How to open a summer cafe, business for the season. Your own business: how to open a summer cafe Documents for opening a summer cafe

Since 2010, the summer cafe market has grown by more than 16%, and the average bill has increased by 35%. In medium-sized cities, such establishments remain a common place for leisure activities during the day and in the evening, but in megacities such establishments have developed due to corporate events. These are not only holidays held by organizations and enterprises, but also business lunches, business meetings and catering.

Why a summer cafe?

Where to start so that your business idea can be implemented successfully? First of all, you should understand that a street cafe is a catering establishment that provides a lot of opportunities to implement your most interesting and inspiring ideas in the field of marketing strategy, design and recipes for prepared dishes.

You need to know that when creating and developing a street cafe, there are no clear frameworks, as in a restaurant. Here, business processes are more flexible, and startup costs are much lower. All this makes it possible to quickly respond to changes in market conditions, apply situational solutions and effective marketing tools. Therefore, the opening of a summer cafe is a great opportunity to implement old ideas and apply management and entrepreneurial skills.

Cafe format

Before you start to think over the assortment and calculate the necessary costs for the development of this project, you should choose the format of the establishment. There are several most common formats:

  1. Street food. An analogue of fast food is a snack on the run. It has a small assortment and high cross-country ability. The client has the opportunity to have a snack literally on the go. There may be small pavilions with a bar or tables for those who want to eat indoors. There is a variety of street cafes - these are bike cafes, trailer cafes that do not wait for a client in one place, but move on their way to him. It looks like a kitchen on wheels that makes and sells food on the go. The average bill for such cafes is about 150 rubles.
  2. Classic Fast Food. Also a “fast food” format. Can be positioned as a burger or pizzeria. As a rule, it works in a self-service format. Business processes are automated as much as possible. The average bill is about 200-230 rubles.
  3. Cafe format Quick Restaurant Service . These establishments also belong to the format of summer fast food establishments. The range here is wide enough for fast food, but inferior to a restaurant. The average check starts from 300 rubles.
  4. Cafe Fast Casual offers a good range of dishes, comfortable pastime, stylish design, good service. Such cafes are designed for good turnover. Here the average bill starts from 600 rubles.
  5. Food court. Cafe catering several separate businesses in the mall. There is a wide target audience here, but the level of competition is very high, as there are different types of cafes nearby (including large franchises like McDonald's, which are very difficult to compete with).
  6. A cafeteria that offers guests a wide selection of delicious drinks paired with desserts. It is placed in shopping centers, places of large concentration of audience - in the city square, in the area of ​​the business center or recreational areas.
  7. Cafe on the beach. They are located near the beach or on the beach itself. This format of summer cafes is very profitable, but expensive in terms of renting space.

Marketing plan

In absolutely any business, a strategy and a marketing plan are important to implement a business idea. Only thanks to this, you can not only create an enterprise, but also make money from it in the shortest possible time. We offer the most effective marketing research algorithm on which the formation of the structure of a summer cafe startup is based.

Market research algorithm:

  • Analysis of market conditions for solvency (for a specific region).
  • Choosing the format of the establishment (based on an analysis of demand and fashion trends).
  • Analysis of the competitive environment (what cafes and restaurants are there in the region, SWOT analysis).
  • Development of an offer assortment based on demand analytics.
  • Pros and cons in the form of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of a potential enterprise, taking into account all aspects (geography, type of establishment, competition, target audience (TA) and possible risks - SWOT analysis of a summer cafe).

Positioning of the establishment:

  • Definition of target audience.
  • Theme and direction of the cafe.
  • Service method (service components).
  • Competitive advantages in this market.

Here we also take into account costs - financial indicators, rental and equipment costs, potential profitability, profit level and payback period of the project. This is a priority part of the business plan of a new organization - on its basis, you can track and plan every stage of the enterprise’s development. It is this document that will allow you to find investors if necessary.


To start absolutely any business, registration of an entrepreneur or legal entity is required. For example, an individual entrepreneur will be quite sufficient for a summer-type cafe, since it operates only during the season, from May to September. To open a cafe (both for the first time and for the new season), the entrepreneur begins collecting documents immediately after the end of the previous operating season, in October.

The following permissions are required:

  • For placing a cafe or a copy of the lease agreement (buildings or tents on the beach in a specific location).
  • If you have a cash register, a document confirming the registration of cash register equipment (CCT).
  • For all employees, official employment and medical certificates are provided; for foreign employees, permission from the migration service for employment is provided.
  • Documents for food products confirming their safety and quality of the recipe.
  • Documentation from suppliers of goods sold (copies of product certificates).
  • Documentation for the sanitary and epidemiological station, which confirms compliance with sanitary and epidemiological requirements. This plan must be approved by the owner of the cafe and bear responsibility for it.
  • An official log of control and recording of necessary cleaning activities for premises and equipment.
  • Coordinated technological cards for cafe menu dishes.
  • A book of reviews and suggestions, which is certified by the owner of the establishment.

Step-by-step instructions will help you implement and launch a summer cafe project.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. After choosing the location of the cafe, you need to coordinate the opening of a summer cafe with the district administration in the land department.
  2. Develop and approve a sketch of the establishment’s design with the relevant authorities: the city administration’s TR committee and the urban planning department.
  3. The project should be approved by the area improvement committee.
  4. Get registered, and be sure to write an application to the land department of the regional or district administration for permission to use the selected land, as well as an application addressed to the mayor of the city.

As soon as district and city authorities confirm permission to use the land plot, it is necessary to agree on the range of cafes, submit an application to Rospotrebnadzor and obtain permission to sell the dishes listed in the documentation.

Choosing a location and premises

In order for the cafe to make a profit from the first day of opening and pay off very quickly, the key point will be the choice of the location of the establishment. The main criterion is a high level of passability of people. Preferably near a busy road or alley, the establishment should not be hidden behind trees or other buildings.

If this is a tent or a room near the beach or in a park, the preliminary design is made only on the basis of comments from the city administration (exterior design, signage, LED lighting, interior, parking availability).

The room depends on the chosen format of the cafe. You can put up an awning with a counter and several tables, or you can arrange a large restaurant-type room with a dance floor.

The first thing you need to get started

  • The main furniture that will be needed when opening a summer cafe is inexpensive plastic furniture, it is cheap and practical. In addition, it is compact, easy to fold and wash. However, it often breaks. For a restaurant-type cafe, consider something more solid: for example, furniture on a metal or wooden base. It will cost at least 2.5 times more, but it is more durable and solid.
  • In addition to furniture, you need a counter for selling drinks and taking orders (if this is a self-service cafe).
  • Refrigerators, stoves and electrical appliances for cooking are needed; it all depends on the theme of the cafe and the menu.
  • Draft beer stand and related equipment; such summer cafes cannot do without beer of at least 2 varieties, it will provide at least 50% of income; it is desirable to install also a refrigerated showcase for snacks, sandwiches and desserts.
  • Refrigerating show-window for ice cream.


Without people it is impossible to run a cafe. Particular attention should be paid to the level of professionalism. Cafe visitors come here not only to buy juice or beer, but also to eat delicious food and get a pleasant experience of spending time in the institution. This means that the experience and qualifications of the cook and service staff are important. Only in this case, a small business will generate income and quickly pay off.

Mandatory staff in the cafe:

  • Cook.
  • Kitchen helper.
  • Waiter.
  • Administrator (if the cafe is a restaurant type).
  • Cleaning lady (responsibilities can be distributed among employees).


Before starting a business on their own and, moreover, a cafe in the summer, a potential entrepreneur thinks whether it will be profitable for him or not to spend money and time on it. We will try to answer this question and briefly outline the indicators.

On average, in such cafes the markup on beer is about 70%, on refreshments the markup can reach up to 150%, and on food – from 200% to 1000%. This indicates a highly profitable business development strategy in the shortest possible time.

However, don't forget about the costs. They will go, first of all, to the design project, rent of premises, furniture, equipment and wages to employees.

According to statistics, the return on investment of an average-level summer cafe is realized in 2-3 months, and a beach cafe with a minimum of costs will begin to generate net profit already in the second month of its active operation. Great, isn't it? But first of all, answer the questions: where will the cafe be located, what is the competition, and what does my target audience need. That's half the battle.

With the arrival of warmer weather, more and more people prefer to relax in the fresh air, which means summer cafes are becoming popular. Quench your thirst, drink beer with friends or have a sandwich or pizza - all this can be done in a summer cafe, which is why demand in this segment always exceeds supply. Opening a summer cafe is not so difficult, but before that you need to research the market and take into account all the risks.

Even beginners can try their hand at the summer cafe business, since this project does not require any special knowledge or equipment.

Registration and registration

First you need to register an individual entrepreneur and open a bank account. A street cafe requires a permit, which is obtained from the relevant department of local authorities. Such permission is taken precisely for the period when the cafe will be open. Such a permit will cost approximately 150-200 USD. per month.

After this, you must visit the sanitary and epidemiological station for permission to open a cafe. An activity permit will cost a certain amount based on a receipt (about 100 USD) and a certain amount of “gratitude”. All of the above actions require an already concluded lease agreement for suitable premises.

To start operating a cafe, you must provide the following package of documents to various authorities:

  • Lease agreement for premises
  • Sanitary permit
  • Characteristics of the trade object
  • Shipping documents
  • Detailed range of products sold
  • When trading stronger drinks, you will also need a special license

Please note that it may take several months to collect all the necessary documents, so it is better to start this process in advance.

Location and premises

Judging by the purpose of a summer cafe, the best place for it is a busy park, places near attractions, embankments and beaches. In residential areas there are also summer cafes, but their attendance is low.

For a summer cafe you will need a pavilion and large umbrellas-tents. Nowadays, everything you need can often be obtained from brewing companies and their distributors. Tents and umbrellas, furniture and even some equipment can be obtained for free, that is, for temporary use. It is necessary to search for a supplier in advance - already in winter or, in extreme cases, in early spring. But you should go to the brewers only after you already have official permission from the authorities. In addition, it should be remembered that in this case the owner of a summer cafe cannot sell competitors’ beer.

If you couldn’t get a free pavilion, you will have to pay about 700 USD for it. (for a standard design) and about a thousand conventional units when developing an individual design. It can take about a month to make a pavilion, so it is also necessary to arrange the equipment in advance. Usually, when choosing a pavilion, you immediately choose furniture, a bar counter, shelving and other equipment made in the same style.

Since a summer cafe is a temporary type of trade, it is necessary to think in advance about the issue of storing tents and pavilions during non-working periods. If you have free space, you can keep all this at home, but since the equipment wears out by an average of 30% per year, you won’t be able to use all of the above for more than three years.


The approximate cost of equipment for a summer cafe is 7-12 thousand USD.

In addition to drinks in summer cafes, people are also treated to simple dishes, and it is necessary to select technological equipment for the chosen menu. If you want to include fresh baked goods made from frozen puff pastry in your menu, you will need to purchase a convection oven, proofer, etc. For barbecue, you need a barbecue grill or barbecue grill; to store ready-made dishes, you will need a refrigerator or, conversely, a warming cabinet.

The list of equipment for a cafe with drinks, several main courses and snacks looks like this:

  • deep fryer
  • Plate
  • Oven
  • Microwave
  • Cooling chamber.

Also, in addition to this equipment, you will need a cutting table made of stainless steel. You may need several of these tables. On average, they spend at least 300 USD on various kitchen utensils.

It is also necessary to equip a hall for visitors. Of course, you need tables and chairs. They can be plastic, aluminum or a composition of metal and plastic. Their price also varies depending on the material. So, an aluminum table will cost approximately 60 USD, and a steel table will cost one and a half to two times more. An economical option is plastic tables and chairs, but they are not particularly durable.

It is also necessary to purchase cutlery and dishes, and even unbreakable items are consumables. Many people use disposable tableware, in which case it is necessary to provide large garbage bags and bins.

A separate item in the arrangement of a summer cafe is the toilet. If there is a permanent building nearby with the required cabin, then the issue is easier to solve. If this option is not available, then a dry closet will help. The price of such toilets starts from 100 USD.


After listing all expenses, you can begin to calculate the profitability of a summer cafe. For calculations, let’s take, for example, a summer cafe with 8 tables or 32 seats, respectively. Such an establishment can sell about 100 liters of draft beer per day, with an average price of 2 USD per liter. You can also sell sweet drinks and snacks, and the average price in the price tag will be about 3 USD. When calculating, 32 seats are multiplied by the number of hours the cafe is open (even though a person usually spends about an hour at a cafe table, and 70% is subtracted from this figure - the standard form of loading). The result obtained must be multiplied by the average check amount.

So, as we see, when all the necessary permits have been obtained, relationships with suppliers have been established, equipment has been purchased and goods have been found, the cafe can open and immediately begin to make a profit. It is also necessary to take into account such an important point as product accounting. In street trading conditions, when there is no computer or cash register, it is quite difficult to establish this process. You can get out of this situation by checking balances every day at the end of the working day, or by checking when changing sellers. You can ask your friends to periodically make test purchases in the cafe, which will help identify problems. Control over trade is necessary constantly, otherwise the proceeds will begin to end up in the bartender’s pockets, and the beer will be diluted. All this will lead to loss of reputation, which will inevitably affect profits.

Alexander Kaptsov

Reading time: 13 minutes


The business activity of seasonal cafes is characterized by a short period of operation, low costs, and quick payback. A serious restaurant business can very well start from a small summer cafe. What do you need to know about opening a summer cafe from scratch? Where to organize a summer cafe? Business plan with calculations: costs and payback periods.

What kind of summer cafe can be organized: design options for summer cafes

Variations of summer cafes are very diverse in design.

They can have the following types:

  • A veranda attached to a stationary cafe or restaurant, furnished in the same style with different roofing (awnings, canopies, umbrellas). This is perhaps the most expensive thing.
  • A temporary free-standing structure in the form of a real restaurant (also not cheap in terms of costs).
  • A small pavilion in which the seller and equipment are located, and tables are installed nearby on the platform under umbrellas.
  • You can cover the entire area of ​​the cafe with one awning (tent).
  • There are also more budget-friendly types of seasonal cafes - toners selling from wheels. Several tables nearby (possibly without awnings) will complement a simple food outlet.

As you can see, an entrepreneur has plenty to choose from. The range of costs for one or another design is 80,000-1,000,000 rubles.

List of documents required for registration of a summer cafe

The documentary preparatory process for the new season begins immediately after the end of the old one. This is what experienced entrepreneurs working in the seasonal catering sector do. For a beginner, it is important to start by becoming a businessman legally.

What package of documents ensures the legal operation of a summer cafe:

  1. A permit from the municipal authorities allowing the temporary placement of a public catering facility.
  2. Land lease agreement.
  3. A paper confirming the registration of the cash register (applicable to pavilions and kiosks).
  4. Documentary approval from the fire inspectorate. It is issued after submitting the architectural plan of the cafe.
  5. It is also impossible to do without permission from the SES.

The list of documents does not end there.

A catering establishment must have not only permits, it must also acquire:

  • A book for complaints.
  • Tests of laws protecting consumer rights.
  • A technological map that explains the cooking sequence of each dish.
  • Certificates of conformity from suppliers.
  • An agreement with a waste removal company.
  • To sell alcoholic products, you will need an appropriate license (separate for each type of alcohol).
  • It is unnecessary to mention that the staff have medical books.

The assortment is approved by Rospotrebnadzor. It is this structure that issues a document authorizing trade.

Features of locating a summer cafe: where is the best place to open a business?

A favorably located facility is a key point for success. Profit awaits a businessman in crowded places for recreation, walks or long stays.

What additional factors are important to consider when choosing a meta:

  1. Good visibility of the cafe from a long distance and from different points.
  2. Availability of parking spaces.
  3. Proximity to highways with busy traffic flow.

Cafes located on embankments and beaches, in parks or squares, near local attractions, on central streets and near train stations always generate income.

Approximate project for the construction of a summer cafe: what needs to be taken into account when designing?

As with any other type of construction, it all starts with choosing the location of the seasonal cafe. If it has already been selected and all permits have been obtained, you can erect a temporary structure and start laying communications.

The catering facility will require:

  • Lighting.
  • Water supply (cold and hot).
  • Sewerage.
  • Ventilation (at least a kitchen hood).
  • Heating system (if the point starts operating in the off-season).

The above nuances are taken into account when drawing up the project and provide comfortable conditions for clients. On average, the area of ​​summer cafes is 80-100 square meters. This area contains a hall for visitors, a bar counter, a kitchen (if provided) and other premises for staff.

How to decorate a summer cafe beautifully: interior design ideas

What attracts visitors to summer coffee shops in the first place? Of course, with a design that plays the role of a kind of business card. Meals and drinks are priced later. Owners of seasonal cafes “enliven” the interior with flowers, high-quality textiles, and original accessories. In small interior details, unobtrusiveness and memorability are important. For example, ashtrays, tablecloths, napkins with an unusual pattern.

Special attention should be paid to creating a style. Consultation with a professional designer may be required.

The room is decorated in accordance with the chosen concept - theme:

  1. Theater or music.
  2. Marine or national and so on.

Soft music is the final touch to creating a comfortable and cozy atmosphere.

What furniture should you buy for an outdoor cafe?

When choosing furniture, we are guided by the target audience and immediate prospects.

Of course, the plastic option is the most attractive at first glance:

  • Plastic is easy to wash and fold.
  • Financial costs are minimal.

However, its obvious disadvantage is its fragility - such furniture breaks down too quickly.

More refined materials for furniture in street cafes include:

  1. Metal or wood.
  2. Rattan (artificial or natural).

Without soft seats, it is difficult for visitors to sit in one place for a long time. That is why this detail must be taken into account.

Arrangement of a summer cafe: what equipment will be needed for operation?

Furniture was mentioned above. The number of tables depends on the size of the open area - on average 5-10 sets.

Approximate cost of one set:

  • Plastic - from 2,000 rubles.
  • Metal - from 5,300 rubles.
  • Rattan is much more expensive, but looks more sophisticated.

Often, the functioning of a cafe is ensured by a trailer equipped with the necessary kitchen appliances. Its price is from 200,000 rubles or more.

If another option is chosen - without a trailer, then the businessman needs to purchase the following list of equipment:

Do not forget about the cash register (20,000 rubles) and the urn (from 800 rubles). Still need a microwave and a kettle (cooler).

Note to entrepreneurs. To minimize costs, most equipment can be rented or leased. Ice cream suppliers provide products along with a refrigerator.

Attention . The absence of a toilet in the cafe or nearby entails the mandatory purchase of a dry toilet. The cost of one cabin is from $800.

What is the best name for a summer cafe: interesting naming options

The name is usually selected based on three parameters:

  • Locations.
  • Suggested menu.
  • Target audience.

Here are some examples:

  1. "Grandma's pancakes" and it's immediately clear what guests will be treated to.
  2. "Picnic in the woods" involves a meat assortment.
  3. "Youth" is appropriate for youth beer gatherings with fast food.
  4. "Kebab" does not need any explanation at all, and so on.

How long is the summer cafe season? Operating mode

The season for outdoor cafes lasts from May to September or October. The optimal operating mode for such establishments is from 9-10 am to 21-23 pm. Much depends on where the cafe is located. For example, on the beach there is no point in working until night - for most people, a beach holiday ends at 19.30. The embankment or the historical center, where there are many people walking until late in the evening, is a completely different matter. Working around the clock is not practical, although weekends may be an exception.

Attention . Residents of nearby houses may complain about a “noisy” cafe that is open after 11 p.m. This fact must be taken into account.

We select the assortment and compose the menu of the summer cafe

As practice shows, in the fresh air, customers prefer beer, meat (mainly barbecue or grilled chicken), soft drinks (juices and water), ice cream, nuts, chips, and fish snacks. This range is in high demand.

How you can diversify the menu:

  • Various salads with greens (preferably fresh seasonal vegetables).
  • Sandwiches with cheese or sausage, cheese plate.
  • Pies and pancakes with various fillings. They are mainly prepared from semi-finished products.
  • Of course, tea and coffee.

By the way, the supply of beer is negotiated with a specific manufacturer of this drink. It is better to choose a brand that is not available in neighboring cafes (tents), and offer bottled and draft beer.

Personnel required for the operation of a summer cafe

At first glance, all seasonal cafes are the same, and yet each operates in its own format. Based on this, personnel are selected.

In general terms, its composition is as follows:

  1. A chef is required for your own kitchen.
  2. In the hall, general management is carried out by the administrator.
  3. The number of waiters depends on the number of tables. One person is able to serve 10 tables. If you take into account shift work, then you will need 2 employees performing the functions of waiters.
  4. At least two bartenders are also required.
  5. Additional personnel include cleaners, dishwashers, and security guards. They all also work in shifts.

That makes 12 people. This figure can easily be reduced to 8 if there is no need for a cook and an administrator, and the duties of a cleaner and a dishwasher are combined by one person working on a shift.

Marketing and advertising of a summer cafe: how to promote your business?

  • Excellent cuisine.
  • High quality and fast service.
  • Nice atmosphere.

A cafe with a noticeable sign and an unusual design will definitely attract people, and then it all depends on the level of service. This is the main advertisement. It is important to remember the axiom: dissatisfied customers share information much more willingly (with more people) than satisfied ones.

How much does it cost to open a summer cafe: a sample business plan with calculations

Initial data:

  1. The structure of the establishment is made in the form of a tent.
  2. The size of the cafe is 80 square meters.
  3. The number of tables is 8, with four seats each.
  4. There are no hot dishes on the menu.
  5. The equipment is rented.

Start-up costs:

Amount of fixed costs – monthly:

An individual entrepreneur is suitable for opening a small cafe without alcoholic beverages on the menu. State duties and fines in this case will be lower. However, you will have to be directly responsible for everything that happens in the cafe.

It will be necessary if you are going to sell alcohol. do not incur losses other than those provided for by their shares of the authorized capital, so you may consider this legal form for larger projects.

Select a room

Choose the right premises for your future cafe. Approach your choice responsibly. Determine the trafficability of the premises, and also imagine yourself in the client’s place and calculate how convenient it will be for your future visitors to get there (both on foot and by personal transport).

If you open a cafe on the ground floor of a residential building, then your decision must be agreed upon with the residents. If the premises in this case do not belong to you (that is, you are renting it), then the approval must be carried out by the landlord.

It is easier to open a cafe in a separate building, but you still must notify the executive committee and the internal affairs authorities of the district in which the building is located about your decision. Do not allow situations in which the governing bodies are not aware that you are planning to open a cafe.

Now let's look at what documents are needed to open a cafe. Some of them will be needed before the main work begins, others you can get immediately before the opening of your establishment.

What documents are needed before starting work?

Before starting construction work, you will need to obtain permission from Rospotrebnadzor to locate the facility. This document is the official permission of this government agency and gives you the legal right to begin all other activities.

Documents confirming the compliance of the premises you have chosen, as well as communications and equipment with sanitary and medical standards, are issued within 10 days from the date of your official application to the sanitary and epidemiological service. The decision to issue a permit is made by the chief physician of the station. To obtain them you will need to provide a number of documents. The package of documents for opening a cafe includes:

  • state registration certificate;
  • premises rental agreement;
  • conclusion on raw materials and finished products;
  • documented results of medical examination of personnel.

The fire authorities must issue you a permit if you plan to open a cafe in a newly constructed building. Such a document is usually issued simultaneously with the commissioning of the building. To obtain this permit, fire extinguishers, emergency exits and fire alarms are required.

The location of your cafe must be agreed upon with law enforcement agencies. According to current legislation, the cafe premises must be equipped with a panic button to notify of any emergency situations.

Required licenses and certificates

Documents for opening a cafe also include a set of licenses. So, to carry out full-fledged work, you will need to obtain a retail license. It is issued for a period of one year and gives the right to carry out trading activities - that is, in fact, the main type of activity through which the cafe operates.

If your menu includes alcoholic beverages, then you will also need to obtain a license to sell alcoholic beverages, namely the type of license that implies permission to sell alcohol for consumption at the place of purchase. This way you can ensure additional traffic and additional profit. However, please note that this license is issued for a period of five years, and therefore implies significant amounts of state duty and authorized capital. It is somewhat easier to collect a package of documents for opening a canteen, but a cafe, as a rule, brings more profit.

You can obtain a patent for carrying out trading activities from local authorities. In this way, you will secure your right to maintain your establishment and to all trading operations that will be carried out in it.

According to the latest changes made to the legislation, you will also need to coordinate musical accompaniment, radio, video and television broadcasts in the cafe with the cultural department. Please note that reproducing or broadcasting any recordings without the permission of this service is an offense and is punishable by a fine.

At this point, the collection of documentation will actually be completed. Other packages (for example, documents for opening a restaurant) have a larger volume. Remember that the complexity of collecting documents directly depends on how large-scale your service will be and how wide the range of dishes and services will be.

Select staff

In addition to the required positions of general manager and chief accountant, you will need to ensure that there are suitable candidates for the positions of cashiers, waiters and cooks. Do not be careless and do not try to deceive the inspection authorities in such matters as qualifications and medical examination of personnel.

If your capabilities allow, you can establish separate positions for support staff: security guards, cleaners. If not, then these types of work will be combined with the main activities of the cafe staff. Do not forget that all people working in a cafe must undergo regular medical examinations and observe personal hygiene rules.

Many people think about how to launch a summer outdoor cafe . There are a lot of advantages to this approach. This is both a great cross-country ability (though taking into account some nuances, which we will tell you), and, as a result, a good jackpot. Besides, summer cafe– this is an establishment in which you can put your soul, and there will definitely be those who will appreciate it. The downside is that you will need to collect special documents and obtain permission from the mayor’s office for such an event. It must be said that this is not an easy task in every city.

About the opening of a summer cafe

The first thing you should pay attention to is correct documentation. In a cafe, people obviously eat ready-made food, so you will need to very carefully observe all the nuances of cleanliness and order. Secondly, the authorities that own the land intended for your cafe must also give their approval. And Rospotrebnadzor must also be satisfied with the conditions that you have created.

The most active contingent summer cafes has an age of fifteen to thirty years. Young people willingly go to public catering and diligently makes you money. It will be great if you open summer cafe near a lake, stream, river or in a park. This is where city dwellers flock on sunny hot days. The price of documentation in this case will depend only on the greed of officials working at the authorities you need. The same factor affects the preparation time - from two to three weeks to several months.

While collecting documents, you can think about what the appearance of your cafe will be. You can either order tent specially, or rent from any brewing company, and here special conditions will await you. That is, you will get the tent for free, but it will have your tenant’s brand on it, and you will most likely be obliged to sell only his beer. Choose for yourself what is more important to you: a wide range or lack of costs in this area.

Only one point is important, regardless of your choice. It is better to order a tent after you have received all the documents. The cost of the tent depends on the design, but it is approximately from 25 to 45 thousand. The more unusual design you order, the more expensive you will pay. But the period is always the same - one month.

For a summer cafe, it is recommended to choose a durable one plastic furniture. It will be easy to assemble and put away at night. You can also opt for the option without a tent, with umbrellas and tables. Umbrellas are sure to be popular in hot weather. But the tent may be stuffy, in which case you will need to order air conditioner and include its cost in expenses. Furniture can be ordered at a variety of prices, but it will be approximately one set – 2 thousand rubles. The set includes a table with four chairs. You will also need to consider where the sale will come from. Is this a mini tent with a stand or a stall? It’s better to focus on the design of the cafe as a whole. But count on the amount approx. ten to fifteen thousand.

A special cost item is the assortment. Most of it should be soft drinks. Beer, kvass, bottled water, lemonade, juice, and whatever you see fit. Remember that for each drink you will need to think about a snack. You can buy grill and do kebabs. Another option - buy microwave ovens and refrigerators, to sell semi-finished products to people. The equipment will cost you on average from twenty to thirty thousand, however this highly depends on your preferences. Remember, however, to choose good suppliers who will undoubtedly sell you a quality product. You can also agree with the supplier to purchase equipment in installments in order to reduce costs and pay off the profit.

Thus, when opening a summer cafe, you will have three main cost items - documents, furniture and food.

You can invest in advertising projects or do without them. You can attract visitors by distributing information on social networks, or by giving away booklets. However, if you have chosen a good place, then advertising will not be needed, because people themselves will be drawn to you. Living advertising could be the design of the tent or the brand of beer you choose as a patron.


Specific numbers about how much will you earn, no one can give, because there are too many factors here. Here, even the weather affects the hypothetical profit - in a rainy summer everyone will sit at home, and in a very hot summer everyone who has not gone on vacation will flock to the lake. In good weather and traffic flow average bill ranges from three hundred to three thousand rubles. These are relative figures, but in reality daily revenue can reach three hundred thousand rubles a day! Especially on weekends or holidays. But know that summer will eventually end, which means you need to make the most of it. In general profitability of summer cafes can reach ninety percent. But this is seasonal work, and the further north you live, the shorter the period of earning money in this way. That is why, from the very first day, you should put your service at such a level that people come to you again and again.

Nuances when opening a summer cafe

If you rent a tent from a specific company, you can only sell its products. If you cheat, you will receive a substantial fine. Companies monitor this very strictly. There is a trick called “mystery shopping”. You will never be able to spot him in a crowd of real buyers, and the company will know that you are not fulfilling the terms of the contract.

However, this is not so bad. If someone gets poisoned in your establishment, then you can lose a large number of customers, or even your entire business, if the summer cafe is located in a city where everyone knows each other. It is especially worthwhile to train staff in this regard. More than one poisoning is a sure failure. At this point the administration will intervene and simply close the cafe.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantage is huge profits with relatively small investments. But here it is important to organize good traffic, assortment and quick table cleaning, and generally quality service. In this case, your establishment will be very popular among the population, and therefore very profitable.

There are also disadvantages. This depends on the weather and time of year, for example. If the weather is bad, you may not expect any revenue. And in any case, the business will have to be closed until mid-autumn. The usual can save the situation cafe with terrace, but that's a completely different story.

Now you are ready open your own summer cafe, the main thing is to start and not be afraid of difficulties.

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