She carried the most in-demand professions. Current professions

Along with the market economy, prestigious and not so prestigious professions began to appear in Russia. The market began to dictate the demand for various specialties.

This is where the corresponding salary for this or that work came from, since demand creates supply. And in order not to make a mistake with a profession or to retrain for a higher-paid and more prestigious one, you need to monitor changes in the labor market. So, what are the most in-demand professions in 2012? Let's start our rating with the less popular ones.

Tourism specialist

The tourism business in Russia is rapidly gaining momentum. They predict a great future for him, and that is why new specialties in “hotel service and tourism” are being opened in universities. You can earn from 10 to 25 thousand rubles in this area.

Tourism manager is a sought-after profession

In addition, the demand for maids and receptionists in hotels will never decrease. In a prestigious hotel, by the way, professions with such a rather unattractive name may hide quite good money earned as tips.

Banking specialist

Banking specialists are not left behind either. Nowadays it is rare that a person does not use the services of banks. Almost everyone takes out loans or opens deposits to save and increase their own money. Therefore, financial analysts, credit experts and other financial specialties are paid quite decently.

A beginner can count on an income of 10-25 thousand rubles per month. It is worth noting that finance specialists are often required not only by banks, but also by large companies. So any applicant will have plenty to choose from.


The profession of a cook will never lose popularity. Everyone wants to eat regularly. Therefore, people who know how to handle pans and pots will always be valuable. But the rating refers to those people who manage the cooking process.

They can receive from 35 thousand rubles. But their assistants, that is, ordinary cooks, can naturally count on more modest earnings.


Specialists with higher technical education have recently been in great demand in the labor market.

Engineer - a sought-after profession of the future

The development of new and optimization of existing solutions is estimated at an average of 40-60 thousand rubles.


The profession of a doctor today, as always, is relevant. Doctors receive a rather modest salary for their work alone. However, specialists should not get lost in large cities. As a rule, there are a huge number of private clinics there.

A doctor can choose a fairly decent place of work for himself. The most profitable medical specialty is dentistry. The dentist's salary is 15-25 thousand rubles per month. However, in prestigious centers with a good reputation, a dentist can receive 65 thousand rubles per month. Pharmacists are also constantly in demand on the labor market. But their work is valued much less. The rate, as a rule, is 15-22 thousand rubles per month.


The rather vague word “manager” actually hides many vacancies. For example, an account manager, advertising, sales or personnel manager. All listed specialists require at least secondary specialized education. For the knowledge acquired and skills presented, the applicant can receive from 25 thousand rubles.

The exact amount of earnings depends, naturally, on responsibilities and work experience. Nowadays, recruiting and personnel specialists are most in demand. And some companies are looking for specialists to conduct training and personnel management. If you like this profession, then you can take additional education courses. However, people who have received higher education in this profession are more valued. A diploma will enhance the applicant in the eyes of the employer and increase prestige. It is worth noting that a purchasing manager is also among the top ten most in-demand professions in Russia. Such a person receives from 35 to 55 thousand rubles per month. This profession is unlikely to lose its relevance in the near future.


Oddly enough, but such a profession as a driver is also included in the list of the most in demand. Every self-respecting and successful leader wants to have a personal driver. This is a plus for a businessman’s reputation.

Driver is a sought-after profession that will never lose demand

In addition, today you cannot meet a single deputy at any level who does not have his own driver. A professional with impressive driving experience in a good, thriving company can count on a salary of 60 thousand rubles.


Quite popular professions in Russia in 2012 are lawyers and accountants. True, here the requests of applicants and the expectations of employers very often do not coincide. If a company plans to pay professionals in the field of accounting and jurisprudence only 8-12 thousand rubles, then applicants for the position expect to receive at least 12-20 thousand rubles. However, when applying for a job, novice specialists can qualify for a salary of 7-15 thousand rubles. Further, the salary, based on their work experience, can range from 35 to 100 thousand rubles.

By the way, this also includes the auditor. That is, a person who audits accounting books, reports and documents, and also advises on the topic of setting up accounting. In other words, in Russia such a specialist can be called an accountant of the highest qualifications. Such an employee, as a rule, receives an average of 35 to 55 thousand rubles per month. It is worth noting that this specialty has regularly been among the top five most in-demand professions for several years in a row.

The most in demand profession

In first place in the ranking of the highest paid professions in Russia are people who specialize in IT technologies and are aces in programming. And no wonder. Computers and high technologies have already firmly entered our lives and conquered the business sphere, so every self-respecting company has a full-time programmer.

And everyone who knows how to program has the opportunity to get a prestigious job with good earnings. By the way, 1C programmers are valued more than others. And their salaries range from 500 to 2500 dollars. The managers of large enterprises also have web programmers on their accounts.

Programmer is the most popular profession in Russia

After all, most companies that are focused on development want to have their own resource on the Internet. And here it’s not enough to write a website, you need to support it. It is precisely because of the desire to automate their business that directors are looking for talented and executive programmers. Over time, their popularity will only grow.

One way or another, 2012 is not the best time to change jobs, experts say. The situation on the labor market is quite difficult right now. Therefore, before writing a letter of resignation, it is better to think again. And if the question is about finding or mastering a new profession, then it is better to calculate the best option and study the most in-demand professions in Russia.

But there are people for whom the amount of salary is not the most important thing in life. They want to do what they love or benefit other people. We invite you to read an article about the rarest professions in the world, for which people also receive a lot of money and are very much in demand due to their rarity.
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Have you noticed that people are constantly trying to imagine the future? At least the closest one? Experts and science fiction writers ten to fifteen years ago argued that the world in our 2016 would look completely different from how it turned out in reality. Where are the promised nanotechnology in every home, affordable space travel, artificial intelligence and the penetration of the global network into every coffee maker? It is clear that past forecasts about who will create all this and what professions will be in demand in 5 years turned out to be too optimistic.

On the other hand, five years is exactly the time during which people receive higher education and determine their future for the next ten to fifteen years. Why so few? Yes, because periodic changes of profession, retraining and additional training are already becoming a tradition. As for the general directions of the labor market, it is already clear that:

  • The Internet is becoming a universal tool in any business transaction. Employees who do not know how to use the network are doomed to low-paying jobs - if they find one at all;
  • Subspecialists are less popular than people with knowledge in several related fields;
  • Working from home via the network allows you to save a lot of money for both employees and employers. Why maintain a huge office if 80% of the staff are freelancers?

In an effort to determine which professions will be in demand in 2020 and beyond, we will take into account the mistakes of past experts and be more conservative: it is unlikely that such classic professions as a doctor, marketer or builder will disappear from our lives. The unchanging leaders of the last decade open our review:

Information technology specialists

We are hardly talking about programmers in the classical sense. Mobile devices, the Internet of Things, cloud services and distributed computing will most actively drive demand next year. Specialists who know how to maintain and configure these tools, as well as coordinate work in related fields (economics, medicine, biology, manufacturing) will successfully find a job. Therefore, the most popular professions in Russia, which will only become more popular in 2019, are:
  • Developers and installers of ERP and production automation systems;
  • Web developers (coders, designers, layout designers, creators of client and server applications);
  • System administrators and testers;
  • Developers of online trading and payment systems;
  • Developers of mobile applications (applied and entertainment).


Since eternal life and absolute health are not yet a threat to us, a drop in demand for doctors cannot be expected in the next three to four decades. However, human life expectancy in civilized countries has reached an average of 70–80 years, which means that people are looking for better treatment for age-related diseases, and the demand for gerontologists is increasing. Representatives of those professions that are now in demand in Russia include highly qualified specialists and general practitioners who will find themselves as family doctors. Of course, all professions related to medicine will not be left without attention - nutritionists, nurses, orthopedists, nannies; Let us separately note the specialists in the development of new drugs - pharmacologists.

Expected popular professions in medicine:

  • Dentist and dental prosthetics specialist;
  • Pediatrician and neonatologist;
  • Surgeon, including plastic;
  • Gynecologist and urologist;
  • Ophthalmologist;
  • Endocrinologist and allergist.


It is incorrect to say that every graduate lawyer will immediately find a job with a good compensation package, but this area is perfectly suited for building a career. Now lawsuits are becoming a frequent way of resolving disputes - both among enterprises and individuals, and having your own lawyer, from a luxury, is gradually turning into a first necessity - because the relationship between the system, enterprises and citizens in those rule-of-law states that are now trying to build throughout the world are governed solely by the letter of the law.

You will be able to try your hand at the following professions:

  • Lawyer in civil or criminal cases;
  • Legal Advisor;
  • Private notary;
  • An auditor with knowledge of law and the tax system.

Advertising and sales

The demand for good specialists who know how to advertise and sell anything (products or services) only increases with increasing competition. It is advisable that the employee has an idea not only of classic sales channels, but also has a good understanding of network tools: consumers more often refuse television, newspapers and radio in favor of obtaining information via the Internet. However, a sector such as FMCG invariably needs classical methods of stimulating trade, and a direct sales agent will continue to belong to the very professions that have been in demand in Russia recently.

A specialist who knows how to work with the target audience and promote a product will find a place for himself as:

  • An advertising manager who can plan and implement large-scale campaigns;
  • Public relations specialist (Public relations - PR). The company's image is the same product, but it is sold in similar ways;
  • Specialist in SMM and new media spaces. With the current popularity of social networks, not using them to promote a product is simply a crime;
  • Internet marketer and e-commerce specialist. At the moment, this niche is empty and is rapidly filling;
  • Sales representative for work with VIP clients (national and international networks).

Economic sphere

Money and banks have existed for thousands of years and are unlikely to disappear in the next centuries. But as the concept of borders between countries becomes increasingly blurred, and business becomes global, future economists must adjust their specialization towards export-import operations. In addition: pay attention to the flow of money created by credit transactions and the desire of people to invest. Open access to the Forex trading system, securities, stock exchanges and various instruments in the form of PAMM accounts and mutual funds requires the emergence of the most in-demand professions, which are already popular in the West among capital owners: investment advisors and personal financial consultants.

You can try yourself in the role of:

  1. Credit expert;
  2. Financial and market analyst;
  3. Logistician with a focus on export operations;
  4. Investment consultant.

Technical specialties

Widespread replacement of humans by robots will definitely not happen in the near future, but representatives of those blue-collar professions that are in demand in the labor market now, and even with experience in setting up automatic lines, will definitely be in demand. In addition, we are now seeing a so-called “personnel pit”, when old workers retire, but there is no flow of new ones - everyone has suddenly become “successful managers”.

It will be easy enough to find a job:

  1. Chefs and food technologists;
  2. Drivers;
  3. Welders on any equipment;
  4. Installers;
  5. Metalworking specialists;
  6. Repairmen and production process automation specialists;
  7. Electricians and electronic engineers;
  8. Specialists in automatic control systems and instrumentation;
  9. Construction professionals - masons, plasterers, concrete workers.

Tourism and entertainment

The opening of borders after the end of confrontation with the Western world, freedom of movement and the gradual introduction of visa-free regimes will lead to the fact that professions will be in demand, which in 2019, one way or another, will be related to entertainment. Even now you can visit any corner of the planet, from New Zealand to Norway - just contact a more or less large operator. But organizing a tourist trip, establishing connections and organizing the whole process is no longer easy - this is a job for tourism managers. When the political and economic crises end (and they will inevitably end), the flow of people will increase many times over - people will want to see something unusual, visit exotic places and receive decent service there.

They will be helped with this:

  • Tourism managers;
  • Hotel business specialists;
  • Maids, animators, hotel managers;
  • Specialists in organizing wellness holidays.

Preference for men

Dangerous and physically difficult work will invariably remain the responsibility of the stronger sex. The need for determination, courage and resistance to stress makes it difficult for women to adapt to such specializations as firefighters, rescuers, pilots, military personnel, miners and oil workers - and these are precisely the professions that are in demand in Russia for men. At the same time, a man will not refuse a more relaxed, highly paid job - however, the requirements for candidates can be very high: having several educations, knowledge of two or three foreign languages ​​and more specific knowledge. For example, a traditionally masculine profession is considered to be an architect-builder.

Even now, when everyone is talking about the recession, crisis and lack of funds, the design and construction of residential complexes, shopping and entertainment centers, hotels and industrial workshops continues at full speed. Imagine what kind of rise will begin the moment the situation stabilizes? The work of architects and design engineers will be more than highly appreciated. In addition, competent specialists will receive orders from any country and continent. Build a pipeline in Argentina or a hotel in Thailand? Why not? In addition, the urban boom requires careful planning of urban infrastructure, construction of roads and bridges, design of energy-independent housing - so architects will not be left without work, and construction is undoubtedly one of the professions that are in demand in Russia in 2019.

Engineer is not an exclusively male profession, but still the proportion of specialists - representatives of the stronger sex - remains high, especially in such areas as metallurgy, automotive production, nuclear energy, aircraft construction, mining and surveying. We can only hope that the work of qualified specialists will be appreciated in the coming years, which is very likely: young people are more willing to study economics and humanities, and engineers, graduates of Soviet universities, are gradually retiring.

A risk assessment manager is a representative of a new profession that has only been in demand in Russia in recent years. Most of all, the application of his knowledge is required in the banking and insurance sectors. Large production also requires its own risk manager - operating in unstable market conditions, the enterprise constantly needs to predict and assess unforeseen and undesirable consequences. It is now possible to study to become a risk manager in only three universities in Russia, but this alone is unlikely to be enough: such a specialist must have a special analytical mind, knowledge of economics, mathematical statistics and programming. Two or even three higher educations are the required minimum in this profession.

Work for women

Despite the fact that the list of professions that are in demand in Russia for women has not changed, there is a gradual penetration of the fair sex into areas that were previously considered exclusively male. A female programmer, system administrator or female driver no longer surprises anyone, and design, from a male occupation, in general, is moving into an entirely female area. Let’s say that professions such as flight attendant, conductor, salesman or waiter do not require higher education. But a secretary-assistant is required to have at least knowledge of office work and foreign languages, while a cosmetologist and designer also require artistic taste.

Stylist, hairdresser or cosmetologist are good professions for applying female talents. Physically, they are not very difficult, they require precision of movements, a sense of beauty, that is, those qualities with which men have problems. To remain a sought-after specialist, a woman will have to constantly master new products in the beauty industry and take additional courses, but such diligence will undoubtedly be rewarded by grateful clients.

Psychology is a science in which women understand much better than men. The role of psychology in society is so high that even large companies hire a full-time psychologist to resolve conflicts in the team. A separate area is child psychologists working in schools and kindergartens, including private ones.

Designer of clothing, accessories, interiors and furniture is another group of professions that are in demand in Russia for girls. The dream of many of them is to realize themselves and reach the international level, and where else can they so successfully combine a good income with an enjoyable business? Demand is expected both for full-time designers for large studios or productions, and for “freelance artists” with private practice.

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Looking to the future

We've sorted out the immediate future, but what's next? Ten or fifteen years will pass and the world will be transformed. Is it as much as it has changed since the year 2000? Stronger? If it were not for restraining economic factors, you and I would have long ago flown on vacation to Mars, drawn energy directly from the Sun and lived for a hundred years in houses with artificial intelligence. However, the direction of human development allows us to make forecasts for the next decade and roughly determine which professions will be in demand in 10 years.

Experts have long said that hydrocarbon reserves are not endless. The rate of extraction of oil reserves is only increasing, which means that specialists in alternative energy will soon be needed. Someone will have to build all these geothermal, tidal and solar power plants, develop fundamentally different types of transport and solve the problem of energy consumption that has increased with the increase in population. By 2020, at least a third of energy should be obtained from non-oil and gas sources.

As for nanotechnology, the boom planned for our time did not happen. However, the direction still remains promising, developments are underway - and one day they will become public knowledge, and this will cause a real revolution in the production of new materials, medicine, computing systems and robotics. At this moment, hundreds and thousands of specialists will be needed to develop and implement innovations not only in science, but also in everyday life.

We assume that this will cause a qualitative leap in a person’s lifestyle. Medicine, combined with nanotechnology, can give rise to a completely new industry - bioengineering. The production of artificial organs, implantation and tissue regeneration will be possible thanks to specialists with knowledge at the intersection of two or more fields.

Which university guarantees that tomorrow you will not be left without a job? Why does a chef need a university diploma? Who are "centaurs"? What will digital school teach? HSE Rector Yaroslav Kuzminov answers RG's questions.

Yaroslav Ivanovich, the most difficult question for young people is where to find a job. Many people, when choosing a place to study, focus on the top 50 in-demand professions. But experts have recently said that the top 50 has little to do with the real needs of the market. How then to choose a future specialty?

Yaroslav Kuzminov: It is becoming increasingly difficult to choose a specialty in advance. The labor market changes abruptly, and no matter what “promising” specialties universities offer, they may lose relevance in just a few years.

Just 50 years ago - in the 1970s - there were only 5-7 percent of people who were paid for creating something fundamentally new, rather than working on detailed tasks. Now in megacities there are already almost a third of such workers. In 25 years, there will be 35-40 percent of workers with creative tasks.

The digital revolution is underway, people are gradually freed from routine tasks. This is reflected in the disappearance of many professions - dispatcher, accountant, accountant, secretary, PC operator. The remaining professions are becoming increasingly creative. A new concept has appeared in the world - “centaurs”. This is a teacher, doctor, engineer, equipped with digital assistants that free up time for interesting tasks. The “middle peasants”, who conscientiously pull their weight, are gradually being squeezed out of the core of the profession. But if you are prepared to “buy education”, you will not become more than average.

Does it make sense to enroll in specialized classes at schools?

Yaroslav Kuzminov: Find in advance what interests you, try yourself in it. Hundreds of specialized high schools have been created in Moscow - from engineering and natural sciences to medical and cadet schools - you can “try on” yourself for different professions. Several years ago, we created a lyceum at HSE - there you can “sort through” all the university sciences that are not in school, and find something that interests you. And if you liked archeology or astronomy, go there, don’t listen to the advice “it’s not promising,” “they don’t make money.” A true professional is always in demand and earns good money. And not only in Russia - the labor market has become truly global.

Successful school leavers should look for a strong university. Focus on the one with the highest average USE score in your field. After all, the quality of education is a derivative of three factors. Your own efforts, the quality of the teachers and the quality of the students who study with you.

80 percent of families already have tablets. Buying for the remaining 20 is quite feasible for the state. Photo: Alexander Ryumin / TASS

What should those going to technical schools and colleges prepare for? Will they find a use for themselves?

Yaroslav Kuzminov: The economy has a steady demand for qualified performers, be they workers or service workers, nurses or operators of technological complexes. This will not change in the foreseeable future - about a third must “work with their hands.” The role of qualifications and responsibility also increases in the performer’s work. Everyone needs such a worker, and they pay him a lot.

Throughout the world, over the past 20 years, the social status of skilled workers has risen and is almost equal to the status of people with mental work.

"Centaurs" are a teacher, doctor, engineer, equipped with digital assistants

The problem in Russia today is that often those who go to college are simply not motivated to study. And schoolchildren who can find themselves in “working with their hands”, as a rule, study better and enter universities. Often they, already with higher education, then find themselves in the work of a worker, driver, or farmer. According to the association of restaurateurs and hoteliers, 90 percent of chefs in Moscow restaurants are people with non-core higher education who entered the profession at the age of 25-30.

What to do? We need to start introducing technology to schoolchildren from the age of 11-12, and show them a number of professions in practice.

How to fit familiarity with technology into the school curriculum?

Yaroslav Kuzminov: Technologies that allow you to get acquainted with professions still exist today. These are, for example, computer games - strategy, simulation and role-playing. You can fly a stormtrooper, build a house in 3D, manage a restaurant. This can be an initial career guidance platform. The next stage is practice in real production. Game approaches to learning and career guidance were born a long time ago; it’s just that their application in reality should not lag behind the development of technology. It is necessary to develop classroom, school, interschool competitions, and olympiads in applied skills.

We have 46 thousand schools, 26 of them are rural, where there is not always even a warm toilet. 3D modeling, production practices - aren't the forecasts too bold?

Yaroslav Kuzminov: By 2021, every locality where more than 100 people live will have Wi-Fi in school. Today 80 percent of families have tablets; buying them for the remaining 20 percent of schoolchildren is quite feasible for the state.

What will be taught in a digital school?


Vitaly Altukhov, a leading labor market specialist and director of research and development at the career guidance service Profilum, told the Mail.Ru Children project about promising professions. Unlike the fantasies of futurists, each point is the result of an analysis of existing professions, trends and economic demands.

Drone operator

Approximate salary: up to 150,000 rubles


Aerobiology is a science that studies microorganisms living in the atmosphere. This profession is at the intersection of several specializations: biology, engineering, geography, meteorology, ecology, medicine, optics and physics.

An aerobiologist studies all layers of the Earth’s air envelope: which ones live in this ecosystem, how they interact with each other and with different substances, and how they move.

Aerobiologists help reduce the spread of dangerous diseases and mortality from them. Specialists in this profession can both develop new methods of air disinfection and monitor the operation of existing installations, monitor errors and inaccuracies in their operation.

Solar Power Plant Engineer

Alternative energy sources are the sun, wind, tides, waves of the seas and oceans. Renewable energy is just gaining momentum, so there is a shortage of specialists in this field.

Solar power plant engineers are responsible for choosing the technology for converting solar energy into electrical energy, developing power plant designs taking into account the terrain and weather conditions. This profession requires technical specialists with an energy education and good skills: in their work they will have to deal with solving atypical problems and look for non-trivial solutions.

Approximate salary: up to 80,000 rubles

Big Data Manager

Big data is a huge amount of information, the processing of which has become possible thanks to the development of computer technology. And these are tools and methods that transform these arrays of information into results that are understandable and useful to humans.

Sources of such data can be user behavior in , digitized texts in different languages, photographs from space, GPS signals of cars and phones, transactions of bank customers, indicators of sensors monitoring complex systems, and much more. A traffic data analyst must be able to make management decisions - about the need to repair the road, install barriers or a new sign. He monitors the development of the road situation in potentially dangerous places; he needs to constantly monitor the situation and quickly make decisions at critical moments, taking into account many factors.

Approximate salary: up to 90,000 rubles

Virus analyst

The first computer viruses appeared in 1971 and since then have been ruining the lives of both individual users and entire companies. To protect against viruses, you need anti-virus programs and, of course, the people who make them - virus analysts. They are the first to encounter new viruses when working with infected files. This specialist is constantly “on the front line”, his task is to protect the user by any means. It literally dissects malware, studying its components and functionality.

The virus analyst also predicts the emergence of new viruses. It is important for him to be a bit of a psychologist - in order to understand how the creator of the program thought, what protection mechanisms for the program he provided.

Approximate salary: up to 200,000 rubles

Engineering specialties will not lose their relevance in the foreseeable future. One of the most promising areas of engineering is the creation and maintenance of robots. In fact, this area could include a whole set of separate specialties - creators of home robots, industrial robots, medical robots and entertainment robots.

To master these professions, the future specialist must have a good understanding of automated systems, programming, process control, not to mention fundamental knowledge in the field of physics, mechanics and electrical engineering.

According to Cisco experts, the number of home robots in cities in developed countries is now doubling every 9 months. After 2020, industrial, home, children's and medical robots will become an everyday reality and necessity. Industrial production will become approximately 90% automated. Robots will completely replace people in the most dangerous jobs - in mines, during underwater and construction work. Combat robotics will actively develop.

Such promising industries will appear as the creation of neural interfaces for controlling robots, that is, technology that will allow you to command machines with the power of thought.

The basics of robotics can already be studied in Russian universities: similar courses and educational programs are available at MIPT, Tomsk State University, Tomsk Polytechnic University, National Research Nuclear University "MEPhI", St. Petersburg National Research University ITMO, Moscow State Technical University of Radio Engineering, Electronics and Automation, Moscow Institute steel and alloys, MSTU "Stankin", as well as at the Far Eastern Federal University and others.

In the future, roboticists will be trained at corporate universities, as well as at leading online educational platforms such as Coursera and the domestic Stepik.

Participants will be able to demonstrate their knowledge in robotics. As part of the “Intelligent Robotic Systems” profile, teams will have to create robotic equipment for a logistics center. Based on the TRIC constructor, it will be necessary to build a ground mobile platform configured to perform the main task, as well as obtain reliable information during the work. For the device, it will be necessary to write a control program that will allow the robot to independently move around a model depicting the territory of the logistics center

And as part of the “Water Robotic Systems” track, competitors will have to build two underwater robots and establish communication between them: one of the robots will have to follow data from cameras, and the other will have to receive signals from the first.

Food engineer

The world's growing population requires a solution to the problem of hunger. To provide food for all people, existing agricultural areas are not enough today. The challenge of food engineering of the future will be to create large quantities of proteins and carbohydrates on a small area of ​​land and with minimal energy consumption.

Food engineering is a cross-industry profession. Food technology specialist as a profession still exists today, but in the future the tasks of this specialty will change. Using knowledge in biology, chemistry, genetics and materials science, food engineers will have to literally design new products, preferably from cheap and widely available raw materials - from plants, algae, even waste.

Such experiments are now being carried out all over the world. In the USA, for example, in the Impossible Foods laboratory, how to obtain a complete meat substitute from plant products - not only in terms of nutrition, but also in taste and texture. Technology has made it possible to make burgers with patties that are said to be indistinguishable from real beef. However, it contains only soy, wheat, potatoes, coconut oil and flavorings.

Experts from the “Atlas of New Professions” indicate that the problem of world hunger in the future will be solved by representatives of two professions - GMO agronomists and city farmers. If the former will use biotechnology to create new products with specified properties, then the latter will develop mass food production in urban areas. Farms of the future will be placed directly on the roofs and walls of skyscrapers and in modular farms inside buildings.

As part of the program, young biotechnologists will also have to show their knowledge. Two age groups will compete in the “Engineering Biological Systems” profile - schoolchildren in grades 9 and below and schoolchildren in grades 10-11.

Juniors will need to improve the operation of the hydroponic setup. They need to create an algorithm for automating the collection of key indicators of aquaponic systems and automating the introduction of the necessary reagents into the installations.

In the older group, children will need to solve genetic problems, in particular, identify key point mutations in the gene under study with their subsequent detection by molecular biology methods in a laboratory test site.

Virtual Reality Architect

In fact, the entire IT sector will continue to develop rapidly in the coming decades. Information system developers, data specialists, interface developers (including the already mentioned neural interfaces), artificial intelligence specialists and other professionals of the digital era will be in constant demand in the foreseeable future. And all because computers will not learn to program themselves for a long time - not because they do not have enough “knowledge” for this, but because the goal of programming will always be human needs, about which no one knows better than the person himself. In other words, computers will not be able to predict for a long time which application, social network or video game people will be interested in.

A virtuality architect is a profession that requires thorough knowledge in all areas of IT. And this will be a typical profession of the future, when more and more activities begin to move into virtual reality. If today digital worlds exist more for entertainment, then soon people will be taught, worked and even treated in them, which means that specialists in creating entire worlds “to order” will be in demand.

Today, the basics of virtual reality programming are taught in many technical universities, including in Russia - at MIPT, MEPhI, NRU ITMO, Tomsk Polytechnic and Tomsk State Universities, Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University. R. E. Alekseev and others.

By the way, if you are interested in this topic, then there is a direction “Virtual and Augmented Reality”. Participants will need to create their own game from ready-made elements and in a given genre. In the process of creating an application, teams will need, using a starting set of content, not only to create a game application for a given topic, genre and setting and using the required technology, but also to develop a unique product with interesting mechanics, using the features of the technology.

Smart environment designer

The world's largest cities are rapidly getting smarter. In New York City, the street security system automatically detects the sound of gunshots and determines the location of the shooting. The city also has a system that predicts the likelihood of fires in buildings. In Moscow, a smart traffic management system reports traffic jams and regulates traffic congestion. In Barcelona, ​​smart waste containers notify the utility when they are full.

Existing Smart City technologies open up limitless opportunities for the development of the human environment. They will help make life in cities safer, more pleasant and more harmonious. The smart environment designer will create system solutions for cities. They will combine various networks, devices and sensors with the physical habitat of a person - home, street, transport, place of work.

This profession (which unites a whole cluster of narrow specialties) will require deep knowledge in IT, big data processing, the Internet of things and hardware. “Smart living environment” in the future also implies the integration of composite materials and sensors, that is, a specialist will still have to understand chemistry, materials science, and nanotechnology.

In addition, the designer of a smart environment must have very developed systems thinking - like an architect who conceived the construction of an entire city from scratch. Therefore, such a specialist also needs to have a good understanding of sociology and modern urbanism. Of course, this is one of the most difficult professions of the future, but also one of the most interesting and noble.

To begin to master the “architecture of the future,” you need to enter universities with strong fundamental and technical preparation, as well as show an interest in the humanities and sociological sciences.

Speaking about the professions of the future, one cannot help but imagine the future exploration of space and other planets. Despite the fact that over the past two decades children have no longer dreamed of becoming cosmonauts as much as generations of Soviet people, in the next 20-40 years the prestige of this mysterious and heroic profession will still grow. And even though in our country astronautics is still marking time and reaping the fruits of Soviet achievements, in the West private astronautics is already rapidly developing and the colonization of the nearest celestial bodies - the Moon and Mars - is being discussed.

Robots are actively used to work in space, and one would think that soon machines will displace people from this dangerous field of activity. However, the factor of simple curiosity should be taken into account: no matter how dangerous it is in space, people will never stop flying beyond the Earth's atmosphere.

The authors of the “Atlas of New Professions” believe that in the future the astronaut profession will be more specialized. There will be cosmobiologists who will study the behavior of organisms in zero gravity and on other planets, cosmogeologists who will explore and extract minerals on celestial bodies, and even space explorers who will lay routes in interstellar space. And as a separate type of business, space tourism will actively develop, because more and more people will be able to afford flights to low-Earth orbit or to the Moon.

Currently, future cosmonauts in Russia are trained mainly by aviation and technical universities, including military ones: Moscow Aviation Institute, Krasnodar Higher Military Aviation School (Military Institute) named after. Hero of the Soviet Union A.K. Serov, Moscow State Technical University. N. E. Bauman, Siberian State Aerospace University named after. Academician M. F. Reshetnev, St. Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation.

Unmanned systems developer

Developers of unmanned vehicle systems are now in demand among large technology companies. In June 2017, Yandex posted a vacancy for a driverless car developer. Applicants needed to be able to work with car sensors, controllers and activators, develop car control algorithms, design and test equipment. They were also required to have excellent knowledge of C++ and Python, experience in Linux programming and multi-threaded programming. Apparently, the company found the right specialist quite quickly, since the vacancy was soon filled.

Google, Facebook, Uber, Amazon and Microsoft are also actively developing their own projects to create unmanned vehicles, aircraft and other vehicles. Not to mention the many specialized companies and startups.

In the next 20 years, the demand for specialists in unmanned systems will only grow. In parallel, many specializations will appear - developers of drones for various purposes (military, postal, surveillance, engineering), developers of unmanned vehicles, developers of underwater drones and interfaces for controlling vehicles. At the same time, developers of intelligent dynamic dispatch control systems will be in demand; in other words, dispatchers for organizing drone flights. Analytics of data collected by drones will become a separate specialty.

The profession of unmanned systems developer is similar in complexity to the automotive industry. At the same time, in addition to deep engineering knowledge, the specialist will need to have an excellent understanding of programming and architecture of control systems.

Today in Russia such knowledge is provided at the Moscow Aviation Institute, Kazan National Research Technical University named after. A. N. Tupolev, Ulyanovsk State Technical University, Military Aviation Engineering University in Voronezh and Siberian State Aerospace University named after. Academician M. F. Reshetnev.

The profile “Unmanned Aircraft Systems” is provided, in which participants will be asked to write a program for a firefighting drone and test the drone in a testing ground.

Preventive Medicine Specialist

In the future, people will not stop getting sick, but they will get sick less often due to the development of preventive medicine, which is aimed at preventing the causes of the disease rather than treating the consequences.

Medicine will take a huge step forward in the next 20-30 years: many incurable diseases will be defeated, doctors will understand the mechanism of mental disorders, robotic prostheses with feedback will begin to be used with all their might - a person will be able to feel the touch of an artificial hand. Research in the field of genetics and biotechnology will make it possible to identify the prerequisites for the disease at a very early stage and stop them even before the onset of clinical symptoms.

Such developments are carried out in large companies and through the efforts of small startups. In the US, the Verily project, founded by former Google employee Andrew Conrad, is developing technology with which wearable gadgets - smart watches and bracelets - will be able to collect data on human health and analyze it to determine whether the owner is prone to dangerous diseases. The startup is also developing smart contact lenses that can detect blood sugar levels.

According to, in the next five years the market for medical gadgets will grow from 2 to 41 billion dollars.

A specialist in preventive medicine will have a good understanding of both medicine itself and IT areas - big data analysis and algorithmization. At the same time, future doctors will do most of their work online - medical consultations, prescribing treatment, prescribing medications, and even diagnostics will be carried out by so-called “network doctors.”

Experts from the Atlas of New Professions call network doctors one of the specialties that will appear everywhere before 2020. They will be focused on early diagnosis and prevention of diseases. It would be a professional failure for them to discover an advanced disease or even an acute disease in their patient.

Such doctors will see most patients via video link, so the concept of queuing at the clinic will become a thing of the past. Hospitals will remain only for high-tech treatment and operations, during which surgeons will be assisted by robots.

A number of leading Russian medical universities today train specialists who can retrain as specialists in preventive medicine or independently begin to develop medical systems of the future. These are the medical academies of Nizhny Novgorod, Smolensk, Novosibirsk, Krasnodar and the capital's medical universities - named after Sechenov and Pirogov in Moscow, named after Pavlov in St. Petersburg.

Financial technology specialist

Fintech is one of the fastest growing technology industries of our time. And yet, as of 2017, the industry occupies no more than 1% of the entire financial sector of the world economy. The volume of venture capital investments in fintech in the United States reached $13.6 billion in 2016. By comparison, the country's entire financial industry is $11 trillion.

Experts name five main directions for the development of financial technologies in the future - payments and transfers, loans and borrowings, capital management, insurance, and the foreign exchange market. That is, in all these industries the role of information technology will increase.

A specialist who combines knowledge of financial and technological instruments will be in demand more than ever in the coming decades. Areas such as the use of big data to assess risks in insurance, the use of artificial intelligence in asset management, the development of individual pension programs and others will be actively developed.

At the same time, some familiar professions in developed countries will become a thing of the past - accountants, cashiers and even, possibly, stock traders.

Good financial training with a technological component is provided by courses from the National Research University Higher School of Economics, the Russian Economic University. G. V. Plekhanov, Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation, Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation, St. Petersburg State University.

Participants will be able to demonstrate their knowledge in the field of fintech. They will have to create a decentralized application at the intersection of blockchain and Internet of Things technologies to ensure interaction between manufacturers of batteries for electric vehicles, service centers that provide quick replacement of batteries, and electric vehicles. Teams will have to develop a solution that can check replacement batteries for counterfeit, confirming the declared quality and current wear. Issues of economic interaction will also not be left aside: the service station is fully automated, which means that schoolchildren will have to transfer all monetary calculations to an automatic basis, including determining the optimal parameters for making transactions.

Online teacher

A teacher is an eternal profession, just like the professions of a doctor and a builder. And this is a profession in which humans will probably not be replaced by machines for quite some time. Even with the creation of full-fledged artificial intelligence capable of transmitting the experience of generations, we are unlikely to entrust the upbringing and education of children to a computer. Therefore, teachers will always be in demand. But this conservative branch of knowledge is changing.

Online pedagogy is becoming increasingly popular. Various advanced training courses and training in new professions attract thousands of students around the world. Platforms like Coursera are revolutionizing the educational process. In the next 20 years, people will receive a significant part of their knowledge on the Internet - independently or with the help of online teachers.

In addition to simple video communication (two-way or multi-channel), teachers of the future will use interactive tools that can receive feedback from students and immediately test their knowledge. The learning process will become even more “alive” than in a traditional school classroom.

Game forms of learning will be actively used, especially in primary and secondary school age. Virtual reality will become an important part of educational content - in it, students, accompanied by a teacher, will be able to simulate space, visualize abstractions and simply watch reconstructions of historical eras “as it was.”

Currently, again due to the conservatism of the teaching profession, online teachers are not trained anywhere. One can only predict that with the wider introduction of new educational technologies, traditional pedagogical universities after 2020 will pay attention to this still nascent branch of pedagogy.

Nanomaterials designer

Nanomaterials design, along with the development of robotics and biotechnology, will be another cross-industry profession of the future. These specialists will be involved in modeling the properties of materials and predicting their life cycle using digital tools. The materials designer will need to have a good understanding of nanophysics and nanochemistry and, of course, be able to program.

Nanomaterials will be used not only in industry, automotive and aircraft manufacturing, the creation of tools and equipment, but also in housing construction. Thus, houses created from composite materials with built-in chips will change the temperature of the walls in the room in accordance with the weather or the desire of the resident, as well as change color or transparency.

Nanotechnology specialists are trained at Russian universities - Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, National Research University "MISiS", Russian University of Chemical Technology. D.I. Mendeleev, Ural Federal University named after. the first President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin and other educational institutions.

Participants in the “New Materials and Sensors” profile can also demonstrate their knowledge in the specialty of the future. Teams will need to quickly create an active chemical substance, assemble a sensor system for it, and demonstrate their functionality.

Recycling specialist

Addressing environmental issues will be key to sustainable development in the future. Environmental specialists will be in demand in all sectors of production and transport. And environmental protection issues will also be resolved with the help of high-tech tools.

One of the promising industries will be recycling - processing materials and their reuse. Recycling specialists will be engaged in the development of new environmentally friendly and cheap technologies.

Today, recycling technologies are developing rapidly. Companies are investing heavily in this area, and the government is supporting progressive initiatives. Environmental specialists are trained by a number of large educational institutions, starting with Moscow State University. M. V. Lomonosov. Systematic understanding of ecology can be obtained at classical and technical universities with a specialty in “Ecology and environmental management.”

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