Motorcycle club business and enterprises. Chiefs and partners in GTA Online For successful earnings, we need

After reading this article, you will learn all the intricacies of playing on the stock exchanges in GTA 5! And if you read to the end, you will find out how to earn more than $ 2 billion on the stock exchange in the game without any problems!

Stock exchanges in GTA 5 is a very interesting and challenging mini-game that Rockstar has always been so famous for. And if in the previous parts the mini-games were completely childish and only slightly diversified the gameplay, then stock trading in GTA 5 is a truly exciting pastime that requires not only the constant participation of the player, but also certain knowledge of economics and statistics. However, if you have neither the time nor the desire to study the exact sciences, but you still want to play on the stock exchange in GTA 5, then our article is just for you! Moreover, we can guarantee that after reading the material below, you will be able to earn over $2 billion in stock manipulation!

Stock exchanges in GTA 5

The general rule for working on the stock exchanges sounds quite simple: buy stocks low and sell high. But in addition to this golden rule, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of the functioning of the market in a particular environment. This is what we'll do.

There are 2 stock exchanges in GTA 5: LCN - Liberty City National Stock Exchange and BAWSAQ.
LCN is a "single user" exchange. The rise and fall of the stocks traded on it are only affected by internal events in your single player game. To successfully play on the LCN, you need to carefully monitor what is happening in the gaming world. We recommend that you regularly listen to the exchange reports on the radio.

Changes in stock quotes are mostly random in nature or depend on your passage of the storyline, but you can and should influence the situation on the stock exchange. To do this, it is enough to interfere in the activities of companies represented on the stock market. By "interfering" is meant, of course, negative actions: damage to property and the murder of company management. In fact, it looks like this: there are 2 competing firms. At a certain point in time, you begin to destroy the property of one of them. As a result, in the stock market, the shares of this company are rapidly falling in price, while the shares of a competitor are rising. All you have to do is invest as much money as possible in the shares of the “growing” company and sell them as soon as the share price reaches a peak. And on the proceeds it does not hurt to buy the assets of a “collapsed” company when their price becomes minimal. And after the price for them normalizes, sell.

For you, we have prepared a list of competing companies in the world of GTA 5. A fall in the shares of companies in the left column will lead to an increase in the shares of companies on the right, and vice versa.

GTA 5:
competitors on the LCN exchange
CoolBeans BeanMachine
burgershot Up-An-Atom
Fly US AirEmu
Go Postal PostOP
Bilkington DollarPills
Pisswasser logger
MazeBank BankOfLiberty
Redwood Debonaire
Slaughter & Slaughter
Radio Los Santos WorldwideFM
ECOla Rain

Unfortunately, not everything in the game corresponds to the logic, and many players complain that, for example, after destroying several FlyUS aircraft, they eventually found AirEmu (FlyUS competitor) shares to fall. The Rockstar developers have heard a lot of abuse on the gaming forums about these bugs and shortcomings. It is hoped that the PC version of GTA 5 will be devoid of them. In addition, even now this problem is not widespread and appears only on some consoles. Therefore, you need to check how your particular version of the game will behave. You need to check for different sectors of competition: if, for example, “intervention” in the activities of air carriers does not bring the expected changes in the market, then it is likely that everything will work out with the fast food market :).

The BAWSAQ stock exchange, unlike the LCN, is a "multi-user" exchange. Changes in quotes on it depend on the actions of the gaming community. In order to purposefully influence the stock quotes of a particular company, the joint efforts of many players are needed. There is no point in trying to do something alone. For this reason, it is more difficult to play on BAWSAQ, although it can bring more money.

The main parameter by which one can judge the profitability of an operation on the stock exchange is the percentage of return on investment. If, for example, you bought shares for $100 and then sold them for $108, then the return on investment would be 8%.

For the LCN exchange, the average return on investment for a successful transaction is 8 - 10%. Such a low value is due to the fact that the market in GTA 5 is very unstable, and the graph of changes in the value of shares does not always have the shape, as in the figure above. In fact, sharp peaks and dips are possible. In addition, investments in GTA 5 are short-term,
the chart simply does not have time to rise higher before the next drop begins. Therefore, if you play on the LCN exchange and see that the percentage of return on investment has reached 10%, feel free to sell and enjoy the successful operation. The waiting time on this exchange is 5 - 10 minutes. If there is no significant change, take a nap and check again. On the BAWSAQ exchange, the percentage of return on investment is significantly higher and amounts to 25 - 40%. True, and you need to wait here much longer - 3 - 6
real time clock. The most profitable transactions on this exchange are carried out on weekends.

GTA 5 how to play the stock exchange (Leicester missions)

Using the method below, you will be able to earn $2.1 billion on three characters! The procedure is as follows:

1) Start going through the main storyline and don't look towards the exchanges until you get to a series of contract killings that Lester will order. The first of these missions is The Hotel Assassination. Without its completion, you will not be able to progress through the story. The essence of the mission is that you lower the shares of Bilkington, thus raising the shares of Betta Pharmaceuticals. The percentage of return on investment for after the completion of the mission will be 80%!

How to invest? Before the start of the mission, invest all the money in the BAWSAQ exchange, and after the successful completion of the mission, when the profit is 80%, sell the shares.

2) Complete the main storyline, but do not take any other contract killings from Lester! The last task of the main story will bring you approximately $40 million per character, and then it's time to play

3) Lester's second mission will be "The Multi Target Assassination". The bottom line is a deliberate increase in Debonaire shares and, accordingly, a decrease in Redwood shares.

How to invest? Before starting the mission, invest all the money in . After the end of the mission, sell the shares. After that, buy shares while their price is at a minimum, and sell after the price of these shares returns to normal (you need to wait and check quotes regularly). All operations are carried out on the LCN exchange.

4) The next mission from Lester is "The Assassination Panel" ("The Vice Assassination"). This is where you'll be driving Facade's stock down and Fruit's stock up.

How to invest? Before starting the mission, invest all your savings in . After completing the task, sell the shares. Immediately buy stocks while their price is at a minimum, and sell after the return of the price of these shares to normal (you need to wait and check quotes regularly). All transactions are carried out on the BAWSAQ exchange.

5) After the Panel, Lester will give you the quest The Bus Assassination ). This mission is a little different from the previous ones. The goal is the following: to reduce Vapid quotes, make investments, and wait for the exchange rate to return to normal.

How to invest? Immediately after the successful completion of the task, buy shares, wait for their rate to normalize, and sell. In this case, the percentage of return on investment should grow to exactly 100! Purchase and sale is carried out on the BAWSAQ exchange.

6) The last mission in Lester's assassination streak is The Construction Assassination. In this mission, operations will be carried out only with shares of GoldCoast.

How to invest? Before the start of the mission, invest all cash in, and after completion, when the return on investment reaches 80%, sell. Exchange for transactions - LCN.

Who are the thugs, how to hire them or how to become one yourself - all the answers are in the article.

Not so long ago, official additional content for GTA online, called "", appeared in the public domain. The update features a wide range of innovations, including the opportunity to get a job as a bodyguard in a criminal organization. Only a player who has at least a million dollars in his Maze Bank account can become your boss. In order for the bosses of criminal organizations, or the so-called VIP-users, to find out that you want to get into security, you need to get a mobile phone, open the SecuroServ application and select the "Looking for work" function in the menu. After these simple manipulations, it remains only to wait for the flow of proposals.

Who can hire thugs?

Let's see who the bosses are, and what are all aspects of working for them:

  • As already mentioned, such characters must have at least a million dollars on their account, however, it is important to know that after the player registers as a boss in SecuroServ, this money does not disappear anywhere.
  • The status of the boss lasts no more than four hours of play in free mode. This does not take into account the periods of time spent on affairs and robberies, but once four hours have elapsed, the opportunity to become a boss again will appear only after 12 hours.
  • In one session, there can be no more than 6 bosses, that is, no more than six potential employers, each of which can recruit no more than three guards who will protect him from bandits.
  • If you screw up, the boss will not only be able to fire you, but also order the remaining thugs to eliminate you, who will have five minutes to complete this assignment, so be careful and careful.

What does working as a security guard for the boss give?

The primary goal of any thug is to ensure the safety of his employer and help him avoid unnecessary attention. For such work, you will be entitled not only to regular payments, but also various bonuses:

  • After each death of the boss, your payments are reduced by 5%, so your earnings can be halved, so protect your employer even at the cost of your own life.
  • While you are near the boss, your character gains 100 additional reputation points every minute, besides, if you die within a short distance from the boss, then respawn will happen next to him.
  • Bodyguards can request a vehicle, if, of course, the boss has it or is available on the map.
  • Your health will regenerate 75% faster when the boss is nearby. Both the healing speed and the amount of bonus reputation points increase if you are in the same room with the boss.
  • It is also important to remember that if you ride with the boss on the same vehicle, then you will regularly get 400 additional reputation points. The driver of the car carrying the boss gets even more - 600 RP each.
  • Every 15 minutes, the thug's account will be replenished with $ 5,000, however, as mentioned above, this figure is static only until the VIP has never died.
  • While you work as a security guard, almost all of your loot - 90% received in free mode, including bonuses for participating in events, goes into the pocket of the boss, the remaining 10% goes to SecuroServ, that is, trying to earn otherwise while working for the boss does not have meaning. An exception to this pattern is the sale of personal vehicles.

With updates for GTA Online « Finance and Felony" And " Bikers and more“The positions of robbery as the fastest way to get rich have been shaken a little. " Heists” still takes pride of place on the Olympus of pharma, but for many, the next robbery of Pacific Standard causes vomiting. Offices and Clubhouses add a bit of variety to the process of accumulating GTA money. But in order to better understand the process, you need to understand the numbers.


Organizations have already been written in order, so here without any analytics. Only numbers.

Price purchases one box of goods $2,000 .

Price sales one box of goods $10,000 .

Net profit - $8,000 .

The mathematics of organizations is quite simple: the larger the batch, the more expensive each box. This applies to both purchases and sales.

The cost of one box increases from $10,000 before $20,000 , depending on the batch size. Of course, the final profit depends on how many boxes you order at a time. Here is a brief table of price ratios. Costs in parentheses:

Clubhouse and Enterprise

The main advantage of this way of earning is that it allows you to diversify the farming schemes that are already fed up. Unfortunately, this method is not very suitable for amateurs. Clubhouse enterprises are designed for a company of at least three people.

The cost of clubhouses - from $200,000 before $495,000 . For example, let's take the middle option located on Del Perro Beach - $365,000 .

We will buy one production. The most profitable of the five is cocaine. There is a reason to buy an enterprise closer to the clubhouse. The nearest cocaine production is in Morningwood and stands $1,389,375 .

We immediately buy production upgrades (everything except for video surveillance, because it is of very little use).

Equipment upgrade - $935,000

Staff upgrade - $390,000

Total we have:

$365,000 + $1,389,375 + $935,000 + $390,000 = $3,079,375

A cocaine warehouse with upgrades installed gives a profit in $420,000 (subject to the sale of goods at a far point + bonus for players in the session).

We divide the amount $3,079,375 on $420,000 = 7,33 . This is the number of complete production cycles required to reach zero. There is no mention of earning money yet.

That is, in order to recoup the enterprise, you need to sell a full warehouse 7 times at the far end. The condition is taken into account that you do not buy raw materials, but steal them, and that dashing people on hydras will not smash you a batch or two.

Of course, enthusiasts may argue that this is passive income and does not prevent you from doing other things at the same time. One cannot but agree with this. Here are just numbers, and planning free GTA-time is a personal matter for everyone.

The profitability of each enterprise ( with improvements already installed) is listed below.


It is impossible to say which is better, offices or enterprises, because the methods are different, and each has its pros and cons. Biker enterprises are more suitable for lovers of passive income, because, unlike an organization, you don’t have to painstakingly collect goods.

The ideal (in terms of profit) option is a combination of these two activities.

December 1, 2016

3 comments to “Offices and enterprises. Numbers"

    Ray, This happens, especially during periods of discounts. Try to sell what you have, stop production and restart it.

    There are personnel and raw materials in the coke warehouse, but they do not produce products, the enterprise is active. What could be the problem and how to solve?

    Agree. It is best to alternate. But don't forget about robberies!

The recently released GTA Online Big Men and Other Bandits update has added a host of new enrichment opportunities to the game, thanks to the private security company SecuroServ. Whether you're an enterprising boss looking for good and loyal soldiers to defend your cause, or an ambitious fighter willing to do any dirty work for the right pay, these tips will come in handy when you find yourself face to face with the enemy.


Bosses and bodyguards take on the roles of employer and employee who work together to complete VIP missions and VIP challenges, as well as to escort the boss through the dangerous and unpredictable streets of Los Santos.

As a boss, you can easily enjoy the luxury that is due to you or, on the contrary, devastate the streets of the city, relying on experienced and well-armed bodyguards, personally chosen by you, which should ensure their effectiveness.

As a bodyguard - cut money, having fun, defending the interests of your organization with a weapon in your hands. As a Bodyguard, you can expect to earn a steady and regular salary of $5,000 in-game, on top of all the money and RP you get from completing VIP Missions and VIP Challenges in Free Roam.

Become the boss

If you want to become the boss of your own criminal organization, a real VIP, the first thing you need to take care of is the state of your account. You won't have to pay for anything, but the minimum balance of your account must be at least one million in-game dollars, otherwise you won't be able to become a boss.

Open the interaction menu and select "SecuroServ", where you will be able to register as a boss. Select it to become a VIP and name your organization. Having done this, go back to the interaction menu. You will see that the "SecuroServ VIP" feature has become available. This is where your new life as a crime boss begins.

Here are some useful tips to keep in mind when building your criminal empire:

  • VIP status lasts 4 hours of play in Free Roam. The time spent in normal missions and robberies is not taken into account and does not affect your VIP status in any way. When the 4 hours allotted to you expire, you can only become the boss again after 12 hours.
  • The maximum number of VIPs in a session is no more than six people. If, as a boss, you join a session that already has 6 VIP players, you will be given the option to temporarily suspend your VIP status.
  • If you have a VIP status, then the title of the personal menu will change to "SecuroServ VIP". From here you can hire bodyguards.
  • You will be able to hire and, if necessary, fire other players as your bodyguards. You can hire up to three bodyguards at the same time to protect your organization.
  • If your bodyguard does not justify the high trust placed in him and betrays your organization, then you can easily end his appointment using the "Terminate" function. Your remaining bodyguards will be given 5 minutes to destroy the offender.
  • You will not be able to join a session if it has another organization with the same name as yours. For this, there is a paid opportunity to rename your brainchild. Choose the name of the organization wisely, because as you know, what you call a ship is how it will sail.

The bodyguard's job is to help the employer avoid unwanted attention, getting decent money and a lot of pleasure in return.

You can advertise your professional skills quite well using the job search function in the "SecuroServ" column of the interaction menu. Make your services available to anyone who needs another strong armed hand and has something to offer in return.

We are ready to offer you some useful tips that will help you in your hard and bloody work:

  • Get it on your nose that your salary will decrease by 5% for every death of your boss, up to a maximum penalty of 50%. Keep your boss alive, at all costs.
  • Being close to your VIP will give you a bonus 100 RP every minute, and if you die within a certain distance of your boss, you will be resurrected next to him.
  • Bodyguards have the ability to summon a transport if the boss owns it or if it is already active on the map.
  • Being close to your boss will give you a 75% bonus to health regeneration. The regen and RP bonus will also be available if you and your boss are in the same room.
  • You will receive a 400 RP bonus for riding in the same car with the boss, and a 600 RP bonus for driving with your boss inside.

While many are already quite successful in making their dirty money in the new modes, for those who are just about to take their first steps as a bodyguard or boss, we have prepared another series of useful tips:

How payments are made

Bodyguards receive a guaranteed salary of 5,000 in-game dollars (not including possible penalties for the death of the boss) for every 15 minutes spent in the service of your boss. However, there is a downside to the coin: 100% of all money earned by bodyguards for completing various missions in Free Roam goes into the pocket of the boss (-10% commission for SecuroServ). The only exception is the sale of cars. Don't forget, too, that bodyguards get a hefty RP bonus and a slight boost to character stats while in the vicinity of the boss. The increase in stats and health regeneration is very useful in modes like deathmatch.

Is a super yacht considered real estate?

No. The super yacht does not take up a slot in the real estate list (whose maximum size, as you probably remember, is 5), but you can respawn on it, change clothes and have a drink, another in your personal bar. The yacht does not have a garage or heist planning room, but all vehicles purchased with the yacht will always spawn next to it, even if it was destroyed in the last session. A super yacht cannot be sold, but you can always improve it, degrade it or completely remake it, right down to the name.

How do I get rid of unwanted guests on my yacht?

Every real pirate understands the importance of protecting his vessel. And a superyacht is by no means defenseless - it is equipped with powerful built-in security systems specifically designed to properly welcome those who try to steal your millions. If a group of such "hares" has boarded your yacht, follow our tips to get rid of them without changing the session:

  • Prohibit access to the yacht for outsiders. Yacht access settings can be found in a special section of the interaction menu.
  • Disable the yacht's security systems so you can access your weapons.
  • Kill the uninvited guests. They will spawn on the shore, making it very difficult for them to attack further.
  • Activate the yacht's security systems. Now the pirates will not be able to just pick up and fly back.
  • Now climb into the jacuzzi and enjoy your drinks in peace and safety.
We hope our advice will be useful on your way to the status of the most dangerous criminal in GTA Online. If you still do not understand something, then feel free to ask about it in the comments to this article. The staff of our analytical department will be happy to answer all your questions.

In the office of the president of the motorcycle club there is a laptop from which you can access the website The Open Road. There are 20 businesses listed for sale here, divided into five categories: Documents, Marijuana, Counterfeit Money, Meth, and Cocaine. Below you will find a list of all premises available for purchase, indicating their cost and location. We have also identified for you the companies recommended for purchase. They are distinguished by expensive cost and advantageous location.

Fake Documents:

  • Grapeseed - $650,000;
  • Paleto Bay - $732,000;
  • Elysian Island - $975,000;
  • Textile City - $1,235,000.

Hydroponic workshops:

  • San Shan mountainous region - $715,000;
  • Mount Chiliad - $805,200;
  • Elysian Island - $1,072,500;
  • Vinewood Center - $1,358,500.

Print shops:

  • Grand Senora Desert - $845,000;
  • Paleto Bay - $951,600;
  • Cypress Flats - $1,267,500;
  • Vespucci Canals - $1,605,500.


  • Grand Senora Desert - $910,000;
  • Paleto Bay - $1,024,800;
  • Terminal - $1,365,000;
  • El Burro Heights - $1,729,000.


  • Alamo Sea - $975,000;
  • Paleto Bay - $1,098,000;
  • Elysian Island - $1,462,500;
  • Morningwood - $1,852,500.

You can own only one enterprise of each type - you will not be able to run 20 productions at the same time.

How to start production

It is not enough just to buy an enterprise - to start getting money from it, you need to make additional efforts. For all five categories, the process of establishing production is approximately the same. In most cases, it all comes down to the banal “go and bring it”, and even with a large number of players on the server, it is possible to make a profit without firing a shot.

Let's look at a specific example. From the clubhouse, we bought the most run-down business for the production of forged documents. Going inside, we found empty tables and shelves - the production is worth it! And all because we do not have raw materials.

The company also has a laptop from which you can access The Open Road website. And here lies a small trick. The fact is that it is necessary to manage production from it, and from the clubhouse they only allow you to track the status of product readiness and other statistics. In other words, if you want to do something, be kind enough to come to the enterprise in person.

First of all, you need to do preparatory task - to bring raw materials. Its essence is as follows: you need to drive 5 km to a point on the map, get a bag and go back. For other companies, the principle is the same, except that instead of a conditional package, you may be asked to deliver some kind of transport.

When the preparation task is completed, production will start. You can track its status both from the enterprise itself and from the clubhouse. The point here is simple: two bars show stocks of goods and raw materials. While the first is gradually filling up, the second is decreasing. If too much product accumulates in the warehouse or raw materials run out, work will stop.

There are enterprises and improvements. The installation of equipment and the expansion of staff increase the productivity of the enterprise and the value of products in the market, as well as reduce the cost of raw materials. Money spent on security will reduce the likelihood of unexpected police raids and enemy raids on your business.

How to make money in a company

Now let's move on to the main thing, to profit! Once you have a certain stock of products, you can sell them through The Open Road (only from a laptop in the enterprise). After choosing a buyer, the next mission will start, consisting entirely of driving. Buying raw materials, selling goods and developing production, you can really make good money. This the most profitable semi-passive income in the game, however, you will need to enlist the support of two friends in order to quickly sell products. In addition, for the safe and secure sale of goods, we recommend

Business. Earnings. Credit. Cryptocurrency