Ready-made business plan for a nail salon with calculations. How to open a manicure salon at home? Open a manicure salon step by step instructions

After deciding which method of doing business is best for you, you need to decide on the location of the future nail salon and the types of services that are most needed in the area.

For example, near the business center of the city, a nail bar with an accelerated mini format is in greater demand. Having looked at the premises for rent and agreed with the owner, conduct a survey of the population and research competitors for negative and positive aspects in this area. You need to enter into a lease agreement after registering and registering your business.

Investment size

Step-by-step instruction

The location most suitable for rent is selected. A meeting is held with the landlord and further cooperation is discussed. The most popular types of manicure and hand care are studied. There are quite a lot of them, and the choice of a master when recruiting personnel will depend on what is the main demand.

For example, a salon near a student dormitory or university should focus on creativity and trendy youth manicure. If there are many administrative and medical institutions nearby, the emphasis will be on classic and French manicure. When choosing prestigious areas, you need to be prepared for a lot of VIPs; accordingly, choose staff capable of doing top-quality manicures and being able to work with this category of clients.

After this, you need to issue registration, permits, correct the license and make repairs to the premises. It should be stylishly decorated and furnished with comfortable and beautiful furniture. After this, you need to purchase materials, tools and equipment, and do not forget to take the appropriate certificates so as not to have problems with the SES.

Equipment and materials

  • Paraffin furnace.
  • Ultraviolet or LED lamps.
  • Frasers with attachments.
  • Pedicure chairs.
  • Chairs for manicure.
  • Plastic baths.
  • Manicure tools (files, bars, brushes, tweezers, spatulas, scissors, brushes, etc.).
  • Towels, napkins, cotton pads.
  • Rollers under the arms.
  • Container for sterilization.
  • Gloves.
  • Slippers, bags, separators for pedicure.
  • Hanger for outerwear.
  • Varnishes, gels, acrylics, rubbing, degreasers, foil, rhinestones, stickers, etc.


When everything is ready to receive clients, you need to recruit employees. When starting your business, you should save on staffing, since revenues may still be small. A nail salon with 2 jobs requires: 2 technicians, an administrator, a cleaner and an accountant. You can hire 2 good craftsmen and a cleaner; the position of administrator can be occupied by a novice entrepreneur himself. It is easier to outsource accounting services to a third party company. For a certain fee, its specialists will conduct your accounting and tax reporting, and you will not have to pay contributions for an extra employee. Cleaning duties are often undertaken by the cleaners themselves for an additional fee. Thus, the number of employees is reduced to 2 people. The wages of the craftsmen are calculated as a percentage equivalent from each client (from 30 to 50% by agreement).

If you decide to open a manicure salon in a rented area, it should have good traffic, and you need to focus on ladies and girls who are accustomed to taking care of themselves. The building must have good access roads, a public transport stop, parking nearby or the ability to park a car near the entrance.

The hairdressing salon or shopping center itself should be well-known and promoted, so as not to get into trouble and not engage in promotion yourself, since this is quite expensive and time-consuming.

It is advisable that there be a cafe, restaurant, tea house, coffee shop or, at worst, a pizzeria nearby. If there is no catering establishment, you need to consider the option of treating your clients with coffee or tea. This is an additional expense, but also a big plus for your competitiveness. Customers' expectations can also be brightened up with bright, current magazines about fashion, manicure and stylistic innovations. The following are suitable for opening a salon: sleeping areas; places close to business centers; shopping areas with many shops and boutiques.


To open a nail salon from scratch, you need to register a business and open an individual entrepreneur or LLC. Most often, they open an individual entrepreneur and use the simplified taxation system (STS) or the unified tax on imputed income (UTI). You will need to open a bank account and pay state fees. List of documents and permits:

  1. Certificate of registration of individual entrepreneur or LLC.
  2. License to carry out this activity.
  3. Permission from the SES.
  4. Permit from the fire department (if the landlord does not have one).
  5. Registration with the tax office.
  6. Registration with the Social Insurance Fund and the Pension Fund as an employer.

The last point concerns hiring under an employment contract - this is the best option. Unlike most types of entrepreneurial activity, opening a nail salon does not require a large number of documents, but you need to be prepared for SES checks, monitor employees’ medical examinations, and have certain conditions in the salon premises.

According to existing standards, the requirements for nail salons are as follows:

  • Each workplace must be allocated at least 6 square meters. meters.
  • All masters must have medical records and marks of regular examination by medical specialists (once every six months).
  • The salon must have a sterilizer and a sink or cooler.
  • At the end of the appointment, the master must disinfect instruments and furniture.

If the landlord has not taken care of drawing up contracts for the disposal of fluorescent lamps, solid waste, garbage removal, etc., you will have to do this. As a rule, such documents in hairdressing salons, shopping centers or beauty salons where you will rent an office, these contracts are concluded by the owners, these concerns will not fall on the tenant. This circumstance serves as another advantage of renting versus buying your own premises, at least for the first 2-3 years.

Opening checklist

Is it profitable to open

When a girl decides to start her own business, she is often faced with the fact that it is difficult for her to make a choice in favor of one business or another. When the choice is made, the business very often turns out to be too expensive or difficult to implement.

However, there are a number of opportunities that are available mainly to beautiful ladies, are easy to implement and provide a good income. Among them is a manicure business at home. Manicure is the very thing that brings girls not only money, but also pleasure and creative self-realization, and you can literally organize it at home. If you are interested in this idea, now we will tell you how to start a manicure business.


Before opening a nail salon at home, you need to calculate the pros and cons. And decide what you need to open a manicure salon and.

Let's start with the positive:

  • Popular with men and women;
  • Opportunity to develop creativity;
  • Availability and ease of implementation;
  • Profitability.

The disadvantages of this business are also obvious:

  • Huge competition;
  • The need for special education: at least courses;
  • The problem of competition can be solved either through quality, or through interesting offers and discounts.

Business plan

Even if you plan to work from home, it is simply necessary to draw up a business plan for a manicure salon with calculations. This way, you can allocate the funds you have in the wisest way. Proper distribution of finances is very important, because if you do not plan to take out large loans or sell an apartment, then it is unlikely that you have a very large budget.

In addition, a business plan for a manicure salon is needed so as not to miss a single detail. You should start by registering your business. Some craftswomen work from home without registering. Most often, before this they worked in a salon, and now they host former clients and women/men who came as acquaintances.

If you still want to collect all the necessary documents, you will need to obtain a certificate of private entrepreneurship and a certificate of completion of the relevant courses. It’s good if you also have the necessary permits and a medical record. Not for reporting purposes, but simply to increase customer confidence in you.

The premises are the most important point of the business plan, but you won’t need to write it down since you are working from your home.


Equipment for a manicure salon is not very numerous and expensive.

First of all, you need furniture:

  • Table for direct manicure;
  • Two manicure chairs - for you and the client;
  • An armchair and a coffee table - for guests waiting in line;
  • Cabinet or shelves - two storage areas for varnishes, removers, lamps and other equipment.

Then, you should have all the necessary tools:

  • Manicure set;
  • Sterilizer;
  • Ultraviolet lamp for quick drying of gel polish coating;
  • Fraser;
  • Special brushes for nail designs and French manicure;
  • Acrylic, gel polishes, ordinary polishes of different colors, bases, cuticle softeners, manicure and shellac removers and other cosmetic chemicals;
  • Tips, false nails, nail stickers, etc.;
  • Baths.
Of all the above, the most expensive purchase will be furniture. A table, for example, can cost anywhere from $70 to $200. The lamp will also cost you up to $200. Although, in online stores you can buy it starting from 3 USD. e. Fraser will cost from 10 to 150 dollars. If you don’t really understand the difference between equipment for 3 and 300 cu. e. – find a consultant and ask him to help with the selection.

It is good to purchase consumables in bulk. Try to negotiate mutual advertising and discounts, look for good and cheap options on websites and in stores. Tip: last season's collections or lines that are almost sold out have the biggest discounts.

Don't save money. A half-dollar varnish from the market will peel off in a day, and your reputation in the eyes of the visitor will collapse. And the tools, in general, must be crystal clear: the introduction of unpleasant diseases has not been canceled.


It is clear that in a home salon you act as a master. Appearance and behavior must be appropriate so that the client does not doubt for a second: this specialist is a true professional.

To begin with, your appearance and especially your nails should be very well-groomed. This serves as an additional advertisement for the services, since you most likely do the manicure yourself. If you have at least one (or better yet several) courses behind you and a couple of certificates on your wall, this will also raise the prestige of a manicurist. In addition to all of the above, the master must be polite and creative. If the client does not know what pattern she wants to see on her nails, it is you who will have to come up with it and execute it so that the girl is satisfied.


In addition to the wizard, you may also need an administrator. This person will answer calls, negotiate with clients, record them, keep records, control the financial part of the issue, maintain Internet resources, constantly update them and communicate with users.

It's good if this person is your relative whom you can trust. This will save you several thousand rubles a month. An administrator is, first of all, a responsible, attentive, and careful person. He must be familiar with a computer, be able to work on the Internet, enter clients into a database, know all the necessary information and be able to answer questions.


It makes sense to launch advertising when everything is ready to receive visitors. Make yourself a website and groups on social networks, create a page on Instagram. The main thing that should be on all these pages is a portfolio and a price list. There should be a lot of photos so that clients can fully imagine how professionally the craftswoman works.

Establish partnerships with other artisans or stores. If advertising of their services is displayed on the website and pages of your manicure salon, they will respond with mutual advertising. It has recently become very popular to offer your services almost free of charge in order to build a portfolio.

The female client pays only for consumables, receives a free manicure, and you receive a photo for presentation and advertising. This always works flawlessly and soon a line of this girl’s friends will line up for you. If the manicure is good, of course. A very interesting type of collaboration is with photographers.

If your name appears under a photo of a girl with cool nails, this will again serve as an attractive factor. Make yourself business cards, give yourself a link on special forums. In principle, you can even write reviews for yourself (or entrust this to copywriters). Just be careful.

  1. Follow trends in the fashion world. You must have a few options in store from the latest trends that you can offer to your client. If you can say, “This is the manicure Angelina Jolie wore on the red carpet last week,” then even the most expensive design will be approved unconditionally;
  2. Always keep a map of polishes and a couple of glossy publications or photos with examples on your coffee table. Let your guests look through them while they wait in line;
  3. Before opening a nail salon at home, work in a salon. Experience in the beauty industry is always highly valued;
  4. Create a system of bonuses and incentives.
  5. Provide additional services, for example, you can offer clients, in addition to manicures, also haircuts.
  6. A home beauty salon is a profitable business, if only because you don’t have to share the proceeds with anyone. It’s easy to organize such a thing, and it’s a pleasure to do it. Competition can ruin your business only if you are not good enough in your profession. If you are truly a master, then no one and nothing will stop your business from flourishing. About others

  • Where to begin?
  • What do you need for work?
  • Features of doing business
  • Last step

A nail salon is a profitable business, because there has always been, is and will be a demand for beauty, and a bright, stylish manicure is an integral part of a woman’s image. But what do you need to know to open your own business in this area and make it successful? In this article we tell readers of the Lady Business website how to open a nail salon from scratch and how much it costs.

Where to begin?

You should always remember that any endeavor requires experience. In second place is the desire to create your own business from scratch. You should not assume that newfangled trainings and seminars conducted online will help increase motivation, prompt a new idea, and opening a nail salon will immediately begin to bring in money after snapping your fingers, because the main thing is the idea, the rest is secondary.

There's really no need to reinvent the wheel or listen to those who are trying to do so. Everything has been invented a long time ago and works flawlessly. The main rule of a successful business is to lift your butt and start learning something, because only with experience comes knowledge and success. Therefore, opening a nail salon should start small - gaining experience and skills.

It is better to start training at home. Every girl or woman has the basics of nail care; now you need to expand your knowledge and hone your skills. The Internet will be an effective assistant in this. There are a huge number of free videos that contain step-by-step instructions from A to Z of various manicure techniques, methods, methods. It doesn’t hurt to open an album or take a sheet of paper to sketch several manicure options. You can see an example of a teaching technique in the photo:

It’s definitely worth researching what equipment you need to open a nail salon. But you shouldn’t immediately borrow money and take out loans to buy expensive professional equipment. Suddenly it turns out that the soul is not in this business, the money will disappear, but the debts will remain. You should choose the optimal set of equipment for your budget in order to open a salon without significant financial losses. More details about how to make money doing nail extensions We talked about it in the corresponding article.

What do you need for work?

Opening a salon at home will not require significant expenses. On average, you will need about 50,000 rubles. What will these funds be used for:

  • Mills and other tools.
  • Specialized lamp.
  • Hand baths.
  • Consumables: varnishes, creams, powders, antiseptics, wipes.
  • Manicure table. But at home, ordinary furniture will also work, so you can save money here.

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The first clients will be acquaintances, friends, relatives. Their nails are a testing ground for honing their skills. Once you have the skill, you can start attracting clients. This moment is the opening of your own salon.

Features of doing business

It is advisable to work privately at home for some time. This is necessary to study the specifics of the activity, because a nail salon will subsequently require the application of certain knowledge in practice:

  • How to communicate with clients. This can be quite difficult;
  • Be able to calculate the required number of consumables so that there are no interruptions in work and to satisfy the wishes of customers;
  • Supervise personnel.

To know all this, you need to work at home for some time. In addition to experience, this will allow you to raise funds that will later become a significant help and help you open a manicure studio. According to estimates, on average, you can earn no less than 15,000 rubles monthly.

To promote a home business, it is best to use word of mouth or social networks. This will bring the desired effect - it will attract clients to the impromptu salon and will not require any monetary costs.

When you are confident that the time has come to expand, you can safely begin the process of opening a nail salon. You shouldn’t immediately strive for a grandiose scale; rather, on the contrary, you should be modest. Small nail bars are trending today. These are cozy offices designed for 1 chair. Opening them will not be difficult.

But there is one problem - a high level of competition, so most likely you will have to promote a new place from scratch. You should not be afraid of this, since modern information technologies greatly simplify this process. In addition, the nail salon is popular not because it is located in a popular place in a shopping center, but because professionals work there who are ready to implement any idea regarding nail design, give practical advice, and support the conversation.

By the way, opening small manicure corners for 1 chair in a shopping center is not a very good idea. Most people come to shop and often plan their budget in advance. Therefore, the percentage of girls and women who do shopping, as they say, is small for the soul. And it’s not a fact that they will decide to spend money on a manicure rather than buy another item or accessory.

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The manicure salon generates profit mainly from regular customers. And when one point is loaded with work to capacity, you should expand - add more chairs or open a new office for 2 more masters and start promoting it. Thus, in a few years you can create a whole network of small salons for manicure, pedicure and other services.

An example is the “Fingers” brand, which today sells its franchise, although there is nothing supernatural or complicated in organizing such a business. All you need for this is the desire to succeed and the willingness to engage in self-learning. And the above information is a step-by-step instruction, a pointer towards success and, in some way, a summary of the franchise. It will help significantly reduce costs, because opening a nail salon from scratch as a franchise is estimated at 3–5 million rubles. It is quite possible to significantly reduce this figure.

In order to find out how much it costs to open a manicure studio, you need to draw up a business plan that describes the cost of equipment, renovation of the premises and other initial costs. This will allow you to understand whether it would be profitable to organize such an activity in your city. Download nail salon business plan with detailed calculations you can from our partners. The quality of calculations is guaranteed!

Last step

To legally register your business, you need to open an individual entrepreneur, which can later transform into an LLC or OJSC. Step-by-step instructions for this process are available on the official website of the fiscal authorities. To obtain the status of an entrepreneur, you need to collect a package of documents and pay a state fee. By time independent opening of an individual entrepreneur will take no more than ten working days.

a - choice of location. Nail salons in large shopping and entertainment centers, where women come to shop, watch a movie, and hang out with friends. In this case, why don’t they spend another thousand rubles on? However, a nail salon in a residential area would be an equally successful idea: women from nearby houses will come into it on their way to work (study) or in the evenings. In this case, renting the basement of a house will do.

The next important step is to obtain permission to open the salon from the fire service and the SES. To do this, all safety conditions of the premises must comply with established standards. After receiving such permission, you can proceed to its repair and purchase of equipment. It is important that the equipment is of high quality and modern; you should not try to save money on it, since a couple of poorly provided services can sharply reduce the flow of clients.

To begin with, it is enough to hire two or three masters for a nail salon. Do not hire “stars” - too “expensive” specialists, but also do not trust beginners. Mid-level specialists are a good place to start. As a rule, a manicurist receives a fixed salary (50%) and a percentage of the work performed (50%). In some salons, masters only receive interest.

The salon should start working early in the morning (when clients go to work) and end late in the evening (some clients prefer to come in the evenings). In addition to the actual provision of manicure services, the salon can open manicure training courses and sell manicure accessories.

Remember that by law any business activity must be registered. The owner of a nail salon will have enough status as an individual entrepreneur (IP). You can register as an individual entrepreneur at the tax office at your place of residence.

Video on the topic

Nowadays, the services of beauty salons are in great demand. After all, every girl wants to remain well-groomed and beautiful. The fair sex often visits beauty salons. But even more often girls go for manicures. Therefore, the demand for this service is very high. What does it take to open a nail studio?


Any business requires initial capital. If you don't have one, then take a loan or a loan from a bank. You shouldn’t be panicky about loans, because even women strive to be beautiful. That is why it will pay off and bring you. When the financial problem is solved, proceed with the further implementation of the opening plan.

Be sure to choose a place where a woman simply cannot pass by. This could be a large shopping center. The best option would be the city center, filled with all kinds of boutiques. Therefore, there is a high probability that after another purchase a girl will definitely come to you for a manicure.

As for renting premises, the price may vary depending on the location of the premises, its parameters and renovation. When choosing, pay attention to the area. It should not be small, because only one workplace will take up at least ten square meters. To equip three manicure stations, choose a room with an area of ​​at least thirty square meters. And another plus is a utility room, which should be isolated.

Approximate data:

  • Monthly income – 246,000 rubles.
  • Initial costs – 318,400 rubles.
  • Net profit – 43,860 rubles.
  • Payback – from 8 months.
This business plan, like all others in the section, contains calculations of average prices, which may differ in your case. Therefore, we recommend that you make calculations for your business individually.

In this article we will try to draw up a detailed business plan for a nail salon with calculations.

Market analysis

Today, in the market associated with the beauty industry, nail salons are increasingly opening. Their number has increased over the past few years. They used to be part of beauty salons, but the trend has changed. Demand has increased due to the fashion for such procedures as nail extensions using tips, gel extensions, shell polish, and classic manicure. About 20% of women use the services of nail salons on a regular basis; there are fewer men – only 5%.

Many private entrepreneurs are interested in opening such a business. This is due to high demand. Most often, the main advantage over competitors is not only the professionalism of specialists, but also the use of modern techniques in their work.

By the way, according to experts, more than 50% of all beauty salon services are manicures in its various forms.

Based on the results of surveys of the owners of such salons, it turned out that most often girls aged 19-38 years use the services of nail salons. The age range is quite wide.

Adult women use proven techniques, young ladies prefer something new, bright, catchy.

Today, the average Russian woman wants to look beautiful and well-groomed. As you know, it is very important for a woman what condition her nails are in. At all times, their health and strength were signs that a lady really cared about her appearance. In addition, fashion and the opinions of others have a huge influence on the fairer sex. Therefore, the demand for services can change very quickly and like an avalanche.

Women primarily evaluate the quality of procedures and their safety.

As the experts themselves note, the market for manicure services can continue to expand for quite some time, because it is no more than half full.

The highest level of competition is observed in the segment of premium manicure services; the situation is somewhat easier in the mid-price part of the market. It is this niche that is considered the most promising and free in terms of competition and barriers encountered at the entrance to the market.

In Moscow alone, income from manicure services amounts to about 1.3 billion rubles annually.

There are no serious players in this market today. However, competition and the number of manicure service providers is growing very quickly. Now is the most favorable time to enter the market, when it is not yet fully formed.

SWOT analysis

Factors influencing the activities of an organization are divided into internal and external.



  • Offer of current services.
  • Good location.
  • Competitive price.
  • Availability of a developed marketing and advertising policy.
  • Use of quality raw materials.
  • Qualified specialists.
  • Providing quality services.

Weak sides:

  • Lack of work in this area.
  • Dependence on the landlord.
  • Narrow range of services (at first).
  • Lack of related services.
  • Lack of client base.

External factors:


  • Growing demand for the service.
  • Opportunity to take your place in the market.
  • Attracting highly qualified specialists.
  • Using subsidies from the state for the development of small businesses.
  • Wholesale purchase of quality raw materials.
  • Rapid market penetration by new competitors.
  • Some clients leave for other salons.
  • Increase in utility and rental payments.
  • Increased cost of raw materials.
  • Reduced consumer opportunities.

Opportunity Assessment

Nail salon services are not in seasonal demand. The only thing you need to remember is that during the holiday season the number of clients becomes larger than usual, because women want to look beautiful. Work will be carried out according to the following schedule:

Total: 77 working hours per week. For service you will need four manicurists and 2 administrators. With a schedule of a day every other day or two every two.

After developing a base of regular customers, it is possible to hire additional staff if the area of ​​the premises allows.

Solving organizational and legal issues:

  1. Initially, it is necessary to decide on the organizational and legal form of the enterprise. This could be an individual entrepreneur, LLC. From a legal and accounting point of view, the most profitable solution would be to choose an individual entrepreneur. Here . To register, you must pay a state fee of 800 rubles and submit an application indicating the type of economic activity. The OKVED code will be 93.02 – Provision of services by hairdressing and beauty salons. The list of services provided includes manicure.
  2. The organization must be registered with the tax authorities. It's best to choose. In this case, the tax base can be income (6%) or the difference between income and expenses (6-15% depending on the region).
  3. If you accept card payments from your clients, you will need to open a current account. To do this, read the article about.
  4. It is necessary to conclude a rental agreement for the premises. It is worth considering that the minimum area for each master is 6 m2.
  5. Rospotrebnadzor is necessary in a certain area.
  6. It is imperative to develop a plan-program for industrial control over the sanitary condition of the premises.
  7. All employees must have medical records.
  8. You can contact government agencies to receive subsidies. This will be especially true for those who do not have sufficient start-up capital.

Some more information . Before renovating premises, remodeling them, or installing furniture, you must be sure to familiarize yourself with two very important documents that directly relate to the provision of manicure services:

  • GOST R 51142-98 “Household services Hairdressing salon services General technical conditions”.
  • SanPiN“Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the location, structure, equipment, maintenance and operating hours of public utility organizations providing hairdressing and cosmetic services.”

Knowing all the nuances, it will be much easier to pass Rospotrebnadzor inspections. It will also be possible to avoid fines for violations.

Rented premises:

This will be commercial real estate. The salon will have 2 masters working simultaneously in one office. There will also be a space for an administrator to take calls and work with clients. Additionally, a bathroom will be equipped for visitors and workers. The total area will be 40 m2.

Description of service

The nail salon will provide the following services:

  • Classic manicure.
  • Hardware manicure.
  • Shell varnish coating.
  • Gel extensions.
  • Nail correction.
  • Extension using tips.
  • Therapeutic nail removal.

Any of these procedures lasts from 30 minutes to 1.5 hours. In some cases it may take longer. It all depends on the experience of the master and the speed of his work.

Standard registration is carried out by telephone. An operator answers the calls. Rescheduling is possible 12 hours before the scheduled time.

After the project pays off, it is planned to actively invest money in business development. To begin with, this will include adding several related procedures, such as tinting eyelashes and eyebrows. Later it is planned to expand the premises or open a new location. Pedicure services will be offered.

It is very important that the work is performed by an experienced and high-quality craftsman. This will provide the necessary customer base.

After opening additional points, working masters train newcomers, give them internships, and conduct courses.

Marketing plan

It is very important to conduct geomarketing research before starting work, which will help you choose the most profitable place to work. Carrying out such an analysis is costly and time-consuming. As a rule, entrepreneurs turn to specialized companies for help.

After choosing a place with a high traffic volume of potential buyers, you need to place a salon sign. It should be bright, catchy, interesting, unusual.

  • Leaflets. It is best to distribute them near the salon, in neighboring buildings, or put them in boxes in residential buildings.
  • Business cards. They need to be distributed to customers who have already arrived or right on the street.
  • Adding information to bulletin boards, online catalogs of salons, maintaining your own group on social networks, contextual advertising - the full range of advertising on the Internet.
  • Carrying out promotions, holiday discounts.
  • Discount cards for regular visitors.
  • "Word of mouth." This type of advertising is free and works on its own. To achieve the greatest effect, you need to provide the client with only high-quality services.

It is better to set the price a little lower than average at the very beginning. This will attract more buyers. As the number of clients increases, the cost can be increased. It is very important not to do this abruptly.

Planned revenue:

Name Price per procedure Quantity per month Total service income
Classic manicure 350 rub. 60 21,000 rub.
Hardware manicure 450 rub. 70 RUB 31,500
Shell varnish coating 700 rub. 90 63,000 rub.
Gel extensions 1000 rub. 50 50,000 rub.
Nail correction 750 rub. 70 RUB 52,500
Extension using tips 800 rub. 30 24,000 rub.
Therapeutic nail removal 400 rub. 10 4,000 rub.
Total 246,000 rub.

The total number of working hours per month is 341. Provided that two craftsmen always work together, the total hourly output per month will be 682 hours.

Therefore, the monthly income will be equal to 246,000 rubles.

Production plan

It is best to immediately find a suitable premises with a major overhaul so that the investment is minimal. After all, the square meters will not be owned, which means it is not worth investing a lot of money in them.

The cost of the renovation will include equipping the bathroom, sinks, and making the exterior look nice. Most likely, you will have to install additional sockets. It will cost 100,000 rubles.

For the work of the masters, you will have to buy special manicure tables, lamps, baths, shelves, chairs for clients and specialists. The administrator will also need a chair and desk. The total cost will be 90,000 rubles.

You will also need a phone and a laptop for working on the Internet, maintaining a database and client records. You can also install a stereo or TV for a fun-filled pastime for your clients. All this will cost 45,000 rubles.

To start work you will have to purchase raw materials. This will include: varnishes, gels, wipes, creams and much more. The total cost will be 30,000 rubles.

The salon will operate:

  • 4 masters. 2 per shift. Work every other day, every other day, or every other day. Piece wages - 40% of income (including insurance premiums and taxes). When hiring, you need to pay attention to experience and qualifications. Payment terms may be revised if the master has his own client base.
  • 2 administrators. Work in two days. The salary is fixed - 18,000 rubles, taking into account insurance contributions and taxes. With sales growth, it is possible to increase wages based on performance results.

Craftsmen clean their workplace themselves. Administrators carry out wet cleaning as needed and as free time is available.

Organizational plan

1 month 2 month
Individual entrepreneur registration 800 rub.
Conclusion of a lease agreement +
Geomarketing and marketing research + +
Advertising 30,000 rub. 10,000 rub.
Repair 100,000 rub.
Purchase of equipment and furniture 90,000 rub.
Purchase of equipment 45,000 rub.
Purchase of raw materials stocks 30,000 rub.
Buying a cash register 10,000 rub.
Connecting a phone, Internet 1600 rub.
Careful search and selection of personnel + +
Starting work +
Total RUB 318,400

Financial plan

  • Monthly income is 246,000 rubles.
  • Initial costs amounted to 318,400 rubles.

Let's calculate monthly costs:

Profit before tax will be: 246,000 – 194,400 = 51,600 rubles.

When calculating tax, we choose the formula (income-expenses) * 0.15 = 7,740 rubles.

Net profit will be equal to 43,860 rubles.

The payback period will be equal to 322,400/43,860 = 7.37. Therefore, after approximately 8 months, the business will be able to break even and generate real profits.

These are average calculations. When changing the amount of working time, the number of employees, orders, etc. the numbers may change significantly.


It is worth highlighting external and internal risks.

External risks include changes in legislation, a possible crisis, and increased competition. All of them ultimately have a negative impact on the profit level and prospects of the organization. If there are serious problems, the enterprise may simply become unprofitable. To avoid possible losses, it is necessary to use risk insurance and increase the quality of services provided.

The onset of internal risks can also have a rather serious impact on the level of income received and net profit. Such risks include: inexperience of personnel, their incompetence, unwillingness to work, dismissal of an employee. It is worth working with your foremen and administrators, sending them for advanced training, and creating favorable conditions. You shouldn’t chase profit; you need to involve the workers themselves in the process, interest them in the development of the nail salon.

To more accurately identify risks and conduct an expert assessment, it is worth contacting the appropriate organization, which will help develop a company policy that will help avoid possible troubles.

  1. After the initial costs have been paid off, you should not actively withdraw money from the business. It is better to invest them in the development of your own brainchild.
  2. There is no need to open many jobs. The most effective would be to distribute several salons throughout the city. So the coverage and efficiency will be greater. In one salon, 2-3 simultaneously working employees are enough.
  3. Provide additional services for customers - free coffee, watching movies or something else. You need to make sure that the consumer is as comfortable as possible in your salon.
  4. Get your employees interested in development. To do this, you can set bonuses for fulfilling the plan or increasing interest rates. During the holidays, it’s worth pleasing them with at least small gifts. Offer to partially or fully pay for advanced training courses.
  5. Organize coaching within the organization. Let experienced masters teach new ones, receiving part of their earnings, for example. Continuity of generations will be very important both for collective unity and for the performance of all employees.

For the most part, a lot depends on the entrepreneur’s ability to build relationships with his subordinates and competently manage labor resources.

Useful video on opening a nail salon

Important: Remember that you can independently create a business plan specifically for your business. To do this, read the articles:

One last request: We are all human and can make mistakes, leave something out, etc. Do not judge strictly if this business plan or others in the section seem incomplete to you. If you have experience in this or that activity or you see a flaw and can add to the article, please let me know in the comments! This is the only way we can jointly make business plans more complete, detailed and up-to-date. Thank you for your attention!

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