Where to find an investor for a business from scratch? How to find an investor to open a business from scratch and for a startup - step-by-step instructions Where to get investment for a business.

Beginning entrepreneurs often face a lack of funds, without which it is impossible to implement a promising business idea. In this case, you have to look for an investor who will agree to invest money in your business. This is a difficult process that requires persistence, patience and self-confidence. You will learn how to find an investor from scratch for a small business in this article.

How to attract an investor?

Any investor strives to increase his capital. The interest on deposits offered by banks and other financial institutions does not suit people who want their money to work and make a profit, since such dividends barely cover the level of inflation. Therefore, investors are looking for businesses in which they can invest capital and thereby provide decent passive income. If you are interested in how to find an investor for a small business, first of all you need to perceive him as a potential partner, since you are investing an idea into the business, and the investor is investing his money. Accordingly, this should be beneficial for both parties.

Experts believe that finding an investor for a small business is not difficult. The most important thing is a competent presentation of the idea, which can convince him that this type of investment will significantly increase his capital.

In an investment question, the following questions need to be addressed:

  • Demand and uniqueness of the product;
  • Investment size;
  • Payback period of the enterprise;
  • Calculation of future profits and guarantees.

If you can find convincing arguments for all of these positions, the investor will be convinced that your idea will indeed bring good profit and ensure its financing.

Where to start your search?

  1. Step #1. Make a clear plan that you will present to potential investors. With its help, you must convince the person that your strategy will allow you to make a good profit. The document must contain a complete description of the company, its prospects, and place in the market. Also, do not forget to attach a calculation of the initial investment and the approximate payback period;
  2. Step #2. Decide on the type of investor. For example, you are interested in how to find an investor who will allocate funds to achieve certain goals - to purchase equipment or expand production at a certain interest rate. Or maybe an investor will suit you who will give you money, but will ask for a share in the business in exchange. Choose the most acceptable form of cooperation for you and indicate it in the plan;
  3. Step #3. Seek help from experienced businessmen who have been working in your chosen field for a long time. They can give you sound advice on attracting investors to your business;
  4. Step #4. Find specialized sites on the Internet where aspiring entrepreneurs are given the opportunity to present their project to business angels. You place your request for financing an enterprise, after which investors contact the author of the idea that interests them.

Where to look?

Before finding an investor for a business, you need to carefully prepare and make a detailed description of the future enterprise. It is advisable to involve experienced economists in this matter who will help you draw up an action plan. It should outline the production technology, the level of competition in the market, marketing research, and markets for finished products. You also need to attach financial calculations and detail the payback period and future profits.

Now let's try to figure out where to find an investor for a small business. There are several options to help you resolve this issue:

  • Relatives and friends. Since finding an investor to invest in a business idea is not so easy, try to involve your friends and relatives in this business. This is an ideal option that allows you to minimize all risks. If the implementation of your project does not require large start-up capital, you can invite your friends to invest their savings in the business for a certain percentage of the profit;
  • Businessmen. In any city there are experienced entrepreneurs who have made a fortune and want to invest their capital in some profitable business. Try to get a long-term loan from them on favorable terms or offer equity participation in the business. The second option will significantly limit your freedom of action, so think carefully before taking such a step;
  • Funds. Another option for finding an investor for a business from scratch is investment funds, as well as funds that assist small businesses. But in order to receive money from such an organization, you need to prove that your project is viable. In addition, an aspiring entrepreneur must have his own start-up capital, which he plans to invest in a new enterprise. This option is more suitable for businessmen who want to find an investor in an existing business. To get a positive answer, you need to draw up an enterprise development plan and conduct a thorough analysis of your company’s work. It is also necessary to constantly monitor the performance of public investment funds. They often hold various competitions that allow them to select the most promising projects;
  • Venture investing has become widespread in many developed countries. If you want to find investors for business development in this way, you should remember that these organizations invest money only in promising risky projects in the field of science, innovation or IT technology. Sometimes venture funds finance the service and trade sectors. But at the same time, they expect a share in your business and stable profits. As a rule, such funds finance the enterprise for several years and then sell their share to the owner;
  • Business incubators. This is a special platform that is intended for the implementation of various projects. To find an investor for a business in Ukraine in this way, you need to provide a competent plan and pass an interview or win a competition;
  • Banks. If you don't know where to find an investor for your business, try getting a loan from a bank. But, unfortunately, getting the required amount is not so easy, since credit institutions usually impose serious requirements on borrowers. You will need a guarantor, collateral and a package of documents. If you do not comply with the bank's requirements, you may not receive a loan. This option is more suitable for implementation.

If you want to find money for your business, be patient. All candidates must be carefully considered and possible risks taken into account. In this case, you can choose a reliable investor who will help you open a profitable enterprise.

Foreign investors

Some entrepreneurs who cannot find money to implement their idea in our country are trying to attract foreign capital to the project. Let's figure out where to find a foreign investor for a small business?

It is pointless to rely on your past victories in various competitions and festivals, since foreign investors are only interested in real financial achievements. You must offer them a project that, with additional funding, will bring in millions in profit, preferably in dollars. It doesn't have to be some kind of technological idea, but if it shows high profitability, you can safely count on the fact that investors will pay special attention to you. Believe me, no one will invest in your ambitions. Therefore, if you are not confident in your abilities, look for interesting ones, the implementation of which does not require large start-up capital. This is an ideal option to start with.

Video on the topic

By franchise

Now let's talk about how to find an investor for a franchise business. This investment tool has been tested by hundreds of entrepreneurs. The main advantages of a franchise are a quick start and entry into the market under the wing of a well-known brand. Borrowed funds for a franchise can be obtained from a bank. This is the only case when banks give money to start a business. In addition, they provide a deferred payment on the loan for 6 months. Thanks to this, the entrepreneur can direct all his efforts to business development and repay the loan from the profits received. To get such a loan, it is enough to have one guarantor.

Help from the state

If you want to implement it, you can try to seek help from the state. There are special programs that allow you to receive a grant to start your own business. This is targeted free assistance, which is quite enough to start a small enterprise. This option is perfect for beginners who are looking for ways to start without starting capital.

The AngelList online platform is one of the world's largest platforms for attracting investment in startups. Its database includes more than 200,000 companies and 21,000 investors, two thirds of them are business angels. Over the three years of the project’s existence, about 1,300 companies, including services and, have attracted more than $200 million in investments. We spoke with the head of the AngelList fundraising program, Ash Fontana, who visited Moscow at the invitation of the IIDF, about the development of the project and what an entrepreneur needs to know when trying to attract the attention of investors.

- How big is the difference between venture investors in the US and in Russia?

There are a large number of investors in Russia and certainly a lot of capital. Investors already specialize in financing at various stages. This is important when there are accelerators, business angels, and venture funds - investors who can help the company at every stage of its existence. Of course, the market is not yet as developed as in the US, but the picture seems to be starting to take shape.

- Are there many projects from Russia on AngelList?

Thousands. Outside the US, the largest region in terms of the amount of money invested on AngelList is the UK, twice as big as Russia. However, Russia is twice the size of any other European country on AngelList.

-How does the process for listing startups on AngelList work?

Anyone can list a company on AngelList. There is no selection test or any requirements, you just need to fill out a profile. But to get money, you need to be the company that investors choose. We don't have any background checks, but we do this cool thing called "company pitching" - we research projects, conduct interviews, and if we think the company is good, we send investors a letter with a note about it. We do this for about 5-10 startups a week.

- How does moderation work for investors?

Investors must be accredited - in the US this means having $1 million in capital (real estate value does not count) or $200,000 in income over three years. If you are considered an accredited investor, you can view companies on AngelList. And when you commit to investing through our platform, we re-verify that accreditation and a few other details. If you're investing for the first time, we provide training to cover the steps you take as a first-time investor.

- What are the most common mistakes made by entrepreneurs presenting their project on AngelList?

The first mistake they make is not even the profile, but the timing of its creation. Many people first talk to friends and acquaintances offline, trying to attract money, and then go to AngelList - and this is a mistake. They need to do everything at once if they want to attract the attention of investors in the shortest possible time.

The second mistake is an overly cautious approach to information disclosure. Entrepreneurs think that competitors will take advantage of it. It's very rare that someone actually steals ideas. If your idea is good, it will be difficult to copy.

The third mistake is that entrepreneurs are not specific enough. It's worth remembering that investors are looking at hundreds of projects. So you need to immediately clearly define how you differ from others. People start with general phrases like “we will change all markets” or “we are creating a revolution”, use proud words, but instead they should write “we created this object, a product that is new or unique because of this and that.”

- What advice would you give to entrepreneurs from Russia?

Show that the problem you are solving is global and not specific to Russia. You need to find ways to describe your team's accomplishments that make sense to global investors. Try to explain the team's merits on an international and translatable level. It is difficult for an American investor to understand what “I studied at Moscow State University” means in comparison with Stanford. He knows what Stanford is, but he doesn't understand what MSU is. Instead of “I studied at such and such a university, worked in such and such a company, they are all Russian,” say better: “I won the mathematics Olympiad three times, I was one of so many best students on the course.”

Finally, try to get feedback from your fellow Americans. Investors from other countries are suspicious of entrepreneurs who have failed to attract attention even in their hometown.

- Recently, on AngelList you can invest not only individually, but also by joining a pool.

Now we manually manage such transactions and do not allow just anyone to take over and syndicate. In a syndicated transaction, the leading investor is important, who must be a professional and have a good history. When those wishing to create a syndicate come to us, they say how much they are willing to invest in the company, what the cost of financing should be, and what kind of return they want to receive per share. Then they write about a page of note about why they want to invest in this company, why they believe in it, why they are syndicating the deal and send out an email to investor followers on AngelList. Having received applications, they choose who to include in the syndicate, what the volume of funds to be placed will be, then they distribute shares, collect funds, prepare legal documents and transfer them to us. AngelList creates a fund, all members of the syndicate invest there, and the fund itself is invested in the company. So we manage the fund, we maintain all its legal and tax documentation.

- How popular is it?

It has become incredibly popular! Such deals are closed very quickly - usually within a day. One, for a couple of hundred thousand dollars, closed within an hour. Interestingly, people are willing to provide funding to existing syndicates for future deals; we have already raised about $10 million in this way and that’s in just five weeks!

Previously, there was a restriction on AngelList - an entrepreneur could contact an investor only if the investor himself noticed him and wrote to him. Is this true now?

Five weeks ago there were changes to the site, we gave companies the opportunity to make their profile public, post it on Twitter, blog or somewhere else to say: “I am attracting investment, look at my profile on AngelList and see how much I have already collected". All this is now legal. Over the past five weeks, about 3,000 companies have taken advantage of this option. This is a great opportunity for startups to attract new investors. For example, companies that have a lot of users with money, say, manufacturers of software for doctors, they can write to these people and say “hey, I know you haven’t invested before. But we raise money, and you use our product, so invest in us!” The only negative is that the company must show us that the investor is accredited, and we will help arrange everything properly.

Recently, AngelList allows startups to also search for employees. How is this recruiting part of the project developing?

It is growing because finding people for business has always been a big problem. As far as we know, more than a hundred people find work - sign a contract - every week. So this product is developing surprisingly well, especially considering that it has only been running for six months, we started creating it a year ago, and the entire project is led entirely by one person.

Is there a correlation between how well a company raises funding and how popular it is in the eyes of employees?

Yes, very big! If you are invested in and have a good profile on AngelList, you will be more attractive to candidates. Because they see that you raised money and can definitely pay them.

- What industries are popular on AngelList?

We have biotech, the creation of consumer hardware in the field of healthcare is very popular, the production of gadgets - for example, devices that allow you to lose weight, fitness gadgets. Education is also popular. These are the industries that people don't expect to become popular, but they do.

- Do you track the fate of your “graduates” - projects that have already attracted investment?

Yes, and we track how much money they managed to raise later – now it’s more than $2.5 billion.

The AngelList platform itself attracted a round of investment of $24 million in September, what will this money be used for, what are the plans for development?

We will continue to do what we already do - hire the best engineers and designers, employees who work on our products. In addition, we will use them to finance the company’s expenses. After all, commissions for attracting investment will not return to us soon - we receive money only when investors make a profit, and this is usually many years later, and in the meantime we need funds to pay expenses and pay salaries.

We receive a fee for attracting funding, that is, a share of 5-10% of the profits that investors will receive from investments on AngelList. This only applies to syndicated and online deals. If you created a company profile on AngelList, but then made a transaction offline, everything is okay, we do not claim any commission.

-You have many clones. Is there anyone you can call your competitor?

We don't think much about competitors because it distracts us from our work. In addition, this is a business with a network effect: the platform is useful for companies only if there are many investors on it, while at the same time, investors only need it if there are many companies on it. A critical mass of both is needed before such a platform becomes useful. We have this critical mass, and it will be difficult for any other company to achieve it.

- How will the angel investment market develop in the world and in Russia?

The industry is becoming more efficient - the more information, the more informed decisions investors make, and we help this happen. It becomes easier for business angels to decide because they can compare companies faster and have more access to their founders - through AngelList, or LinkedIn, or Facebook. At the same time, venture funds still need to prove that they are what companies need. Russia has a good chance to become a developed market because there is a lot of capital here, a lot of people with business experience. In addition, there are many people here with technical education, which is a big advantage. So I expect that there will be more and more deals in Russia.

Often successful companies are created through the collaboration of several parties: one has an idea, the other has the resources to implement it. Thanks to the Internet, it has become easier for these parties to find each other. However, it is important not just to find a person with money, it is necessary to attract a good partner, cooperation with whom will become the basis for a successful startup and further advancement of the business. When considering investor proposals, try to think about which of them will be interested in your business. To do this, formulate the stage of development of your business: will it be its origin, formation, growth, maturity, or decline. Every company that is at various stages needs its own investor.

Features of the stages of company activity
At the inception stage, as a rule, an entrepreneur has nothing, only an idea, and sometimes a registered patent. There are also problems with the formation of the management team; business processes are not established. External investors are often relatives and friends, or they can be private individuals who have some experience in this area and are willing to take risks. On our website you can find such investor offers.

During its formation, the organization already has an established production of finished products, or already provides services, but its activities do not bring the desired income, and sometimes are even unprofitable. This stage is characterized by business processes that have not been fully developed; only the formation of a management team occurs. At this stage, it is necessary to pay attention to the financial and legal documentation of the company. An investor who is interested in it should easily understand the corporate structure of the organization and its financial position. It is good that the company does not participate in litigation, disputes with government services, etc. At the stage of expansion of activities, the volume of operations performed increases, and profits become stable. As a result, the company begins to occupy a stable position. The stage is characterized by well-established business processes, new markets and projects are opening. At these stages, banks, funds and other serious investors are involved in financing.

Advantages of our business portal
The business portal site is designed to assist its visitors in developing their business and increasing capital. In particular, this page presents various investor proposals. We recommend that you read them carefully and do not make hasty decisions. Try to learn as much as possible about your partner and assess his reliability. When drawing up contracts, read them carefully, let there be as few understatements as possible, and let all agreements be recorded in writing. On this page you can both find an investor and become one yourself by posting an investor proposal. Many of our visitors were able to find reliable business partners with whom they have been working for many years. Perhaps you will become one of their number.

Where to find an investor to open a business and to develop an existing project, how to prepare for a meeting with potential partners - the answers to these and other questions are in the article. As well as samples of business plans that will be useful for finding an investor.

In this article you will learn:

Finding an investor in a bank

Where to find an investor for an existing business or for a new project? The first thing that comes to mind is a bank. Probably every second resident of our country regularly calls banks and happily informs them that they have been approved for a loan from 50 thousand to 50 million rubles. For example, a certain bank approved me a loan of 5 million at 11.8% per annum. However, upon closer examination, it turns out that the rate increases: without insurance - by 5.1%, without advance payment - by 2%, without collateral - by 2.1%, without online application - by 0.5%. From the date of loan issuance to the date of the first payment, the rate increases by 1.5% per month. The maximum total cost of the loan is 24.103%. No, thanks!

However, if you search in different banks, you can get a loan at about 11%.

In addition, you can involve your friends or subordinates in co-financing. They apply for a loan from a bank, you repay it, and you pay them a commission for using the loan. This scheme works, since few subordinates will dare to refuse the boss if they are confident in his enterprise.

This method also includes obtaining loans for small businesses from banks at 9.5% per annum secured by collateral (goods in circulation, equipment, transport, real estate, collateral of third parties, guarantee from the small business support fund). The only case when banks provide funds for opening a new business is franchise of famous brands(recipe for success).

To find an investor, you need a business plan!Download documents that will help you draw it up correctly, and sample business plans:

How to justify to a bank the effectiveness of an investment project using Excel

To prove to the bank that the company will be able to pay off its obligations, use a ready-made model in Excel to evaluate the effectiveness of investment activities as a whole or a separate investment project.

Funds and business angels

You can attract investor funds for a project from scratch or for its development in Russia directly, bypassing banks. For this, connections and acquaintances, recommendations, etc. are usually used. But there are more modern ways to attract attention - these are electronic investment platforms. For example, "City of Money".

The applicant places his proposal on this site: a brief description and financial calculations. Provides the necessary documents (founding documents, business plan, guarantees, if any, documents for the property that will be used as collateral. The portal’s specialists evaluate the borrower’s credit history, documents and the business itself: profitability, stability, equity, debts, etc. After this, they go to the site and evaluate everything live, since everything may be in order according to the papers. After this, they publish a proposal, which investors evaluate, usually within two weeks, ask clarifying questions and either finance the project or not. See . Also .

What is the advantage

Firstly, there can be many investors; accordingly, the possible losses of each of them are reduced, and they, unlike a bank, can take risks.

Secondly, they may evaluate the offer differently than the bank. If the project is attractive, then a reverse auction situation is created - when there are more people willing to invest money than necessary, then the interest rate on loans decreases. As a result, the loan is much cheaper than a bank loan. This is a better way to get investment for your business.

Third, investors, unlike a bank bound by rules, can take risks and provide funds without collateral. Here, the platform itself acts as a guarantor, which checks the borrower and his affairs. Therefore, through the platform, investors can allocate funds even to those who would not be allowed from the street even onto the threshold of their office.

And finally, fourthly, on the site you can place , without having any business yet, and if it seems attractive, they will “buy” it.

For its services, the platform takes a commission of 3%, and if we are talking about a startup, then a fixed payment is 4,000 rubles.

Investor proposals

There are also reverse platforms where investors themselves post their offers. For example, "Business platform" .

If you combine sentences from the first page, which indicate , then you get the following table:

Table 1. Investor proposals




Terms (information from the site)

Know-how, production, energy, agriculture, pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, polymer processing

Feasibility study, business plan, team information

Business financing through leaseback, real estate and shares, equipment, unfinished objects, or commercial real estate.

We invite partners to cooperate with projects for the reconstruction and development of existing businesses

New technological projects and startups through ICO (Initial Coin Offering) - by issuing new cryptocurrencies.

The minimum participation with the customer’s own funds is from 20–30 thousand dollars, in this case you can remain 100% owner. The project must have a prototype, a working model, for an “idea” - we don’t work


Unfinished objects

Private American business angels invest in any IT and Internet startups with high development potential

Availability of a business plan in accordance with the UNIDO world standard:

  • the project must provide a return on invested capital of at least 12% per annum;
  • upon successful consideration, registration of the company in the United States and relocation of the head or one of the top officials of the company to permanent residence in the United States is required.

Extraction and processing of raw materials, construction and real estate, any production and processing, any industry and energy, any services and trade

Business stage: from scratch and existing enterprises.

Investment volume from 10 to 500 million rubles. into one project.

Payback period: up to 60 months.

Availability of a business plan and a ready-made team.

Mechanical engineering and metalworking, polymer processing, waste processing, petrochemicals, new materials, HoReCa

A presentation containing general information about the team, analysis and forecasts of the market for a given product/service, key financial indicators, and a proposal to the investor.

Financial model for the next 2–3 years.

Any highly profitable projects

We are looking for specialists who are charged with the idea of ​​development, who do not have enough start-up capital and are ready to lead the direction. If the start is successful, the initiator receives the right to buy out the option after 3 years. Before this salary + % of profit

Extraction and processing, agriculture, construction, manufacturing, trade, services and other industries

No collateral or security for the project is required from the initiator.

The initiator's own financial resources are not required.

100% of financing is provided by the investor.

The investor assumes all risks

Working projects in the field of production, wholesale/retail trade, real estate, construction, Internet technology, agricultural sector, finance.

Investment schemes – equity participation in business (priority) or secured lending

Medical industry (dentistry, diagnostics, MRI), accommodation, food services, tourism

If the start is successful, the initiator receives the right to buy out the option after 3 years. Before this salary + % of profit

Investments to buy or open a store

Providing investments, sales assistance

Manufacturing, service provision, trade, IT,

Details from the investor

Any industries and areas of business

A clear business plan

Brief information on the project initiator (education, work experience, contacts) and on the investment project (brief description indicating the main economic indicators)

Automobiles, architecture, woodworking, industrial parks, engineering, investments / finance, information technology, mechanical engineering, medicine / pharmaceuticals, metalworking, real estate, oil refining / petrochemicals, know-how, transportation / transport / logistics, recreation, waste management, polymer processing, industry, robotics, crop production, agriculture, communications, construction, energy

Both individual trading companies and chain stores actively cooperate with us to obtain both short-term and long-term loans in order to increase working capital and increase commodity turnover.

The table shows that the minimum investment amount starts from 1 million rubles. As a rule, a deposit is not required, but it is necessary that the initiator himself develops his business, i.e., first of all, businessmen evaluate the business and personal qualities of the applicant himself. As for industries, the majority invest in innovative and IT technologies, or in classic business areas.

If we look at the generalized diagram, we will see that the larger the loan amount, the higher the interest that the investor requires for it (see Figure 1). Although there are exceptions. For example, an American fund for 100 million rubles. asks for only 12% per annum, and our businessman-builder 100% for 224 million rubles. (see table above).


Raising money through various funds (venture funds, small business support, etc.) can be attributed to the same method. You can come to these funds in person, you can find them through online platforms, through acquaintances, etc., but the essence does not change.

You can get investments for your business from your suppliers

Several years ago, an acquaintance of mine set up a café-bar without a single ruble in his pocket; moreover, he was saddled with a substantial debt. In paying the rent, he agreed with the owner of the premises on a two-month deferment, since he needed time to develop himself. He also received a two-week grace period from the beer suppliers who installed the taps on the condition that only their beer be poured at the bar. It’s the same story with coffee - a coffee machine was installed for him, subject to a certain volume of beans purchased per month with payment at the end of each month. The same goes for suppliers of beer snacks, cakes, etc. The staff, of course, gets paid at the very end.

Thus, his bar started working and in the first month he was able to close the current payments, and by the end of the second he was able to pay the rent.

In other words, investments for small businesses can include not only cash, but also trade credit, deferred payment and other forms of in-kind lending. The most important advantage of this type of collateral is that it is much easier to find suppliers willing to provide a trade loan under exclusive conditions and will cost less than professional investors or banks.

For example, when a university publishing house needed funds to publish academic literature, they granted one of the large stationery companies the exclusive right to sell stationery products in all buildings of St. Petersburg State University. And thus, we received the necessary funding.


Another way to obtain funding is to participate in competitions and receive government and private grants. To do this, a business must have a social component or pretend that it has one.

For example, in St. Petersburg for several years there was a network of public pharmacies selling medicines at reduced prices due to state subsidies. The pharmacy positioned itself as a social project and submitted a corresponding application to the state. help. In order to get it, she sold medicines to the population for six months at essentially wholesale prices. Due to low prices, the pharmacy gained popularity and made profits due to high turnover. As a result, the state the authorities had already heard about her, and she was easily able to win a grant for the social provision of medicines to the population.

This method seems specific, but in fact, any business can be presented as socially significant.

This category also includes numerous business incubators and small business assistance programs. Each specialized committee in government agencies has its own budget, which it needs to allocate in its own area: sports, youth, social affairs, healthcare, education, social housing, etc.

This also includes fundraising, crowdfunding, crowdsourcing and other methods of collecting donations from the public.

In general, finding money is quite difficult, but it is possible. The only question is that both the applicant himself and the investors are confident in the business being offered to him.

How to prepare for a meeting with investors

Before negotiations with potential partners:

  • collect information about them;
  • think about how to present data about the project;
  • determine the forms of participation in the project;
  • prepare documents for the meeting.

Pay attention to the scale and timing of past projects, forms and conditions of participation in them. Study the industry preferences of your potential partner. For example, venture capital companies are interested in innovative companies. Find out the minimum and maximum amounts of money invested, requirements for the level of profitability.

Determine what type of investors are strategic or financial investors. To draw conclusions, analyze information about the projects in which they have invested money. The former take part in the management of the company, the latter are only interested in income from investments. Using the information received, the financial director will assess in advance how much the company will interest potential investors and will place emphasis when preparing information.

What documents to prepare

Before meeting with investors, prepare the following documents:

  • patents, licenses, documents confirming exclusive rights (if the project involves a high-tech or innovative product);
  • commercial proposals or draft contracts for the purchase of equipment, real estate, and the creation of utilities. Describe the supplier, the reasons for choosing him and this equipment or real estate, cost, delivery conditions;
  • loan agreements, if you have already attracted banks to finance the project. In the description, indicate the amount, interest rate, loan term, loan period, main covenants;
  • draft agreement on participation in the project;
  • loan agreement indicating the amount, interest rate, disbursement and repayment schedules. This is relevant if the investor participates with money;
  • a constituent agreement, a share purchase and sale agreement, a share purchase and sale agreement or a prospectus for an additional issue (in case of equity participation). In such agreements, fix the amount of investor participation, the procedure for depositing funds, the procedure for assessing the contributed share with assets, the procedure for participation in the management of the company, and the rules for distributing profits.

This section is for those who are either ready to invest and are looking for an object for profitable investment, or, on the contrary, are interested in attracting Russian or foreign capital. Here you can find advertisements from private investors who are ready to invest money in business, as well as investment programs of investor companies offering, among other things, project financing. Direct and venture investment funds, major regional and industrial investors are invited to contribute to this section. Both small and large businesses will find a wide range of investment opportunities here.

It doesn’t matter who you are: a private equity fund, a venture fund, a private investor, a business angel, an investment bank or a management company, if you make direct investments and are ready to provide project financing, then this portal will be useful to you.

If you are interested in diversifying your investment portfolio, looking for new and profitable objects for investment, post information about yourself: investment priorities, volumes and directions of investment, principles for selecting investment projects and companies, ways to exit an investment project.

You can not only post information about yourself, but also subscribe to receive applications to attract investments. Just customize the search form in accordance with the criteria you are interested in and regularly receive investment applications in your mailbox. Do you want to be more active in your search for investment targets? Then refer to the section "Investment projects".

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