lawyer, salesman, hairdresser, accountant, and so on - can easily find a job really. Of course, if you are a landscape designer or marketer, then it is unlikely that your skills will find use in the provinces, but no one has canceled remote work, for which geography is not important at all.

Well, plus the possibility of your own business— many services reach small towns with some (and sometimes huge) delay, so there is always the opportunity to be the first to promote some promising direction. This was the case, for example, with pizza delivery and cosmetic services such as eyelash extensions and sugaring.

In a small town there is no opportunity to spend your leisure time interestingly.

On the one hand, yes. In my city there are no cinemas, restaurants, entertainment centers (not to be confused with taverns), quest rooms, amusement parks, concert halls and many other interesting places. And for all this I regularly go to my favorite millionaire.

On the other hand, it’s surprising here accessible sport. Skis, skates, a swimming pool, gyms and fitness centers - the cost of visiting and renting equipment is so pleasant that residents of the metropolis are just right to envy. And quite decent equipment at the same time.

Well, a self-organizing moment - if you are missing something, invent it myself🙂 So, with a team of like-minded friends and the support of the local cultural department, I came up with and conducted city quests - it was a very cool and interesting experience. In a big city, I would hardly have purchased it - what’s the point of competing with professionals - but here I unexpectedly discovered my organizational talents.

It's easier to raise a child in a small town.

Before graduation, definitely yes. A very important role in this is played by the relative calm on the roads and short distances- from home to kindergarten/school and clubs/sections. In most cases, everything is within walking distance, and there are no multi-lane highways on the way 🙂 From the second grade, my son gets to school and to training on his own, and in the metropolis I would accompany him until the age of 12 - it’s so unsafe, in my opinion, on the streets of a big city .

The proximity to nature is very pleasing - pets, plants and trees can be shown regularly live, not in a picture or in a petting zoo.

But a very significant minus of the province is the terrible state of the healthcare sector. We are sorely lacking narrow specialists, and if the baby has health problems, then it will be very problematic to provide him with high-quality observation.

In a small town it is more difficult to arrange your personal life.

Yes. Here plays a role not only a smaller number of young people in principle, but also an earlier age of marriage. If in a metropolis a wedding after thirty has long become the norm, then in small towns an unmarried man 30 plus is already rarity.

Although anything can happen, of course :)

In a small town, nature is closer and the environment is better.

Nature - definitely yes! The forest and the river, if not within walking distance, then exactly within an hour's drive by car - everything for which a resident of a millionaire needs to start an entire expedition, is available for a provincial at least every day.

But with the environment, paradoxically, bad luck - personally in my city it is terrible. "Thanks" to emissions from industrial enterprises, my city constantly appears in the list of the "dirtiest" cities in Russia.

In a small town it is easy to fall behind fashion and life in general.

No. Here a lot depends on ourselves. I will not argue that provincials as a whole are more conservative and rustic in terms of style, but in the era of the Internet, it is not difficult to independently follow the latest in all areas of interest. Well, just from a small town necessary go out periodically - new faces, new places and new impressions will never let your life turn into a dull swamp 🙂

As for me personally, over time I plan

Everyone who lives in small towns is familiar with the idea of ​​"it's time to go" that is constantly in the air. In my native Sterlitamak, in city public pages you can easily meet people who moan about the fact that there is no work, money, etc. These people throughout their lives want to go somewhere where they will feel good, but they still don’t leave. What about those who don’t want to live in a small town, but can’t “get out”?

There is a potted flower called Anthurium; it was brought to Russia from Central and South America. It looks quite nice, but it is too capricious - keeping such a plant at home is extremely problematic. Either the temperature is not suitable for it, or there is too much moisture, and the roots have begun to rot. In general, you can replant this flower ad infinitum, but this will not change its nature. He is moody and maladjusted. Anthurium juice is poisonous, so it is recommended to keep the plant away from cats and children so that they do not accidentally eat the plant. That is, the nature of anthurium not only creates problems for itself, but also harms others.

When a person begins to whine that he lives in the wrong city, he not only wastes his energy (time, effort, emotions) on destructive activities, but also sucks the strength out of those around him - poisons them with his poison. People are inert creatures. As soon as one person in the crowd begins to succumb to apathy, there will be others who are ready to feed his cowardice with their own weakness and join in the choral “cry of Yaroslavna.” This is where it begins: “There are no jobs,” “Salaries are low,” “the girls don’t give me jobs,” and all this is because of the city. Every time you are tempted to justify your own failures by the place in which you live, remember that no matter where you are “transplanted,” your nature will not change, and poisonous juice will continue to flow through your “stems.” He will continue to poison the life of you and everyone around you.

So, Anthurium people are everywhere, regardless of the locality, and everywhere they are the same - only the scale of thinking differs:

— In villages and hamlets they dream of moving to the so-called Sterlitamak (a neighboring city with a population higher than theirs).
— In small cities, like Sterlitamak (population 285 thousand people as of 2013), anthurium people are looking mainly at Ufa, Kazan and other regional capitals.
— In regional capitals, like Ufa, they want to get to Moscow or St. Petersburg.
— Anthurium people from St. Petersburg and Moscow want to “get out of Raska.”

All Anthurium people are equally unhappy, unsuccessful, failed, confused, they don’t know what they want from life and don’t even know how to make sure they get at least something from this life. I witnessed a wonderful discussion video about Sterlitamak. A whole epidemic of whining broke out there. As always, people complained that we did not have work, normal wages, etc. From my position I can say the following: our salaries are two times less than in St. Petersburg, this is a fact. But it is also a fact that life in St. Petersburg is twice as expensive.

Stop whining, go and work

Just a few months ago, a partner from the city on the Neva came to visit me, and he was delighted with the Capitol cafe, where you can buy shish kebab for 160 rubles. You won't find this in St. Petersburg. Renting housing in Moscow and St. Petersburg is also consistently twice as expensive. Chicken breasts now cost 130-150 rubles here, in St. Petersburg - 330 rubles. Do you still think lower salaries are not justified? OK. The desire to earn more is quite understandable to me. So, look for ways: grow within your company, create a small business (read the stories of my friends from Sterlitamak who), look for a part-time job. There are a lot of options, but you need to work for this, and not just open your mouth and wait for someone to put food in it. Just follow the instructions:

1. Looking for a job;
2. Get a job;
3. We work.

Yes, it's that simple. Just three steps, and the plant turns into a full-fledged person. Labor ennobles.

Do you demand to be highly valued? Show respect to people

Do you think there is no work in Sterlitamak? As an employer, I will tell you that there are jobs in Sterlitamak, rather, there are no employees. MFI “I like money” now employs 5 people, and I was tired of putting together this small team. Do you know why? Because every time I posted an ad, I set aside a day to conduct interviews. The interval between candidates is 1 hour. And what is the result? As a result, 60% of candidates did not come for an interview without explanation. These include lawyers, accountants, and loan managers. They didn’t even consider it necessary to call and warn that they wouldn’t come. This disrespect for other people's time, disrespect, in principle, for people already characterizes them as unreliable partners and bad colleagues. Nobody needs such workers.

Do you want to receive a good salary? Do your job conscientiously and be a normal person. Again, as an example, I’ll give a colleague who works with us now. Her monthly salary is already 25% higher than the market average, and it will rise. Do you know why? Because the girl works and does her job well. Work is the key to success. Do you want to live well, but don't want to work? This means that your failures are your own fault, and the city has nothing to do with it.

Do you want to take your first steps, but don’t know in which direction? Try it anywhere

I understand perfectly well that there are not many entertainment venues in Sterlitamak, there are no types of entertainment at all, but I am also aware that we have wonderful nature - and this is very valuable. Understand that in the summer you can get into your car and in 15 minutes find yourself on a lake or on a river bank, swimming, picking berries and mushrooms, or having a picnic with friends. This is not Moscow, where patches of greenery in the form of parks and squares are dotted throughout. In winter, within an hour's drive you can find yourself on a ski slope and slide down with the breeze on a snowboard. Instead of focusing on the shortcomings of your city, pay attention to its advantages, and your mood will improve :)

P.S. Maybe somewhere I wrote too harshly, somewhere I offended someone. Sorry. I just want people who have the bad idea in their head that another city can give you a heavenly life to rethink their views. Perhaps you shouldn't leave? At least, unless you have a specific goal, desire or dream that cannot be realized in your city. For example, if you want to become a flight attendant, but there are no planes in Sterlitamak.

Establishment of commercial courts and the statute of their legal proceedings. Twitter. Like. The city's trade charter recognized these courts as a general type for the commercial class.

The idea of ​​commercial ships under French influence became popular at the beginning of the 19th century. spread throughout Europe. It was adopted in Belgium, Holland, Italy, Spain, in the German regions and the Duchy of Warsaw.

But when drawing up the Charter of the city, the Charter of the city was obviously not forgotten; the task of the drafters of the new charter, apparently, was only to develop, correct and supplement the old charter, and many instructions for such additions were taken from the most widespread (in the original, in translations or borrowings) code at that time - from Code de commerce. As section one of book two (On ​​trade obligations and general agreements etc.)

Modern researchers, giving a brief description of the Charter on commercial insolvency of the city (hereinafter referred to as the Charter), call it not very successful. The court could, on its own initiative, “impose penalties on the members of the bankruptcy department in the sense of penalties, and in especially important cases, betray. The establishment of commercial courts and Charter of their legal proceedings.

The history of commercial courts that existed in the Russian state is the history of the formation of a special system of courts for resolving economic disputes. The city's trade charter recognized these courts as a general type for the commercial class.

The idea of ​​commercial ships under French influence became popular at the beginning of the 19th century. spread throughout Europe. Contents of the Charter of Commercial Legal Proceedings, edition Sec. I. - Establishment of Commercial Courts, art. Ch. Charter of commercial proceedings. With explanations on the decisions of the former 4th, Judicial, Civil Cassation D-tov, and the 2nd General Meeting of the Governing Senate and with the appendix: the Charter of Civil Proceedings, Laws on legal proceedings and civil penalties, etc.

2nd ed., rev. and additional.. Vol. 1 (Art. 1 -) →. Key words: commercial court, trade disputes, judicial charter, verbal commercial court, liquidation of commercial courts. From year to year, at the last stage of work on the draft Charter on Bills of Exchange and the Charter on Commercial Insolvency, the General Establishment of Commercial Courts was developed.

The result of the disputes was M.M. Speransky with the Ministry of Justice became the Highest Approval of commercial courts and the Charter of their legal proceedings on May 14 of the year. Insolvency statute of the year. Questions were increasingly raised regarding the application of one or another resolution of the bankruptcy statute. The trade insolvency statute has undergone minor changes in the further development of legislation.

Thus, on November 18, 2018, rules were introduced on the establishment of a commercial insolvency administration. On June 23 of this year, the “Charter on Trade Insolvency” was adopted. Legally, this document replaced only the first part of the Bankruptcy Charter of the year, that is, it regulated only the insolvency of the merchant and petty-bourgeois class. Cases of “non-trade” insolvency were de jure transferred to the jurisdiction of the provincial government, and de facto gradually went out of practice. In the new one.

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