What is better to sell in an online store? Trading business The best way to trade in summer.

Most often, when deciding to start a business, people choose trade. This is due to the fact that such activities do not require special knowledge, are accessible to everyone, and with persistence and proper business organization, can bring good profits. Despite the fact that Russia has a huge number of markets, shops and supermarkets, their number has not yet reached saturation. Thus, according to statistical data, retail space per capita in our country is almost two times less than in Western Europe.

When planning to start trading, first of all you should decide on the product that you will offer to customers. You can make money by selling any product. What is profitable for you to trade on the market depends on your preferences, connections and life experience. Without going into details, there are several large groups of goods that are usually offered in retail trade in markets and small shops:

  • foodstuffs:
  • clothing and shoes;
  • household and personal hygiene products;
  • goods for renovation and construction;
  • tools and household appliances.

Once you have determined your product niche, the next step in starting a business is choosing a location. It is an axiom that the best places are located in the path of human flow - entrance and exit, central passages near parking lots. However, rental prices here are the highest. If you do not have experience and “buffer” capital for the first time, then it is better to start not from the most prestigious places, but choosing a counter in the “corral” is a deliberately losing option.

Trade in food products

Food products are of greatest interest. Indeed, no matter how difficult the economic conditions are in the country, the first problem for the head of the family will always be the task of feeding his loved ones. But for the same reason, competition in this market segment is very high.

If you decide to sell food, you will be forced to compete not only with your neighbors at the counter, but also with supermarkets and retail chains. Naturally, your financial capabilities cannot be compared with Pyaterochka, Magnit or Auchan.

What can you trade profitably on the market in such difficult conditions? The answer is very simple - the same thing that these network giants sell, but offer the buyer something that these giants cannot offer. How to survive and succeed in such conditions. It should be understood that when trading, for example, eggs produced even on your own farm, you cannot offer lower prices than in retail chains. The secret is to create your own circle of buyers. It is well known that buyers most often prefer “their own and trusted” sellers, even if their prices for some goods are higher than those of their neighbors.

It is necessary to establish informal relationships with customers. In this case, they can give you their phone number to message you about a special or cheap item. You just can’t abuse such contacts. Intrusiveness can play a cruel joke on you. Consider the specific characteristics and needs of your regular customers. Such contacts are very useful on the eve of major holidays.

Many novice entrepreneurs wonder what to sell in a small store. In fact, the question is much deeper than it seems - after all, in a store with an area of ​​a couple of tens of square meters, not every product can be sold profitably, especially if the outlet is located in a residential area, that is, within walking distance. In this article we will look at the best options for organizing trade in a small area.

The first thing that comes to mind when it comes to organizing a business related to trade is opening a grocery store. And this is a really good option. An area of ​​20-30 square meters will be more than enough. The initial investment in the purchase of goods and commercial equipment will not exceed seven to eight thousand euros. If you purchase used equipment, you can save about a thousand euros. Net profit can reach 1.5-2.5 thousand euros per month, depending on the location of the property.

Childen's goods

You can also make great money selling children's products. The investment will be greater than when opening a grocery store, but the profit may be significantly higher. So, in addition to the initial investment of 9-10 thousand dollars in goods and commercial equipment, you will need to invest another 200-300 dollars in arranging a ramp - many parents will come with strollers. The profitability of such an object is on average about 2.2-2.7 thousand dollars and higher.

Goods for pets

Every second city resident has pets, so a pet supply store is a very profitable business that does not require significant investments. The initial investment will not exceed six to seven thousand euros if you purchase feed from the middle and lower price segments.

However, it is worth keeping in mind that many pet owners want their pets to receive the highest quality product. And to make money on this, you will have to increase investments: you will have to invest about one and a half thousand euros in expanding the range of high-quality feed. The profit will be from 1.2 to 2.3 thousand euros. If you establish contact with local manufacturers of furniture for animals, you can earn an additional 200-500 euros per month.

Draft beer

Draft beer stores generate a stable, albeit small, income and require minimal investment. In a room of 30 square meters you can open a retail outlet with approximately 16 taps, that is, you can offer your customers 16 types of beer. Preference should be given to domestic varieties, since they are much cheaper and allow for a large markup (up to 100 percent), providing higher profits.

The total investment in opening such an establishment will be about four to five thousand dollars. Earnings in this business entirely depend on the season - if in winter the profit will be 1-1.5 thousand dollars per month, then in the summer the income will be better - up to 2-4 thousand dollars per month. It is especially profitable to open such stores in regions with warm climates.


Opening a pharmacy on your own will cost 14-16 thousand dollars, with a franchise - 20-25 thousand. However, the second option is preferable: a pharmacy with a familiar, well-advertised sign is more credible and, accordingly, will attract more customers and bring greater profits. In addition, a franchise provides many other benefits such as staff training, marketing support, and so on. The average monthly income of a pharmacy within walking distance is 3-4 thousand dollars.


If, when wondering what you can sell in a small store, you choose flowers, you will never regret it. Investments in opening a flower shop will be only 3-4 thousand dollars, and the average monthly profit will be from one and a half thousand euros. The only serious drawback of such a business is the short shelf life of flowers, and it is possible to understand how much goods should be in stock only through trial and error.


Investments in opening a confectionery store will be approximately 4-5.5 thousand dollars, taking into account the purchase of equipment and the first batch of goods. If there are large franchises in this area in your city, it makes sense to take a closer look at them - as in the case of pharmacies, the investment when buying a franchise will be greater, but the profitability will also be higher. Profit from the sale of confectionery products will range from 800 to one and a half thousand dollars per month. You can increase your income by selling tea and coffee.

What to give up

It is also impossible not to mention options from which, for one reason or another, worth giving up:

  • textile products;
  • souvenirs;
  • books, stationery and computers;
  • cosmetics and perfumes;
  • men's clothing and shoes;
  • jewelry.

Now, knowing what to sell in a small store and what to refuse, you can choose the option that you like and can afford. And even if something doesn’t work out the first time, don’t give up. Remember, success comes to the persistent.

There are many questions facing us, and one of them is choosing a niche for trading. And it is likely that a bad choice can only ruin a fledgling business. The problem is especially acute during a crisis, when the population is forced to save money and begins to give up spontaneous purchases and make purchases consciously.

In 2018, although the rate of population decline slowed down (according to Rosstat), the economic situation is still considered unfavorable.

Up to 70% of Russians save on necessary types of goods: food, clothing, etc. Consumers tend to move away from expensive brands in favor of more affordable ones; more and more people are making a shopping list before going to the store. Consumers are more often focused on hunting for discounts, and the share of goods purchased through promotions is increasing. People shop less often and tend to be stricter about spontaneous purchases.

These factors indicate that it is important to take the choice of goods for trade seriously, first study demand, and analyze competitors’ offers for a specific product in a specific region. In conditions of declining purchasing power, it is recommended to concentrate on goods with stable demand: food, clothing and footwear, medicines, personal hygiene items.

Online trading or brick-and-mortar store?

The unfavorable economic situation intensifies competition, and this creates the need to optimize trade and reduce costs. One possible solution is to move your business online.

Online stores have a number of advantages over classic trading platforms:

There are also disadvantages: additional risks associated with server availability, a decrease in customer flow due to the fact that some buyers do not like to purchase things before they can touch them. Also, some product categories are simply not suitable for online trading, for example, food products with a short shelf life.

If the budget does not allow you to open a classic store, an online store is a suitable solution, but no one forbids combining the advantages of two types of sales by organizing your own pick-up points, which will also engage in independent trading.

Selling food is an option that will provide stability and... The main feature of food products is that everyone always needs them, which means that regardless of the income level of the population, the change in demand will be minimal.

It is important to take into account the low purchasing power of today's consumers and select the assortment accordingly: the emphasis should be on cheap and in-demand products.

Suitable for this purpose:

  • cereals
  • meat and fish
  • vegetables and fruits
  • milk and dairy products
  • confectionery

If the budget is not enough to open a full-fledged grocery store, or there is no uncertainty about the opening location, it is recommended to start with a highly specialized store. For example, hot baked goods are suitable. This will help estimate the purchasing power of local consumers more accurately. And then, based on the information received, you can slowly expand the range.

Trade in food products will provide stability of income, but it is low (on average 20%). Firstly, this is due to the high level of competition, and secondly, food products, as a product, are characterized by high elasticity of demand, which does not allow introducing a large markup. Selling products is profitable if you can find a place in a walkable residential area away from competitors, especially large shopping centers. However, there are usually few such free places.

In this case, additional costs associated with SES requirements should also be taken into account.

It is necessary to provide:

  • room cleanliness
  • product compliance with all standards
  • Availability of health certificates for staff

You can also consider: trade in snacks, coffee, soda. Servicing the machine will not require serious financial effort, but it still depends on a good choice of location.

Also, in terms of marginality, loose tea and coffee stand out. The cost of tea allows it to be sold at a markup of 200-300%.

Trade in clothing and footwear

Clothing trading potentially allows for high margins. However, for this it is necessary to find suitable suppliers who will provide not only high-quality and cheap goods, but also ones that are rarely found on the market. But searching for such suppliers takes a lot of time, and sending goods into trade that have not been tested by the local market is risky, so most often entrepreneurs sell the same clothes as their competitors. Margins, accordingly, turn out to be low, but this ensures stability of demand.

There is seasonality, the assortment will have to be constantly changed. It is also important to take into account changes in fashion and trends; some product may suddenly become very popular, demand will increase by thousands of percent, and in a year no one will remember about this product.

In conditions of declining real income, it becomes a good option. Such a business will allow you to achieve a sufficient level of profitability and payback, and the costs of starting a business are small. Also, in small cities there is no strong competition. But there are also disadvantages: a significant part of the audience avoids shopping in thrift stores, others do it on the sly and feel a sense of shame, which means that demand will be limited.

Children's clothing can be divided into a separate subcategory. Children are constantly growing and need new clothes regularly. Children regularly stain and tear it. The average parent will be the last to save on their child; all this guarantees a stable and high demand for children's clothing and shoes. Accordingly, the average markup in this segment is higher than average.

Trade in services

One of the highest-margin niches is trade in services. Most of the expenses come from equipment, rent and wages. This includes hairdressing salons, printing houses, repair services, various training courses and many other services.

During a crisis, the purchasing power of a significant part of the population decreases significantly. For this reason, many goods and services become unclaimed. Therefore, all entrepreneurs need to know what is profitable to sell during a crisis. At a time when the economic situation is difficult, people concentrate their spending on goods and services that they cannot do without.

To achieve high business efficiency during a crisis, it is enough to make a list of essential goods, and then find out in which segment there is a shortage in your city or region. The scale of activity is limited only by the type of product and the amount of start-up capital.

Business in crisis - what to open so as not to make a mistake?

First of all, entrepreneurs are interested in what exactly to do during a crisis so as not to go broke. Below are some examples. All these types of business have a common feature - the provision of services and goods that consumers need regardless of the current economic situation.


Food remains an essential commodity at any time. Despite the crisis, people continue to eat. Of course, when selling delicacies and expensive products, getting high incomes will be problematic. If you are thinking about opening a business in which you definitely won’t go broke or make a mistake, then pay attention to the sale of food products. With little capital you can organize.

The most profitable would be the sale of inexpensive cereals. Accordingly, purchases must be made at wholesale centers at the lowest possible prices, which will require certain costs. Also, the right decision would be to conclude an agreement with bakeries for the supply of inexpensive and social types of bakery products. To ensure low cost, it is better to purchase vegetables from farmers directly.

It will take some time to establish business contacts, but buyers will flow like a river to those who can provide a lower cost. Fewer competitors means lower product costs for the store, which increases profits. To estimate the order of current expenses, pay attention to. During a crisis, opening such an establishment is risky, but if you choose a suitable location, the number of clients will be quite large.


Medicines and devices from the healthcare sector are something that will always be in demand. They say that money can’t buy health, but no one wants to do without the help of appropriate means. This is a profitable direction that does not lose customers at any time. It would not be an exaggeration to say that today medicines are among the basic necessities. Open a personal pharmacy or even a small chain. No one wants to save on their health, so sales of medicines do not decrease even in the most difficult crisis, and sometimes, on the contrary, show a certain increase.

Hygiene items

Among the essential goods, personal hygiene items can also be identified. During a crisis, the level of sales of such goods may decrease slightly, but this only affects expensive products imported from abroad. In addition, consumers prefer to replace it with affordable domestic analogues. Among personal care products, the highest sales levels are shown by washing powders, toothpastes, shampoos, cleaning products, deodorants and perfumes. Firms selling such goods are able to survive any crisis if they have products on their shelves at affordable prices. It is beneficial to organize periodic ones, not timed to coincide with public holidays. For example, give small discounts on a certain day of the week.

Profitable business in times of crisis

Even in a crisis, you can start a profitable business that will generate a stable income. Demand for expensive goods is falling, but repairing electronics, purchasing components, etc. show large volumes. Instead of purchasing new products, many people prefer to repair existing ones.

Auto parts

During a crisis, many people refrain from purchasing new cars, so trading spare parts in such economic conditions is very profitable. The first step is to evaluate the segment in your region. You can organize sales both in your store and online. First of all, it is worth expanding the range, but you should not purchase parts for expensive models, since they are purchased at the appropriate centers. The only option to avoid inappropriate spending of working capital is to purchase the relevant elements only on pre-order.

Advice: in a crisis, those who can offer a wide range of products both at price and product levels make good money. In an auto parts store, it is beneficial to set up stands with a variety of technical fluids, consumables, motor oils, etc.

In a crisis, an auto parts store is an excellent option for a small town. This business can be developed to cover multiple market segments. For example, add a small auto repair shop, where you can immediately install the necessary part or create a car wash point. In the latter case, the best option would be the one that provides self-service, and therefore a lower cost of the service.

It should be noted that trading in spare parts for cars is the most profitable investment option in times of crisis. Many people can open such a business, but there are no fundamental requirements for those who will be directly involved in trade. This allows you to hire several workers according to a piece-rate payment scheme - to organize a certain minimum rate with an additional payment for successful transactions. At the same time, you can independently engage in the development of another direction.

Construction materials

After a strong increase in the value of the currency, imported building materials became significantly more expensive, and their purchase became unprofitable. However, the need for appropriate materials has not changed. Establishing a business for the production of building materials in 2016 will provide a large number of orders, but this will require maintaining product quality at a high level. To do this, you will need to purchase expensive equipment, although for certain types of production in this business segment you can limit yourself to small expenses.

The biggest crisis in the construction segment is expected at the end of 2016, when the construction of a number of large projects will be completed. During a crisis, buying real estate is one of the most noticeable trends. Developers are responding to this by increasing the volume of work and starting to create multi-storey buildings with a small area of ​​individual apartments, which is more profitable given the low level of income of the population. In addition to them, private individuals are also engaged in construction, preferring to hire a small team of workers and purchase building materials from local manufacturers who offer goods at a lower cost. The absence of the need for expensive delivery also plays a role.

What sells well during a crisis?

During a crisis, everyone is looking for better quality products at a lower cost. If you know the relevant market, you can earn your income through intermediary transactions. Of course, in difficult economic times, it will not be possible to make a large markup, but if the process is organized correctly, the turnover will be really large.

Chinese products

Many people know that in China you can remotely purchase most goods at reduced prices. This situation in the consumer goods market is due to the lower cost of labor when compared with our state. Thus, we can talk about lower costs in this production. Today, Chinese manufacturers offer children's toys, shoes, clothing, various production equipment, electronics and other goods at low cost.

This gives us the opportunity to earn money by selling goods from China. The simplest method is dropshipping - that is, acting as an intermediary between the seller and the buyer. The difference from trade is that you do not purchase goods and do not ensure their storage and delivery, but are solely engaged in searching for buyers. To engage in this type of business, it is enough to open your own online store, as well as resell goods from Chinese suppliers. The list will help you with this.


Regardless of the crisis, things continue to wear out and people need to update their wardrobes. If you doubt which products will sell well during a crisis, open a clothing store and you won’t go wrong. There are certain differences between the clothing market and the food sector. There are people who prefer to wear out old things, at least sending them for repairs. However, there is no significant drop in demand.

There is a redistribution of sales levels across various segments: middle-level goods are being purchased less frequently, while cheap and expensive clothes, on the contrary, are being purchased more often. Since clothing items lose their versatility, during a crisis, citizens try to spend less on one set, but in total specialized stores still make quite a large profit.

The maximum income is received by those who provide the widest range. You can create departments for used, inexpensive, mid-range and high-end clothing. The proximity of second-hand retail trade and expensive clothing can show high efficiency if the retail space is properly organized. This business thrives even in the most difficult economic conditions.

What services are in demand during a crisis?

During a crisis, you can sell not only goods, but also certain services. Consulting is becoming especially relevant, but it is important to choose a sought-after area and convey information about your services to potential clients. This can be done even with minimal investment. Combining services with the sale of themed products also shows good results.

Services and goods for holiday and mourning rituals

Regardless of the crisis, people are born, organize marriages, celebrate the birth of children, birthdays, and die. These processes cannot be slowed down or completely canceled, since they are an integral part of human life. For this reason, business providing funeral goods and services is in stable demand. Almost anyone can open such a business, even if they have no experience.

This is the simplest method of starting your own business with a minimum level of investment in 2016. Before starting work, it is necessary to clearly define the specific direction of activity. Some ritual goods can be purchased with payment upon sale, which makes it possible to save on individual purchases. If you start offering customers high-level service and quality products, you can get high profits even in a crisis.

Training for crisis managers

During a crisis, many business owners hope to find special managers to reorganize their activities during difficult economic times. They change the basic principles of operation of the enterprise so that the enterprise can receive greater benefits under changed conditions. There are quite a few such specialists in our country, so many managers are forced to take appropriate courses on the instructions of management. If you have personal knowledge in a relevant field or know someone who can become a teacher in this field, consider that 2016 will be profitable for you.

Organizing such courses is quite easy, while the benefits from this type of activity are especially high today. Knowledge and experience are a commodity that is constantly in demand. Professionals in any field are valued by businessmen for their experience in a particular type of activity.

Advice: You can organize a whole group of training courses, and also actively attract clients. To expand your audience reach, it is advisable to create a platform on the Internet through which you can provide paid information to a huge number of clients.

What to trade during the 2016 crisis in a small town?

Small towns have their own specifics. On the one hand, large players are often absent from such markets, on the other hand, clients are divided between existing enterprises, and luring them under normal conditions is a rather non-trivial task. During a crisis, the cost of goods comes first. Offer a lower price for similar products or take up space in a new direction.

Goods for children

During the crisis, there remains a demand for quality goods for children, which makes this direction very profitable. All parents intend to give the best to their children. Some fathers and mothers, who are forced to spend even more time at work and providing a more comfortable environment, try to compensate for the lack of their own attention to them. Today there is an increase in sales of children's goods. If you ask experts what is best to sell during a crisis, you may get different answers, but selling toys, clothing and hygiene products for children will come up quite often.

If you want to open, then relying on children's clothing items is a risky choice. Many people do not refuse used clothes, while new things are usually very expensive. There is no need to completely abandon the corresponding segment, but there is no need to significantly expand the range, because the benefits will be concentrated in other sections of this product group.

Alcohol products

In times of crisis, the issue of relieving stress and providing leisure comes to the fore. Alcohol products play an important role in this, so you can organize a profitable business based on this, which will be popular in both large and small cities. If you are significantly limited in capital, then it is better to choose the latter option, since this will provide lower rental costs and also make it possible to avoid strong competition with large retail chains.

Today the state is introducing a number of measures to combat counterfeit products. This is beneficial for a new entrepreneur, as it allows an honest business to stay afloat. Despite the 2016 crisis, the alcohol trade remains profitable and can be considered one of the key areas for starting a business with minimal investment. Before starting the sale of alcoholic products, it is necessary to obtain the appropriate permits and familiarize yourself with the legal acts affecting this market segment. When properly organized, a business selling alcoholic beverages can be very profitable. Not least important is the choice of location for your store.

During a crisis, it is profitable to trade in essential products, as well as provide services that save money. Moreover, they can be combined within one business. Using the example of selling auto parts and setting up a self-service car wash at a store, you can consider other types of business. An excellent option is to organize various courses, including those on starting your own business. Many are looking for opportunities to earn more and reduce spending. Based on an understanding of the existing environment, you can occupy a niche with low competition and high development potential. It is enough to simply assess the market.

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During a crisis, large intermediaries experience real economic stress, because in order to reduce costs and increase financial benefits, they try to get rid of them first in the producer-seller-consumer chain. At the same time, organizing such a low-cost intermediary as dropshipping can become a truly profitable business. You can also start your own small farm. Today, a profitable idea is. Merchants should expand the range of available goods, since most of the population refuses expensive goods during a crisis. At the same time, they cannot be completely excluded from circulation. There should always be 10-15% of high-quality goods that will be bought from you, despite the crisis.

In contact with

As long as money exists, or objects that can replace it, trade exists. Every day we run out of bread, butter, vegetables and fruits, we lack new clothes and shoes, and household appliances. The desire to get something new brings people to the market, where, after studying a wide range of products, they choose exactly what is needed in a particular situation.

A purchase is made, as a result of which the seller receives the required amount of money, and the buyer receives the desired product. At first glance, the transaction is mutually beneficial and satisfies the interests of both persons, but in fact, the entrepreneur involved in the market finds himself in a more advantageous situation, since he was lucky enough to overtake his competitors and get this buyer. The latter is important in running a trading business. The lack of buyers makes it unprofitable and leads to the closure of the outlet, which is what many novice businessmen fear most of all.

Trade has been and remains the most profitable business from the point of view of quickly making a profit.

Main trade rule– creating your own extensive customer base, as well as selling in-demand goods. With skillful goal setting, a small initial capital and strong confidence in your own luck, trading specific goods can become the main source of income and provide a 100% return. For example, as the owner of a retail outlet on the market that sells household chemicals, you can earn a solid income without worrying about damage to the goods and a decrease in their value. There is always a demand for goods such as potatoes, onions, peppers and other vegetables. People need clothes and shoes constantly and at any time of the year. Selling baked goods, not a single entrepreneur has ever lost money.

The only thing about worth remembering for a beginner businessman:

  • trade can be profitable only when the number of competitors is minimized;
  • everything depends on the buyers;
  • The investment will definitely pay off, so in an effort to save money, you should not overstep the boundaries.

The ideal option is a family trading contract, in which all family members take part. In this case, the costs for the loader, the seller and even the accountant are reduced to a minimum, which allows you to save significant amounts on this item of expenditure, going to the family budget.

Features of organizing a retail outlet on the market

Having not yet decided on the product, but having an idea of ​​what type it will be, you should start search for a place under a retail outlet. The most advantageous places are considered to be places with a greater traffic of people - entrance, exit, first rows adjacent to them. Naturally, they are all occupied or rented out at inflated prices. Most often, newcomers are offered remote boutiques and pavilions, the rent for which is as low as the possible profit from sales from this location. In no case should you agree to this option; it is better to take a more expensive one, but near places with large crowds of people.

Having decided to organize a retail outlet, you should decide on form of doing business. The easiest way is to register as a s. Registration in this capacity will not cost more than 1000 rubles, which is important at the initial stage.

If you rent a place to sell goods, you should receive a new status, as this will greatly simplify relations with the market administration and future suppliers.

If you have not yet registered an organization, then easiest way This can be done using online services that will help you generate all the necessary documents for free: If you already have an organization and you are thinking about how to simplify and automate accounting and reporting, then the following online services will come to the rescue and will completely replace an accountant at your enterprise and will save a lot of money and time. All reporting is generated automatically, signed electronically and sent automatically online. It is ideal for individual entrepreneurs or LLCs on the simplified tax system, UTII, PSN, TS, OSNO.
Everything happens in a few clicks, without queues and stress. Try it and you will be surprised how easy it has become!

Selecting a product to sell

Trading always begins with the choice of goods to be offered for sale. The type, shape and name of the product occupy an important place in receipt. If possible, you should trade inexpensive but exclusive goods that are highly competitive and in demand among consumers.

Before looking for a supplier, you need to devote several hours to studying the retail assortment located near the trading premises of competitors' boutiques. Having spent very little time, a novice entrepreneur will be able to avoid mistakes and purchase exactly the product that is lacking in this market segment.

So, if in a neighboring pavilion they sell cleaning products for furniture, floors, stoves and bathtubs, washing powders and dishwashing detergents, it is advisable to stock various kitchen utensils and bath items in your own outlet: towels, dishes, shelves and plastic cabinets, mops and the like. If we are talking about selling T-shirts and sweaters, then you should bring trousers, skirts and jeans to your own retail outlet. In addition, the choice of products may depend on the time of year and demand for it.

For example, in the winter season boots and outerwear are in great demand, in the summer – dresses, blouses, sundresses and sandals. You should also pay attention to fashion trends. Last spring-autumn season, sneakers were in great demand. This spring, the demand for them fell; buyers prefer shoes with wide heels or platforms.

Assortment analysis depending on location

Small city

In terms of trade, small cities have their advantages and disadvantages. On the one hand, the population in such cities is small, which means that profits will be distributed extremely unevenly, which makes you think about carefully choosing the location of a retail outlet. On the other hand, it is possible to bring quite ordinary goods to a small town and sell them at high prices, due to the lack of competitors.

To this kind goods may include:

  • inexpensive but fashionable clothes and shoes this season;
  • household chemicals from foreign manufacturers;
  • confectionery;
  • alcohol.

The choice of goods is extensive and depends entirely on the location of the market. So, if the market is located in a residential area, it is advisable to start selling buns, bread, sweets and consumer goods, which people will not specifically go to the supermarket for, but will willingly buy when they go down to the entrance. Near gas stations you can sell spare parts for cars, oils, cigarettes and alcoholic drinks.

Big City

Large cities provide a lot of opportunities to choose the location of the market where you plan to open a retail outlet.

So, if you plan to sell clothes, shoes, or sports equipment, you should rent space at a clothing market. If trade is related to household chemicals, vegetables and fruits, you need to rent a trade kiosk at the food market. In addition, there are also construction and mixed markets. We should also not forget about the high popularity of wholesale markets, where goods can be sold not by grams, but by tens of kilograms at a time.

When planning to open a retail outlet selling accessories for mobile phones, earrings and other jewelry, it is advisable to place it near a university or school. Students and schoolgirls will become regular customers and bring in a good income.


When planning to open a retail outlet at a market in a village, you should carefully study the contingent of local residents. The goods for filling the counter should be selected depending on the needs of customers, bearing in mind that most of the village residents are elderly people who do not need branded clothing and the latest modern technology.

Most Popular The village uses such goods as:

  • bread;
  • flour;
  • sunflower oil;
  • salt;
  • matches;
  • sugar;
  • sweet water;
  • ice cream.

It is advisable to purchase a certain amount of washing powder and detergents, kitchen towels, clothespins, men's and women's socks, underpants, and work gloves. Such goods always find their buyer; they are not perishable, so the benefits from their sale are obvious. Don't forget about alcoholic drinks too.

Center or outskirts

If we are talking about a retail outlet downtown, then you should understand that people go to the center for a specific purpose: to take a walk, go to the theater, cafe, meet friends. In the city center you can open a retail outlet with flowers, clothes and shoes, or a grocery store with an assortment of alcoholic and carbonated drinks, buns, bread, vegetables, fruits and sweets.

Nobody buys quality clothes and shoes on the outskirts, trade in chemicals, construction materials and small equipment will also not be successful. The purchase of significant goods is always deliberate; the buyer wants to have a choice and therefore goes to the city center for shopping. On the outskirts it is allowed to open only a grocery store with a small cafe where you can order coffee, tea, breakfast or dinner.

Embankment and other recreation areas

When planning to open a retail outlet on the embankment, in parks, at bus and railway stations, near a parking lot and the like, you should understand that despite the large crowd of people, selling large and expensive goods will not be profitable.

Ideal products are considered:

  • seeds;
  • ice cream;
  • hod-dogs;
  • coffee Tea;
  • hamburgers;
  • pies;
  • sweet and sparkling water;
  • alcohol;
  • napkins.

Analysis of the assortment depending on the area


Planning to open your own retail outlet at the food market, you should understand that you should not expect large incomes at first. On average, no more than 6 thousand rubles are collected per day from one food outlet.

The assortment should be selected based on the information above; personal preferences should not interfere with the desire to earn money. It is most profitable to trade potatoes and other relatively perishable vegetables. Potatoes, carrots, onions and beets will always be in demand. It is no less profitable to trade meat. In the latter case, the business can become virtually waste-free.


The non-food sector of trade should include, first of all, the sale of things, chemicals, dishes, small household appliances, and electrical appliances. You should choose high-quality, but not expensive goods, the markup on which will not make the buyer want to pass by.


Selling construction products requires not only studying the market in order to find a free market, but also having certain knowledge in the construction field. Not all buyers can clearly explain what thickness of timber they need specifically, what quality of paint they expect and how many rolls of wallpaper they need. If the product supplier does not know this, the business will not work out from the very beginning.

Selection of products sold depending on the season

When trying to get the most benefit from trade, you should focus not only on the location of the market and the number of competitors, but also on the season, especially when it comes to trading vegetables and fruits. In winter, it is most profitable to trade potatoes, carrots and onions.

In spring you can make good money selling strawberries, cherries and fresh vegetables. In summer, tomatoes, cucumbers, plums, pears, apples, peaches and apricots are in great demand. In autumn, you can organize wholesale trade in sweet peppers, eggplants and cabbage.

The same goes for clothes and shoes. The assortment of a retail outlet must change with the changing seasons, otherwise the entrepreneur will not benefit from the business he has started.

Typical mistakes of novice entrepreneurs in the field of trading on market squares

You should not count on the fact that by purchasing goods on the cheap, renting a retail outlet and finding several buyers, you can build a real business that you can pass on to your own children.

Many entrepreneurs stay afloat for only a few years, or even months, after which they close down, having come to the erroneous conclusion that such a business is unprofitable.

In reality, such problems arise due to numerous mistakes made during the trading process, here are some of them:

The listed reasons are far from the only ones, but in most cases they have a negative impact on the trading business.

The impact of the crisis on trading on the market

Successful trade largely depends on the purchasing power of citizens.

During crisis years, buyers have less money, and accordingly, they go to the market less often, which leads to a decrease in the number of sales and the closure of many retail outlets.

In crisis years the most profitable way to trade products and basic necessities. Clothing, shoes and small household appliances are in less demand, as are interior items. A crisis is detrimental to trade, but having extensive experience in this area, you can adapt to it.

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