How to open a self-service car wash: pitfalls and expert advice. Business idea: opening a self-service car wash Business car wash, wash it yourself

Evgeniy Malyar

# Business ideas

How to open a car wash in Russia

In Europe, self-service car washes account for 50% of the total number of car washes. In Russia only 5%.

Automation and self-service are the most commonly used cost reduction methods. Remuneration of personnel takes up a significant share of it. This article will talk about a popular service - car washing, and how to increase its attractiveness. We present to your attention a business plan for a self-service car wash.

How to open a car wash from scratch

If you have sufficient funds, the task seems easy. Necessary:

  • find a good place for a car wash;
  • register an enterprise;
  • conclude a long-term lease agreement or buy a plot;
  • build a room there that corresponds to its functional purpose;
  • purchase, deliver and install equipment;
  • hire staff;
  • provide advertising.

That, in fact, seems to be all - you can make money. In practice, however, each of these points represents a separate task that requires careful study and a qualified solution. First of all, before investing significant funds, it is necessary to take into account all expenses and forecast revenue, that is, draw up a business plan.

Advantages of a self-service car wash as a business

Why choose a self-service car wash? As a business, this type of enterprise is characterized by the following advantages:

  • Growing market capacity. The number of cars in Russia is constantly increasing. This factor stimulates the emergence of new car washes.
  • The self-service method theoretically brings the price of the service closer to a level acceptable for most car owners (250–450 rubles for using high-quality materials and equipment).

The quality of automatic surface cleaning is higher than that of manual washing. This factor is very important for owners of expensive cars.

All these undoubted advantages objectively exist. To these should be added flexibility in pricing policy.

Each client can choose a set of options provided in the price list. Whether he just wants to wash the body, needs interior cleaning, engine cleaning, or something else, he will pay for each procedure separately.

As a rule, the cost of washing depends on the class of the car and its size. And if everything looks logical with the dimensions (more water and detergents are required), then questions may arise regarding increased prices for expensive cars. Nevertheless, everyone knows that washing an SUV will cost more than a small car, and at least twice as expensive (or even more). Various protective liquids (waxes) and polishing are considered separately.

What type of washing to choose: contact, contactless, open, dead-end and closed

Before listing and characterizing the main types and varieties of self-service car washes, it is worth mentioning the seasonal dependence of the business as a whole. Cars are washed more intensively in spring and autumn, since it is during these periods that they become most dirty. However, there are rains in the summer and thaws in the winter. However, the general statistics are as follows and they depend on the climate zone. In Krasnodar, the profitability of a car wash and the cost of the service will be different than in Krasnoyarsk. Now about the principles of choosing the type of structure.


An open-type car wash looks like a gas station or a factory conveyor. Cars drive right through the structure (usually metal with a canopy): they are dirty at the entrance, but clean at the exit. An outdoor car wash is good for three reasons:

  • Cheap construction. Prefabricated construction is considered the most progressive construction method. In addition, if necessary, such a structure can be disassembled and moved to another location, saving significant money.
  • High performance due to the conveyor principle and self-regulation of the queue. Drivers, as a rule, treat those waiting behind with understanding and do not hesitate in vain. The flow method ensures that the machine can be passed through in 8–10 minutes.

However, an open car wash also has its disadvantages. These include:

  • There is an obvious need for underfloor heating in frosty weather, which increases operating costs, especially in harsh climates.
  • Large footprint. Queuing, check-in and check-out require space. A place is also needed for “dry” stations where processing takes place (wiping, vacuuming).
  • Uncomfortable conditions for clients. Self-service assumes (although not always) that the driver leaves the warm interior and performs operations. In the cold and wind this is unpleasant. Statistics show a significant drop in demand for the service even at -10° C.

Dead end

As the name implies, the car enters the car wash in front and leaves it in reverse (or vice versa). Pros:

  • For arrangement, you can use an existing box of suitable size, adapting it to the functions of a car wash.
  • Takes up less space compared to an open sink. In some cases, this statement is called controversial, since space is also needed to move in and out, but the rent is usually still lower.
  • Less (at least 20%) productivity due to maneuver time. The service period for one machine is at least 15 minutes.
  • If a building is being built from scratch, then a back wall is needed.
  • Clients can argue about priority, and conflicts are always detrimental to business.
  • Risks of accidents that, despite very slow traffic, still happen due to poor visibility.


A closed self-service car wash could be called a dead-end type if it did not have, in addition to the above-mentioned disadvantages, special advantages:

  • significant thermal insulation;
  • like a dead-end, it can be placed in a ready-made room;
  • requires less space compared to an open type sink.

Such a plus as thermal insulation also turns into a minus - the need to spend time opening and closing the passage. In addition to this factor, productivity is negatively affected by the lack of transparency. Other drivers do not see the client, but he does not see them. Sometimes the administrator has to intervene and politely but firmly rush people. As a result, the service time for one machine reaches 40 minutes, and on average it is 20–25 minutes. This is an anti-record among all types of sinks.

A closed car wash is organized for the same reasons as a dead-end car wash, but with the goal of creating more comfortable conditions for customers. In the absence of other options (for example, in the central part of the city), this approach provides a competitive advantage along with lower energy costs.

In addition to division according to the design features of the structure in which the car wash is located, there is a classification according to technological criteria.

  • Non-contact technology for cleaning surfaces involves using a sprayed jet of water under high pressure as a cleaning agent.
  • The contact principle of operation is familiar to everyone who has washed a car on their own at least once in their life. This can be done manually, with a special cloth, or using special soft rollers.

The division is valid not only for washing, but also for drying. In one case, moisture is removed by air pressure, and in the other - by wiping materials.

How a car wash works

The cost of washing one car includes many expense items (rental cost, depreciation of equipment, labor, water, electricity). It is problematic to take them all into account in each specific case, so pricing is simplified, averaged, and ultimately reduced to a time-based tariff.

Experienced customers know some washing secrets that allow them to make the most of their paid minutes. The following techniques help optimize the process:

  • The presence in the trunk of some additional devices and items that simplify and speed up cleaning of surfaces. For example, this is a scraper with a rubber plate and an absorbent rag.
  • Rational choice of payment system and process duration. Usually twenty minutes is enough, but if you don’t have enough time, you can pay extra for the first time. The motorist finds the optimal duration for himself experimentally.

Payment is made at different self-service car washes in different ways, but, as a rule, almost everything possible is accepted: from cash (including through bill acceptors) to acquiring.

The “tricky” tricks that customers use to minimize fees while maximizing operational efficiency should be known to car wash owners. And not in order to hinder them - the desire to pay less and get more is quite natural. They just need to be taken into account when pricing, otherwise the overall profitability of the enterprise will fall.

Car wash operation in winter

In Russia, everyone is preparing for winter, and car wash owners are no exception. Events are divided into permanent and seasonal. The first include the design features of the room laid down at the design stage:

  • Heating systems and heated floors, which are equipped with car wash stations. Pipes laid below the zero level, filled with circulating heated water, prevent the formation of ice.
  • Screens protecting the service area from frosty winds.
  • Contour water purification system. At first glance, this device is not directly related to work in the cold season, but this opinion is wrong. To prevent water from freezing in the pipelines, it must constantly circulate, that is, flow out of the nozzle of the washing gun inserted into a special “pocket.” Draining it down the drain is an unaffordable luxury. The water is purified and reused.
  • Selection of equipment suitable for operation at temperatures down to -20°C. As practice shows, greater frost resistance is not required: in extreme cold, few people wash their cars.

Operational winter measures include:

  • A thorough pre-season inspection of all the above systems to avoid their failure at the moment when they are needed.
  • Installation of temporary heat sources. For this purpose, as a rule, portable “hot air guns” (powerful fan heaters) are used. You should pay attention to the requirements for electrical safety, moisture resistance and grounding of heating devices.
  • Ensuring a minimum fuel balance for autonomous power supply systems.

In addition to general technological measures, it is a good idea to exercise commercially reasonable care for customers and their vehicles. In winter, it is advisable for them to use the final waxing and drying regime, which they may refuse in warm seasons for reasons of economy. Treating the body with protective materials reduces the risk of corrosion, which is something car owners are interested in (in winter, roads are sprinkled with chemically active reagents).

Business plan for opening a new self-service car wash from scratch

The profitability of a new enterprise is determined by the ratio of projected income to planned expenses.

It is quite difficult to list everything that is needed to open a sink, but the main costs must be taken into account. They are divided into constants and variables.

Expenditure part

So, opening a self-service car wash requires money, but it is also needed during operation. Therefore, first you need to know what costs an entrepreneur will have to incur to start a business. They will later be included in the cost (partly in the form of depreciation) of the service along with the variable part of the costs.

Initial costs

Necessary conditions for commissioning a self-service car wash:

  • Availability of a correctly completed package of documents. This concept is broad and includes coordination with local authorities, permission from the SES, fire inspection, Federal Tax Service and much more. This expense item cannot be underestimated - it is quite capacious. It will take approximately 200 thousand rubles (plus or minus, depending on regional specifics).
  • Communications. It is difficult to predict costs here. If they already exist, that’s great, but it happens that water, electricity, sewerage, and heating lines need to be supplied. This factor, of course, must be taken into account when choosing a location.
  • Equipment. The degree and cost of technical equipment of a car wash is determined by the owner. In any case, the following are required: a control module, pumps, detergent dispensers, consoles and hydraulic guns. There are many other devices that you should purchase (more about them below).
  • Construction. You can write a separate lengthy article about how much it costs to build a car wash building, having considered all the options. The amount of costs depends on the chosen type, initial conditions (whether it will be reconstruction or construction), technology (modular, block, brick, etc.) and other factors.
  • Water purification filtration system. The need for it has already been mentioned in the economic aspect, but it is not the only one. Without water treatment, it is impossible to obtain permission from the SES and an environmental assessment report.
  • Cash register equipment. This is a requirement of Russian tax legislation.
  • Software.
  • Security equipment and video recorder.

In addition to all these obvious expenses, it is advisable to take into account unexpected costs from which no one is immune. Summarizing all the listed articles, you can try to summarize their average values ​​in a table for a 6-post sink:

Startup cost item Approximate amount, rub.
Package of documents 200 000
Summing up communications 1 500 000
Construction of a complex of boxes and an operator’s office 5 500 000
Equipment, including installation and commissioning 4 500 000
RKT 200 000
Water purification filters 500 000
Outdoor advertising media 300 000
Unforeseen other expenses 500 000
Total 13 200 000

This table may not include many individual conditions. For example, if borrowed funds are used, then interest on the loan will also be included in expenses. There are other options for ensuring the operation of the enterprise on the basis of rent, leasing, etc., which will also affect the amount of the initial investment. The calculations given are of an average nature.

Monthly expenses

After the self-service car wash starts operating, the company incurs operating expenses. Some of them depend on turnover (payment for consumables, water, energy), and the rest of the costs do not depend on the intensity of work (wages, fixed utility tariffs, etc.). For a month, expenditure items make up the total amount of the approximate data given in the table:

Operating expenses item Approximate amount, thousand.
Staff salaries (for 6 posts) 180 000
Rent 60 000
Equipment depreciation 600 000
Communal payments 6 000
Communication expenses 1 000
Detergents and cleaning materials 60 000
Payment for advertising (external billboards, in the media) 50 000
Tax obligations and social insurance 15 000
Maintenance of the filtration station, including water consumption 30 000
other expenses 10 000
Total 1 012 000

These data are also provided as an example and are approximate values. The magnitude of real costs is influenced by many external and internal factors.

Revenue part of the car wash budget

A good location, qualified management, high-quality work, combined with an affordable price for the service, bring the average car wash to a daily workload of 50 cars per station (more in autumn and spring, less in winter and summer).

A simple calculation, assuming year-round operation without days off, and an average bill of 300 rubles, allows you to determine How much revenue does a car wash bring in per month?

Possible monthly profit of a car wash

To determine the operating (“dirty” or gross) profit, you should subtract the expenses for the same period and the initial one-time investments distributed over the service life from the income received per month.

The amount of monthly expenses also includes depreciation, distributed over the life of the fixed assets (assumed in this example to be 5 years). One-time expenses (LRZ) distributed over a month for fixed assets will amount to:

Together with the amount of operating costs, the total expenses (OR) for the month will be:

Based on these data, the monthly gross profit (PB) of the car wash will be:

Profitability and payback

Even with a speculative assessment, it becomes clear that the car wash in question is characterized by positive profitability - in other words, it is profitable. However, economics requires an objective calculation of the indicator in the form of a number.

The period during which the return on investment occurs is determined as the ratio of one-time initial costs to operating profit. In the case under consideration it will be equal to:

That is approximately two years. The indicator is good, but it should be borne in mind that it is based on the most optimistic forecasts. It will probably not be possible to achieve a throughput of 50 cars at each car wash station right away, nor will it be possible to maintain it year-round. Nevertheless, the enterprise has a “margin of safety”, even if it is unprofitable in the initial period of operation. You can calculate the overall profitability of a self-service car wash using the formula:

When substituting the data we get:

What should a self-service car wash project look like?

The design of a structure being built for a car wash or reconstruction of an existing premises is carried out by specialized companies. Most often, they also take responsibility for obtaining permits.

In many cases, you can choose a ready-made standard project, which only needs to be tied to the area and communications - this option is rightfully considered the most budget-friendly. The requirements for the documentation being developed are in many ways typical for any industrial building:

  • ease of entry and exit;
  • safe working conditions (ventilation, electrical grounding, etc.);
  • optimization of estimates;
  • aesthetics;
  • thoughtfulness of arrangement of the adjacent territory;
  • environmental integrity;
  • manufacturability of construction.

The car wash project has certain specific features, expressed in ease of access to the filter unit units and traffic safety.

The cost of the project is a significant share of the initial costs, its significance is great, so this organizational stage should be treated very carefully.

Budget options for opening a self-service car wash

Since opening a car wash from scratch is the most expensive option, it makes sense to consider ways to save money when organizing such an enterprise. As in all other cases, the possibilities for reducing costs when starting a business are limited:

  • cheaper purchase of equipment;
  • use of existing own premises;
  • reduction of personnel costs;
  • reduction of other costs, including advertising.

Experience shows that it is almost impossible to deceive the market. Purchasing cheap or used washing equipment entails the risk of downtime due to its breakdown. This method of saving is especially dangerous for entrepreneurs who have little knowledge of technology, since spare parts and components are not always standardized and easily accessible.

We will talk about personnel a little later, but it should be remembered that paying a good employee little is unprofitable and even dangerous. Saving on advertising is also fraught with the fact that the period of “promotion” of the point will move into a permanently protracted phase.

Adaptation of premises for self-service car wash

Not every room can be converted into a car wash. It is almost impossible to set up such an enterprise in a residential building: the constant movement of cars, noise and exhaust gases will cause the fair anger of neighbors, not to mention the impossibility of obtaining permits.

The reason to think about opening a car wash (in this case, it doesn’t matter whether it’s self-service or not) may be a combination of the following factors:

  • sufficient space;
  • availability of communications;
  • proximity to busy overpasses.

At the same time, it is important to estimate how much it costs to bring the premises into full compliance with general requirements. It is possible that the costs of constructing new boxes will be lower.

Franchise car wash

Franchising cannot generally be considered a cheap way to start a business. The owner of the enterprise bears all the usual costs and, in addition, pays for the right to use the trademark. True, the franchisee also receives support from the franchisor, and this is what is important.

The self-service car wash franchise is offered in Russia by several well-known specialized companies (brands Chistomitov, D&S, Chistyulya) that organize a turnkey business. The main advantages of this type of enterprise initiation:

  • assuming a complete lack of experience;
  • optimization of capital investments;
  • application of modern surface cleaning technologies;
  • advisory assistance from the franchise holder;
  • no supply problems;
  • practically guaranteed level of profitability subject to compliance with the terms of the franchising agreement;
  • advertising support.

The disadvantages of the franchise are systemic and not acceptable to everyone:

  • obligations to pay for using the franchise service;
  • strict binding to the terms of the contract;
  • as a rule, there is a lack of choice of suppliers of basic consumables and equipment.

In some cases, franchisors' offers seem very attractive due to the revolutionary nature of the technology. For example, the “Fresh” Digital Moika brand offers on-site “dry washing” of cars. This method of service radically and systematically reduces costs (no boxes are needed at all), utility bills, and maintains acceptable service time (up to half an hour).

The owner of the enterprise can judge for himself how applicable this technology is to the self-service method.

How to choose the right site for building a sink from scratch

The choice of site for a car wash is made according to the main criterion of accessibility and convenience.

Technical requirements for a car wash area

The minimum area of ​​the plot is selected at the rate of 35 square meters. m. for one post. The following requirements apply to communications:

  • input power feeder power – 50 kW;
  • The daily throughput of the water pipeline is 18 cubic meters. meters;
  • daily water disposal - 20 cubic meters. m.

The rationality of the location of a self-service car wash

Obviously, in most cases the client is interested in washing the car before putting it in the garage or parking lot. The service is also often used by drivers who have traveled a long way and are entering the city. Based on these considerations, the best places for a car wash are:

  • sections of the route adjacent to the city limits;
  • access roads leading to residential areas;
  • neighborhoods of garage cooperatives and parking lots;
  • other sites characterized by proximity to busy traffic.

How to register a business

To begin with, an entrepreneur should choose a legal form of ownership. If there is only one car wash, then it is best to register an individual entrepreneur with simplified accounting and taxation. For larger businesses, an LLC form is required.

The question remains about the taxation system. It should be taken into account that the amount of contributions to the budget for UTII is influenced by the area occupied by the enterprise. If within a month the entrepreneur does not choose a single tax on imputed income, he will automatically be assigned OSNO.

Package of documents for opening a car wash

The list of documents required for registration of a self-service car wash includes the following papers:

  • registration certificate of individual entrepreneur or constituent set of LLC;
  • confirmation of tax registration;
  • contracts: land lease, connection to electrical networks, water supply, drainage, waste removal;
  • conclusions: environmental impact assessment, fire inspection, SES;
  • confirmation of project approval with the construction and architecture department;
  • safety certificates of the technological equipment used.

OKVED codes for car washes

The activities of enterprises providing car washing services fall under the following criteria:

  • maintenance and repair of vehicles (OKVED code 45.2);
  • other types of vehicle maintenance services (OKVED code 50.20.3).

List of equipment for self-service car wash

The hardware of the self-service car wash includes the following items:

  • Control module. This is the “brain” of the entire car wash. Commands to actuators are issued from a centralized computer system, and it receives information that clients enter, choosing operating modes and duration of operations. MU is also responsible for payment.
  • Washing blocks. They are devices by which surfaces are cleaned.
  • Water heating tank.
  • Heated floor system with control device.
  • Pumping station. It is this that creates the required water pressure.
  • Osmosis. Many car wash owners mistakenly underestimate the importance of water treatment quality. At the same time, it significantly affects the final result. In poorly treated water, the surfactants that form the basis of detergents are not completely dissolved. The system of membrane demineralization (removal of salts) is what osmosis is. It is needed to ensure that there are no streaks left after washing. A water softening system serves the same purpose.
  • Client consoles with hydraulic guns.

It is important to know that the water pressure supplied at self-service car washes should be lower than at similar “professional” points. Otherwise, an inexperienced client simply will not hold the “gun” in his hand and will remain dissatisfied.

The list is somewhat simplified for brevity. In fact, the operation of a self-service car wash also requires other devices (pressure stabilizers, bill acceptors, acquiring terminals, security devices, vacuum cleaners, etc.), but they are partially integrated into the listed positions.

Self-service car wash equipment suppliers

By purchasing a turnkey business, the owner saves himself from many hassles of selecting equipment. However, self-service car washes can be equipped by supplier companies that specialize in equipping enterprises of this type:

  • Aimoy;
  • Prototechnics;
  • Vikos LLC;
  • Clean company ;
  • Aqua Technology;
  • Washing;
  • Karel Group;
  • MCW Tech;
  • Eurotech;
  • Sequence.

Peculiarities of requirements for self-service car wash personnel

Although clients act independently, the role of staff cannot be underestimated. It is important that the driver who applies for the car wash service for the first time leaves satisfied.

The employee’s task is to help understand, and if necessary, teach each inexperienced visitor how to properly use the equipment, choose the duration and options. In this case, there is a high probability that the client will become a regular one.

Self-service car wash marketing

With the right choice of location, competent price positioning and quality service, the commercial success of a car wash is almost guaranteed.

However, in conditions of fierce competition, additional measures are required to attract and retain regular clientele. They are expressed in the following ways:

  • Loyalty program support. There are customers who are willing to travel long distances to wash their car at a discount. At the same time, the cost of consumed gasoline often exceeds the discount amount.
  • Merchandising. It is useful to give the client a keychain or pen with the logo and address of a self-service car wash: this item will always remind you of the service. If they donate it, that’s also good. Perhaps someone will see and also come to wash the car.
  • Offer. A commercial offer distributed in various ways (from printed to electronic media) also helps attract customers.

There are many ready-made strategies for promoting a service, but you should not limit your own creative imagination.

Where to advertise

Depending on financial capabilities, car wash owners use different advertising methods. The simplest is a bright and noticeable inscription on the facade of the enterprise, inviting you to use the service. Other advertising media also demonstrate effectiveness:

  • Banners and billboards. Their placement is justified not only near a car wash, but also in other places: at the entrance to a populated area, on a busy street. The requirement for extreme brevity should be taken into account - the driver has very little time to read the text.

How to open a self-service car wash - what permits are needed for this, what is its profitability + 2 layout options + 3 potential business risks.

Cost of opening a car wash: 32,000,000 rubles.
Payback period: about 12 months.

Car washing is not a very complicated, but quite profitable business.

So how to open a self-service car wash costs much less than a service station, or any other type of personal transport service; this option is more accessible for beginning entrepreneurs.

In fact, all you have to do is: purchase special equipment, rent or buy, and then set up a site, invite several workers to your enterprise, and monitor the work process.

Of course, it is worth understanding that all this requires substantial investment.

Since good equipment for washing cars costs a lot, you also need to take into account the cost of water supply and heating the ground during the cold season.

Pros and cons of opening a self-service car wash

Such a business has both pros and cons:

How to properly register a self-service car wash?

Before opening a self-service car wash, you need to figure out how to properly register this business.

In order not to think for a long time, it is quite appropriate to register this business as a private enterprise.

For example, to obtain a building permit, you first need to visit a construction organization where they will create a construction project for you.

It is subsequently approved there.

Then you will need to pass all inspections: labor, environmental protection, fire inspection, etc.

After agreeing on all the issues with them, you can already go to the local authorities, who will give consent to open the enterprise, based on the documents submitted to them.

Of course, we must not forget that before this whole process, after acquiring the land, it needs to be given the status of a site for industrial buildings.

Which taxation system should I choose to open a car wash?

To save money and simplify the activities of an entrepreneur, you can choose UTII (single tax on imputed income).

This means that the amount of tax payment will be calculated regardless of profit, but only on indicators such as area, etc.

This is what the calculation formula looks like:


Where BD is the basic income, FP is physical indicators, K2 is seasonality, and CH is the tax rate.

How to choose a place for washing?

“No task will seem impossible if you break it down into small parts.”
Henry Ford

The most expensive places to rent for self-catering will be places near shopping and entertainment centers.

To save on rent, you can install a car wash near the entrance to the city.

The washing area should be large, from 500 square meters, since in addition to the washing itself, it is worth taking care of the place where other cars will wait their turn.

In fact, to open a car wash that will be fully operational all year round, renting is not the most suitable option.

After all, in order to equip a heated washing area, you need to invest a lot of money in construction.

So it makes sense to take a risk and purchase the entire plot.

What does it take to build a car wash?

In order to build a self-service car wash, you should contact a construction company.

Usually this is the same as the construction project itself.

The duration of construction work depends directly on the developer, as well as on the environmental conditions at the selected location.

Construction costs should immediately be calculated at two million rubles and above, since everything depends on the area of ​​the territory, the number of boxes and other factors that affect the scope of work.

How to choose the necessary equipment for a self-service car wash?

There are two options for purchasing equipment to provide such services: purchasing all the equipment separately and building structures, or purchasing a complete ready-made car wash complex.

The term “complex” means a box with all the necessary equipment for washing cars.

The purchase of five ready-made demi-season washing boxes will cost about 3,000,000 rubles.

The option of purchasing equipment separately is not particularly profitable, since in the end you won’t be able to save money.

Perhaps it will cost more, and much more time will be spent.

What might a 5-station self-service car wash look like?

Option 1

Option 2

Note: in the second option, the fifth washing station does not have a canopy, so it is quite suitable for washing a truck.

Advertising for opening a self-service car wash

Since this type of activity is quite in demand, there will definitely be clients.

However, it is very important to designate the place where they are expected, and then there will be even more visitors.

The only way to attract a potential client is through informative local advertising (banners, posters, leaflets, signs).

Informativeness means that the banner, for example, should contain an address or a small map showing how to get to the car wash.

It would also be a good idea to include pricing.

Required personnel for a car wash

Since we are talking about the fact that a person (client) will wash his car himself, there should not be a lot of staff at such a car wash.

All that needs to be done at this enterprise is to monitor the serviceability of the equipment and sell tokens.

Additional staff may also be needed to maintain cleanliness.

The personnel fund may consist of the following positions:

How much does it cost to open a self-service car wash?

How much it costs to open a self-service car wash directly depends on where to put it, how many cars it will be designed for, as well as whether to rent or buy land.

An approximate calculation of the cost of opening a self-service car wash from scratch looks like this:

Cost itemCost, rub.)
Total:RUB 31,745,000
Enterprise registration30 000
Buying a plotabout 1,000,000
Order a project450 000
Equipment10 000 000
Installation500 000
Construction19 000 000
Advertising signs100 000
Light600 000
Salariesabout 65,000

This table takes into account the purchase of land.

If you rent a plot, the cost of opening will decrease slightly, but the monthly expense will increase significantly.

It follows from this that it will be more convenient to purchase the plot right away, although this will increase the risk slightly.

Profitability calculation

If we expect that it will take about 32,000,000 rubles to open a car wash, the profit will be 5,000,000 per month, and the monthly expense will be about 35% of the revenue (payment of salaries to employees, costs of water and electricity supply, taxes, etc.) then the period during which it will pay off is 10-12 months.

The profitability of such a business will be approximately 40%.

But this is only provided that it is successful and generates income.

The video shows the features of the car wash:

What are the risks when opening a self-service car wash?

    Such a business can be a failure if you do not take into account that location plays a big role in the return on investment.

    It's much cheaper to install a car wash in the middle of nowhere.

    But they will visit it just as much less often. In this case, the income will be significantly lower, as will the payback period.

    It is also possible that the business will eventually become unprofitable.

    You should always take into account that during the cold season the need to wash the car is significantly reduced.

    If you make average calculations based on income in the warm season, you can make an incorrect forecast.

    As a result, the revenue plan fulfillment rate for the year will drop significantly.

  1. You also cannot relax, since in this business very frequent checks are possible, and if they are not passed, the entrepreneur will face fines or, in the worst case, the closure of the car wash.

How to open a self-service car wash and it is possible to calculate how much it will cost approximately.

But the final amount may differ in practice, as there may be unforeseen expenses.

The most important thing is to be willing to spend more to provide quality service.

Then the profit will correspond.

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Owning a car requires drivers not only to perform regular maintenance, but also to thoroughly clean the interior and exterior. Cleaning the interior is carried out in order to rid it of various contaminants and unpleasant odors. External washing is carried out to give the car an attractive appearance and for the convenience and safety of driving. If home owners can give their pet “water treatments” whenever they wish, then residents of megacities are forced to turn to specialized car washes. And we will consider self-service car washes as a business that can grow into a source of considerable income.

In large cities, private car washing companies are quite common. But, despite such a high level of competition, customers are forced to spend a lot of time waiting: it takes about 30-40 minutes to wash one car. In this regard, another line of services has emerged - self-service car wash. This service is especially popular among vehicle owners.

Self-service car wash option

Specifics of activity

Establishments of this type can have different sizes and equipment. But they have one thing in common: a lack of staff. The sink looks like this: there is a special installation in the room, similar to a canopy. To gain access to a vacuum cleaner and other equipment, you need to buy a token, which includes a certain time for using the service.

Benefits of a self-service car wash

More and more motorists are switching to self-service car washes, and here's why.

  1. Affordable price - it is several times less compared to conventional sinks.
  2. The ability to wash the car yourself is an undeniable advantage for many: not every person will trust their “iron beast” to strangers, so they want to wash it themselves.
  3. Minimal risk of damage: customers do everything themselves and take responsibility for their actions during washing.
  4. Simplicity of equipment: all devices used for washing are as simple and easy to use as possible.
  5. The effectiveness and safety of washing cars when using this washing technique is guaranteed.

As for the advantages for entrepreneurs, they are obvious: within this format of activity there is no need to hire staff, all the work is done by one person.

How a self-service car wash works

Among the equipment elements present at self-service car washes are:

  • drying units;
  • foam and water supply guns;
  • vacuum cleaners.

Each client will be able to intuitively understand what and how to use, with minimal time investment. To get a clean car, practical and thrifty people just need to deposit money into the terminal and carry out several actions:

  1. Wash with water and powder. Dirt can be removed
    contact or non-contact.
  2. Wash with cold water to remove any foam that appears.
  3. Applying wax to make your car shine.
  4. A polymerization process that avoids streaks on the surface of the machine.

Example of a self-service car wash control panel

Since severe frosts reign in Russia in winter, it is necessary for the entrepreneur to take care of equipping the car wash with special equipment:

  1. Underfloor heating system laid under the covering. This is a set of pipes for circulating warm running water. The principle of operation is that, when necessary, the system starts a heating option that prevents the coating from freezing.
  2. It is important to give preference to devices that are equipped with systems that ensure constant water movement. For example, these could be guns that deliver water under high pressure. During the continuous circulation process, freezing of water in the guns is avoided.

Now let’s look at how to open a self-service car wash so that the idea quickly begins to generate income.

Business registration

Before opening a service, you will need to take care of obtaining special permits.

  1. Contact specialists in the construction industry to develop
  2. Obtain the appropriate permits to open the car wash.
  3. When leasing land, you will need to obtain a decision from the local executive committee.
  4. Among the most important documents is an architectural and planning assignment with a plan of the land plot.
  5. Visit the fire safety inspection, environmental service and sanitary-epidemiological station.
  6. After going through all these stages, you need to get an administrative decision on the possibility of opening a car wash.
  7. Choose the organizational and legal form of activity, it can be any. Most often, entrepreneurs prefer to choose an individual entrepreneur or a limited liability company.

This is the list of papers required to open a self-service car wash. But there are a few more details that require close attention when starting a business.

Search for a location

In order for a service opened from scratch to generate good income, it is important to take care of choosing the right location for its placement. This is the fundamental criterion. Opening a car wash in the wrong location can lead to not only a small profit, but also early bankruptcy. Previously, such establishments opened in the courtyards of multi-story buildings, but today enterprising people began to build them along highways, which attracted more customers to this type of service.

To prevent drivers from ignoring your car washes and driving past without seeing them, you need to equip the complex with special signs on both sides of the highway. The optimal location is to locate the sink directly behind the traffic light. While waiting for the green color, drivers tend to get bored, so they look at all the surroundings. And this is a great chance for an entrepreneur to attract the attention of a curious motorist!

An important factor is the presence of communications. In order to ensure smooth operation of the enterprise, you will need not only water, but also sewerage and electricity. Therefore, before opening a sink from scratch, it is necessary to check that it is possible to provide the necessary set of communications. Thus, the self-service car wash business is a profitable and cost-effective business if all sorts of nuances are taken into account before opening.

Purchase of equipment

The ideal solution is to purchase a ready-made modular structure from a European manufacturer. In Western countries, such complexes are implemented everywhere. Demand for them generates an increase in supply, and every year manufacturers invent high-quality devices. To purchase equipment, you should contact official dealers of manufacturers operating in Russia. It’s better not to skimp on this point, since equipment is the first thing clients pay attention to. Therefore, equipping your car wash with high-quality equipment is the key to the success of your business, although the cost of such types of equipment is quite high. At the start, experienced entrepreneurs recommend purchasing a simple sink. After the costs are recouped and you receive a net profit, you can count on purchasing modernized sinks.

Exhibitions of technical equipment for self-service car washes

Hiring staff

You won't need many employees, and this is a significant advantage of a self-service car wash business. Customers wash their cars themselves, and work related to equipment maintenance can be performed by one operator. The range of his direct tasks will include the following actions:

  • monitoring the condition of equipment;
  • failure detection;
  • carrying out repairs;
  • providing assistance to clients;
  • sale of tokens.

If it is planned that the car wash will operate 24/7, then it is worth hiring more employees for shift work.

Financial questions

And now it’s time to talk about the most important thing – finances. It's nice to make a good profit, but how much money does it cost to prepare at the beginning of a business? Simply put, how much does it cost to open a self-service car wash from scratch? By knowing the financial side of the issue, you can find out when to expect the first profit and, perhaps, talk about expanding your business. In fact, the price of the issue may vary depending on the size of the sink, the quality of the purchased equipment, and its operating time. Let's consider expenses based on average market prices for equipment, and income based on the average price tag for washing services.

Expenditure part

Initial costs

Let's consider a relatively budget option for a contactless self-service car wash.

  1. Equipment. A product purchased in Europe will cost an average of 9.5 million rubles. You will have to shell out about 300 thousand rubles. for delivery. And plus 1,000,000 rub. will be used to purchase facilities for cleaning cars.
  2. Advertising. This is another important expense item, because in order to attract customers to the business you will have to pay. The tools you can use are special signs, banners, leaflets and signs. The average budget is 50,000 rubles.
  3. Improvement works. They include measures for installing communications (about 250,000 rubles), as well as landscaping the car wash area - up to 200,000 rubles.
  4. Preparation of documents. On average, this event costs 200 thousand rubles.

The total amount of initial costs for opening an activity will be 11,300,000 rubles.

Monthly expenses

  1. Staff salaries average 25,000 rubles per month.
  2. Taxes. This article will cost about 15,000 rubles.
  3. Land lease. Of course, you can consider 2 options - renting a plot of land or buying it. But until you have tested the demand and launched a business, it is better to rent a plot. Its average monthly cost will be about 10,000 rubles (along the route).
  4. Additional expenses (for utilities and advertising) – 10,000 rubles.

The total monthly cost of running a car wash
self-service will be 60,000 rubles.

Revenue part

If your service operates around the clock, you can count on maximum profits:

  1. A significant part of customers will visit your business in the morning (from 8.00 to 10.00) and in the evening (17.00-22.00).
  2. One post per day can serve 20-30 cars. If you have three posts, the number of cars per day will be 60-90. In the calculation we will consider the option with 60 cars.
  3. The average price for a car wash is 300 rubles. The average income for 60 washed cars per day is 18,000 rubles. Per month – 540,000 rub. This is your total monthly income.

540,000 – 60,000 = 480,000 rubles.

11,300,000: 480,000 = 23.54 months.

That is, in almost 24 months (2 years) the costs will be justified, and you will be able to make a net profit.

So, we looked at how much a do-it-yourself self-service car wash costs.

A competent approach to organizing the business process will allow you to get
high-quality results and guarantees a decent income!

Research from Moneymaker Factory

Every year in Russia the number of cars increases by 1.5 million units. In addition to the increase in demand due to the growing number of cars, there is already a huge shortage in the car wash business. The advantage of self-service car wash stations is a quick payback for investors, because they are in demand among the population due to the low price of services and a controlled level of quality.


What is a self-service car wash? This is a service with which the car owner can independently wash and care for his car.

For this purpose, the car wash complex has stationary stations designed for one car space. Each post is equipped with a special panel with connected equipment, on which the user can select a number of paid services, such as:

  1. Washing: hot or cold water, with foam, with osmosis;
  2. Waxing;
  3. Insect treatment;
  4. Drying.

Compared to traditional car wash services, washing a car in a self-service service will cost less and take less time, because... There are practically no queues at such car washes, and the washing procedure itself is fully automated. The car owner himself acts as an operator and can independently control the thoroughness and quality of washing.

In times of crisis, the vast majority of consumers will prefer a self-service car wash over a traditional service. After all, it is much cheaper, besides, there is a real saving of time, and the quality of washing increases many times over, since the owner independently controls the entire process of washing and caring for his car.

If we compare self-service at a car wash service with a seemingly even cheaper alternative, such as washing in the yard of a house or near a body of water, then here, in addition to the awareness that the car owner’s actions cause significant harm to the environment, there is also a high probability of imposing an administrative penalty. fine The fine will range from 3 to 5 thousand rubles, while washing yourself at a car wash will cost only 100-200 rubles.

Now let's find out how popular car washes are in Russia - to do this, let's look at the following statistics.

Need for car wash services

According to the State Traffic Inspectorate, as of the beginning of 2016, 56.6 million cars were registered in Russia, of which 44.2 million were passenger cars and 2.2 million were motor vehicles. The annual growth in the number of vehicles is 1.5 million units (+ 2.7%).

The average car owner washes his car at least 2 times a month. According to the investment company ROSTA, which specializes in the construction of turnkey car washes, a self-service car wash with 6 stations can serve up to 900 cars daily.

This means that, even despite the supply of car wash services in the market, due to the increased number of vehicles, the annual need for car washes will increase by 110 units.

1,500,000 new cars * 2 times/month. * 12 months = 36,000,000 washes per year for new cars

36,000,000 washes / (900 washes/day * 365 days) = 109.6 complexes.

The above calculation is very general, because does not take into account the seasonality of the business. During periods such as March-April, October-November, which are peak periods, the load is maximum - standardly loaded car washes may not be able to cope with the influx of visitors.

In addition, car washes rarely operate at maximum technical load 24 hours a day and 365 days a year. The density of car washes also plays an important role - it is not uniform everywhere. Therefore, the annual need for the construction of new car wash complexes to cover growing needs will be 200-300 centers to provide such services.

In addition, to meet the needs for washing all existing vehicles, about 5 thousand car wash services are required - today this need is not even half met.

The shortage of car wash services is clearly demonstrated using the example of the city of St. Petersburg in the following graph (Fig. 2):

Advantages of self-service car washes

Given the existing shortage of services, as demonstrated above, and in times of crisis, only car washes with self-service capabilities will be in primary demand (due to the price of the service (3-4 times lower), the quality and speed of receiving the service), so it would be more rational to pay attention to this type of business.

As for the speed of service at car washes, let’s study the following data. They are clearly presented in Table 1.

Based on this, it becomes obvious that during a crisis, the most popular service, capable of covering the growing need for this type of service due to an increase in the number of cars, will be a car wash at a self-service station. The benefits are visualized in Fig. 2.

Rice. 2. Advantages of self-service car washes.
According to the investment company ROSTA

Main advantages


From an economic point of view, building and maintaining self-service car washes is more profitable than owning and using traditional car wash complexes. This is due to the fact that savings are observed:

  • On wages, since the number of personnel is being reduced (washers are not needed);
  • During commissioning, since this structure is being built from lightweight prefabricated metal structures, i.e. it is easy to install. Also, for such structures, the requirements for registering land plots as property or long-term lease have been reduced.

Fast payback and low competition

The rapid payback of the project is ensured by the high demand for this type of service among the population, as well as greater service productivity. In addition, there is still low competition for this type of car wash today, since this type of service began to be popularized in Russia only 5 years ago.

All-season service

Due to the fact that car wash stations are equipped with an anti-icing system, maintenance downtime due to very low air temperatures is close to zero. Such car washes close only when the temperature drops below -30 degrees Celsius. And this is no more than 4-7 days a year. This allows such complexes to be used profitably in all climatic zones of Russia.

Usually the temperature in winter does not drop below -10 degrees Celsius. At this temperature, self-service car washes operate uninterruptedly - this operating mode is ensured by installing a constantly operating snow melting system in the concrete floor in the form of heated antifreeze circulating through the pipes.

Turnkey price

Let's find out what the turnkey price of a self-service car wash includes.

According to the estimates of the co-owner of the Rosta holding company R. Matsarin, the turnkey cost of a standard container-type facility for 6 posts will cost 10 million rubles.

Where did these numbers come from? This can be easily seen using the following calculation formula (Fig. 3).

The advantage of container-type car wash complexes is that all equipment is assembled in a separate technical container. The equipment installed in a technical container ensures uninterrupted operation of up to 8 posts (according to the Italian company MIX).

The technology container looks like this:

Container station with 6 posts:

A modular car wash will cost less because... it is created on the basis of a prefabricated frame structure, so the main share in its price is occupied by the cost of equipment with commissioning services.

The price of a modular car wash includes:

  • Preparation of permits and design documentation (20-25% of the cost of the object);
  • Cost of building materials + construction work (30-35% of the cost of the object;
  • Equipment (40-45% of the cost of the facility);
  • Supervised installation (5% of the cost of equipment).

As an example, here is an excerpt from one thematic forum (Fig. 5) - all the costs of launching a 6-station car wash complex are laid out here:

According to Aqua Technology company estimates, business profitability is 83%, and the payback period is 2-3 years. The average bill is 60 rubles, the duration of washing with wax application is up to 10 minutes. Service temperature range is up to -30 degrees Celsius.

Among the most economically attractive calculations is the one that was made according to Elematica data. Thus, the cost of arranging one post will be from 120 thousand rubles. When calculating servicing up to 140 cars per day with an average bill of 150 rubles, the payback period for 1 post will be 2 months.

Payback period for self-service car washes

The average profitability of a self-service car wash, according to the Rosta company, is quite high. Here is the data on one of the implemented projects - Fig. 6.

Based on everything stated above, we can conclude that self-service car washes will be in increasing demand every year. And with the constant increase in the number of vehicles on the roads, which can be observed even in a crisis, it is precisely these car washes that will be in increased demand. First of all, due to efficiency and lack of queues.

In order to organize your business, it is important to decide on the location of the car wash - the best place will be a place with busy traffic. You also need to choose the appropriate format (number of posts) and decide on the equipment. As can be seen from the presented price range for equipment, you can start your own business even with minimal investment. The rapid payback of the project will allow you to expand profitably and in the shortest possible time.

It is always difficult to start, especially if the matter is unfamiliar. In this area, you must first decide on the possibilities, since the business is profitable, but requires a lot of start-up capital. Ask yourself whether you can contribute from 5 to 13 million rubles to open a self-service car wash or find investors to receive such an amount. If there are such opportunities, then get down to business - study the sales market and its geography.

Open a self-service car wash beneficial not only in megacities and regional centers, but also in settlements of 200-500 thousand inhabitants. Today, such a business is not yet very common in Russian cities, but it is understandable and convenient, because every Russian motorist wants to have a clean, well-maintained car, but not spend too much money. Many people wash their cars themselves, but the conditions for this are not created like in Europe. Car owners use hoses, buckets, and nearby bodies of water, but everyone reports mediocre results and physical inconvenience.

Like any business, a car wash business needs to start by finding a location for a future point and studying demand.

The peculiarity of opening a self-service car wash is that you have to immediately decide whether to rent land or acquire ownership. Since you will have to invest a lot of money in underground communications, construction work, asphalting and landscaping, it is better not to rely on the landlord and buy a plot or lease the land with a subsequent purchase. The size of the plot can vary from 100 to 650 sq. m. meters, it all depends on the number of posts and additional buildings.

Investment size

The amount of initial investment greatly depends on the number of positions at the car wash., types of washing units, as well as infrastructure. For example, if you decide to open a self-service car wash near a car wash with tunnel functionality, a parking lot, a shopping center parking lot, etc., you will not have to develop the territory, asphalt paving will be limited only to the nearest area. This significantly reduces several cost items.

The quantity and quality of washing operations makes adjustments to both the initial investment and the cost of services. For example, a system of 2 units with minimal functions (soapy water + cold water for rinsing) will cost 750,000 rubles, and a more complex one with several operations, including wax application and osmosis, will cost 3,500,000 rubles.

In addition, it is recommended to have funds to pay the first month of work for the staff and for contributions to the tax service in case there are still few clients at first. It is best to work 24 hours a day, seven days a week. To do this, you will need to hire three service operators and set a work schedule every other day. With a salary of 20,000 rubles, your wage fund should be 60,000 rubles per month.

Separate monthly expense item- utility bills and security. This will cost at least 30,000 rubles. Installing an alarm will cost 20,000 rubles. The amount of taxes will be about 20,000 rubles. Thus, to open a self-service car wash from scratch, you will need 12,930,000 rubles. If you plan to acquire land ownership, this figure will increase.

Step-by-step instruction

Having assessed your capabilities and made sure that you are capable of opening a self-service car wash, choose a location for your future enterprise. After this, begin to draw up documents and legalize your business in a certain territory. Once all permits have been obtained and a design has been created, construction can begin.

Communication system

The construction work will be extensive as the communication system underground is essential. The car wash operates according to a water circulation scheme in underground pipelines. Since hot water circulates in the pipes, the effect of a “warm floor” is created (it needs to be equipped in a special way), then the sink can work even in cold weather. Construction and installation work is carried out in the following order:

  • Digging a pit.
  • Laying the communication system.
  • Arrangement of a “warm floor”.
  • Concreting.
  • Laying asphalt.
  • Installation of metal structures.
  • Installation of treatment facilities.
  • Arrangement of the adjacent territory.

The cost of such work will depend on the number of stations at the self-service car wash and the area it occupies. After construction work and erection of metal structures, you can begin purchasing the necessary technical devices.

Equipment purchase

This expense item is quite impressive. Such equipment is not produced in Russia, but is imported from Europe. There are official dealers in our country, and you should contact them with this question. It doesn’t make sense to purchase it yourself, and then transport it and clear customs - it’s too expensive and troublesome. There is also no need to skimp on the brand of car wash equipment. This is the business card of your company; it will give you an additional advantage over competitors, raise your image and allow you to set decent prices.

A 6-seater sink with a functionality of 4-5 operations costs about 9,500,000 rubles. If the capital is insignificant, then at first a sink for 2 places will be enough, it will be a third cheaper. You can save on the complexity of the units and the number of functions they contain. For the first time, a car wash complex with several basic functions is suitable:

  • Hot water with powder (+40 +60° C).
  • Hot water (+40° C).
  • Cold water.
  • Hot wax.
  • Osmosis.

The process of washing a car looks like this: wash with hot water and foam, rinse with hot, then cold water, apply wax, let the water osmosis, which allows the surface of the car to dry quickly without streaks. For a self-service car wash you will need:

  • Control unit with payment devices.
  • Pump set.
  • Highway.
  • Console.
  • Pistols.
  • Dispensers.

It is necessary to install treatment facilities. Their purchase will cost approximately 1 million rubles. Devices ranging in price from 90 to 400 thousand rubles are produced, so everyone decides for themselves what price level to choose in this category of equipment.

Find the right place is one of the most important issues for future profitability. If there are few customers, the business will become unprofitable. The most advantageous places:

  • In parking lots.
  • Along a busy road.
  • In shopping center parking lots.
  • In the center of multi-apartment residential complexes.
  • Near car services.

Such places are rarely free, but the infrastructure of cities does not stand still, new facilities are constantly being built, so it is possible to find a place with a large flow of motorists. It is advisable to choose business and shopping areas of the city, and it is better to set up a self-service car wash from scratch at the exit, rather than at the entrance of them. Many owners of such facilities install car washes immediately after a traffic light: the driver stands at the traffic light and looks at the surroundings, so he notices the car wash. If the object is not located on the road itself, but a little further away, bright banners or signs should be placed after the traffic lights within a radius of 1-1.5 km from the car wash.


When opening a car wash, you need to register your company. This will require about 20,000 rubles. The most common organizational and legal forms for a self-service car wash are LLC and individual entrepreneur. It is advisable to register an LLC if there are two or more investors. If there is only one owner, it is easier and more profitable to register an individual entrepreneurship. In this case, a code (OKPD 2) 45.20 is assigned. There are also advantages to opening an LLC - in the event of bankruptcy, the LLC will only have to sacrifice its authorized capital, and the individual entrepreneur will be forced to part with personal property. An LLC is formed when it is planned to open several car washes and attract investment capital. After registering with the tax authority, you need to prepare a number of permits and other documents:

  • Permission from the local executive committee.
  • Project and settlement documents from the construction company (project cost about 2,000 per 1 sq. m).
  • Land plan.
  • Architectural and planning task.
  • Permission from the fire inspectorate.
  • Coordination with environmentalists.
  • Certificate from the SES.
  • Coordination of the project with the architecture department.
  • Administration decree on opening a car wash.
  • Coordination with the labor protection service.

With an organized approach, it will take about 1-1.5 months to complete documentation and permits. Taxes can be paid using a simplified taxation system. If the list of documents causes difficulties with personal participation, you can use the services of a legal or consulting company, although this is another expense item.

Opening checklist

Is it profitable to open

Of course, opening a self-service car wash around the clock is profitable if you choose the right location and ensure a constant flow of customers. Washing one car takes approximately 20-30 minutes. In an hour, 12 cars will be able to visit the car wash from 6 stations, provided that it is fully loaded. Theoretically, this turns out to be 288 cars per day. Of course, it is impossible to achieve such a workload. Fewer cars are washed at night and in the morning. However, there is no less than 100 cars per day, provided there is a well-promoted location. One car wash costs on average 250 rubles. Subsequently, you can include additional services that will increase the cost to 500 rubles. With minimal demand and cost it will work.

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