We open a vodka distillery — a product in two varieties: Standard and Premium. Liquor production

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The production of vodka is a rather delicate process, and the quality of the finished product directly depends on the degree of water purification. The production of the most popular alcoholic beverage in our country can be considered economically feasible, since the product will always be in demand, regardless of the economic situation in the state.

Features of organizing a business for the production of vodka

1. The legal form of business is an individual entrepreneur or LLC with a simplified taxation system.

2. To conduct business activities, you must specify the following OKVED code: 15.91 - Production of distilled alcoholic beverages.

Before starting the production line, you must familiarize yourself with the list of state standards: GOST R51355-99, GOST R52472-2005 and international quality standard.

3. Obtaining a license for production after providing a package of documents and paying a state duty.

4. Making a declaration and a voluntary certificate of conformity for vodka.

5. Obtaining excise stamps of a new sample (1600 rubles for 1000 pieces).

Factory technology for the production of vodka

In the process of making vodka, every detail matters and affects the final taste of an alcoholic beverage. Most manufacturers have their own secrets regarding the purification and filtration of the product, but in general, the technological process for the production of vodka is identical for everyone.

Elite varieties of vodka are prepared on the basis of malt alcohol, which is produced using a special technology.

Feedstock– sprouted grain, allows not to use artificial additives in the fermentation process. Malt alcohol is fermented by exclusively natural enzymes, it gives the finished product a specific aftertaste (without burning) and a sweetish aftertaste. An equally important component is the quality of water, which is desirable to use from wells in ecologically clean areas. Water, which is extracted from natural sources, has unique characteristics and special properties of mineralization. The quality of the water used must be monitored by the technologist

In order for all ingredients to retain their useful and natural properties without the use of chemical substitutes, it is necessary to strictly observe all stages of the production process:

  • water preparation;
  • purchase or preparation of alcohol;
  • mixing water-alcohol mixture;
  • filtration;
  • coal and silver processing;
  • upholding;
  • bottling of finished products.

Before starting the production of vodka, the salt content in the water is studied, it should be minimal. Its volume in the total mass should be about 60%. At this stage, water is purified by settling and filtering. It is important to note that it is strongly not recommended to boil (distill) water, in this case the alcoholic drink will lose its unique taste and become hard.

Often, wheat is used as the main raw material for the production of vodka alcohol. Along with this, the addition of barley, corn and even peas is allowed. Alcohol can be made independently or ordered from distilleries. In the latter case, it is much more difficult to control its quality.

In the process of sorting, alcohol and water in the required proportions are fed into closed sorting vats and mixed. The resulting liquid is subjected to additional multiple purification. At this stage, other ingredients that are provided for in the recipe can be added. For example, to obtain lemon vodka, lemon juice (flavoring) is added to the mixture. Next, the water-alcohol mixture passes through a filter with quartz sand, and then triple filtration occurs through columns filled with activated carbon and ionized silver. In closed sorting tanks, the water-alcohol liquid is mixed with special devices.

Next, the mixture passes through columns with quartz sand. Such an old and time-consuming method will give vodka softness and pleasant taste. At each stage of the production process, the technologist must check the quality of the drink using physical and chemical analysis.

Periodically it is necessary to clean the quartz filters, because the precipitate that forms will interfere with normal cleaning.

Before the final step vodka enters special tanks, where it "calms down and rests", chemical processes slow down, and water and alcohol are evenly distributed. The more days are given for settling vodka, the more complete its taste becomes.

According to the standards assimilation(setting of the finished mixture) should last at least 48 hours. According to experienced technologists, this time is not enough. Therefore, for many manufacturers, settling can last up to 7 days. Premium varieties "rest" for about 3 months, which makes their taste even richer and more refined.

The bottling process is carried out on special automatic lines - an alcoholic drink is poured into a bottle and corked with a special cork, after which a label is applied.

The final stage involves the packaging of vodka and its shipment to the warehouse of finished products.

Equipment for the vodka production shop

It is rather difficult to achieve a high quality level of vodka products without the use of modern equipment, and it is almost impossible to produce stable deliveries without production automation.

We purchase equipment for the production of vodka

  • Pasteurizer (Fig. 14) - 110,000 rubles;
  • Three tanks (Fig. 15) - 150,000 rubles;
  • Bottle washing machine (Fig. 16) - 240,000 rubles;
  • Packaging machine for filling (Fig. 17) - 510,000 rubles;
  • Machine for sticking labels and excise stamps (Fig. 18) - 430,000 rubles;
  • Optional equipment:
    • installation for softening and water purification - 180,000 rubles.
    • coal column (volume 1.6 cubic meters) - 65,000 rubles;
    • single-flow sand filter - 54,000 rubles;
    • conveyor - 35,000 rubles;
    • thermotunnel for heating caps - 28,000 rubles.

Total: 1,802,000 rubles.

It is possible to purchase a ready-made Italian or French production line, which provides for full automation. Its use allows you to protect against the occurrence of errors that are associated with the "human factor". It will also greatly simplify the work of maintenance personnel and the maintenance of reporting documentation. The only drawback of such equipment is the high price (6-7 million rubles), which may be "unaffordable" for a novice entrepreneur.

Subsequently, due to the development and payback of the business, this equipment can be easily integrated into the existing production.

Vodka production business plan

To start the production process for the workshop, it is necessary to allocate at least 100 m 2 of area. The cost of renting non-residential premises will be 15,000 rubles per month.

Commodity strategy of the mini-factory: vodka produced in two varieties: Standard and Premium. A distinctive feature of the products will be environmental friendliness and quality. The monthly production volume will be 5,000 decaliters.

The cost of raw materials consists of the following components:

  • Water from a natural source - 120,000 rubles;
  • Alcohol - 180,000 rubles;
  • Container - 72,000 rubles;
  • Labels - 15,000 rubles;
  • Traffic jams - 13,000 rubles;

Total: 450,000 rubles.

The monthly payroll of employees is 329,000 rubles:

  • Basic salary - 230,000 rubles;
  • Additional salary - 16,000 rubles;
  • Payroll taxes (36.1%) - 83,000 rubles;

The expense part of the business plan consists of the following monthly costs:

  • Raw materials and basic materials - 450,000 rubles;
  • Auxiliary materials - 45,000 rubles;
  • Utility payments - 15,000 rubles;
  • POT (40 people) - 329,000 rubles;
  • Deductions for production needs (39% of the payroll) - 128,310 rubles;
  • Rent of an industrial building - 15,000 rubles;
  • Shop expenses (50% of item 4) - 164,500 rubles;
  • Losses from marriage (4.5% of clause 6) - 7402.50 rubles;
  • Non-production expenses (5% of clause 7) - 370.12 rubles;
  • Equipment depreciation - 10,000 rubles.

Total direct costs (p / p 1-5) - 982,310 rubles.

Total indirect costs (p / p 7-10) - 182,272.62 rubles.

Planned cost \u003d Direct costs + Indirect costs \u003d 982,310 rubles. + 182 272, 62 rub. = 1,164,582.62 rubles.

Total cost of work = planned cost + planned profit (20% of planned cost) + income tax (20% of profit) = 1,164,582.62 rubles. + 232 916, 52 rub. + RUB 46,583.30 = 1,444,082.45 rubles.

Cost of processing \u003d Planned cost - Material costs \u003d 1,164,582.62 rubles - 450,000 rubles. = 714,582.62 rubles.

Let's determine the retail price of 1 bottle of vodka: Assume 100% sale of finished products, at which the final cost of 1 bottle of vodka, taking into account the cost, will be: = 142.92 rubles/dal x 2 = 285.83 rubles/dal.

Calculation of revenue, profit and profitability

Sales proceeds \u003d Planned price x Monthly output \u003d 285.83 rubles / dal. x 5000 gave. = 1,429,150 rubles.

Profit from sales \u003d Revenue - Cost price \u003d 1,429,150 rubles - 1,164,582.62 rubles. = 264,567.40 rubles.

Net profit (excluding 20% ​​income tax) = 264,567.40 - 52,913.48 = 211,653.93 rubles.

Product profitability \u003d Profit from sales / Cost price \u003d 264,567.40 / 1,164,582.62 \u003d 0.23.

Profitability of production \u003d Profit from sales / Cost of processing \u003d 264,567.40 / 714,582.62 \u003d 0.37.

Thus, the production of vodka is an economically feasible production process, since it brings a profit of 211,654 rubles per month and has a good profitability rate (37%).

Sales of finished products

The main emphasis for increasing the sales volume of an alcoholic beverage should be placed on the quality of the finished product. To do this, you must strictly follow the approved recipe, accurately select the ingredients and exercise strict control of the production process at all its stages.

At first, for the recognition of the product by potential consumers, the most effective method will be to conduct an advertising campaign. During its implementation, it is necessary to focus on the unique properties of vodka, testing it by independent laboratories, obtaining quality certificates and an acceptable price.

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Alcoholic products have always been in high demand, even in times of the strictest ban on its use. At the same time, the popularity of alcoholic beverages does not decrease even with a general drop in the level of income of the population. For this reason, the launch of a new commercial project related to the production and bottling of wines, cognacs and vodka is guaranteed to become a profitable business, provided that a business plan is drawn up in advance, taking into account all the features of the project implementation in specific conditions and for a particular market sector.

Legal issues

Before opening your own mini-plant for the production and bottling of alcoholic beverages, you must go through the registration procedure, having received a certificate of awarding the plant the status of a legal entity - LLC. During the registration process, an organization must be assigned a specific OKVED code.

Since the products manufactured at such a plant belong to alcoholic beverages, in order to carry out commercial activities with full rights, it is necessary to obtain an appropriate license.

If it is planned to produce vodka at the mini-factory, then you need to carefully familiarize yourself with the state and international standards for the production of these alcoholic beverages. In addition, it is required to issue a declaration and a voluntary certificate of conformity.


You should carefully and deliberately approach the choice of the building in which the mini-factory will be located. The building of the plant must include at least 2 premises - directly the production premises and the warehouse for finished products. Ideally, the area of ​​the plant should be about 2000 square meters. meters, however, to start activities in this area, the production facility can be located on much more modest areas (at least 100 sq. meters).


Despite the fact that each manufacturer strives to invent its own secret of cleaning and filtering alcohol-containing drinks, however, the manufacturing technology remains virtually unchanged.

For this reason, the following (common to all) apply to equipping the production line for the production of alcoholic beverages installations:

  1. pasteurizer;
  2. tank - 3 pcs.;
  3. bottle washing machine;
  4. filling and packing machine;
  5. device for sticking labels and excise stamps;
  6. optional equipment.

TO additional equipment may refer to:

  • water softening and purification apparatus;
  • coal column (volume 1.6 cubic meters);
  • single-flow sand filter;
  • conveyor;
  • thermotunnel for heating caps.

In total, the acquisition, transportation and installation of production equipment will require financial investments in the amount of at least 1.8 million rubles.

In the future, when the project reaches the level of sustainable profit, the production line can be fully automated by introducing a full cycle automatic line of equipment from Italian or French manufacturers. Such equipment is notable for its high cost (6-7 million rubles), but it makes it possible to simplify the work of production employees, reduce the risk of technology violations due to the impact of the "human factor", and also simplify the maintenance of reporting documentation.


The business plan of the winery should list the planned recruitment. At the same time, not only the number of employees to ensure the production of alcoholic beverages in each production workshop is indicated, but also some of their job responsibilities are given, as well as the planned salary.

The staff is formed depending on the volume of production.

For a medium-sized winery, this may include:

  1. Employees of the administrative and economic staff.
  2. Technologists.
  3. Workers to organize a successful production process at different stages of the production of wine drinks.
  4. Cleaners and other staff.

Market analysis

Before opening a plant for the production and sale of wine and vodka products, it is necessary to conduct a thorough analysis of the economic situation in the region planned for the launch of the project. In the course of this analysis, it is necessary to conduct a marketing study of the expectations of potential buyers (which product price category they are more disposed to, the expected scale of sales, etc.).

Also, as part of this analysis, the level of competition in the selected region is assessed. As practice has shown, in the segment of the production and sale of alcoholic beverages in the regions, the most fierce competition for local producers is alcoholic beverages of foreign production, but their main drawback is their higher cost.

Sales of products

The establishment of future distribution channels should already be reflected in the business plan of the winery, since special attention should be paid to the marketing of products. With inadequate distribution channels, finished products can stagnate in the warehouse, thereby slowing down the entire principle of production and leading to losses. To attract wholesale buyers and establish long-term partnership agreements, a system of discounts on volumes of deliveries can be introduced.

To expand the circle of potential buyers and establish wholesale sales of products, it is necessary to take care of an advertising campaign aimed at recognizing a new brand. The content of advertising information should reflect the presence of unique properties of alcoholic beverages, positive assessments of independent experts, obtaining quality certificates and an acceptable cost of products.


Drawing up a financial plan for the project, which consists in calculating its expenditure and revenue parts with their subsequent comparison, allows us to answer the question of the advisability of starting such a business. Also, in the course of calculating the financial plan, indicators of the level of profitability and the payback period of the business are determined.

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