Description of the organization of jobs in a vegetable shop. Vegetable shop in the restaurant characteristic

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Question No. 1

Organization of the workplace. Selection of technological equipment (including refrigeration, freezing) and equipment for the preparation of semi-finished products from vegetables, mushrooms for complex culinary products. Rules for the safe operation of technological equipment for the preparation of semi-finished products for complex culinary products.

Organizing the work of a vegetable shop

Vegetable shops are organized at large and medium-sized enterprises. The vegetable shop is located, as a rule, in the part of the enterprise where the vegetable chamber is located in order to transport raw materials, bypassing common production corridors. The workshop should have a convenient connection with the cold and hot shops, in which the production of finished products is completed.

The range and quantity of semi-finished products produced by the workshop depend on the production program of the enterprise and its capacity.

The technological process of processing vegetables consists of sorting, washing, cleaning, post-cleaning after mechanical cleaning, washing, slicing.

Equipment for a vegetable shop is selected according to equipment standards depending on the type and capacity of the enterprise.

The main equipment of the vegetable shop is potato peelers (MOK-125), (MOK-250), (MOK-400), universal vegetable cutters (MRO-50-200), (MRO-350). The vegetable cutting wiper mechanism (MOP II-1) is included in the set of replaceable drive mechanisms for universal general purpose (P-II), as well as non-mechanical equipment (production tables, tables for post-cleaning potatoes, washing baths, stock racks for vegetables (Fig. 1).

Fig.1. Placement of equipment in the vegetable shop:

1 - potato peeler; 2 - podtovarnik; 3 - washing bath; 4 - table for post-cleaning of potatoes and root crops; 5 - mobile rack; 6 - vegetable cutting machine (MU-1000); 7 - production table; 8 - table for cleaning onions.

Workstations are equipped with tools and equipment to perform certain operations (Fig. 2).

Rice. 2. Production equipment and containers of the vegetable shop:

1 - knives: a - root, b - carving, c - for peeling vegetables; g, e - to remove eyes; 2 - graters for vegetables; 3 - devices for wiping vegetables; 4 - UNZ device for slicing green onions, dill, celery; 5 - containers for storing peeled vegetables; 6 - tanks for collecting waste with a cart for transporting it; 7 - pneumatic device for post-cleaning potatoes.

In the vegetable workshop there is a line for processing potatoes and root vegetables and a line for processing fresh cabbage and other vegetables and herbs. The equipment is installed along the technological process. A washing bath and potato peeler are installed on the potato and root crop processing line.

After machine cleaning, manual additional cleaning is carried out on special tables (Fig. 3).

Rice. 3. Scheme of workplaces for manual post-cleaning of potatoes and root crops:

1 - trough with water for storing potatoes; 2 - hole for waste; 3 - hole for peeled potatoes; 4 - chairs with armrests and footrests.

The table lid has a recess into which peeled vegetables are placed, and two holes: on the left - for peeled vegetables, on the right - for waste. After additional cleaning, the potatoes are placed in a bath of water and stored for no more than 2-3 hours.

Peeling of onions and garlic is carried out on special tables with an exhaust device.

Production tables and washing baths are installed on the cabbage and greens processing line. Peeled vegetables are washed and, depending on their purpose, some of them are used for cooking as a whole, and the rest are cut by machine or by hand. Peeled and chopped vegetables are covered with a damp cloth to protect them from contamination and drying out.

In procurement enterprises, high-capacity vegetable shops are organized, processing 1 ton of vegetables or more. These shops operate on the basis of contracts concluded with other catering establishments. Technical conditions and technological instructions provide for the production of semi-finished products: peeled sulfated potatoes that do not darken in air; fresh white cabbage, peeled, carrots, beets, peeled onions. The technological process of processing vegetables in large vegetable shops is the same as in shops of medium and low capacity, only it is more mechanized. In the vegetable shop of a large procurement enterprise, to speed up the processing of vegetables, two technological lines are installed: a mechanized production line for processing potatoes (PLSK-63) and a line for processing root crops (carrots, beets) (LMO).

The potato processing line uses equipment that ensures a continuous production process: inclined conveyors, a vibrating washing machine, a continuous potato peeler (KNA-600M), an inspection and purification conveyor, a sulfitation machine, and an automatic scale (Fig. 4).

Rice. 4. Potato cleaning and sulfitation line:

1 - container tipper cage; 2 - bunker; 3 - receiving trays; 4 - inclined loaders; 5 - dispensing feeder; 6 - vibration washing machine; 7 - mud sump; 8 - stone trap; 9 - potato peeling machine; 10 - pulp collection; 11 - finishing conveyor; 12 - chairs; 13 - sulfitation machine; 14 - automatic weighing dispenser; 15 - capacity.

On this line, calibrated potatoes are fed into a vibratory washing machine, pass through a stone trap, are cleaned in a potato peeler, enter the inspection and post-cleaning conveyor, then enter the sulfitation machine and weigher.

Post-cleaning of potatoes is done manually using root or groove knives. The conveyor is equipped with special chairs for indigenous women.

Potato sulfation is carried out with a 0.5-1% solution of sodium bisulfite for 5 minutes. Potatoes treated in this way can be stored without darkening in air for 48 hours at a temperature of 2-7°C (or 24 hours at a temperature of 15-16°C). Waste from mechanical processing of potatoes (pulp with water) goes to the starch department to obtain starch. The production line (LMO) has a capacity of 300 - 500 kg/h. A distinctive feature of the technological process is that after washing the root vegetables, they are thermally fired in an oven at a temperature of 1000°C, and then the skin is washed off from the surface of the root vegetables in shower devices. The remaining production processes (additional purification, weighing, packaging) are carried out at workplaces in the same way as on the line (PLSK-63), excluding the sulfitation process.

Processing of onions on line (LMO) begins with roasting, then the technological process is carried out similarly to that described above. In vegetable shops where a line is not used (LMO), onions are processed manually. For each employee, a workplace is organized, equipped with a special table with an exhaust hood. The prepared vegetable semi-finished products are placed in containers, labeled and sent on an expedition.

The work of small vegetable shops is organized by the production manager; Large vegetable shops are headed by a shop manager or foreman.

Vegetable peelers of the 1st and 2nd categories perform all operations for processing vegetables and preparing semi-finished products. According to the production program, a schedule is drawn up for the release of semi-finished vegetable products in batches, depending on the timing of the sale of dishes during the day. At the end of the working day, the responsible workshop employee draws up a report on the amount of raw materials consumed and semi-finished products produced.

Equipment and tools used for preparing, serving and storing dishes made from vegetables and mushrooms

The following equipment is used to prepare culinary dishes from vegetables and mushrooms:

Thermal - stoves, ovens, food boilers, combi ovens, electric frying pans, electric fryers, electric dryers for mushrooms and vegetables.

Refrigeration - refrigerated cabinets, blast freezers.

Non-mechanical - tables and racks, sectional modulated tables, a mobile bathroom for washing side dishes.

Mechanical - universal drive P-N, machine for making mashed potatoes.

Dishes - stovetop cauldrons, pots, stewpans, metal baking sheets, frying pans.

Equipment - whisks, whisks, chef's forks, spatulas, equipment for straining broth, various sieves, scoops, skimmers.

Storing dishes. To maintain the temperature and taste of hot dishes before serving, food warmers are used. A production table with a refrigerated slide and cabinet is used in restaurants for portioning and preparing dishes. Refrigerators are used to keep cold foods at a low temperature.

Serving dishes. Use salad bowls; snack plates, snack utensils. Cutlery (knife, fork, spoon) is served with soups - a spoon with hot dishes of vegetables and mushrooms. Auxiliary equipment includes: a salad spoon, pouring spoons (ladles) for pouring soups, tongs for transferring asparagus from the grill. To serve cold dishes (salads), salad bowls or salad vases are used; tableware or dessert spoon and fork are used as cutlery, depending on the size of the salad bowl.

Utensils for serving soups: soup bowls, soup plates, sauce bowls, ceramic pot, salad bowl.

Sanitary requirements for equipment, utensils, utensils and containers

1. At the end of the shift, production tables are thoroughly washed with a 0.5% solution of soda ash, then with a 2% solution of bleach, washed with hot water and wiped dry with a clean rag.

2. Processing of in-shop containers and equipment is carried out after removal of products in special 3-section washing baths after thorough mechanical cleaning in the following order:

In the first section - soaking and washing in a 0.5% solution of soda ash at a temperature of at least 40 degrees. C;

In the second section - disinfection with a 2% solution of bleach at a temperature of at least 40 degrees. C for 10 minutes;

In the third section - rinsing with hot water at a temperature of at least 65 degrees. C.

After processing, equipment and in-shop containers are dried and stored in a specially designated place on racks at a height of at least 0.5 - 0.7 m from the floor.

3. Scales and pins are washed with hot water and wiped dry. They are processed as they become dirty, but at least once per shift.

4. New forms, baking sheets and sheets must be calcined in ovens before using them for baking semi-finished products. Do not use molds or sheets with carbon deposits for baking.

Rotary vegetable cutters: types, purpose, design. Operating principle and operating rules

Vegetable cutting machines are used in catering establishments to cut raw and cooked vegetables into pieces of a certain shape. The industry produces vegetable cutters with mechanical and manual drive. Machines for cutting cooked vegetables are installed in cold shops, and machines for cutting raw vegetables are installed in vegetable and hot shops. The shape of the sliced ​​product particles depends on the design of the knife. They are driven by individual or universal drives.

Depending on the principle of operation, vegetable cutting machines are: disk, rotary, punch and with a combined cut. Disc vegetable cutting machines have a set of knives with rectangular or curved blades. These replaceable knives are working bodies, mounted on a support disk, which receives rotational movement from an individual or universal drive.

The product is cut in disk vegetable cutting machines by pressing the product against a rotating disk. The thickness of the cut layer of the product is determined by the distance between the plane of the knife and the disk. The distance can be adjusted according to a given value. The shape of the particles of the sliced ​​product depends on the design of the knife installed on the supporting disk. In rotary vegetable cutting machines, the product loaded into the chamber is wedged between the plates of the rotating rotor and the stationary cylindrical wall of the working chamber. In this case, the product, under the influence of centrifugal force, is pressed against the inner wall of the working chamber and slides along it. Vegetables are cut with fixed knives depending on the shape of the installed knives.

In punch vegetable cutting machines, the product is crushed by pressing it with a piston through a stationary knife grid. In combined vegetable cutting machines, cutting is done using rotating horizontal straight knives and a stationary knife grid with vertical straight knives.

The operating principle of vegetable cutters boils down to the following, and is produced using rotating horizontal straight knives and a stationary knife grid with vertical straight knives. The operating principle of vegetable cutters is as follows. Through the loading hopper, raw vegetables arrive at the rotating knife disk, are carried downwards by it, are wedged between the hopper wall and the disk (thanks to the snail-shaped shape of the hopper) and are cut by the knives of the disk. The cut particles of vegetables pass through the gap between the knives and the disk and are collected in a supported container.

Safety precautions and machine operation

The electric motor is turned on and washed raw vegetables are poured through the loading hopper. Vegetables must be supplied evenly and in sufficient quantity, otherwise the cutting quality will deteriorate. It is forbidden to push chopped vegetables towards the rotating blade disc with your hands; for this purpose you should use a wooden pusher. When working on a machine, workers must have dry and special clothing; it is strictly forbidden to be distracted while working and leave the workplace until work with the machine is completed. After work, the machine is disassembled, washed and dried. Then, to avoid rust, the working shaft and knives are lubricated with edible unsalted fat. When removing a disk with knives from a horizontal shaft, be sure to use a special hook. For the maintenance of vegetable cutting machines, a maintenance schedule is drawn up at the rate of at least once every 10 days. On this day, a qualified mechanic, who is assigned to this enterprise, carries out maintenance - lubricating, fastening, sharpening or replacing knives.

Question No. 20

vegetable cooking utensils semi-finished product

Methods for preparing game birds for preparing complex dishes: separating and trimming the fillet, removing the film from the fillet, forming cutlets, marinating, stuffing as a whole, removing the skin with a stocking, chopping game meat for dumpling mass. The sequence and rules for processing and preparing semi-finished products from game birds: processed and tucked into a “pocket”, in one and two threads (without threads) game birds, quail wrapped in bacon, stuffed whole carcasses, natural (stuffed and unstuffed) fillet cutlets , portioned and small pieces, pulp, dumpling mass and products made from it. Quality requirements. Technology for preparing stuffing fillings.

Feathered game is divided into forest (grouse, wood grouse, hazel grouse, white partridge, pheasants), steppe (gray partridge, quail), mountain (mountain partridge, mountain turkey), waterfowl (geese, ducks) and marsh (waders, snipe). It is sold frozen, unplucked, ungutted and properly dressed: the head is tucked under the wing, the wings are pressed tightly to the carcass without covering the fillet, the legs are pressed to the carcass and extended along the tail.

Based on quality, game is divided into two grades: 1st and 2nd. Carcasses of the 1st grade must be correctly mounted, with not sunken eyes, with a dry neck, full and strong plumage in the lower part of the abdomen. The 2nd grade has carcasses with slight damage, incorrectly mounted, with weak plumage in the lower part of the abdomen and slightly dirty plumage.

Culinary uses of game

Game is used for preparing second courses, and less often used for making soups. Apart from clear game broth, which has a very pleasant, attractive aroma, and pureed soups made from pureed game, it is almost never used for first courses.

For clear broths, the game carcass is freed from the vertebral bones, as they add bitterness to the broth. The preparation of these soups should begin shortly before serving, as their aromatic quality disappears during long-term storage.

The best way to cook game is by roasting. In this form it is soft, juicy and tasty. Game is usually fried whole carcasses. All types of game are used for frying, and small game (woodcock, snipe, snipe, quail, blackbirds) is wrapped in slices of bacon to give it the most pleasant taste.

Natural or stuffed game fillet cutlets also have a delicate, delicious taste. To prepare these products, larger game is usually used - carcasses of hazel grouse, partridges, black grouse and pheasants.

Mostly partridges, less often quails, are cooked in stewed form.

Wood grouse, partridges, and black grouse can also be prepared baked with sauces.

Partridges, black grouse, hazel grouse and pheasants are used for dumpling mass. The same bird can be used to prepare cutlet mass.

Game is rarely used for cooking, but if desired, you can boil pheasants, partridges, and black grouse.

Game offal is not eaten.

Preparing game for preparing semi-finished products

The main semi-finished product produced from game is the carcass, prepared for culinary processing, which can be used entirely for boiling and frying, and it can also be used to prepare portioned, small-piece and chopped semi-finished products. This is a gutted carcass, from which the wings up to the elbow joint, part of the skin of the neck, lungs, kidneys, and internal fat of the lower abdomen have been removed. It should not have blood clots or bile-soaked areas. The surface of the skin should be free of stumps and fluff, dry or moisturized. The smell is characteristic of fresh meat. The consistency of the muscles should be dense, elastic, and when pressed with a finger, the resulting hole will quickly level out.

Defrosting. Frozen game is removed from the transport container and defrosted in the workshop at a temperature of 8-15 ° C and a relative air humidity of 85-95% for 10-20 hours, placing the carcasses on racks or tables without the carcasses touching each other. Defrosting is completed when the temperature in the thickness of the muscles reaches 1 °C.

Plucking. The feathers of thawed game carcasses are plucked, starting from the neck. This operation is performed carefully so as not to damage the skin.

Searing. To remove remaining feathers and down from game carcasses (grouse, grouse), they are scorched using gas burners. Scorched carcasses are cleaned. Carcasses should be seared carefully so as not to damage the skin or melt the subcutaneous fat. Removal of head, neck, legs. This operation can be done manually or using a circular saw. The head is separated between the second and third cervical vertebrae. The legs are separated at the tarsal joint. The head, legs and neck are sent for further processing. In gutted carcasses, the remaining leg bone below the tarsal joint is not removed unless it exceeds 20 mm.

Evisceration. The entrails are removed from game carcasses: internal fat, lungs, kidneys, liver with gall bladder, stomach, heart, lungs, ovaries, spleen, esophagus, testes, trachea.

The washing up. After gutting, the carcasses are thoroughly washed with cold running water to remove any remaining entrails and blood clots. After this, the carcasses are placed on racks with the cut side down to drain the water.

Preparation of semi-finished products

To prepare the semi-finished product “Carcass prepared for culinary processing”, the internal fat of the lower abdomen (omentum), two-thirds of the skin of the neck are removed from washed poultry carcasses, the wings are separated at the elbow joint (manually or with a circular saw) and the carcasses are molded (dressed) using one of the three ways: in a pocket, one and two threads. Carcasses are molded to ensure uniform heating during cooking and to facilitate subsequent portioning. Carcasses of ducks and geese are tucked into the “pocket.”

Mostly hazel grouse, partridges, black grouse, and pheasants are sewn into one thread. Large game birds intended for frying are tucked into two threads. Small game carcasses are formed without twine.

When making semi-finished products from the carcasses of ducks and ducklings, they are dismembered into the following parts: legs; brisket; shoulder with wings; the dorsal scapula along with the caracoid bone and clavicle; lumbosacral, including internal fat.

Semi-finished game fillet products

Natural and stuffed cutlets are prepared from game fillet. For their preparation, pheasants, hazel grouse, partridges, black grouse, and wood grouse are used.

To prepare natural cutlets, the fillet separated from the carcass is cleaned, separating the small fillet from the large one. The tendon is removed from the small fillet, and the remainder of the collarbone is removed from the large fillet, if it has not been removed. Cutlets are made from fillet with or without bone. If the cutlets are prepared from fillet with a bone, then the wing bone is cleaned of meat and tendons and at the same time the thickened part is cut off. Then a large, cleaned fillet, moistened with cold water, is placed on a table or board and the outer film is cut off from it with a sharp, damp knife. After this, the large fillet is cut from the inside in the longitudinal direction, slightly unfolded and the tendon is cut in two or three places, then a small fillet is inserted into the cut, covered with the unfolded part of the large fillet and a cutlet is formed. Natural, unbreaded cutlets are poached and fried.

Natural fillet cutlets can be prepared breaded in white breading (grated white bread) and in white bread cut into strips (poultry, game in the capital). To do this, the formed cutlet is dipped in eggs and breaded.

To prepare stuffed cutlets, the trimmed fillet is trimmed lengthwise, unfolded in both directions, and then lightly beaten with a hoe to a thickness of 2...3 mm and cut in two or three places on the tendon. Thinly chopped pieces of meat, cut from small fillets, are placed on the resulting cuts to avoid breakthroughs. Place chilled minced meat in the middle of the prepared fillet, cover it with a small fillet, which is previously beaten, and wrap the edges of the large fillet, giving the cutlet a rounded pear-shaped shape. The cutlets are sprinkled with salt, dipped in lezone and breaded in white breading, then moistened again in lezone and breaded again in white breading. Double breading prevents minced meat (butter) from leaking out of the cutlet during cooking and maintaining its shape.

The minced meat used is butter (Kiev cutlets), thick milk sauce mixed with chopped boiled mushrooms, beef liver (liver, cut into small pieces, fried until cooked together with finely chopped carrots, onions, parsley with bacon until cooked, add After cooling, the wine is passed through a meat grinder with a fine grid three or four times).

Shelf life at a temperature of 4 ± 2 °C is: for natural semi-finished meat and bones, boneless without breading (carcasses prepared for cooking, legs, fillets, thighs, drumsticks, wings, breasts) - 48 hours, with food, with sauce, marinated - 24 hours

Marinating game

Recipes for preparing marinades are very diverse. The basis is slightly acidified water, boiled with various spices and vegetables, or wine infused with spices and vegetables. You can also add spices, onions and other vegetables to the prepared meat and pour dry wine. Marinades are never made very sour, because game meat can become too spicy. In addition, game meat should not be marinated for a long time, otherwise it will be highly leached.

The holding time in the marinade depends on the time of year: in summer - 2-3 days, in winter - up to a week; Dishes containing meat should always be kept in a cold room or refrigerator. For marinating, use porcelain or ceramic dishes of such a capacity that the meat lies as densely as possible in it. The marinade is poured while it has cooled. When cooking game, it is used as an additive.

Sometimes sour milk or whey is used for marinating, which helps remove unpleasant odors and improve the taste of meat. Waterfowl and the liver of four-legged animals are marinated in this way.

Quails are tucked into the muff: a cut is made on the leg between the flesh and the tendon and the second leg is inserted into this cut. “Beak” is used for game with a long and sharp beak (woodcock, snipe, great snipe). To do this, use the blunt side of a knife or a hoe to crush the bones of the legs in the legs, after which they are intertwined and pressed to the chest part (to the end of the keel bone), the head and neck are applied to the carcass on the right side, a puncture is made with a needle in the leg, the beak is passed through the puncture, fastening the intertwined legs. If the game arrived skinny, then to give the meat juiciness and tenderness after seasoning, the fillet of large game (grouse, wood grouse, pheasants) is stuffed with chilled bacon, cut into small pieces. For small game, the loin is wrapped in thin layers of bacon and tied with twine.

Cutlet mass

For the cutlet mass, hazel grouse, grouse, partridges, wood grouse, pheasants, and rabbits are used. For game (except pheasants and partridges), only fillets are used. The pulp is separated from the bones and skin (you can use the pulp together with the skin) and passed through a meat grinder along with the internal fat. The chopped meat is combined with wheat bread without crusts soaked in water or milk, salt and pepper are added, mixed well, passed through a meat grinder and beaten. Internal fat can be replaced with butter or margarine. Cutlets, meatballs, zrazy, meatballs, etc. are prepared from the cutlet mass. The cutlets are breaded in breadcrumbs, white breading or white bread, cut into cubes. The meatballs are usually not breaded, as they are often poached. Stuffed meatballs are stuffed with finely chopped boiled champignons. The semi-finished product is given a round shape and breaded in breadcrumbs.

Dumpling mass

The game fillet pulp is passed through a meat grinder with grate holes 2.5-3 mm in diameter two or three times, white bread soaked in milk or cream is added and passed through the meat grinder again. Then add egg whites and beat thoroughly, gradually adding milk or cream. The mass should be fluffy and light. Add salt before finishing cooking. The mass is used for stuffing game fillet cutlets, preparing dumplings as a side dish for clear soups, and also for preparing steamed cutlets.

Stuffing whole game birds

Stuffing large game birds is most often done through a hole in the abdominal cavity or through the throat. Ducks, geese, large game birds are filled completely with stuffing - the entire carcass and neck. When stuffing a pheasant or black grouse carcass, you can only fill the crop of the gutted bird with the filling.

It is recommended to stuff small game birds and young wild pigeons by placing the stuffing under the skin, which must first be separated from the carcass so that a thin layer of stuffing can be inserted from the edges of the breast to the wings and back. There should not be too much filling under the skin, otherwise during baking the thin young skin will burst and the filling will simply fall out from under the skin.

If the carcass will be fried in a grill oven, then to prevent the carcass from drying out during the frying process, you need to use a kitchen syringe to inject into the wings, legs and breast of the bird carcasses a mixture of hot wine (approximately 100g), salt and finely ground spices, taken according to taste, or a mixture of butter melted in wine.

After filling the prepared bird with the stuffing, you need to carefully sew up the holes through which the stuffing was placed inside the carcass with thick white threads.

Place the stuffed poultry carcasses on a greased sheet or baking sheet with the breast side up, pour over the melted fat or butter and place in a hot oven. While baking, baste the bird with the juices that have accumulated.

When the breast is browned, the carcass should be turned upside down. After the bird is fried until soft (when the carcass is pierced with a knife or fork, blood juice will no longer be released), you need to lower the oven heat as much as possible and bring the bird to readiness.

When game is cooked as a whole carcass, it is recommended to stuff its internal cavity. The filling can be varied - fresh or pickled apples, plums and other fruits, fresh or pickled lingonberries, cranberries or other berries. You can stuff the carcasses with shredded fresh or sauerkraut, pickled mushrooms, hazelnuts, buckwheat porridge with chopped boiled egg and fried onions. Depending on the filling, a game dish acquires a special taste. It is recommended to put several small pieces of lard or butter inside the carcass. For dishes that emphasize the specific bitter-sweet taste of game, juniper berries and a few pieces of sugar are placed inside the carcass. To prevent the filling from falling out, the carcasses are sewn up with thick threads or pinned with thin sharp splinters.

How to shape a bird:

Poultry that is cooked whole must be shaped before cooking. To do this, you will need a long kitchen thread; if you don’t have it, regular coarse sewing thread may work.

Turn the wings at the joints, fold them on the back and use a needle to thread kitchen thread from one wing to the other, securing the neck skin. You can simply tie the wings together using kitchen string. Using a needle and kitchen thread, pierce both thighs and tie the thread in a knot. Or tie chicken legs above the belly with kitchen string.

How to stuff a bird:

Lean young poultry and game should be stuffed before being shaped, that is, covered or filled with pieces of lard. For this you should use fatty, unsmoked fresh lard.

For large birds, slices of lard are used to cover the breast and thighs and tie them tightly together, simultaneously giving the bird its shape.

Small birds are covered, if possible, on both sides with sufficiently large thin pieces of fat. The pieces of lard should be tied together with kitchen string.

Bird on a spit.

The bird does not have to be very large for a tabletop grill to allow it to be rotated freely. For grilling. The bird should not be kept too close to the fire, otherwise it will brown and crisp before the inside is cooked through.

To grill a bird on a spit, you need to shape it very carefully so that no protruding part is close to the heat source and gets burned. If necessary, the bird should be laced like a roulade. Place the bird on the grill spit lengthwise and securely secure it on both sides with adjustable and lockable spit clamps. If there are no spit clamps, you should either place the bird in a container to shape it, or secure it to the spit with wire so that the spit cannot be rotated without the bird.

How to stew a bird.

The bird is cooked in salted water at a temperature below the boiling point. The heat supply is maintained so little that the surface of the liquid only ripples slightly. Tender broth is served as an appetizer. The main dish is poultry and then cooked vegetables.

Minced meat filling.

Any bird is suitable for this. Minced meat is always used when you want to get more portions from a bird than you could from a bird without stuffing; The taste of minced meat can be varied. For especially fatty birds, take lean veal or lamb, or chopped beefsteak; for lean and medium-sized poultry - mixed minced meat with pork or pork fat. The minced meat filling is softened by a soaked bun or breadcrumbs and eggs; chopped poultry giblets and herbs mixed with the minced meat add piquancy.

Bread filling.

It is suitable when no hearty side dish is provided for roast poultry, but only vegetables or salads. Bread filling, at first glance, seems unattractive, but it can be given an exceptional taste and supplemented with unusual ingredients. For example, you can add wine-soaked dried fruit, freshly chopped herbs, toasted, diced almonds, raisins or sultanas, pickled ginger, toasted sesame or sunflower seeds, diced ham, and finely chopped, lightly fried poultry giblets to the bread filling. Depending on the size of the bird, cut off the crust from 3 - 4 stale buns and soften the buns cut in half in light white wine. Fry ham in cubes of 100-150 g and thinly sliced ​​champignons with chopped giblets in foaming butter, stirring, for 3 minutes.

Buckwheat filling

This hearty, exceptionally nutrient-dense grain topping makes the meal unnecessary for a heavy side dish. The filling can be seasoned to taste and supplemented with ingredients of your choice. Champignons or porcini mushrooms, garlic, a mixture of sesame and sea salt, freshly chopped herbs, corn, spinach, celery, and onions are good options.

Instead of buckwheat, you can make the filling from rice, millet or pre-cooked red lentils.

Shelf life of semi-finished game meat products

Quality requirement.

The surface of poultry carcasses should be clean, without remains of feathers and stumps, without mucus, dry, the fat is pale yellow, the beak is shiny. Minor skin burns and two or three skin cuts no longer than 2 cm are allowed. The color and smell are characteristic of this type of bird, without any foreign odor. The consistency of the pulp is dense and elastic. Carcasses should be free of blood clots and bile-soaked areas.

Natural cutlets - without skin and surface film, the tendons are cut in 2-3 places, the shoulder bone is cleared of pulp, its length is 3-4 cm with part of the head chopped off. The weight of the bone is 5 g. The semi-finished product may contain inside a small fillet or 1-3 pieces of the pulp of another fillet. The fillet shape is oval. Color - from white-pink to pink. The smell is characteristic of fresh chicken meat. The consistency of the meat is dense and elastic.

Breaded cutlets must meet the same requirements as natural cutlets. Their surface should be covered with an even layer of white breading; Moistening and sagging of the breading are not allowed.

Chopped cutlets have an oval-flattened shape, the surface is evenly breaded, without cracks or broken edges. The consistency is soft, the smell is characteristic of benign meat.

Prepared semi-finished products are cooled to a temperature not higher than 6°C and stored at a temperature from 0 to 4°C. Processed carcasses are placed in metal boxes or trays and stored for no more than 36 hours, breaded cutlets - up to 24 hours, giblets, soup sets and bones - up to 18 hours, chopped products - up to 12 hours.

Natural, breaded cutlets and minced meat products (cutlets, meatballs) are placed on the edge at an angle in one row. Chicken Kiev and stuffed cutlets are also placed in one row, but not on the edge. The cutlet mass is placed on baking sheets in a layer of 5-7 cm and cooled.

Shelf life of semi-finished poultry meat products SanPin 2.3.2. 1324-03

Semi-finished poultry meat products

Shelf life, hour

1. Semi-finished natural poultry meat products: - meat-and-bone, boneless without breading (carcass prepared for cooking, legs, fillets, quarters, tobacco chickens, thighs, drumsticks, wings, breasts);

2. meat-and-bone, boneless, breaded, with spices, with sauce, marinated.

3. Semi-finished poultry meat products, minced, with or without breading

4. Minced chicken

5. By-products, semi-finished products from poultry by-products

6. Sets for jelly, stew, soup

Culinary products from poultry meat

7. Smoked, smoked-baked and smoked-boiled poultry carcasses and parts of carcasses

8. Ready-made poultry dishes, fried, boiled, stewed

9. Dishes made from minced poultry meat, with sauces and/or side dishes

10. Dumplings, poultry pies

11. Jelly products from poultry meat: brawn, studin, jellied meat, including assorted meat from slaughtered animals

Problem No. 30

Determine the net mass of pheasants if the gross mass is 30 kg.

Solution: M. net = M. gross x (100% -% dry)

M. net = 30 kg. x (100% -34%) = 19.8 kg.

Answer: After cold processing of 30 kilograms of pheasants for boiling whole, the net weight was 19 kilograms 800 grams.

Bibliography -84256.html

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Vegetables are the most important sources of nutrients in the human diet. Under conditions of increased exposure to adverse factors, they help maintain health and longevity. Rich in carbohydrates, mineral salts, dietary fiber, vitamins, phytoncides, essential oils. Substances contained in the fruits of cultivated plants are essential for the full functioning of the body and maintaining its acid-base balance.

In addition to the fact that fruits have a positive effect on the absorption of various foods, the variety of their color, taste and aroma helps to improve appetite. More than 100 are grown and used as food. In many ways, the nutritional value of plant foods depends on their proper storage, processing and packaging in accordance with certain standards.

Purpose of the vegetable shop

In specialized equipped premises, initial processing of vegetables, production and short-term storage of semi-finished products are carried out. The characteristics of the vegetable shop by location are as follows:

  • Product processing is organized at medium- and high-capacity food enterprises that use raw materials for their production.
  • At vegetable warehouses for the centralized supply of various semi-finished products and packaged root vegetables to pre-production organizations. This includes food outlets for educational, industrial, and retail outlets that do not have procurement shops.

Premises requirements

One of the characteristics of a vegetable shop is the parameters of the premises. The area is calculated based on the planned volume of processed raw materials, rational placement of equipment and the creation of comfortable working conditions. The workshop is located so that contaminated fruits are transported from storage areas without touching the common utility corridors. The room must be equipped with heating, ventilation, sewerage, water supply systems, and also provide lighting sources. To prevent injury, the floor covering must be level and safe.

The vegetable shop in canteens, cafes, and restaurants is conveniently located on the 1st floor next to the warehouse and rooms for further preparation of cold and hot dishes. Large enterprises with vegetable storage facilities may have several branches.

Types of raw materials

Depending on the part of the plant consumed, vegetables are divided into vegetative and fruit.

The first ones include:

  • tubers, mainly potatoes;
  • roots;
  • cabbage;
  • onion;
  • salad and spinach;
  • dessert: rhubarb, artichoke, asparagus;
  • spicy.


  • pumpkin;
  • tomato;
  • legumes;
  • cereals (corn cobs).

Of the tuber crops, potatoes are the most commonly used in nutrition. Its tubers must be of standard shape, healthy, ripe, and dry. And also uniform in color, whole, dense, without greenery, sprouts or damage. Most of these requirements apply to other vegetable products.

Organizing the work of a vegetable shop

In small workshops, the main responsibility for the organizational process is assigned to the production manager, in large and medium-sized workshops - to the foreman or supervisor. Subordinate to the manager are vegetable peelers who perform technological operations. Typically, work in the workshop is one-shift, taking into account the timely procurement of products for the evening activities of the enterprise.

The manager draws up a work plan based on the general production program and requests from pre-production points, as well as a schedule for the procurement of semi-finished products per shift, depending on the period of food sales. Ensures timeliness and quality of processing of raw materials, continuity of the technological process, compliance with all conditions, instructions, sanitation and hygiene standards. The responsible person calculates the consumption of consumed fruits and the volume of finished products and records them in daily reports.

Before use, the raw materials are kept in boxes for storing vegetables in the warehouse, from where the workshop manager organizes their receipt according to the completed application. Then, together with the storekeeper, he carries out incoming product quality control.

Technological process

The characteristics of a vegetable shop are determined by the number of operations included in the technological scheme for working with raw materials. These include:

  • weighing of products;
  • sorting;
  • selection of spoiled raw materials;
  • washing by machine or manually (carried out in isolation from the finished product to prevent the entry of germs and bacteria from contaminated fruits);
  • mechanical or manual cleaning;
  • manual post-treatment;
  • sulfitation (treatment with sodium bisulfite to prevent darkening);
  • washing;
  • cutting and chopping mechanically or manually;
  • packaging, packing in containers;
  • short-term storage;
  • cooling (if required);
  • labeling (if required);
  • forwarding (transfer to other workshops, delivery to pre-production organizations).

Vegetable shop equipment and supplies

The specifics of working with plant raw materials dictate the use of special equipment for various types of enterprises. The production of vegetables and the production of finished products should be mechanized as much as possible in order to reduce costs and optimize the process. According to the order of technological operations, work places are organized in the vegetable shop and inventory and equipment are purchased.

The equipment is installed according to the stages of the technological process and can be wall-mounted or island-mounted. A sufficient number of equipment items are selected in accordance with the governing normative documents. A number of equipment requires connection to various systems: electrical, exhaust, sewerage, water supply. The larger the workshop, the greater the range of equipment purchased for it.

Mechanical equipment:

  • scales, weighing dispenser;
  • calibration machines (for large workshops);
  • conveyors (for large premises);
  • vegetable washing lines and machines (vibration washers, pressure washers, continuous action - for high throughput, periodic - for small and medium-sized workshops), reducing the time for preparing raw materials before mechanical processing;
  • combi oven (technology produced in an oven using steam to remove husks, peels, which reduces the amount of waste);
  • apparatus for chemical cleaning of tubers (caustic soda, for large workshops);
  • vegetable peelers;
  • potato peelers;
  • vegetable cutters (for boiled and raw vegetables);
  • kitchen processor;
  • cutter, slicer, mixer;
  • sulfitation apparatus;
  • refrigerated cabinets, chambers;
  • extracts (to absorb essential oils from sharp-smelling raw materials);
  • packaging machines.

Non-mechanical equipment:

  • tables with a washing bath;
  • racks;
  • washing machine with showering device;
  • post-treatment tables (with recesses for workpieces and a hatch for removing waste into the tank);
  • stationary and mobile washing baths;
  • assistants;
  • containers and boxes for storing vegetables;
  • mobile carts;
  • cutting boards;
  • trays;
  • waste tanks;
  • chairs with footrest and armrests.

Non-mechanical equipment also includes kitchen scissors and paring knives.

Equipped with available equipment and various devices. In manual peeling and post-cleaning, root and groove vegetable knives are used, designed for stripping roots and removing eyes. Mechanical devices are also used for these purposes. The prepared raw materials are cut with knives: carving knives (with a wavy or zigzag blade), root knives. They use a chef's troika, shredding devices, curly notches and graters.

Technological lines

In small and moderate capacity vegetable shops at public catering establishments, 2 main technological lines are created:

  • processing of root vegetables and potatoes (washing, in vegetable peelers, manual post-cleaning, washing, placing potatoes in water for 3 hours, sulfitizing them if necessary, slicing);
  • preparation of onions, cabbage, herbs, seasonal vegetables and pickles (processing of raw materials, removal of substandard parts, washing, cleaning of stalks, hard stems, stalks, skins, seeds, washing, cutting, protection from drying out).

In workshops of significant capacity, processing more than 1 ton of vegetables, similar technological lines are created, but all processes are more mechanized.

Product range

It is determined by the type, capacity, production plan of the enterprise and is a characteristic of the vegetable shop. Approximate range of semi-finished products for specialized premises of medium-sized enterprises:

  • raw peeled potatoes;
  • processed onions, beets, carrots;
  • sulfated potatoes, peeled raw;
  • processed: green onions, parsley, dill, celery, lettuce;
  • peeled white cabbage.

In modern large vegetable shops, the list of products is supplemented by production lines:

  • packing vegetables into bags;
  • fried potatoes;
  • vegetable cutlets;
  • vinaigrette and salads.

Rules for organizing work

Strict adherence to safety and labor protection rules helps to eliminate emergency incidents in the workshop:

  1. Permission to operate mechanisms for workers who have studied their design and have undergone appropriate instruction.
  2. Availability of rules for safe operation near machinery.
  3. Avoid contact with moving parts of professional devices.
  4. Mandatory grounding and grounding of electrical equipment.
  5. Weight of loads during one-time lifting: for women - up to 15 kg, for men - up to 50 kg; for constant lifting during a work shift: for women - up to 7 kg, for men - up to 15 kg.
  6. The room temperature is over 15°.
  7. Timely waste disposal.

Maintaining personal hygiene is also mandatory. In this regard, it is required:

  1. Place personal items and outerwear in special lockers and dressing rooms.
  2. Before work, thoroughly wash your hands with disinfectant, wear protective clothing and protective headgear.
  3. Change contaminated clothing.
  4. When using the toilet, take off your overalls in the designated area and wash your hands with disinfectants.
  5. Report the appearance of symptoms of infectious or viral diseases, purulent foci, wounds to the supervisor and contact a medical institution.
  6. Inform the employer about the presence of intestinal infection in family members.
  7. Remove fragile and sharp objects (jewelry, watches, pins), trim your nails short, and do not use polish on them.
  8. Eating and smoking (removing overalls) in designated areas.

The use of vegetables is the key to a healthy human diet. The variety of varieties, progressive storage methods and excellent taste of vegetable products contribute to their widespread use in modern cooking. Effective and rational organization of the work of a vegetable shop is one of the conditions for the successful functioning of public catering enterprises.




Faculty of Restaurant and Hotel Business and Services

Department of Technology and Organization of Catering and Services

Course work

Discipline: “Technology, organization and design of food in a hotel”

On the topic “Organization of production and jobs in the vegetable shop of the high-class restaurant “Volga” for 200 seats in the Volga hotel”

Checked by: associate professor Completed by: student

Vasilyeva II year, 25 groups

Inna Volnenko

Vitalievna Lyudmila


Moscow 2008


1. Characteristics of the top-class restaurant “Volga” for 200 seats in the Volga Hotel………………………………………………………...... ........................................................ ..............4

2. Characteristics of the vegetable shop…………………...................................... .......................6

3. Development of a production program for the top-class restaurant “Volga” for 200 seats in the Volga Hotel ……………………………………..………………………...8

3.1. Determination of the number of consumers…………………………………......8

3.2. Calculation of the number of dishes sold………………………………………………………10

3.3 Drawing up the billing menu for the Volga restaurant…………………………………….16

4. Calculation of the amount of raw materials……………............................................ .....................................24

5. Calculation of the vegetable shop………………………………………………………………...…26

5.1 Drawing up a production program for the workshop………………………………...26

5.2 Calculation of the yield of semi-finished products during mechanical cooking


5.3 Calculation of mechanical equipment……………………………….……..........…31

5.4 Calculation of refrigeration equipment……………………………….….………..... 37

5.5 Calculation of the number of production workers………………….……….... 39

5.6 Calculation of non-mechanical equipment……………………………………..…….40

5.7 Calculation of the area of ​​​​the vegetable workshop…………………………………………………………..…. 42

6. Description of the organization of workplaces in the workshop with characteristics of equipment, inventory, tools, fixtures, containers……………………………..……...43

7. Rules of sanitation and hygiene in the vegetable shop, including personal hygiene of workers.................................................... ........................................................ .....................................45

7.1 Sanitary and hygienic requirements…………………………………..……… 47

7.2. Rules for the provision of catering services………………………..…......48

List of used literature......................................................... ...................................49


Public catering is a branch of the national economy that was, is and will be the most market-oriented area of ​​activity.

Nowadays, catering establishments are introducing new modern technologies that help improve the quality of culinary products. To achieve its goals, the enterprise must organize its activities in such a way as to keep under control all technical, administrative and human factors affecting product quality and safety. Increasing the efficiency of public catering is based on the principles of production intensification common to the entire national economy, achieving high results with the least expenditure of material and labor resources.

The activities of public catering establishments are associated with the need to strictly take into account sanitary and hygienic requirements for the organization of production and technical processes. Nowadays, catering establishments are introducing new modern technologies that help improve the quality of culinary products.

Public catering was one of the first sectors of the national economy to embark on the path of transformation, taking the burden of the most acute problems of the transition period onto market relations. The privatization of enterprises took place at a rapid pace, and the organizational and legal form of public catering enterprises changed. The restaurant business nowadays is a young business, but very profitable. The standard of living of our citizens is improving every day. They are no longer satisfied with lunch in some cafeteria; they need to have a good rest, try something unusual, and just have a good time. And they are willing to pay well for this. Therefore, opening a restaurant in our time can bring considerable income. But for this it is necessary to study market laws, as well as those elements of the restaurant business that will help you stand out among competitors and take a high place.

It is very important to first determine the profile of the restaurant. A clear formulation of two or three bright “highlights” will allow you to have a stable circle of clients who not only accept the service option offered to them, but also feel comfortable and comfortable.

1. Characteristics of the top-class restaurant “Volga” for 200 seats in the Volga Hotel

According to GOST R 50647-94 “Public catering. Terms and definitions”, approved by the Decree of the State Standard of Russia of February 21, 1994 No. 35 and put into effect on July 1, 1994 (hereinafter GOST R 50647-94), catering establishment- this is an enterprise intended for the production of culinary products, flour confectionery and bakery products, their sale and (or) organization of consumption.

Restaurant This is a special type of enterprise in which the organization of the production of a wide range of complex culinary products is combined with the organization of a high level of customer service in the sales areas of the restaurant.

This paper examines the high-class restaurant “Volga” with 200 seats in the Volga Hotel.

According to the State Standard of the Russian Federation (GOST R 50762-95), a classification of restaurants is established depending on the quality of the services provided, the range of custom and signature dishes, products, and interior.

Top class restaurant an enterprise that has an original interior, a choice of services, comfort, a diverse range of original, exquisite custom and signature dishes and products.

The top-class restaurant "Volga" is a catering establishment with a wide range of complexly prepared dishes, including custom and specialty dishes, wine and vodka, tobacco and confectionery products, with a high level of service combined with leisure activities.

The Volga restaurant provides consumers with breakfast, lunch and dinner, and when serving participants at conferences, seminars, and meetings - a full diet; it is also possible to organize and host various types of banquets and theme evenings.

It is also possible to provide additional services: waiter service in the room and at home, ordering and delivery of culinary and confectionery products to consumers, including for banquets; reservation of seats in the restaurant hall; rental of tableware, etc.

Leisure services include:

Organization of music services;

Organization of concerts and variety shows;

Providing newspapers, magazines, board games, slot machines, billiards.

Customer service is provided by head waiters and waiters. At the Volga restaurant, all service personnel speak foreign languages ​​perfectly.

The Volga restaurant has a separate entrance, a regular sign and an illuminated sign with design elements. Decorative elements (lamps, draperies, etc.) are used to decorate halls and premises for consumers. The sales area is equipped with a stage and dance floor, as well as a ventilation system. Furniture in a luxury restaurant that matches the interior of the room.

    Characteristics of the vegetable shop

Vegetable workshops are organized in large or medium-sized enterprises. The vegetable shop is located, as a rule, in the part of the enterprise where the vegetable chamber is located in order to transport raw materials, bypassing common production corridors. The workshop should have a convenient connection with the cold and hot shops, in which the production of finished products is completed. The assortment and quantity of semi-finished products produced by the workshop depend on the production program of the enterprise and its capacity. The technological process of processing vegetables consists of sorting, washing, cleaning, post-cleaning after mechanical cleaning, washing, slicing. Equipment for a vegetable shop is selected according to equipment standards depending on the type and capacity of the enterprise. The main equipment of the vegetable shop is a potato peeler, a universal vegetable cutter, which is included in the set of replaceable drive mechanisms of a universal general purpose PP, as well as non-mechanical equipment (production tables, tables for post-cleaning potatoes, washing baths, stock racks for vegetables). Workplaces are equipped with tools and equipment to perform certain operations. In the vegetable workshop there is a line for processing potatoes and root vegetables and a line for processing fresh cabbage and other vegetables and herbs. The equipment is installed along the technological process. A washing bath and potato peeler are installed on the potato and root crop processing line. After machine cleaning, manual additional cleaning is carried out on special tables. After additional cleaning, the potatoes are placed in a bath of water and stored for no more than 2-3 hours. Onions and garlic are peeled on special tables with an exhaust device. Production tables and washing baths are installed on the cabbage and greens processing line. Peeled vegetables are washed and, depending on their purpose, some of them are used for cooking as a whole, and the rest are cut by machine or by hand. Peeled and chopped vegetables are covered with a damp cloth to protect them from contamination and drying out. Technical conditions and technological instructions provide for the production of semi-finished: peeled sulfated potatoes that do not darken in air; fresh white cabbage, peeled, carrots, beets, peeled onions. The technological process of processing vegetables in large vegetable shops is the same as in shops of medium and low capacity, only it is more mechanized. In the vegetable shop of a large procurement enterprise, to speed up the process of processing vegetables, two technological lines are installed: manual and mechanized. The work of small vegetable shops is organized by the production manager; Large vegetable shops are headed by a shop manager or a foreman. Vegetable peelers of the 1st and 2nd categories perform all operations for processing vegetables and preparing semi-finished products. According to the production program, a schedule is drawn up for the production of vegetable semi-finished products in batches depending on the timing of the sale of dishes during the day. At the end of the working day, the responsible employee of the workshop draws up a report on the amount of raw materials consumed and issued semi-finished products.

3. Development of a restaurant production programpremium class "Volga" for 200 places in the hotel "Volga"

The production program of various types of public catering enterprises - pre-cooking and those working on raw materials (canteens, restaurants, cafes, etc.) - is a daily billing menu for selling dishes in the hall of this enterprise and for supplying buffets, culinary shops, dispensing lunches at home and etc.

The production program of procurement enterprises (factories of semi-finished products and culinary products, specialized workshops, enterprises of semi-finished products and culinary products) is the volume of processed raw materials (capacity) in tons per day or per shift for the comprehensive supply of a network of enterprises - pre-production and culinary stores with semi-finished products, culinary and confectionery products in assortment.

The development of a production program for public catering establishments operating on raw materials or semi-finished products of varying degrees of readiness begins with drawing up a schedule for loading the sales area of ​​the catering establishment and determining the number of visitors based on the operating hours of the enterprise.

1. Introduction

Public catering plays an important role in people's lives. It most fully satisfies people's nutritional needs. Catering enterprises perform functions such as production, sale and organization of consumption of culinary products by the population in specially organized places. Catering enterprises carry out independent economic activities and in this respect do not differ from other enterprises. Food for the population is provided mainly by small private enterprises.

Food provided to the population in hospitals, sanatoriums, rest homes, children's and other institutions is organized at the expense of the state.

Food is an essential requirement of life for the majority of workers, employees, students and a significant number of other groups of the country's population.

Before perestroika, public catering occupied an important place in the national economy of the country. But, starting in 1992, a radical change occurred in the industry, which led to the closure and ruin of most public catering enterprises. Since that time, the food industry began to develop anew.

Currently, activities in the field of mass nutrition are beginning to rapidly gain momentum. The first surge has already passed: many restaurants and cafes that opened at the beginning of the perestroika process have closed due to unprofitability and lack of competitiveness. However, the process gradually began. At the moment, Yoshkar-Ola, as well as some other large cities in Russia, are experiencing a real restaurant boom: the number of hotels, restaurants, cafes, bars, and various clubs is rapidly growing. The mass catering industry is in the process of development - both the number of establishments and the quality of service are growing.

2. Main body

2.1 General characteristics of the enterprise

A canteen is a public catering establishment that is open to the public or serves a specific group of consumers, producing and selling dishes in accordance with a menu varied by day. A canteen food service is a service for the production of culinary products, varied by day of the week or special diets for various groups of the population served (workers, schoolchildren, tourists, etc.), as well as for creating conditions for sale and consumption at the enterprise.

Canteens are distinguished:

According to the range of products sold - general type and dietary;

According to the population of consumers served - school, student, work, etc.;

By location - publicly available, at the place of study or work.

Public canteens are designed to provide products of mass demand (breakfasts, lunches, dinners) mainly to the population of the area and visitors. The canteens use the method of consumer self-service with subsequent payment. Canteens at manufacturing enterprises, institutions and educational institutions are located taking into account maximum proximity to the populations served. Canteens at manufacturing enterprises organize meals for workers on daytime, evening and night shifts, and, if necessary, deliver hot food directly to workshops or construction sites. The operating procedures of canteens are agreed upon with the administration of enterprises,

institutions and educational institutions. Canteens at vocational schools provide two or three meals a day based on daily ration standards. As a rule, these canteens use pre-set tables.

Canteens at secondary schools are created with a student population of at least 320 people. It is recommended to prepare complex breakfasts and lunches for two age groups: the first - for students in grades I-V, the second - for students in grades VI-XI.

In large cities, school feeding factories are being created, which centrally supply school canteens with semi-finished products, baked goods and confectionery products. The operating hours of school canteens are coordinated with the school administration. Dietary canteens specialize in serving people in need of therapeutic nutrition. In dietary canteens with a capacity of 100 seats or more, it is recommended to have 5-6 main diets, in other canteens with a dietary section (tables) - at least 3. Dishes are prepared according to special recipes and technology by cooks with appropriate training, under the supervision of a nutritionist or nurses. The production of dietary canteens is equipped with specialized equipment and inventory - steam cookers, rubbing machines, steam stove boilers, juicers. Dispensing and mobile canteens are designed to serve small groups of workers and employees, usually dispersed over large areas.

Canteens must have a sign indicating their legal form and opening hours. Decorative elements are used in the design of trading floors to create a unified style. In dining rooms, standard lightweight furniture is used that matches the interior of the room; tables must have hygienic coverings. The tableware used is earthenware and pressed glass. Among the premises for consumers, dining rooms must have a vestibule, a wardrobe, and toilet rooms. The area of ​​sales floors must comply with the standard - 1.8 m2 per seat.

2.2.General characteristics of the vegetable shop

In the dining room, the vegetable shop is located next to the vegetable pantry, and also has convenient communication with the cold and hot shops. The technological process of processing vegetables consists of sorting, washing, peeling, finishing after mechanical cleaning, washing, slicing. Workstations are equipped with tools and equipment to perform certain operations. In accordance with the technological process, 3 workplaces are organized in the workshop:

1. Peeling potatoes and root vegetables, further cleaning and washing them. The workplace for processing potatoes and root vegetables is equipped with a washing bath, a periodic potato peeler, a special table made of stainless steel with recesses for peeled potatoes and two grooved holes: on the left - for peeled vegetables, on the right - for waste, as well as equipment, a stock rack;

2. Processing seasonal vegetables and peeling onions and garlic. The workplace for processing white cabbage and seasonal vegetables and onions is equipped with a special table with a built-in bathroom and the necessary equipment (cutting boards, trays, knives, etc.).

3. Slicing vegetables, a production table, a vegetable cutting machine, as well as the necessary equipment are installed.

The equipment in the workshop is placed in a walled manner.

Each employee has a workplace equipped with a special table with an exhaust hood.

2.3 Organization of work in the workshop

The work of the vegetable shop is organized by the production manager. There is one person working in the workshop – a 3rd category cook. The workshop's operating mode is one-shift. For the evening work of the enterprise, semi-finished vegetable products are prepared in advance, taking into account their shelf life and sale. Head production according to the production program draws up a schedule for the release of semi-finished vegetable products in batches, depending on the timing of the sale of dishes during the day, and the shelf life of semi-finished products. At the end of the working day, the responsible workshop employee draws up a report on the amount of raw materials consumed and semi-finished products produced.

2.4. Equipment and inventory used in this workshop, its characteristics

Brand MOK-150M

Capacity 150kg/h

For example, B 380

Power, kW 0.75

Gab. dimensions, mm 650x450x930

MOK-150M: Potato peeler is designed for removing peels from potatoes and other root vegetables by exposure to abrasive-containing peeling organs.

Weight of potato peeler, kg-50.

Kitchen processor Robot Coupe R 201 Ultra E Kitchen processors R from Robot Coupe are universal kitchen machines with two attachments (vegetable slicer and cutter) on one walk-behind tractor.

These processors are capable of performing several functions at once, replacing several machines: a vegetable cutter, a meat grinder, a dough mixer, a planetary mixer, a blender. This allows not only to conduct the production process more efficiently, but also to save production space

Designed for mechanization of food processing processes in public catering establishments

Full set:

Meat grinder MM - 180 kg/h

Sifter MP - 230 kg/hour

Crumb and spice grinder MI - 15 kg/h

Beater VM

Vegetable cutter-wipe MO - 200-350 kg/h

Stirrer - tank 25l

Meat ripper MR - 1500 portions/hour

Drive mechanism PM

Stand P

The potato peeler hopper is made of stainless steel and is closed with a lid, which has a built-in loading hatch. The potato peeler has an unloading hatch, when opened, spontaneous unloading of the peeled product occurs with a rotating disk.

The potato peeler provides adjustment of the duration of the operating cycle through the use of a time relay.

The weight of the simultaneously loaded product is 7 kg.

2.5 Operating rules and safety precautions when working on this equipment

To avoid accidents, kitchen workers learn how to operate equipment and receive practical instruction from the production manager. Rules for its operation are posted at the equipment locations. The floor in the workshops is flat, without protrusions, and not slippery.

When working in workshops, the following rules are observed:

Foot grates are installed on the floor next to the production tables;

Knives have well-fixed handles and are stored in a certain place;

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Chapter 1. General characteristics of the vegetable shop

1.1 Characteristics of the vegetable shop

1.2 Structure of the vegetable shop

Chapter 2. Organization of a general vegetable snack bar

2.1 Basic requirements for creating optimal working conditions

2.2 Organization of workplaces

2.3 Organization of work of the vegetable shop

2.4. Production of semi-finished salad products

Chapter 3 Range of products manufactured at the designed enterprise. Menu types




In connection with the active introduction of market relations into the economy of Kyrgyzstan, the development of such areas of activity that allow for the rapid accumulation of capital has acquired particular importance in society.

Public catering is one of the few industries that allows you to get a complete production cycle at a low cost of fixed assets.

After significant reform, public catering in the Kyrgyz Republic is getting back on its feet and is beginning to actively develop, with the public “commercial” network of public catering establishments developing the most: restaurants, cafes, snack bars, bars. Moreover, the development of a publicly accessible network of public catering establishments is characterized by a tendency to reduce the average number of places per enterprise. There is only one reason - small public catering enterprises are most adapted to the changing demand of the population for the products or services of public catering enterprises. Such an enterprise is easier to organize; it requires less production and retail space, and therefore less investment.

The attractiveness of investing capital in public catering is determined by the following factors:

Business reliability, because Nutrition is the main factor in human life and performance.

The costs of construction, reconstruction, and equipment purchases are relatively low.

Current costs of maintaining, managing the activities of P.O.P. relatively low compared to other industries.

Among public catering establishments, the main place is occupied by restaurants, cafes, and bars.

They play a significant role in organizing recreation for the population. People come to catering establishments not only to eat, but also to celebrate an anniversary, an important event in the life of a person or a group, to hold a wedding celebration, a business or official meeting, or simply to relax with loved ones.

To warmly welcome people, quickly and deliciously feed them, to create all the conditions for them to have a good rest - this is the task of the managers and employees of these enterprises. The mood and well-being of everyone who uses their services depends on the correct and precise organization of the work of the service personnel of public catering establishments.

Thus, the relevance of this topic at the present stage of development of the food industry determined the choice of the topic of this work - “Organization of production and jobs in the vegetable shop of the Altyn-Kazyk restaurant for 120 seats.

The object of this study is the Altyn-Kazyk restaurant.

The subject of the study is the vegetable shop of a restaurant.

The purpose of the study is to consistently compile an algorithm for organizing production and jobs in the vegetable shop of the restaurant in question, and perform the necessary calculations.

To achieve this goal, the following tasks were set and solved:

1. Determine the capacity of the restaurant.

2. Find out the number of dishes sold in the restaurant.

3. Create a menu plan and characterize it.

5. Draw conclusions on the work done.

The sources of information for writing the work were basic educational literature, the results of practical research by prominent domestic and foreign authors, articles and reviews in specialized and periodicals devoted to the organization of production and jobs in the vegetable shop of a restaurant, reference books, and other relevant sources of information that are described in the section of information sources used.

Chapter 1. General characteristics of the vegetable shop

1.1 Characteristicvegetable shop

The vegetable shop of the Altyn-Kazyk restaurant has a convenient connection with the cold and hot shops, in which the production of finished products is completed and is located in the part of the enterprise where the vegetable chamber is located in order to transport raw materials, bypassing the common production corridors. food restaurant vegetable menu

Various devices and tools are used to process vegetables. Manual peeling and post-cleaning of potatoes and root vegetables is carried out using a knife for processing roots, a knife for removing eyes and a mechanical device for post-cleaning potatoes; cutting using a carving knife, chef's knives, a tabletop device for chopping vegetables, a manual onion slicer, a grater.

The equipment in the workshop under consideration is located sequentially in accordance with the technological process of processing raw materials.

Vegetables come to the workshop from the pantry, which is located nearby. Potatoes and root vegetables in the workshop are stored in chests and in containers on counters, other vegetables are stored on racks. During the processing process, potatoes and root vegetables are washed in a bath, then loaded into a potato peeler. After cleaning, they are washed in a stationary or mobile bath (the potatoes are stored in a bath of water), then served on the table for further cleaning. The final operation is cutting the vegetables on a cutting board with chef's knives or using a raw vegetable cutting machine. Stripping cabbage and sorting greens is done on a separate table with a built-in bathtub. After cleaning and sorting, the vegetables are washed. Onions and horseradish are cleaned at the table with local air suction, washed in a bath and cut by machine or by hand.

After sorting and cleaning, vegetables and herbs are washed. To perform this operation, a bathtub or table with a built-in bathtub is installed in the workshop.

Vegetables and herbs are cut on a production table, on which there is a cutting board, to the right of it there are three chef’s knives, to the left there is a tray with washed greens or vegetables, and behind the board there is a tray for semi-finished products.

1.2 WITHstructurevegetable shop

The vegetable shop carries out the primary processing of vegetables and the production of semi-finished vegetable products. The work of the vegetable shop is organized taking into account the technological process of preparing semi-finished products from potatoes, beets, carrots, onions, cabbage and other vegetables. The range and quantity of semi-finished products produced by the workshop depends on the production program of the enterprise and its capacity.

In canteens, restaurants and other catering establishments that use raw materials, the technological process of processing vegetables consists of sorting (sorting), washing, peeling, post-cleaning, washing and slicing. Workplaces in the workshop are organized in accordance with technological operations and equipped with the necessary equipment, inventory, and tools. Mechanical equipment is used for peeling potatoes, root vegetables and slicing vegetables.

Workplaces are provided in the workshop for processing certain types of vegetables. All vegetable processing operations are mechanized as much as possible. For washing and peeling vegetables, batch potato peeling machines with a capacity of 125, 250 and 400 kg/h are used; for slicing - vegetable cutting machines with a capacity of 50-200, 400-1000 kg/h, or a universal drive.

To transport raw materials and vegetable semi-finished products, trolleys or mobile tubs and racks are used. Significant time expenditures for vegetable shop cooks are associated with manual operations: post-cleaning of potatoes and root vegetables; peeling onions, horseradish, garlic, sorting herbs, etc. To perform this, specialized tables are installed at workplaces. The table covers have recesses for processed vegetables and a hole for dumping waste into installed containers. To clean onions and horseradish, use a table-cabinet of the same design with local air suction. Baths are installed for washing vegetables.

Floor and tabletop electromechanical equipment is installed in the vegetable shop. The range of electromechanical equipment includes vegetable cutters, cutters, food processors, vegetable peelers, universal kitchen drives, vegetable washing and drying equipment, as well as hand mixers, slicers and planetary mixers.

Chapter 2. Organization of a general vegetable snack bar

2.1 Basic requirements for creating optimal working conditions

To successfully complete the production process in catering establishments, it is necessary to:

* choose a rational production structure;

* production facilities should be located along the technological process to eliminate counter flows of incoming raw materials, semi-finished products and finished products. Thus, procurement shops should be located closer to warehouses, but at the same time have a convenient connection with pre-production shops;

* ensure production flow and sequence of technological processes;

* correctly place the equipment;

* provide workplaces with the necessary equipment, inventory, tools;

* create optimal working conditions. Production premises should be located on ground floors and oriented to the north and northwest. The composition and area of ​​production premises are determined by Building Codes and Design Rules depending on the type and capacity of enterprises.

The area of ​​production premises must ensure safe working conditions and compliance with sanitary and hygienic requirements. The area consists of usable area occupied by various technological equipment, as well as the area of ​​passages.

The area of ​​production premises is calculated using the formula:

Sfloor - useful area of ​​the workshop occupied by equipment, m2;

KSP - area utilization factor, taking into account passages between equipment.

For approximate calculations, the following space utilization factors are accepted: for a hot shop - 0.25-0.3; for cold - 0.35-0.4; for procurement shops - 0.35.

Example. Determine the total area of ​​the cold shop of a restaurant with 120 seats, if the number of workers in the shop on a maximum shift is known - 4 people.

Let's determine the number of production tables using the formula

where L is the total length of production tables to be installed, m;

Rmax - number of workers in the maximum shift, people;

lp - standard table length per employee for performing auxiliary operations (1.25 m).

Based on the total length of the production tables, we select specific types: sectional-modular production table with a refrigerated cabinet SOESM-2, 1.68 m long - 1 unit; production table SP-1050, length 1.05 m - 3 units. Therefore, the total length of the tables will be 4.83 m.

In our example, the area of ​​the cold shop will be 18.7 m2 (7.484/0.4).

The calculation of production premises according to the standard area per worker is made using the formula:

where Stotal is the total area of ​​the workshop, m2;

N is the number of workers in the workshop;

n is the norm of area per worker, m2.

Area standards are accepted, m2: for a hot shop - 7-10; cold - 6-8; for procurement shops - 4-6.

The height of the production premises must be at least 3.3 m. The walls to a height of 1.8 m from the floor are lined with ceramic tiles, the rest of the part is covered with light adhesive paint.

In modern premises, the walls are lined with light ceramic tiles to the full height, which improves the conditions for sanitary processing.

Floors must be waterproof, have a slight slope towards the ladder, they are covered with metlakh tiles or other artificial material that meets sanitary and hygienic requirements.

An optimal microclimate must be created in production premises. Microclimate factors include temperature, humidity and air speed. The microclimate of the hot and confectionery shops is also affected by thermal radiation from the heated surfaces of the equipment. The exposed surface of a hot stove emits rays that can cause heat stroke in a worker.

The optimal temperature in the procurement and cold shops should be within 16-18°C, in the hot and confectionery shops 23-25°C. Relative air humidity in workshops is 60-70%.

These microclimatic conditions are created by installing supply and exhaust ventilation. The hood should be greater than the air flow. In hot shops, in addition to general ventilation, local ventilation is used; local ventilation suction units are installed above sectional modulated equipment (stoves, frying pans, deep fryers, food warmers), which are designed to remove vapors.

In modern enterprises, it is advisable to use automatic air-conditioning units to create an optimal microclimate.

An important condition for reducing worker fatigue and preventing injuries is proper lighting of production premises and workplaces. Workshops must have natural lighting. The illumination coefficient (the ratio of the window area to the floor area) must be at least 1:6, and the distance of the workplace from the windows should not be more than 8 m. Production tables are placed so that the cook works facing the window or the light falls from the left.

For artificial lighting, fluorescent or incandescent lamps are used. When selecting lamps, it is necessary to comply with the standard - 20 W per 1 m2 of workshop area.

Production premises must have hot and cold water supply to washing baths, electric boilers, and digester boilers.

Sewerage ensures the removal of wastewater during the operation of baths and digesters.

In production workshops, noise occurs during the operation of mechanical and refrigeration equipment. The permissible noise level in industrial premises is 60-75 dB. Reducing noise levels in industrial premises can be achieved by:

* use of sound-absorbing materials;

* installation of electric motors on shock absorbers using sound-absorbing casings, installation of equipment on vibration-absorbing foundations;

* timely elimination of faults that increase noise during equipment operation;

* constant monitoring of the fastening of moving parts of machines and mechanisms, checking the condition of shock-absorbing gaskets, lubrication, etc.;

* timely prevention and repair of equipment;

* operation of equipment in the modes specified in the manufacturer’s passport;

* placement of workplaces, machines and mechanisms in such a way that the impact of noise on workers is minimal;

* placing the workplaces of waiters, bartenders, and bartenders in dining rooms in the least noisy places, away from the stage and acoustic systems;

* restrictions on the output power of music in visitor areas;

* organizing places for short-term rest for workers in premises equipped with sound insulation and sound absorption means;

* devices in hot shops for suspended ceilings.

2.2 Organizationwork places

For each workshop and premises of a public catering enterprise, the number of workers performing a particular job, technological operations associated with the production and sale of products, washing dishes, containers and equipment, and servicing consumers are determined.

The number of production workers in workshops can be calculated according to time standards (per unit of finished product), as well as production standards, taking into account the working time fund of one worker for a certain period and the production program of the workshop for the same period.

The number of production workers directly involved in the production process is determined according to time standards in accordance with the formula:

where: Atotal - number of man-seconds;

K - coefficient of labor intensity of dishes.

where: N1 is the number of employees present;

n is the number of dishes prepared per day;

K - coefficient of labor intensity of dishes;

Shop T = 15 hours * 3600 seconds = 54000 seconds (workshop operating time);

l = 1.14, coefficient taking into account the growth of labor productivity.

N 2 - average number of workshop employees;

N 1 - number of employees present;

b - the coefficient of increase in number, taking into account the operating mode of personnel and the enterprise; b = 1.32.

Table 1. Labor force calculation

Name of prepared dishes

Number of dishes prepared per day

Dishes labor intensity factor

Number of man-seconds

Capital salad

Radish salad

Assorted vegetables “Native Land”

Vegetable cabbage rolls

Salad “Heroic Strength”

General vegetable shop


When designing a vegetable shop, the length of the tables is calculated for each technological operation in accordance with the technological diagram and work schedule of the vegetable shop.

The length of the tables is calculated using the following formula:

where: L - table length for a specific technological operation, m;

m is the mass of simultaneously processed products, kg;

n is the standard table length for a given operation for one cook, m;

a - production rate, kg/h

t is the permissible processing time for the product (taken from the work schedule of the vegetable shop.

Table 2. Table length standards for one cook in a vegetable shop

Table 3. Standards for the production of semi-finished products per cook in a vegetable shop

Thus, for our case:

Length of the table for post-cleaning of potatoes and root crops: L = 2.48 m. For post-cleaning of potatoes and root crops, we take 2 tables of the SP-11 brand with a total length of 2.7 m.

Length of the table for post-cleaning of cabbage: L = 0.45 m. For post-cleaning of fresh cabbage, we take 1 table of the SP-4 brand, 1.35 m long.

Length of the table for post-cleaning of onions and herbs: L = 1.44 m. For post-cleaning of onions and herbs, we take 1 table of the SP-5 brand, 1.5 m long.

Without calculations, take a table for installing an SP-1 vegetable cutter with a length of 1.35 m.

Table for storing peeled root vegetables SP-6.

Table 4. Specification of production tables

product name

Product brand


Area, m2

length, mm

width, mm

Production table

Production table with sides

Potato peeling table

2.3 Organizing the work of a vegetable shop

The vegetable shop in Altyn-Kazyk has a convenient connection with the cold and hot shops, where the production of finished products is completed.

The technological process of processing vegetables consists of sorting, washing, peeling, finishing after mechanical cleaning, washing, slicing.

Equipment for a vegetable shop is selected according to Equipment Standards, depending on the type and capacity of the enterprise. The main equipment is production tables, tables for peeling potatoes, washing baths, and vegetable trays.

Workplaces are equipped with tools and equipment to perform certain operations.

In the vegetable workshop there is a line for processing potatoes and root vegetables and a line for processing fresh cabbage and other vegetables and herbs. Equipment is installed along the technological process

The work of the vegetable shop is organized by the production manager.

In the Altyn-Kazyk restaurant, the vegetable shop is located in such a way that, on the one hand, it is located not far from the vegetable warehouse, and on the other, it has a convenient connection with the cold and hot shops. In this case, convenience is created for the delivery of potatoes and vegetables to the workshop, as well as the technological chain: warehouse - vegetable workshop (pre-processing) - hot shop (final processing).

The technological scheme for processing potatoes and root crops consists of the following operations: sorting (calibration) of tubers by quality and size, washing, peeling, post-cleaning, rinsing and cutting.

Other vegetables are processed according to different schemes. For example, onions and cabbage are peeled, washed, and chopped. Tomatoes, cucumbers, radishes, lettuce, herbs, pumpkins are first sorted, and then peeled, washed and cut.

In enterprises where a small volume of raw materials is processed, various technological processes and operations are performed sequentially on the same equipment. Organize common workplaces for processing potatoes and root crops.

In enterprises with large hall capacity, several technological processes are carried out in parallel. In this case, separate workplaces are organized for processing potatoes, as well as root vegetables, cabbage, herbs, and onions.

When organizing workplaces in a vegetable shop, the sequence of all technological process operations must be ensured. Thus, a worker engaged in potato processing first washes the potatoes, then subjects them to mechanical cleaning and then to post-cleaning.

To sort (calibrate) tubers by quality and size, you can use calibration machines, which allows you to reduce waste during machine peeling of potatoes and root crops.

Vegetable peeling machines are designed to remove the skins of fruits, vegetables and tubers. There are several ways to remove skins: mechanical, physical (steam), chemical (alkali-steam cleaning) and combined.

The sorting and cleaning of vegetables is carried out on production tables. The top leaf is removed from the cabbage, which, together with the stalks and other waste, is poured into a container intended for this purpose.

In some cases, when it is necessary to remove the stalk from a head of cabbage without cutting the head of cabbage itself, they use a special device in the form of a steel tube with a notch. When you press it, the stalk is removed from the head of cabbage.

At the workplace, to the left of the employee are vegetables intended for processing and cleaning, and to the right are containers for peeled vegetables. If vegetables need to be washed after cleaning, then bathtubs with an insert mesh, large colanders and other equipment are used for this purpose. Special production tables are convenient for washing greens.

Onions, garlic and horseradish are cleaned in a special workplace with a fume hood. The hood allows you to remove essential oils that are released during cleaning and irritate the mucous membrane of the eyes and respiratory organs. In order to reduce the release of essential oils from onions, they are soaked before peeling. After soaking, the onions can be peeled on regular production benches. The blade of a knife for peeling and chopping onions is moistened with a stream of running water.

Peeled and washed vegetables are cut into strips, cubes, and cubes in vegetable cutting machines.

Greens: dill, celery, sorrel and green onions are cut using a device consisting of a drive, a chamber, upper and lower conveyors, and a cutting disc.

Vegetables are processed manually in cases where it is necessary to cut them into the shape of barrels, pears, etc.; use medium and small chef's knives. To obtain balls and nuts from peeled potatoes and root vegetables, special recesses are used.

Washed and peeled greens are processed at a special workplace - a table, to the left of which there is a tray with greens. There is a cutting board on the table, and behind the board there is a tray with processed vegetables. The processed greens are placed in mesh inserts and placed in washing baths located next to the table. To make it easier to remove the liner from the bathtub, two handles are attached to the table.

In the vegetable shop there is no position of foreman, since 2-5 people are employed here, who are directly supervised by the production manager. According to the menu plan, he draws up a schedule for the release of semi-finished vegetable products in batches, depending on the timing of the sale of the dishes. Sometimes workers from this workshop are included in a complex team.

Mechanical culinary processing of vegetables is carried out in a vegetable shop. It is usually located near the vegetable warehouse. This allows you to improve the sanitary condition of the workshop and reduce the cost of delivering vegetables. In the vegetable workshop, mechanical equipment is installed - machines for washing, peeling and slicing vegetables, as well as non-mechanical equipment - production tables, baths, chests for storing vegetables, special tables for vegetable peelers and simple devices for settling starch. All equipment is placed in accordance with the technological process. There are several production lines for processing vegetables: potatoes and root vegetables; various vegetables and herbs; salted and pickled vegetables.

To prevent accidents and diseases when working in a vegetable shop, it is necessary to comply with labor safety conditions. It is prohibited to allow persons who do not know the rules for operating the equipment to operate. Machines must have operating rules and safety manuals posted. Each employee must be regularly instructed on the rules for operating the equipment:

* maintain the temperature in the workshop not lower than 16°C and prevent the formation of drafts;

* the floor must be level, not slippery, with a slope towards the drains for water drainage;

* all moving parts of machines must be protected, motors must be grounded. Switches and fuses must be closed type. The machine can only be turned on and off using the “Start” and “Stop” buttons located on the machine body. It is necessary to replace parts, lubricate the machine, and put on a slipped belt when the drive is turned off. Push vegetables into the loading hatch only with a special pestle;

* if there is a power outage, immediately turn off all machines;

* production tables and baths must have no sharp corners. The vegetable washer and potato peeler must be fenced with sides 10-12 cm high;

* women are allowed to lift weights no more than 20 kg, and together - 50 kg, men - up to 80 kg. To carry larger loads, use trolleys. Unload vegetables from the baths using scoops with holes for water drainage;

* dishes for loading vegetables into the machine must have a capacity of no more than 8-10 kg;

* when peeling onions, exhaust devices must operate.

2.4 Production of semi-finished salad products

Vegetables are an essential component of the diet and should be eaten daily. They have excellent taste, and their biological value is determined by the content of carbohydrates, mineral elements, nitrogenous and phenolic substances. But vegetables are extremely important as a source of vitamins, which strengthen the body’s protective functions and allow it to resist various diseases.

Purpose of the vegetable shop

Vegetables arrive at the Altyn-Kazyk restaurant fresh, pickled, canned, undergo primary processing, after which they are used to produce a wide range of semi-finished vegetable products. All operations are carried out in the vegetable shop.

The restaurant includes a vegetable shop, which carries out the primary processing of potatoes, root vegetables, cabbage, onions, leafy greens, mushrooms, and pickles.

In addition, they organize centralized vegetable shops that supply retail chains and pre-production enterprises with their products. Most often, a centralized workshop supplies its products to the canteens of school and preschool institutions, industrial enterprises that do not have procurement workshops, but use semi-finished products from the vegetable workshop of varying degrees of readiness.

Premises requirementsvegetable shop

The area of ​​the vegetable workshop is calculated on the basis of production programs, based on the amount of processed raw materials necessary to prepare a full range of dishes and culinary products. It should allow for the rational placement of all the necessary mechanical and auxiliary equipment of the vegetable shop and provide comfortable working conditions for workers.

The restaurant's vegetable shop is located on the ground floor and provides a convenient relationship with storage facilities, as well as a hot and cold shop, where prepared semi-finished vegetable products are supplied for heat treatment and salad preparation.

From the centralized vegetable workshop, the finished products enter the refrigerated chambers of the forwarding department, from where they are sent to consumers. Reception of raw materials and release of finished products should be mechanized as much as possible, which will reduce the time spent on transportation. Weighing of vegetables is carried out at the loading areas of warehouse and forwarding departments, for which commercial scales of the appropriate load-carrying capacity are used.

The vegetable shop premises are equipped with both natural and artificial lighting, water supply, sewerage and a ventilation system. Special requirements are imposed on the floor, which, in order to avoid injuries at work, should not be slippery.

Assortment of semi-finished products at the vegetable shop

* raw peeled potatoes;

* raw, peeled, sulfated potatoes;

* peeled onions, carrots, beets;

* peeled white cabbage;

* green onions, lettuce, dill, parsley, processed celery.

The volume of output is determined based on the menu plan for the next day. In centralized vegetable shops, applications from pre-production enterprises are taken into account, on the basis of which the production program is calculated and the work of the vegetable shop is planned.

The workshop manager receives the raw materials for the production of semi-finished products. They are responsible for timely and high-quality processing of vegetables and report on the consumption of raw materials.

Sequence of technologicaloperations in the vegetable shop

* cleaning;

* cleaning;

* slicing;

* packaging and transportation.

In vegetable shops of small and medium capacity, 2 technological lines are most often distinguished:

1. processing of potatoes and root crops;

2. processing of cabbage, onions, herbs, pickles, seasonal vegetables and fruits.

Line reprocessing of potatoes and root crops

Currently, potatoes and root vegetables arrive from suppliers sorted and calibrated, so the primary processing of vegetables begins with their washing. Washing baths are installed for washing potatoes and root vegetables. Washing must be done in running water, and vegetables should preferably be placed in special nets. A more modern method of washing vegetables can also be used, namely, vegetable washing machines of various designs, which wash and clean almost all types of vegetables and herbs using special brushes.

Next to the washing baths there is a potato peeler, in which mechanical peeling of potatoes, carrots, and beets is carried out. The potato peeler is connected to the power supply and water supply, and a sewer drain with a fine grate is provided on the floor. The productivity of the potato peeler must fully satisfy the production needs for peeled potatoes and root vegetables.

After mechanical cleaning, the vegetables are subjected to manual cleaning, which is done on specialized production tables. Potato peeling tables have holes for collecting waste and baths for peeled potatoes. The shelf life of peeled potatoes in water is no more than 3 hours.

The production of sulfated potatoes is carried out in large vegetable shops under strict laboratory control. Completely peeled potatoes are placed in aluminum nets, immersed in a bath with 1% sodium bisulfite solution, left for 5 minutes, and then washed by immersion in a bath of clean water three times. Sulfated potatoes are placed in functional containers and sent to consumers. It is stored without water for no more than a day at a temperature of 15°C and up to three days at a temperature of 2-4°C.

Cabbage processing line,onions, herbs and seasonal vegetables

Cabbage, leafy greens and seasonal vegetables received at the vegetable shop are sorted out and contaminated and rotten parts are removed. Next, the vegetables are washed in washing baths or vegetable washers and sent to production tables, where cleaners remove the skin, stalks, seeds, roots and hard stems. To prepare cabbage rolls, remove the stalk from cabbage. When used for preparing salads and first courses, the head of cabbage is cut into four parts and the stalk is cut out. Processed vegetables are placed in containers and sent to a cold or hot shop for further culinary processing.

Orgastreamlining the vegetable cutting process

Slicing of vegetables can be organized both in the vegetable and in the cold workshop, which depends on the specifics and characteristics of food establishments, the location and area of ​​the workshops. More often, vegetables used for preparing first courses and side dishes are cut in vegetable shops, and vegetables for salads and appetizers are cut in cold shops immediately before cooking.

Vegetable cutting can be done either manually or by machine. Manual cutting is carried out on production tables equipped with marked cutting boards, knives and functional containers. Manual cutting of vegetables is a labor-intensive, inefficient process with low labor productivity. Manual labor cannot be avoided when shaped cutting of vegetables is required, which is entrusted to highly qualified workers. In other cases, it is necessary to provide for the installation in the vegetable shop of a vegetable cutting machine of appropriate power with a full set of knives and graters. Vegetable cutters are capable of cutting vegetables of any geometric shape: into strips, circles, cubes, cubes, slices, etc. They provide fast and high-quality cutting of any vegetables, which significantly reduces production costs for the production of semi-finished products. A wide range of modern vegetable cutters allows you to fully satisfy the production needs of any food enterprise.

Chapter 3. The range of products produced atprojected enterprise. Menu types

For the Altyn-Kazyk restaurant, we draw up a menu for three days, taking into account the following features of the restaurant's customer service: breakfast - buffet, lunch - 50% main menu, 50% business lunch, dinner - main menu. Let's calculate the food intake for each menu based on the data in Table. 1.

Main menu: 868:2+634=434+634=1068, consumption coefficient for the restaurant is 5, therefore, the number of dishes is: 1068*5=5340 dishes.

Buffet menu: 765*5=3825 dishes.

Business lunch menu: 434*5=2170 dishes.

Table 5. Percentage of dishes for the main menu

Hotel restaurants (in%)

of the total

from this group

Cold dishes

Dairy products

Hot appetizers


Gas stations

Dairy, cold, sweet

Second hot courses



Eggs, curds

Table 6. The ratio of dishes in the assortment, in%


Number of servings

Cold dishes

Dairy products

Hot appetizers


Gas stations

Dairy, cold, sweet

Second hot courses



Eggs, curds

Sweet foods and hot drinks

Examples of calculations:

Consumption factor:

Hot drinks = 0.05*2267=113.35 l.

Tea = 0.01*2267=22.67 l.

Coffee = 0.035*2267=79.34 l.

Hot chocolate = 0.005*2267=11.3 l.

Cold drinks = 0.25*2267=567 l.

Fruit = 0.09*2267=204 l.

Mineral = 0.04*2267= 90.68 l.

Juices = 0.12*2267=272 l.

Bakery products = 150*2267/1000=340 kg.

Rye bread = 50*2267/1000=113.35 kg.

Wheat = 100*2267/1000=226.7 kg.

Flour products = 0.5*2267=1133 pcs.

Sweets, cookies = 0.02*2267=45.34 kg.

Calculation of the number of servings:

Hot drinks = 113.35*5=568 servings

Tea = 22.67*5=114 servings

Coffee = 79.34*5 = 397 servings

Cocoa = 11.3*5 = 57 servings

Cold drinks = 567*5 = 2835 servings

Fruit waters = 204*5 = 1020 servings

Mineral waters = 90.68*5 = 455 servings

Natural juices = 272*5 = 1360 servings

Table 7. Main menu (1st day)

Name of dishes

1 serving, gr.

Number of dishes

Specialties and snacks

Princely roll with fried potatoes

Cold dishes and snacks

Assorted fish


Marinated crabs

Delicious fish salad

Seafood with mayonnaise

Meat salad

Capital salad

Boiled tongue with garnish

Assorted meats with garnish


Salad “Heroic Strength”

Radish salad

Assorted vegetables “Native Land”

Fresh tomato and cucumber salad

Hot appetizers

Crabs with sour cream

Julien "Coral Reef"

Julienne of tongue

First meal

Broth with meatballs

Sturgeon soup

Solyanka meat team

Homemade noodle soup with chicken

Second courses

Whole fried fish

Fish baked in sour cream sauce

Shrimp with tomato sauce

Boiled pike perch, Polish sauce with boiled potatoes

Languette with sauce

Beef shish kebab

Beef hussar style

Roast meat

Chicken in almonds

Appetizing fillet with Basmati rice

Mushrooms with potatoes and tomatoes

Vegetable cabbage rolls

Potato croquettes with mushroom sauce

Pilaf with raisins

Legumes with fat

Sweet dishes

Iceberg ice cream

Rusk pudding

Toasts with fruits and berries

Baskets with berries and cherry sauce

Hot drinks

Tea with lemon

Coffee black

Cocoa with milk

Iced coffee"

Hot chocolate

Cold drinks

Mineral water "Mirgorodskaya"

Natural juice Sandora in assortment.

Flour confectionery and bakery products

Bread "Ukrainian"

Wheat bread croutons

Birch Cake

Biscuit cake with protein cream

Shortcake with cream

Vanilla bun

Alcoholic drinks

Vodka "Nemiroff"

Red wine “Isabella”

White wine “Francesca”

Champagne "Crimean"

Cognac "Jean-Jacques"

Beer "Baltika 3"

Beer "Tuborg Green"

Table 8. Main menu (2nd day)

Name of dishes

1 serving, gr.

Number of dishes

Specialties and snacks

Boiled pig with garnish and horseradish sauce

Potatoes baked in sour cream sauce with mushrooms and onions

Cold dishes and snacks

Salad with hot smoked fish

Assorted fish


Oysters with lemon

Sturgeon with mayonnaise, salad dressing and vegetable garnish

Seafood with mayonnaise

Game fillet stuffed with vegetable side dish, mayonnaise sauce with gherkins and jelly

Cold chicken with walnut sauce

Boiled tongue with garnish

Assorted meats (beef, tongue, ham, chicken) with vegetable side dish and mayonnaise sauce with gherkins

Salad “Heroic Strength”

Radish salad

Assorted vegetables “Native Land”

Fresh tomato and cucumber salad

Hot appetizers

Mushrooms baked in sour cream sauce

Julien "Coral Reef"

Julienne of tongue

First meal

Saint Germain Soup

Sturgeon soup

Solyanka meat team

Champignon puree soup

Second courses

Boiled sturgeon with potatoes...

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