How to learn to write article copywriting. How to learn copywriting without leaving home

When choosing a copywriter, one of the most important steps is to evaluate his portfolio. That is, you need to evaluate examples of copywriting texts that he wrote for other sites. This will help you understand how literate the author is, what style he has, how he presents the texts and has he previously written on the topics you need? But how to evaluate copywriters by article examples? What should be a quality text, what should I pay attention to? After analyzing the work of popular copywriters, we can conclude that high-quality articles are distinguished by the following characteristic features.


Users spend less than a minute reading an article online. Therefore, the text should be read "diagonally", for which it will need a good structure. Must be:.
  • subtitles, dividing the text into semantic blocks;
  • lists: numbered or marked;
  • selection italic or bold (moderate).

This article can be considered as an example of the work of a copywriter with a good structure. After reading the previous paragraph, you probably remember the three words in bold in the list. These are the main points that the author wanted to focus on in the current block.

Agree, structured text is perceived better than, say:

“A good article always has a good structure, so it reads diagonally. To make your text so, use subheadings before each semantic block, bulleted or numbered lists, bold or italic the points that seem important to you, but do not overdo it with such formatting.

Would you catch the main idea, would you remember something from the explanation given in the last copywriter text example? And most importantly, how much time would be spent on studying even the simplest material, presented in the form of such a continuous “sheet”?


Users come to the site with specific questions that the text must answer, otherwise it is useless. In a good article:

  • minimum water;
  • maximum specifics.

In addition to real help to the user (an answer to his question), informative texts with specific facts inspire confidence in the site on which they are posted, and contribute to increasing loyalty to the company.

Check out the following examples of copywriter articles:

1. “A floor scale analyzer allows you to control body weight, percentage of bone tissue, muscle mass, water level, fat (normal and visceral). Thanks to this, you can track the state of your body, the effectiveness of training, detect problems in time (for example, dehydration) and take appropriate measures.

2. “Our analyzer scale is a revolutionary solution in the field of monitoring body weight and the work of the whole organism. By purchasing this device, you will always know what is happening in your body, train more effectively, and take timely action if any disorders or disorders are detected.”

Which of the companies that posted the above texts will you buy an analyzer balance from?

People Orientation

You can look at many examples of SEO copywriting articles and see that authors often forget one important rule: write for people first. Therefore, the text should be understandable and close to people, not search engines. And this means that the article should be:
  • no spam. Don't overuse keywords and/or cognates;
  • natural occurrence of keys. Rearrange the phrase so that the words in it have a natural order.
For example, use the key "nails Moscow price to buy" in the form "buy nails in Moscow at a price ...".

Appropriate style for the theme

There are many techniques in copywriting, how best to present information, how to push the reader to buy, etc. The texts themselves can be dry (journalistic), artistic, motivating, and so on. It is important that the style and techniques you use correspond to the theme. Let's analyze the following examples of copywriters' work:

1. “This amazing hairspray will keep your beautiful curls in place for a long time. You will enjoy the elasticity of your curls and their bewitching shine.

2. “This excellent wallpaper paste will permanently fix wallpaper to your walls. It spreads so evenly on the surface that you will enjoy every minute of working with it.”

In which copywriting example would the art style be more appropriate, and in which would it be better to use a more dry one?


When choosing a copywriter for your site, do not be too lazy to look at at least 2-3 articles from his portfolio. And if you liked some example of the text in terms of style, structure and content, you can also indicate: “I need an article like in your portfolio.”

Examples of work can be seen right in their profile, in the "Portfolio" tab.

Register on the eTXT Exchange and choose “your” copywriter.

Sergey Arsentiev

5 tips on how to write articles on copywriting and rewrite.

Finally, let me give you some advice on a very important issue, which, if not approached correctly, can cancel out all your previous efforts.

Here is the main question: “Will you wait for inspiration to work?”. Answer: No.

Copywriting is not a state of mind. This is the usual work of an educated person who is able not only to express his own thoughts, but also to study the opinion of another person, understand it and reflect it in his materials.

A copywriter is not a poet, not a writer, and not even a journalist. By the way, several journalists worked for me who were not able to write a text on how to lay bricks correctly. Because they are simply not used to working with other people's materials, and they themselves did not understand the topic of bricklaying.

A copywriter daily has to deal with topics in which he understands absolutely nothing. If you wait for inspiration, you will wait until the end of your life. You need to roll up your sleeves to study materials on the Internet, take note and waste no time writing your article, trying to make it better than the original.

Tip 1: List topics that you are good at.

Do this in your profile on the exchange, as well as each time in applications for projects with well-known topics, be sure to indicate that you own the subject. Firstly, many customers prefer those who understand what they write about. For them, this is often even more important than the price - to get a sensible text, without nonsense and "water".

And secondly, over time, this will give you a small but stable flow of orders for familiar topics. Agree that an article on how and with what to heat a country house will be written several times faster by a copywriter who has personally encountered this issue at least once. Therefore, strive to get as many orders as possible on your favorite topics.

Tip 2: Do not rush to take on complex projects.

Try to assess the degree of complexity of the project before applying and do not grab everything in a row.

How to distinguish a complex project from a simple one? Of course, over time, you will be able to do it at lightning speed. But at first, you can focus on the following signs:

  • In the project on the exchange, the client added the terms of reference in a separate file (Word, Excel, etc.).
  • Project description is too long.
  • The project description is too short, and the customer is new to the stock exchange.
  • The subject of the project is highly specialized and unfamiliar to you.
  • The project was published a long time ago, but there are very few applications from competitors under it.
  • The customer has negative feedback.

By the way, do not mistake some simple projects for complex ones, which I warned about!

The general rule is this: even if there are few sensible orders at the moment, it is still better to wait one or two days, then take on a relatively simple project (it will definitely appear!), quickly complete it and get feedback and money, rather than cling to a complex project, get bogged down in it for 2 weeks, earn the same money, but lose time and nerves. Know how to bide your time.

Don't be too critical of yourself and don't strive to do absolutely perfect work. Not only does the ideal not exist, but you also waste time. Be aware of what the client wants from you in the end (be sure to read) and just do your job - write a unique article on this topic.

Do not think that you will write a bad article and you will be punished. In 99% of cases, even if you write outright nonsense, you will simply be pointed out and not paid for the work. You obey, and nothing more terrible will happen. And in the remaining 1% of cases, a copywriter can be "bent" for a literary masterpiece, since the administration of the exchange, when registering clients, does not ask them to provide a certificate from a psychiatric clinic confirming normal thinking and the absence of nervous disorders. So you can get caught by a real psycho.

Therefore, I really recommend “licking every line” only if you do rewriting or copywriting for yourself and your projects, and even then not always. And also if expensive texts for serious clients are in the work: articles “about the company”, texts on the main page, selling articles, etc. But they also pay much better.
And working for half a day on the article “How to choose a coffee maker”, deeply studying all the nuances and design features of different types of these devices for $ 1 / 1000 characters is simply ridiculous.

By the way, do not go to the other extreme and do not write what is called "for speed." The texts should not contain "water", logical inconsistencies and "slippery" places. Write as simply as possible so that even a dumb person can understand you. Avoid complicated confusing sentences, express yourself very clearly, on the verge of simplicity and primitivism.

Naturally, check each work for spelling in WORD and reread it once. This is a must for a good copywriter.

Tip 4: Big order? Article for approval!

Before starting work with a relatively large order, for example, 10-15 articles, always send the first article from the ordered package for approval. So you will quickly receive the necessary comments from the client and will be able to take them into account in further work.

Suddenly your style is completely inappropriate for the client? It is better to determine this at a very early stage of cooperation than when you turn in all the articles and they tell you: "It doesn't suit me, I won't pay".

Tip 5: Good sources are the key to successful work.

In most cases, a copywriter will have to turn to the Internet in search of information from which he can push off and start writing an article.
So, approach the matter responsibly and try to find a good text.

Now the network is full of worthless cheap rewriting with a bunch of factual errors. The information in them is often presented very concisely, abruptly, there is no whole picture - you will have to recreate it later.

So if you are going to rewrite or write an article on a common topic, then do not take the first material that comes across. Google a little deeper and take a closer look at your search catch. By initially taking a couple of minutes to search for several quality sources, you will ultimately save your time and write a more interesting and high-quality article than lazy competitors.

In addition to all of the above, of course, you need to learn how to print as quickly as possible. But this is a topic for a separate discussion. It's time to describe some that a copywriter faces when receiving orders from a client.

When I wrote this article, there was no book yet "Write, cut!". Now it is, and to become a really cool copywriter or rewriter, I definitely advise you to read it.

I had to get to most of it myself, which means it will save you a couple of years of "trial and error". Read and earn more

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Helpful advice: How to quickly add a useful article to your browser bookmarks: just press on your keyboard "CTRL+D" and a "Done" button, this works in most browsers, check it out now!

How to become a copywriter from scratch without education is an urgent question for those who have always dreamed of starting to earn money on the Internet without investments, having a free schedule and independence from the employer. This type of work among is one of the most sought after. Due to the rapid development of the Internet, the growth in the number of websites, competition in the network, the need to fill resources with content, copywriting is gaining more and more popularity every year. This profession attracts beginners with the possibility of remote earnings at any convenient time, decent pay, a chance to become famous among readers. The profession of a copywriter, despite its apparent simplicity, has its own nuances and pitfalls. Everyone can learn how to write articles from scratch, (even) but become a good copywriter and achieve real success - only a few. For those who want to find the answer to the question - how to become a copywriter, step-by-step instructions will help you do it quickly and without any problems.

How to become a copywriter from scratch without education: a simple test for 7 irreplaceable personal qualities

How to become a copywriter from scratch - answering this question, first of all, it is worth touching on the irreplaceable qualities that an author should possess. After passing a small test, you can understand whether the game is worth the candle for you.

If you seriously decide to become a copywriter from scratch, you must have the following personal qualities:

  • Literacy. A good level of Russian is half the success in writing quality articles for a copywriter. Many copywriting services have introduced literacy tests, so if you can’t write without spelling and grammatical errors, then it will be extremely difficult for you to break into the copywriting profession.
  • High typing speed, the ability to find information on the Internet, to summarize and analyze the data obtained. If you do not have such a skill, then you definitely will not cause difficulties.
  • Fast adaptation. A copywriter has to work with different topics. Today he describes the services of a bridal salon, and tomorrow - auto parts. A real professional should be able to quickly switch and "drive" into any topic.
  • perseverance. Be prepared for the fact that you will have to stay at the computer all day, “clacking” the keys.
  • Iron self-discipline. Since the copywriter no longer has a boss standing behind his back and controlling every step, you will have to entrust this function to yourself. Just like in copywriting, only a high level of motivation and self-discipline will help you not to abandon the business you have begun, not to relax and achieve your goals in copywriting.
  • Imagination, intuition, easy syllable. A copywriter has to write about everything in the world, so a broad outlook, a rich vocabulary, and erudition will become your faithful companions.
  • Practice. For those who want to become a copywriter from scratch, 1 year of hard practice will teach much more than 5 years of study at a university.

How to work as a copywriter without experience: exchanges for beginners

How to become a copywriter where to start? The main stumbling block that all novice copywriters face is lack of experience, rating, qualifications, portfolio, high competition, lack of trust from customers. For novice copywriters, large open exchanges with a large number of customers are suitable:

How to start working as a copywriter without experience: step by step instructions

Copywriting exchanges offer the following types of tasks:

  • Rewrite (reformulation of someone else's article in your own words). The most important indicator of the quality of such work lies in its uniqueness and readability. This is the lowest paid type of earnings, which is most suitable for beginners. The customer in the terms of reference indicates the source text that needs to be uniqueized. To change the original source, you can use the replacement of words with synonyms, rearrangement of word order, division of one sentence into several while maintaining the original meaning. This option is ideal for those who want to become a copywriter from scratch.
  • Copyright (a completely unique text written by a copywriter from the head or based on several sources).
  • SEO copywriting - compiling SEO-optimized articles for promotion in search engines. A copywriter will have to learn such concepts as “nausea”, “wateriness”, indicators according to the Zipf law, “keyword density”, etc. For such work, customers are willing to pay an order of magnitude higher than for a regular rewrite.
  • Advertising (selling) texts - this type of work requires the copywriter to know the principles of Internet sales, consumer behavior patterns, and marketing tools.
  • Translation. (As a rule, customers are asked to translate texts into Russian from foreign resources).
  • Editing - this type of earnings is suitable for philologists with higher education.

In addition, a copywriter can write orders not only for technical specifications, but also for sale. To do this, you have to study the most popular queries, select keywords, "hot" topics and put your finished work in the article store.

To become a copywriter today, you need to follow 8 steps:

      1. Register on the etxt copywriting exchange (the best option for beginners), get a Webmoney wallet to withdraw earned funds (minimum amount from 250 rubles).
      2. Download the Anti-plagiarism program to check texts for uniqueness.
      3. Fill out the profile (here you can write a short resume about yourself: about education, work experience, what topics are preferable for you).
      4. Watch the mini-training on how to write your first job as a copywriter below.
      5. Apply at the tender to receive orders (due to lack of qualifications, rating, you may have to complete the first orders for 10-20 rubles / 1000 characters).
      6. After the successful completion of the order, immediately go to the prices above (from 30-40 rubles).
      7. Take a literacy and skill test to increase your order rates (even if you don't get it the first time, don't give up and persevere towards your goal).
      8. Add orders to your portfolio as you complete them. In this way, you will help your clients create a good impression of your style of presentation, conscientious approach to work, and literacy.
      9. After you have gained your first experience and portfolio from scratch (2-3 months), you can go one step higher - increasing prices. Within the framework of the etxt exchange, the price ceiling reaches approximately 100-120 rubles / 1K characters, and there are very few such orders. Therefore, if you want your income to grow, you need to independently look for customers in all the “fishy” places - social networks, closed copywriting exchanges with higher prices, your own website or landing page, freelance exchanges, free classified ads, e-mail newsletters , forums, blogs. A copywriter will never be left without “bread”, as he knows how to create content, which means that he will be able to develop and earn on his site, for example, on.

How to write an article for a copywriter?

If you want to know how to become a copywriter, then first of all you need to master the algorithm for writing articles so that they are logical, with a complete thought and useful to the reader.

  • Study several sources on the Internet on the proposed topic.
  • Choose a title on the specified topic. It should be original, bright and memorable. Question marks, numbers, facts, quotes are excellent for the reader's attention.
  • Make a "skeleton" (short plan) of the text based on the required volume, break it into semantic subheadings.
  • Write short abstracts for each point, then expand them with more detailed facts and arguments.
  • Write an introduction that will touch the reader's feelings, the main key issue that interests him.
  • Write a conclusion, which is a short summary of the main conclusions of the story.

How to create a portfolio for a copywriter?

A portfolio for a copywriter is a business card that reflects his professionalism, experience, and style features. That is why the creation of examples of work should be approached with particular scrupulousness. Choose only your best articles and preferably they are written for authoritative and recognizable sites.

From my own experience, I can say that this is a very powerful psychological technique that instantly inspires confidence among customers. They think “Yeah, since Sberbank orders articles from this copywriter, then he is really cool and you can work with him.” As soon as I added works for Tinkoff Bank, KupiViP, Eldorado to my portfolio, and “packed” all this correctly, customers began to line up, they themselves began to find me and offered orders. Now 80% of orders are offered to me by the customers themselves, of which 50% have become my regular customers.

If you are making a portfolio for placement on the copywriting exchange, then write the name of the site where the text is posted, give a link to it (for believability), briefly describe what it is about and what results have been achieved after its placement (the number of orders has increased, the bounce rate has decreased , the time spent on the site has increased, the profitability of the resource has increased, etc.).

If you are creating your own site, then add not only links to posted articles, but also skinshots, reviews, infographics. For selling texts, it is advisable to draw up a portfolio in the form of cases, which usually indicate the goals set, the cost of work and results (the cost of a lead, the number of customers attracted per month, the percentage of conversion, ROI and other indicators that reflect the effectiveness of investing money in content).

Hello dear friends. Today in this post I want to describe one of those ways of earning money that brings me real income. Of course, as you know, today you can earn money online in various ways, one of these methods is copywriting.

Again, I described all this in my previous articles, which I also recommend you read. There you will learn what it is, as well as how you can make good money on it.

This post will not be easy, here I will tell you about my latest news, as well as future plans. In advance, no matter what I forget, I want to express my gratitude to Elena (I don’t know her last name, she has such a cool blog about losing weight), who asked me to write a post about how I came to write very quickly, well, something like that.

Hope, Elena you are not offended, because in my understanding, cool means cool. Well, okay, you probably need to start writing on the merits, especially since it’s almost 00:00, and there’s still a lot to be done.

Here Elena asked me about the speed of typing. I don’t remember exactly how that question sounded, but something like: how do I manage to type so fast and is it true that I type at a speed of 6000 characters per hour.

I'll start with the first, really now, when I've been doing this for a long time, I can earn money on copywriting, especially since my typing speed is not at all bad. In mine, I wrote that I make money on copywriting, I maintain a database, I don’t go to work, and so on.

There were even screenshots, confirmation that I really get good money. Well, maybe not ice yet, but soon I will earn more, especially since I have already found some customers, so I will take more work, which will accordingly affect earnings.

So, if closer to the point, then every day, the customer (Alexander) gives me 5 news, you can take more from him, but I'm constantly busy anyway. 5 news items of 1500 characters each is quite normal, especially since there are just a lot of customers now, if you want to earn money, you write to one of them that you are ready to work and start.

Oh, how much I have already written, if you knew ...

And so, especially that I am now writing very quickly, if I know what to write about, as, for example, in this article, then my fingers seem to press the keys themselves, all that remains for me is just to look at the monitor.

I note: I don’t have a blind set and I don’t use all my fingers, as they teach, for example, in the program “ SOLO ON THE KEYBOARD". Friends, if you have problems with fast typing, then I recommend this program, in just a month you can quickly learn how to write.

I don’t even know, I’ve reached this stage of the article and I don’t know how to continue so that you correctly understand me, how I learned to quickly print articles.

Look, I got acquainted with copywriting back in 2011, when I couldn’t find a job and considered various ways to earn money for myself. One of these was copywriting, which was less popular than it is now, believe me.

I registered on the exchange text sale and began to write trial articles there, even wanted to work on fraud a little. I took a few articles from the Internet and just published them on the stock exchange, as if I had written them.

Of course, those articles were blocked, and my rating was reduced, it became negative, and I realized that I needed to start a second one.

I wrote them within 3 days, as you can see, at that time, my typing speed was low. To make it more clear to you, somewhere around 2000 per hour.

Imagine my surprise when I saw 2 letters in the mail, which said that 2 of my articles were bought and I earned $ 3.4 ($ 1.7 per article).

I thought not badly, but I had already switched to other exchanges, where it was not necessary to sell articles, but only needed to write articles for customers.

I started with a site (which few people know about) jd4 pointen. There were constantly a lot of orders, when you don’t come in, if not 200, then 300 tasks. This exchange is little promoted, if I am not mistaken, it is not promoted at all, then there were few copywriters.

And then I realized that:
- I am 23 years old, I need to think about something, not to play computer games all the time;
I am unemployed and I need to look for alternative ways to earn money.

This greatly motivated me and I decided that I would write 10 articles a day, news on this exchange. The cost there was 17 rubles for 1000 characters. That is, it was necessary to write articles of 1,500 each, it turns out 15,000 characters a day, and in money it comes out: 15 * 17 = 255 rubles.

And so, I began to write 10 articles every day for this site, which gave me about 7,600 rubles a month, in addition to the fact that I began to master pay-per-post forums. Not a lot of money was dripping there either, for the first time there, I tried to compensate for the fact that I was at home by earning money on the Internet.

Further, such a period came (summer 2012) when I invested heavily in one MLM company, which burst after 4 months and all my accumulated funds went into someone's pocket. I won’t write what kind of company it is, but I lost about $ 1000 there, can you imagine how upset I was then

Everything is back to what it was before:
- no money left;
- there is no work in real life in my specialty (I am an economist) either;
- I started to have an autumn depression (well, maybe not depression, but it was such a constant state that I didn’t want to do anything).

In general, the situation was not very good, because all I had was some writing skills. When I returned to the site jd4 pointen, it turned out that there were already few orders there, I had to master a new exchange.

And then I found myself ETXT. A very cool exchange, but I was a beginner, no one wanted to contact me, they began to give me articles from time to time. But, I liked it here that you can communicate directly with customers, negotiate and so on.

I realized that I needed to think a little and I came up with the idea that I need to take on writing articles that are cheap in order to earn myself a rating. I was very lucky that I got a customer who started giving me 5-7 texts (2000 each) per day. There's nothing you can do about it, you write quickly or slowly, but if you took the order, you must be on time, especially since 10,000-14,000 characters per day is not so much, although someone likes it.

And then I began to diligently write texts, although I was paid 10 rubles for 1000 characters. Yes, the earnings were cheap, but I knew that I would earn a rating on the site ETXT, then I will negotiate with customers that they start paying me more.

And so it happened, after 20-25 days, I scored a rating of 1000 and started looking for other customers who gave me writing articles for 20 r for 1000. Oh, this is already normal, especially since one customer (as he told me that he owned one construction portal) gave me 15 articles every day, I earned 300 rubles a day from him.

Again, I want to say that I’m such a not very responsible guy (at that time) I began to understand that this is good money and if I don’t do my job, then he will find someone else.

This is where I started writing articles, as well as reading (1 hour a day articles on construction topics). The speed even then began to become 4000-5000 characters, which I liked. So after working for him for 3 months, I started looking for customers already in real life and found 5-6 such pieces.

Now, I already work as a copywriter with 4 customers who give me work every day. On the day, earnings can be different, but if I work all day, I can earn 600-800 rubles, which I consider normal money, and you ??

What helped me to learn to type quickly???

  1. Social media. Whatever it was, but I used to spend a lot of time on social networks, I could correspond with my friends for hours, I think that this played a small role.
  2. The desire to make money without investing a single penny of your own money. Today, many are invited to various companies, so to speak, they recruit, but I have already been taught by bitter experience, I knew what it would lead to, and therefore I chose a difficult, but very good way to make money on the Internet.
  3. Constant orders that began to roll in. Of course, when you get 3,000 rubles on WebMoney for your weekly work, this is a great motivator. Of course, I did not type very quickly, but when I came to this earnings, I already wrote 2K characters per hour. Now I write very quickly, although the concept of typing speed is very different for everyone.

You know, I wrote a lot about how I came to copywriting, how I started making money there, how difficult it was, and so on. By the way, when I started working on a trusting relationship with customers, I was scammed a lot. For example, I found a person on Skype, write off with him, he gives you a job for the day, say 10 K characters.

You write to him, send him, and then he simply leaves Skype. This has already happened twice, but now I have only honest customers, some of them owed money for a couple of weeks, but they always gave it back, every penny, even more.

If in conclusion to say about the speed of typing, I want to say:

- you will noticeably speed up the speed if you know what to write about. Look, if it's even, then I HAVE 7715 characters in THIS PLACE. I now look at my watch and see that I wrote this amount in 55 minutes. And all because I know what I am writing about, all the lines in this article come from the heart.

I even want to give you advice, before writing about any topic, give it 20 minutes, read a few articles about it, study a little, you will see how your speed will increase.

If you write at least 3,000 characters every day, you will type quickly. I can't show you how my fingers are placed on the keyboard, but I can tell you that they are not placed in the right way to learn touch typing.

I'll give you one piece of advice, even if it seems obvious. Don't watch videos about how to learn how to type fast, just place your 2 hands on the keyboard the way you want.

It's very cool to feel how sometimes the lyrics seem to be written by themselves. I noticed this when such words that were often used in my articles: WORK, INTERNET, BUILDINGS, BEAUTY, NATURE, HOME, SITE, CUSTOMERS, EARN and so on, began to be written literally in milliseconds.

Here, as if once and for all and everything, the article is written very quickly. I hope I don’t burden you with water, because all this is true, I didn’t learn how to quickly type, I somehow came to this myself.

If you know what to write the text about, and also type at least 3,000 characters every day (I scored 19,000 today), then you will quickly learn how to type. In a month you will see that you write 3000-4000 characters per hour, and then much more.

Here is a digression into the topic of copywriting on my part, I hope you were not bored reading it.

And now, friends, I want to talk about the latest news, or rather the latest not good news:

YANDEX HAD A FILTER ON MY BLOG, it doesn't index my pages. I don’t understand what happened, I always wrote from the heart, that is, I didn’t steal texts anywhere, I wrote everything myself. I didn’t buy links, and why should I, but I still got under the ACS, friends, help, tell me how to get out of this filter.

Maybe some of you have already got in and out of this filter, write to me in the comments, I will be very grateful.

Well, the last thing I wanted to say: now I write a lot of texts to order, I am actively engaged in mailing, I collect subscribers (already 3300), I monetize the base, so do not be offended if the posts are not published regularly.

Train your ability to write texts, I will be very glad if my article was useful to you. Thanks again to Elena for persistently asking me about this post, I hope you are not disappointed, because there is no secret here, just perseverance and desire.

This month I will hold an interesting competition, I will write about some of my observations, experiments, so subscribe to my blog updates not to miss my new articles.

This is where I will end, for now.

Sincerely, Yuri Vatsenko!

Copywriting involves writing unique texts, how to take them?

5 rules - the basics of copywriting:

  1. Use trending topics.

If the customer does not give specific topics, but only topics, then choose a topic that is close to life. Solving some life problems, such as laying tiles or installing laminate. Such topics are popular on the Internet, so they will be highly appreciated by the customer.

  1. Choose the best sources.

The next step, after you have chosen a topic, is to find a source for the retelling. For this, any search engines are useful, be it Google or Yandex. Type a topic in a search engine and go to the first 2-3 from the site. As a rule, they contain an exhaustive answer.

  1. Rewrite the article.

Now you already have not only a theme, but also source material. You need to read the text in parts, for example one sentence at a time, and retell. You can divide the text into paragraphs, rearrange, but the main thing is that the sentences are not copied. Then the result will be unique, and it can be sold for good money.

  1. Check for uniqueness.

Check the uniqueness online for the text ru, it is desirable to get at least 95% uniqueness.

  1. Check it out and get paid.

If you work to order, then it's time to hand over the finished work for verification. If you write articles for the store, then send the texts for moderation. After the article goes on sale, it will not be bought immediately, but in about a month. Therefore, we do not wait, but continue to write unique articles.

These are the basic rules for making money, for writing articles for copywriting. There are also a lot of tricks that allow you to sell an article for more and get more money.

How to make money writing articles?

  1. Start sentences with the correct words. Experienced copywriters say that it is better to start any sentence with a subject or a predicate. All additional information should go at the end of the sentence. Why is it necessary? Keep texts simple and clear.
  1. Use verbs. Verbs make texts shorter and clearer. Verbs are easier for the reader to understand, so it's better to describe the situation with strong verbs.
  1. Don't use unimportant words. Try to avoid unimportant words, such as the words “like”, “rather”, “maybe”, “like”, and so on. They add uncertainty to the text, make it hard to read.
  1. The main thing should be next to the dot. Many authors believe that it is important to use important words at the beginning of a sentence. Moreover, stressed words can be placed at the end. And everything secondary can be said in the middle of a sentence. This is a way to entice the reader, to make the text readable in one go.
  1. Extra words are removed from the sentence. It is believed that if a word or a whole sentence can be removed from the text without losing its meaning, then they should not be used. Try to keep the text as short as possible, because readers value every second.
  1. Alternate long sentences with short ones. Scientists have proven that the same sentences put the reader to sleep. Therefore, it is important to periodically insert short words and sentences into the text. They seem to awaken the reader, forcing them to focus all their attention on the text again.
  1. Avoid difficult words. Do not use complex terms in your article, it is better to replace them with ordinary words. An article for the Internet is different from scientific literature, readers need to get to the point as simply as possible.
  1. Use lists, subheadings in articles. Many customers require the artist to write articles with at least one list and one subtitle. This requirement is quite reasonable, texts with lists are better read, and subheadings give the article more importance from the point of view of search engines.
  1. Oral proofreading will help bring the text to the ideal. Professional copywriters argue that it is not enough to read the text to oneself, it must be read orally. Oral proofreading helps to find errors in style, remove unnecessary words and everything that distorts the ear. As a result, the text becomes smooth, it is pleasant to read and it is better remembered.

By removing all the flaws and roughness from the text, bringing it to the ideal, you can become a highly paid copywriter on the article exchange. Now you know everything about writing articles on the copywriting exchange.

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