How is merchandising of sausages and cheeses carried out? What are the criteria for evaluating the work of a merchandiser? Display of sausage products. Design of sausage display cases.

Out of the blue and at no extra cost.

This is, perhaps, a rare case when the sum changes from changing the places of the terms.

Trade entrepreneurs most often learn about merchandising from their suppliers.

But the supplier’s recommendations for product placement are aimed at increasing its presence at the point of sale, and not at developing the store. Therefore, over time, the store owner comes to develop his own merchandising standards.

But it’s better to start searching for effective layout techniques by testing the basic principles, and here are some of them.

Correct display is a way to increase sales due to the arrangement of goods on store shelves and counters in such a way that:

    all products are clearly visible on the counter

    represent a single system/gamma

    each product is laid out in the most profitable and attractive form for the buyer

    the arrangement of goods distinguishes goods of one brand from others

    it is easy for the buyer to make purchases.

The importance of these factors is all the more evident as 80% of decisions to purchase a specific brand, according to experts, are made directly at the counter: a person decides what to buy only when he sees the product!

Laws and rules of perception.

1. Rule “From the eyes to the third button on the shirt”:

There are 3 levels of product display:
- eye level (middle shelf),
— hand level (top shelf)
— foot level (lower shelf).

It is known that products placed at buyer eye level sell best.

The principle “from the eyes to the third button on the shirt” works here. At this level, you should place the most advantageous assortment items or products that, for one reason or another, need to be sold first.

By raising a product from the bottom shelf to eye level, you can increase its sales by 70-80% . And moving a product from eye level to raised hand level can reduce its sales by 20-30%.

layout rules

The length of the product display can vary from 50 to 190 cm - it all depends on the equipment used, the capabilities of the store and the activity of demand.

Each product on the front of the shelf should be represented by 3-5 items, placed with the front side of the packaging facing the buyer. With a smaller quantity, it will simply merge with other products and go unnoticed by the buyer.

When displaying goods on shelves, it is important to consider their shelf life. Products with an earlier sell-by date are placed closer to the buyer, which reduces the volume of expired goods in the store.

Store shelves should not sit idle and empty. In this regard, for popular goods, more retail space and shelf space should be provided so that the seller has time to prepare and display the products.

The wealth of choice lifts the mood of visitors. To create the “effect of abundance”, some stores specifically place mirrors above the shelves to visually increase the amount of goods on the shelves.

2. Law of “Figure and Ground”:

One object is clearly highlighted against the background of others. We must use this law if we want to attract attention to a specific product to promote it. Standing out can be due to bright and non-standard packaging, additional lighting, wobblers, stickers, but advertising materials should not distract attention.

3. Rule of “First Impression”:

Many visitors, when entering a store, begin by asking the price.

In this regard, for example, in grocery stores, goods are laid out in ascending order of price (from cheap to expensive), taking into account the direction of movement of customers.

Having seen goods at attractive prices, buyers feel more free and comfortable. That's why in the entrance area of ​​the store it is best to place products that have discounts or special offers.

4. Bright Spot Effect:

N Your eye always catches bright colors, and the presence of such color accents in the store invariably attracts the attention of visitors. When laying out goods by color, products are placed as customers move from left to right from light shades to darker ones.

In order to enliven the customer's perception, you can use the bright spot effect by creating a single-color block of a certain product that is different in color from other products.

You can also combine blocks of goods of various colors and shapes, evoking pleasant associations among buyers. For example, blocks of pink and white in the bedding department, blocks of white and blue in the body cosmetics department.

display of goods

In addition, the effect of contrast created by photographs placed in the interior of the store or on the back of the shelves works well. In order for photographs to increase customer activity, they must evoke positive emotions.

Images that create a good background mood increase customer confidence and increase product attractiveness by 16%.
When choosing photographs, you should remember that with age people perceive halftones and shades worse, so photographs should be bright and contrasting.

It has been noticed that women prefer color, relaxing photographs (nature, children, happy people), while men like black and white images and stories where the main message is success, strength, victory, aggression.

There may not be a logical connection between the photograph and the product - the main thing is that the image evokes positive emotions. Emotional drawings can also be placed on price tags.

A smiley face on a price tag increases the attractiveness of a product by 20%, while a crossed out price only increases the attractiveness of a product by 4%. In the store, emotions trump reason.

5. Dead zone:

This is the bottom left corner , therefore, the lower shelves should be occupied either by rarely purchased items, or large packages, or goods of targeted demand.

6. Rule of “Volume”:

The advantage of a voluminous display is that it attracts the attention of buyers and is involuntarily perceived as... Organizing such a display is very simple - It is enough to select a stable and capacious container (box, barrel, basket), place goods in it “in bulk” and place a noticeable price tag on it.

The choice of products offered should be limited, otherwise it will be difficult for buyers to decide.

The container must be stable (trolleys are not very suitable for this purpose) and convenient for customers. Also, baskets with volumetric display can be used to extend shelves, placing them next to racks.

7. Law of “Switching Attention”:

If the gaze does not fix an attractive object, then attention switches to another space in search of a “figure” - therefore You can’t place the product in a strict line, as people will simply pass by in search of something bright (except for those who are looking for a specific product).

8. Rule of “Good environment”:

When surrounded by strong products (popular with customers), weak products (less familiar to customers) sell better. The leading product pulls out its lesser-known neighbor.

With this display, strong products begin and complete the row on the shelf, and weak ones are displayed between them. Being surrounded by strong brands, weak products gain their support and sell better .

9. Rule of “Cross Pollination”:

Products should be placed on the display window/counter in groups, not in discord. Products must be grouped on several grounds simultaneously, for example, by brand, type of product, weight/size of packaging and price.

This allows you to keep the buyer’s attention on the product and, accordingly, stimulates purchase (in stores the product is often located differently).

Placing products from different product groups nearby helps increase sales in the store. With this layout, beer is placed next to the roach, pasta is placed next to ketchup, and tea and coffee are placed next to sugar and sweets..

A useful neighborhood can increase sales of each product by up to 80%, and also gives buyers a feeling of care and pleasant emotions (after all, the product turns out to be just in time).

10. Law of “Size”:

Small goods should be located closer to the buyer, large ones can be placed further away.

11. Rule of “Safety”:

Often, multi-level display of goods is associated with the desire of the store owner to increase the return on retail space, but in reality this produces the opposite effect:the visitor does not take the goods because he is afraid that the complex structure will collapse .

Unfortunately, the attractiveness of a display often prevails over its functionality, which ultimately reduces sales. Product placement in the store should be attractive, accessible and safe for customers.

It is necessary to take into account the features of food display
on weighing and portion counters:

    "By height": place more expensive goods on the portion counter on the upper shelves - at eye level and slightly higher, cheaper ones - on the lower shelves; On the weighing counter, expensive goods are placed closer to the buyer, cheap goods - closer to the seller.

    "At cost": Expensive goods should be placed separately from similar cheap ones; proximity is possible only if this is done specifically to promote the cheap. In general, the gradation in price should be gradual, or there should be different display cases/shelves.

    "Exclusion Zone": Do not place product and racks in “dead ends” - those places in the store where you can enter and then need to leave to return to the main hall, as these are the worst visited places.

    "Rule 2/3": goods should be placed at the end of the second third of the display window (in the direction of the main flow of customers), since the buyer in the first third of the display window only understands that another product group has begun, in the second third he begins to ask the price, and the product should be located in this place.

    "Peekaboo": do not place the goods at the ends of the display case - buyers rarely look there either.

    "Highway": consider the direction of the main flow of customers in the store: it is always better to place goods on the main “highways”.

    "Fresh Cut": weighted goods (cheeses, sausages and meat products) must have a fresh cut, which is updated before the start of the working day or as necessary. A fresh cut allows a person to visualize the taste and consistency of the product and, accordingly, attracts more attention.

    "Purity": showcase must be clean! There should be no crumbs, smudges, or dirty utensils, since food products are very susceptible to bacteria and compliance with hygiene standards is especially important for them. For example, mold from “blue cheeses” is very tenacious and if cutting and storage rules are not followed, it will quickly spoil other cheeses. In addition, the buyer associates cleanliness and order with the quality of the product and the professionalism of the sellers.

    "Freedom instead of tightness": goods should be placed facing the buyer and should not greatly block each other so that the entire product can be seen. The buyer should not have any difficulty looking at the product at all.

    "Assortment matrix": there should be a sufficient quantity of goods, preferably a lot: 1-2 packages or a small piece of a weighted product causes negative associations among the buyer that the product was left unpurchased, that it is a damaged product and, besides, no one wants to be the last - even in purchasing .

    "Price tags": Should be easy to read and contain information about the product name, manufacturer and possibly other attractive product characteristics. It’s good if the seller of the weighing counter has a catalog or a brief description of each item so that, for example, he can name the percentage of fat content or the taste characteristics of a particular cheese.

    "Layout": The optimal option, of course, is the vertical display of all products of one brand, in which the brand is presented vertically on all shelves in a single ensemble. This ensures brand recognition and advantageously demonstrates the richness of the product range. But, unfortunately, stores rarely allow this, preferring to display goods by name from different manufacturers. This, of course, has its advantages, since in this case the buyer who decides to buy sour cream has the opportunity to choose any one in terms of price, quality, fat content, and taste. Vertical display is most often used on special branded racks.

    "Name": goods of the same name with different packaging should be located side by side so that a person can choose the right one for himself.

    "Design": counter decoration should consist of objects and goods that are combined or associated with the product being sold, for example, on the cheese counter you can put walnuts, apples, or put a bottle of wine next to elite cheeses.

    "Location": the location of the showcase itself inside the store is also important. There are a number of rules: goods of impulsive demand (nuts, chocolates, chewing gum) are located closer to the entrance of the store, near the cash registers - in the hot spots area (English “hot spot” is used to designate places suitable for promotion, installation of slides, etc. .); cheese, meat - in the back of the store; dairy products - along the main flow of buyers.

From the article you will learn:

Features of the design of a sausage display case

Features of sausage merchandising

Rules for displaying sausages

Various types of sausages can be found in almost every grocery store. Their extreme popularity among all segments of the population and a significant markup make this product one of the most profitable. But all such products have a rather short shelf life and, in order to speed up their turnover, sellers often use basic merchandising tools - the placement and display of sausages in the store.

Features of the design of a sausage display case

To demonstrate sausages, the first thing you need to do is take care of the necessary equipment. For display, you can use both racks and display cases. Each method is designed for a specific audience, so experts recommend combining them. But if the area of ​​the retail outlet does not allow the use of both racks and counters, then the choice should be made in favor of the latter. On average, up to 80% of the total volume of sausages is sold with their help.

To display sausage products in a store, refrigeration units with a temperature of +6°C are usually used. Moreover, it is advisable to have separate display cases for boiled and smoked products. In addition to refrigeration equipment, the sausage department will need scales, a knife and cutting boards with an antibacterial surface. Keep it all in plain sight, not in separate areas, because people consider the products cut in front of them to be fresher.

Read about the features of displaying fresh meat and meat products in this article.

Features of sausage merchandising

It is most profitable to organize the sausage department closer to the middle of the hall. It should not interfere with meat, seafood and semi-finished products, but it goes well with cheeses. Merchandising of sausages may depend on three factors.


In this case, the display is made from cheaper items - sausages and boiled sausage. Then come boiled-smoked, and then raw-smoked, smoked and other relatively expensive ones. This arrangement best reflects the richness of the assortment.


With an emphasis on price, sausages are displayed starting from the cheapest, promotional and discounted ones, to the more expensive ones. This will help to immediately interest the buyer.


This placement is great for helping people compare several similar products from different factories and make an informed choice. Products from the same manufacturer can be grouped, highlighted using stickers, flags and special price tags, and made more visible.

Rules for displaying sausages

To make the display of sausages in a window look aesthetically pleasing and attractive, it is also useful to adhere to certain principles.

  • Remember the most P popular locations. It is wiser to place the most expensive products or those goods that urgently need to be sold closer to the level of human eyes.
  • Make sure that each product is facing the store visitor and can be clearly seen.
  • Display sausage slices. The laying out of sausages assumes that products with a diameter of more than 10 cm have a straight cut, and narrower ones - at an angle of 45°.
  • Make sure that each product has visible price tags. It is better if, in addition to the name and price, the manufacturer is also indicated on them.
  • Create demand. If there is enough space on the display, display several copies of the same product - this will make people think that it will sell out quickly.
  • Get rid of vacuum packaging. Vacuum packaging significantly extends the shelf life of sausages, but spoils their appearance. In this situation, the film can be removed only from the display sample, which will attract people's attention, and the rest of the packaged sausage can be put in the refrigerator and taken out only during purchase.
  • For lighting in the sausage department, it is better to use warm spectrum lamps - with a yellowish tint.

These simple rules will help make the design of a sausage display more aesthetically pleasing and attractive, which will whet people’s interest in purchasing. All that remains is to constantly monitor the display cases and replenish the stocks of the necessary items. Remember that if there are not enough goods on the counter, people think that they are trying to sell them stale remains and refuse to purchase. But an abundance of sausages, on the contrary, creates the impression that your outlet is popular and significantly increases sales.

Entrepreneurs often take the design of their butcher shop very seriously, investing a lot of money in staff uniforms, curtains and other small items, choosing everything the same color, etc. But as practice shows, this is a rather conservative type of business, so a creative approach will not help sales growth much.

Of course, you want to make everything as attractive and memorable as possible, but the best is the enemy of the good, you heard right?

In a butcher shop, you need to do everything for the customer; it should be comfortable to be here and easy to find the right products. Let's take a closer look at the intricacies of decorating a butcher shop window.

Meat displays

They should always look exuberant. Arrange the equipment symmetrically to make it easier for a person to orient themselves immediately after they cross the threshold. Place display cases for meat in an L or P shape, and refrigeration chambers and shelving as close to the wall as possible so as not to clutter the space.

There is no need to paste calendars with animals, photos of cows on the walls and, God forbid, hang up diagrams of cutting up cow carcasses - this not only does not contribute to sales growth, but generally reduces them.

There is no need for a person to know where a particular piece of meat came from. In supermarkets, they often hang a small picture cut out in the shape of a cow and a pig, on which the body parts are simply labeled, to make it easier to navigate the assortment. This is the optimal solution if you really want to help clients.

When arranging a butcher shop window, it is very important to pay attention to the following points:

  1. for the counter and adjacent areas you need to order stainless steel metal shelves, the same sink and other utensils. All boards used should be antibacterial, as should knives. It is safe, profitable (they will not deteriorate after a couple of months of active use) and looks attractive in the eyes of the buyer;
  2. It is important to monitor the cleanliness of the counter and ensure that no unpleasant odor appears. This indicates the seller’s negligent attitude towards work and gives rise to thoughts that the products are stale. The counter must be treated with special antiseptic products, then rinsed with water and only after that, arrange the display case;
  3. When choosing dishes in which to place meat and cuts, make sure that it not only helps you sell, but also meets all food safety standards. For poultry, marketers advise choosing yellow trays, while meat products look more advantageous on a black background.

As in any other store, lighting is of great importance. If chosen incorrectly, the windows will vaguely resemble a hospital, which will invariably affect turnover.

You need to select lamps that give an even, warm and soft light of a light yellow or pink spectrum. Blue is not a food color, so giving it preference is not a good idea.

Now let’s talk about how to place products on refrigerated shelves in such a way that they tempt customers. The design of a meat display is usually carried out taking into account the price category: expensive products are best placed on the shelves at the top, the middle price segment is at the customer’s eye level, and the cheapest products will be on the lowest rack.

At the same time, we take into account visual stability by placing meat in large packages at the bottom of the counter, and smaller pieces on the upper shelves. The product placed in the middle, at customer eye level, is considered the most popular and is what is purchased most often.

If, after arranging products on the shelves, you see that some packages are turned at an angle, hiding each other, etc., then it is better to trim the assortment a little.

For cold cuts, vertical display by type of meat is perfect, and you can divide the display case into separate zones so that one product group occupies one entire shelf.

Be sure to monitor the freshness of the products, because no amount of beauty on the display will increase sales if the meat on the counter is weathered and looks unattractive.

There is no need to decorate the display case from the inside, but sauces and seasonings can and should be carefully placed nearby, which customers can purchase immediately after choosing a tasty piece of meat.

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The assortment of sausages and sausage products in any store is one of the main ones. Customers want to purchase fresh, tasty and inexpensive meat products every day. To get the maximum profit from this area of ​​​​the grocery store, you should understand in detail the classification of products, offer the most popular products among customers, taking into account the capabilities of your store and maximizing your profits, and lay out the products in such a way that they attract the buyer.

If your store has been operating for a long time, then determining the range of sausages and sausage products for it will no longer be difficult, but for novice entrepreneurs just opening their own store, this is very difficult to do. This article will help simplify the process of choosing the main supplier for the store and determine what range to offer to your customers in terms of price segment and product popularity.

Classification of sausages

What types of sausages exist:

  • Boiled
  • Boiled-smoked
  • Raw smoked
  • Dry-cured
  • Meat delicacies
  • Liver and blood sausage
  • Ham, meat loaf
  • Pates, brawn and jellied meat

Boiled sausages

Each species is divided into groups. For example, boiled sausages include:

  • Doctorskaya has a delicate structure due to the fine grinding of minced meat, then it is fried, boiled and cooled. Made from category A meat, that is, without the addition of offal. Refers to a premium product. It comes in a cellophane shell, natural (made from intestines), as well as belkozin (an artificial protein shell made from collagen fibers).
  • Dairy has the same technical data for production, but minced meat is used in category B, with the addition of udder and skin. Belongs to 1st grade.
  • Amateur with the addition of bacon. The preparation method and composition are the same as the doctor's sausage, but with the addition of small pieces of bacon. It also has the highest grade for its intended purpose.
  • The Russian version is close in composition to the amateur version, only the bacon is much smaller and contains garlic.
  • Tongue consists of premium quality pork and beef with the addition of tongue, blood mass and pistachios.
  • Tea is prepared from category B meat, but with the addition of bacon. Belongs to grade 2.

In addition, there are a lot of cooked sausages on the market, made according to specifications. These sausages are made cheaper by adding various non-meat ingredients (starch, soy, etc.). Very often, manufacturers, in order to mislead the consumer, produce analogues of the previously mentioned sausages and make a slight change in the name. For example: “Doctor’s in Cherkizovsky”, “Dairy in Moscow”, etc. Usually they cost a little less than high-quality sausages, but they may have nothing in common with them.

The development of poultry farms led to the fact that they began to make large quantities of sausage from poultry meat. Such products are also made according to technical specifications, while sausages made from beef or pork cost much less.

Sausages and sausages

Sausages and sausages also belong to boiled sausages and are divided into different groups according to type and preparation:

  • cream sausages consist of pork and beef category A, with the addition of dairy cream
  • milk sausages are made from category A pork and beef with the addition of milk powder, they contain no more than 28% fat, they come in a natural casing and cellophane
  • homemade made from minced meat of category A, after cooking they are smoked
  • Bavarian with the addition of cheese, can be either first or second grade
  • Vienna, Munich; they also contain pork and beef, but they are thin and long
  • Ham and veal sausages, despite the name, are made from beef and chicken, Frankfurt sausages are made only from minced beef.
  • Today, to reduce the cost of sausages, poultry meat or mechanically deboned poultry meat is often added; in addition, sausages consisting entirely of chicken meat have long been presented on the market.

Sausages consist of the same meat as sausages, only the minced meat is coarser and their casing is made from beef and pork belly. They are thicker in shape and more like small sausages.

  • Accordingly, pork sausages contain more pork
  • Beef contains minced beef with the addition of chicken.
  • Lard and minced pork are added to the bacon
  • Meat bread also belongs to boiled sausages, but the cooking technology is slightly different; after boiling, it is baked and goes on sale without the casing.

Boiled-smoked sausages

The composition of the products is close to boiled ones, but the cooking technology is different. It is smoked, then boiled, and then sent for smoking again. The minced meat into such sausages is not ground, but chopped to achieve a clear cut structure.

  • The classification is divided into two grades: highest and first. Highest grade: must be prepared according to GOST
  • Gourmet: containing beef, pork, bacon, various herbs and spices, category A meat, without added by-products
  • Cervelat grainy, Finnish, Kremlin contains lean and fatty pork, premium beef, they differ in the addition of herbs and spices. Lard, as a rule, is very small, no more than 5-6 mm.
  • Moscow - the composition includes minced beef and back fat, in fairly large pieces of 16-25 mm, often without the addition of pork, spices.
  • By its name, you can guess the cognac it contains.
  • Krakow made from pork, beef, chopped bacon. Made in the shape of a ring.
  • Hunting sausages are made in the form of thin sausages, the composition is pork and beef, but with the addition of hot pepper.
  • Amateur and lamb consist of pork and beef of category B, the latter is supplemented with minced lamb.
  • Odessa is also made in the shape of a ring, only it contains garlic.

Any sausage of the 2nd and 3rd grades includes meat of the corresponding grade and offal. First grade: can be prepared according to GOST and TU.

Semi-smoked sausages

Semi-smoked sausages are made in the same way as boiled-smoked ones, but at the last stage of preparation they are dried.

Smoked sausage

Only the highest grades are produced. Chopped minced meat is cold smoked and dried. The production of these products takes a very long time, up to 2 months. Each manufacturer adheres to its own recipe, so it is difficult to guess the exact composition of a certain type. But there are still the most common ones.

  • Moscow consists of beef with the addition of pork lard, and also contains white pepper and nutmeg.
  • Brunswick, beef and pork. By maintaining proportions, a rich dark color is achieved. It also includes ground nutmeg and cardamom. The bacon in its composition is quite coarsely ground.
  • Pork, it contains only pork and very large bacon. Various spices.
  • Jewish, which contains only beef and small beef lard.
  • Kremlyovskaya, pork and beef, garlic, cumin and chili pepper.
  • Beef also consists only of beef and various spices. It has a very dense consistency.
  • Imperial, composed of pork, chicken breast meat and rabbit.
  • Nut servelat consists of pork and chicken with the addition of nutmeg and almonds.
  • Kazy contains only horse meat and spices.

Dry-cured sausages

Smoking of such sausages is carried out at low temperatures, no more than 30 degrees. The most popular sausages of this type:

  • Homemade is distinguished by large-cut minced meat. It contains pork, beef, garlic and various spices.
  • Salami, which can include both pork and beef.

Meat delicacies:

  • There are boiled-baked ones: boiled pork, Tambov ham, Stolichny ham, pork neck, pastrami. They differ in the composition of added spices.
  • Smoked and boiled: carbonade, brisket, beef, rolls of various compositions, beef and pork tongue, pork ribs and pork ears.
  • Raw smoked: bacon, brisket, carpaccio (poultry), balyk, carbonade
  • Dry-cured: meat chips, beef, ham, brisket, venison, basturma (beef), sudzhuk (various types of meat).
  • Salted or salted-smoked bacon.

Liver and blood sausages:

The name of the sausages speaks for itself. Liverwort contains only the internal organs of the animal (lung, kidneys, liver, heart, udder, etc.). There are two methods of preparation. After cooking, the product is either cooled to 0 degrees or heated to 80 degrees.

Blood sausage consists of blood that has been thickened through special preparation. Buckwheat may be added to some types.


Pork meat is used with the addition of various spices. You can distinguish a natural product by its less attractive appearance and more expensive price. Unfortunately, ham currently contains a large number of additives: stabilizers, preservatives, thickeners, dyes and flavors.


Can be made from meat or offal. The most popular is liver pate. From poultry, pork or beef liver. With the addition of onions, garlic, horseradish and various spices.


A dish of thick jelly-like mass with pieces of meat and vegetables. Consistency is achieved by long cooking of meat products (poultry, pork and beef). As a rule, it is poured into plastic jars and cooled.

Seltz, saltison, galantine:

Almost the same as jellied meat, but it contains offal, usually pork and pork head meat. Spices and vegetables. Galantine is produced using the same technology, but consists of lean minced poultry, pork or beef.

Market analysis

The sausage market in our country is developing very actively. It is rated as promising and there is high competition on it. This is due to the fact that the demand for sausage products is growing. The market for sausage products is divided into 2 groups:

  • Frequently consumed goods include boiled sausage, frankfurters and small sausages.
  • Periodic consumption includes raw smoked sausages and delicacies.

The trend of increasing popularity among the population for boiled sausages is explained by the rather low price category. Such sausages occupy 50% of the popularity on the market. The boiled-smoked segment makes up 40%. Raw smoked sausage cannot be cheap, because... The manufacturing process is complex and consists of many lengthy stages. And the meat used is of the highest quality. Sales of such products increase only on holidays. On normal days, the market for raw smoked sausages is 7%. Other sausages and delicacies occupy 3%.

The existing production in the country fully satisfies the demand of the population. About 99% of the market belongs to domestic producers. And less than 2% is imported. The largest production facilities are located in central Russia. They own 39% of all production. There are approximately five thousand enterprises on the sausage market, one hundred of them produce 60% of the products.

The first three places are occupied by the capital's giant factories:

  • JSC "Cherkizovo" meat processing plant
  • OJSC "Ostankino" meat processing plant
  • CJSC Mikoyanovsky Meat Processing Plant

Large plants can also be classified as

  • "Miratorg" Agro-industrial holding, Moscow
  • JSC "Starodvorskie sausages", Vladimir region
  • OJSC Velikoluksky Meat Processing Plant, Pskov Region
  • OJSC Ramensky Meat Processing Plant, Moscow region
  • Dmitrov Meat Processing Plant, Tver Region
  • "Baltprommyaso" Kaliningrad plant
  • CampoMos Meat Processing Plant, Moscow
  • "Remit" plant in Podolsk, Moscow. Region

There are also gaining momentum, albeit small campaigns, but already quite popular. They enjoy recognition among the population.

  • Dymov LLC, Krasnodar Territory
  • Meat Ryady LLC, Lipetsk region
  • Elite Group Company LLC, Moscow
  • Veles LLC, St. Petersburg
  • Unit Torg LLC, St. Petersburg
  • PA "Agro Resource", Sverdlovsk region.
  • "Borodin's Meat House", Moscow region.
  • Klinsky LLC, Moscow region.
  • Mortadel LLC, Moscow region.
  • CJSC "Elinar", Moscow region.
  • Rublevsky Meat Processing Plant, Moscow
  • "Ochakovo" meat processing plant, Moscow region.

At the same time, in almost every region there is a strong position of local sausage producers, of which there can be from 3 to 5 pieces, and in some regions even more.

Sausage assortment

When thinking about the assortment of sausages in your store, you should start from the area of ​​the store or kiosk, and put the most popular sausages in your region on the counter.

Kiosk assortment

Sausage products are practically not sold at the kiosk. This is primarily due to difficulties in storing products and instability of demand. After all, if the products are not purchased within three days, they will have to be thrown away.

Assortment of food pavilion and convenience store.

The assortment of sausage products for a pavilion or a convenience store should not be very large, and you will not be able to expand it much if the store is not a specialized meat store. Usually, one display case is allocated in the pavilion to display all types of sausages, sausages and hams.

It is enough to have 3-4 types of sausages by weight and 3 types vacuum-packed. Sausages 2-3 types by weight and 2 types packaged. 2-3 types of doctor's sausage (according to suppliers), amateur, Russian and tea sausage, one type is enough. One type of meat loaf. 2 types of ham.

When forming an assortment, it is necessary to take into account the income of the population of nearby houses and, taking this into account, display the appropriate brands of sausages, frankfurters, and sausages. So, if people with average income live nearby, then it is better to place GOST products, grades 1 or 2, which include:

  • boiled sausages - milk, doctor's, Russian, Ostankino, tea, amateur, etc.
  • sausages - milk, Russian, Bavarian, etc.
  • sausages - pork, beef, Tatar;
  • boiled smoked sausages - Karelian servelat, servelat;
  • semi-smoked - Krakow, etc.;
  • ham - for breakfast;

If your stall or store is located in a small town or village, or in an area where people with low incomes sell mainly, then it is best to leave 1 name of the previously listed sausage products in the assortment and supplement it with products from lower price segments:

  • boiled sausages - all names of the previously mentioned sausages with various prefixes (for example, “Doctorskaya according to Cherkizovsky”, “Ostankinskaya according to Moskovsky”, etc.), as well as any other sausages produced according to technical specifications with meat substitutes (starch, soy, etc. .d.);
  • sausages - dairy plus cheaper ones;
  • sausages - inexpensive types of sausages with meat substitutes;
  • semi-smoked - leave the Krakow one and add cheaper sausages;
  • hams - inexpensive options compared to breakfast hams (each company may call them differently)

It would not be superfluous to have sliced ​​sausage, packaged in 150-300 grams.

Raw smoked sausage should be on the counter to satisfy different tastes. Plus, it has a long shelf life (in the refrigerator it is stored for up to 4 months, and dry-cured for 6 months). It can be of 1-2 types. But first, don’t take too much, see how it goes. Basically, raw smoked sausage is sold on holidays, so you risk being left with leftover products if you take a lot of it.

In addition, you can put salted and smoked bacon on the counter.

Such pavilions usually work with one of the sausage manufacturers or suppliers. This allows you to negotiate discounts and deferments for products. It is best, of course, to work with a local or closest supplier to your store. This will allow you to receive beautiful products with a shelf life that will allow you to sell them in the shortest possible time.

Assortment of goods in a liquor store

The assortment of the alcohol store is not so wide for sausage products. For such stores it is worth laying out several types of raw smoked sausages; it is better if these products are in portioned vacuum packaging, or packaged as snacks because... the period for its implementation is much longer, and it can be placed in the checkout area or close to the cash register area.

Assortment of goods in a supermarket

The supermarket's assortment is very large. It must fully satisfy the needs of various segments of the population. Here, for the sale of sausages, not only horizontal display cases are used (usually 2 pieces - for boiled sausages and for smoked sausages and smoked meats), but also vertical ones, which allow you to place sausages in small packaging, sausages, sausages and products in vacuum packaging.

The range of sausages in the supermarket is quite extensive, usually represented by two or three manufacturers and contains the following product names:

  • Boiled sausages - doctor's sausage (3 types), Milk (2-3 types), Tea (2 types), Veal (1 type), Russian (1 type), up to 10 types of inexpensive sausages made according to specifications;
  • Sausages and sausages, 10 types each
  • Ham - at least 6 types
  • Boiled-smoked sausages - up to 10 types
  • Semi-smoked - Moscow, Cognac, Krakow from several manufacturers
  • Raw smoked sausages and salami - at least 10-15 types, they usually display products from local and large Russian producers, while offering products at the highest possible price range.
  • Dry-cured at least 5-7 types

On closed display cases from different manufacturers are carbonated meat, neck, ham and boiled pork. There is also a large selection of delicacies, both loose and packaged in portions. Brisket, bacon, balyk. Several types of salted bacon.

It should be taken into account that the sales period for boiled products is only 5 days, the storage temperature is up to +5, extra-cooked sausages are from 15 to 30 days at +3+5 degrees, depending on the casing. Dry-cured sausage has the longest shelf life, up to 9 months. Store only in the refrigerator, at a temperature of +4 to +8 degrees.

If you are going to target your store at people with average incomes, be sure to include a slicer and a salesperson for cutting products.

Display of sausages

The key to good sales of sausage products is ideal cleanliness, good lighting, a competent approach to the buyer and a beautiful display of goods. Sausage products are displayed on two types of display cases - horizontal and vertical.

On a horizontal table, the sausages should be placed one next to the other by type, it is better to cut the products diagonally, direct the cut towards the buyer and be sure to cover it with cling film, otherwise it will weather and turn gray. Sausages and sausages look beautiful in a pyramid. To speed up the purchasing process, slices of the most common sausages can be made in advance and placed nearby in a refrigerated display case with direct access to the buyer, or placed in a vertical display case.

Vertical refrigerated display cases are used when it is necessary for the buyer to take the products himself. Boiled sausages and small packaged hams (usually 400 g), small packaged sausages and small sausages (usually 330 g) in vacuum packaging, mugs of semi-smoked sausages also in vacuum packaging, uncooked smoked sausages sliced ​​in packaging and hung in whole loaves are placed on it in a row. Arrange the vacuum packaging in a fan pattern, also by type.

It is best to list products by manufacturer from the lowest priced product to the most expensive. Promotional items can be highlighted with red/yellow price tags.

A lot also depends on the layout. You need to have a separate display case for each type of sausage: boiled sausages separately from boiled-smoked ones. Raw smoked, separate from boiled and baked delicacies. Jellied meat, saltison and pate can be placed in one display case with vacuum cuts.

The department of sausages and meat delicacies is usually located in the back of the sales area in order to organize the flow of customers throughout the entire area of ​​the store's sales area.

Along with sausage products, cheeses, pickles and salads can be placed. Smaller stores may have baked goods and alcoholic beverages nearby.

It should be noted that an interesting, complex display of sausages is an important condition for ensuring high sales volumes. On the display case, products can be presented in three ways:

For the manufacturers;

The display on the portioned sausage counter can be presented as follows:

In a horizontal way - placing each product name from each category on a specific shelf of commercial equipment;

Vertical method - placement of each product name from each category on all equipment shelves from top to bottom.

Usually, products on the portion counter are laid out with the manufacturers, which makes it possible to track the process of selling a particular product and replenish its stocks. Corporate display allows you to better present the product range and highlight the brand. A portion counter makes it possible to better present the product and save the buyer’s time.

The display of sausages on a weighing counter is significantly different from the placement of products on a portion counter.

Experts recommend creating a weighing counter display by type. For example, three types of “Medical” sausage must be placed side by side so that the consumer has the opportunity to compare the cost and appearance of products from different manufacturers. In the process of selling sausages through a weighing counter, it should be taken into account that within the display of each category there is a “hot” zone where the products sell best. To determine where such a zone is located, it is necessary to pay attention to the following factors: the direction of movement of the main flow of customers; placement of scales; showcase shape and lighting. The main priority when displaying sausage products within each category is sales volume. That is, sausages that are in greatest demand are laid out in the “hot” zone, and then as sales volumes decrease. It should also be taken into account that most consumers prefer to watch the cutting of sausages themselves, as they want to be sure that the product is fresh.

Main calculation principles sausage products are:

1. "Abundance." The psychology of the consumer is such that he does not want to take leftover products from the display case. So, the more appetizing the display window looks, the more consumers will pay attention to it and make a purchase.

2. Sausages are arranged by category. The consumer on the display window (both portioned and by weight) wants to see a wide range of sausage products, presented in such a way that it is possible to choose the required category, brand, etc.

3. Corporate block. Within each category, sausages from the same manufacturer must be laid out in a single block.

4. Efficient use of space. The amount of space allocated to a particular product should correspond to its share in the total turnover of the entire category.

5. Clear indication of prices for sausage products.

6. All sausage products must be presented at points of sale facing the customers.

7. Creating demand. In order to create the appearance of demand for a particular product, it is necessary to post it in several copies.

Sausage products are usually laid out with manufacturers, which allows you to better present the range of goods and highlight the brand;

Each product name must be presented on the weighing counter in several samples: whole and with a cut, which is laid out “facing the buyer”;

It is recommended to lay out on a horizontal counter in the following sequence: start with boiled hams, continue with boiled sausages, boiled sausages, such as “servelat”, boiled smoked sausages and end with raw smoked sausages and zucchini;

Each assortment item for the purpose of demonstrating it to customers should be presented cut across the sample; sausages with a wide diameter are cut crosswise at a right angle, and sausages with a smaller diameter are cut at an angle of 45°.

According to the current sales rules, the surfaces of sausages and smoked meats are wiped with a towel, the ends of the casing are cut off, the bindings are removed, and the weathered sections are cleaned. Pre-packing of sausages and smoked meats must be done in volumes required - no more than one day of sale, and meat and raw meat products - no more than 2-3 hours.

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