How much do they earn from contextual advertising? Earnings on contextual advertising

Containing specific target information. These blocks make money from contextual advertising. There are many such systems, but the most common are Google Adsense, Yandex Direct and Begun.

To start making money this way, you need to place contextual advertising blocks of the selected system on your website (code generated specifically for you). This needs to be done in good places. If a site visitor clicks on a block, you will be paid a certain amount for this. The cost per click determines. Advertisers pay more for displaying ads in the most competitive topics, which means you will earn good money.

Thus, the sites of contextual advertising systems are an intermediary between the advertiser and the one who places it. These services are responsible for searching for customers, generating the necessary code, changing the provision of an ad block, monitoring payments and clicking contextual advertising, which is very convenient and excellent on the Internet. You are required to register in the system, place the ad block code, and comply with the system rules.

Contextual what to choose?

Now let’s try to figure out which contextual advertising systems are more convenient for making money. This question cannot be answered unambiguously, since everywhere has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Google Adsense

Very democratic service. Good cost per click. Accepts almost all projects designed for people. Simple registration, efficiency, powerful income tracking tools. But there is also a significant disadvantage - it is inconvenient to withdraw the money earned. The money is sent in the form of a check, which can be cashed at a commercial bank.

Yandex Direct

The cost per click is the highest, just register and withdraw money. Disadvantages - resources with a traffic of 300 people per day are accepted, sites undergo strict moderation, so making money on contextual advertising on Yadex Direct is not possible for everyone.


Good cost per click, easy to withdraw money, easy to register. There are high requirements for the content (content) of the website, and therefore not everyone is allowed. If the site has not passed moderation, the reason for the discrepancy is not explained.

Now let’s figure out what it depends on to get a decent income from displaying the context:

a) Traffic (number of visitors in a limited period of time). According to statistics, out of 100% of visitors, only 2-3% click on ads, thereby generating income for the site owner. This indicator is called click-ratio. Thus, the first principle of optimization says: the more traffic, the more clicks and money.

b) It is important where exactly you place the advertising unit. The best results are achieved when placed in the center of the post and at the top of the page. You can place a horizontal block at the end of the text. For greater efficiency, place several different blocks on one page, if contextual advertising systems allow this. It is best to integrate advertising units into the menu. Maybe this is not very good for the site user, but it is quite profitable. This leads to the following principle - place the context in a good place on the site page.

c) Similarity of topics. Google Adsense first analyzes the topic of the site and subsequently tries to place the type of advertisements that correspond to it. Principle Three: Thematic relevance helps increase impressions.

Let's summarize. Making money from contextual advertising is a fairly reliable, proven, and therefore real and profitable way to earn income on the Internet.

A detailed answer on how to make money from contextual advertising and what services allow you to earn money.

Some get the opportunity to create a source of permanent income on the Internet, while others get a specific target audience.

After all, as statistics say, unlike bright and provocative banners of teaser advertising, contextual advertising inspires trust in more than 40% of people.

That is, people click on ads purposefully.

This article will tell you what exactly needs to be done so that users notice the placed blocks and the income from them grows.

What is the essence of the method of making money on contextual advertising?

If you have been an Internet user for several days, then you have definitely seen contextual advertising, because it is everywhere.

Ads designed in blocks with the inscription “Runner” or “Yandex.Direct” - that’s what it is.

Part of these funds goes to the intermediary site as a reward for its services.

That is, a properly configured unit, for example, with frying pans will not end up in the middle of a car forum.

It is located at the very top, side or bottom of the results when the user is looking for something purposefully.

Thanks to numerous precise settings and algorithms, the “context” is displayed only in accordance with the content of the page.

This scheme is aimed at ensuring that a visitor to a resource on a certain topic is more likely to be interested in the proposed thematic product than someone random.

The system of operation of such programs is known in detail, perhaps, only to developers.

How much can you earn from contextual advertising?

It is impossible to name the exact amount of how much you can earn from contextual advertising. But we can clarify that on Russian intermediary platforms a click is estimated at 0.1-100 rubles.

And your total monthly earnings can range from an insignificant 500 rubles to tens of thousands!

This variation is influenced by the topic of the resource on which the advertisement is located, which user clicked on it, and so on.

Making money from contextual advertising: where to start?

After all of the above, you should have been left with the main question: how to start making money from contextual advertising?

  1. Of course, the first and main step is choosing a topic and creating.
    There are some areas that are more in demand than others.
    This includes women's sites, business topics, finance, and seasonal offers.
  2. For hosting, choose only paid hosting.
    With the free one, you can also try your hand at some resources.
    But only a paid one will pass any test and allow you to generate more income.
  3. Select one or several systems for advertising.
    Experienced webmasters recommend starting with Runner (discussed below) as the simplest system.
    After it, you can switch to Yandex.Direct.
  4. Track statistics and experiment with the type and placement of contextual advertising to get better results and more earnings.

What services allow you to make money on contextual advertising?

When the site has already been created and promoted, you can proceed to selecting a specific intermediary site for placing blocks.

There are three main ones:

  • A popular platform among beginners.
    A special advantage for them is the absence of restrictions on the number of visitors to the resource.
    Literally anyone can start making money.
    And the system for withdrawing your earnings is simple and familiar - to a WebMoney wallet.
    But there are also limitations, of course.
    Users do not have as many options for designing ad units at their disposal.
    And the cost per click is somewhat lower, although using the site is much simpler and more convenient.
  • Yandex.Direct is more picky when choosing platforms.
    And it is worth noting that it only serves the Russian-language category of sites.
    In addition, they must be located on paid hosting.
    Before you submit your partnership application here, you will need to do a lot of promotion.
    At a minimum, the number of your daily visitors should exceed 300.
  • also, or even more attentive to the choice of sites for placing blocks.
    It puts forward certain requirements for the life of the resource, its content, quality and safety.

Different sites have different prices.

So YAN offers you 50%.

But if you pass Google’s strict selection process, you can count on 68% (of each person’s click).

How to earn more from contextual advertising?

As mentioned above, in order for a click to pay higher, you need to choose one of the most profitable topics.

After this, your efforts should be aimed at developing the site and attracting new visitors.

Experienced users say that nothing leads to a resource better than raising its position in search engines.

This can be done using various website optimization techniques.

Oddly enough, in addition to generally accepted topics that gather a large audience, the method of concentration works well.

For this purpose, websites are created on a specific narrow topic. They usually have fewer visitors.

But at the same time, the percentage of those who click on contextual advertising is higher. In total, this gives the best earnings from contextual advertising.

A good example of such a site are fan clubs of certain car brands and the like.

But in addition to choosing such a narrowly focused topic, do not forget about filling the site with quality content.

In general, for stable and growing earnings from contextual advertising, it is important that you pay due attention to the site itself. Create it not for profit, but for people.

Then your business will go up.

Earning money from contextual advertising: how to place it?

The average figure is 40% of attention from users. Of the people who came to the resource for a specific purpose, only 30% will pay attention to your contextual advertising.

But of those who came to the site by accident, 50% will already devote time to studying the blocks posted.

In any case, your goal is to ensure that the attention of both is not distracted by anything. Then the indicators will remain at the specified level, and earnings will increase.

  1. It is believed that the user should not scroll the site page in order for the blocks to come into his field of view.
    Place them near the beginning.
  2. Obviously, too much advertising is annoying and off-putting.
    But a lone block will attract fewer clicks.
    You need to choose the optimal number of blocks yourself, observing the “golden mean”.
  3. Choose the size of your ad so that it doesn’t take up too much space, but also doesn’t get lost.
    Pay attention to which arrangement will look better on the page - horizontal or vertical.
  4. You can use statistics that indicate the following: a person's gaze moves from left to right.
    Therefore, information placed on the right is perceived by the brain as more significant.
  5. Please note that the placement of advertising blocks on the main page and the rest should be different.
    Just as the focus of users’ attention on them differs. Where the main place is occupied by content, the blocks will be better seen on the right. But on the main one, more glances are directed to the upper part.

also explained in the video:

Briefly answer the question, how to make money on contextual advertising, is as follows: fit blocks into the content of the page organically, follow the rules for using the selected advertising system and develop your site.

After all, the larger and better your audience is, the more transitions there will be. Accordingly, your level of earnings will increase.

Greetings, dear friends! With you are the founders of the business magazine Alexander Berezhnov and Vitaly Tsyganok.

In this article we will tell you how we ourselves earn more than 150,000 rubles on our website and look at the most popular and truly working ways of making money from advertising on the Internet with examples.

1. Advertising on the Internet: how and how much you can earn from it

Making money from advertising on the Internet is one of the most accessible and effective ways to make a profit online. Below we will look in detail at all the features, nuances and types of making money from advertising with specific examples. This method of generating income is especially relevant if you have your own Internet resource, however, ordinary users can also try their hand at this “advertising business.”

Let’s say right away that we will mainly talk about making money from advertising using your website (blog). And this is not another theoretical article, but our real experience of starting a business on the Internet (your website) and earning decent money on it (for today $3000 per month).

A few words about advertising in general

It is difficult to imagine modern civilization without advertising. She accompanies a person everywhere - in shops, on the streets, in the media, in transport.

Almost all sites we visit, especially popular ones (highly visited), contain advertising - banners, links, images, by clicking on which you can go to third-party resources.

Simply by placing banners and links from an advertiser, you can earn income from $50 to $10,000 per month and more. Of course, you won’t be able to reach an income level of several thousand dollars right away - you need several months (from 6 to 12) of hard work and often some financial investments.

As soon as traffic to your site begins to grow, more and more profitable offers from advertisers will begin to appear, and with them your profits will increase.

We suggest comparing it with classic “street” or other media advertising and highlighting the clear advantages.

Degree of influence (trust) depending on the age of the audience

2. Profession Internet marketer. Learn it and earn from advertising from 100,000 rubles and more remotely

Today you can earn more on the Internet than at a regular job, and this despite the fact that you don’t need to travel anywhere.

The task of an Internet marketer is to promote goods and services of companies on the Internet. In this case, it is possible to pay both for the marketing campaign carried out and to receive a percentage of sales made thanks to you.

How it works. Suppose you know how to make one-page websites and set up advertising on them, or you are a specialist in promotion on social networks.

Then you need to find a customer who has a business and offer him your services.

If you conducted an advertising campaign thanks to which, for example, the customer organized an event for 1000 people and sold tickets for 2 million rubles. feel free to ask for 20-25% of this volume. That is, you can earn 400 - 500 thousand rubles as a reward.

The example is even simpler. Do you have friends who provide services: apartment renovation, website creation, built-in furniture, and so on.

By bringing them clients, you can easily agree on your commission percentage in the amount of 10 to 30.

Thus, Internet marketers earn from 50,000 rubles and more without leaving home.

This is great, of course, but where can I learn how to promote in order to earn money like that? - you say.

Dmitry created a remote online promotion business, visited 32 countries in 2 years and successfully develops his project with a team without being tied to a place.

You can do this too, the main thing is to start. When we created our website HeatherBeaver several years ago, we also studied hard and today our project brings in more than a million rubles a month.

Start small and gradually you will learn from your own example what prospects for making money on the Internet and the profession of an Internet marketer open up for you.

3. Where should a beginner start making money from advertising on the Internet?

But what to do if you don’t have your own network resource and the funds to create and promote it? Is it possible to make money from advertising on the Internet without investment? Yes, there is such an opportunity: it will require you not to spend money, but to spend time. Time, as you know, is the same as money - but not everyone knows how to cash out this resource. Below we will teach you how to do this.

10 minutes to read. Views 1 Published 10/13/2018

Each owner of a virtual resource has the opportunity to earn money from his project through advertising. Today, one of the most relevant and widespread methods of making money on the Internet is contextual advertising. All major search engines, including Google and Yandex, offer website owners to take part in a special program. In this article, we propose to consider the question of how to make money on contextual advertising if you have your own website.

Features of contextual advertising

Each website owner can use various methods of making money from advertising. It is important to note that the popularity of the resource is not of fundamental importance when starting to use the method in question. However, the growth of traffic allows you to significantly increase the amount of incoming funds . The whole scheme of making money on contextual advertising will be clear even to a beginner.

First, you need to select the platform with which you plan to cooperate. This could be Google or Yandex, or other lesser-known sites. By registering on a special platform, an entrepreneur can receive advertising links that need to be placed on an existing resource. From each ad impression or click on an advertising link, the webmaster receives a certain profit.

Considering the specifics of contextual advertising, it should be mentioned that this system does not show users all the content contained in the information base. When constructing search results, the interests of a specific person are taken into account. Depending on the topic of interest to the user, the content of the advertising block changes. As an example, let's take a situation in which a user is interested in fashionable gadgets. When visiting various sites, small blocks will appear on the pages that open, inviting you to go to the page of online stores or private advertisements. The presence of such advertising blocks indicates that the resource the user has visited is connected to the contextual advertising system.

Transitions significantly increase earnings from the affiliate program. Today, most systems used to connect contextual advertising take into account not only the interests of the user, but also his location, age and even gender.

How much income can you get?

Earning money from advertising on the Internet can bring in several hundred thousand rubles every month. However, such an indicator can only be achieved by large resources where the number of visitors exceeds ten thousand people. The cost of clicking on an advertising link varies from thirty kopecks to one hundred rubles. In order to calculate the approximate profit margin, it is necessary to take into account many different parameters.

As practice shows, commercial projects receive the maximum profit. Websites related to business, real estate, financial services and legal services have high traffic compared to non-profit areas. Based on the above, we can conclude that a website dedicated to the sale or rental of cars will generate significantly more income compared to the website of an unknown musical group.

It is also necessary to take into account the professionalism of the site creator. Beginners in this business can earn no more than a few thousand rubles a month. According to statistics, thirty thousand people who visited the resource in one month generate an income of one and a half thousand rubles. However, for more accurate calculations it is necessary to take into account the theme of the site and other parameters.

Almost any website can earn money from contextual advertising, regardless of traffic

How much does one click cost?

Based on the above, we can conclude that the cost of one click is calculated based on many different parameters. The only exception is the Flat-Rate PPC model, the use of which implies preliminary agreement on the cost of impressions between the webmaster and the advertiser. Google, Yandex and other lesser-known platforms use the Bid-Based model. This model is built on the basis of competition between website creators.

In addition to the topic of the resource, it is necessary to take into account such a criterion as “relevance”. This indicator reflects the total number of pages corresponding to the content of the advertising unit. The higher this indicator, the more income the site owner receives when using contextual advertising. It is also necessary to take into account the number of unique visitors, the semantic core and even the age of the resource itself. An important role in pricing policy is given to the CTR indicator. This parameter reflects the difference between the number of ad impressions and the number of users who clicked on the advertising link. It is more profitable for advertisers to cooperate with those platforms that have high CTR rates. The keyword that the user used when searching for the required resource is also important.

Each platform specializing in contextual advertising provides useful tips for beginners. Some systems recommend taking into account the quality of information presented on the site. You also need to understand that the use of various filters or restrictions on the number of advertising units significantly reduce the competitiveness of the project. According to many Internet marketing experts, even external links can affect the final cost per click. In the case where the site contains links to third-party projects containing prohibited content, the cost of advertising is significantly reduced.

How to start making money from contextual advertising

So, let's look at the question of how to make money from advertising on the Internet. First of all, you need to choose an advertising platform for your project . Today, domestic webmasters can use platforms such as Google AdSense and Yandex.Direct. Experts note that it is best for beginners to use the platform from Google, connecting to which will not be difficult. In order to become a member of the advertising network from the Yandex company, the existing site must meet the strict requirements of moderators.

After completing the registration procedure, the resource owner needs to “link” his sites to the system. After the platform administration checks the posted resources, the site owner gets access to the advertising code that needs to be placed on their projects. Next, you just need to regularly track statistics and watch how your income grows. Below we propose to consider this method of earning money in more detail.

The essence of making money is simple: you place advertising blocks (ads, banners) on the site and receive money for impressions or transitions

Site creation

In order to make money from advertising on the Internet, you will need to create your own resource. In the case where the main goal of creating a website is to obtain an additional source of income, it is recommended to choose popular commercial areas. It should also be noted that placing contextual advertising on a site with free hosting will not work. This means that the future site owner will need to invest a certain amount in his project. Before you start creating a website, it is recommended to study the most popular areas that generate maximum income. These areas include:

  • business;
  • real estate;
  • jurisprudence and accounting;
  • construction.

Next, you need to think about ways to attract traffic. As practice shows, the highest income comes from users from the capital. It is this category of potential clients that most advertisers are interested in. One of the best methods of attracting an audience that meets all the necessary criteria is the method of promotion in search engines. Increasing your ranking in the list of targeted queries helps you get into the top ten search results. Rules for using this optimization method are often published on specialized resources for webmasters.

Another promising area of ​​promotion is the choice of a narrow topic. An interesting website dedicated to a specific vehicle model allows you to attract the attention of many motorists. These people will begin to distribute links to such a site among all their friends. In order to engage the widest possible audience, you will need to select high-quality content.

The site owner must understand that in addition to advertising, it is necessary to focus on the quality of the information presented. A resource with uninteresting content will gradually lose its audience, which will affect advertising revenue. Based on the above, we can conclude that the created project should bring real benefits to visitors.

A newcomer to this field needs to constantly experiment with the design of their resource and the placement of advertising blocks. Such experiments will reveal the connection between the presence of an advertising block and the amount of earnings. Many beginners make the common mistake of oversaturating their site with advertising. This approach may scare off users due to the inconvenience of using the site. It should also be noted that many large sites rarely cooperate with “young” projects. For the first time, you need to find a platform where minimum requirements are imposed on sites wishing to participate in the affiliate program.

Finding Clients

Finding clients willing to pay for placing their advertisements will not be particularly difficult. A beginner in this field can register in special catalogs that can be easily found on the Internet. In addition, you can place your ads on specialized platforms and freelance exchanges.

The project deserves special attention, where every freelancer can place his ad. This site has high traffic and has earned good reviews not only from webmasters, but also from advertisers.

The most popular systems in Runet are Yandex.Direct and Google AdWords

Subtleties of setting up contextual advertising

You can familiarize yourself with the basics of setting up contextual advertising using various training videos. The YouTube video service contains several hundred videos devoted to this topic. It should be noted that most large advertisers prefer to work with certified specialists. You can receive a certificate from Google or Yandex after passing special tests.

In order to work with complex projects, you need to gain in-depth knowledge in this area. Today, you can find many different institutions teaching Internet marketing. Completing such a training course will allow you to learn how to use various marketing techniques aimed at increasing client traffic and the profitability of contextual advertising.

A person who knows all the intricacies of setting up contextual advertising can earn money not only using his own resource, but also by offering these services to other businessmen. In this case, the webmaster acts as an intermediary between the advertiser and the site owner. Many businessmen do not want to learn all the intricacies of Internet marketing and are ready to pay for the work of specialists. The cost of services for setting up the Yandex.Direct system varies from two to several tens of thousands of rubles. Here it is necessary to take into account the scope of work and the complexity of the project. Website maintenance is paid separately. Professionals in this field can earn ten thousand rubles from one project.

Most specialists in the field of online advertising recruit about ten clients who agree to pay for regular website updates. Thus, the webmaster receives additional income of more than thirty thousand rubles. However, in addition to the advertising itself, the intermediary has to solve many additional problems. This can be either writing and publishing text materials or setting up Yandex.Metrica. The above services must be paid separately.

Contextual advertising systems can take into account the user’s geography, time of day and other parameters

Earning money from contextual advertising depends on many different factors. Here you need to take into account both the total amount of client traffic and the cost of one click. As practice shows, there is no single method for increasing advertising revenue. In order to find the option that is most suitable for a particular site, you will need to spend a lot of time on various experiments.

When posting large text materials, it is very important to correctly divide the advertising blocks. Placing blocks in one of the corners of the page may not give the desired result. In this case, it is more appropriate to divide the advertising unit into several parts, which will be placed in the “body” of the article.

Many newcomers to this field make a common mistake by placing many advertisements on each page. It is necessary to understand that several blocks with flashing advertisements can complicate the process of reading information. A person visiting such a site may close it just a few seconds after opening the page. Experts also note that one well-placed block of advertising can bring higher income than several dozen ads scattered throughout the site.

Conclusions (+ video)

In order to achieve tangible results from placing contextual advertising, you will need to spend a lot of time studying the specifics of the chosen platform. As we said above, advertising revenue depends on the location of the block on the page. This means that you need to constantly experiment with setting up an advertising campaign. This is the only way to find the ideal solution for a specific resource.

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