"You can sell more than just condoms in traffic jams." Selling food in traffic jams to angry and tired drivers Selling food in traffic jams

Delivery of Snickers coffee and chocolates in traffic jams appeared in St. Petersburg. Today, two young men in branded aprons "Hey, coffee!" we were on duty in the morning on Pirogovskaya embankment, and tomorrow coffee, tea and sweets can be ordered on Ligovsky Prospekt. There is no fixed delivery fee: the service works in test mode for voluntary donations.

Delivery works right in a traffic jam: one waiter of a mobile coffee shop takes orders on the side of the road, and after 200-250 meters a hot drink and a chocolate bar are handed over to another. In the future, the application can be left on the project website Heycoffee.ru (with the address and traffic jam time and your contact phone number). In addition, the creators plan to launch a mobile application and purchase terminals for paying with bank cards, as well as install mobile waiters in every daily traffic jam in the city.

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Since the end of March, it has been delivering coffee and desserts to the traffic jam at Ligovsky. The service is open from 8 am to 10 am

The first to launch this service was the Volkonsky confectionery network in Moscow. Coffee and pastries in traffic jams are offered from 8 to 10 am on a small stretch of Rublevsky highway. Orders are taken by phone, and taken out of a nearby cafe.

Recently, trade in traffic jams as a business has become popular. The Americans were the first to understand the benefits of such entrepreneurship, who began to deliver fast food to traffic jams, and then they picked up the idea in Russia, starting selling not only food, but also hot coffee.

    • How to Get a Coffee Shop Coffee Machine for Free
    • Small mobile coffee shop project
    • How much money do you need to open a mobile coffee shop
    • Where is the best place to place a mobile coffee shop
    • What does it take to start selling coffee in corks?
    • Which OKVED to choose for a mobile coffee shop?
    • Do I need a permit for a mobile coffee shop?
    • Equipment for organizing a coffee shop on wheels
    • 4 types of coffee that customers prefer
    • Coffee in Jams: 6 Ways to Beat the Competition

In traffic jams, the “Coffee to go” service has become very popular, and the average cup of coffee in a paper thermo-glass costs from 100 rubles.

How to Get a Coffee Shop Coffee Machine for Free

You can also rent a coffee machine from a coffee supplier, in addition, some suppliers have such a service - they provide a coffee machine for free if you enter into an exclusive contract with them for the supply of coffee.

Small mobile coffee shop project

If you are planning to organize a serious business and get a good income, you will need to hire couriers who will deliver drinks to drivers.

How much money do you need to open a mobile coffee shop

Initial investments will require no less than 250-300 thousand.

It is also possible to buy a ready-made Coffee to Go franchise, which will cost an average of 200,000 to 500,000 rubles. At first glance, it is expensive, but by opening a franchise business, you can get not only support and assistance in starting a business, but also good conditions for coffee and consumables.

The franchise provides an uninterrupted supply of coffee, proven ways to design a mobile coffee shop, as well as its recommendations for placement at different times of the year, time of day, as well as depending on weather conditions.

Where is the best place to place a mobile coffee shop

Seasonality is the main enemy of a mobile coffee shop, so you should foresee where the people will be even if the weather outside is cold or it is snowing. That's right - traffic jams will only increase, and sales will grow.

On the other hand, beach and resort areas are most crowded on weekends and holidays.

Another one of the must-have processes is to keep track of major events and holidays and plan accommodation there in advance.

What does it take to start selling coffee in corks?

If you decide to start selling coffee in traffic jams, then you can safely take on this direction, since the niche for Russia is relatively new, and the competition is not too strong yet. First of all, you need register as a sole proprietor, and as a taxation system, choose a simplified regime - STS - taxable base - income (the rate may change over time, now it is 6%).

Which OKVED to choose for a mobile coffee shop?

  1. retail
  2. retail outside stores

Do I need a permit for a mobile coffee shop?

First you need to decide where you want to trade, because you need to have permission to trade in the place where the mobile coffee shop is located. By law, you cannot sell coffee from a non-stationary outlet unless one is on your permit.

Even before opening a business, you should contact the administration of the city or district to find out what is needed to register a business.

Many aspiring entrepreneurs often ignore the need for a trade permit and already negotiate on the spot or resolve issues as they arise.

Equipment for organizing a coffee shop on wheels

To start a cork coffee business, you will need the following minimum equipment:

  1. equipped van (most expensive)
  2. mobile coffee machine
  3. thermal backpacks
  4. thermal breaks
  5. blender
  6. cooling chamber.

You will also need plastic cups with lids, coffee, sugar, napkins. In addition, a mobile stall or the recently popular coffee vans are required, which are an integral part of the popular mobile coffee shop franchise today.

The most expensive parts are a car and a coffee machine, we already wrote above that often a coffee machine can be rented, and a car can be purchased on credit for 5 years - then investments at the start will be generally minimal!

4 types of coffee that customers prefer

It is desirable that the assortment of coffee and drinks based on it offered by you be as wide as possible - at least 4 types, starting with regular espresso and americano and ending with latte and mocha.

It is better not to save money and use good varieties of coffee, then the product will be in demand.

You can add a little exotic. Many customers will certainly enjoy coffee with additives and syrups.

Over time, it is also good to add tea of ​​various varieties, all kinds of non-alcoholic cocktails, juices, fruit drinks, lemonade. You can increase sales through fresh pastries, boiled corn, fast foods.

Coffee in Jams: 6 Ways to Beat the Competition

As the sale of coffee in corks becomes more and more popular, and the number of people who want to build such a business is growing, competition in this niche cannot be avoided. Therefore, at first it is worth thinking about how to attract more customers and beat the competition.

This will help:

  1. First of all, it's delicious coffee.;
  2. Competitive prices;
  3. Form style(own logo on glasses and packaging, sellers uniform);
  4. Discounts and promotions, which can be organized from time to time (for example: when buying 4 glasses - the 5th is free);
  5. High level of service(it is worth teaching couriers not to argue with customers, to smile. To see the mistakes and miscalculations of sellers, you can equip them with video cameras);
  6. Creation of a mobile online application that allows you to book coffee online.

In a good scenario, the enterprise will pay off within a few months, and after six months or a year it is quite possible to go to another level, open new points and promote your coffee business further.

  • In contact with
  • Instagram
  • GoProStudio

Entrepreneurs of many business areas - commercial radio, outdoor advertising, car services, etc. earn money from drivers standing in traffic jams. Lilia and Mikhail Mikheich, an entrepreneurial couple from Novosibirsk, have launched a cork business that is new for their region – they offer hot bean coffee to drivers who get stuck on their way. The business started at the end of 2015, and by the summer of this year, Lilia and Mikhail plan to become profitable. The Mikheichs told Biz360 about the nuances of their mobile coffee business.

Lilia and Mikhail Mikheich, Novosibirsk entrepreneurs, company owners "Empire of Taste", which specializes in the mobile sale of drinks on the streets. Lilia graduated from the Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University with a degree in economics and worked in active sales. Mikhail is a well-known rap artist in Novosibirsk.

"There was no turning back"

This is our family business. When we decided to open our own business, we chose a niche for a long time - website development, advertising, etc. To invest there, to invest here - everything was superficial. One of the evenings, we got the idea to sell coffee in corks, and quickly formed a company. We phoned the manufacturers of thermal backpacks, chose those who are closer to us in spirit, who are more positive.

We were fired up that not only in Novosibirsk there is no such service, but also in other places; We go to many places - for work, for leisure. The niche is not occupied, and we had an idea about its development. As we have seen, this is how it is reproduced now. The people take it very well.

At the first stage, we immediately invested 400 thousand rubles. These are, firstly, equipment - thermal backpacks and thermal packs, then - rental of premises, consumables - cups, portioned sugar, napkins, spoons, chewing gum, etc. Glasses at us - with the logo.

On December 22 last year, we were given the documents, and we started. For two or three days they were looking for a room, they brought in racks for thermal equipment - the backpacks are quite voluminous, they take up a lot of space. By the way, the racks cost 3-4 thousand rubles each, we initially did not think about them at all. In general, we faced additional costs - at the initial stage, we thought that 250 thousand would be enough for us - equipment and premises, and nothing more was calculated. Then, when the premises were already rented, the costs began to increase.

I had to pull, there was no way back, especially since the main equipment was purchased immediately: ten thermal backpacks, three thermal packs. Thermal backpack - it is located on the back and it has a drive-hose through which liquid is supplied. And the thermal separation, on the contrary, is ahead of the person.

"At first, people shied away"

At first, people shied away, for them it was something new, incomprehensible. But then recognition already appeared, regular customers appeared, reviews went. Our coffee is not some kind of instant, but freshly brewed, and we use the good Paulig brand, the Arabica variety. And we try to keep the brand. We have a contract with a kitchen company, they provide us with a finished product in the morning, we bring containers to them, they fill them. We charge the thermal equipment, seal it and the supervisors deliver it to the points.

Many people still think that coffee in a cork is offered to them for free. And this is despite the fact that each seller has a flag that says "Coffee - 100 rubles." The same is written on the handbag, on the thermal backpacks themselves, moreover, on both sides. The driver stops and says "okay, let's go!". In the first weeks, this was our main problem. Now there is more or less recognition.

The uniform of the sellers is armlets, a red cap with reflective elements. Our guys have the most important task, and we tell them this in the morning: your job is not to sell coffee, but still to give a person positive on a gloomy morning, to wish a good day, good mood. We try to build our work on the positive. So that a person buys, and he remembers that he not only drank coffee, but also wished him a good day. Our service allows the driver not to get out of the car, not to look for where to park - this is an important factor.

“We don’t argue, we don’t swear, we don’t prove”

All of our salespeople have GoPro cameras, they are set up so that we can see the hands of the salesperson, the way he serves coffee. The camera sits on the shoulder like a parrot. We review, see what errors occur, for example, so that the seller does not argue. We have three main rules - we don’t argue, we don’t swear, we don’t prove. If the driver starts a discussion, the guys just wish you a good day and move on.

There are already regular customers, they drive up, they have a banknote of 100 rubles ready. There are two, three. Many people ask about cashless payments, we think about this topic. In order for everything to be fast, like in stores - there you don’t need a pin code up to 1000 rubles, you just swiped your card - and it was removed. You can set up a terminal for 100 rubles so that drivers do not take time.

We do not welcome the presence of sellers on federal highways, on central roads, where there is a lot of traffic - so as not to distract the attention of drivers and not to risk ourselves. We work on narrow roads, where there are "long" traffic lights. We choose such roadsides, where there are two or three lanes, and where cars linger for a long time at the traffic lights. We try not to disturb the drivers.

We plan to turn a profit closer to the summer. Now the rent, supplies and salaries of mobile sellers are already paying off.

A glass of coffee costs 100 rubles, sugar, cream and chewing gum are attached to the coffee. 30 rubles - remuneration of sellers, 12 rubles - consumables, 8 rubles - additional costs. So it turns out that the cost of a cup of coffee is 50 rubles.

In the summer we will have a few more projects. We will continue to sell coffee, but we are also planning a mobile sale of soft drinks near water bodies and parks. Our thermal backpacks keep the set temperature for about four hours, so the drinks will be cold. Now we are just looking for suppliers of non-alcoholic mojitos, lemonades, some fruit drinks with ice.”

In summer, we will have hot pastries and hot corn in thermal breaks. After all, our business is more geared towards the summer, and it will be more comfortable for the guys to be outside in the summer. In winter, when it is below minus 15, we naturally did not work, because the guys are cold.

Our business is specific, only at first glance everything is simple. Winter is cold, and now, for example, spring - roadsides begin to melt, spray from the roads.

Entrepreneurs all over the world spend several years looking for effective business ideas in search of how to make their first million. But the bottom line is that you don’t need to think much, because the idea of ​​making money in traffic jams can become the basis for a further successful business.

On average, every fourth motorist in Russia spends about half an hour in a traffic jam. As an example, we can consider several successful business ideas that are presented on the KHOBIZ.RU website absolutely free of charge. After all, it is not necessary to come up with something radically new, sometimes it is enough to use an already entrenched, proven business model.

1. Distribution of flyers.

Most advertising companies are targeted at a certain segment of the population. Why not organize your advertising business in traffic jams. What is interesting for all motorists? They are interested in comfortable car repair shops, various car services, car shops. This ad is aimed specifically at car owners. But you can also be more creative. One fitness center advertised itself with the slogan "Better exercise instead of traffic jams." And they also offered discounts at the time of day when traffic jams are most often on the roads.

2. Organization of a car sales business.

The used car market is one of the most developed in Russia. A sufficient number of drivers want to buy a new car and sell the current one as profitably as possible, but a number of factors often interfere - employment, the wrong business site is chosen for advertising, ignorance of where to find a potential client. You can offer car owners to help them sell their car for a fee, namely, to draw up a price list and distribute it to motorists. Among other drivers, there may be those who want to buy a car.

3. Sale of food and soft drinks.

There is no point in writing extensive comments here and this is not a new business idea. A person can deny himself entertainment, rest or other things, but not food or water. And standing in a long traffic jam, the only chance to satisfy the feeling of hunger and thirst is to meet a dealer in these vital products. This is the category of goods that is purchased without much thinking about the price and "cheating".

4. Sale of audio books, films, music CDs, newspapers, magazines.

Goods for leisure and pleasant pastime. You need to occupy yourself with something, to sit idle mentally, not everyone is ready to endure. And here already for every taste - popular literature, crosswords, music, films or just a news newspaper. According to a social survey, 77% of Russians are stuck in a traffic jam, enjoy their favorite music, listen to their favorite radio station. And accordingly, advertising on these radio stations during peak hours is much more expensive than during more “calm hours”.

5. Distribution of invitation cards for events.

It can be various parties in nightclubs, bars, concerts of local bands or world famous performers.

6. Sale of massage mats, portable back and neck massagers.

These can be battery or USB products. The main thing that can be offered to motorists is to relax a bit. Time spent in a traffic jam drags with it physical discomfort. Most often, massage mats are bought by middle-aged women, dealers in traffic jams say. What could be better than a little massage when back pain comes from spending too much time in a sitting position?

This is not a complete list of ideas. You can search the KHOBIZ.RU website for a number of other useful ideas, or you can come up with something new and ingenious yourself.

Serious income is brought by the most unpredictable ideas - the sale of mini-toilets, because, according to the manufacturer, about 500 copies of a portable mini-compact toilet can be sold per week, a printer and a fax machine can be loaned. There are even companies that are engaged in the conversion of SUVs and minibuses into real offices with printers, fax machines, the Internet and other work paraphernalia.

Especially for KHOBIZ.RU

Traffic jams on the Russian roads of large cities have become a byword. Unfortunately, this problem is relevant in many countries of the world. When you sit in a traffic jam for a long time, late for an important meeting, besides being angry and hungry, you just want to commit suicide ... well, or have a bite to eat.

However, wherever people feel uncomfortable, there will certainly be a place for an original idea of ​​​​entrepreneurship! took the liberty of thinking about it.

If traffic jams are a disgusting evil for road users, then for active entrepreneurs it is a wonderful opportunity to start a promising and unhackneyed business (I have not yet seen anyone selling food to drivers in traffic jams).

The advanced entrepreneur perceives this stalled movement as an inexhaustible huge stream of future customers. You just have to think: what are the needs of drivers and passengers caught in a long traffic jam, and find ways to meet these needs. Here, everyone will benefit from mutual benefit: it will become easier for road users to endure waiting times on the road. Active entrepreneurs get a new source of income for themselves.

Of course, the most cherished desire of drivers and passengers is to quickly get to the place where they planned to go. Naturally, you cannot solve this problem. But to alleviate the sad fate of drivers, making the expectation of movement more comfortable - this is in your power.

A person is designed in such a way that he periodically wants to drink or eat. Prudent citizens take food and water with them on the road. But most people don't think about it. And often many drivers find themselves in a situation where it is difficult and long to get home, but they really want to eat and drink. It is up to you to make this problem easier for them. Offer them drinks and ready meals right in the traffic jam!

Selling food in traffic jams

Put yourself in the driver's seat for a minute: tired after a hard day, he wants to get home as soon as possible. And gets into a long traffic jam. He wants to eat, drink, rest. But will get home only in a few hours

And then you appear - so fresh, friendly, and offer him a delicious appetizing sandwich and a bottle of cool water. It is very likely that he will be very happy with you and will certainly buy the set of products you offer! Now look carefully: how many of these passengers and drivers are in traffic jams every day?! This is a dimensionless audience of your future customers!

Business planning in traffic jams

You have decided to do business in traffic jams. There are several options for this income. You can start trading products in traffic jams yourself. If, on the other hand, you like to lead while reaching more clients, choose a reliable team for yourself. It is rational to invite nice sociable young guys and pretty girls from whom drivers and passengers will be happy to buy food and drinks.

You should also consider the optimal package of products suitable for successful implementation in traffic jams. Products need to be beautifully packaged: sandwiches, chocolate bars, chips. Healthy food is also sold well - bananas, apples, yoghurts, various juices, iced tea, mineral water.

Trading in traffic jams can earn quite solid money. After all, the prices for drinks and food will be much higher than in stores. About like in roadside inexpensive cafes. So, at the cost of a ruddy juicy apple of 15 rubles, it can be successfully sold for 50 or 60 rubles.

Of course, a certain part of the funds will go to pay your salespeople. But the volume of products sold will increase, due to the fact that sellers will make you hundreds of successful sales in a day. The profit received at the end of the month will pleasantly surprise you. A smart entrepreneur will certainly plan what products will be most requested by customers depending on the season.

In winter, hot coffee and tea are in demand. And in summer, cold drinks and fresh fruits will be sold much faster. If you do not know how to change the situation, try to make money on it! Good luck with your traffic jam business!

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