Tips for opening a children's clothing store. How to open a children's store Specifics of a children's clothing store: why it is profitable

Children's clothing is always in demand, especially now, with the increasing birth rate in our country. A children's goods store is a profitable enterprise, regardless of the changing seasons or the size of the locality where the store is planned to open. How to open a children's clothing store from scratch: what to look for when choosing a premises, what the assortment should be, how to cooperate with suppliers, how to legally register an enterprise and how much money is needed to start a business - we will consider all these and some other questions in detail.

Store format

Children's stores are stores that sell clothes for children from 0 to 15 years old. But it is not necessary that your newly opened store has the entire set of necessary clothing items for all children's ages. You can specialize in one age group, or choose one area of ​​children's clothing. Or you can combine several directions. In any case, it will be easier to start with one thing, and only then, as the store develops, add something new.

Main directions of stores:

  • Children's clothing for any age.
  • A store of clothing and accessories for newborns and infants.
  • Clothes for children of primary school age.
  • Clothes for schoolchildren.
  • School uniform.
  • Clothing store for teenagers.
  • Sports children's clothing store.
  • Festive and carnival clothing for children.
  • Clothes for girls.
  • Clothes for boys.

Collection and analysis of information

Before opening a children's clothing store, you need to figure out how many such stores already exist in your city or area, where they are located, how they are equipped, what their range is and whether they satisfy all the needs of customers. You need to talk to your parents, study this issue on the Internet, on mommy forums. Find out what is missing, what else parents want to see in children's clothing stores, and what they are dissatisfied with. If you are parents yourself, it will be easier for you to understand these issues.

A good step to take before starting your own business is to work for some time in a children's clothing store as a salesperson or administrator. This will help you see the business from the inside, understand the subtleties and nuances and understand whether you have the desire and ability to do it. This is especially useful if you do not have your own free money and are planning to take out a loan. A close acquaintance with the business will help you not to fail, and, therefore, to repay the loan and make a profit.

There is a lot of competition among children's clothing stores, so you must have a good understanding of how to attract customers. You may be able to find low-cost suppliers and attract buyers with lower prices than your competitors. Or you will have exclusive clothes, the kind that you won’t find in every store. Or the interior and atmosphere of your store will be different from similar ones and will attract the attention of young customers and their parents.

Fashion is an important part of your business. There are fashion trends in children's clothing, as well as in clothing for adults. You need to be aware of all the new products and fashion trends for children in order to predict demand and offer in your store those products that will sell well.

Store premises

The size of the room may vary, depending on your capabilities and the needs of the population in this particular case. You can start with a store of 20-30 sq.m., but still the optimal size is at least 50 sq.m. m. After all, you will need to place fitting rooms, hang the goods so that they are clearly visible and easy to reach, and leave space for customers so that there is no crowding when several people are present in the store.

Now - about the location. It would be very good to open a children's goods store in close proximity to any children's institutions: a children's clinic, school, kindergarten, art center or child development center. A good location is in shopping arcades, close to other stores or in large shopping centers.

The choice of location for a store must be approached with the utmost care, because the location determines the traffic to your store and, accordingly, your profit.

Legal registration

Most often, owners of small clothing stores, including children's,. This is a convenient form as it does not require complex tax reporting. You can handle this quite well on your own.

In addition, you can choose a special taxation regime - imputed tax, which does not depend on turnover and profit levels. This tax is called. It will be calculated based on the physical characteristics of your store: size, equipment, number of employees.

Additionally, you will need to enter your store into the unified trade register and obtain a certificate to this effect, which is valid for three years.

In addition, if you open a store in a premises that has not been registered as a retail space, you will have to do it yourself - obtain a permit for trading activities from the Trade Department of your city, as well as conclusions from the Fire Department and Rospotrebnadzor.

The trading department monitors the strict implementation of the “Rules for trading certain types of goods” as it relates to the equipment and equipment of the store. Rospotrebnadzor verifies compliance with the Sanitary Rules reflected in the PLC - a laboratory control program that is created on the basis of SanPiN and GOSTs. The fire inspection is guided by the Federal Law of December 21, 1994 No. 69-FZ “On Fire Safety” when issuing permission to open a store.

If you rent space for a store in a shopping center, then the administration of the center is responsible for compliance and execution of all these standards.

Store assortment

You must take care of a varied assortment and availability of sizes for each type of product.

Businessmen experienced in this area say that it is easiest to choose the right assortment for newborns and infants. This segment is least influenced by fashion and the basic set of clothing items remains unchanged for decades. Here you need to pay attention to the naturalness of materials, successful design and price-quality ratio.

When choosing clothes for kindergarteners, you need to pay special attention to durability and wear, as well as comfort and beauty. Boys at this age are less concerned about what they are dressed in, but girls, like their mothers, really love beautiful fluffy skirts and dresses. They are a must have in your store.

Older children themselves take an active part in choosing clothes, so it is necessary to take more into account fashion trends and the wishes of the younger generation. School-age children often like clothes that look like adults, but they should still be comfortable and kid-friendly.

Your suppliers

The main manufacturers of children's clothing represented on the Russian market are Russia, China, Turkey and Poland. Moreover, in recent years there has been a significant expansion of the influence of Russian manufacturers. The most popular of them are: “Cheerful Baby”, “Leo”, “Artel” and “Dioli”.

Advantages of Russian manufacturers: high quality of goods (factories operate according to GOST standards), reasonable price, convenient and uncomplicated ordering system, the ability to additionally order popular sizes and models. A very important point is that Russian goods have the entire package of documents necessary for sale, you don’t have to worry about it. And, most importantly, Russian manufacturers inspire confidence among buyers. Often parents are very happy to buy Russian clothes for their children rather than imported ones.

As for foreign manufacturers of children's clothing, they can sometimes offer very low prices (especially in China), but the quality of the product will also be low. Our consumers are already fed up with cheap products and are distrustful of the cheapness of Chinese goods.

On the other hand, imported clothing items can diversify your assortment; you can find from foreign manufacturers something that domestic ones do not have. You can contact representatives of the manufacturers you like personally or order imported (as well as domestic) children's clothing via the Internet.

Store decoration

This issue needs to be given the maximum possible attention and resources. There is a lot of choice now, there are many stores and buyers are spoiled. They will pass by a dull store with unattractive goods. Therefore, make sure that your store is decorated brightly and beautifully, and that the product looks so that you want to buy it.

You are opening a children's store, so the design should be appropriate - cheerful, bright, with elements of games and fairy tales. If possible, hire a designer who will develop an interesting and original design project for your store. If this is not possible, use your own imagination. Place drawings of fairy-tale characters and heroes of popular cartoons on the walls, organize a children's corner with a small sofa and a table for drawing, hang a TV in a visible place where cartoons will be shown continuously - and the kids will be happy. And with them the parents. Usually children, especially small ones, do not really like to try on clothes for a long time. If your store has something that attracts and holds their attention, parents will be grateful to you and will come back to you again and again.

Pay attention to lighting - bright colored light bulbs not only attract attention, but also make your product attractive.

Display mannequins in the window and regularly update their appearance - it has been noticed that this greatly attracts the attention of potential buyers. It's good if you have at least two fitting rooms, and they are spacious enough to accommodate a parent and child. The fitting room must have a chair or ottoman, a large number of hooks and hangers and full-length mirrors located in a child-friendly manner.

All clothing items in your store should be laid out and hung so that they are easy to reach. On the walls you can place panels with clothes hangers, and in the free space - so-called island equipment, around which it is convenient to move when choosing items of clothing.


Finding good sellers is not so easy, but you have to try. Service in your store should always be polite and friendly. But unobtrusive. The seller must definitely offer a blouse if the buyer has chosen trousers or a skirt, but he must also remember that the buyer may refuse.

A children's goods store should employ people who love children and know how to find a common language with them. This may require a lot of patience, because the child can become capricious and stubborn.

Typically, to work in such stores, two or four sales assistants are hired, who work in shifts, one or two at a time, respectively. There may also be an administrator on staff who will coordinate the work of the store. You, as the owner, may want to take on this function yourself.

Business plan for a children's clothing store

Approximate calculations for a children's clothing store specializing in clothing for school-age children. Store area – 50 sq.m. Located in a large shopping center.

Rent – ​​50,000 rubles per month.


  • Costs for decoration and lighting (without repairs) – 50,000.
  • Island equipment, 3 sections – 30,000.
  • Wall panels with hooks, hangers and hangers – 40,000.
  • Fitting rooms with mirrors - 2 pcs. – 20,000.
  • Mannequins – 10,000.
  • Sign – 5,000.
  • Cash register – 30,000.
  • Children's mini-corner (table and two chairs) – 5,000.
  • Total for equipment 240,000.

In addition, transportation costs are 10,000 per month.

Funds for the purchase of goods – 500,000.

The average profit per month of work is 100,000 - 120,000 rubles.

Advertising and promotion

A prominent sign and a well-designed display window are often enough to attract the attention of buyers.

But in order for them to stay with you and want to come to your store again, you need to try. The quality of the product should be high, prices should be competitive, salespeople should greet customers with a smile, but not be overly active and not interfere with choosing the product on their own.

Be sure to issue discount cards to regular customers - this is an effective measure to create your own constant flow of customers. Recently, there has been a tendency to give customers additional discounts on a child’s birthday. This also makes sense, as it binds customers to you even more.

When issuing discount cards, ask customers to fill out a short form and provide their email address and phone number. Then you can inform your regular customers about your promotions, discounts, and new product arrivals. For all holidays, arrange promotions and give additional discounts.


First of all, decide on the age category. If you want to sell only baby clothes, the design should be aimed at parents. As a rule, children are not taken to such a store. Count on pregnant women being ideal buyers. Prolactin (the hormone of motherhood) released in their body makes them fascinated by cute children's things and photographs of babies. So make sure that the store has a calm atmosphere, the furniture and walls should be painted in pastel colors, there should be posters of babies everywhere, as well as educational brochures about the benefits of breastfeeding and the diet of expectant mothers.

It’s another matter if your main audience is children aged 4 years and older. We need bright colors and big toys. At this age, children, as a rule, do not react to pastel colors, so choose cheerful shades for decoration. A play corner with pencils and coloring books will help you cope with the tomboys. It would be nice to complement the interior with soft and typewriters. And no breakable or fragile objects, or sharp corners.

If your store includes clothes for children of all ages, you need to take care of each client. First, divide the area by age. You can make special signs at the top to make it easy for customers to understand. Design the part taking into account the needs of pregnant women, place benches so that you can relax. Make the kindergarten department bright, equip it with a nursery, and limit it to a playpen. Also take school clothes to a separate place, make it serious, because it is very important for schoolchildren to feel that they are already adults. Each department should stand out well so that customers do not wander around looking for the right products. It is also better to make fitting rooms separate for each part. Newborns do not need a fitting; here you can only install a changing table for those who do come to the store with a baby.


  • how to design a children's store

Tip 2: Features of choosing goods in a children's store: attention to quality

When choosing things in a children's store, you must remember to follow a number of important rules. This will help you purchase only high-quality toys, clothes, shoes, and other equally necessary products for kids.

Rules for choosing products in children's stores

Modern children's stores offer a wide range of clothing, shoes, toys, and art supplies. But despite such diversity, sometimes it is very difficult for parents to choose something specific. This is often due to the fact that a huge number of low-quality goods begin to appear in stores.

When purchasing children's clothing, shoes, toys in a store, you should first of all pay attention to their quality. A low-quality product will not only not last long, but can also cause allergies in the baby and also cause harm to his health. Cheap clothes are made from synthetic fabrics dyed with poisonous and very unstable dyes. If they come into contact with a child’s skin, such things can cause allergic reactions. Cheap toys can be made from polymer materials that release toxic volatile compounds into the atmosphere.

When choosing children's clothing and shoes, you should pay attention to the material from which they are made, as well as the quality of the seams. The seams should be smooth, without breaks or protruding threads. High-quality items for children are usually made from natural materials. This is especially important for clothing that comes into direct contact with the baby’s skin. The coloring of the fabric should be uniform.

When choosing toys, it is imperative to ask the seller for a certificate of conformity for the product and a hygiene certificate confirming its safety. Uncertified toys may be made from polymer materials that are harmful to health. Very often there is an unpleasant odor from such a product.

For high-quality toys, all small parts should be well secured so that children cannot tear them off and accidentally swallow them.

Stores where you can buy baby clothes

Those who want to purchase quality items for their children can be advised to visit only those stores that care about the safety and quality of the goods they sell, as well as their reputation. As a rule, such retail premises are always clean, comfortable, and there is no unpleasant odor. Upon first request, sellers are ready to provide the buyer with all the necessary documents for the goods.

Good stores offer products from domestic and European manufacturers. Products made in China are usually of very low quality.

You can order children's clothes and toys in online stores only if you are confident in the integrity of the seller and have all the necessary certificates of conformity and hygiene certificates posted on the website.

How to quickly and independently open a children's clothing store. What is needed for this, how much will it cost, how quickly will it pay off, what important stages will you have to go through, and is such a business profitable? A detailed business plan for future entrepreneurs.

Children's clothing is in great demand - always and at any time of the year. The greatest demand occurs in August, when parents prepare their children for school. Therefore, such a business can bring good profits. But for this you need to find reliable suppliers, have a wide range and choose the right store location.

This article describes in detail the process of opening a children's clothing store and what is needed for this.

Store format

Before opening such a retail facility, you need to decide on its format. Here are a few areas in which you can work:

  • Children's clothing for children from 0 to 15 years.
  • Products for newborns and infants.
  • Clothing for preschoolers.
  • Clothes for schoolchildren.
  • Teenagers clothes.
  • Sports children's clothing.
  • Clothes for girls.
  • Clothes for boys.
  • Festive outfits for children.
  • School uniforms.

That is, you can specialize in a particular age group or in a specific area. At the initial stage, it would be better to choose one thing. Then you can always develop the store and increase the assortment.

Market analysis

Before opening your own children's clothing store, you need to research the market and. You need to pay attention to the number of similar shopping facilities in the city and their location. You need to find out their range and prices. See how they are equipped.

If you know parents of children under 15 years old, then you definitely need to talk to them, find out their needs, what doesn’t suit them and what they like in local children’s clothing stores. From such conversations there is an opportunity to get a lot of useful information and immediately come to the market with profitable offers.

To get to know the “kitchen from the inside” better, you can get a job for a while in a children’s clothing store as a salesperson or administrator. Not every entrepreneur will agree to this. However, this is a good opportunity to gain useful knowledge and learn to understand the assortment and needs of potential buyers.

Among children's clothing stores it is very high. Therefore, you need to be prepared that market analysis will take a lot of time. But this is the only way to get all the necessary information to open a store that will be attractive to parents.

Start-up costs for opening a store

At the initial stage, before starting a business, you will have to spend a significant amount of money. Let's give an approximate calculation of expenses.

Opening an individual entrepreneur - 800 rubles. independently or about 4,000 rubles. when contacting a law firm.

Certificates and permitting documentation (if needed) - about 10,000 rubles.

Rent of premises - on average 60,000 - 70,000 rubles.

Repair of the rented premises, its design, equipment - up to 200,000 rubles.

Office equipment and consumables - 60,000 rubles.

Other expenses - 40,000 - 50,000 rubles.

As a result, the initial costs amount to more than 700,000 rubles. The amount will depend on the area of ​​the rented premises and the range of goods. That is, it may be less if, for example, you plan to open a small store. Suppliers also play an important role here.

Business payback

In general, children's clothing stores reach payback in 1.5 years. But this period may be less, provided:

  • good advertising;
  • high quality goods;
  • affordability of prices;
  • good location.

Today, the markup on children's clothing is within 120%. This is a completely normal price for the Russian consumer.

To quickly achieve payback, you can add toys to the store’s assortment, which will be a source of additional income. Moreover, the demand for them is stable, and in the case of clothing, one must remember about seasonal declines.

What is needed to open a store?

To open a children's clothing store you need:

  1. Register an individual entrepreneur, LLC or OJSC, submit documents to the tax and pension fund.
  2. Find and rent suitable premises.
  3. Renovate the premises.
  4. Purchase the necessary equipment and accessories.
  5. Find suppliers.
  6. Find sellers.
  7. Launch an advertising campaign

It will take no more than a week to complete the documents. In the process, you can find suppliers and enter into contracts with them. It is best to look for a supplier who is able to provide a certificate for each product.

In the field of children's clothing, it is worth working with domestic manufacturers. Imported goods should be in the minority. Why?

Firstly, domestically produced goods are now in no way inferior to foreign ones. They are certified and there is no need to pay customs duties or pay for freight carriers.

Secondly, it is difficult to cooperate with foreign manufacturers. For example, you will have to undergo certification yourself, which will seriously affect the budget.

Thirdly, in the event of a defect, it is easier and faster to reach an agreement with domestic manufacturers.

You need to hire staff based on the assortment and area of ​​the store. If this is a small store open on weekdays, then one seller is enough. When working seven days a week - two. Larger locations may require more than two salespeople and an administrator.

Read on for more details about suppliers and staff.

Store location

Its popularity and profit depend on how correctly the location of the store is chosen.

The best places are:

  • next to clothing markets;
  • nearby or in supermarkets;
  • in large entertainment or shopping centers;
  • close to recreational areas such as squares and parks;
  • close to children's entertainment, development and educational institutions.

Regardless of the chosen location, the store must be visible. Therefore, it is worth taking care of attractive and bright shop windows.


The interior of the store should also be bright and, in some way, “fabulous.” We must remember that the main audience of the point is children and parents. Therefore, the environment must be appropriate.

A variety of toys can be used as accessories. It’s better to add them to the store’s assortment, as mentioned above.

The room should be decorated with bright materials in light colors. You can draw characters from popular cartoons and fairy tales on the walls - for this it is advisable to use the services of an artist.

Furniture should also be bright and child-friendly to make young buyers feel comfortable. And adults don’t mind returning to childhood at least a little.

That is, the interior should set the appropriate mood for store visitors.

Area and features of the room

The optimal area of ​​a retail outlet is from 30 to 50 square meters. meters. The store must have at least 2 fitting rooms. There should be enough space so that customers feel comfortable and not crowded together.

We must remember that children also need space. Naughty kids may start running around the store. Accordingly, goods must be placed so that they are difficult to tip over.

You can install a TV in a prominent place on which cartoons will be constantly broadcast.

Otherwise, you can focus on your own preferences and needs of buyers.

Store assortment

The assortment should be varied, and each type of product should be offered in several sizes.

Deciding on the assortment for newborns and infants is easy, since there is no special influence of fashion. Parents are more interested in quality than appearance. Therefore, such products must be of high quality and made from natural materials. In this case, affordable price plays an important role.

Products for preschool children should be made of durable and wear-resistant materials, and clothes for boys should be comfortable, while girls pay more attention to appearance. These factors must be taken into account.

For schoolchildren, choosing a product is much more difficult. At this age, children themselves make informed choices, which are based on fashion. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to fashion trends and the relevance of the clothing offered. It should be fashionable, but at the same time comfortable.

Which suppliers to work with?

As mentioned above, it is better to give preference to domestic manufacturers. But you also shouldn’t refuse clothes from Poland or China.

The best way to find suppliers is through the Internet. This way you can read reviews, terms of cooperation and prices, which will allow you to make the right choice. It is also worth considering options for cooperation with online stores, for example with such a large online platform as Aliexpress.

Today, parents give more preference to domestic producers. This is due to the good quality of clothing and affordable prices. This fact must be taken into account and the emphasis must be placed on Russian goods.

How to advertise a store?

  • Distribution of leaflets.
  • Advertisements in public places.
  • Online store website.
  • Advertising in local media.
  • Advertising on billboards.


The most effective way to distribute leaflets is to hand them out on the street. Moreover, for these purposes it is better to hire an animator dressed as a popular cartoon character.

Leaflets can be distributed through mailboxes in residential buildings located near the store.


These can be bright advertisements at bus stops, special billboards or bulletin boards.

Official store website

A website is the most effective way to promote a store. After all, most mothers do not have the opportunity to go to several stores and ask the price or choose the right product. Therefore, many are content with the Internet in order to save time.

The website should display available products, their characteristics, available sizes and prices. You should also regularly publish store news, for example, about promotions or discounts.

The website can become an additional source of income. Can . Then you need to think about delivery.

To get more clients, the site must be added to advertising networks such as Yandex.Direct and Google.AdWords, and launched.

The development of the site will cost approximately 20,000 rubles. You should not create it yourself or using constructors. This should be done by specialists. The same goes for advertising campaigns on the Internet.

To develop a website, you will need the help of a web developer, a copywriter to write texts, and a director will be able to set up an advertising campaign.

Local media

Local media includes print media, television and radio. The most economical option is newspapers and magazines. More expensive - TV and radio.


In the case of a store, it is better to place the billboard at a distance of no more than 200 m from the outlet. The advertisement should include a sign or directions to the store so that interested customers can quickly get to it.

Is a children's clothing store profitable?

This business can bring good and stable profits all year round. This can be achieved if the entrepreneur has studied the market in detail, organized the store correctly, selected the appropriate assortment and made an effective advertising campaign.

It is difficult to give specific profit figures, since there are many different factors:

  • Store location.
  • Sales area.
  • Range.
  • and etc.

If everything is organized correctly, then you can recoup your investment within 8 months. Although on average a business pays for itself within 1.5 years.

The main rule that will help make a store profitable is to constantly expand the range, offer affordable prices and regularly hold promotions. This is the only way, combined with good advertising, to get a constant flow of customers and high income.

Do you know what people will never save on? On your children. This is why business related to children's products always brings profit. We will tell you how to open a children's clothing store from scratch and how much you can earn from it.

Types of stores

Typically, stores are divided by age groups and product categories. Children's clothing is clothing worn by children from 0 to 14 or 15 years old. But you must understand that you will not be able to cover the entire range of clothing at once. Therefore, to begin with, choose a narrow specialization for yourself, and then, as you develop, capture new niches.

A children's clothing store is a profitable investment

There are several types of children's stores. We list the most common of them:

  1. Large children's stores that sell clothes for all ages.
  2. Shops selling clothes and various useful things for newborns.
  3. Stores selling clothes for children from 2 to 7 years old (preschool age).
  4. Stores selling clothing for school-age children (including school uniforms).
  5. Shops selling sportswear and accessories.
  6. Stores selling clothes exclusively for girls aged 5 to 15 years.
  7. Stores selling clothing exclusively for boys aged 5 to 15 years.
  8. Shops selling specialized, carnival or festive clothing.

There are other specializations of retail outlets, as well as all sorts of combinations of existing ones. Choose which direction is closest to you, and first work exclusively in it.

Market research

The trading business is usually very competitive, but with the right approach, you can certainly enter the market and occupy your niche. Before opening a store, it is recommended to gather information about competitors in your area. Study their assortment, price level, and the atmosphere at the outlet itself. Along the way, communicate on local forums and in groups of young mothers, finding out what clothes they are missing.

Note: In order to understand the assortment, assess the level of sales, study the market and the number of expected buyers, it is advisable to have experience in the clothing trade. If you don’t have one, then you can get a job as a salesperson and work for a couple of months to get acquainted.

You will also probably be knowledgeable about children's clothing if you are parents of small children.

Be sure to research competitors in your area and think about what you could do to improve their performance.

In order to successfully fight competition, it is necessary to offer customers the best conditions. Look for suppliers who offer better prices, think over the assortment, try to choose only the highest quality and exclusive clothes, create a unique interior and a corner for kids so that they can relax a little while their parents choose things.

What should a store be like?

To open a retail outlet, you need a room of at least 25 square meters, but the optimal option is considered to be at least 50 m2. This is quite enough to arrange several display cases and shelves, organize the cash register, fitting room, etc. Don’t forget that there can be a lot of visitors - they need to walk freely without clinging to the counters.

Where is the best place to organize a trade in children's things? It is best near a kindergarten, school, hospital, various clubs or creative houses. Things sell well in shopping and entertainment centers, markets, on central streets and near parks, where parents can simply walk with their children.

Trade in children's things- a profitable business with a constant turnover. Children grow quickly and regularly need to replenish their wardrobe. Most parents try to dress up their little one in new clothes, so it is extremely profitable to provide the buyer with a product of this type. The main feature of the children's manufactured goods industry is the price level.

The correct choice of cost guide allows you to gain a foothold in a certain niche in the market, have a constant flow of buyers and successfully fight with competitors. So, the first thing you need to do when you decide to sell children's clothing is to determine which target audience you will provide with the product. There are 3 options:

  1. Cheap clothes.
  2. Clothes for the middle class.
  3. Luxury goods.

Each of these categories has its own buyers and can generate profit, since the incomes and interests of the population are different. Some people try to save money by choosing cheap clothes, others are financially secure and prefer to buy expensive things for their baby, without thinking that in six months or a year the child will outgrow them. Experts suggest that beginners take a closer look at the middle class. With this category of products there is the least risk of “burning out”. People with average incomes quite consistently purchase new things for their children of good quality at an average price. In addition, according to statistics, they make such purchases more often than others.

You should familiarize yourself with children's fashion, make a list of the most popular products, and study the size chart. In clothing, not only height is important, but also fullness, since children are different. The store needs to provide variety not only in models, but also in sizes. This will allow you to have things for children with different physical characteristics, that is, to reach a larger number of interested buyers. Information about current products can be found in magazines, on Internet sites, and in retail outlets with similar products.

The assortment should be varied, including not only clothes, but also underwear.

Subsequently, you can add shoes, accessories, children's gadgets, and toys. When parents come to the store to buy a dress or shirt for their child, looking at the other products, they will definitely remember tights, panties or socks that need to be bribed. Seasonality also needs to be taken into account and part of the proceeds must be reserved for the purchase of new batches of goods, in accordance with seasonal demand.

Investment size

Step-by-step instruction

Your store should be located near a public transport stop and convenient parking for cars. The location near children's institutions will give an additional advantage in the fight for attendance, but these should not be entertainment establishments (circus, children's theater, entertainment center). People go to these places to have fun, and in most cases they pay for it. The money already spent there will stop parents from thinking about buying more clothes. They will think that they have already spent enough on their child today.

In case of separate buildings rented for a store, it is advisable to lay out flower beds, install benches, place a large figurine of a cartoon character at the entrance, that is, create comfortable conditions and aesthetic appeal. Don't forget about a ramp or concrete driveway at the entrance, as many parents will be arriving with strollers.

If you decide to rent a boutique in a shopping center, try to choose a shopping center that is already familiar to the buyer, otherwise there is a risk that this trade object will never be promoted and the buyer will not come. A shopping center that sells mainly clothes for adults and children is ideal. People will go there specifically to buy clothes. For a children's clothing store, the right location is of great importance, since these products, although very popular, do not belong to the category of essential goods.

It is very important to properly design the store façade. The sign and color scheme of the design should be bright enough and correspond to the theme of childhood. They are designed to form associations in adults associated with children, causing tenderness, responsibility, care, love - the feelings that they experience for their babies. At the same time, the interior design should be in soothing colors so as not to distract buyers’ attention from the goods.


When opening a children's clothing store, you can act as an LLC or individual entrepreneur. We are talking about a store that sells retail, that is, interacting with individuals. In this case, registration of individual entrepreneurship is more profitable, since you can switch to a simplified version of paying taxes. This will help reduce tax collection and reduce the amount of required documents. Having registered an individual entrepreneur, you need to think about the type of tax regime under which your company will operate. There are 3 types suitable for retail trade in children's clothing:

  • UTII - a single tax is perfect for a small area of ​​up to 30 square meters. meters, where no more than 2 sellers work. A cash register is not necessary; you can limit yourself to issuing sales receipts.
  • PSN - purchasing a patent will be appropriate for a store up to 50 square meters. meters. A cash register is not required now, just a cash register is enough, but by 2018, an online cash register may be required.
  • STS (6% of profit) - used for large retail spaces with a large staff.

Acquiring will give an additional advantage in the eyes of buyers, that is, accepting bank cards for payment. However, in this case, you will need a cash register that prints out the product range with the price, discount and cost of each product separately. Product certification is required. However, if you are not a manufacturer of goods, certificates must be required from suppliers. Availability of medical books from sellers is also necessary.

Opening checklist

Is it profitable to open

The markup on children's assortment is much higher than on adults: 100-200%. The demand for clothing for children is determined by the fact that children grow up quickly, and their wardrobe has to be updated. This contributes to a profitability of 15% of the store's turnover. This profit corresponds to the average level of profitability, so a business based on the sale of children's clothing can be called profitable and stable.

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