How much does YouTube pay for views? How much does YouTube pay for viewing ads on your channel

Alexey Naumov

Updated: 2019.02.22

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The American video hosting site Youtube owes much of its popularity to its own affiliate program, which pays bloggers income for displaying advertisements next to their videos. This encourages users to create unique and high-quality content, attract audiences, and look for new ideas. The income of large channels with more than a million subscribers amounts to several thousand, and sometimes tens of thousands, dollars per month.

Of course, beginning video bloggers can only dream of such earnings. But this does not mean that they will not be able to make good money even with a small number of subscribers and views. Let's try to calculate how much owners of Youtube channels from Russia and other countries can earn for every thousand views.

Factors that influence income per 1000 views of a video on YouTube

There are 3 main criteria:

  • Subject of the channel. The first thing you should know is that payment is not calculated for the numbers under the video (the number of views can be easily increased using special services), but for user clicks on advertising. Advertising is evaluated completely differently. Commercial topics are more expensive, but entertainment traffic is cheaper. When the target audience is insolvent schoolchildren, there is no point in hoping for a high income - not a single advertiser will offer more than a couple of tens of cents for low-quality traffic.
  • Types of advertising. There are only two popular ones - In Stream and Overlay. The first is a commercial that plays before the main video starts. Its disadvantage is that there is a “skip” button in the corner. Clicking on it by the user closes the advertisement, which is why no income is accrued. Overlays are ad units shown next to the video. Clicking on them and going to the advertiser’s resource are a condition for receiving payment.
  • Number of audience. Yes, you are paid not for views, but for clicks. But with a small number of views by real users (and not fake bots), the chance of making this very click will be minimal. Don’t forget that many people are now actively using ad blocker extensions, so they may not even see the pop-up ad block.

If we take on faith the information that some successful Russian video bloggers shared with the Internet community, the prices in the Russian Federation and CIS countries are as follows. The average income from entertainment channels is $0.5-1.5 per thousand views. Topics related to business, finance, loans and similar things can bring the channel owner $2-3/1000 or even more. Of course, this is not net income. The author receives only 68% of the advertising cost, and the rest is taken by the service as a commission.

Let’s compare these indicators with data from the statistics services VSPstats and SocialBlade, taking as an example the main channels of two popular bloggers in Russia “This is Good” and Max +100500. The first one collected approximately 14 million views, which is estimated at approximately 3.5-9 thousand dollars, if we take the average figure between services. Using simple calculations, we get about $0.6 per thousand views, which fully confirms the data given in the paragraph above.

Maxim Golopolosov (+100500) has more subscribers, but slightly fewer video views lately. Let's see if the $/1000 ratio holds true. VSPstats and SocialBlade determined income at 3.4-9 thousand dollars per month, which is almost identical to the previous blogger’s figures. And this is not surprising, because their topics and audience are almost the same. Both make entertaining and humorous videos.

For the purity of the experiment, let’s take the less popular, but more financially profitable channel “The Beast”, dedicated to reviews of various technical innovations, computers, smartphones and the like. It now has just over 750 thousand subscribers. Over the past 30 days, videos from the channel have been viewed almost 4 million times. Approximate income for this period is estimated at 1.5-2.5 thousand dollars. As in previous cases, the price is slightly more than half a dollar per 1000 views.

How much do they pay for 1000 Youtube views abroad?

Each country has its own prices. It all depends on how economically developed it is and how attractive it is to advertisers. For example, in the United States, the average price between commercial and non-commercial topics is approximately $3.7/1000. In Germany it is $6. They are followed by Western European countries, as well as Hong Kong and Israel. “Resort” countries such as Egypt and Turkey also perform well in this regard.

As for Eastern Europe and Asia, prices here are much more modest. In Armenia, for example, only $0.84 per 1000 views, and Ukraine can only boast a ridiculous $0.42. In Afghanistan, Pakistan, most African countries and other economically backward countries, the average income is $0.15-0.45, since they are outside the area of ​​interest of advertisers.


All figures given in the article are only approximate indicators, determined on the basis of average advertising prices, data from statistical services and statements of some famous bloggers about their income levels. Your videos can bring in either much more money or much less, collect a lot of clicks and views of In Stream advertising per day, or not collect them at all. Everything is relative.

Additionally, in many countries it is still not possible to access the Youtube Partner Program. Bloggers are forced to enter into agreements with private affiliate networks, the terms of work with which (including prices with commissions) can vary significantly, or resort to other ways to monetize their videos - insert direct advertising at the beginning or during their video, throw advertising links into description. In such a situation, the number of views also matters.

Young “money makers” are heading to YouTube in the hope of earning a lot of money quickly. Non-hosts are especially attracted to the topic “Earning money on YouTube for views.”

Let’s figure out what these “views” are, who pays for them and how much.

It would seem that it couldn’t be simpler: I uploaded a lot of interesting videos to the channel, viewers watch them and at the same time click on ads that interest them. And YouTube awards money for every click.

It is impossible to know how much will be charged for each specific click. But according to the “law of large numbers” it is easy to determine how much a video owner earns on average per 1000 views.

See these figures below in the article and you will be able to determine the income of the owner of any Youtube channel at a glance.

Earnings on YouTube in 2019

Last year there were a number of conflicts between YouTube and advertisers. They were outraged that advertisements were shown on channels with “trash” and “hard” themes, which undermined the authority of the companies.

A number of major advertisers left Youtube and it had to start a big cleanup. Many trash channels, especially children's ones, were banned, and control over copyright violations and the use of other people's videos was strengthened.

The time for making money on gray channels is over.

To filter out doorway channels and “dead souls,” a threshold of 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 hours of viewing in six months was introduced. Only on channels that are developing and have crossed this threshold, it is possible to enable monetization.

So things got more difficult in 2019. There has never been quick and easy money here, and now only channels that provide truly high-quality and in-demand content survive.

How much does YouTube pay for views?

Strictly speaking, YouTube doesn't pay for views. Advertisers pay for viewers to click from advertisements to their sites and for viewing ads that cannot be skipped. And Google, through its YouTube division, pays a certain percentage to the authors of the videos in which the advertisement was placed.

AND " CPM by plays«.

Earning money from YouTube videos, that is, cost per thousand impressions, depends on three main factors:

  1. Countries shown
  2. Channel themes
  3. Number of impressions

Country shown

The cost of advertising directly depends on the country in which it is shown. In countries with developed economies, there is a crisis of overproduction and manufacturers are forced to invest a lot of money in advertising in order to sell their goods.

Due to great competition, they have to set a high cost per click on ads so that YouTube shows their ads higher and more often than competitors’ ads. For this reason, the cost per click in some niches in Germany, UK, USA, etc. can reach several tens of dollars.

In Russian-speaking countries there is no such high competition, so advertising is much cheaper. And since the percentage of the click price that video authors receive is the same, then earnings on foreign language channels can be tens of times higher than in Russian speakers.

Channel themes

There are few people willing to place advertisements on entertainment channels such as “cats, jokes”, because the audience there is predominantly insolvent and viewers react sluggishly to advertising. Therefore, the cost per click is minimal and the authors of such channels receive literally pennies.

On Hobby-themed channels, the audience is more mature and interested, so earnings can be higher.

But the highest is on business-related channels: auto, real estate, insurance, etc. Here you can earn hundreds of times more than in entertainment

Number of impressions

Therefore, the larger the channel, the more subscribers and the more videos that are interesting to them, the higher the earnings on YouTube.

How much does YouTube pay for views in 2019 in Russia?

If your channel is entertaining and of little interest to advertisers, the cost per thousand impressions will clearly be less than $3.

The channel is dedicated to Hobbies, Dacha, Handicrafts, etc. you can earn $3 or more per 1000 impressions.

And the most profitable channels in 2019 are business-related. Here the earnings will be above $10 per 1000 impressions.

Newbie YouTubers sometimes ask: “how much does YouTube pay per million subscribers” or “how much do they pay for likes on YouTube.” But YouTube does not pay for subscribers or likes. Because advertisers don't pay for it.

They are not at all interested in how many subscribers you have or how many likes they gave. They are only interested in how many potential customers clicked on the ads on your channel.

To make their new channel “cooler,” newbies sometimes resort to fraudulent YouTube boosting services. They pay them a lot of money, and the “services” pay pennies to schoolchildren who are trying to make money on YouTube from subscriptions and likes.

Want more details? Watch the video “How much does YouTube pay for 1000 views in 2019?”

Summary: to making money on YouTube in 2018 and 2019 was higher and more stable, it is worth creating and developing high-quality English-language channels on Hobby or Business topics.

To better understand how to make money on YouTube, download the book “The Secret Ingredient”


Almost everyone at least once visited the most visited site of the network - YouTube. This video hosting allows you to share videos with the whole world, run your own channel or just watch videos of other users in unlimited quantities. In addition, you can make good money on YouTube if you know how to do it right.

How to make money on YouTube

Now many people want to find additional income on the Internet and they are doing it very successfully: numerous social networks are really pushing the boundaries and paying their users interest for clicking through advertising subscribers. If you are interested in learning how to make money on YouTube, then the following information will be useful to you. Owners of popular channels with a lot of subscribers will easily earn money. So, how much can you earn on YouTube?

By creating another video and uploading it to YouTube, you can receive a small percentage of advertising, which in total can turn into a real figure of your additional income. Only your video should collect not 10 or even 100 runs, but about several tens of thousands, and even better - millions. So how much do you get paid for 1000 YouTube views?

YouTube Partner Program

To monetize your channel, start earning even a little money at first, you need to register in an affiliate program. This will help you earn income, as well as quickly learn about all the updates and let your Internet business develop. The YouTube partner program is relevant for 60 countries around the world, and the authors of only those channels that fully meet all the requirements become participants. Those who can receive a “second salary” from a video channel:

  • live in one of the countries from the list;
  • post only high-quality and original content;
  • agree to all the terms of the monetization program and are familiar with copyright law.

How much do you pay per view on YouTube

If you have started a channel, then do not rush to earn money on it. First, you should promote it, gain more subscribers who will regularly view your videos. If there are only 30-40 video runs per day, then this is still not enough. Be patient. When the number increases to several hundred, then you can start earning in order to understand for yourself how much they pay on YouTube for views.

How much do youtubers get per view

Calculating how much 1 YouTube view costs is almost impossible, because each advertiser pays a different amount for their ads. In some cases, the price can be equal to 0.1 dollars, and sometimes the fee reaches as much as 2 (about 125 rubles at the current exchange rate). In addition, it is not a fact that a person will be interested in a commercial and will not miss it - in this case, the money will not get into your wallet. So it is really possible to make money on your channel only with a huge flow of subscribers who will follow the advertiser's link.

How much does youtube pay for 1000 views

In the most successful scenario, out of 1000 runs of the video, 10-15 people will follow the link to the advertiser's website, and only for them you will receive your long-awaited payment. So, how much does 1000 views on YouTube cost (approximate calculation):

  • $0.5 - approximate cost of one link click;
  • 10*0.5=$5 is your earnings, which you will receive for 1000 runs of the video by your subscribers.

Hello everyone, friends, Sergei Voytyuk is with you. In this article, I'll take a closer look at playlists on YouTube.

The channel must have a playlist that divides videos into categories. It is placed on the main page so that the viewer entering the channel immediately sees the theme of the channel. And also for more convenient navigation through the videos.

  • If, for example, you stream or have a gaming channel with reviews, then, accordingly, there are several videos for each game. Group them into playlists according to the “one game - one playlist” principle.
  • Do you make travel videos? We went to Thailand, we went to Italy. Accordingly, one country - one playlist.

I think the logic is clear to you. How many playlists can there be on your channel? In fact, YouTube has no restrictions on the number of playlists. You can create as many of them as your heart desires.

I also recommend creating playlists on YouTube to optimize your search promotion. If you're doing SEO, you can optimize your playlists. Add relevant videos there, and they will receive additional views from organic results. This also works great.

How many playlists can one video be added to?

The answer is simple. Any video can be added to absolutely any number of playlists. At least 1, at least 100. I recommend that every video on the channel be posted in at least one playlist. Because playlists on YouTube are a separate, let’s say, ecosystem that brings views. Even in channel analytics you can view separate detailed statistics specifically for them.

To do this, just go to analytics and select “playlists” from the top, not “videos”.

There you can see exactly the same detailed analytics as on the videos. You will see that playlists bring in quite a lot of views too.

Therefore, if you haven’t used playlists on YouTube before or haven’t paid attention to them, I highly recommend starting. Of course, this is not a panacea, but you will get additional views. Tested from my own experience.

Business. Earnings. Credit. Cryptocurrency