Umar Dzhabrailov. Biography

Alexandra Chvikova (27 years old) and Umar Dzhabrailov (57 years old)
Alexandra Chvikova (aka Alexa) dramatically changed her image in 2008 - pink Juicy Couture suits were replaced by daring mini-dresses, and the budding rapper Timati was finally ousted from the heart of the young star by 50-year-old millionaire Umar Dzhabrailov

The serious businessman and the starlet met at the birthday party of Chechen President Ramzan Kadyrov. However, their first date took place much later - after the second meeting on the set of Sergei Zverev’s show “Star in a Cube.” Dzhabrailov was struck by the beauty of the singer and invited her to dinner, after which, with all oriental ardor and generosity, he began to court her. Alexa quickly fell under the spell of an adult admirer. Together, the couple regularly attended events, smiling radiantly at photographers

Secular cynics gave Umar Dzhabrailov's new hobby a short period of time - he is a well-known connoisseur of women, who was credited with affairs with almost all the prominent representatives of show business, including Ksenia Sobchak and singer Zhanna Friske

According to rumors, Dzhabrailov managed to catch even supermodel Naomi Campbell in his net - in any case, he was the first to bring her to Russia. Few were surprised when it became known that the millionaire had lost interest in his 20-year-old girlfriend just six months after the start of the relationship

Alexa still does not comment on her affair with a Chechen businessman, as well as her lip augmentation. Umar Dzhabrailov also does not remember his former passion in public. You never know how many beauties he had

10.25.2002, "Like a squirrel in a wheel"

Mamlakat Nakhangova in Chechen

During the reign of the CPSU, personnel officers (all personnel officers from the personnel departments of enterprises to the KGB, where, ultimately, the most important personnel decisions were made) spent a lot of time compiling and writing all kinds of questionnaires, finding out under a magnifying glass all the little things in the life of almost every person. There could be no “white spots” in the biography. The personnel officers knew everything about everyone. Now this is no longer the case, everyone can come up with a legend for themselves, equip it with more or even less plausible details and become a hero or a dissident according to their choice.

Umar Dzhabrailov is no longer young and has seen the times when personnel officers were in power. It may seem that not a single personnel officer in those days would have ever allowed a Chechen to take a responsible position. Unreliable nationality. However, there were exceptions. In the Soviet Union, from the moment of its founding, they loved to talk about the equality of all the peoples of the great country, as well as the strong and selfless friendship between them. To convince anyone of this, it was necessary to present representatives of all the most colorful peoples of the country of that time, then everyone could point a finger at them and say, here he is, who achieved everything thanks to the Soviet Motherland and the Communist Party. Equal chances for everyone, just like Rockefeller - a shoeshine boy in the USA. One should not think that such lucky ones were chosen from some nomenklatura or their faithful offspring. All-Union Personnel Service, i.e. KGB, preferred worker-peasant biographies. Therefore, when the girl cotton grower Mamlakat Nakhangova, who found herself in the Soviet epic, sat in the arms of the father of all nations, her biography and the biographies of her parents and other relatives, equipped with the appropriate resolutions and seals, had long been lying in the local KGB office. The Father of Nations did not like liberties.

After the death of the leader of the peoples, his successors were imbued with the corrupting influence of the West and left the matter of creating national personnel and national signs, not just completely to chance, but so, they handed it over to the local, very specific, national nomenklatura. Nevertheless, such successful national cadres (let the readers forgive me, but I don’t know a better term for this phenomenon) were still fabricated. The unreliable Chechens also had them. Let us at least remember General Dzhokhar Dudayev. The Soviet general is a Chechen, commander of a long-range aviation division (strategic bombers), a member of the CPSU and its various party committees, a darling of fate, capable of opening the door to many bureaucratic offices with his foot. All the stories of Western radio voices about the expulsion and oppression of the Chechens seemed like idle fiction, one had only to look at the valiant mustachioed face. But there was also the most important dancer of the Union, Makhmud Esambaev, and Hero of the Soviet Union, Ruslan Aushev (not a Chechen, but almost). It so happened that Umar Dzhabrailov was lucky; he managed to fit in behind Mamlakat Nakhangova.

Umar Alievich was born on June 28, 1958 in Grozny. His father in his youth was the secretary of the district committee of the Komsomol, however, thanks to the tortuous history of all Chechens in the Soviet Union, he did not advance far in party work. Umar was a smart guy, studied well, was fond of mathematics and easily completed his eighth year. Then his family made a seemingly strange decision - Umar went to Moscow, where he entered in 1973. at the Fur College. As funny as it may seem, it was easier for Umar to get a secondary technical education in Moscow than in Checheno-Ingushetia. Firstly, there was less competition, and secondly, at that time Chechens were almost unknown in Moscow and therefore they were treated more indifferently. At the same time, anyone more or less familiar with the personnel policy of that time understands perfectly well that such a trip to Moscow could not have been made without the sanction of the right person.

To become a full-fledged national cadre, it was necessary to serve in the army. Dzhabrailov ended up in 1977. into the elite troops of the Strategic Missile Forces and served quite quietly until 1979. in Zhitomir. Education and love for the exact sciences helped Umar get into these troops. In the army he joined the CPSU. Then it was the easiest way to merge with the leadership and direction. Dzhabrailov served brilliantly.

And here the fate of our hero takes a sharp zigzag. Umar Dzhabrailov enters MGIMO University of the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs to study the most prestigious specialty “International Economic Relations”. The competition for the faculty of the same name with this specialty exceeded 20 people per place. For example, in order for the now well-known TV presenter Alexander Lyubimov (and he studied at MGIMO only a year younger than Dzhabrailov and, as their then classmates say, Sasha and Umar even in those days had mutual sympathy for each other) enter this faculty . Kryuchkov, was forced to use all his influence. Beloved son Sasha needed the protection of the powers that be. Umar Dzhabrailov arrived without any visible help. The help was invisible. In order to receive it, the future businessman had to study at the preparatory department. Because he didn’t get one point in the exams (in fact, completely different points were counted there). As he himself says: “...I was lucky, my documents were accepted at the preparatory department...”. Usually, this preparatory department of MGIMO accepted those who had work experience in their specialty; not just anyone was accepted immediately after the army. Why is Umar Alievich so lucky?

Personnel employee

Even then, the head of the Fifth Main Directorate of the KGB of the USSR, the Directorate for Combating Ideological Sabotage, drew attention to Dzhabrailov. Philip Denisovich Bobkov. The same Philip Bobkov, who soon became First Deputy Chairman of the KGB, and later, under Yeltsin, headed the Security Service of Most Bank and a bunch of associations of former GB employees. Such necessary help allowed the smart Chechen young man not only to overcome all sorts of entrance obstacles (for example, a character reference certified by the same KGB was required), but also to successfully graduate from college. By the way, since his studies, Umar Dzhabrailov has been able to speak Russian not with a Chechen accent, but with a soft southern Russian accent, which is very unusual for a Chechen. Dzhabrailov worked like a man possessed on languages, not only Russian, but also foreign ones. It was obvious that he could make a high-flying national shot. After graduating from MGIMO in 1985, he received free placement. According to the version he himself circulated, he could not get a job due to the lack of Moscow registration.

It should be noted that many (if not all) KGB personnel had a hole in their biography the size of one year, when the uninitiated in these subtleties could not understand what they were doing. Naturally, every regular KGB officer needs time for special training. After a pause, Umar Dzhabrailov received a residence permit in Moscow and in 1986 - 88. worked as a laboratory assistant at the same department of MGIMO.

At the end of the 80s of the 20th century, it became obvious that Gorbachev’s perestroika was gradually developing into the abolition of socialism. And then the far-sighted leadership of the KGB began to implement a program to seize the most important economic levers of the future “free” Russia. The same Philip Denisovich Bobkov was put at the head of this program, who attracted a group of promising clients from the same Fifth State Administration to its implementation; his Chechen protégé, who by that time had begun to turn sour, was also included in this group, performing rather routine tasks for the next penetration to the “Moscow Chechen community” (this is what was then called what we now call with masochistic pleasure the “Chechen mafia”). Among those people who were then prepared to take the places of the new Russian oligarchs, first of all, the names of Vladimir Gusinsky, Vladimir Potanin, Alexander Lebedev and some others come to mind. It was precisely these people that the corresponding special services (the KGB, in all its guises: FSK, FSB, etc., and less often the GRU) provided most favored nation treatment in the creation of their economic enterprises.

We know these names, they succeeded, but, without a doubt, there were also people who turned out to be failures, or at least those who did not fully realize such opportunities. Our hero failed to become an oligarch in the full sense of the word, such an oligarch as, for example, Vladimir Potanin. Umar Dzhabrailov did not have enough patience. He decided to make himself. His former bosses did not interfere. For what? Everyone who has ever worked for them always comes back. Sooner or later. Then it seemed so to them, they didn’t know that the system they had been building all their lives could fall apart or, at least, change beyond recognition.

Missing years

The official biography of Umar Dzhabrailov speaks rather sparingly about the early 90s. Even less is written about where Umar Alievich got his notorious initial capital and by what pike command he ended up being a representative of the Moscow State Property at Radisson-Slavyanskaya. Dzhabrailov seemed to jump out of oblivion and appear out of nowhere. This is usual for Russian business. Let's try, however, to restore the connection between times.

Umar Dzhabrailov earned his first big money in a trivial way. He earned them from “Chechen advice notes.” For those who have forgotten, let me remind you that in the early 90s, the Soviet banking system, unadapted to new conditions, began to fail. Non-cash money began to travel from one bank to another for weeks and even months. And this is within Moscow, and transferring money from one city to another has generally become a chore. In 1991 - 92 There were actually several banking crises, as a result of which money could not pass from bank to bank for 3 months. And then, in order for the economy not to die completely, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation decided that money can be credited to the accounts of companies by the receiving bank upon presentation of a bank order - an advice note, drawn up and signed in accordance with the necessary requirements by the sending bank. It was meant that in any case, the money would be debited from the sending bank when issuing an advice note. The state banks of that time (all sorts of menateps and bridge banks were exotic back then) seemed to be reliable.

In Chechnya, they didn’t think twice and stole some of these advice forms, and forged the signatures and seals. And thus, for several months, taking advantage of the confusion, they received purely specific money on non-existent orders. This scam was called “Chechen advice notes.” It must be said that even then it was said that the advice notes were in fact not Chechen at all, but Moscow. Since the state banks from which cash was withdrawn were precisely Moscow ones. However, this business, so to speak, was quickly brought under the control of the Chechens, in particular, Umar Dzhabrailov.

Of course, Umar Alievich now publicly denies such things. Back in 1997 in an interview with the newspaper “Arguments and Facts” (the interview was conducted by a journalist with the characteristic surname Batuev) he said:

The advice notes were created not by Chechens, but by those at the top of the banking system. I did not receive a penny from these advice notes, but on the contrary, I suffered. For the petroleum products sold, my company received bills with non-existent money. And the company went bankrupt (or re-registered and renamed “DANACO”? Huh? - editor’s note). I earned the money for the start-up capital quite legally and therefore today I am not hiding somewhere abroad and not sitting with my tail between my legs. I just took out loans from banks. Loans in the early 90s were fabulously profitable because the ruble was falling precipitously and the value of the dollar was increasing. And he made money on the exchange rate difference.

I can’t believe that someone sold Umar Alievich bills without money. They returned them as nicely, but why companies go bankrupt can also be easily understood by asking the simplest questions. But did that company pay all the taxes (even though they were ridiculous, according to the same Dzhabrailov) and did they pay the suppliers back for the oil? But I’m not the only one who hasn’t forgotten how bank loans were taken out in the early 90s. Somehow it didn’t work out for free, no one did. As for the specific recipients of bags of money on Chechen advice notes, you really can’t find them anymore. Why does anyone need extra witnesses? And Umar himself, of course, did not substitute himself.

However, here he did not have enough measures. It was not without reason that it was then that the first disagreement arose with a new friend - corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Sciences Boris Berezovsky. As eyewitnesses of that meeting remember, the not yet completely bald oligarch yelled at Dzhabrailov in a thin falsetto: “We gave you, the Chechens, a cash cow, and you slaughtered it!” Boris Abramovich meant that the operation was carried out too crudely, drew too much attention to itself and did not bring much greater profits. Therefore, the new friends separated for a long time.

Dancer time

Makhmud Esambaev - dancer

Nevertheless, Umar Alievich had a lot of money. And he wanted to make them even more. Former patron Philip Bobkov, who is actively developing the vein of Vladimir Gusinsky and is now tied to too close relations with one of the highest ranks of the Israeli military intelligence "Aman" Yakov Nimrodi (who could not stand any Chechens), got off with smiles and meaningless hints. He had no time for Umar. And then Umar Dzhabrailov came to the only Moscow Chechen who was not barred from entering the top of the Moscow Government.

Makhmud Esambaev has been a legend of Soviet art since the 60s of the last century. And the Moscow upstarts - the parvenu, the retinue of the new Moscow mayor Luzhkov, even then tried to imitate in everything the gilded - pompous style of the collapsed state. It seemed to them that this is the only way real empires look, where they are destined to become patricians. And a fragment of a real empire - the old dancer Makhmud Esambaev - received entry to all the new bosses from Tverskaya. They still love the same pseudo-imperial style - the remodeled Cathedral of Christ the Savior, the Tsereteli statues - this is now, but then instead of castles with turrets there was Esambaev. The same one, without stooping to the brink of a buffoon, knew how to be not only pleasant, but also smart, acting as an adviser not only in matters of art.

Almost ninety-year-old Makhmud Esambaev affectionately received the young man. And he became his guru. And Umar Dzhabrailov again went to school as before. Esambaev understood perfectly well that in order to advance in a city like Moscow, an unknown Chechen had to be not so much very rich as very cunning. Umar was not the only one who came to the dancer for the same thing, but not everyone had the strength and patience to follow all his instructions. What were they like? Makhmud Esambaev acted as a born PR man. He was talented not only in dancing. Understanding full well that his life was short and he would have very little to guide his young student through the life, Esambaev ordered Umar to be public. Every single day he must prove to everyone around him that he strives for the light, participates in all social events, in charity, patronizes the arts, and cares for pretty women. And in general, a helipad and a dandy. Only such an image could help the then inexperienced Dzhabrailov become part of the Moscow crowd. However, Esambaev was an artist, and therefore instilled in his student an overly theatrical style. Hence Dzhabrailov’s love for short jackets and skinny trousers. What looks already comical on a man over 40.

So, he had to become rich and harmless, imposing and understandable, smart and necessary. Necessary for their new partners on the Moscow stage. So that no one would have the idea that he was communicating with a bandit. In the literal sense, Umar Dzhabrailov was never a bandit. He had no need for this, he solved all his affairs without noisy “bazaars” and “shooters”. However, for some cases there was, as they said then, a brigade on hand. Its remains (about 40 people) have survived to this day, rather as a nostalgic tribute to the past.

"Blue" period

Our hero quickly managed to become one of the people who were doing the most important things in Moscow at that time. Management and privatization of property. Unlike the nasty Chubais, the resourceful Luzhkov did not give away city real estate and other property forever; he liked to give everything to management, to a trust. This then and now is invariably led by Oleg Mikhailovich Tolkachev. And Umar Dzhabrailov quite easily managed to please him. It is not only beneficial to cooperate with him, but also to please him. Here Umar managed to take advantage of one human weakness of Oleg Tolkachev and his friends.

Alas, Russia is not America or Europe, and we are very suspicious of same-sex love. And for government officials this is compromising evidence, just like for Duma deputies or editors of newspapers of national renown. Because of this, in Russia such people are forced to flock together. And create what is called the “blue” mafia. What it is? It’s quite difficult to explain, you have to feel it yourself. If you do not have access to the Mosimushchestvo, to some Duma deputies from the Union of Right Forces, or to the editorial office of the newspaper Argumenty i Fakty, then you will have to look for some less high-ranking community. Naturally, Umar Dzhabrailov was not gay, to which there are many witnesses, or rather female witnesses. However, his viciously sophisticated style, his constant appearance at all sorts of glamorous parties created a feeling of comfort in communicating with him for these people, who were not entirely happy in Russian conditions.

And Umar Dzhabrailov was recommended by “someone” from the Mosimushchestvo as first deputy, and then acting. General Director of the joint venture "Intourist - RedAmer Hotel and Business Center". This is what is now called the Radisson-Slavyanskaya Hotel. However, in order to become the head of such a prosperous enterprise like this, relations with the Department of External Relations of the Moscow Government were also needed. And Joseph Nikolaevich Ordzhonikidze has been handling all external relations in Moscow for many years now. Then Joseph Nikolaevich and Umar Alievich were friends.

Joseph Ordzhonikidze

It so happened that the relationship between Umar Dzhabrailov and Joseph Ordzhonikidze became dominant during his journey through the wilds and thickets of Moscow. When everything was fine with Umar Alievich and Joseph Nikolaevich, everything was fine with our hero, and when everything was not fine in the relationship, then not everything was fine at all. Who is this the all-powerful Deputy Prime Minister of the Moscow Government Joseph Ordzhonikidze?

Joseph Nikolaevich is ten years older than Umar; he was born on February 9, 1948 in an ordinary Georgian family. His family had nothing to do with Stalin's People's Commissar. After graduating in 1971 Tbilisi Polytechnic Ordzhonikidze was assigned to the Tbilisi Aircraft Manufacturing Plant. It was there that he became a Komsomol organizer and followed the well-worn Komsomol ladder. Already in 1973 he became secretary of the Factory district of the Komsomol of Tbilisi. Thanks to the patronage of the then second secretary of the Tbilisi City Committee of the CPSU Boris Nikolsky (former Deputy Prime Minister of the Moscow Government, and now a member of the Federation Council from the capital), Ordzhonikidze gets an internship in Moscow, where he serves in a small position as an instructor. Then he becomes first the secretary, and then the first secretary of the Georgian Republican Committee of the Komsomol. Next, Joseph Nikolaevich is transferred to Moscow and becomes one of the secretaries of the Komsomol Central Committee. At the time of perestroika, Ordzhonikidze oversaw all commercial projects of the Komsomol, one of his consultants was the future Moscow mayor Gavriil Popov.

Joseph Ordzhonikidze moved to the Moscow City Hall back in 1990. Under Popov, he was an adviser on foreign economic relations, and in the Luzhkov administration, through the post of head of the Department of Foreign Relations, he rose to the rank of Deputy Prime Minister of the Moscow Government. Joseph Ordzhonikidze oversees the foreign economic activities of the Moscow Government. And what is it? These are, first of all, hotels in Moscow. Iosif Nikolaevich also oversees individual “large-tonnage” projects on behalf of Mayor Yuri Luzhkov. First of all, this is the construction of Moscow City. He also oversees Moscow gambling establishments. If there were brothels in Moscow, there is no doubt that they would be supervised by Joseph Ordzhonikidze. And opium dens. However, thank God, Moscow is not Amsterdam yet.

It is no secret that all these areas, due to the presence of a huge amount of cash, are under the close attention of various criminal groups. It is also no secret that the most powerful of these groups in Russia in general, and in Moscow in particular, are Georgian criminal groups. For example, the number of thieves in law of Georgian origin in Russia is greater than the number of thieves in law - Slavs. On the other hand, the Chechen mafia has long been the talk of the town. And the easiest way would be to explain the relationship between Ordzhonikidze and Dzhabrailov from the point of view of friendship and enmity of these criminal communities. There's probably something to it. But not all. As I already said, calling Dzhabrailov a bandit is a mistake. Tough, stopping at nothing and using any methods, yes, but a bandit, no. It's just not necessary. There are more highly effective methods of making money. Joseph Ordzhonikidze may also know anyone, but he is much more of a businessman and official than anyone else.

And therefore, the relationship between these friends and enemies has always been purely business in nature. Nothing personal, as the characters of Al Pacino and Marlon Brando said in the famous film. When it was profitable for Joseph Ordzhonikidze, he used Umar Dzhabrailov. It stopped being profitable - threw it away. It's a shame? Probably, but what can you do?

I will not retell in detail the history of relations around Radisson-Slavyanskaya and, following the precepts of Sergei Dorenko, I will not report that it was Umar Dzhabrailov who “ordered” his then partner Paul Tatum. This story was discussed too long and tediously, and therefore it was probably not forgotten. Not yet. I will only note that all accusations against Dzhabrailov are based on only one thesis - Quo vadis? That is, who benefits? You never know, to anyone's benefit, Paul Tatum was an overly smug and impudently active person, even for today's Russia. And he had plenty of enemies. By the way, Joseph Ordzhonikidze was one of them. Tatum interfered with him with his activities, oh, how he interfered.

Umar Dzhabrailov also made money from his relationship with Joseph Ordzhonikidze. A standard Moscow scheme was applied - city property was placed in trust by Dzhabrailov's management company - the notorious Plaza group. And I must say, Umar Dzhabrailov turned out to be quite a tough and qualified manager for the 90s. Everyone made money and everyone was happy.

However, privatization of Moscow hotels also began. And then Umar Dzhabrailov tried to get what he thought was his share. His companies tried to participate in the privatization of the Belgrade Hotel, which was the first to go under the hammer. And then Joseph Nikolaevich considered it necessary to throw Umar out of the joint business. As Dzhabrailov himself says, their personal relationship ended in early 2000, and then the first attempt on the life of Joseph Ordzhonikidze occurred. This story is well known - Ordzhonikidze was shot at the head office of AFK Sistema, located on Leontyevsky Lane, in the backyard of the city hall building on Tverskaya. Both then and now this assassination attempt was explained by Ordzhonikidze’s economic problems associated with the Moscow-City complex. Umar Dzhabrailov was not mentioned in any versions.

But during the second attempt on Joseph Ordzhonikidze, the corpse of Umar’s cousin, Salavat Dzhabrailov, was found near the scene of the assassination attempt. In fact, his name is Salaudi. The Chechens do not have Salavats, they are not Bashkirs. Salaudi Dzhabrailov was not the most dangerous Chechen. I must say, and not the luckiest. His commercial projects were never successful, and therefore he had to constantly change his occupation. In general, in his family, Umar is really the smartest; his brothers: Hossein, Husain and Eli are rather simple-minded guys, although reliable. That is why they are listed as general directors and founders in various Umar enterprises. In fact, Umar controls everything.

Let's return to Salaudi. He disappeared two days before his body was found next to documents at the scene of the assassination attempt. Umar’s nephew Nazim even gathered all his 40 fellows on this occasion; it seemed to the Dzhabrailovs that this was a regular showdown. And someone simply tried to “run into” them. Then the cheerful Russian media announced that it was Salaudi who tried to kill Ordzhonikidze. And he shot with a pistol at the armored Volvo of the Deputy Prime Minister, despite the fact that Salaudi’s cousin, Umar, helped buy this member. An anecdote, and nothing more. Then completely ridiculous versions appeared, they say that Salaudi fired a pistol at one point of the armored car in order to penetrate it. Yeah, at one point of a moving car, brilliant plan. Still, no one, not even the Deputy Prime Minister of the Moscow Government, should consider everyone a fool.

And then everything happened completely calmly. Slavyanskaya Hotel and Business Center LLC, a joint company of AFK Sistema and the Moscow Government, has terminated all relations with the Plaza group as a management company. On this occasion, a letter was sent signed by Gurami Mzhavanadze, naturally, the creature of Joseph Ordzhonikidze. Who would doubt it.

Dzhabrailov's trust business is ending. Although, no one evicted him from his office in the same “Slavyanskaya”; his stores operate there as well. All this is temporary. The East does not like a lot of sudden movements. Umar Dzhabrailov's hotel business has collapsed. Not because he worked poorly, no, it’s just that now the time has come to privatize all these numerous savoys and golden ears. And there is no need for an extra competitor here. Dzhabrailov is also not needed as a management company. The global chains Hyatt and Hilton have come to Moscow, and now they are already fighting for the right to be management companies of Moscow hotels. Nothing personal just business.

Shops and bandits

Umar Dzhabrailov was involved in many types of business. Here is a network of gas stations owned by his oil company DANACO, a business known to us in outdoor advertising, shops, etc. However, he never managed to break into the circle of the Berezovskys, Gusinskys and Abramovichs, where he aspired. It was not possible to get the desired dividends from the business with the former oligarch Alexander Smolensky, with whom Dzhabrailov, together, hoped to raise the bankrupt SBS-Agro bank, renamed by the hasty partners to 1 O.V.K. The ungrateful Smolensky did not believe in the purity of Dzhabrailov’s plans and mercilessly “threw” his partner. I just didn't do anything. Our hero never managed to get to the Smolensky Palace in Vienna. Although, they say, I really wanted to. But Austrian subjects (and Smolensky is now an Austrian) are not to be trifled with. EES.

Last year, at a time when the deterioration of relations with Ordzhonikidze was not yet so noticeable, Umar Dzhabrailov tried to sell someone what he had. In a flash, the now impoverished first Russian millionaire Artem Tarasov appeared, now playing the role of the elusive Joe and hiding from someone in London. Tarasov, a close friend of another Moscow illustrious Chechen entrepreneur Malik Saidullaev (owner of the Milan concern, which runs the Russian Lotto lottery), as usual, lied to Umar Dzhabrailov and promised that the shares of his Plaza group would be listed on the London Stock Exchange . The funny thing is that Umar bought it for a while, believing the swindler.

Nevertheless, attempts to sell everything to someone continued. In particular, Roman Abramovich personally could act as a buyer, according to our hero. However, Abramovich’s structures took an interest and realized that Dzhabrailov’s business is based on relations with Moscow officials, and if they do not exist, then everything turns out very sour. Only trusts, property is not enough.

Thus, Umar’s attempts to become one of the high-flying businessmen did not end in anything. It’s not without reason that at the prestigious Swiss and French ski resorts, where elite-fed oligarchs like to spend time, the hero of our story skis mostly with girls.

Moreover, after the old epic with Paul Tatum, once again remade in 1999. Sergei Dorenko, suddenly it turned out that Dzhabrailov’s entry into the United States was closed. They won’t give you a visa or, even worse, what they’ll do to Borodin. It seems that there is nothing wrong with this, the same Kobzon is also not allowed into the States, and even more serious people, such as the Cherny brothers. However, Dzhabrailov began to be pulled in Europe. The most unpleasant thing is that even in Monaco, where his ex-wife lives with their daughters, they somehow unfairly tried to grab Dzhabrailov by the gills and put him in jail for 3 days. Accused of links to organized crime. Specifically with the thief in law “Petrik”, i.e. Alexey Dinarovich Petrov. He is Mr. Suvorov, he is Lenya the Cunning. It is unlikely that there was anything serious behind this relationship. The “Mazutkinskaya” organized crime group, headed by Petrik, was controlled by the late Otari Kvantarishvili and the imprisoned Vyacheslav Ivankov (Yaponchik), and they did not really like the Chechens. In particular, as people who know this environment say, Otari warned Ordzhonikidze, whom we knew, against any transactions with any Chechens.

Dzhabrailov was also accused of having connections with Lechi Islamov (Boroda), one of the leaders of the Chechen organized crime group in Moscow. It is unlikely that Umar Alievich needed Beard to resolve his affairs. He himself could have done no worse. Dzhabrailov also had business connections with Ricardo Fanchini, who was wanted by Interpol for a whole bunch of criminal offenses. However, many others also had relationships with Ricardo Fanchini, for example, those who placed advertisements for Kremlevskaya vodka on outdoor advertising modules. Because it was Ricardo Fancini who was the owner of this brand. Maybe, of course, they are all bandits, but it’s hard to believe.

Did it seem to you that our hero is just a victim of circumstances? No, his methods are varied. Any competitor or partner of his is always under the gun of not only the sharp gaze of narrowed eyes. Let us remember the story of the murder of the general director of “Quiet Harbor” (“ATOR”) Vladimir Kanevsky (there are other stories), the man who made Umar his business in outdoor advertising. But Vladimir Semenovich was Umar’s partner. He mastered the methods of Ordzhonikidze and Dzhabrailov to perfection. Only where the Deputy Prime Minister simply removes people he no longer needs from business, his former partner removes them from his life. Nothing personal just business.

Such a flair of a bandit continues to follow Dzhabrailov to this day. I must say that he sometimes flaunts them. But every medal has a downside, you have to pay for everything, and not everyone offers a hand.

From under the stick

One of the greats (to my shame, I don’t remember who) said that if you don’t engage in politics, politics will take care of you. This becomes increasingly true the higher status a person has. Umar Dzhabrailov always shunned politics; in his position, only such adventures were missing. How is it, an advanced reader will ask, who managed to read my work to this point and not lose his jaw from boredom? After all, Umar Dzhabrailov participated in the 2000 presidential elections?

Our hero's participation in the presidential elections is nothing more than PR and banter. On the one hand, Umar received very decent publicity (by the way, the same Artem Tarasov skillfully uses the status of a former presidential candidate in London, a swindler, but a presidential candidate), on the other hand, it never occurred to anyone in power that he was going to take this seriously. And the Chechen businessman mocked our democratic values ​​to his heart’s content. There was another reason: Umar did not at all like the role that was provided to him in 1999. his many past and present patrons. It would be nice if he was simply forced to finance the OVR, however, the insinuating Philip Denisovich Bobkov once again appeared on the horizon and reminded him of something. As a result, Dzhabrailov had to take a political position and hang up well-known posters about baoBABs, Roma and family. If only he knew that Roman Abramovich does not forgive this. Never.

Naturally, I would be wrong if I ignored the issue of Umar Dzhabrailov’s relationship with what we call Chechen militants. Especially in light of the events of the day before yesterday. In the period 1994-96. As any Moscow law enforcement officer knows, all Chechen entrepreneurs were taxed by the authorities of the then Ichkeria. Did Dzhabrailov pay him? Apparently, yes, because he remained alive. They also said that in one of the banks, whose office was located on the territory subordinate to Umar’s structures, two brothers of Vakha Arsanov, the then vice-president of Chechnya, who has now disappeared somewhere, worked. There was a lot of talk about the fact that Dzhabrailov’s close relatives also served in Chechnya as someone there.

Nevertheless, the struggle for the independence of Chechnya worried Umar insofar as. It was not included in his commercial plans. Another thing is that at that time he had very bad relations with a loyal supporter of the federal government, the former mayor of Grozny Beslan Gantamirov. Gantamirov was a tough and independent man and, unlike Dzhabrailov, he knew how to shoot from an AKM and lead his men into attacking machine guns. Dzhabrailov was a huckster for him, in general, they did not like each other.

However, after Beslan Said-Alievich was sent to prison (some say for embezzlement, and some say he simply disappeared from the arena for a while), Dzhabrailov took several conciliatory steps towards his opponent. When Beslan was released from prison, Umar even spoke at some meetings of Moscow Chechens as Beslan's personal envoy. Then their paths did not cross, since Beslan went to lead in Chechnya, and Umar remained in Moscow. Since then, Umar Dzhabrailov has demonstrated complete disinterest in what is happening in his homeland. The businessman himself never took the idiotic thoughts of his advisers that he should become the president of Chechnya seriously and only chuckled.

The genius and the slave of PR

In order to follow the precepts of the great dancer, Umar Dzhabrailov has to constantly be in sight. In the early 90s, Umar’s PR was simple: once again to get photographed by an idle photojournalist next to Yuri Luzhkov. Preferably a little to the side and behind. And then carefully spread the rumor that, they say, he, Umar, is especially close to the Moscow Government, and he is Luzhkov’s son-in-law and his “cashier.” And there was even a rumor that he was really a son-in-law, and he had the nickname “Son-in-law” among the Chechens. But everything ends quickly; now even Luzhkov’s security guards understand PR. Who mercilessly drive away from the retinue all those who should not be there.

I had to adjust my already theatrical image. Now he has become a full member of the bohemian party. Presentations, presentation of all sorts of dubious awards (for example, the “Silver Galosh” for dubious achievements in the field of Umar’s beloved PR), sponsorship of installations by supposedly contemporary artists (who publicly empty their stomachs on Red Square and run naked, pretending to be dogs), fashion shows and views. And everywhere Umar Alievich is one of the main characters. All this smacks of the same theatricality as the very strange and elaborate attire that he wears. Love for bohemia is a dangerous thing. And there are dangerous habits in use there. Cocaine, for example. Umar did not escape this hobby, which greatly increased his rating in such circles. And dropped it in others. But in this unreal world of the drug addict’s dreams, they got used to it. He is one of his own. Although, there are a lot of “new Russians” there, but they move around in this world at will, and Umar Dzhabrailov almost out of obligation.

Is everything out?

I even had to open my own club “Virus” and support a pop group of the same name. And hold special events in this establishment, during breaks looking under the girls’ skirts and slapping them on the butt. And what? Matches the image. What kind of helipad and dandy is it without feeling the charms of girls? He even has to choose high-status mistresses who are more famous, so that they are also difficult to name. At first, he used various cute photo models included in various top ratings there. Then it was the turn of the larger birds.

Dzhabrailov became the official lover of the daughter of the former mayor of St. Petersburg, or to be more precise, just one of them, Ksenia Sobchak. Of course, the ladies' man immediately showered her with a bunch of jewelry: all sorts of necklaces and necklaces made of black pearls and God knows what else. When the aspiring socialite Ksyusha was robbed, the theft cost either 200 or 600 thousand dollars in jewelry alone. But such reprimands do not bother the daughter of the current senator from Tuva Lyudmila Narusova; in addition to Dzhabrailov, there is also the failed publisher of the Russian “Penthouse” Alexander Shustrovich and St. Petersburg oil tanker Vladimir Leibman. There are probably others. In general, all these gentlemen look at least stupid in company with Ksyusha. As if none of them knew that the word “public”, when applied to Mademoiselle Sobchak, has a very distinct connotation. I won’t speak for Shustrovich and Leibman, but our hero understands everything perfectly well. But he is involved in this story.

The story of multiple loves between Dzhabrailov and Sobchak is just a promotion of Umar Alievich’s own name. And there is no doubt that they will still come together and separate, kiss and swear, and every glamorous audience will listen to this. And they will discuss for a long time that Umar Dzhabrailov came to the premiere of the next musical alone and was boring, and Ksenia Sobchak came not with Leibman or Shustrovich at all, but with some very pretty, but clearly “pinkish” girl. And at this time someone nearby was inconsolable. Just a soap opera. There is nothing personal in this love relationship either. With ordinary women, Umar is simple. And the employees of the same Virus club could see this more than once. And he is not shy even in front of his guards. However, this is already a “strawberry”.

Any attempts to use Ksyusha not only for its intended purpose, but as an opportunity to “make friends” with her influential mother and thus get the opportunity to jump to another high level, ended in nothing. Bed is not a reason for business. Yes, in general, mom is not having the best time right now. I had to leave the financial management of various funds, but in Tuva you can lobby a little. However, these are no longer the concerns of our hero.

Of course, Ksyusha herself is no stranger to PR, and she has to raise her image, during breaks trying to become a fashion model for advertising underwear. Well, I laugh at everything about this, but what is it like for Dzhabrailov himself? A man who is not only not poor, but also oriental? But in the East, the attitude towards women is still not so relaxed. Truly he became a slave to his mask. But somewhere far away, still in Monaco, live two beloved daughters: Alvina and Donata, and it is there that not the happiest father goes every year to celebrate his birthday or some simpler holiday in their company. I deliberately do not write about the ex-wife of the current bachelor; this is a topic for a separate story. In the meantime, Umar walks around Moscow as an eligible bachelor for all sorts of semi-secular things.

If Umar Dzhabrailov had been born 10 years earlier, he would no doubt have become an influential ambassador of our country to some notable foreign power. Or he would become a senior KGB officer, or maybe the party boss of Checheno-Ingushetia. If he had been born 10 years later, he could have become a brilliant manager of some transnational corporation with business not only in Russia. Or he could become a minister or a major publisher. But he was born in 1958, and his time was our time. He became who he is. With all its beautiful and scary features. You just can't imagine him happily lounging on the beach. At least in Hawaii, at least on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus. This is the kind of person he is. Like a squirrel in a wheel. He runs and cannot stop. What will happen next? Let's find out.

Elizaveta Peskova’s Crimean voyage was paid for by the authoritative Chechen Umar Dzhabrailov. The Telegram channel “Cell Case,” dedicated to the families of officials, businessmen, security officials and leaders of organized crime, reports on the Caucasian sponsors of the press secretary of the President of the Russian Federation.

Daughter's trip Dmitry Peskov to a shipyard to settle a business dispute caused a scandal. Elizaveta Peskova stated that “it is necessary to develop strategies for PR of legal proceedings”, not quite understanding the meaning of the last legal term. Peskova arrived in Sevastopol wearing a dress from the Firdaws fashion house, created by her wife Ramzan Kadyrov Medney in 2009. Now the director of Firdaws is Kadyrov’s daughter Aishat.

Peskova’s visit was paid for by the Association of Business Patriotism with the Italian name “Avanti” (“Forward”). In the footage from Peskova’s interview at the South Sevastopol shipyard, next to her is the new boss - the president of the Avanti Association of Business Patriotism, Rakhman Yansukov. Since July, Peskova has been his advisor on youth affairs and curator of the project competition for young entrepreneurs.

Elizaveta Peskova against the backdrop of Umar Dzhabrailov’s brand

Previously, Yansukov was known as a public figure - for example, it was he who sent a proposal to the State Duma a year ago to ban the children of officials from studying abroad. Peskova has repeatedly criticized such ideas on her Instagram:

“It seems to me that those who believe that patriots should study only in their own country are either not very familiar with history, or the personality of Peter the Great is not authoritative for them. It was this king who realized the importance of education abroad for the development of the state.”

Now Yansukov and Peskova are colleagues in development, and he is ready to put up with the French education of the new adviser.

35-year-old Yansukov is a former assistant to a Chechen businessman Umara Dzhabrailova, and now - the president of that very Association of Business Patriotism "Avanti". Before Peskova appeared there, few people knew about the association.

It was registered two years ago. Umar Dzhabrailov is one of its founders and, as they say in Avanti itself, its leader.

Dzhabrailov is considered close to the head of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov; Dzhabrailov, along with other Chechen businessmen, transferred money to the Kadyrov Foundation. Dzhabrailov's career flourished in the late 1990s and early 2000s - having met Yuri Luzhkov and his deputy Vladimir Resin, Dzhabrailov went into real estate.

In the mid-2000s Dzhabrailov was a senator from Chechnya, and then went into the shadows for several years: he wrote books and collected art. This could be due to the fact that in December 2002, the senator’s brother died in an assassination attempt on Vice-Mayor Joseph Ordzhonikidze - Salavat Dzhabrailov was a killer. Umar Dzhabrailov's cousin was detained in this criminal case in Poland in 2008.

In recent years, Dzhabrailov seems to have decided to return to big development. In a rare interview quoted by Dozhd, Elizaveta Peskova’s employer says about his new construction business: “I want to be a big player. If until now I have not advertised my construction companies, now we are thinking about an advertising campaign.”

Dzhabrailov has two main construction assets. This is the MS Region company, which broke away from a large Yugoslav holding. She works, for example, as a contractor for the construction of the Zilart quarter. And the second is Avanti StroyGroup.

Avanti is a whole family of companies that is engaged in construction, engineering and supply of building materials, Yansukov owns shares in most of them.

The association even provides support to a sister construction company.

It was not possible to find out whether Peskova herself knows about the construction business associated with the Avanti Association and its ideological inspirer. Her assistant said: “Elizabeth does not answer any questions related to Avanti.”

Umar Dzhabrailov's nephew, 20-year-old Moscow State University student Akhmed Dzhabrailov, married his childhood friend19-year-old Khava Zaurbekova.

The wedding took place on August 31 in one of the most luxurious restaurants in Moscow « SAFISA". According to the groom's mother, Ahmed departed from the traditions according to which parents advise a young man who to marry, and chose the bride himself. Akhmed has been friends with Khava Zaurbekova since he was 12 years old. The girl lives in Grozny with her parents and studies at the Chechen State University.

Newlyweds Akhmed and Khave Dzhabrailov

The couple approached the ceremony more than seriously. Of course, about 500 guests are invited to the celebration! The confectioners of the SAFISA restaurant took on the task of creating the wedding cake. The delicacy, which became the highlight of the evening, cost the newlyweds several million rubles.

There were no Russian or foreign stars at the event. The guests of the evening were entertained by Chechen artists and Nadezhda Kadysheva.

A luxurious dress from Lebanese designer Zuhair Murad was made for the bride.

Bride with mother-in-law Aset Dzhabrailova

It is noteworthy that the girl flew to the capital from Chechnya on a private plane, which Akhmed sent for her.

Bride with friend Elina

“He is as deep a romantic as my older brother Umar,” admits the groom’s father, Hussein Dzhabrailov.

Khuseyn Dzhabrailov with his friend Idris

The Dzhabrailov family says that Akhmed is very similar to his uncle Umar Alievich and is his favorite nephew.

Guests from Grozny led by State Duma deputy Adam Demilkhanov and the groom's father Khusein Dzhabrailov
Bride and groom's sister Aina
Next to the bride are the groom’s elder brother Timur and the groom’s sister Aiza
One of the guests of honor Rakhman Yansukov

In Moscow, ex-senator from the Chechen Republic and major businessman Umar Dzhabrailov was detained and then released on his own recognizance, who fired at the Four Seasons Hotel on Okhotny Ryad with a Yarygin system award pistol. No harm done. The press service of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for Moscow reported that a criminal case has been opened against him under the article “Hooliganism,” and the press service of the United Russia party has already announced that it is temporarily suspending Dzhabrailov’s membership in its ranks.

Security at the Four Seasons Hotel found Umar Dzhabrailov riding in the elevator with a pistol in his hands and called the police. Law enforcement officers found the businessman already in the room in which shots had previously been fired. After a little persuasion, Dzhabrailov surrendered without resistance. Police saw bullet holes in the ceiling of the room. Various sources report that Dzhabrailova may have been drunk and that an unknown white powder was found in the businessman's room. Umar Dzhabrailov allegedly started shooting at the ceiling because the dinner ordered to his room was brought to him by a maid and not a waiter.

Umar Dzhabrailov is known as a major businessman, a former senator from the Chechen Republic, one of Vladimir Putin’s competitors in the 2000 presidential elections (he took last place in them), and also, according to media reports, a person close to the head of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov. He is also written about as a philanthropist and connoisseur of the arts (Dzhabrailov is an honorary academician of the Russian Academy of Arts and vice-president of the Creative Union of Artists of Russia) and a ladies' man (society chronicles attribute to him, in particular, novels with Ksenia Sobchak and Naomi Campbell).

Umar Dzhabrailov started business in the early 1990s. His main area of ​​interest was real estate. Dzhabrailov, among other things, was the president of the Plaza group, which was involved in the management of many large objects in Moscow, such as the Radisson Slavyanskaya hotel, the Smolensky Passage and Okhotny Ryad shopping complexes. According to SPARK-Interfax, Umar Dzhabrailov is now a co-owner of nine companies. The largest of them is LLC Investment and Construction Company Avanti Stroygroup, which declared a net profit of 39.1 million rubles at the end of 2015. Dzhabrailov owns a 51% stake in the authorized capital of this company.

In 2000, the businessman was first noticed in big politics: he nominated himself for the post of head of the Russian Federation. In his election program, Umar Dzhabrailov stated his desire to “reverse the negative energy balance in nature, in the social development of all inhabitants of the planet.” However, Vladimir Putin became president for the first time, and Dzhabrailov himself took 11th place, gaining 0.1 percent of the vote (78 thousand people voted for him). After the elections, the businessman placed banners in Moscow with his photo and the caption “0.1%. Thank you.”

In 2004, Umar Dzhabrailov became a member of the Federation Council from the Chechen Republic, but in 2009 he left his post early, declaring his intention to engage in scientific activities.

After leaving the post of senator, Umar Dzhabrailov did not often appear in the media, but if he appeared in the media, it was mainly with patriotic statements. So, in 2015, a businessman proposed renaming one of the streets in Simferopol to Putin Avenue. In the same year, philanthropist and art connoisseur Umar Dzhabrailov announced his desire to buy Soviet monuments erected in Ukraine, which could have been demolished as part of the decommunization campaign.

Dzhabrailov is also the founder and head of the Avanti Public Platform for the Development of Business Patriotism in Russia. One of the goals of the organization is declared to be “the development of the future business elite of Russia.” In June, Elizaveta, the daughter of Putin’s press secretary Dmitry Peskov, became an advisor to the Avanti president on a voluntary basis. In early August, she, precisely as a representative of Avanti, went to a shipbuilding plant in Crimea to resolve a business dispute. According to rumors, after the shooting at the hotel, Elizaveta Peskova has already left the organization.

According to Kommersant, in mid-1996, American businessman and head of the American-Russian joint venture Intourist-Radamer Hotel and Business Center, Paul Tatum, said that Umar Dzhabrailov threatened to kill him in order to remove him from the list of founders. In November of the same year, an American was killed by an unknown person in an underground passage near the Kievsky railway station. Umar Dzhabrailov's involvement in this crime was not proven, but he was banned from entering the United States. In 2002, the businessman was a witness in the murder of the head of the Ator advertising company, Vladimir Kanevsky. And in 2014, he was interrogated in the case of extorting two million dollars from the wife of ex-senator from Kalmykia Mikhail Kapura.

The media also report on possible connections between Umar Dzhabrailov and the head of the Chechen Republic, Ramzan Kadyrov. In 2006, Umar Dzhabrailov and another Moscow businessman of Chechen origin, Ruslan Baysarov, presented the President of Chechnya as a gift for his thirtieth birthday, a Ferrari Testarossa worth 450 thousand dollars with the number K030RA, which included the initials of the hero of the day and his age.

There is also information that Dzhabrailov and Baysarov regularly transfer money to the Akhmat Kadyrov Foundation registered in Grozny. This is stated, in particular, in a publication published in 2016 entitled “Threat to National Security.” He spoke about possible connections between the Moscow business elite and the political establishment in Chechnya in an interview with Radio Liberty:

– Umar Dzhabrailov and Ramazan Kadyrov have long been closely connected. It's not a secret. At one time, Kadyrov’s guards guarded Umar Dzhabrailov. I understand somewhat, the connections still exist. Relations have become, of course, cooler, but still this is a person who is still quite close to Kadyrov. He, of course, is no longer part of his inner circle, for example, as “Lord” ( Chairman of the Chechen Parliament Magomed Daudov. – Approx. RS), like, for example, Adam Delimkhanov, but still this is a person very close to Kadyrov. They were connected by financial relations and some other issues. Kadyrov ensured his safety, etc. That’s why he behaves this way. Therefore, they consider themselves masters of life both in Moscow and in other regions, and even more so in Chechnya. They believe that they can arrange shooting with award pistols. Therefore, they consider themselves above the law. Such conditions were created for them.

– You said that relations between Kadyrov and Dzhabrailov have become somewhat cooler recently. What could have caused this?

– This is due to the internal situation in the Chechen Republic. There are also so-called intra-elite conflicts. This does not mean that Kadyrov and Dzhabrailov are in hostile relations. But there is a “war of thrones” in Kadyrov’s circle, some in it are strengthening their positions, others are weakening their positions. At some point, Dzhabrailov was indeed a very close friend of Kadyrov. Then this place was taken by other functionaries, other local khans.

– In your report dedicated to the head of the Chechen Republic, you wrote that Dzhabrailov and other Moscow businessmen transfer money to Kadyrov’s fund.

- Of course. There is no doubt that Dzhabrailov still financially supports the Akhmat Kadyrov Foundation, which is formally headed by Ramzan’s mother, but in fact it is his personal wallet. It finances the entertainment of the head of the Chechen Republic, the arrival of various stars in the Chechen Republic to make it interesting to live there. Chechen businessmen, large and not very large, systematically transfer funds there. There is no doubt that Dzhabrailov is still doing this.

– Does this foundation officially exist as some kind of charitable organization?

– This is a non-profit organization that is registered in the Chechen Republic. It collects and accumulates funds and pays a variety of expenses. For example, the arrival of Diego Maradona to the Chechen Republic so that Ramzan Kadyrov could play football with him, the arrival of various Hollywood stars so that they could sit with Ramzan at the table and amuse his self-esteem. They all received huge fees for such visits - $1 million, $2 million. Where to get this money from? This money is collected from Chechen businessmen on a “voluntary-compulsory basis”, as well as from all residents of the Chechen Republic who transfer part of their income to the development of this fund.

In general, issues related to Kadyrov and his political regime, I believe, should constantly remain the focus of the democratic opposition. Because I believed and continue to believe that the political regime created in Chechnya is a threat to the national security of our country. There are no laws at all there. There is absolutely total corruption, which no one is even trying to control, no one is trying to deal with it. Representatives of Kadyrov, Kadyrov’s entourage behave like medieval khans, to whom everything is allowed, for whom there are no legal norms at all. And this hydra begins to spread. This is happening in Moscow, this is happening in other regions. If we continue to pretend that this problem does not exist, at some point we will find ourselves in the Middle Ages. It’s just that the whole country will be immersed in this Kadyrov Middle Ages.

– In your opinion, is today’s history one of the illustrations of such trends?

– Yes, but this is only one of the illustrations. In fact, Dzhabrailov is simply a rather noticeable character. He once ran for president. That's why he attracted attention. And how many such episodes happen in the “President Hotel”, where “Kadyrov’s Moscow guard” is actually stationed? How many such episodes happen on the streets of Moscow, where armed Kadyrovites start firing their pistols, attacking people, essentially engaging in racketeering, etc.? There are a lot of such episodes. Nobody even writes about them in the media. “Well, Kadyrov’s people are up to something there again.” Everyone has already begun to treat this as the norm, everyone is already accustomed to it,” he says.

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