Sell ​​clothes. Trade in clothes at home as a type of business

Hello my dear readers! Many of my readers are interested in the question of additional earnings on the Internet - in particular, and the search for a favorite thing - in general. This is not surprising, because salaries, but the needs of hoo! Working from home to sell clothes over the Internet using a contact or instagram is a real chance to become a successful intermediary on the network.

Today I will share my personal experience and vision of this topic. If you are among the people who want to earn extra money from the comfort of their home, then this article is for you. If right now you are tormented by questions such as:

  • Where can I find a clothing supplier?
  • Where to buy goods that will be sold?
  • How to attract clients?

Then perhaps you will find the answers to them after visiting master class from Fedyaev selling clothes and goods from China..

How to start selling things online

I have a childhood friend Andrei, who wanted to do business all his life, but it didn’t work out ... He worked in a restaurant, then sellers in a perfumery store and even a pizza delivery man. I wanted to open my own online store, but the knowledge was not enough. His salary was only enough for living, not to mention the acquisition of fashionable things. But the desire to be no worse than everyone else and look stylish has not gone away.

Andrew found a way! He started buying things online. Well, this is very profitable, because you can see everything that interests you without even getting up from your chair, you can place an order and pay with a card. He placed orders on the American website eBay.

It was very cool, because he could afford to buy branded items relatively inexpensively, plus they stood out among the assortment that was presented in our city.

Then friends began to ask Andrey to take something for them. And so began his commercial work. No, you don’t think he didn’t take a percentage from his friends, but over time the number of clients increased several times. There is an auction on eBay, and you can buy a thing that costs several tens of dollars for a dollar. This is because wholesale suppliers are engaged in sales, and they earn by selling large quantities of goods. It was the first money that my friend earned online.

In fact, he did nothing special. The main thing that he needed was to open a currency card, and he applied for opening a special bank account. Over the years, such sites have appeared in our country. Then Ali Express appeared and off we went. You can buy things directly from China. Quality, of course, can sometimes suffer, but the price pleases.

Andrey registered on eBay as a seller, and he came to the conclusion that this was a good way to earn money. He first started selling rubber boots. In his city, he signed an agreement with a wholesaler who had a point in the local market and asked for some models for sale. Thus began the sale of things through the Internet.

By those standards, it was earning quite good money. In order to sell things over the Internet, you do not need to have a special education, you just need to advertise your account with high quality and not deceive people. Today you can sell absolutely everything, of course, within the law.

There is nothing better than doing such a business for young mothers who are on maternity leave. I even heard that there are forums and websites where moms not only sell, but also exchange their things.

In the modern world, only a lazy person will not find how to earn money. You can buy a product in the market, take a beautiful picture of it and put it on the Internet. If you live in some small town, the goods will be cheaper than in the metropolis. Let's say a person from Moscow is happy to buy something from Saratov, but many times cheaper. You can sell used items. Our people are accustomed to consignment stores. You can easily create your own commission and sell, for example, branded items in it.

If you promote your store, you can take things from other users and sell them in your store, receiving a percentage for this. Just do not need to deceive people, say everything honestly, if the thing was worn at least once, it is already used. If you are selling non-original sneakers, but an expensive fake, it is better to write that it is. Your online name is your reputation, so take care of it.

Webinar "Turbo launch of a commodity business in 1 day"- the best way to start doing and selling something on the Internet!

Sales on Instagram

Today, many people sell things through. The principle is the same: a picture is created, exhibited, the product is advertised. Instagram is even more interesting because you can use different filters in it and the picture becomes more beautiful than you would photograph it with a regular camera. There are many ideas, the main thing is to find your own and successfully implement it. You can sell cosmetics, for example, in America, oddly enough, it sounds like Avon cosmetics are loved, but we sell them at penny prices.

If you know a designer, you can go to a second-hand shop and have them restored or paint some cool designs with fabric paints. Now very fashionable denim jackets with large drawings of cartoon characters on the back.

How to start selling goods as an intermediary?

To start trading things on the Internet, you first need to have a lot of high-quality pictures of the product and its description.

From personal experience, I can say that before creating a business, you need to evaluate how much your offer will be bought, and to what extent this product is necessary for the market. It happens that products are very popular, and demand exceeds capacity. That's who was able to catch this moment and evaluate such demand and quickly agree with suppliers, he will be able to earn. And who missed the peak, he sells ordinary goods to this day. But they do not lose their presentation, and the loss will be minimal. Most often, you sell goods without investment, it can be both new and used things.

So ... if you have already decided everything for yourself, start acting.

Product and its packaging

Post a picture, indicate the price and beautifully describe the product on the social network page in contact or in classmates. This is not the whole list of various resources. Photos should be beautiful, it is desirable to maintain high quality, and create a favorable background.

Example: if the thing is yours, it must be clean, hung on a beautiful hanger and photographed from the right angle. You have probably noticed in restaurants on the menu, the photos look so that you want to eat the dish. So these shots are taken by professional photographers, then the right background, light is created. It seems that simple jeans are photographed, but they look so that it is simply necessary to buy them.

Negotiate with the supplier

Conclude an oral or written agreement with the supplier on the terms of your purchase of the goods, if there is a demand for it.

Ukraine, like other countries, is famous for its retail outlets, where goods can be purchased wholesale or retail at an affordable price. Consider the percentage for transportation and come up with your own price.

Suppliers often agree to conditions when you yourself come for the required consignment of goods and pay for it on the spot, or transfer the fee through bank accounts. During long-term work with suppliers, it is possible to agree on installments or payment for goods after their sale.

The ideal condition for a novice entrepreneur is to sell the goods directly from the supplier and simply get the difference in the amount. You can take things for sale, provided that if the client finds a defect or refuses the goods, it can be given away or exchanged. In the first case, you need to specify the lowest price for yourself, in the second case, you will rather have to put up with a high starting price. Also consider warranties. What conditions are you ready to offer your customers?


Determine the conditions for buyers: delivery, payment, guarantees and how promising your business is, whether it will work legally if this is required by turnover.

Internet shoppers (and ordinary ones) can be divided into “fast, cheap, regardless of quality”, “I can wait, but so that it is affordable and quality is not lost” and, to a lesser extent, “there is no difference in price, but to be faster and at the same time quality was lost.

What market will you focus on? If you give yourself an answer to this question, you will accurately take into account the cost of delivery, price and quality categories of goods and services. A guarantee must be provided by either the manufacturer or its representative. Just keep this important point in mind.

With the advent of the Internet, selling things online is especially popular. Everything is extremely easy and simple, there is no risk if personal items are sold. Probably, everyone in the village has a closet with old, useless things. Why not add a little savvy and offer them to someone labeled "Vintage". The same applies to children's clothing, because mothers know that a child grows by leaps and bounds, and often kids never even put on the purchased items. And what do they collect dust in the wardrobe?

We talk about the product correctly

  • we create a separate page on social networks - contact, facebook or instagram. Under the photo in the album, you can write down the cost, pluses from the purchase, material, parameters, you can indicate the country of the manufacturer and preferably the cost. If you want the product to be sold faster, write your phone number and that the product is in stock. It is also desirable that buyers can read reviews of past customers.
  • you can create many additional pages or a separate group dedicated to your business.
  • if your product is actively sold and it is unique, then it is profitable to offer it to other large online stores, such as at a wholesale price. You will win on selling volumes. But it needs to be negotiated.

Reading 11 min. Views 941 Published on 01/14/2019

There is a persistent stereotype that trading activity is one of the easiest activities. However, in practice, young entrepreneurs encounter various problems that cause losses. To prevent the development of such a situation, it is necessary to carefully prepare for the opening of a business. In this article, we propose to discuss questions about how to start selling clothes over the Internet, where to look for suppliers and first buyers.

It is not very difficult to start selling clothes via the Internet, but the success of the business depends on preliminary preparation, taking into account investment risks, and a customer acquisition strategy.

Selling clothes via the Internet: business relevance

Using the Internet as a platform for creating a business can even beginners in the field of e-commerce. The easiest option for this business is to use popular social networks. In addition, you can use special services that allow you to create a full-fledged online store completely free of charge. One of the most difficult stages of creating such a business is finding suppliers.. The financial efficiency of the created project depends on this stage.

To date, more than a thousand online stores specializing in the sale of clothing have been registered on the territory of the domestic Internet space. Each of these projects has unique specifics and a number of features. It is important to note that few people think about why some online stores become popular, while other projects are closed after a certain period of time.

The success of a trading business depends on the assortment of the store, pricing policy and other factors.

In order to create a successful business, you need to choose reliable suppliers who will supply quality products. Entrepreneurs working in this area can enter into contracts with textile factories, well-known brands, official distributors and major suppliers. However, before you start looking for suppliers, you need to decide on the business concept. To date, children's clothing, lingerie and creative items for teenagers are in high demand. The choice of such an assortment allows you to set a high margin on the products offered.

Doing business on the Internet allows an entrepreneur to get rid of the need to pay rent or purchase warehouses where received products will be stored. Trading in small lots of goods allows you to avoid the loss of large capital in the event of the acquisition of illiquid goods. One of the important stages in the creation of such a project is the promotion of the created store.. In the early stages, it is very important to constantly monitor the number of visitors to the created page. This approach allows you to understand which of the marketing solutions are more effective for this business. Despite the fact that such a business does not require large investments, the entrepreneur will need start-up capital. In addition to buying the first batch of clothes, you need to constantly invest in advertising.

In addition to all of the above, a newcomer to this business needs to take into account several important nuances. Some customers of the created site may be dissatisfied with the purchased products. Customer dissatisfaction may be due to the fact that the quality of the goods received by the customer may differ from the content of the pictures posted on the site. In addition, many clients of such platforms often make mistakes with the size when choosing clothes. Such customers may require a refund or exchange of goods. A beginner in this business should carefully study all the pitfalls associated with the sale and delivery of goods to customers.

Selling clothes over the Internet, including through social networks, is profitable

How much can you earn

The profitability of a trading business depends on many factors.. First of all, it is necessary to take into account the cost of the assortment and the current state of the market. In addition, it is important to understand that the entrepreneur will need to spend part of the money received on paying taxes, an advertising campaign and buying a new batch of clothes. The financial performance of such a project depends on the effectiveness of advertising and the number of customers.

In order to better understand the pricing procedure, it is necessary to consider a practical example. The cost of one T-shirt in a Chinese online store is about five hundred rubles, including delivery. Most online stores set a hundred percent markup on their products. This means that the cost of the purchased T-shirt will increase to one thousand rubles. If the volume of monthly sales reaches one hundred goods, the gross income will be one hundred thousand rubles.

From this amount, you must subtract all the costs associated with doing business. This item includes the cost of an advertising campaign, office rent and taxes. Most of the amount received should be spent on the purchase of a new batch of goods. Subtracting expenses from the amount of total revenue allows you to get information about the amount of personal income of the owner of an online store.

In addition to all of the above, it is necessary to take into account the scale of the business. In the event that the monthly turnover is more than half a million rubles, you will need to hire assistants. Approximately half of the above amount is spent on the purchase of a new batch of clothes. In addition, it is necessary to pay for the labor of workers, advertising and taxes. In such a situation, the net profit of the businessman himself will be no more than one hundred thousand rubles. However, the correct approach to the implementation of such a project allows you to gradually increase the turnover, which favorably affects the amount of incoming revenue.

How to start selling clothes online

Selling branded clothing online, like any other product, requires careful planning. At the start of such a project, it is necessary to decide on the assortment, find suppliers and think over a business promotion strategy. Below we propose to consider the main stages of this process.

Range selection

The first step in creating a trading business is the formation of an assortment, taking into account the economic and other characteristics of a particular region. It is important to understand that fashionable and expensive swimwear may not be in demand among the inhabitants of Siberia. That is why a novice entrepreneur needs to take into account the specifics of the local market. Experts recommend choosing potentially popular business areas that are not oversaturated with competitors' offers. In order to find such niches, a thorough analysis of all online stores operating in a particular region is carried out.

When forming the assortment, you need to obtain information about the level of solvency of potential customers. The high cost of clothing offered to consumers can significantly reduce the volume of client traffic. The low cost of things can also scare away potential buyers, contributing to the emergence of doubts about the quality of the products themselves.

A trading site can be created almost free of charge based on a free engine

Supplier search

One of the important preparatory stages is the search for suppliers. You should proceed to this stage only after a specific niche of the trading business has been determined. Many experts in this field recommend that beginners cooperate with textile factories and manufacturing companies. Such cooperation can significantly reduce the cost of purchasing the first batch of goods, due to the absence of the need to pay for the services of intermediaries. Another advantage of this variant of cooperation is the receipt of larger profits by reducing the cost of forming the assortment.

You can find similar companies in your city using special directories, which contain information about all manufacturing organizations operating in a particular region. Having compiled a list of potential partners, the entrepreneur needs to develop a commercial proposal that will be sent to the heads of selected firms. Some businessmen prefer to buy clothes in Chinese online stores. This method has a number of significant advantages and disadvantages. Among the latter, one should highlight the long waiting time for the delivery of the purchased goods. However, the ability to significantly reduce the cost of forming the assortment, significantly covers this disadvantage.

Development of a client base

At this stage, the future entrepreneur must create a portrait of potential customers. The description of this portrait will be used to find the first visitors to the online store, some of whom may become buyers. For this purpose, communities are created in all popular social networks. In addition, you can publish ads on advertising platforms and in trade groups.

The above method of promotion requires a long time investment. You can increase the speed of project promotion by hiring professional advertisers. It is very important that the cheated subscribers are active in the form of positive feedback and comments. You need to understand that the further success of the business depends on the image of the store.

Choosing a payment method for orders

When considering how to start selling clothes online, you need to pay attention to the payment methods for ordered clothes. A limited number of payment methods can cause a decrease in sales volumes. That is why many entrepreneurs install various services on their resources that allow them to accept payments from bank cards and popular electronic wallets.

Many representatives of the trading business often lose their money due to the fact that the client refuses the purchased product. This risk can be minimized by obligatory prepayment of the ordered goods. The amount of the advance payment can vary from thirty to fifty percent of the total order value.

Finding a good supplier is essential to making a good profit.

Delivery of goods to customers

Another important step is the organization of the delivery process. The level of reputation of the store depends on the quality of this process. You can implement this process in the following ways:

  1. Delivery by courier service or Russian Post.
  2. Self-delivery to the place indicated by the buyer or a personal meeting.
  3. Trade from the office, warehouse or home of a businessman.

Free shipping greatly increases the popularity of the online store. As a rule, in such offers, the cost of delivery is invested initially. The growing relevance of online shopping explains the opportunity to receive ordered products directly to your home. It is on this advantage that the store should focus.

It is not very difficult to start selling clothes via the Internet, but the success of the business depends on preliminary preparation, taking into account investment risks, and a strategy for attracting customers. Just creating an online store and buying goods is not enough. It is necessary to develop a marketing strategy in advance, implement an advertising campaign and start building a customer base.

The specifics of the work of an online clothing store

Selling clothes over the Internet, including through social networks (Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki), is profitable. A trading site can be created almost free of charge based on a free engine (for example, Joomla, OpenCart, WordPress, osCommerce, Magento) or social media applications. Finding a good supplier is essential to making a good profit. This can be done through search engines, paying attention to the offers of factories, wholesale clothing suppliers, official distributors, analyzing ads on the net, on thematic forums, social networks, studying electronic catalogs and databases (, suppliers.rf, etc.).

You can open an online store and sell clothes, including children's clothes, in several formats, which is one of the advantages of such a trade organization:

  • creating your own warehouse (allows you to quickly ship goods, but there is a need for large purchases and search for storage space, there is a possibility of a large amount of illiquid assets);
  • clothes are sold after the goods arrive from the warehouse of the wholesale supplier (this will reduce the cost of purchasing and storing goods, form a wide range, but the delivery time of the goods to the client will increase, there may be problems with returns in case of marriage);
  • dropshipping (the owner of an online clothing store plays the role of an intermediary between the supplier and the client, that is, he transfers the order, money to the wholesaler, and he already sends the goods to the specified address);
  • affiliate program (clothing is sold through the partner’s website, when the client clicks Buy, it automatically switches to another resource, from which the sale is carried out, the partner pays a certain percentage to the assistant for this).

Increasing sales is a pressing issue for any entrepreneur, especially if trading is conducted via the Internet. To monitor the quality and volume of goods sold, it is always worth considering some factors: the number of visitors to the online store for a certain period of time, customers who made a purchase, the average bill, marketing effectiveness regarding repeat purchases, margin percentage. By regularly monitoring these indicators, changes in them, the entrepreneur will be able to make the right decisions, sell things quickly and profitably.

When selling clothes via the Internet (including using the Vkontakte social network), it is important to take into account some of the nuances of online trading:

  1. The client must always be warned that the shade, appearance of the product may differ from that indicated in the picture (if the item is not sent from a personal warehouse).
  2. Warn about possible delays or specify a delivery time with a margin.

Before launching an online clothing store, you need to formalize your activities and choose its organizational and legal form - IP or LLC. It makes sense to use the second format only if several people create a common business. In other cases, it is easier to register as an individual entrepreneur (individual). As for the choice of taxation system, the simplified tax system with a rate of 6% is considered the best option, which can significantly reduce the tax burden on the entrepreneur.

Selling clothes through social networks

Creating the right interface in terms of the interface, SEO-functioning of the trading site will not ensure a successful start of trading. It is very important to conduct a high-quality advertising campaign, develop an effective marketing strategy in order to tell potential customers about yourself and interest them in buying. Selling clothes in an online store based on social networks (Vkontakte, etc.) will be quick and easy. It is very easy to create on a free platform (product photos are loaded quickly), you can create large product catalogs in a short time. In addition, the organizer immediately gets access to a free tool for attracting customers (friend requests, sending personal messages with an offer to make a purchase) and can advertise their services for free (posts in thematic groups, on the pages of acquaintances, creating and promoting their trade group).

Depending on the chosen format of the online clothing store in the social network (Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki, etc.), the seller must negotiate with the client all the details regarding the purchase and delivery of goods. If an entrepreneur sells clothes on a dropshipping basis, then the buyer should be warned that the photo, description of the goods are provided by the supplier and may differ in some parameters (shade, sometimes pattern) from those indicated. After all, only the client will be the first to see the thing in reality. It is also important to ensure the quality of logistics - to pack the goods well, to comply with the promised delivery times. To start a successful online clothing trade, you can use the following business organization approaches:

  1. Specify the details of the order and warn about sending by phone.
  2. Specify additional communication channels in the Contacts section: e-mail, ICQ.
  3. Create your own database of customers, invoices, goods (this can be done using Excel, MySklad, Client Base, etc.).
  4. Offer several ways to pay for goods (transfer to a bank card, electronic wallet, using cash on delivery).
  5. Arrange several ways of delivery of goods (state mail, private, courier services).

Many aspiring entrepreneurs are concerned about the best store to open in a small town. It all depends on the interests of the target audience, the level of competition and purchasing power. But to start successful trading in an online store, including through Vkontakte, the number of people in the city does not matter, because work is carried out, as a rule, in several regions.

How to sell clothes via the Internet Vkontakte?

How to open an online store Vkontakte? The algorithm of actions is simple. A trading platform on this social network is often created in parallel with a full-fledged trading platform based on a free engine. But successful sales will begin only if you pay enough attention to SEO promotion and filling the online platform with quality content, increasing the number of subscribers. If an entrepreneur is not confident in his abilities, it is better to hire a freelance administrator for these purposes.

The first step is the creation of an online store, its content, the implementation of advertising campaigns. Then you need to engage in attracting new customers, to interest them in purchases, especially repeat ones. The main factors that influence this process are the assortment and cost. If you fill the catalog well and offer the buyer a favorable price, he will prefer to choose this offer. The use of hashtags (for example, #obnova, #sale) will help to attract the target audience, which makes it easier to find the right product.

When selling clothes through Vkontakte, you need to create a base of regular customers from the very beginning, do everything to make them satisfied and make a repeat purchase. It is very important to help with the choice of the correct size, style of clothing. In order to demonstrate clothes to the maximum quality, you can post themed videos on the site, use programs for virtual selection of clothes, provide a user-friendly interface and quick page transitions, and create an online consultation.

Advice: to get additional income in your free time, you should use the offers of sites where you can earn money by completing tasks (for example, SEOSPRINT, PROFITCENTER, Vktarget, Free-lance, etc.).

Selling children's clothing online

Trade in children's clothing is a business niche that will always be highly profitable. Starting effective sales via the Internet is not very difficult, the main thing is to approach the stages of creating your business responsibly. Successfully selling children's clothing via the Internet will turn out in several formats:

  • trading in social networks (dropshipping, creating your own warehouse);
  • opening your online store (it will take a lot of time and investment to promote the site);
  • work in partnership format.

Some entrepreneurs start their work in the network with the sale of second-hand children's clothing. The principle of operation of a thrift store is that the intermediary sells the thing to the buyer for a certain margin. The owner of the goods initially determines its minimum cost (usually 30-40% of the price of a new one) and signs an agreement that specifies the terms of sale, return, and the percentage of the seller.

Advice: in order to successfully start selling clothes through an online store or outlet, it is advisable to create a business card website. This will help attract new customers and increase sales.

  1. It is desirable to form a range of affordable prices (the average price for one item is 180-900 rubles, only 10% of buyers buy things that are more expensive).
  2. It is necessary to create a wide range of products.
  3. It is worth selling only high-quality goods, and making delivery times as short as possible.
  4. When specifying measurements of things, always consider the possibility of an error of 1-2 cm.
  5. It is better to group clothes according to the seasons.
  6. To attract the attention of buyers, it is advisable to publish useful tips on the main page of the social network or create a separate section of the site for this.
  7. It is advisable to regularly hold promotions, drawings, contests with prizes.

Alternatively, you can expand your assortment with original products by making original drawings using a printer for printing on clothes.

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The normal profitability of a children's clothing store is 10-15%. The success of trading, including through the Vkontakte network, largely depends on the preparation of the entrepreneur, the choice of a good supplier and pricing policy. The same rules are relevant in matters of organizing sales of things for adults. To start successfully selling clothes online, it is not enough just to create and fill an online store with content. It is necessary to first think over and implement a plan for its promotion, ways to increase sales, attract new customers.

What is the article about?

  • 1 The specifics of the work of an online clothing store
  • 2 Selling clothes through social media
  • 3 How to sell clothes via the Internet Vkontakte?
  • 4 Selling children's clothing online

It is not very difficult to start selling clothes via the Internet, but the success of the business depends on preliminary preparation, taking into account investment risks, and a strategy for attracting customers. Just creating an online store and buying goods is not enough. It is necessary to develop a marketing strategy in advance, implement an advertising campaign and start building a customer base.

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The specifics of the work of an online clothing store

Selling clothes over the Internet, including through social networks (Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki), is profitable. A trading site can be created almost free of charge based on a free engine (for example, Joomla, OpenCart, WordPress, osCommerce, Magento) or social media applications. Finding a good supplier is essential to making a good profit. This can be done through search engines, paying attention to the offers of factories, wholesale clothing suppliers, official distributors, analyzing ads on the net, on thematic forums, social networks, studying electronic catalogs and databases (, suppliers.rf, etc.).

You can open an online store and sell clothes, including children's clothes, in several formats, which is one of the advantages of such a trade organization:

  • creating your own warehouse (allows you to quickly ship goods, but there is a need for large purchases and search for storage space, there is a possibility of a large amount of illiquid assets);
  • clothes are sold after the goods arrive from the warehouse of the wholesale supplier (this will reduce the cost of purchasing and storing goods, form a wide range, but the delivery time of the goods to the client will increase, there may be problems with returns in case of marriage);
  • dropshipping (the owner of an online clothing store plays the role of an intermediary between the supplier and the client, that is, he transfers the order, money to the wholesaler, and he already sends the goods to the specified address);
  • affiliate program (clothing is sold through the partner’s website, when the client clicks Buy, it automatically switches to another resource, from which the sale is carried out, the partner pays a certain percentage to the assistant for this).

Increasing sales is a pressing issue for any entrepreneur, especially if trading is conducted via the Internet. To monitor the quality and volume of goods sold, it is always worth considering some factors: the number of visitors to the online store for a certain period of time, customers who made a purchase, the average bill, marketing effectiveness regarding repeat purchases, margin percentage. By regularly monitoring these indicators, changes in them, the entrepreneur will be able to make the right decisions, sell things quickly and profitably.

When selling clothes via the Internet (including using the Vkontakte social network), it is important to take into account some of the nuances of online trading:

  1. The client must always be warned that the shade, appearance of the product may differ from that indicated in the picture (if the item is not sent from a personal warehouse).
  2. Warn about possible delays or specify a delivery time with a margin.

Before launching an online clothing store, you need to formalize your activities and choose its organizational and legal form - IP or LLC. It makes sense to use the second format only if several people create a common business. In other cases, it is easier to register as an individual entrepreneur (individual). As for the choice of taxation system, the simplified tax system with a rate of 6% is considered the best option, which can significantly reduce the tax burden on the entrepreneur.

Selling clothes through social networks

Creating the right interface in terms of the interface, SEO-functioning of the trading site will not ensure a successful start of trading. It is very important to conduct a high-quality advertising campaign, develop an effective marketing strategy in order to tell potential customers about yourself and interest them in buying. Selling clothes in an online store based on social networks (Vkontakte, etc.) will be quick and easy. It is very easy to create on a free platform (product photos are loaded quickly), you can create large product catalogs in a short time. In addition, the organizer immediately gets access to a free tool for attracting customers (friend requests, sending personal messages with an offer to make a purchase) and can advertise their services for free (posts in thematic groups, on the pages of acquaintances, creating and promoting their trade group).

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Depending on the chosen format of the online clothing store in the social network (Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki, etc.), the seller must negotiate with the client all the details regarding the purchase and delivery of goods. If an entrepreneur sells clothes on a dropshipping basis, then the buyer should be warned that the photo, description of the goods are provided by the supplier and may differ in some parameters (shade, sometimes pattern) from those indicated. After all, only the client will be the first to see the thing in reality. It is also important to ensure the quality of logistics - to pack the goods well, to comply with the promised delivery times. To start a successful online clothing trade, you can use the following business organization approaches:

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  1. Specify the details of the order and warn about sending by phone.
  2. Specify additional communication channels in the Contacts section: e-mail, ICQ.
  3. Create your own database of customers, invoices, goods (this can be done using Excel, MySklad, Client Base, etc.).
  4. Offer several ways to pay for goods (transfer to a bank card, electronic wallet, using cash on delivery).
  5. Arrange several ways of delivery of goods (state mail, private, courier services).

Many aspiring entrepreneurs are concerned about the best store to open in a small town. It all depends on the interests of the target audience, the level of competition and purchasing power. But to start successful trading in an online store, including through Vkontakte, the number of people in the city does not matter, because work is carried out, as a rule, in several regions.

How to sell clothes via the Internet Vkontakte?

How to open an online store Vkontakte? The algorithm of actions is simple. A trading platform on this social network is often created in parallel with a full-fledged trading platform based on a free engine. But successful sales will begin only if you pay enough attention to SEO promotion and filling the online platform with quality content, increasing the number of subscribers. If an entrepreneur is not confident in his abilities, it is better to hire a freelance administrator for these purposes.

The first step is the creation of an online store, its content, the implementation of advertising campaigns. Then you need to engage in attracting new customers, to interest them in purchases, especially repeat ones. The main factors that influence this process are the assortment and cost. If you fill the catalog well and offer the buyer a favorable price, he will prefer to choose this offer. The use of hashtags (for example, #obnova, #sale) will help to attract the target audience, which makes it easier to find the right product.

When selling clothes through Vkontakte, you need to create a base of regular customers from the very beginning, do everything to make them satisfied and make a repeat purchase. It is very important to help with the choice of the correct size, style of clothing. In order to demonstrate clothes to the maximum quality, you can post themed videos on the site, use programs for virtual selection of clothes, provide a user-friendly interface and quick page transitions, and create an online consultation.

Advice: to get additional income in your free time, you should use the offers of sites where you can earn money by completing tasks (for example, SEOSPRINT, PROFITCENTER, Vktarget, Free-lance, etc.).

Selling children's clothing online

Trade in children's clothing is a business niche that will always be highly profitable. Starting effective sales via the Internet is not very difficult, the main thing is to approach the stages of creating your business responsibly. Successfully selling children's clothing via the Internet will turn out in several formats:

  • trading in social networks (dropshipping, creating your own warehouse);
  • opening your online store (it will take a lot of time and investment to promote the site);
  • work in partnership format.

Some entrepreneurs start their work in the network with the sale of second-hand children's clothing. The principle of operation of a thrift store is that the intermediary sells the thing to the buyer for a certain margin. The owner of the goods initially determines its minimum cost (usually 30-40% of the price of a new one) and signs an agreement that specifies the terms of sale, return, and the percentage of the seller.

Advice: in order to successfully start selling clothes through an online store or outlet, it is advisable to create a business card website. This will help attract new customers and increase sales.

  1. It is desirable to form a range of affordable prices (the average price for one item is 180-900 rubles, only 10% of buyers buy things that are more expensive).
  2. It is necessary to create a wide range of products.
  3. It is worth selling only high-quality goods, and making delivery times as short as possible.
  4. When specifying measurements of things, always consider the possibility of an error of 1-2 cm.
  5. It is better to group clothes according to the seasons.
  6. To attract the attention of buyers, it is advisable to publish useful tips on the main page of the social network or create a separate section of the site for this.
  7. It is advisable to regularly hold promotions, drawings, contests with prizes.

Alternatively, you can expand your assortment with original products by making original drawings using a printer for printing on clothes.

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The normal profitability of a children's clothing store is 10-15%. The success of trading, including through the Vkontakte network, largely depends on the preparation of the entrepreneur, the choice of a good supplier and pricing policy. The same rules are relevant in matters of organizing sales of things for adults. To start successfully selling clothes online, it is not enough just to create and fill an online store with content. It is necessary to first think over and implement a plan for its promotion, ways to increase sales, attract new customers.

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Fewer people want to spend most of their lives sitting in the office from morning to evening. Many of them take risks and start selling on the Internet. The development of technology and the ability to access the network at any time make online business projects attractive, simple and quite profitable. However, this simplicity is deceptive and fraught with many unpleasant moments.

In order not to be disappointed in this type of activity, it is necessary to clarify a few key points before starting:

  • selection of the offered product or service;
  • the presence of a minimum client base;
  • site selection for sale
  • logistics;
  • advertising.

How to start selling online

Any business, including online, begins with the choice of goods or services that will be offered to consumers. At this point, the main thing is not to make a mistake. By choosing the least popular or not at all known positions, you run the risk of being left without earnings for a long time. A previously unknown product will be treated with caution. It is very difficult to develop a client base in this case. But at the same time, there is one main advantage: little or no competition.

If you are engaged in the promotion of goods that are in steady demand, then a large number of competitors may simply not allow such a business to develop. Companies that already have their regular customers will not let them go just like that. And you will have to make a lot of efforts to lure buyers to you.

  • contextual advertising - corresponds to the content of the site on which it is placed;
  • advertising banners - a graphic advertising "sign", you just need to click on it to get additional information;
  • spam mailing - simultaneous sending of offers to many random email addresses;
  • advertising in online games and social networks - as a rule, is both a background and unobtrusively reminds of the advertised product.

Unwittingly, a person will pay attention to advertising on the network. The more creative the ad, the more likely it is to get a client. Therefore, saving in this case is not worth it.

The issues of delivery and storage of goods should also be considered before the start of sales. In the case of small volumes, it is possible to do it on our own. But if there are a large number of orders, it is necessary to find and rent a room in which the goods will be stored. At the same time, remember that in terms of its humidity and temperature conditions, it must fully comply with the norm in order to prevent damage to the goods.

Delivery is also one of the important points. The more efficient it is, the better. Customers don't like to wait for a very long time, so fast delivery should be one of the benefits of a new business. If you can't do it yourself, it's best to hire helpers.

Before you start selling on the Internet, you need to find out all the tax nuances. A competent accountant or economist will prevent all the troubles that may arise in the course of work. You should not lose sight of such an important thing as taxes, because otherwise you can be left without a business at all.

Platforms for selling goods on the Internet

Once you have decided what you will sell, you should decide the following question: where? There are many platforms for selling goods on the Internet:

  • bulletin boards;
  • sites;
  • price aggregators;
  • lead generators;
  • coupon sites.

At the very beginning of your Internet trading journey, as well as with a limited budget, it is advisable to offer a product or service on bulletin boards. They are paid and free. That is why they are suitable for people with absolutely any starting capital. When working with such sites, it is very important to constantly update ads and raise them. All this does not cost any big money. Good writing is half the battle. Come up with an unusual ad, focus on the benefits of the product, and the buyer will not keep you waiting. Of course, it is much easier to find your client on large message boards with millions of users, but you should not neglect small sites either.

The most popular is your own website. If you wish, you can create it yourself. There are many constructors on which you will assemble your Internet resource for a nominal fee. A few hours of work and the site for sales is ready. But this option is only suitable if you offer only one type of product or service. In the case of a large assortment, more professional work will be required. Various web studios, freelancers, etc. will come to your aid. You only need to draw up a competent technical task and wait a certain amount of time. Naturally, the latter option is not suitable for a quick start of sales, but in the long run it justifies itself.

Price aggregators are sites that combine information on the same subject. If the topic matches your offer, pay some money and post your offer. During the day, such sites are viewed by several thousand people, so potential buyers will certainly be found there.

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