Earnings on account registration. Is it possible to earn on registrations? And is it worth it? Extras: earnings on comments

Earnings on creating accounts is very popular among beginners. Something, but many people know how to register. The only question is, how much are you willing to pay for it? Not as much as I would like. But what if you urgently need to extend the Internet or your phone suddenly runs out of money? This is where the boxes come to the rescue. I will say right away that you have to sweat to earn at least 100 rubles. in an hour.

Method number 1. Earn money by creating Google accounts

Earnings from Google accounts can be divided into two parts:
  • Registering a Google account;
  • Selling an account on a reliable axle box() via task.
1.Registering a Google account. There are many ways to register a Google account even without verifying a phone number. This is what I'm talking about. It is important to know several options for creating, because each way, sooner or later, a smart system exposes and blocks free and frequent registrations.

2.Earning money on Google accounts. New Google accounts are worth their weight in gold. We will sell them on axleboxes. There people create tasks for registering Google accounts with different conditions. Usually for a new account they ask: from 5 to 10 rub.

Where can I sell Google accounts?

1. At the moment, the toughest task I found on the site wmmail.ru.
The customer buys fresh accounts at 0.1$ per piece, here is the screenshot:

2. After registering on wmmail, go from the section "Earnings" to "Tasks". There, in the category “Reg. without activity”, you will find tasks where you can sell accounts.

To quickly find tasks, I advise you to use the filter -
"Search for paid jobs: job id" (1354117 and 1433088).

2. profitcentr.com- the second site-books, where there are tasks for creating Google accounts. Maximum price: 5 rubles. Job number: 435455 .

Before sending the report, make sure that the logins and passwords from your mails are correct, and most importantly, the accounts must be working, that is, not blocked. Do not perform any actions with the created accounts, otherwise the advertiser may reject your report. The account will, of course, be returned to you and indicate the reason for the refusal.
Please note that tasks may be disabled. You can search for similar tasks or wait for the inclusion of those in the examples.
3. Socpublic.com- another site where buying and selling Google accounts is allowed.

* The picture shows a task that was created recently, but already has 168 runs. The advertiser has not yet verified the reports, so it is best to wait. In the category "Reg. without activity” the highest paying task is also 5 rubles.

How else can you use your new Google accounts?

1. If you do not log in to a new account for several days, you can then use it in the program and solve only light recaptchas for several days. For 1000 solutions on RuCaptcha they pay from 65 to 130 rubles. The work is very simple, and with a fresh Google account it is also quickly profitable.

2. New Google accounts are also ideal for, where one click on the "Subscribe to the channel" button pays from 20 kopecks. These can be included here, with their further sale.

We figured out how and where to sell a new Google account, I'm more concerned with the question: “Why does a person need so many accounts?”.

Well, not for making money on recaptcha for sure. I will put forward my version, and you write your thoughts on this matter in the comments. I think he sells them even more expensive, that’s my hypothesis. By the way, it wouldn’t be a bad idea to contact direct buyers in this case. Maybe you know someone who is buying Google accounts for a big price?

Method number 2. Earning money from registrations on websites

  • Registration without activity
  • Registration with activity
  • Registration with investment

1. Registration without any activity the simplest. You just need to register on some site and that's it. Most often, such tasks are created to attract referrals to projects, in the hope that they will remain working.

2. Registration with activity it's a little more complicated. Now filling out one registration form will not work. The site needs to be active. Which one specifically? This should be clearly stated in the assignment. I'll give an example:

  1. Register on the site;
  2. Earn 100 rubles.

It is important to understand here that without achieving a result, of course, that is, without 100 rubles earned, you will not be paid for the work. It is difficult to understand the complexity of working without registration if you have not performed similar tasks before.

3. Registration with investment or simply "Investing" is somewhat reminiscent of the second category, where you need to be active. Only now the task might look like this:

  1. Register on the site;
  2. Top up your balance by 100 rubles.

How else can you create accounts for money?

1. You can still. There is a “Play Games” category for this. Somewhere, you only need to register in the game, but somewhere you need to fulfill a certain condition (for example, reach a certain level). It is very interesting to work on such tasks. It seems that you are relaxing (playing) and immediately earning money.

2. You can also earn good money by creating social profiles. The principle is simple: register an account, promote it (gain subscribers) and sell it on forums and specials. sites. Fake pages are in great demand among advertising managers. For an account with 10 thousand subscribers they usually pay: from 3 to 5 thousand rubles.


If you are interested in other ways to make money on the Internet, then go to. There are collected more than 25 best sites for networking, which I have personally selected over the course of 5 years. Good luck to you!

1. Website founded back in the distant two thousand and nine. During its existence, it has paid users more than one million rubles. Income is possible not only on registrations, but also on the performance of other simple actions. These can be attributed income from views (surfing) , reading paid emails, passing simple tests, social media activities and various other tasks.

Get yours earn money by signing up online you can to your wallet in one of the popular electronic payment systems. It can be WebMoney, Yandex money or .

2. appeared a little later, but very quickly managed to win the trust of users and become very popular. A light and unobtrusive interface at a glance contributes to the correct perception and helps not to be distracted by small and insignificant details in the process of work. At the moment, the resource offers about fifteen thousand tasks for completion, which makes the process fast and exciting.

You can withdraw your earnings using one of the methods listed in the first option. I would like to mention a well-developed referral system, which makes it possible to passively receive the desired income. The main thing is to recruit a strong team of reliable and hardworking partners!!!

For decent earnings on registrations on the Internet, it is recommended to work on two projects at once in parallel. At the same time, preference should be given to the most advantageous offers, with which you, of course, are able to cope.

If the conditions of the task are doubtful or you can’t do it, refuse to complete it and move on to a task that is more worthy in your opinion. In parallel with the tasks, do surfing, writing or tests. You can’t earn a lot on these actions, but it’s quite possible to make an extra 50 rubles a day!

In order to convince you of the simplicity of this type of side job, below we will give an example of how to complete a task on a service called Profitcenter. After on the resource, you should go to the task completion section and follow the further instructions on how to make money on registrations.

How to make money on registrations: step by step instructions

1. In the appropriate column, select the desired category of instructions, the tasks from which you would like to perform. In our situation, this category Registration only.

2. By the way, on the site you can also find tasks from the registration section with the manifestation of activity. Such instructions involve performing several actions on a newly created profile on a resource. This can be either a vote, a request to write a comment, adding a photo to a profile, a set of a certain rating or reaching a level, and many other actions. You can learn more about them in the conditions for the selected task.

3. To view the order of the task, you need to do click on its title.

5. After fulfilling all the conditions, we return to the task and indicate the information necessary for verification in a special form. After we send a report and wait for a well-deserved payment - yours earn money by signing up online .

In our example, you must leave your nickname and provide an answer to the question posed. Therefore, this information is shown in the picture.

It is not worth waiting for instant payment, since advertisers are people too and cannot sit on the project around the clock, checking reports. Just move on to the next task. As soon as the customer comes in and checks the execution, the funds will be instantly credited to your balance in the system. And if the task is not checked within seven days, it will be paid automatically.

By adhering to this technique, which consists of five simple steps, you will easily complete various tasks, get paid for them, and in the future put this process on almost automatic execution.

Projects where they also pay for registrations

In addition to the sites mentioned above, there are other projects where they also pay for registrations . There are resources that are ready to pay for attracted referrals, and immediately after a person registers using your affiliate link, the money is credited to your balance.

This link can be found in your personal account on the service and distributed on social networks or using paid tasks on one of the two services described above. Now let's move on to the description of such projects.

1. Already from the name of the site it becomes clear that they earn here. In addition, the service pays one ruble for each referred partner. Of course, the money is small, but still a nice bonus. In addition, in the future you will also receive fifteen percent of the income of each referral. Get passive income and at the same time earn yourself by liking, reposting and other actions.

Takes one jobno more than 20 seconds and you can earn money per day from 20 to 200 rubles depending on the activity and the number of referrals.

2. Project gives you the opportunity to earn money by completing tasks, as well as by attracting referrals. As many as two rubles will be credited to your account after inviting a new user through your link. In addition, you can receive up to sixty percent of the income of your referrals. It all depends on your status in the system.

You can invite active partners not only with the help of social networks. Leave your referral link on forums, blogs or in comments on thematic sites. Make it a rule that The more partners you invite, the higher your profit will be!

How to make money on registrations through the CPA network

You can also earn on registrations through CPA networks. Users who use affiliate programs when creating an account earn much more. To do this, you need to have a popular and promoted YouTube channel, an author's website, a community on a social network, or master traffic arbitrage.

One of the CPA networks is . There are offers with payment for registrations.

In the picture you can see the prices, which are much higher than on other sites. Inside each offer there is a detailed description of the conditions for receiving payment.

For example, we will give an offer for a dating site.

On it, the size of your bonus will depend on the age and gender specified by the user. First you need to specify the traffic source that you plan to use.

If you do not have your own popular site or a promoted channel on YouTube video hosting, you can use banner or teaser networks.

To begin with, you will need to pay for advertising, and after the start of its impressions, users will click on it and register. The return on investment is very fast, but only with the right and deliberate approach to business.

Earnings on registration on a dating site

Many of us like to spend time chatting on dating sites. But only a small part of users know or at least once thought that this pastime can also bring quite a good income. If you are interested, then below we will describe everything that is required for this.

Most of these sites offer affiliate programs to the user. And anyone can make good money on it. The most popular projects include the following sites:

- Mamba;

– loveplanet

– Own dating.

The meaning of such earnings on registration on a dating site is to create a similar resource for dating and communication. This can be done using the PP functionality. In fact, it should be a similar project of one of the sites in the list, only with the author's design. After that, you only need to attract users and you can do this in many different ways.

There is also an option using different ad networks. But here you will be required to pay for services, which, however, is a reasonable step, because the investment will pay off pretty quickly.

But the most reliable method is the popular project . On it, you can create a task, under the terms of which you will need to register on the desired project. This is a fairly common method that will protect you from scammers and the loss of your own funds.

Or here's another super profitable idea for you: invite users to use and

The development of modern technologies, especially the World Wide Web, the Internet, opens up a lot of new opportunities for people not only to search for knowledge and information, but also gives them a chance to earn money without much difficulty. To have an income, you no longer have to get an official job. Today, there are sites on the Internet where you can receive money for registration and withdraw the earned deposit to your bank account.

What is registration for money?

This concept means payment for creating an account or your personal page on one of the sites on the Internet. In most cases, such a platform is not just an Internet resource that gives the user some information, but a page where the user is provided with certain actions. For example, online casino websites where the player receives the first bonuses or money for registration, even if in the future he does not plan to play or invest his personal funds in the game.

How it works

The system works very simply - each user creates an account (personal account) on the customer's site and receives his money for registration. In most cases, the transfer of funds earned in this way is transferred to the user to his virtual wallet in one of the instant Internet settlement systems, from where you can then transfer money by indicating your bank card.

Who needs

A similar procedure is needed directly by the owners of the Internet resource, who offer their visitors money for creating an account. Such actions of users increase the credibility of this resource on the part of search robots and raise the rating of its issuance in search queries. After all, if people do not just visit the site, but decide to create their own personal account there, it means that the site is useful and the search engine, when ranking, determines it closer to the first positions of the issue.

How to register and get money

To get money for user registration, it is first advisable to choose the right site, read reviews about it and make sure that they really pay here. If this is in order, then find the “registration” or “create an account” button and by clicking it follow the further instructions that will be immediately offered - fill out a short questionnaire. Basically they are standard:

  • come up with and enter your future login in a special column;
  • indicate your real name and surname;
  • indicate your email address;
  • enter captcha.

At the end of the questionnaire list there will be a “complete” button or another phrase with such a meaning. After clicking it, the user will receive an e-mail with a verification code, which must be copied and entered in the window that appears after filling out the questionnaire on the site where an account is created for money. When the user receives his money for the registration, depends on the conditions of a particular Internet resource. Some pay immediately, while others after creating an account provide for the implementation of certain actions.

Regular registration on the site as a user

This type of earnings does not require any additional actions from the user on the resource where the account is created. In order to receive a payment, you just need to create your personal page on this Internet site - an account. On different resources, the payment occurs at different times - for some, the payment is credited immediately, for others, after checking the created account by the moderator.

With activity

The user must perform certain actions, show the usual user activity, which depends on the direction of the resource. For example, if this is a forum, then you will have to leave comments in some discussion topics. If it’s an online store, write your review of the product. It is important to believably portray a visitor who has registered for their own personal interests. On some sites, you need to perform several actions, and not in a row, but each after a certain time, so that the activity looks natural.

With referrals

After creating an account, you need to involve other people in the same actions. A percentage of their earnings will be awarded to the person who referred them. To do this, an individual referral link will be offered in your personal account, through which attracted users should get to the site. The system captures whose link they clicked on and attaches them as referrals to the original account. Then they bring their referrals, and those referrals bring their own, and a percentage of the earnings of each is charged to the original source. A financial pyramid is being built, an excellent way of passive income is being created.

Earnings on registrations

The conditions for filling in and confirming data, accruing and withdrawing money, performing actions depend on the selected resource and its type of activity. There are the following types of earnings online:

  • For creating an account in an online casino, they give money for registration, which is credited to the user's virtual account on this resource as the first deposit in order to start betting. Some casinos charge gift funds only after the player has deposited his savings.
  • An account on a resource with slot machines to receive bonuses - the first funds are credited to the account of new players within this system not in real money, but in the form of bonuses.
  • Creating a user account on various Internet sites - funds are credited for registration, the account itself, or for the actions performed.

Online casino with initial capital

In order to attract visitors, some online casinos hold promotions, special offers and credit money to the user's deposit in their system immediately after creating an account. This is done so that the client of the company can start playing without investing his own funds. You cannot immediately withdraw the starting gift money, you can only place bets on them and if you are lucky to win, then withdraw the amount already won.

Slot machines with cash bonus

This technology is similar to the previous one. Only in the case of slot machines or slots, after registration, the user receives not cash, but equivalent bonuses. Bonuses give the visitor the opportunity to make a certain number of spins on slot machines without investing their money. If at the same time winning combinations fall out, then money will be credited, which can then be withdrawn.

Get money for registering on the site

On other resources, funds are credited for registration immediately after it is completed or after the user performs the actions specified in advance in the conditions. The amount and currency also depend on the conditions of a particular online site. The withdrawal of earned funds is carried out to a virtual wallet specified in advance when creating a personal account in one of the Internet payment systems.

What you need to get started

In order to start making money on the Internet on registrations, in addition to free time, you must:

  • Provide yourself with stable, uninterrupted Internet access. If, for example, when filling out a registration form or performing actions on the site, the connection to the Internet is interrupted, they will not be counted and time will be wasted.
  • Create an electronic mailbox, which is necessary to create, confirm, and, if necessary, restore an account.
  • Open an electronic wallet in one of the electronic payment systems, to which the earned money will subsequently be withdrawn.
  • A special program that will automatically fill out forms for entering personal data.

Access to the Internet

Creating an account on one site will not bring much income, in order to earn a significant amount per day, you need to make more than a dozen registrations. Therefore, mobile Internet in this case will be ineffective. To speed up the process, it is desirable to have high-speed wired Internet, and work on a laptop or personal computer.

Availability of free time

Filling out forms with data, and even more so performing specific actions, requires a certain amount of time. Therefore, even if we consider this type of income as additional, in order to earn relatively well, you will need to devote several hours a day to it. The only exception is the referral system, when you have to work on your own only at the beginning, and then the attracted users bring income.


You can create an electronic mailbox in any online mail service. Today, every search engine provides users with such services. This procedure is absolutely free and does not require much effort, you only need to fill in the standard data and come up with a login. Today there are a large number of mail services, but it is desirable to choose the most popular ones (Yandex, Google, Rambler), they provide more additional features, work more stable and faster.

Online wallet

The creation of an electronic wallet should be approached as responsibly and scrupulously as possible in order to guarantee the safety of your funds and not overpay for the subsequent withdrawal of money to a bank account. All electronic payment systems charge a different commission depending on the currency, the withdrawal method, the bank where the account is opened, to which the money will be withdrawn.

Program for auto-filling sponsor registration forms

A special program will help to simplify the formation of your account and speed up the procedure for entering the necessary data into the forms. Since almost all resources where the payment of funds for registration is provided, the same data should be entered, the program automatically enters them without user participation. You only need to first specify your data in the program itself, and then it works autonomously on each Internet project.

How to withdraw money to your account for registration

The money accrued for one account is small, approximately 3–20 rubles. Due to the fact that the payment system charges a fee for transferring money to an electronic wallet, it is not advisable to withdraw small amounts, especially since on some sites the withdrawal is carried out manually by the moderator. Therefore, rare Internet resources give money immediately, more often it happens only after accumulating a certain amount or performing certain actions. In order to withdraw funds, you need to submit an application, it will be processed instantly, or you need to wait for it to be considered by the site administration.

Sites that pay for registration

Today, such sites are very popular, verified and trusted on the network, where payment for registration is guaranteed or a cash bonus is charged for registration with the withdrawal:

  • InternetOpros. You need to create an account, an account and take part in surveys: advertising, consumer, social. Completing each survey costs from 30 to 1000 rubles. You can withdraw money only to replenish your mobile phone or transfer money to charitable organizations.
  • VkTarget . Earning money with the possibility of receiving money for activity on social networks. You need to join groups, put likes, subscribe to news, add friends. The average cost of one action is 0.50 rubles. You can withdraw from 25 rubles through the Webmoney system, Yandex.Money, Qiwi, mobile phone.
  • International Offers. An American site that pays money on the resources offered. Payment from 0.10 to 15 dollars. The minimum withdrawal amount is $0.10. You can withdraw money to AlertPay, PayPal, LibertyReserve, bank account.
  • Milky Way Clicks. Payment for new accounts on the sites presented by the resource ranges from $0.15 to $10. Conclusion: AlertPay, PayPal, LibertyReserve. You can attract referrals with a payment of 2-5% of the earnings of each.
  • Uniq Paid. American service. Payment for viewing pages of Internet resources is $ 0.01-0.02, performing simple tasks - $ 0.2-2, for registration they give - $ 0.5-2 from each site. The minimum amount for withdrawing $1 via WebMoney.
  • Up Paid. Payment for visiting the proposed sites and viewing ads from $0.10 per visit to the advertiser's site. Referral commission 50%. Withdrawal of funds from $1 within 24 hours.
  • Myths&Fact. The essence of earning in creating an account is $10, and the subsequent attraction of referrals is $0.75 from the profit of each of them. Withdrawal from $50 once a month to AlertPay, PayPal, LibertyReserve, by bank check by mail.
  • WmZone. You need to create an account and follow the links to the proposed sites, create accounts on partner sites, leave comments with active links on the forums. Earnings from $50–500 per month.
  • SocPublic. The participant receives payment for viewing sites, advertising, likes, his new accounts. Withdrawal of money in Russian rubles from 0.01 rubles. within 1-4 days on WebMoney, QIWI, Yandex, Payeer, PerfectMoney.
  • SEOsprint. Different types of earnings - opening accounts on sites with and without actions, viewing sites and ads, passing tests. Withdrawing money to WebMoney, QIWI, Yandex.
    igrosoft. Instant automatic payments from 0.01 rubles.
  • Club vulkan. An online casino where earnings are a 10% bonus prize when replenishing a personal account in the system for 1000 rubles.
    Vulkanoriginals – online casino. For creating an account, each new user receives a gift - a $25 no deposit bonus, which can only be used for playing. It cannot be taken out.

Pros and cons of making money on registrations

The positive aspects of this way of earning have been tested many times. You can start working without investments, sales, you do not need to have your own website. Besides:

  • minimum preparatory actions;
  • the ability to work at a convenient time;
  • no special knowledge and skills are required;
  • convenient ways to earn money.

Negative sides:

  • low income relative to the time spent;
  • there is no self-development, acquisition of new knowledge;
  • it is not always possible to withdraw funds immediately;
  • paid withdrawal of earned money.


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On the Internet, you can find a lot of casinos that offer a no deposit bonus to start playing. The rules are formed in such a way that it is almost impossible to withdraw this money without wagering. There are also casinos that offer free spins (reel spins) as a welcome bonus. You can wager them and get a certain amount of money into your account. The size of such a bonus will depend on luck when spinning the reels for free.

Let's figure out which casino gives money for registration, why the casino gives no deposit bonuses, what is the mechanism for accruing money, and which casinos are honest, that is, they are guaranteed to distribute bonuses to new players.

Why do casinos give money for registration?

Online casinos often give new players the opportunity to play for free, and without an initial deposit. So, the player does not risk anything, and gets a chance, by wagering a certain bonus amount, to win real money.

This is done to attract new players. In order to collect the largest possible audience and, accordingly, to receive a large profit for playing the drums, roulette, etc.

Bonuses for registration are also given so that the player can learn, get used to new slots, replenish the account for the first time, and calmly, with confidence play further for real money.

How to get money for registering at an online casino

Most often, a no deposit bonus is credited after registration, confirmation of a mobile phone number, or after entering a special promo code. To withdraw money (or to have it credited to a real account), you need to wager bonus funds. At the same time, more transparent output schemes are usually present in online casino for rubles .

There are more complex schemes for receiving a no deposit bonus:

  1. Registration on the casino website (it is better to enter your real name, city of residence and phone number, etc.)
  2. Entering a promo code in a special field
  3. Email address confirmation (by clicking on the link received in the letter)
  4. Phone activation (entering the code that comes in an SMS message)
  5. Bonus activation in a special section of the site
  6. Starting a free game to clear the welcome bonus

Verified casinos that give bonuses for registration

And now let's look at specific casinos with the withdrawal of money: what bonuses are awarded, what is needed to receive them, etc.

It is always nice to receive money for registering at a casino.

Money for registration in Azartplay

After making the first deposit in Azartplay casino , depending on its size, new players can receive bonuses in the amount of:

  • Contribution amount: 300-500 rub. – 10% bonus ($5-1)
  • Contribution amount: RUB 5,001-10,000. – 25% bonus ($101-200)
  • Contribution amount: 10,001-15,000 rubles. – 50% bonus ($201-300)
  • Contribution amount: RUB 15,001-30,000. – 75% bonus ($301-600)
  • Contribution amount: RUB 30,001-50,000. – 100% bonus ($601-1,000)

Bonus packages are located in the Cashier section. There is also a handy bonus calculator, with which you can clearly see how much money you will receive into your account, depending on the initial deposit.

In addition, Azartplay casino gives each new player 100 free spins in the famous Book of Ra slot machines. You can activate this gift in the “Gifts” section, but only within 5 days from the date of registration.

Money for registration in Admiral

It is better to receive money for registration in trusted casinos

Moreover, some portals offer to wager a couple of tens (and often hundreds) of days on their slots in order to be able to withdraw the funds won to real wallets or cards.

With the above casinos, everything is much simpler and more transparent. You receive your gifts honestly and can withdraw funds without the above problems.

Play and win! Good luck!

Money for registration - this topic is of interest to those who have just learned about working on the Internet and want to receive their first payments quickly and effortlessly. It is not as difficult as or, but the income is many times less. What are the resources that offer to get free money? Can they be trusted and is it worth counting on earnings? Let's consider these questions in the article.

This type of work is dust-free and does not require special talent or skill, so it has already become popular. There are following sites for such earnings:

  • SEOsprint - here receive money for registration possible when performing simple tasks. Advertisers offer to register on their resources and receive a cash bonus for this. In details .
  • Socpublic.com is another large site that has registration tasks. Also here you can get paid for viewing, services and advertising, for likes and comments, etc. Withdrawal of funds occurs immediately. In details .
  • Seo-fast.ru is a service where you pay for registration, browsing websites, etc. Here you can get money instantly.
  • Wmmail.ru is the very first Russian bookbox. It has been operating for about 10 years, so the question of trust can be considered closed.
  • ProfitCentr.com is another popular earning site. There are not as many tasks here as in the previous one, but their cost is much higher.


There are online casinos where they give money for registration - thus, they attract more customers. If you are looking for a no deposit bonus with withdrawal of money, then you will be a little disappointed. No company will give you money "for free". Usually these funds are given for use in the same casino.

  • Bonanza Game Casino gives a no deposit cash bonus in the amount of 300 rubles. These funds can be used to play video slots from Microgaming;
  • Casino "Admiral" offers 500 rubles. no deposit bonus to the account after email confirmation;
  • Riobet Casino - give 15$ free deposit bonus after registration and data confirmation.
  • club-vulkan.com also allows you to earn money. However, as in other casinos, these funds should be “brought up” to a certain amount, after which it will be possible to withdraw them.
Registration for money in a casino is just a marketing ploy. In the future, you will earn large sums. Consider whether it is worth contacting such services.

"Underwater rocks"

Each user who is attracted by this type of earnings can easily receive money for registering on the site. But there are some pitfalls. A big plus is that you receive money for registration immediately. But you won’t be able to bring them to your own quickly. Each site sets its own conditions: some offer to work on their portal for several tens or even hundreds of days, others - to earn up to a certain amount, which can then be withdrawn to your account, etc.

The funds earned in this way are only enough to put on a cell phone. The process of completing the task can take a lot of time, and earning money for a phone for registration is not such a motivating goal for 2019. If you want to really make money, then this type of work is definitely not for you. Set bigger dreams for yourself. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with more significant , which will help to save up for a trip, pay for utilities, purchase the desired products, and so on.

Scam tricks

Making money on registration often attracts the attention of scammers. It is very easy to identify them. If you are offered to transfer payment for registration directly to your wallet , but before that they ask you to make a contribution, these are deceivers. Sometimes they offer to send paid SMS.

If you were looking for how to get money on qiwi right away and saw a task with an incredibly large payment, do not flatter yourself.

Remember, advertisers won't spend a lot of money for this kind of work. Their main goal is the rapid growth of new users. Therefore, after completing the task, you will meet with new conditions for receiving funds. In the worst case, you will simply be blocked. There's nothing you can do about it.

- a common thing. Be careful and always remember your safety.

Extras: earnings on comments

In addition to registering on sites, you can also. This is a fairly popular way to earn extra money on the Internet today. Qcomment is comments exchange where you can earn money by leaving comments and reviews, putting likes. In total, more than 10,000,000 works were performed on the exchange (about 13,000 daily), over 670 thousand people were registered in the project.

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