The most popular products now. Rating of the best-selling products in Russia and around the world

Today, budding businessmen face difficult questions: “What is interesting to the consumer? In what direction should we start acting? Indeed, the modern market is ready to offer “everything and a little more.” In order for entrepreneurial activity to bring not only pleasure, but also profit, you need to know what people will always need, regardless of the financial situation. In-demand goods in Russia in 2017 are the topic of our article, because they are the ones that influence the economic structure of the country.

What is it - the most popular product in Russia

To begin with, you should pay attention to food products - these are the goods that will always be bought:

    meat, fish, sausage;

    milk and products made from it;

  • "pasta";

    vegetables and fruits.

In addition, the most popular goods in Russia are personal hygiene items and household chemicals. They are needed in any case, regardless of the current economic situation in the country. No matter what income buyers have, they will always allocate funds for the purchase of:

    toothpaste, shampoo and soap;

    washing powder, detergents and cleaning products;

    creams and cosmetics.

Groceries, chemicals and hygiene products are always part of the consumer basket, so experts recommend that budding entrepreneurs start with them, paying special attention to the product range.

When thinking about what goods are in demand in Russia, you should not discount alcoholic beverages and tobacco products.

Considerable profit can be made from the production or sale of seasonal goods: clothing and shoes, ice cream, etc.

When working on your business model, do not forget about the so-called impulse products: candies, chewing gum and chocolates. Quite often, buyers do not perceive such a trifle as a significant acquisition - this rather large advantage can turn into a good profit.

Analyzing the last year, which, by the way, was quite difficult economically, we can determine the most popular goods in Russia in 2016, and this list will not be limited to one or two items. So, there was good demand for the following products:

    Technique and electronics. Mobile phones, tablets, laptops, digital video cameras took the leading place in sales via the Internet in the crisis year of 2016. Of course, working with such a product will require certain financial resources and knowledge.

    Products. Opening a grocery store in a good location can bring good regular income to its owner.

    Clothes and shoes. Pay attention to the combination of price and quality. Make wholesale purchases of good inexpensive products and sell them at retail at affordable prices.

    Stationery. At the beginning of the school year, this is the most popular product.

    Products for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Today we can safely say that these are in-demand products in Russia, since more and more people are now inclined towards a healthy lifestyle and purchasing exercise equipment, sports equipment and clothing.

    Fabrics. During the crisis, many people began to replenish their wardrobe with things they sewed themselves. Naturally, the demand for quality fabrics has increased.

    Flowers. No crisis can cancel the celebration of a wedding, anniversary and other special events, which, according to established tradition, are accompanied by the presentation of a bouquet of flowers. Quite often, the price of a bouquet is much higher than the cost of its components (flowers and decorative items), so this business is able to provide a comfortable existence for its owner.

    Goods for children. As a rule, parents want to give their children everything they need and try to satisfy their desires. Therefore, diapers, toys, strollers, cribs and other products for children bring a stable and fairly decent income.

In order to understand which product is most in demand in Russia, you need to carry out some analytical work, paying attention to several important factors,capable of influencing the demand for the product:

    Price. Agree, this is usually the first thing the buyer is interested in. If the quality and price indicators coincide, the purchase is carried out. To form the “correct” price, the following must be taken into account: the cost and purchase price of the product, the pricing strategy and the markup percentage. In order to pay attention to the uniqueness of the products offered, you can start selling at the highest possible cost and get a solid profit, but after that you will need to set a price that corresponds to the market price. This step is only applicable if you are completely sure that this product is in demand. In addition, you can reduce the price as much as possible. But this should be done quite carefully. This move requires explanation, for example: “I sell cheaply in order to attract a buyer and give them the opportunity to be convinced of the high quality of the product.”

    Competitors' prices. One of the key factors influencing demand. Clients do not trust “price extremes.” And it doesn’t matter: it’s too expensive or too cheap – both of them arouse suspicion. Therefore, it is imperative to determine the golden mean, which will require knowledge of the market, familiarity with the experience and pricing strategy of competitors.

    Preferences of potential clients. To begin with, it is important to find out what products are in demand in Russia during a period of economic stability, to understand what products are “selling” directly in your region (if they prefer and buy beef well, then there is no point in offering pork or lamb). Only after this can customer demand be correctly generated.

So what product is the most in demand in Russia?

The leading place in the Russian commodity market has been taken by Chinese-made products that imitate clothing and footwear from popular global manufacturers.

The target audience is young people who follow fashion trends and want to look in accordance with its trends. Quite often, guys and girls are simply not able to pay a significant amount for an original item, so Chinese analogues are the most popular goods in Russia. Moreover, the range of products is so wide that everyone will be able to find something that they like and can afford.

Market analysis showed that Nike Air Max sneakers made in Chinese workshops are especially popular in Russia. In addition, the following goods from the Celestial Empire have become in demand:

  • Louboutin - women's shoes with red soles and high stiletto heels.
  • Converse is a very popular sneaker, both for men and women. This product has been in the TOP 10 for more than one season.
  • Chanel, Birkin from Hermes, Louis Vuitton, Michael Kors - women's bags (of course, “almost” original production).
  • T-shirts with Ralph Lauren, Tommy Hilfiger, Lacoste logos (mostly for men).
  • Christian Dior sneakers are very comfortable women's shoes, which quickly found their customers in Russia. The originality, convenience and beauty of the model allowed it to become one of the most popular in the 2015–2016 season.

Please note that China is different from China. Many branded imitations can be of quite decent quality. It all depends on the material and fittings used by the manufacturers of the “brand”.

An accurately imitated product made from high-quality material will have a higher purchase price.

Low-quality copies will not only cost less, but also differ greatly from their original (appearance, inscription, etc.).

Products for children are no less popular on the domestic market. And this applies not only to clothes and shoes. Products in demand in Russia include baby hygiene products, strollers, tables, and much more.

Third place is rightfully given to small household appliances: electric kettles, vacuum cleaners, coffee machines and irons, along with curling irons and straightening combs, have firmly established themselves in the Russian market. Typically, these devices have a price that is quite acceptable for the average consumer, so their target audience is quite broad, which gives entrepreneurs the opportunity to attract a fairly large number of buyers.

Below we will talk in more detail about the products in demand on the Russian market in 2017. By working with them, it is quite possible to successfully organize and successfully develop your business.

The most popular Chinese goods in Russia

High-margin goods are goods that are purchased cheaply and sold at a high price. It is no secret that this approach is the basis of trading profits. Chinese products are the most striking example of this.

We would like to present to you the TOP popular goods in Russia, imported in order to obtain the highest profits or not losing their popularity among consumers.

    Disposable items – the most popular goods in Russia in 2017. We put this type of product in first place, because if you look a little more closely at the market for Chinese retail small items: disposable tableware, hygiene products, kitchen utensils, stationery and much more, you will see that they You can buy it in bulk for 10 or even 1000 times cheaper. The wholesale price of the product is simply “penny”, but there will definitely be income from it.

    Food. A product that is always relevant. Bulk products, which are packaged in small bags, are quite in demand in Russia. These include dried squid and other seafood, nuts, dried fruits and other snacks, which the Chinese sell by the container at very competitive prices for wholesalers. After packaging, the cost of the products increases significantly, so profit is guaranteed.

    Car accessories. Electronics for cars, auto and motorcycle parts, and tuning items have become quite popular among Russians. Demand for this market segment is increasing with enviable consistency. DVRs and rear view cameras, radio tape recorders, lighting - this is not a complete list of products with which the domestic manufacturer cannot yet compete (if we exclude Chinese products manufactured under the Russian brand). If you continue the list, adding various little things that can personalize the car (stickers, chrome, etc.), then you will understand why car accessories occupy such a high place in our TOP.

    Electronics. What is meant here is not a cheap Chinese counterfeit, but electronics that have occupied a worthy niche of Hi-Fi and Hi-End; as a rule, this refers to analogues of products from the world's leading manufacturers. Photo and video accessories, plasma panels, projectors, mobile communications, printers and much, much more - this is not a complete list of this market segment. It can be continued with goods that are accessories to products of famous brands (headphones, protective glasses and films, etc.). In China they are 3–40 times cheaper than in Russia. Agree, quite a wide scope of activity.

    Fur - products in demand in Russia, especially since many popular brands have moved their enterprises to China. High quality clothing is not cheap, but it can be sold for many times more.

    Furniture. For China, furniture is a significant product. Especially if local solid wood is used in production (there is much less of it in Russia). Despite the rather high cost of furniture on the Chinese market, it is profitable to purchase it - it is still cheaper than furniture from a Russian manufacturer. Naturally, the furniture business is becoming increasingly popular.

    Shoes and accessories. Just like outerwear production enterprises, shoe production workshops and factories moved to China. Now Chinese shoes are not only affordable, but also completely replicate all the features of their branded counterpart. The same can be said about accessories (belts, bags, gloves), which are cheap but incredibly popular.

    Goods for children - clothes and shoes, toys and hygiene products, slings and backpacks for carrying children and much more (there is room to “unfold”).

    Household products - incredibly popular products in Russia. Moreover, the list is simply huge, ranging from bedspreads and curtains to air conditioners and gas stoves. However, despite the wide range of products, demand for products is unstable.

    Machines and equipment Chinese-made ones, of course, cannot be compared with European, Japanese or American ones in terms of quality, but their price is appropriate. And, as a result, enterprises that are just starting their activities or are modernizing purchase analogues made in China. Of course, the service life of such equipment is usually limited to two to three years, but during this time it is quite possible to earn enough to afford to replace machines and equipment with high-quality units or, at a minimum, to repair broken devices.

To identify the most in-demand products, an organization needs a large amount of market information, which it often does not have. Therefore, it is worth turning to professionals. Our information and analytical company “VVS” is one of those that stood at the origins of the business of processing and adapting market statistics collected by federal departments. The company has 19 years of experience in providing product market statistics as information for strategic decisions, identifying market demand. Main client categories: exporters, importers, manufacturers, participants in commodity markets and B2B services business.

    commercial vehicles and special equipment;

    glass industry;

    chemical and petrochemical industry;

    Construction Materials;

    medical equipment;

    food industry;

    production of animal feed;

    electrical engineering and others.

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A high-margin product is a product for which there is always a consistently high demand and a small percentage of offers on the market. Each seller tries to sell products with a high margin: they not only increase the average check, but also provide the highest profit. “” has compiled a list of the highest-margin products of 2018.

Products with high margins for business in 2018

Margin, in the simplest sense of the word, is a kind of synonym for the word “profit”, that is, the difference between the cost of a product and its selling price. It is the revenue received from its sale that is the “margin”.
Therefore, the higher the “margin” received for a product, the more high-margin it is.

That is why retailers around the world today set themselves the most important goal - to sell high-margin goods in large volumes, thereby increasing their profits.

Today there are several types of margin: exchange, credit, banking, guarantee, maintenance, trading. In our article we will talk specifically about trading (market) margin. We all know that a trade enterprise can only stay afloat through the markup on goods, which is necessary for making a profit.

Useful documents to download:

The Biznes.Ru Retail program will help you calculate the margin not only for a specific product, but for the entire store. It will also allow you to easily automate the cashier's workplace, work with weighted goods, keep inventory records and sales analytics. Supports 54-FZ and EGAIS.

By “winding up” on the goods a trade margin of one hundred, two hundred, and sometimes three hundred percent, each seller is chasing profit. They are “stimulated” in this process by the fact that today in our country the maximum margin is not set, which means that any seller or owner of a service enterprise can set any margin depending on their needs and demand for goods.

Important! If the margin on your goods is prohibitive, then no one will buy such things or products.

When introducing new products to your retail store, you must calculate the optimal markup level to achieve the desired margin after all expenses have been covered.

Buyers of goods and consumers of services will never know how much money they actually overpay for goods - we can only guess about it. On average, the margin level is 20–30% of the cost of a product or service, but for different categories of goods the margin can reach 1000%. And, despite this, they are actively bought.

This, for example, is the purchase of items from world-famous brands - consumers overpay hundreds of times the cost of these goods and, of course, will continue to do so.

In general, all products can be divided into three categories:

1. Low-margin goods. These types of goods are sold everywhere, the demand for them is quite high, but due to the fact that such things can be bought on every corner, you cannot put too much of a markup on them. The purchase price of these goods is quite low, which means that a margin of more than 10-20% is not established on them. But, at the same time, such products are the best-selling, which means they will quickly “leave” from store windows.

The profitability of selling low-margin goods lies in the fact that the benefit from them can be “removed” due to their good turnover, that is, “taken” by the number of goods sold. For example, low-margin goods include household chemicals, toys, children's products, non-food products, etc. As for the service sector, the lowest level of margin is observed in the transport sector;

2. Medium-margin products. For such groups of goods, the markup is higher than for low-margin goods, and all because these are no longer everyday goods and there are significantly fewer offers on the market. This category includes household appliances; in some stores the margin is 30-40% of their cost, or, for example, building materials;

3. High-margin goods– these are goods that sell well “here and now”. They are the most coveted among retailers. These can be new items, “seasonal goods” or goods for which demand is high on certain days of the year, or goods for which demand is always consistently high, regardless of the time of year, the economic situation in the country and the income level of the population.

This may include Apple products, items of famous brands and brands, jewelry and products made of precious metals, etc. There is always a demand for such goods, which means that 100% mark-up will not scare away customers!

As for the service sector, the absolute leader here, receiving the largest margin, is public catering enterprises. And this applies to both small cafes and elite restaurants, where a cup of coffee, the cost of which is no more than 40 rubles, can be sold for 400, or even a thousand rubles.

How to choose a profitable product to sell: ideas for business

Important! The cheaper the cost of a product at which the retailer purchased it for further resale, the lower the markup on it will be, and therefore the size of the margin.

You can automate the calculation of the cost of goods and trade margins by connecting

  • add up the average cost of transportation costs spent on delivering goods to the store;
  • the average cost of servicing a client, including the salary of the seller, the cost of maintaining a trading enterprise;
  • funds invested in advertising one unit of goods, as well as other costs.

Based on these components, you will receive the amount of markup on your product, which can be set on the goods.

Today, in a difficult economic period for the country, many retailers are tormented by the question: what high-margin products should be introduced into the store’s assortment to increase the average check and obtain the greatest profit?

The online magazine “” lists the top 10 high-margin products that can be sold with the highest markups in 2018.

Top 10 product categories with the highest markups


Experienced retailers and catering establishment owners know firsthand that drinks are one of the highest-margin products. So, for example, the cost of a liter of high-quality plain drinking water is no more than two rubles, but today on the market the average liter bottled water costs from 30 rubles.

Imported copies can cost up to a hundred rubles or more. For example, in resort towns (on the Russian Black Sea coast or abroad), the cost of bottled water in a five-liter container can reach several hundred rubles. And still, tourists will buy drinking water at such “crazy” prices.

This is certainly beneficial for sellers - the markup on water here can reach 100, 200, or even 500 percent, and in fact its actual cost differs many times from the price presented in the store.

The same can be said about drinks in catering establishments. The price of drinks can be increased several times. Even just by adding hot tea or coffee, cocktails or refreshing drinks to your grocery store’s assortment, you can “win” a decent amount of money and get a good margin.


Let us “feel” for sellers and buyers the size of the margin in the flower business. The markup on goods here is colossal. For example, Ecuadorian roses, popular in our country, in Ecuador itself, in terms of Russian rubles, will cost 30-50 kopecks per piece, but in Russia their price today ranges from one hundred rubles per flower. Of course, the cost of a rose includes the costs of its delivery, but the markup amounts are still significant.

Selling flowers is always profitable, especially during the holidays. And, if you can competently and beautifully “introduce” the sale of flowers into the store’s assortment, then this will become a stable source of constant profit, since any flowers today are goods with a consistently high markup. The only problem lies in finding a reliable supplier who can deliver flowers at an attractive wholesale price for you.

Read more about how to open a flower shop in 2018.


Today, exclusive handmade products are wildly popular all over the world. It is very difficult to estimate their cost, which means that when selling and reselling them, the seller is free to “inflate” any price. Hand-made products include handmade dolls, hand-sewn clothes, accessories, beautifully designed interior items, original designer “things” and similar beautiful and stylish little things.

Retailers are confident that with the right approach, adding such exclusive hand-made items to the store’s product range, you can make a fortune in the shortest possible time. The margin level here is really high, demand is also high, and the supply market is still relatively calm.

This type of high-margin goods is suitable for various stores: from furniture stores to clothing stores, children's goods, accessories, etc. Handmade products are really profitable to sell to any retailer today.

You can automate the calculation of the cost of goods and trade margins by connecting

Accessories for the holiday

This category also includes goods at “unreasonably high” prices. Sellers, by increasing prices for holiday goods, are betting that people will be forced to purchase them at any cost. That is why a postcard - colored cardboard with a poem inside, the cost of which is a few rubles - can cost up to a hundred rubles in stores today, and a simple balloon filled with helium, the cost of 10 rubles, will cost 150!

That is why many retailers are introducing these high-margin products into their store assortment: cards, balloons, room decorations, “caps,” as well as wedding accessories, posters, flags and much, much more. The cost of all these goods is a pittance, but the “margin” from their sale can reach hundreds and thousands of rubles. In addition, the demand for such products is always high.


Products with high margins, the introduction of which into the store’s assortment is quite profitable today, include various jewelry, accessories, and costume jewelry. Expanding the assortment to include such related products is important for shoe or clothing stores, underwear, and even a small retail outlet.

The markup on products made of colored plastic and glass - costume jewelry - can reach three hundred percent. Sometimes the cost of simple beads or accessories from famous brands can reach the cost of gold or silver jewelry. In other words, it is through the sale of “penny” jewelry that you can get particularly large revenues in the store.

Expensive alcohol

Of course, selling alcoholic beverages today is a costly business; in addition to obtaining a license to sell alcohol, you need to comply with special trading rules, connect to the Unified State Automated Information System and solve many other related problems. But all time and material costs are more than compensated by the margin received from the sale of alcohol.

And if, for example, in an average restaurant the cost of a bottle of good wine is at least tripled, then even in a grocery store, if you “increase” the markup by 100%, you will get a good profit. For elite alcohol and rare wines, this is far from the limit - alcohol has been and remains the highest-margin product and brings net constant profit to those involved in its retail sale.

Have you opened a store, delivered goods, kept records and are thinking about automating its work? Pay attention to the commodity accounting program Business.Ru Retail. It will allow you to easily automate the cashier’s workplace, work with weighted goods, maintain warehouse records and sales analytics. It also supports 54-FZ and EGAIS.

Loose tea and coffee

It’s an amazing fact, but today more and more retail enterprises choose loose tea and coffee to sell related high-margin goods. All people love good tea and quality coffee, and true connoisseurs are ready to pay a tidy sum for their elite varieties.

For example, by purchasing teas directly from China and selling them in your store with a 300% increase in cost, you can definitely get significant benefits.

This high-margin product has long established itself, and today the most popular varieties of elite Chinese tea can be found on the shelves not only of tea shops, but even in sports stores in the sports nutrition departments and in retail grocery stores. Such a related product will in any case increase the average check in your store.


Introducing cosmetics from well-known popular brands into the store’s product range is a priori profitable: the cost of cosmetic products, as a rule, does not exceed 20% of the market price of the goods. That is, 80% of the cost of cosmetics is its beautiful packaging, promotion and advertising costs. But women, the main buyers of cosmetics, are ready to overpay almost any money for cosmetics from their favorite brands.

The same goes for perfumes - their cost is much lower than the market value. By making high-quality cosmetics or perfumes a related product in your store, you can increase the average check and receive consistently high profits. This option for related products is also suitable for women's clothing stores, accessories, pharmacies, industrial goods stores and others.

Snacks and popcorn

The top ten products with the highest markups today certainly include such popular products as snacks, sweets, and popcorn. These options for related products are good for retail outlets located in shopping and entertainment centers. Also, these are generally really high-margin products.

For example, by opening even a small point selling chewing marmalade, which children love so much, popcorn and other snacks near a movie theater, in an amusement park, near a city water park, near children's playgrounds, you can recoup all costs in a matter of months. Just imagine: the cost of raw materials for popcorn - dry corn kernels - is ten times lower than the cost of ready-made hot popcorn!

And even the minimal costs of its production do not justify the high prices for this type of product: in cinemas the price of a box of hot popcorn can reach a thousand rubles.

The same goes for other sweets, chewing marmalade, cotton candy, ice cream - these high-margin products are always loved and desired among children, and that is why parents are ready to “spend” a tidy sum for them. By adding, for example, to the assortment of a children's goods store a stand with “related” products - candies and chewing marmalade - you will receive tangible benefits after a short time.

About other effective ways to increase sales in a grocery store

Accompanying services

It is quite a profitable business today to provide the population with services related to your business in the field of trade. You can also “inflate” prices here indefinitely, and still these types of servants will be in demand among buyers.

For example, for a clothing store - these are clothing fitting services, for a furniture store - furniture collection and delivery services, for a household appliance store - their repair, refilling cartridges, installation of software with on-site visits, for a flower shop - bouquet delivery services, decorating rooms with fresh flowers, etc.

You just have to use your imagination, come up with a high-margin related service for your business, and you can not only increase profits, but also make them stable, thereby diversifying your business and finding new ways to generate income. It is this “niche” that is recognized by marketers and retailers as the most promising and profitable.

In general, experts advise entrepreneurs in the retail sector not to be afraid to take risks and introduce high-margin products into the store’s assortment. With a competent approach, weighing all the pros and cons, analyzing the market and competitors, you can increase your profits.

But you shouldn’t think that everything is so rosy: today, even when selling high-margin goods in a store, certain difficulties may arise, which means that an entrepreneur must be able to quickly respond to all changes in demand and the market, monitor the situation and try to keep up with the demands of the population .

What are the most popular products on the Internet today? What do people buy most online today? I bring to your attention the most popular products of 2016.

TOP 20 popular internet products

These products do not stay on the shelves; they are the most popular and best-selling.

Liquid chestnut Night is a unique development of private clinics in Moscow to combat obesity. Independent clinical trials have shown that the innovative formula has no analogues in the world.

Transdermal urological patches offer amazing benefits over creams, ointments and tablets. This is a real medicine of the future, delivering substances to the body tissues through the skin, bypassing the digestive tract.

Stylish Curren watches are created for real men - the personification of style and status, originality and success.

AlcoBarrier is an effective remedy that eliminates cravings for alcohol and promotes the elimination of toxins. By replenishing the vitamins and minerals necessary for the body, alcoholic psychosis is relieved, and it is easier for a person to give up alcohol.

The revolutionary Platinus V hair solution strengthens the hair structure and prevents hair loss, giving it a healthy and natural look.

This ultra-modern product will allow you to say goodbye to extra pounds forever. The drug gives you a unique opportunity to eat whatever you want without gaining weight.

Promotes the rapid removal of horny scales, softens and nourishes the skin, normalizes microcirculation, active silver ions prevent complications and disinfect the skin.

Spray for men is the latest development based on natural ingredients. A highly effective product with guaranteed results is available to you!

Pomegranate emulsion is a modern remedy for combating stretch marks. It will relieve you of the problem at any age, it is hypoallergenic, safe and suitable for pregnant women.

A vegetable cutter is an indispensable assistant in the kitchen. Thanks to the sharp blades, it will help you quickly and beautifully cut vegetables and fruits into cubes, wedges or slices. "Nicerdicer" is a worthy alternative to a knife!

An attractive and sexy man attracts you like a magnet. Courageous arms, a toned torso and legs awaken a real storm in the hearts. Even men who constantly work out in the gym will say that exercise alone will not give you a toned body with defined muscles. To build muscle mass you also need protein.

New in a series of innovative components to interrupt follicular cell activity and reduce unwanted hair growth on the skin.

Dior earrings and Pandora bracelet are the story of your happiest moments in life. This is your individual style, this is luxury and wealth.

This unique product will allow you to sleep soundly. The effect of the drug lasts throughout the night and gives instant results.

Shark oil based cream is a powerful anti-cancer agent. Doctors advise using shark oil cream for chronic arthritis and to relieve swelling of the joints.

With Salon Express, you can do your own professional manicure at home in minutes!

Unique chewing gum burns fat naturally and reduces appetite without tiring workouts, keeps your breath fresh and your teeth clean.

The set combines incompatible things - modern jewelry art and the ancient traditions of India. A stylish set of pendant, watch and earrings will luxuriously complement your stunning look. Show off your own style with Shamballa jewelry. Feel the luxury!

The uniquely selected Nicoin spray formula will help you quickly and easily cope with nicotine addiction without harm to your health.

Thanks to modern developments, every smartphone owner can use their device as a camera. A versatile lens that will expand your creative capabilities. Try it, take the photo of your dreams!

Popular products on the Internet are not fiction, they are reality. Sales statistics show that products costing up to $50 are the most popular.

Popular goods from China: is it profitable to trade them + 3 online platforms with suppliers + TOP 10 product categories.

If you decide to engage in trading, you probably want to know What are the popular products from China?.

But it is impossible to give a definite answer to this question, because sales affect all aspects of our lives, and what one buyer needs is not at all interesting to another.

It is also worth considering that it will not always allow you to determine the popularity of goods, since they all have different costs and markups.

Why is it profitable to trade goods from China?

The stereotype that everything made in China is of poor quality and defective is beginning to lose its force.

In recent years, one can notice a tendency that manufactured goods (counterfeits, among others) have become of higher quality and more expensive. But still their cost remains more affordable. Even if you decide to purchase something for yourself in a single copy directly from the Middle Kingdom, you can save a lot of money.

What makes their Chinese products stand out from the rest:

    Low cost

    Since the goods are produced in large quantities and are supplied all over the world, the cost is quite low. And given the fact that in the end they are sold here with a markup reaching 300%, trading popular goods from China is quite profitable.

    Wide range of products

    It’s probably easier to list what is not produced in China. Therefore, any entrepreneur can find those products that he would be interested in selling.

    Availability and established delivery schemes

    Not a problem, moreover, you can contact them remotely, so you don’t even have to travel to this country. Of course, there are many risks associated with this, but before cooperation you can familiarize yourself with samples of products.

You also need to find a logistician who will live in China. He will take on some of the responsibilities for checking, packing and shipping goods.

Thus, you only need to find reliable suppliers and establish trade - open a brick-and-mortar store or an online store and make yourself known.

If you wish, you can even create your own brand. Certain products will be produced under your name and logo. You will need to promote your business and develop an advertising campaign to make yourself known.

Why are buyers willing to buy popular goods from China from us?

It's no secret that you can order the item you like directly from the Middle Kingdom. This then begs the question: why trade popular goods from China?

And there are several reasons for this:

    Save time

    Not all buyers are willing to wait several weeks or even months for an order; many are willing to pay to have the product in their hands after a few days.

    Reluctance to look for something yourself

    Again, not many Internet users can independently search for a product that suits them, view reviews and study seller ratings. Some of them will prefer to pay extra, but receive the most clear and complete information in Russian.


    Not everyone can cross the psychological barrier and decide to order goods directly from China.

    Many people prefer to shop locally, and this applies to both brick-and-mortar stores and online shopping, where you can pay in cash or cash on delivery.

    In addition, many people value live communication, when they can call a consultant or contact the seller to clarify the details of interest.

Thus, all the work of searching, describing and photographing goods is carried out by you. By the way, the last point is very important, since buyers are interested in how the product looks in person.

And you include all your work in the markup, for which buyers are still willing to pay, which once again confirms the profitability of trading popular goods from China.

3 large online platforms with suppliers of goods from China

And before we move on to reviewing the top most popular goods from China, let’s take a look at popular online platforms with suppliers:

    Everyone has heard about this online platform. You can buy anything here. Due to the fall of the ruble, many goods here have ceased to be budget products, but still many continue to purchase goods here.

    An undoubted advantage is free delivery, which applies to most goods, the Russian language, the ability to communicate with the seller and bargain with him.

    This platform is designed for small and large wholesale, that is, it is a prime example of an intermediary working on B2B principles. Before you do, you need to pay attention to the status of the seller, whether he has a good website, as well as a retail store.

    A large Asian hypermarket with a wide range and decent quality of goods. There is a multilingual support service, the ability to pay for an order in several currencies (including rubles), but delivery is paid, and prices are an order of magnitude higher than in other stores.

The most popular products from China: TOP 10 categories

1. Electronic gadgets and accessories.

The crisis has left its mark on the purchasing power of many citizens of our country, so the demand for electronic gadgets from China has increased. Most of them have an affordable price and good “filling,” but there is also a “more expensive” category, which is also popular among technology lovers.

So these include:

  • smartphones and tablets;
  • memory storage devices;
  • wired and wireless headphones;
  • smart watch;
  • fitness trackers;
  • media players.

As for the first option, Asian versions of gadgets are cheaper, but then you must take care of the global firmware yourself. Or you can immediately purchase international versions of smartphones.

Before ordering a large batch of gadgets, start by testing several copies and take them to the service center to make sure their quality.

Separately or additionally, you can sell various accessories: cases, protective glasses and films, portable batteries. In any case, there will be profit from such sales, of course, provided they are properly organized.

2. Small household appliances.

Following electronic gadgets are small household appliances. These popular products from China include electric kettles, coffee makers, juicers, blenders, and food processors. You can also include various smart home gadgets here - climate control stations, cleaning robots, video surveillance.

Chinese manufacturers follow trends and new technologies, so you can always offer customers current products at affordable prices.

But, as in the first case, investments in the business will be impressive, because you need to provide customers with a wide range of goods.

3. Clothing, shoes and accessories.

Counterfeits and replicas of well-known brands are in demand, but in this case you should point this out when reselling goods and choose high-quality copies. But you can take a different route - follow fashion trends and look for clothing and footwear options that match them.

Since many sellers are engaged in the resale of this category of goods, both in stationary showrooms and on the Internet, order small quantities of the most popular items and test your business, and then begin larger purchases.

4. Household goods.

The Chinese market is distinguished by a variety of household goods that can be selected to suit any interior style and season. This includes various decor, bedding, textiles, hobby items, and garden supplies.

You can focus on one product category or cover a large part of the range.

Business investment will depend on what you choose to deal with. Relatively small capital will be needed to trade small decorative items: garlands, frames, wall stickers, artificial flowers.

5. Pet supplies.

Pet products are mostly produced in China, but are sold here with decent markups, although the purchase price of some items can be several dollars.

What will be in constant demand are toys for pets, brushes, rugs, beds and pillows.

But goods with a maximum markup, such as suits, unusual collars, houses, have a maximum markup, since such purchases are approached more thoughtfully.

Don’t be lazy and look for something that other stores don’t offer in order to stand out from them and thereby win over customers.

6. Office.

High-quality and stylish stationery has always been in demand. At any time of the year (we don’t even have to talk about the eve of the school year), people buy notebooks, pens, pencils and sketchbooks.

But now diaries (of which there are a lot in China), multi-colored tape, stickers, and stickers are especially popular.

You can also trade items for artists - brushes, paints, easels, which are inferior in price to European copies.

7. Goods for sports and recreation.

Nowadays sports and active recreation are in fashion. These two categories of popular goods from China are located nearby, so if you decide to open a store, you can combine them, thereby controlling the level of sales.

For example, in the fall and winter, many people buy sports equipment, and before summer, tents, backpacks, and barbecues are extremely popular.

As a rule, the sizes of goods are small and medium, which significantly reduces the cost of delivering goods, and on some sites where you can order small quantities, it is completely free.

8. Lighting items.

Another important category of the most popular goods from China is lighting items: chandeliers, night lights, table lamps, decorative garlands, LED lamps.

As a rule, the purchase price of small items is not high, delivery will not be expensive either, so doing this kind of business is quite profitable. Again, do not forget that most of these goods are made in China, so purchasing them from there is the most profitable option.

In addition, buyers always want to check the light bulbs and diodes in operation, so as not to purchase defective goods.

9. Crockery and kitchen utensils.

Most of the products in this category that we see on store shelves come from China. Here you can find everything - from silicone molds to expensive pots and sets.

Various fashionable water bottles and devices that make our lives easier (infusers for cups, food-grade silicone, knives for decorative cutting) can be purchased directly from the Middle Kingdom.

And here the important point is that many people prefer to find all sorts of little things locally, rather than order via the Internet and wait several weeks for a small parcel, which, moreover, can get lost along the way (and this is a fairly common occurrence).

What products from China are considered the most popular?

In this video you will learn about the TOP 5 cheapest and most popular things:

10. Furniture.

And finally, we left the most interesting ...

Many people will probably be surprised, but China is currently the leader in furniture production. Many famous companies have moved here, and this has not affected the quality of the furniture they produce.

Selling furniture from the Middle Kingdom is quite profitable and interesting, despite the fact that the niche may seem busy. From there you can carry a variety of specimens, which we simply do not have.

But in this case, looking for suppliers via the Internet is quite risky, because investments in business are huge.

In Guangdong province, namely in the city of Foshan, there is the largest wholesale center where furniture tours are organized. At exhibitions you will be able to see samples in person and directly order the furniture you are interested in.

Its production and delivery time will take about one and a half months, and the prepayment amount is often 30% of the cost of the entire order.

In one article it is difficult to fully cover all the most popular products from China, because it's easier to list what is unprofitable to buy here.

Manufacturers from the Middle Kingdom always keep an eye on fashion trends, “snoop” on secrets at company factories, and implement cheaper options, which ultimately are in great demand among us.

You are required to find goods of acceptable quality at the best prices and sell them, thereby building your own profitable business.

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According to enterprising people, the Internet is not only an information environment, but also a huge trading platform that allows you to find buyers for any product. Thousands and millions of businessmen are trying to productively use this virtual resource and offer visitors to their sites a wide variety of products, which naturally leads to active competition between them.

Therefore, entrepreneurs today are in search of current ideas for 2018 - what to sell in an online store: it is obvious that the choice of product completely determines the further strategy of action and the potential profitability of the business. Beginners usually rely on absolute hits and trendy new items, forgetting about the transience of fashion. Meanwhile, other products are also characterized by stable demand, which makes it possible to earn money from their sales not only during periods of rush, but also for many subsequent years.

Product evaluation criteria

Finding what to sell in an online store in 2018 is quite difficult not only for a novice entrepreneur, but also for virtual trade sharks. The process of choosing a product involves analyzing many seemingly insignificant factors that could potentially turn into a problem for an unprepared businessman. The attention of the creator of the trading platform requires:

  1. Demand. The profitability of a particular niche is primarily determined by the presence of a clearly defined target audience. You can offer the highest quality products and still go broke if they are not in demand by customers;
  2. Market volume. In some niches, the number of stores is measured in just a few - however, this does not mean that there is no competition in them. Perhaps there is simply nothing for more operators to do here. Therefore, you should make sure that the size of the audience is sufficient for normal earnings;
  3. Presence of competition. You need to understand that virtual trading giants are already operating in some categories, and a newcomer is unlikely to be able to compete with them. On the other hand, new niches are created every day: a businessman who has managed to occupy one of them has the right to count on his share of the profit;
  4. Entrepreneur qualification. As a business, reselling goods requires knowledge in the chosen field. As a last resort, the seller must quickly study the features of the product in order to professionally advise clients;
  5. Investment sizes. In some categories, significant capital investment is required to create an acceptable range of inventory. When choosing a niche, a businessman should adequately assess his financial capabilities;
  6. Profitability. In online advertising there is the concept of the cost of attracting a client. The profit from each order should at least cover these costs. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the costs of maintaining a warehouse and shipping goods;
  7. Average check amount. The overhead costs for fulfilling each order are usually independent of the cost of the product. Therefore, it is more profitable for an entrepreneur to sell one expensive product than a dozen cheap ones for the same amount;
  8. Product dimensions and weight. Goods that are small in size and weight are cheaper and easier to store and ship - there is no need to rent a large warehouse, hire loaders and vehicles for transportation;
  9. Availability of suppliers. Reliable suppliers of the most popular products of 2018 should work in the chosen niche. It is advisable to have several of them - this way you can choose the most favorable terms of cooperation;
  10. Duration of the transaction cycle. The maximum interval between completing an order and receiving payment for it is no more than two weeks. Otherwise, you can sell off all warehouse stocks and be left without working capital;
  11. Frequency of purchases. Earning money from repeat sales to regular customers is easier and more profitable than constantly attracting new customers. An entrepreneur should choose a product that is ordered at least once every 6–12 months;
  12. No obsolescence. You should be wary of new products on the 2018 market, which are often subject to rapid obsolescence. For example, women's clothing or smartphones are rapidly going out of fashion, while dishes or home textiles remain relevant for many years;
  13. Seasonality. Of course, the sale of designer felt boots, New Year's souvenirs or Easter decorations looks extremely attractive in terms of profitability, but such a business is relevant for no more than a couple of months a year.

Product selection methods

How can an entrepreneur determine what is in demand in the market for services and goods in 2018? There are several available tools for measuring the level of demand for certain products, allowing you to indirectly assess the prospects of creating an online store in the chosen niche:
  • Market research and statistics. Thanks to the analytical work of various agencies, you can find out what sells best on the Internet: 2018 statistics published on their websites make it possible to identify categories popular among consumers. However, the entrepreneur must choose specific types of goods independently;
  • Google Trends. The service helps to assess the dynamics and number of requests for the name of a product or service in Google search and on YouTube over the past year. Accordingly, by increasing the number of user requests on a particular topic, you can find out what is profitable to sell in 2018;
  • Yandex Wordstat. A similar tool that uses the capabilities of the Yandex search engine. Statistics for measuring the frequency of queries, based on keywords, contains results for the last two years, and geographic targeting allows you to refine the data for a specific city or region;
  • Advertisement sites. Bulletin boards like Avito or Yandex.Market are used by a huge audience of buyers. Using these tools, you can also determine the demand for goods in 2018: you should create several competent offers for the sale of various products, and then measure the intensity of requests for each of them.

What can you sell online?

Theoretically, on virtual trading platforms you can sell anything - from souvenir magnets to industrial enterprises. However, an entrepreneur who wants to build a profitable business should know what is most often purchased on the Internet: statistics from 2018 make it possible to rank the most popular product categories and identify niches with high markups among them.

Small household appliances

Small household appliances top the top sold goods on the Internet in 2018. Buyers prefer virtual stores due to the price, which is 20–40% lower than in regular retail outlets, and a huge assortment consisting of hundreds and thousands of items.

The greatest demand is:

  • Household appliances - vacuum cleaners, irons, steamers;
  • Personal care equipment - electric shavers, epilators, hair dryers, curling irons;
  • Kitchen appliances - mixers, blenders, coffee makers, meat grinders.

However, the level of competition in this segment should make a businessman think: large network companies have already divided the domestic market among themselves, and therefore the search for a free niche can turn into a difficult task for a beginner.

What should you do in such a situation:

  1. Set a price lower than competitors;
  2. Look for affordable analogues of products from well-known brands;
  3. Provide the buyer with the opportunity of delivery, installation, and service.

Clothes and shoes

In second place in the ranking of the best-selling products on the Internet in 2018 are clothing and shoes. This looks somewhat unusual, since any client tries to study and try on the product before purchasing. Therefore, the demand is mainly for items of popular brands with a quality known in advance to the customer and an understandable sizing chart.

Most often, women's and children's clothing are purchased online; many buyers are also interested in various accessories - bags, belts, gloves. However, when working with such goods, it is necessary to carefully monitor fashion trends and update the assortment in a timely manner - otherwise the businessman risks filling the warehouse with illiquid goods.

Digital technology and accessories

People who prefer to buy phones and tablets on the Internet consider the main arguments in favor of such a decision to be a wide range, the ability to choose a model with the desired technical characteristics and a price, which is again 20–40% lower than in conventional electronics supermarkets.

Of course, the top sellers remain models from well-known brands - Samsung, Apple, HTC, LG or Sony. However, recently, thanks to the reasonable pricing strategy and quality control policies of manufacturers from China, the popularity of brands such as Xiaomi or Meizu has been growing, which allows many novice entrepreneurs to build.

Unfortunately, due to active competition, it is not advisable to set a markup on digital equipment higher than 6–10%. However, this does not apply to accessories: cases, headsets, headphones, chargers, protective glasses and holders are successfully sold with a markup of 150–200%.

Perfumes and cosmetics

The main target audience in this market niche remains women. When choosing decorative and everyday cosmetics, they are guided by reviews of friends about the product, brand awareness and personal experience in using certain products. The most popular products in Russia in 2018 are:

  • Hair dyes and strengthening balms;
  • Everyday cosmetics - mascara, nail polishes, lipstick;
  • Depilatory compositions;
  • Face masks and creams;
  • Gift sets of cosmetics;
  • Manicure tools.

The situation with perfumes looks similar. Since it is impossible to evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of a fragrance remotely, buyers prefer mainly popular brands and products that they use or have used previously. The following practice is also known: clients visit the nearest salon and choose perfume there, which they then buy much cheaper in an online store. Therefore, the assortment of a virtual retail outlet should consist of products that are widely represented on the domestic market.

Computer technology

There are not many well-known manufacturers in the segment of computer equipment and components, and therefore users are not afraid to order their products on the Internet. In addition, new models are constantly appearing on the market, reaching regular stores only after some time. The list of current products for sale in 2018 includes:

  • Processors;
  • RAM, motherboards and video cards;
  • Hard drives and SSD drives, flash drives;
  • Power supplies and housings;
  • Printers, scanners, MFPs;
  • Monitors;
  • Mining equipment;
  • Laptops and netbooks;
  • Keyboards, mice and other accessories.

At the moment, the niche is oversaturated with stores actively competing with each other. A beginner who wants to find his buyer will either have to offer a completely exclusive product (for example, Chinese mining equipment or industrial microcontrollers), or invest huge amounts of money in website promotion, while not forgetting to maintain the widest range.

Household products

The abundance of products in this category allows the entrepreneur to implement a wide variety of strategies. Some stores successfully sell products of a certain brand, others specialize in one type of product (for example, bed linen), and still others offer visitors everything you can imagine - from cutting boards to fireplaces for the country house. Among the best-selling products of 2018:

  • Dishes and kitchen utensils. Chinese goods in this category are in demand due to their low prices, and European goods due to their high quality;
  • Home textiles. The top seller in this category is bed linen. They also buy towels, tablecloths, blankets and even curtains well.

Goods for children

Obviously, parents who are busy caring for a child have no time to go shopping in search of the necessary goods. Therefore, many of them, who are among the most active Internet users by age, prefer to order everything they need on virtual platforms. However, such buyers choose products for children extremely carefully, focusing on:

  • High quality and safety of goods;
  • Availability of hygiene certificates;
  • Possibility of returning some items from the order.

Many entrepreneurs start their activities by selling toys. However, in the list of popular products for sale on the Internet in 2018 there are other products worthy of attention:

  1. Diapers, rompers and other knitwear for newborns;
  2. Diapers, sanitary napkins, powders;
  3. Baby food, milk formulas;
  4. Pacifiers, feeding bottles;
  5. Strollers, cribs, children's bedding;
  6. Walkers, children's bicycles;
  7. Coloring pages, educational and educational games.

Large home appliances

The sale of large household appliances seems to be one of the most difficult niches for beginners to reach, surpassing in complexity the sale of computers and smartphones. Indeed, a businessman has to invest a lot of money in filling the store with goods and creating an acceptable assortment.

In addition, clients who want to make an expensive purchase still prefer to check the equipment before paying, make sure it is functional and free of defects, and get advice on the rules and features of its operation.

Finally, the dimensions of the products significantly complicate their storage and transportation. The low price of an online store combined with costly long-distance delivery may actually turn out to be more expensive than the high cost of goods in a regular hardware supermarket plus a budget transportation service.

Therefore, large household appliances remain among the top products for sale mainly thanks to large retail chains that have the necessary resources for their purchase, storage and transportation.

Products for sports and active recreation

The sporting goods market is actively developing, mainly due to the fashion for a healthy lifestyle. Many city residents suffering from a lack of physical activity buy bicycles, start jogging, yoga or various types of fitness: each of them can become a client of an online store that sells sportswear, shoes and equipment.

Working in this segment requires certain preparation: an entrepreneur must not only have a good understanding of the specifics and characteristics of the products he offers, but also be able to choose something that will correspond to modern trends and be in demand. The assortment of a specialized online store may include such popular products for sale in 2018 as:

  • Sports equipment and exercise equipment;
  • Sports nutrition;
  • Tracksuits, training clothes;
  • Gadgets for supporters of an active lifestyle;
  • Bicycles and spare parts for them;
  • Tourist equipment.

Goods for motorists

This category can be divided into two niches - the sale of spare parts and the sale of automobile accessories. The first of them requires in-depth knowledge of the nomenclature and interchangeability of parts, since the number of car models today is measured in thousands. Therefore, businessmen practice a narrower specialization, dealing exclusively with specific brands of cars or manufacturers from certain regions - for example, from Korea or Germany.

The second niche is more attractive for beginners: accessories are usually standard or universal without reference to a specific car model, and the markup on them reaches 100%.

What to sell in 2018 in an online store:

  • Car tires;
  • Navigators;
  • DVRs;
  • Radio and speaker systems;
  • Child seats;
  • Alloy wheels;
  • Alarm systems;
  • Motor and transmission oils;
  • Batteries;
  • Seat covers and floor mats.

Handmade goods

An entrepreneur planning to sell handmade goods can put up for sale both souvenirs of his own making and products of other craftsmen. Both options are interesting for a beginner due to the lack of competition in this niche and minimal investment in organizing trade. The top 10 most popular products for sale online in 2018 include:

  • Paintings;
  • knitwear;
  • Handmade toys;
  • Leather bags, wallets, belts, purses;
  • Figurines, vases, decorative items;
  • Flower pots;
  • Wooden cutlery;
  • Jewelry and decorations;
  • Designer clothes with painting or embroidery;
  • Wedding accessories.

Moreover, it is not at all necessary to limit the range to handmade goods: raw materials, materials and tools for their production are also in high demand among craftsmen - yarn, threads, ribbons, beads, kits for the production of soap and candles, sheets of leather, paints, sets of cutters and much more other.


A large number of supermarkets and small grocery stores today hinder the development of this segment of virtual trade. To avoid competition, entrepreneurs have to choose their target audience more carefully. So, the following are definitely interested in ordering food products online:

  • Vegetarians, supporters of a healthy lifestyle, consumers of organic and environmentally friendly products;
  • Working people who do not have time to go shopping;
  • Customers buying pizza, sushi and national dishes with delivery.

However, there is a niche in which online stores have an undoubted advantage over conventional retail outlets - the sale of elite varieties of coffee and tea. The main advantages of these products are their high price, a clearly defined target audience, huge potential for repeat sales and the almost complete absence of analogues on the shelves of grocery supermarkets.

Goods for pets

To imagine the size of the pet products market, it is enough to remember that every third Russian family contains one or more pets. At the same time, in ordinary pet stores it is quite difficult to find specific food or a suitable cage for a pet - usually only the most popular products are presented here. What you can successfully sell online:

  • Food for birds, fish, cats and dogs;
  • Hygienic fillers;
  • Flea and tick products;
  • Cosmetics for animals;
  • Toys;
  • Collars, muzzles, leashes;
  • Cages, carriers, houses;
  • Clothes for animals.

With the exception of food and veterinary drugs, most pet products are produced in China, which allows budding entrepreneurs to buy them for literally pennies and resell them at a high markup. When looking for products in the mid-price segment, you can also turn to domestic manufacturers, who often offer good quality products.


Users appreciated the convenience of ordering a variety of tickets on the Internet: for example, those who want to attend a concert of their favorite musician just need to go to the operator’s website and make a few clicks to pre-book the required number of seats in the desired row. In addition, online advertising allows customers to find out about an upcoming event much earlier than regular posters.

Popular products to sell online 2018 are:

  • Railway and air tickets;
  • Tickets for shows and concerts;
  • Tickets for sporting events;
  • Tickets for cinema shows and theatre.

Competition in this niche is low, mainly due to the complexity of organizing ticket sales. Indeed, transport companies and show business operators prefer to work with a narrow circle of partners, one of which can only be the owner of a popular and frequently visited website.

Chinese products

Due to minimal requirements for start-up capital and high profitability, China attracts many entrepreneurs. However, despite the high competition, such activities remain an excellent option for starting your own business on the Internet. and other Chinese trading platforms are:

  • Shoes, clothing;
  • Bags, belts and other accessories;
  • Automotive Products;
  • Souvenirs;
  • Digital technology.

The main disadvantages of this niche are the strong variation in product quality among manufacturers and unsatisfactory delivery speed. Therefore, the owner of an online store should take the time to search for reliable suppliers and purchase a trial batch of products before placing a wholesale order.

On the other hand, these same disadvantages can be considered as advantages: it is thanks to them that a private buyer is afraid to order something in China on his own and prefers to use the services of an entrepreneur who has solved all the problems with the selection and transportation of goods for him.

Video on the topic

Trends in virtual trading

While studying, a novice entrepreneur should pay attention to current trends in the virtual trading market:

  • The most compelling argument for customers is price. According to surveys by the Yandex.Market service, 64% of online store visitors primarily pay attention to it;
  • The mobile commerce segment is growing. Customers appreciated the convenience of purchasing goods directly from a smartphone, and therefore trading platforms began to actively acquire mobile applications;
  • The number of purchases from the regions is increasing. Of course, megacities like Moscow and St. Petersburg retain leadership in sales volumes, but recently there has been a significant influx of buyers from the provinces.

Accordingly, a businessman will have to not only find out what is in demand among the population in 2018, but also learn how to sell his goods correctly:

  1. In the absence of experience and impressive capital, it is not recommended to start a business in competitive niches such as the sale of digital and computer equipment, household appliances, clothing and footwear of famous brands;
  2. The segments of household goods, food products, car accessories, pet products and handmade souvenirs remain relatively free;
  3. When selling an expensive product, you need to make sure that it is exclusive, rare or specialized;
  4. The site should at least be displayed correctly on mobile device screens, although having its own application seems more desirable;
  5. An entrepreneur who organizes prompt delivery to regions and small towns receives additional benefits.


Features of the virtual environment have a significant impact on the conduct of trading activities online. On the one hand, there are no geographical barriers for an online store, the assortment is limited only by the capabilities of the owner, and the absence of the need for personnel and production space reduces overhead costs. On the other hand, you have to work from scratch to attract customers and promote the site, while an ordinary stall to get a stable flow of customers can be placed in any place with high traffic.

However, the main reasons for failure are still the arrogance and overconfidence of the entrepreneur, his lack of desire to take into account any other opinion other than his own, as well as a lack of knowledge in his chosen niche. Therefore, the creator of an online store must clearly understand what exactly, to whom and how he is going to sell.
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