Directions and tools. Business on the Internet: original ideas for beginner businessmen Profitable Internet business

Good day! Today I will write an article about business without investment on the Internet and possible ideas.

By tradition, we go on a search and look at the TOP articles on the Internet about business without investment. Well, online business is simply doomed, you come across the same articles with the same ideas.

I just want to ask a question to those who write such articles: Do you even know the difference between one-time income and business?

And also immediately a question about without investments: opening an online store online or on one of the social networks, what kind of business is this on the Internet without investments?

For example, to open a full-fledged online store you will have to invest at least the same amount of money as in a real store. Various options for information business, sales, creation and promotion of your website or group on a social network.

Who said that this is a business without investment??? First of all, this is not a business. And secondly, promoting my group in contact, I spent about 200,000 rubles, where does it say that this is without investments?

There is a very interesting nuance here - a forum - a blog - a group on a social network can be done for free, but in order to develop it without money, you will spend 5 years and then you will not achieve the desired result. This is not to mention the fact that all of the above has nothing to do with business.

Today I will tell you about real business ideas on the Internet without investment:

Online business without investment

And now, after my preface, you can begin to really real business options on the Internet without investment:

Internet business copywriting agency without investment

This is perhaps the simplest idea for starting your own business without investment online..

For those who don’t know, copywriting is writing texts or, in other words, articles.

To organize a copywriting agency, you need to gather around you people who understand various topics.

In this Internet business you really don’t need to invest a penny of money and it can be developed to very serious limits and earnings.

A section about new and always relevant business ideas on the Internet for beginning freelancers and entrepreneurs who decided to open their own business in 2018-2019, but do not know where and how to start making money from scratch, including without large initial capital.

Note that the term "online business" can be used for any business or commercial transaction that involves the exchange of information online.

Ethereum mining Continuation of the business idea About online business and making money online

In our time, which is rightly called the century of modern technology, business on the Internet is developing at a rapid pace. It is quite difficult to develop successful ideas on your own, especially since most of the methods are already freely available. The main thing is to know where they are all offered and how to use them. Today the Internet is one of the most popular methods of earning money.

In the “Internet business” section, only the most profitable options, often requiring absolutely no investment, are considered. In the vastness of the World Wide Web, you can come across strategies that offer profits after certain monetary deposits. You should understand that you need to be extremely careful not to get involved in a financial scam, therefore, when looking to make money in this area, it is better to seek the help of specialists.

We have selected exclusively profitable and working Internet business ideas for you. Many ways to earn money, open and transparent business plans - all this can be found here. The strategies were selected based on our own experience, as well as from successful examples of people who were able to achieve high incomes online. It should be noted that this particular type of entrepreneurial activity is suitable for both experienced businessmen and beginners - students. In addition, in many cases it does not require specialized knowledge in software, significant financial expenses, and allows you to plan your working day independently.

Dmitry Dementiy

From the article about assessing the prospects of an online project, you know that ideas are more difficult to implement than to generate. Don't agree with this? Do you want to continue to justify inaction by the lack of a good idea? Will not work. Below are all the currently possible online business ideas. Okay, almost everything. Read, choose, do.

  1. A simple idea: open an online store. What to trade? Yes, anything: children's clothing, handmade goods, expensive cosmetics. Try to sell what you like and what you understand.
  2. Insurance broker online. Briefly about the essence: the client goes to the site, calculates the cost of the policy, transfers money to you. You send him the contract by mail or deliver it via courier.
  3. Forex provider. The global foreign exchange market operates online. Why not become a part of it?
  4. Trust management and PAMM accounts. If you are successful in Forex trading, offer people to manage their investments for a share of the profits.
  5. Content project. What to publish? Here the field is unplowed: even cats are rolling.
  6. Blogging. This is one of the features of the content project. Write or make videos about things that interest you and your audience. How Mikhail Shakin does it, for example.
  7. Software and application development.
  8. Web service “Conversation with an expert or celebrity.” You invite an expert and sell a personal conversation on Skype using the auction system.
  9. Affiliate Marketing. Sell ​​other people's products for a commission.
  10. Information products: create and sell courses, webinars, white papers, e-books, etc.
  1. Freelancing. The main thing is to choose a specialization you like.
  2. Free dating service online. Don't be tempted to break the law.
  3. Digital library. Litres and Bookmate alone are not enough for the entire RuNet.
  4. Online coaching. Teach people to lose weight, save money, trade on the Forex market, meet girls, play the guitar, shave with straight razors.
  5. Social network. Just don’t say that you shouldn’t compete with Facebook and Vkontakte. Start with a specialized social service. Here's ReadRate and LiveLib for inspiration.
  6. Hosting provider. Yeah, you'll have to buy expensive equipment and rub elbows to get a place in the market.
  7. Service for purchasing tickets and tours online.
  8. Online radio. Offer your audience a high-quality information flow.
  9. Photobank. Sell ​​photos.
  10. Online casino or betting site. Find out how to properly register this business so as not to break the law.
  11. Fortune telling, predictions, magic online. For every product there is a merchant.
  12. Games. This particular aspect of creating software and applications can and should be highlighted.
  13. Cybersquatting. Invest in domain registration and resale.
  14. Shared shopping service. Try working locally: in your city or region.
  15. Online flea market. Try to beat the competition through specialization.
  16. Discount aggregator. It's a competitive market, but worth a try.
  17. T-shirt prints. This business can be run remotely.
  1. Handmade. Accept orders for production of products online. What to do? Dishes, dolls, furniture, jewelry, shaving bowls, musical instruments. Anything, in a word.
  2. Psychological help online. If someone turns to fortune tellers, then there are clients for psychologists.
  3. Thematic catalogue. Develop the idea of ​​yellow pages, create a virtual directory of businesses and institutions.
  4. Bulletin board. Has already? And you do better. Or look for your blue ocean for the rest of your life.
  5. Trade on Ebay and Amazon. What to sell? One example: Europeans buy 5 Mostochlegmash blades for 1.1 euros. How much do they cost in a store near you? That's right, 3 euros for 100 pieces. Do you see where the gamble is? Who needs Moscow blades? Hm, Americans consider them perhaps the best in the world. If you decide to trade, check out the article about Amazon.
  6. Online forms library. Create and maintain an up-to-date resource from which you can download application forms to any authority: from the passport office to the tax office. Find a way to monetize your traffic.
  7. Legal assistance online. Help your audience create packages of documents for registering businesses, registering at their place of residence, etc.
  8. Marketing agency. Why not.
  9. Network marketing online. Become a distributor of magic pills and miracle cosmetics. Sell ​​this stuff through your own website.
  10. Online Research Agency. Conduct surveys, study statistics, sell reports.
  11. Online time bank. The main thing is to find a way to monetize this project.
  12. School of survival. Start preparing people for the zombie apocalypse today.
  13. Dropshipping. Just don’t confuse it with drug dealing. Dropshippers are intermediaries who organize the delivery of goods to consumers. In the context of online business, you may be interested in profitable delivery of goods from foreign online stores.
  1. Handmade soap and cosmetics. What does the Internet have to do with it? And you will sell products online.
  2. Homemade confectionery. Here you can only work in the local market.
  3. Individual tailoring. Be sure to publish the guide “How to take your own measurements” on the website.
  4. Charity. Unfortunately, in our world this is also a business. Fundraisers for charities around the world receive a share of the funds raised.
  5. Employment consultations. You won’t believe it, but many job seekers, even in the Internet era, do not know how to write a resume.
  6. Usury. No, you do not need a banking license. Thanks to online money, you can lend to anyone as a private individual.
  7. Remote technical support. Do you know how many users don’t know how to set up a router?
  8. Internet cafe. Yes, Wi-Fi coverage is available almost everywhere. And you focus on the cafe.
  9. Virtual currency exchange. Exchange wmz for wmr and back at a favorable rate.
  10. Antique shop online. Buy, restore and sell old items.
  11. Buying and selling websites. You need to buy a failed project, improve it and resell it.
  12. Thematic forum. Create a forum similar to the Russian Medical Server forum in your field.
  13. Online sale of sets of everyday goods. A couple of years ago the project exploded on the Internet DollarShaveClub, which regularly sent customers a set of razor blades for one dollar. This way you can sell different things: socks, hygiene items, solution for contact lenses, food for fish and dogs, etc.
  14. Digitization of paper photos, books, documents. Can you handle it?
  15. Online audit. Check websites, programs, applications, services.
  16. Ghost writing. One of the features of freelancing, if you like. Most likely, you will not write for politicians, like the hero of the film, but for potential candidates and doctors of science.
  17. Web service for teaching older people how to use computers. Do something similar to LinguaLeo, but about basic PC skills for seniors.
  18. Surprise service. The client pays you 500 rubles and gives the address of the person he wants to surprise and make laugh. You take some nonsense, package it and send it to the recipient. You can’t choose nonsense, otherwise the whole meaning is lost.
  19. Russification of templates for WordPress. Thanks to our guide, you won’t need any special preparation: just take it and do it.
  20. Virtual realtor. Create a resource for publishing advertisements for the sale and purchase of real estate.
  21. Remote call center services. You will have to pay employees and buy equipment.
  22. Hacker agency. You need to hack everything and then sell information about vulnerabilities to the owners. Be sure to study all the legal nuances. Apparently, you will have to call yourself not hackers, but cybersecurity specialists.

  1. Selling online communities. It's simple: create a community, catch up with bots, earn 100 rubles. To earn more, create real communities.
  2. Courier service. Focus on online service: the user should be able to set a task and pay for services online. The courier must appear for a couple of seconds to pick up or deliver the package.
  3. Exchange of services. Create a freelance website for offline workers: plumbers, carpenters, electricians, nurses.
  4. Mystery shopping exchange. Help brands find performers for this delicate work.
  5. Sale of organic products. This aspect of online trading deserves special mention. It seems that the fashion for natural things will never go away.
  6. Product testing. Study consumer properties of products and write reports. Once you become a renowned expert, retailers and manufacturers will send free samples and pay for reviews.
  7. Venture investing. Invest in projects at an early stage of development. Perhaps one of the 50 thousand startups you fund will become the next Facebook.
  8. Coworking center. Create a working environment for entrepreneurs and businessmen.
  9. Production of modern gadgets with Internet connection. These could be robotic toys, drones, sensor bracelets for children and pets, smart home devices, etc.
  10. System administration services. Your company will become an outsourcer of services for companies that do not want to keep a system administrator on staff.
  11. Online copy center. The idea is this: clients send you term papers, dissertations, photographs, and memoirs by email. You print them, stitch them and send them to the customer via courier service. Documents can be edited and formatted for a fee.
  1. Sale of goods for animals. Another aspect of online trading that deserves special mention due to its high margins. Paradox: people save on themselves, but pay a lot of money for goods for children and animals.
  2. Event planning. Sell ​​the creation of scripts for weddings, corporate parties, and holidays.
  3. Online credit broker. The idea is similar to virtual insurance brokerage: you collect applications for credit cards online and transfer them to banks. You work according to the TKS Bank model, but represent the interests of several financial institutions.
  4. Medical consultation online. Of course, it will be difficult for you to compete with the Russian Medical Server forum, where you can get advice from great specialists for free. Try to win the market with urgency, video call consultations and mobile apps for patient consultation.
  5. Service for creating design layouts and three-dimensional models of premises online. Try giving clients the opportunity to edit the layouts themselves.
  6. Tutor online. Create a resource where parents can find remote tutors for their children.
  7. Online estimator. Create a service with which you can automatically calculate estimates for repairs or small construction. For a fee, allow us to purchase the services of a live estimator. You can earn commissions from suppliers of building materials.
  8. Credit bureau. In the Internet era, credit histories can be created online.
  9. Lunch delivery service to the office. No, you don't need to transfer cabbage soup via Bluetooth. Create an app that allows workers at all office centers in the area to quickly order lunch.
  10. Prank agency. Your clients leave a request and the coordinates of the “victim”. You play it and get money.
  11. Make toys based on children's drawings. It seems that talked about an entrepreneur who realized this idea. It's simple: a child draws some kind of freak, the parents send you the drawing, and you bring your childhood fantasies to life.
  12. Strawberry business. According to some estimates, adult content generates more than a third of Internet traffic globally. Take advantage of this. Just have a good understanding of the varieties of strawberries: don’t even think about breaking laws, including ethical ones. Create and sell a beautiful, lightweight, artistically valuable product.

  1. Service for creating mobile applications. We'll have to compete with TheAppBuilder and Appsmakerstore. But you will catch the wave of mobile transformation of the Internet.
  2. Play poker online. What does this have to do with business? Professional players earn beautiful sums in foreign currency at the virtual table. Why poker and not chess, football or roulette? In chess and football, you make money offline, but in roulette, winnings depend on chance.
  3. Start an online university. Teach people anything remotely: programming, journalism, design. Attract reputable lecturers. Make your university degree prestigious.
  4. Service for sending posthumous messages. You don’t need to invent anything: just creatively rethink the idea of ​​the British Last Messages Club. The service sends emails to family and friends when a club member dies. Something like this: “Water the flowers, walk with Barbos three times a day. Yes, the policy and cash are in the Sberbank safe deposit box.”
  5. Warehouse outsourcing. Imagine the situation: you have an empty attic, and your neighbor has something that has nowhere to be stored, but would be a pity to throw away. Your neighbor pays 100 rubles a year to store rubbish in your attic. Here's a business idea: create an online service where owners of empty attics and junk can find each other.
  6. Employment portal for people with special needs. This service will be in demand by employers and job seekers. Start thinking about how to monetize it.
  7. Implement the idea within the framework of the Internet of Things concept. Get creative: Insert a wireless transmitter and display into your running shoes, water bottle, dog collar or baby diaper. Help clients count kilometers traveled, milliliters drunk, and remotely monitor the well-being of children and pets. Similar ideas often appear on Kickstarter, you can take a look there.
  1. Find an unusual way to sell advertising online. Focus on the crazy ideas of the guys from Captive Media, try to outdo Tittygram.
  2. Online restaurant. It's simple: the client goes to the website and orders food. You prepare the selected dishes, deliver them to the specified location and set the table. You can add a webcam so the client can watch the chef at work.
  3. Service for the paranoid. Create a resource with which users can anonymously store and transmit information, work on the Internet and on a personal computer. Offer your audience a cloud service similar to Edward Snowden's hacker kit. Immediately think about how to convince clients that you are not from the CIA or FSB.
  4. Monetize the need of smartphone and tablet owners to recharge their devices. You need devices that can be used to charge batteries in public places. For example, for the opportunity to feed a smartphone, ask the user to watch an advertisement, install an application, register on a website, etc.
  5. Remote teacher search service. Sometimes parents do not have the strength, desire or ability to give their children enough attention. In such cases, adults often slip a tablet or computer into the hands of children: watch their cartoons, just leave them alone. If parents have money for a tablet and the Internet, let them fork out for an online teacher who will teach their child something useful via Skype.
  6. Make money on Facebook. There are a whole lot of opportunities to make money from Zuckerberg’s brainchild.

This article could be called “150...”, “300...” or “100,500 Internet Business Ideas.” In this case, you would have to read about online stores for toys, pottery and a hundred other types of goods. The same story would repeat itself with mobile applications, websites and web services. You can figure out the specifics of general ideas on your own, which is why they are practically not on the list.

Try the suggested ideas and share your experience. As usual, write comments, suggestions and additions in the comments to the article. Perhaps you have some crazy, unrealistic and overwhelming online business ideas? Tell us about them.


In a financial crisis, when the number of jobs is declining, but at the same time the consumer and service sectors remain in demand, ideas or even businesses from scratch occupy the minds of ordinary citizens.

The desire to find opportunities for additional income is an important reason for searching for activities without capital investments. The benefit of such a business can be considered a minimal amount of risks, and if a person believes that he is strong in some area, then this will serve as an additional guarantee of the success of the new endeavor.

Business from scratch - does it happen?

No, such a business does not exist. In any case, you will have to invest:

  1. Education.
  2. If there is no education, time.
  3. And, in any case, great enthusiasm.

There is a point of view that all the proposed ideas for beginners are not a business, but a craft. But there are no other options with a zero start. If there is no money for hired workers, you have to be your own hired worker. And only with the growth of your business, your own skills, abilities and income, will it be possible to delegate some of your functions to someone else. Moreover, very often even “grown” small-scale businessmen are forced to create an adequate replacement for themselves over the years. This is the specificity of small business. Small business is a way of life. To dream that in a couple of years the gears will turn without any of your participation is at least naive.

This material contains proven ideas in which you can still find your niche. Think about what your highlight is among the masses of the same, and go ahead. Each of these ideas fits perfectly into the “low start” requirements.

Types of businesses you can start without large investments

We will present at least 100 ideas that allow... There is no clear division into separate groups, but for a better understanding of the field in which you can go, we will accept a conditional classification by type:


Automotive business ideas

The best ideas in the car business include the following:

Earn money online

For women

Video review

This article from To Biz looks at the newest ideas of 2017, and the authors argue that these ideas are indeed promising, work, but have not yet become too competitive.


The production sector includes a large number of different ideas, but you should be prepared that a certain amount of start-up capital will be required.

Creative ideas

Some business ideas may initially be results-oriented because they are creative and unusual.

Home business

You can also find ways to earn money while sitting at home. Most home ideas are related to the hand-made industry.

Ideas for 2017

Every year new types of business appear, designed to generate, albeit small, income and capable of meeting the needs of society.

Ideas in crisis

In the wake of the crisis, you should choose business ideas in areas that remain in demand even with the scarcity of potential clients.

Ideas for business in Moscow

It is difficult to surprise the metropolitan public, and the market is so saturated that ideas are required that are either not yet very developed or have competitive advantages.

Some examples of investments and payback periods for a business idea

The main thing that will concern everyone who decides to open their own business is the amount of investment and the payback period of the project.

Business idea Investment amount Skills Payback period
Tutoring ——— Knowledge in a specific field, diploma Depending on the number of students
Vending massage 1 chair 35 thousand rubles Not required 1 person - 100 rubles, per day throughput 10 people = 1000 rubles. 30 thousand per month. Payback in three months
Mafia game or similar Renting premises and organizing advertising (approximately 30,000) Not required Income per month 28,000, payback two months
Sewing clothes for pets Buying fabric, 1 meter = 300-500 rubles Sewing skills One ready-made suit costs from 1500 to 2000. Payback period is a month
Home beauty salon 30,000 rubles Knowledge of hairdressing 4-5 months

Opening your own business with minimal investment is real. The most important thing at the initial stage is to monitor the market situation, identify a niche area and draw up a business plan. Next you will need only persistence and desire to make a profit. You should not expect that the money will flow like a river; in the first months you will have to work hard.

It was no coincidence that this option was chosen first, because almost everyone has an account on one or another social network. To create your own community, you need a minimum of funds, only personal time. On what ?


Internet magazine

When creating websites for someone else, you can think about making money on the site itself. What is needed for that? First, of course, a site with content. It must be constantly updated and kept up to date. Secondly, promotion so that the site reaches the first positions for search engines. How do they make money here?

Of course, on advertising. Visitors to your resource see advertisements and click on them. Earnings are individual and depend on the number of ad views, resource traffic and other nuances. We can say that 30 thousand rubles a month is far from the limit.

Online store

You can sell anything you buy via the Internet. Opening a store is a dream for many today. To open, you need to purchase a website store, fill it with goods, and run advertising. Carefully consider items such as delivery and payment. You can’t say much about this option; everything was invented long ago before us.

How much profit does an online store bring?

Profit and payback are of course a concern for everyone. But the answer is impossible; it will depend on the number of sales, the goods themselves, the ability to find and attract a buyer. To calculate the possible risks, don’t be lazy.

Android application development

Every day, tens of thousands of phones are purchased around the world and hundreds of thousands of applications are downloaded. Do you know how to create and have interesting ideas? Create a company that will start developing applications for Android and start making money by selling them.

What applications are in demand?

The Internet can be used to build both useful and entertaining applications. Games, programs for saving phone resources, showing the weather/measuring steps and others - do what you know how to do and what is in demand.

Game development for social networks

Many users of popular social networks. Networks go to them not only for communication, but also for a pleasant pastime. Do you have an idea for an interesting game? Bring it to life. Thousands of games find their fans every day, bringing substantial income to their creators. Don't want to become one of them?


The currency exchange does not fully contribute to opening a business online, but... All you need to know is to calculate forecasts of currency movements. You can entrust your money to experienced traders, or you can trade on your own. There are many options, including binary options - To understand the essence, you need to study.

Sales of educational materials

If you know how to do something better than others or know secrets that can be useful, start recording this information on discs and selling it. For example, this could be a course on how to quickly lose weight, pump up muscles, or learn how to make websites. There are a lot of options that will help you quickly find clients.

The cost of a disk, depending on the value of the information recorded on it, can vary from 100 to a thousand rubles. Well, did you have any ideas?

Online tutoring on the network

There are always those who need help in learning a language, a school subject, or preparing for exams. If you can explain information clearly, it makes sense to consider providing tutoring services.

In order not to waste time on the road to the client, or other services. According to recent data, an hour of work for a tutor costs 500 rubles and more.

Online radio in RuNet

How many radio stations do you know? Surely, every second person will name more than three. But, you must admit, the entries on them are very similar and can get boring. Why don’t you, in this case, create your own channel, working as a radio host and at the same time being its owner.

The bare minimum will be required

To open your own radio, you need to purchase hosting (the place where your website will be located), have access to the World Wide Web and a microphone. consists of advertisements that will be read on air. The larger your audience, the more an advertiser will be willing to pay for an ad.

Money exchange service

A business idea based on exchanging funds from one payment system to another is one of the most profitable. Profit is received from the commission taken for the exchange; it can be either fixed or represent a percentage. It must be said right away that it is not worth increasing the cost of the service, since clients will prefer to save money and turn to another exchange service.

To get started, you will need to create wallets in the most common payment systems and put a certain amount of money on them. Then you can create a service that will work automatically or semi-automatically, or you can do everything yourself.

Carefully check those who transfer funds to you. A short lifespan of a wallet and a large amount may be a sign of money laundering, which could put you in trouble with the law.

Client search firm

Almost all of the above ideas require clients. Taking this into account, you can search for clients for a particular company.

Where to look for clients? This is an interesting question, the answer to which is given by the same “Internet”. For example, you need to find potential buyers to sell them bed linen. What to look for? Of course, the stores that sell it. The same must be done for other areas of activity.

The client database must contain the company name/customer name, email and phone number. It is also worth noting that client bases can be “warm” and “cold”. The cost of the former is higher and starts from 5 thousand rubles. If you are ready to collect and systematize information all day, then creating a client search company should be considered as an excellent business option that can be opened on the Internet.

Here are the promised 17 ideas on what you can build a current Internet business from scratch.. Please note that some of them require absolutely no investment, allowing you to do without starting capital. If you don’t have the knowledge, 2-3 months of training will help improve the situation.

What to choose? It depends on you, but remember that it should bring not only income, but also pleasure from work. Otherwise, the desire to continue what you started will disappear after the first difficulties, and this will not lead to anything good.

Business. Earnings. Credit. Cryptocurrency