How does the blogger market work in China? “I bypass Internet blocking in China What social networks are used in China

“Are you on Facebook?” - such a phrase will cause a strong reaction from the Chinese, and sometimes he simply will not understand you, since access to such popular Western social networks as Facebook, Twitter and others is blocked. It has its own social networks, whose audience numbers tens of millions of users. So the Chinese are no exception, and they also like, repost and post photos of their food online.

  • As of January 2015, there were 642 million users in the PRC (excluding Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau), or 21.4% of the world figure
  • Chinese internet users have registered 629 million social media accounts (47% of Chinese population - still room to grow)
  • China also accounts for a third of all mobile Internet users: China is the land of mobile phones - they already account for 41 percent of the total Chinese population

7 most popular social services in China:


The social network Qzone is the brainchild of the Internet company Tencent. It is the third social network in the world in terms of the number of users (only surpassed by Facebook And YouTube). As of the beginning of 2014, 625 million people were registered on the network.

Created in 2005, it primarily allows users to create their own blogs, create online diaries, watch videos, listen to music, and post photos. Fortunately for marketers, this is where all the well-known brands can promote their products and services through the so-called fan pages.

In Qzone you can change the design to your taste. But only the basic functions in Qzone are free, and all additional services are provided on a paid basis. To purchase such services, you need to get the status of the "Yellow Diamond" - a kind of premium subscription.

Registration in Qzone

150 million Qzone users update their personal page at least once a month.


As an instant messaging service, similar to ICQ, QQ offers versatile web communication features: instant messaging, voice and video chat, file sharing with other users, and a machine translation service.

The program was introduced in 1999 by Tencent and is the “great-grandfather” of Chinese social media. It has since evolved to include features such as apps, music, online shopping and microblogging. According to official data from Tencent, the number of active users of this service is about 300 million people. To stay on trend, the Chinese company also introduced the Mobile QQ application, designed for use on mobile platforms. After its appearance on mobile platforms, the QQ Wallet mobile payment service became available, allowing users to pay for online purchases. In addition to the main Chinese version of the program, there is a version in English - QQ International.

QQ is not used for cold selling, but the vast majority of commercial sites have a button that allows you to contact a consultant or sales manager using QQ.

Registration in QQ

If you are especially fluent in Chinese, you can easily change the language to English, which will greatly simplify the registration process. In addition, you have the choice of registering using a mobile phone or using email

Collage ECD

You can and should learn to understand China not only through political and economic news, but directly through communication on social networks. Because of Facebook, Twitter and YouTube, a great variety of social networks have appeared in China, although many believe that all Chinese use only WeChat and Weibo. But even seasoned Chinese scholars can find it difficult to understand the peculiarities of a particular Chinese social network. Every media platform has its own purpose. Whether it's observing the lives of celebrities or public opinion, social networks will help you keep up with all the Chinese trends. EKD offers a list of the 12 most popular social networks in China according to SupChina.

WeChat 微信 (wēixìn)

WeChat (literally translated from Chinese - micromessage) is a vital application in China. If we discard its numerous options for paying bills, ordering a taxi and food, mobile games, bike rental and meeting people nearby, what remains is a social network for personal communication. But the social network has acquired blogs, and now it is a media platform where you can find original materials, ranging from reviews of restaurants to gossip about show business stars.

Main features of WeChat:

  • the ability to create group chats for up to 500 people;
  • “Moments”, where you can share short posts and photos that can be hidden from strangers or certain people already added as “friends”;
  • subscriptions to hundreds of thousands of official accounts and individual blogs. Some of them have millions of subscribers, which puts them on par with major media outlets. WeChat mailing lists allow you to publish only one post per day, but you can leave links to various materials in each.

Sina Weibo 新浪微博 (xīnlàng wēibó)

The Sina Weibo media platform (literally translated from Chinese - New Wave microblog) is often compared to Twitter, but like other Chinese social networks, Weibo has a greater range of functions than its foreign “rival”. For example, Weibo posts have no character limit, and it was possible to upload multiple photos there long before Twitter had this option. Therefore, it is not surprising that Weibo has long been its number of users. Weibo is's largest media platform.

Compared to WeChat, Weibo is an “open space” because strangers can leave comments on posts, while on WeChat only immediate friends have access to comment on your posts. If you are interested in how the Chinese public reacts to this or that news, feel free to open Weibo.

Main features of Weibo:

  • the ability to follow accounts that interest you, in particular, official media profiles. We recommend Toutiao News, Beijing News and Vista;
  • a list of hot topics from Weibo itself;
  • personal messages to users.

Baidu Tieba 百度贴吧 (bǎidù tiēbā)

Baidu Tieba (literally translated from Chinese - Baidu message board/forum) is a media forum with more than 19 million discussion groups. The closest Western analogue of this social network is Reddit. The forum was opened in 2003, 6 years before Weibo was created, and 8 years before WeChat. The forum was very popular among the early generation of Internet users in China. Tieba played an important role in some events in the history of the Chinese Internet. Thus, on the Diba (帝吧) forum in 2016, the current leader of Taiwan, Tsai Ing-wen, was trolled.

Main features of Baidu Tieba:

  • subforums, such as Wow Bar 魔兽世界, Li Yuchun Bar 李宇春吧 and Sun Lijun Bar 孙立军吧;
  • the opportunity to become a forum administrator;
  • creation of any forum at your request within the framework of Tieba requirements;

Zhihu 知乎 (zhīhū)

Zhihu is China's largest web-based question and answer service, similar to Quora. There you can also publicly ask your own questions and write answers to questions from other users. Zhihu is usually where intellectual conversations take place, thanks to the high quality of this social network. When Zhihu launched, users could only register there by invitation. Although the social network is now open to wide access, mostly professionals gather there.

Main features of Zhihu:

  • publication of questions, including for individual groups;
  • voting for your favorite answers;
  • search for posts by topic, such as art, business, music, games, photography, internet, design, science and others.

Douban 豆瓣 (dòubàn)

Chinese social network (literally translated from Chinese - thick sauce made from fava beans and chili peppers) for those who love books, music, cinema and art in all its forms. It is noteworthy that since its launch in 2003, the site has remained virtually unchanged. This is partly due to its design: it was created in the early stages of the development of the modern Chinese Internet so that people could find friends with similar interests. As soon as Douban announces innovations, users threaten to stop using the social network and ask to return everything to the original settings.

Main features of Douban:

  • Douban Movies 豆瓣电影 - China's most trusted movie reviews, similar to IMDB;
  • Douban Citizens 豆瓣同城 - an index to events in the cities of China, in particular Beijing;
  • Douban Groups 豆瓣小组, where you can find online communities of people with similar tastes and views. Unlike Baidu Tieba, Douban also has non-serious groups, such as “All Parents are Evil” and “Owl Syndrome”.

Tianya 天涯社区 (tiānyá shèqū)

The social network Tianya (literally translated from China - the “At the End of the World” community) was founded in 1999 and was the most popular online forum of the first generation of Chinese Internet users. All of them are now over 30. The social network witnessed the “golden era” of the Internet in China, when everything that is now censored was discussed freely. However, the emergence of other media platforms and increased government control have deprived Tianya of its former popularity, especially among young users.

Currently, Tianya's most visited pages are Entertainment and Gossip (娱乐八卦), where public news is discussed, and Sense World (情感天地), where romantic relationship stories can be found. Other notable sections are the Global Browser (国际观察) for international political news, Lotus Horror (莲蓬鬼话) for creepy stories, and Guantian Teahouse (关天茶社) for discussions on literary and academic topics.

Jinjiang Forum

Jingjiang Forum, owned by the Jinjiang Literature City (晋江文学城) website. Mostly women come to him to discuss relationships with the opposite sex or talk about celebrities. Recently, this site has been frequently covered by various media, including Western ones.

Hupu Forum 虎扑 (hǔpū)

The forum on the Hupu website (lit. translated from Chinese - tiger strike) is a forum where you can discuss almost any sport. It has been running since 2014 and was originally just a website about basketball. With the rise in popularity of basketball in recent years, the site has evolved into an online sports community. The site focuses most on basketball and football.

Ironblood Forum

The forum on the Ironblood website for fans of military topics (literally translated from Chinese - “Iron Blood” forum), one of the largest on the Chinese Internet. The site's creator says the name comes from words Prussian Prime Minister Otto von Bismarck said in 1862. Bismarck argued that truly important issues can only be resolved through iron and blood. Many Chinese, who are deeply patriotic and opposed to the West, agree with this. The Tiexue website derives its main income from the sale of military equipment, T-shirts with patriotic slogans and other similar items.

Guokr 果壳 (guǒké)

From a small network of popular science blogs, the site grew into Guokr Media with its own venture fund of $1 million. Scientists, experts and professionals from various fields gather here. Their goal is to popularize science and debunk myths and made-up news, because there is a lot of speculation and lies on the Internet. The most popular group on the site is called 谣言粉碎机 - “rumor grinder”, which is dedicated to refuting false information.

Renren 人人网 (rénrén wǎng)

Social network Renren (literally translated from Chinese - a network of all people), the goal of which was to replace Facebook in China. It was originally called 校内 (xiàonèi - on campus), and was mainly used by students. To increase the number of users, the site was renamed Renren. At one time it was popular, but with the advent of the WeChat messenger, users began to forget about it. This social network still exists, but rare users come here to post photos and chat with friends.

Kaixin001 开心网 (kāixīnwǎng)

Images: SupChina

Social network Kaixin (literally translated from Chinese - a fun network) for office employees, reminiscent of Renren. In 2009, 23 million a day came here to play “Happy Farm,” where you can grow vegetables and steal other players’ crops. This network also fell victim to the popularity of WeChat, and with it “Happy Farm”.

Prepared Elizaveta Petrova, Maria Nikolaeva

The market for online services continues to grow rapidly throughout the world. Among those countries where the most active development of the corresponding segment is expected is China. Social networks are especially popular among Chinese users. But not always those that we are used to hearing about, but completely unique, national online projects. What is their specificity? Which Chinese social networks are the most popular?

Are social networks popular in China?

Before considering popular Chinese social networks, let’s study the question of whether the corresponding communication portals are in demand in the PRC in principle?

As many experts note, the Chinese are very accustomed to social networks and spend a significant amount of time reading the information presented on them. However, the same probably should be said about the residents of many other states. There are Chinese social networks in Russian: their appearance, on the one hand, may indicate the interest of developers from China in mastering the Russian-language segment of the Internet, despite strong competition from, in fact, Russian projects; on the other hand, it reflects the popularity of the Russian language in the world. Quite a lot of Russian-speaking citizens live in China itself.

Features of the development of social networks in China

It is worth noting that popular Western online projects, such as Facebook and Twitter, are difficult to use in China due to the presence of government control over access to relevant resources. Thus, online platforms that have become familiar to Westerners may simply be unknown to many residents of the PRC. But, despite the strict approach of the PRC government to regulating citizens’ access to the Internet, the main technological trends characterizing the development of the online world have not bypassed China.

Thus, the uncontrollable growth in the popularity of social networks, which occurred on a planetary scale in the second half of 2000, was reflected in the Chinese segment of the Internet. While Facebook was triumphantly marching across users’ computers in the West, and VKontakte and Odnoklassniki were marching victoriously on users’ computers in Russia, Chinese social networks were developing on their own, completely on par with the world’s leading models in terms of functionality, and in a number of aspects, surpassing them.

Chinese social networks today

Thus, social networks in China, as in other countries of the world, became popular and continue to be so today. At the same time, the factor of Internet autonomization in the PRC has left an extremely noticeable imprint on the structure of the corresponding online segment: the most popular social networks in the PRC have become national, not international projects. The star of the Chinese social network Weibo may not be inferior in popularity among Chinese residents to world-famous characters who have accounts on Facebook and other international portals. At the same time, what is noteworthy is that those who wish can gain fame by using several large online platforms at once.

The largest social networks in China

It is quite difficult to determine what the most recognizable Chinese ones are, if only because the online market in China continues to actively develop, and if today some projects are in the lead, then tomorrow, in principle, they may be replaced by others. But if we talk about the most popular brands of the Chinese online industry in the social network segment, then it is right to include the following projects as such:

Let's consider them in more detail.

The largest social networks in China: WeChat

Let's start looking at Chinese social networks with the large WeChat project. This social network appeared in January 2011 in the format of a mobile application, the main functions of which were voice calls and the transfer of text messages between users. In addition, using the interfaces of this application, users were able to exchange pictures, audio and video recordings.

The most notable features of the WeChat project include the implementation of algorithms that made it possible to organize the exchange of multimedia content with little traffic. Another feature that characterizes the social network under consideration is the use of functions based on determining a person’s location.

According to some data, about 400 million users are registered on the WeChat social network. The interfaces of the social network in question are available in several dozen languages. Thus, if we consider Chinese social networks in Russian, the WeChat project would rightfully be classified as the largest of them.

It can be noted that the functionality of the corresponding application is used by residents of the PRC mainly to search for entertainment of interest, make calls to emergency services, taxis, pay for purchases, as well as various services via the Internet. The functionality of the social network in question allows for monetary transactions.

It is noteworthy that it was in the WeChat application that stickers were implemented when sending messages. This function was subsequently adopted by other well-known social networks.

The WeChat project was recognized as one of the most commercially successful. In 2015, the social network’s revenue exceeded, according to some sources, $14 billion. Other Chinese social networks, as experts note, have not yet achieved similar results.

It can be noted that the WeChat project is quite actively being developed in the Indian market. Its promotion is carried out using the Ibibo website with the assistance of the telecommunications company Tencent from China.

Sina Weibo

Another popular social network in China is Sina Weibo. It appeared before WeChat, in 2009. As experts note, the Chinese social network Weibo is similar in its main functions to the Russian VKontakte project. Using the interfaces available on the corresponding portal, users can exchange messages, audio and video recordings, as well as various documents.

It is noteworthy that interaction between users within the Weibo social network is censored. In this way, obscene statements, prohibited information, as well as communications that for some reason are prohibited by the government structures of the PRC are filtered. It may be noted, however, that users who post objectionable information on the Weibo social network have the opportunity to delete it without consequences. This gives them some time.

Among other notable functions of the social network in question is the ability to use the gaming platform. It is not necessary to register on a social network.

It can be noted that the portal in question can also be actively used by residents of China to make online purchases: the corresponding social network is integrated with the popular online shopping service Shangou.

Social network QQ

The next popular Chinese project is QQ. There is another name for the social network in question - Qzone. It is a service through which users can exchange messages and make video calls using various devices.

It is noteworthy that the corresponding social network is popular not only in China, but also outside of China. If we consider, in particular, popular Chinese social networks in English, the project in question can be considered one of the most recognizable.

The project developer is the Chinese telecommunications corporation Tencent Inc. This company is the largest Internet provider. This brand, therefore, also supports the WeChat social network, the specifics of which we discussed above.

Renren Project

The next major online project being developed by Chinese specialists is the social network Renren. According to experts, this portal is especially popular among Chinese students. This platform is one of the earliest - it appeared in 2005.

The social network was developed by students of Tianjin University. Through the interfaces of the corresponding social network, users can exchange messages, various types of multimedia content, play games, and pay for purchases in online stores.

Monetization of the Renren social network is carried out using different methods. In particular, commercial pages bring profit to the project: large brands can successfully use them in their marketing strategy. Thus, in terms of commercialization, Chinese social networks may be the most successful projects.

Other notable characteristics of the Renren social network include the ability to ensure the highest level of confidentiality of user data. Thus, the owner of a personal page on a given social network can hide information about himself as much as possible from viewing by third-party users.

Baidu Tieba Project

The next powerful online project of the PRC is the social network Baidu Tieba. It also belongs to the category of the earliest - the social network appeared in December 2003. A special feature of this project is the ability to find data of interest using key phrases. The main goal of this platform is to unite people with common interests. Thus, if we consider Chinese social networks for dating, the Baidu Tieba project can be considered one of the most attractive for users.

Baidu as an international brand

The network in question is actually part of Baidu, which is one of the largest in the world. It can be noted that another service within Baidu, which can be called a full-fledged social network, is Baidu Space.

In general, the Baidu search engine includes quite a lot of popular and technologically advanced services. It also includes many useful communication functions.

Social networks in China as a tool for business promotion

It can be noted that Chinese social networks - in Russian, as well as in others that are foreign to residents of the PRC - are in many cases used by interested parties as effective marketing tools when promoting their own business in China. In this sense, having knowledge of relevant platforms may be of particular interest to businesses planning to enter a promising market.

Many of the world's largest brands use Chinese resources for marketing purposes. In many cases, those approaches to promoting goods and services that have proven themselves outside of China can be reproduced in China. This tactic becomes possible, first of all, thanks to the significant involvement of Chinese citizens in communication in the format of social networks, as well as the high degree of universalization of the interfaces of the relevant platforms, if we compare Western and Chinese projects.


So, we have studied the popular Chinese ones that we reviewed, of course, cannot be considered a rating, but it generally reflects the popularity of the corresponding projects. Residents of the PRC were involved in mastering the capabilities of social networks at a pace that was fundamentally not inferior to that which characterizes the activity of Western Internet users.

The most powerful online projects in the social networking segment in China are those created by Chinese developers. Western projects are under state censorship, and even if it is weakened, it is absolutely possible that Chinese residents will switch en masse to visiting international portals. This may be due primarily to the fact that Chinese social networks are fundamentally not inferior to those developed outside the PRC in terms of functions, user-friendliness of interfaces, and level of technology.


We have previously written about Internet censorship in China and services that are banned here at the state level. Let us remember that these include Twitter and Facebook. So if your plans include not only online processing of visas to China, but also expansion of useful contacts using the World Wide Web, we recommend taking a closer look at local social networks.

The army of their users numbers tens of millions of Chinese residents: selfies, likes, elevator looks, photos of their food - nothing human is alien to them. As a result, more than 90% of the Internet audience in China has accounts on social networks. We offer the top 5 most popular services here.

This is not the first year that Qzone has been firmly on the heels of Facebook and YouTube. Created back in April 2005 by the Internet company Tencent as QQ space (similar to MySpace), today it occupies a leading position in the ratings of social networks. Residents of Qzone have the opportunity to write blogs, publish online diaries, post photographs, watch videos, listen to music. The design of the page can be changed according to your tastes, and the Chinese interface language can be changed to English.

The package of basic functions here is free, additional services require payment. The registration procedure for Qzone is no different from the profiles of most Russian sites. And by purchasing the “Yellow Diamond” status, a premium user gets access to all the network’s features, including more than 350 thousand applications.


RenRen Network (translated as “everyone is online”) was launched in December 2005 and works like Facebook. In any case, the interface, functionality and target audience of these services are quite similar. Created as the Xiaonei Network - a “campus network”, that is, a communication space for the inhabitants of college campuses, today RenRen boasts a multimillion-dollar audience, including users from all over the country: 150 million users in total and 4.5 million daily. They unite in thematic groups and commercial communities, mark important places, and like them. RenRen also has unique content: emoticons, online games, commercial communities.

Registration on RenRen is possible only with a hieroglyphic name

An important source of income for RenRen are the official pages of brands (this is what Facebook could learn from the practical Chinese): the cost of such pages, which are similar in appearance to mini-sites, reaches 60 thousand yuan (9 thousand US dollars), and the functionality is clearly superior to Facebook. .

Sina Weibo

A kind of synthesis of Facebook and Twitter with a young target audience, which was launched on August 14, 2009 and has been very successful during its existence. The volume of messages is up to 140 characters, links to statements of other users and reposts, hashtags and graphic emoticons, audio and video files. Here you can also mark information as “Favorites” and become a subscriber to other blogs. As a result, there are more than tens of millions of visitors per day, including profiles of many local celebrities: actors and musicians, athletes and businessmen.

Sina Weibo has many fans both in China and abroad

Some Western stars also use Sina Weibo to communicate with their Chinese fans. This circumstance implies strict censorship of the service by the authorities. Therefore, political discussions have no place on its pages. But registering an official company account for marketing purposes: product promotion, advertising events and promotions is always welcome.


Pengyou is another creation of Tencent. This is a network for friendly communication that does not accept fictitious names and anonymous accounts: when registering here you must indicate your real name. Pengyou is part of Tencent's QQ Network, which is well on its way to reaching one billion users.

Pengyou means "friend" in Chinese.

If you wish, you can find significant similarities between Pengyou and Facebook. For example, the ability to add friends, chat and share interesting content. There is also an open platform with numerous games and applications, and pages of famous brands that work with real and potential customers through the social network.

Kaixin 001

Kaixin 001 was created as a social network for white collar workers. She gained great popularity due to the ability to share useful content and comment on posts. Social games “Happy Farm” and “Friends for Sale,” modeled after Facebook apps, also played a role.

The name Kaixin 001 means "happy network"

Of course, these are not all popular Chinese messaging and content exchange services. Some of those listed are gradually losing their leadership positions; new social networks are appearing on the horizon (for example, Happy nets, Friends network, Tencent Weibo, etc.) with a more convenient interface and modern functionality. China is a big country that never stands still. And this is her main secret of success!

Return to list

Creating an account at is really simple if you follow the step-by-step guide provided here. Create Youku account and register by following this English guide. This is very simple.

1. Create Youku Account: Go to the Register screen

Click on this text 注册 (register) on the top right side of your screen. See image below. A new register tab will open.

Note: If any ad might pop up, try to find the cross ( x) to close the ad.

2. Enter your new username and password

You see the registration form to create Youku account. See image below.

First box is your username which must be your email.
Second one is a password.

The most popular social networks in China

Make sure you enter your password correctly, you only have one chance. A third textbox will appear, this is a captcha. Enter the words/numbers you see in the image. There is a already checked checkbox below that, where you agree with their terms and conditions and a copyright notice. You don't have to worry about that. Now Click 注册 to register.

Note that you cannot use space, but you can use numbers or underscore for your username (see image below). If you get an error message, your nickname has already been picked or you did not enter your email. Click on the blue button to continue.

Example of an error message

When you pressed the blue confirm button you will go to a screen where you can choose a nickname.

3. Enter your nickname

Below you see the nickname page. Choose a nickname and press the big blue confirm button to continue. If you get an error message, your nickname has been taken, and you choose another one.

Congrats, you create youku account! You will enter a new screen where it says that you have registered an new account on Youku. This screen will close within 1 second. Now you can continue with uploading your first video.

Go to: How to upload a video on Youku

Car parts Many countries produce it, mainly for export, since it is very difficult to sell large volumes of products within one country. The largest number of enterprises supply components produced under license to the world market. Most firms are located in China, a country that provides optimal conditions for large multinational companies. The range of Chinese spare parts is very wide, so buyers prefer to visit specialized spare parts stores for Chinese cars, where they can almost always find everything they need!

Chinese spare parts are in great demand today due to their affordable price compared to similar products produced in Europe. Auto parts from China are cheaper with equal performance characteristics, thanks to which they successfully compete in the global market with products from leading manufacturers. Possessing significant production potential, China has managed to attract European investment and technological resources, as a result of which spare parts produced in the Middle Kingdom have become one of the most popular goods. Chinese auto parts are popular not only in Russia, but throughout the world.

Spare parts for Chinese cars They are in demand in Russia no less than the cars themselves, which have managed to gain popularity among our compatriots. This means that over time the competitiveness of spare parts from China will only increase. But there is no reason to worry: as long as direct suppliers are working, the Chinese auto parts you need will not disappear from store shelves.

Parts from China are exact copies of patented components developed by European and American automobile factories for installation on equipment to be repaired. - social network from China (registration features, Russian review)

This means that enterprises opened in the country produce not only spare parts for Chinese cars, but also parts for cars mass-produced in other regions. For example, there is a long list of spare parts manufactured specifically for Russian cars. All Chinese spare parts imported into our country are manufactured taking into account the harsh climatic conditions of their operation.

The capabilities of our store are appreciated by many owners of Chinese cars, as well as service stations that order wholesale supplies of spare parts for cars from us. A professional approach to work, strict quality control and an ever-expanding range of available products make CHINESE TANK one of the leading stores in Moscow supplying spare parts directly from the manufacturer.

We have done a lot of work, but we are not going to stop there, because hundreds of thousands of Muscovites need reliable and inexpensive spare parts. It is always convenient to buy the best spare parts for Chinese Chery cars (Chery Tigo, Chery Amulet, Chery Fora, Chery Kimo) in the CHINESE TANK store, where the entire range of necessary parts for Chinese cars is collected for you!

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VPN for accessing Instagram in China


Why doesn't Instagram work in China?

Instagram has not worked in China since 2014 due to the strict control policies of the Chinese authorities, and since then there has not been a single case of full access.

How Social Media Can Help You Enter the Chinese Market

In Hong Kong, Shanghai and Macau, sometimes you can log into the application and even view some of the pictures, or upload a couple of your own, but all this is so unstable that it is difficult to use the application. On the mainland there are no updates, the feed does not load, updates do not arrive, it is impossible to post a photo. You won't even be able to download the new version from the app store.

The only way to access Instagram in China is to use VPN services. These applications are installed on any phone or tablet you own, and encrypt traffic by sending it through intermediary servers abroad.

Important: install and test a VPN for Instagram in advance, before entering China. Under the "golden shield" you will not even be able to download the application from Google Play or the App Store.

How to choose a VPN for Instagram in China

If you don’t plan to take your laptop with you (and Instagram is still a mobile application), you can install the VPN program directly on your tablet or phone. Market leaders not only work with all platforms, including iOS, Android and WindowsPhone, but also offer to use one license on several devices - convenient if you are traveling with your family or a group of friends, it will be quite inexpensive.

Express VPN for WhatsApp

This is the fastest VPN service in the world according to many tests and reviews. And it is optimal for quickly uploading photos and videos, viewing your feed, and exchanging messages. It works on any mobile platform and desktop, and in case of problems, it restores communication through a mirror system so quickly that users usually do not notice the problems.

  • Unlimited channel and number of reconnections.
  • The video loads instantly, without buffering.
  • Three devices can be connected to one license.


NordVPN for Instagram

The service guarantees uninterrupted stable communication and does not limit the channel or download volume in any way. It uses the most complex encryption systems in the world, and you can run a VPN on any platform, smartphone or tablet. Even if your Chinese ISP limits traffic during peak hours, you will still have the same stable network access.

  • The program itself and the VPN website are in Russian, everyone can understand it.
  • Fast and stable connection in any conditions.
  • You can connect 6 devices to one license.


How to log in from a phone (iPhone, Android)?

It's simple: install a VPN, turn it on, select a server (or it is selected automatically) and launch Instagram. Please note: you need to install and test a VPN on Android or iPhone in advance, before entering China. You won't be able to download it locally - the apps are simply not visible on Google Play or the App Store!

If you are going to use programs from market leaders, the same Express VPN or NordVPN, you can download them and activate them before entering - everything will definitely work in any region.

If you want to test free services or something else, it is still recommended to download one of these top ones so as not to be left without access to the network if something goes wrong. In extreme cases, you can return the money within 30 days.

Choose and buy a VPN


Is it possible to log into Instagram in China for free?

Sometimes free services may work in certain regions. But most often they are in Chinese, and cannot guarantee at least some kind of communication. Be sure to insure yourself with paid programs if network access is important to you.

Why is VPN for Instagram in China so expensive?

There are no separate VPN services for Instagram. You will have access to all programs, social networks and instant messengers - Youtube, Google, Twitter, Skype, WhatsApp and others. In addition, you can share a license among several people - usually from 3 to 6 connections.

Instagram doesn’t work in China: what to do?

Make sure your VPN is turned on and working.

Try reconnecting to another server or automatically selecting the optimal one; top brands have an unlimited number of reconnections. Or enable a backup VPN. In China, it is better to have two services to avoid the risk of being left without communication.

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Is the next Facebook coming to Asia? It may very well be. At least, my new favorite among all social applications is from there. And I'm far from alone. The same opinion seems to be shared by at least a couple hundred million people on the planet.

However, you can fall in love with WeChat (in China the application is called Weixin) only by completely getting rid of anthropological prejudices. At first, it shocks the unprepared Western consciousness, accustomed over the past few years to minimalism and services with one simple and elegant function, by its cumbersomeness.

WeChat tries to be everything. This includes WhatsApp, Path, Instagram, Localmind, GroupMe, Skype, and HeyTell. WeChat users send text messages and pictures to friends, exchange audio recordings (by the way, the most popular function of the application in China) and make video calls.

Chinese social networks

They maintain a personal timeline of photos (with filters, of course), which their friends comment on and like. At any moment you can see who is next to you.

And if you start shaking your smartphone, you are connected to a stranger who is doing the same thing at that moment.

As if all of this wasn't enough, WeChat allows third-party developers to create their own apps that can use the network's users' data.

The first minutes of communication with WeChat, jokes pop into my head about the nature of mobile startups in China, which obviously boils down to borrowing and crossing absolutely all the ideas that have shot up in the West. But gradually you begin to get the hang of it and regret a little that your social networks don’t look like this.

WeChat is owned by Chinese internet giant Tencent. At the end of September, the service crossed the mark of 200 million registered users, gradually began to win people's attention from Sina Weibo (a super popular Chinese mix of Facebook and Twitter) and expand beyond mainland China. All this was done in less than two years after launch. The social network is gradually beginning to attract big brands and celebrities. Let's say Taiwanese singer Mavisa Feng uses the app to wish her chosen fans a happy birthday.

However, the popularity of WeChat is not exclusively a Chinese phenomenon. In South Korea and Japan, essentially similar services - Kakao Talk and Line, respectively - are growing at a breakneck pace. Line, for example, gained more than 70 million users in a matter of months. Kakao Talk, for its part, has already become a super popular platform for mobile games in its homeland and is planning to sell books and music to users in the near future.

Facebook likes to constantly repeat in various ways that the future of social networks lies in smartphones. This reassures the company's investors. But the implementation of the popular thesis by Mark Zuckerberg looks at least strange. Facebook tries hard to fit its own content into the small confines of mobile devices, but forgets about their true capabilities. In fact, Facebook has connected one billion people who cannot communicate with each other the second they step outside.

WeChat, Kakao Talk and Line have one thing in common: they were designed for smartphones from the very beginning. If Facebook and Google are trying to adapt their services to the demands of the new era, these Asian startups have already been born in it. They may look like clones, but sometimes the looks hide real innovation. Do they have the potential to become a global force and begin full-scale expansion into the US and Europe? Maybe not, but Western competitors certainly have a lot to learn.

Chatroulette is a relatively new (this type of service is just over five years old), but already a popular way of communication. Video chat has three main advantages. And this “tripod” ensures the steady demand for web chat:

  1. ChatRoul is completely free and does not require any registration.
  2. Video chat allows you to talk with people from any country, that is, from the whole world.
  3. In chatroulette, the communication technology is extremely simplified and, in addition, contains an element of intrigue. Chat Roulette itself randomly selects your interlocutor from all those currently in the service and even shows him. You no longer need to click on anything in webchat to communicate.

    You see him, he sees you. Start speaking and the other person will hear you. If you want to take a break, click - and you are already in touch with another person.

Now I want to tell you about how I I communicate with the Chinese. I study at the Faculty of Philology and master the Chinese language. I would like to work in the future for a company that has close ties with this country. Ideally, you wouldn’t mind living there for a couple of years.

As you can imagine, learning Chinese is very difficult. Completely different grammar, unusual sounds. What can I say if instead of letters they have hieroglyphs! One day, while surfing the Internet, I came across chat roulette. I became interested in it, and then a happy thought came to my mind: with its help, I can significantly improve my Chinese language. To do this, I just need to configure chatroulette so that it only shows interlocutors from China(this is very easy to do: click on the All countries inscription and select the desired country from the list), and find those who also don’t mind chatting at this moment.

To my surprise, there were quite a lot of Chinese in our chatroulette. And what pleased me was that many of them were looking for a Russian interlocutor in order to learn Russian with his help! I met one such Chinese guy - Wang. He studies at Sun Yat-sen University (Guangzhou).

Of course, in addition to learning languages ​​(he - Russian, I - Chinese), we communicate on other topics. The Chinese are a very interesting people, completely different from us. For example, a Chinese person will never directly refuse you: he will smile, shake his head, but the word “no” will not come out of his mouth. He will wait until you understand it yourself! Chinese men, especially young people, are spoiled.

7 most popular social networks in China

More precisely, they have a very high opinion of themselves. This was evident in Van’s behavior as well. And all because of the birth control program. One family - one child. According to the Chinese mentality, there must be a boy in the family, the successor of the family. And there is only one attempt... By the way, in China, a doctor’s information to the parents of an unborn child of the same gender is considered a criminal offense with all that it entails.

And what cannot be taken away from the Chinese is their hard work. Van is ready to spend hours with me studying the intricacies of the Russian language and honing his pronunciation and teaching me just as patiently.

After six months of communicating with Van, I began to speak Chinese very well. At least in our group I'm the best. So if you want to learn this difficult language, remember that there is such an effective tool as Chinese chat roulette. China will become much clearer and more accessible to you.

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Dating in a free video chat is a great opportunity to develop your attentiveness and insight, to learn to better understand and feel people. This art can be mastered through daily training and analysis of human behavior.

Japanese video chat

No matter how funny it may sound, Japanese chat roulette differs from Russian not just as day and night, but as day and... meteor shower: it seems that there are common points of contact, but if you dig deeper, you see that there is nothing in common!

Hi all. In touch Alexander Glebov. Everyone knows what social networks are, everyone knows VKontakte, facebook, twitter, etc. Our Chinese friends, however, do not have access to these social networks. networks, but they have their own social. net - weibo sina. What kind of network is this and how to register on weibo, read this article...

For me, weibo sino is, first of all, a service that allows you to log in to various Chinese sites. Until recently, using weibo it was possible to register on baidu cloud, but now baidu also requires a mobile phone so that there is not much point in end-to-end authorization. But your weibo account will come in handy in the future. It is used in many places on the Chinese Internet... Let's first figure out what kind of service weibo sino is...

What is weibo sina

What happens if you cross a hedgehog and a snake? Something unimaginable. =)) So here sina weibo turned out as a result of the symbiosis of twitter and facebook. Add to this Chinese quirks and you get a killer mixture. =)) Lan, I trolled the Chinese a little.

In general, the word weibo (微博) is translated from Chinese as microblog.

As you know, on July 5, 2009 in China there were unrest among Uyghurs in Urumqi, there were mass riots, etc. Of course, the Chinese government quickly suppressed all these unrest, but made certain conclusions, namely, it decided to close access to all popular social networks in China. networks that are not based on Chinese sites. In other words, the Chinese have lost access to twitter, facebook, plurk, etc.

At this time, Sina CEO Charles Chao (曹国伟) decided that this was an opportunity for his company to create its own social network. And literally in 1 month and 9 days they riveted together a test version of their social network. networks. The launch of the test version took place on August 14, 2009.

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If you use facebook and twitter in sina weibo you will find all their functionality and other goodies. Okay, this could take a long time to describe, it’s better to register and see it in practice.

How to register on weibo sina

My registration method is in the Chinese version of sina weibo, but the instructions are of course in Russian. Why in Chinese? And everything is simple. Much less body movements. However, you need to access on a mobile phone. But I don't think this is a problem.

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