Stock photos how to earn. Photo stocks for making money for beginners

Greetings, dear readers of the blog! Not so long ago we discussed such a topic as work remotely at home (freelance). In particular, they talked about such freelance areas as photography and computer graphics. The places where freelance photographers and illustrators can find clients (employers) have been mentioned freelance exchanges, bulletin boards, social networks, thematic Internet communities.

And the most advanced "free artists" can master building a website yourself or order a site in a web studio and use it in the future as a platform for promoting your services. But there is another type of service that allows this category of freelancers to earn money on the Internet - photobanks and photostocks.

What is a photo bank?

A photo bank is a specialized Internet resource that acts as an intermediary between the authors of photographs or vector images and their buyers. All content is stored in photobanks in a systematic way, which makes it easier for potential buyers to find suitable images. Today it is the most common mechanism for buying and selling photographic material on the Internet. Even staff photographers for news agencies, as well as artists and illustrators of design studios who have an employment relationship with a particular employer, often additionally use photobanks for earnings.

Macrostocks are photobanks that work with high-level professional photographers and illustrators. The history of many of them goes back to the days of film photography. Prices for images on these services can reach up to several hundred dollars. But their sales volumes are not high, and it is unrealistic for a novice freelance photographer to break into macro stock. Therefore, speaking today about photostocks, I will mean microstocks.

Microstock photobanks selling images on a non-exclusive basis for a low price (from $0.20 to $5 per photo) have become very widespread. The approach they cultivated turned out to be beneficial not only to buyers, but also to authors. It would seem - how can you make good money by selling your photos for next to nothing? However, the non-exclusivity of the type of Royalty-Free license (RF, royalty free) used when working with photo stocks allows you to sell the same image dozens, hundreds and even thousands of times! Agree, regularly receiving deductions of half a dollar from several buyers is a much more attractive picture for a novice freelancer than waiting for months for an exclusive photo to be bought from you once for $100. Moreover, the Royalty Free license allows the author to post the same image for sale on several photobanks at once. The amount of proceeds is divided between the author and the photo stock. As a rule, the author gets 30-50% of the sales. Commonly used for billing virtual money- credits or points (usually in the equivalent of a US dollar), which, after accumulating a certain amount, the author can exchange for one of the electronic currencies or withdraw to his bank card.

Most stock photo sites provide newcomers with a kind of "exam" regarding the quality of uploaded photos, but some Russian photobanks such a check is omitted. But this does not mean that they accept images of frankly poor quality - do not flatter yourself, screenshot, shot while watching National Geographic, no one will buy. Poor composition or focus, noise, artifacts can cause images to be rejected from the photo bank. To motivate and expand the user network, many photo stocks use various partnership programs .

Photobank Lori

Photobank Lori is the leader in the Russian photo sales market. This resource quickly gained popularity among the creators and buyers of media content due to several factors. Firstly, it is a pioneer in this area and takes into account all the peculiarities of Russian legislation, and secondly, it covers the maximum possible range of payment methods for Russian users. Since recently, Lori photo bank also performs intermediary services for sale of video clips. Prices for images start at 40 rubles, for videos - from 400 rubles. To work with Lori's photobank, a written agency agreement is required.

Shooterstock photo bank

Photobank Shutterstock (Shutterstock) is one of the largest microstocks in the world. The headquarters of this service is located in New York, but there is also a technical support department in Russia. The site has a partially Russified version. Payments for photo and video materials are made in US dollars or in the currency of the client's home country. To receive payment for sold through photobank Shutterstock The author must have a Visa or Mastercard bank card.

Photolia photo bank

In 2014, the photobank Fotolia (Fotolia) celebrates its 10th anniversary. During this time, his library has grown to several million photographs, vector images and videos. This American photo stock has a fully Russified version of the site and a technical support office in Moscow. Due to the low demands on image quality, it is perfect for those photographers who are looking for photo banks for beginners. And also to me personally Fotolia photo bank I like the ease of registration - you can use your Facebook account as an account on this photo stock.

Dreamtime photo bank

This photobank is notable for the fact that it created a six-level (from 0 to 5) gradation system for photographers, depending on the effectiveness of their work. The more often the author's photos are bought, the higher the percentage of deductions from sales (from 25% to 50%) becomes for him. The minimum withdrawal amount is $100. Work with PayPa payment systems l, MoneyBookers and Payoneer.

123 photo bank

123 Photobank ( is one of the leading providers of multimedia content. Works with photo materials, vector images, as well as video and audio content under a royalty-free license. The service website is almost completely Russified, there is 24/7 technical support in Moscow. Author commissions are up to 60% of subscription downloads and up to $0.43 for one-time downloads.


One of the youngest (founded in 2009), but at the same time the most actively developing photo banks. Works with photos, vector images and videos. Convenient Russian-language interface of the site, five-level author ranking system. Royalties - from 44% to 52% of the cost of each file sold. The minimum balance for withdrawal is $50. Available withdrawal systems are PayPal, MoneyBookers and Payoneer.


One of the very first photo stocks (founded in 2000). Rates of royalties for non-exclusive authors - 15-20%, for exclusive - up to 45%. In addition to photos, he works with vector images, video, audio and flash content. The minimum withdrawal amount is $100. For withdrawal, PayPal, MoneyBookers and Payoneer payment systems, as well as checks are used. There is a Russified interface of the site.


Since 2009, this platform for selling stock images has been the property of the Shutterstock agency, but it is developing as an independent photo bank. Has a partially Russified site. Works with photos and vector images. Payments of royalties to authors - once a week on Mondays via Skrill and PayPal payment systems. The minimum withdrawal amount is $30.

As you can see, there are not so few services where even a novice photographer can earn money. Moreover, the same images can be sold on several of them at once.

I wish you all good luck and see you again on the pages of the blog.

Most stocks accept not only photos, but also vector images, 3D graphics, and videos. The main buyers: advertisers, designers (including web designers), less often - private individuals.

Pros and cons of making money on photo stocks

Photo stocks as a way to make money can turn into a source of passive income. When using a Royalty Free license, the same photo is posted on several sites, and it is bought an unlimited number of times. Over the years, the business turns into a kind of passive income: you get paid for the work done long ago.

Thanks to the placement on the resource, the photographer does not look for customers on his own, uploads his pictures to the site, and the stock acts as an intermediary in their sale.

Images are purchased all over the world, on most sites payment is made in dollars and transferred through foreign payment systems. So the stocker does not depend on the economic situation in the country.

Main disadvantage– for a good profit, you will need to upload a lot of new photos almost daily. The first few years will be spent on understanding the needs of the audience and developing photography skills. You will start receiving money quickly, but the first amounts will be small.

How to start?

First, we go through the registration on the website of the photo bank. Large sites are asked to provide scans of documents (mainly passports) and pass a short exam. Upload photos (5-10 pieces), censors evaluate them and decide on your registration.

Beginners are advised to start with simpler photo stocks, without exams. But you should register immediately and everywhere, and at large sites too. Large photo banks bring more money, and participation in exams increases the level of the photographer and adds useful experience.

The work of a stocker looks like this: create and upload an object, choose a relevant name, description and more keywords, wait for verification, get paid.

How to choose a theme for stock photos

How to make money on photo stocks for a beginner? Get into the “trend” (take photos on popular topics) or take photos that others cannot take.

But what matters is not the artistic, but the practical (commercial) value of the product. It is bought most often for business, and complex ideas will not be appreciated.

To understand in which direction to move, study photobank reports: what keywords are the most searched by buyers.

Popular topics to sell photos:

  • Business (business negotiations, employees at laptops, discussions and presentations of projects, etc.);
  • Professions;
  • Family;
  • Sport;
  • Food photography and diets;
  • Holidays;
  • Social theme (relationships, etc.);
  • Travel (sights, architectural objects);
  • Close-up objects on a uniform or white background (stationery, vegetables and fruits, gadgets, etc.).

To put up for sale images with people, you must attach a model release confirming the consent of the person to use the photo with his participation.

The nuances of work and requirements for the stoker

To start on photo stocks, you need to have basic knowledge of Photoshop, for artists - Corel Draw and Adobe Illustrator. In most cases, the requirements for image quality are high, so a SLR camera is needed. There are branches of well-known stocks or separate resources intended for pictures on a mobile phone. This app is Clashot by Depositphotos, EyeEm, Foap, Twenty20, Lobster.

The main requirements for uploading images to the photo bank:

  1. Allowed image format (usually jpg);
  2. The absence of noise, blur, glare, if this is not provided for by the composition;
  3. You can not manually increase the size of the image at the expense of quality;
  4. Good lighting (no overexposure or a lot of shadows);
  5. Compliance with copyright (the picture should not contain logos or brand names).

The best photobanks

To have a good income, place at least 5-6 portals. The most famous:

  • Shutterstock;
  • BigStockPhoto;
  • Fotolia;
  • dreamtime;
  • Crestock;
  • Depositphotos;
  • Lori;
  • 123RF;
  • stock photo;
  • CanStockPhoto.

How much can you earn on photo stocks

The photo stock commission is 30-70% of the cost of the photo. On average, a photographer receives $0.14-0.3 for one job with a one-time download. In rare cases, it turns out to help out up to a thousand dollars per shot (a lot of sales). A successful picture actively makes a profit in the first six months, then it is purchased less frequently. Before, on photo stocks continuously, it is necessary to immediately form a portfolio of 100-200 images and constantly update it. It is recommended to add at least five to six new pictures per day.

A good photo brings about $0.5-0.7 per month. With a thousand works in the portfolio, the photographer receives about $ 600 per month. This figure is real if placed on several stocks.

To understand how to make money on a photo stock, study the current trends in the field of visualization, reports, popular shots and methods of popular photo stockers. In the future, it is worth developing and promoting your own website, which will allow you to use the Internet without intermediaries.

Reconomicaalways on the lookout. In search of optimal solutions for earning and optimizing your life. And today we have found one such solution, which lies in the field of personal finance.

Here we posted a review of an expert on working with photobanks, that is, selling your own drawings, vector graphics or photographs. If you are a creative person, if you are instilled with a sense of beauty, and you do not know how to make money on it, then this article is for you! All the details about making money on photo resources, tips from personal experience, a detailed story about what you need and what not to do, and much more awaits you in this article.

If you are a designer or a photographer by education, then this can become your permanent source of income. I, unfortunately, have an economic education, so I had to learn graphics programs from scratch.

What are microstocks?

Many do not even know what photobanks and microstocks are.

Now you can even sell music and video files.

I work with the largest photo banks, like most designers. ThisShutterstock, Dreamstime, BigStockPhoto and Fotolia. There are many others, but they are little known and there are almost no sales there. Income from the sale of one illustration is usually from 0.25 cents to 10 dollars.

How I came to photobanks

I loved to draw as a child, but did not go to art school. To work on stocks, it is enough to know Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator . I studied for free lessons, a lot of video lessons on YouTube I didn't buy books or video courses. I recommend visiting the forums microstockers , there is also a lot of useful information.

From the equipment I bought the cheapest graphics tablet, I advise you to do the same. It is much more convenient in working with illustrations, fingers get tired of the mouse. You will need a powerful computer or laptop with good RAM and a video card, then you can work normally without hang-ups and departures.

How to get started with photo stocks

To put up your work for sale, you need to go through somemicrostock exam.

Simple logo on the theme of family and love.

The most difficult one was Shutterstock . You need to prepare your ten best works, you must pass at least seven, then the inspectors will let you through and you can exhibit all the other works. Now the procedure has been simplified, and it is enough for one work to pass the test. You can not take other people's work, even some elements from it. If this deception is discovered, you will be permanently blocked from the photo bank.

I took the exam four times, and only passed it on the fourth attempt. I advise you to expose raster images, the requirements for vector graphics are higher. For the exam, it is better to draw simple illustrations, especially inspectors love cartoon style, funny characters, cartoons.

About earnings and additional opportunities

What else is for sale microstocks ? I draw in different styles and on completely different topics.

They buy mostly from abroad, so I sign and tag my work in English.

Cartoon and simple character cossack.

I advise you to take into account the upcoming holidays, for example, for the New Year theme, you need to ship your work in November so that your work can be bought. No need to upload pictures related to our local holidays. For example, February 23, Constitution Day.

Unfortunately, almost all buyers from the USA and Europe, in the CIS countries it is not customary to buy photos and drawings on microstocks.

You can constantly upload textures, icons, elements for web design are selling well. Until now, many of my illustrations are rejected, now the competition has become much higher, so every day I watch video tutorials, try new styles to improve my level.

According to the rules, I am not allowed to specify the exact amount of earnings. So how much can you earn on microstocks?

Bright female slipper on a neutral background.

Many well-known illustrators and well-known photographers claim that you can earn $1,000 or more per month. The portfolio of these authors exceeds 7000 photographs. Therefore, in aggregate, this gives such an income. Please note that one work may sell many times, and some - not sold at all.

White floral elements on a turquoise background

I'm like a beginner microstocker, I earn a lot less. My portfolio is less than 200 works, so there are few sales. One or two works are sold per day.

For a month of hard work, a beginner can count on about $30.

But with the replenishment of a quality portfolio, your income will multiply. For example, my dentistry logo was sold several times in half a year and brought in $20. Fresh works are especially well sold, then sales fall.

Some useful tips for budding designers and photographers

I advise you to look at the work of other designers, there are many new and interesting ideas, but, as I said, you can’t use other people’s work. I often make small sketches on a piece of paper with a pencil, then take pictures with my phone, upload to my computer. Then I open it in a graphic editor and start tracing along the contour, then I color it. If it is an object or cartoon character, then I add a shadow, light.

Often I upload photos of items I like, then I start to outline them and turn them into an illustration. It can be cosmetics, jewelry, interior items, in general, any items. Sometimes inspectors ask release for illustration. This is a document that confirms your authorship. Then I upload my sketch on paper or a photo from my phone. Form release and instructions for it can be downloaded from the website of photobanks.

If you have a good SLR camera, try yourself as a photographer.

The theme of business is popular, photos of happy families, children, objects on a white background. I don't have a good DSLRs , plus you had to buy special softboxes , tripod and much more. Having taken a few photos on a homemade soap dish and having received a refusal from the inspector, I abandoned the shooting.

My eldest son also got excited about the idea of ​​selling his work. He is now learning to work in 3D editors. But you can work on photobanks only from the age of 18, and you definitely need a passport. Therefore, tell your children about this source of income, let them build a portfolio, and after they come of age, they will be able to earn money on their own.

About the disadvantages

Now work on microstocks is not my main source of income. Unfortunately, there are downsides here too:

  1. The payout threshold is quite high, it should reach $50 or more. It is difficult to accumulate this amount, especially for a beginner with a small portfolio.
  2. If you accumulate the minimum payment, you will receive it only after two months. Thus, the photo bank insures itself and checks whether you are the author of your works and whether they will file a complaint against you for copyright infringement.
  3. Get ready that you will work hard at first, and at first there will be little or no money.
  4. You need to buy a computer, graphics tablet and graphics software package.

If you love and know how to draw, I advise you to definitely try yourself in sales on microstocks.

After reading the article, you will learn how to start making money on photo stocks.

Photo stocks are a way to earn money and an opportunity to profitably do what you love. Profit from the sale of photos, vector and raster graphics is increasing every month, which indicates the demand for this niche. In this blog, a novice photo stock user clearly publishes monthly income reports from various services.

To start making money on photo stocks, you do not need to be the owner of a good camera. Many projects allow you to sell creative work made with a smartphone camera. Artists working with vector and raster graphics do not receive the same income by publishing their work.

How much does a photo cost

The principle of operation of all services for the sale of photos is similar to each other. You upload a work, it passes moderation, goes for sale. When you buy it, you get a part of the money, minus the commission of the service. Some photo stocks offer clients to buy the copyright for the work. In this case, your profit is greater.

Consider the prices on popular photo stocks:

  • - download one photo from 0.5$;
  • - the cost of the image starts from $ 0.5;
  • - the service allows you to fully redeem the copyright for the image, the cost is from $ 20;
  • - images are posted for free, voluntary donations to authors are available;
  • - multi-purchase photos, costing from $ 0.7;
  • dreamstime - the cost of one photo starts from 3 €;
  • - the project sells special graphics for websites. The cost is regulated by the author;
  • - the minimum cost of the posted image is $5.

Each of the projects is unique and serves as a stable source of income depending on your efforts.

How much do you earn from photo stocks

Income from the sale of photos, raster and vector graphics on photo stocks is really unlimited. It all depends on the portfolio, the quality and quantity of published materials. Follow trends to keep your work up-to-date. This approach will affect the profit with the attitude of customers to the purchased content. This can be confirmed by an interview with a popular photo stocker who earns more than $11,000 a month from shutterstock alone.

Different projects focus on specific categories of customers, you should take this into account when uploading photos and drawings for sale. Register on several photo stocks at once, this has a positive effect on monetization. An example of earning from the sale of photos of a novice user of several services:

ShutterStock is the largest service that generates revenue through an expanded customer base and the number of purchases. Thus, in one month, with a portfolio of 200 photographs, 42 works were sold. The principle of operation of DepositPhotos is similar to the service described above, works from a portfolio of 187 photos were downloaded 37 times.

Other analogues with a high cost of buying creative works brought less profit. There is high competition among projects. With the acquisition of experience and an increase in the level of work, you can increase profits. On, dreamstime and works were bought only 3 times.

Thus, the income of a novice user for the month amounted to $84. Improving your imaging skills, expanding your portfolio, and gaining loyal customers all contribute to higher overall profits.

Where to get photo stock ideas

Ideas for photographs should follow current trends and requests. To start working on the next project, you need to evaluate your skills and understand what photos you are strong in. The most popular are:

  • conceptual photographs. Abstract ideas with hidden meanings, love stories, the passage of time. Such works do not lose their relevance for a long time;
  • business photos. Group or solo photographs of people in a formal setting. The idea occupies a certain niche and is well paid;
  • sports and hobbies. Thematic photos from hobbies. Live shots with details that refer to the main theme are valued here;
  • food and drinks. A popular trend that occupies a certain niche. You can make good money on this phenomenon, a creative approach is important;
  • textures, illustrations and similar things are in demand for the design of large projects. In this area, you can get regular customers.

Having decided on the type of photo, you should think about its concept. But where do you get ideas for stock photography? Some services that offer to look at popular trends and finished works of talented people will help with this.

Pinterest is a popular service with “pins”, which are a selection of photos on a specific topic. A flexible search system allows you to find an image by a hash tag, immediately displaying a selection with a high user rating. From here you can borrow some ideas to create a unique and expensive work.

Photo-monster and similar copyright projects containing tips for photography from professionals. Learning and using these skills can significantly increase the level of your work, which will positively affect earnings.

Lifehacker - the resource will not only show you current trends, but also demonstrate their application with simple ways to implement. Learn new things and creative photo ideas will not keep you waiting long!

Current trends in photo stocks

  • various white textures with patterns;
  • steampunk images with projection displays;
  • raster and vector images with emoticons-emotions;
  • design work using images from wildlife;
  • vintage fonts and retro objects.

Selection of keywords to increase sales on the stock photo

Keywords are the main element in the search for the required image by the customer. A well-composed list of tags helps to increase the sales of works, because it is on it that the customer will be able to find exactly your work. In simple terms, keywords are a description of the elements of a photo and its components, allowing you to find it in a search for a specific query.

The selection of keywords is a difficult task that requires a detailed study of the thematic niche. Tags can be created both manually and using special services.

Services for automatic selection of keywords

Several services have been developed that allow you to search for keywords specifically for selling photos on photo stocks. The most productive of them: - the search takes place in the databases of popular services, based on several of your descriptions for the photo. Fast and accurate results are available for free. is a service with an extended selection of search criteria. The search is available both among photos and vector graphics. The analysis takes place on several sites, taking into account a certain number of popular photos.

Taking photos for photostock at home

To create unique photographs at home, you will need:

  • camera;
  • workplace with a one-color background;
  • good lighting;
  • fantasy.

At home, macrophotographs, food, handicrafts are taken. It is important to provide the workplace with good multi-flow lighting, so that there is no shadow. In low light conditions, blurring and ripples may occur, which will affect the quality of the final work and further sales. It is recommended to mount the camera on a tripod or monopod, this will allow you to set a slow shutter speed for clear detail and color reproduction.

Use the tutorials from the tips listed in the "Where to get ideas for photography" section. Plan your ideas in advance and choose a time to shoot. This activity requires constant practice. Experiment with fresh and creative ideas.

How to sell photos on photo stocks

The process of registration, compiling a portfolio, selling works and withdrawing earnings is similar on all popular services. After preparing for the first publication of your work, you need to go through the registration process on the photo stocks you like. Enter your contact details and designate the subject of works for sale. Then, you need to pass moderation on valid content. For this:

  • review the requirements for photos and graphics posted for sale;
  • think over the concept of your work to be sent for moderation, taking into account the rules of the service;
  • upload a portfolio for approval by the administration.

If you did everything right, your account will be allowed to work with a photo stock. Otherwise, you must wait some time to re-pass the test tasks.

Once you have the opportunity to sell photographs, you must regularly add new work, describing them with a well-chosen list of keywords. Images are uploaded directly through the site. Then comes the photo sale, which can:

  • pay for a separate download without service watermarks;
  • fully redeemable with copyright.

Withdrawal of funds is available to an international PayPal bank card or by sending a check for a certain amount at the place of residence. Working with a bank card is the most popular way to withdraw earnings. There is a special section in the photostock panel that allows you to request the withdrawal of the accumulated amount. The term for processing the request is from 3 days. Withdrawal of funds varies on different services.

Summing up

Photo stocks are an affordable way to earn money and develop creative abilities. Having learned the principle of functioning of such services, follow the current topics and create unique works. Be sure to consider these factors:

  • photo stocks work only with high quality photos;
  • ignorance of the rules of the service will delay the start of sales for several months;
  • the more popular photos and drawings in the portfolio, the higher the earnings;
  • each of the projects is unique and requires a detailed analysis of the content.

Take this into account when working and everything will work out!

Like everyone else, I bought a camera for entertainment, without thinking about making money. Then I began to study specialized sites, courses, visit photopleiners. Gradually, praise from friends, and even strangers, began to be heard more often. The skill grew and then I thought: why not make money on what is good at it? Do you have a similar situation? I didn’t plan to shoot weddings: hassle, fuss is not mine. I wanted something calm and with a perspective on the future. I started looking and found out that there are photo stocks for making money, especially for people like us.

What are photo stocks

Photo stock is a platform with a large database of high-quality photos that you can legally buy to use for your own purposes.

How is the process going? The designer needs a photo of a girl in a dress for a banner. He goes to a photo stock, selects a suitable image and buys it for a nominal fee (I’ll tell you why it’s so cheap and why it’s profitable for us below). For each download, the author of the picture receives deductions.

Benefits of making money on photo stocks

5 main advantages:

  1. Passive income - you sleep, your photos are sold;
  2. Low entry threshold - you don't need large investments to start earning. A camera and basic skills are enough;
  3. Income depends only on you, there is no ceiling. It can be $30 or $3000 per month;
  4. Create your own work schedule
  5. Not tied to a place.

The article will be biased if I do not mention the cons:

  1. Long wait for the first money. While the volume of your portfolio will be small, you should not count on tangible income. Start from at least 300 photos. Calculate how much you can shoot so much, and with high quality. For those who want to cut down the dough - pass by;
  2. The second minus follows from the first - the loss of motivation. First you have to work without seeing results. Not getting a quick result, many quit.

Before you start earning, ask yourself the question, can you?

Photo stock rating

The first 3 I think are the best for selling photos on the Internet for beginners.

How to work on photo stocks

I'll tell you on the example of the Shutterstock photo stock, the process is similar to others. The sequence is as follows:

  1. Register;
  2. Pass the exam - to do this, upload your top 10 photos for moderators to check. I will say right away that I did not succeed in passing the exam the first time, but I did not give up, I replaced the rejected frames and passed the second time;
  3. Fill out the tax form Form W-8BEN - relevant for overseas stocks. You should not be afraid, you indicate that you are not a US citizen and the 30% tax will not be removed from you;
  4. Upload photos;
  5. Keep track of income statistics.

What will you be paid for? For each download of a photo, $ 0.25 is charged. It seems that this is minuscule, but the trick of making money on photo stocks is that photos can be downloaded an unlimited number of times. Imagine you have 200 photos in your portfolio. Suppose that 25% downloads per day - 50. 50 times multiply by 0.25 = $ 12.5 per day. In a month it turns out $375. Okay, do you agree?

Photo stocks for beginners

What are your thoughts now? Register on 9 microstocks and receive income from several sources at once. So? Here is the first mistake! At first, especially for beginners, such a step leads to the fact that you dissipate your strength and, as a result, do not get the expected result. Then the motivation will disappear and you will quit this business.

How to make money on photo stocks correctly? Narrow the goal to a minimum and direct all energy to one point. Choose 1-3 stocks and upload, actively upload photos there. By putting all your efforts to one point, you will quickly get the result, and with it the motivation to work further!

Have you heard about the Pareto rule? It says that 20% of effort gives 80% of results. So, of all the services above, 60-70% of the profit comes from Shutterstock. First, gain a foothold on it, get the first profit, experience, and then you will scale to the rest.

The most important advice you read above. Here I will tell you how to earn more:

  1. Pay attention to keywords - most of the works are found by them;
  2. Do not build a composition, shoot simple things - remember that photo stocks buy material for further work. The simpler, the better;
  3. Read the rules before you start. An interpreter will help on English-language resources;
  4. Think not like a photographer, but like a designer or a journalist who is looking for material for a banner or article;
  5. Light, bright, sunny photos are bought up better than gloomy and dark ones;
  6. Popular topics are medicine, office, workers. Worse in demand are flora and fauna, landscapes, abstraction;
  7. Prepare stories for the holidays. March 8, February 23, mother's day - on such days, sales of thematic photos soar to the limit;
  8. Russian photo stocks are easy to learn, but the main income comes from foreign ones.

Understand one more thing, uploading a photo once a month and waiting for money to pour in is stupid. Photo stocks are not for everyone. This is hard work that requires regularity. If you still want to make money by selling your photos, then go for it!

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