Is the shawarma business profitable? Getting rich from fast food: how to open a shawarma

Modern people constantly have to rush somewhere. In the daily routine, it is difficult to find time for a full meal, and therefore fast food comes to the rescue of many.

Shawarma is a famous dish originally from Turkey, consisting of a mixture of vegetables and fried pieces of meat, which are wrapped in thin pita bread. The demand for this dish is extremely high.

Today's shawarma is considered a universal type of dish that has historical roots, but at the same time instantly adapts to the needs of modern times, changing the design and filling ingredients.

At some points, fitness shawarma is sold, which does not contain meat, and the filling consists exclusively of vegetables. In European countries, the product is often served with pork, which generally contradicts all the origins of the dish, but fully satisfies the buyer’s demand. Large chains of fast food restaurants offer so-called rolls stuffed with meat, which are wrapped in a flatbread made of wheat flour.

As you can see, shawarma easily changes ingredients, satisfying market demand and preserving its main advantages - unique taste, rapid satisfaction of hunger, unnecessary cutlery and budget cost.

Consequently, this is an extremely profitable business niche that does not require large investments for a successful start. All that remains is to figure out how to start selling shawarma.

Initially, you need to decide on the location of the stall. This decision is of great importance, since if you make a mistake with your choice, you can be left without profit. To sell shawarma, it is better to choose places where streets cross, at public transport stops, or near educational institutions. In large cities, it would be logical to install a stall near the metro station. A walk-through space for a kiosk is the first step to ensure that the “shawarma” business idea does not burn out.

You will also need to conclude an agreement to rent a place for trading. For a stationary kiosk, the rental amount can be from 15 to 20 thousand rubles. In addition to renting a place, you will need to take care of obtaining permits from the SES and fire inspection authorities. Registration of such a package of documents will cost approximately at 10,000 rubles.

The next step is to purchase the required equipment:

  1. Gas or electric grill - the cost varies between 35−45 thousand rubles.
  2. Grill burner - price equals 5,000 rub.
  3. Refrigeration equipment - the cost is not less than 20 thousand rubles.
  4. Hood - price fluctuates within 5-8 thousand rubles.
  5. Contact type grill (heating of products) - from 3000 rubles.
  6. Dishes - not less than 2,500 rubles.
  7. Washstand - cost is about 2,000 rub.
  8. Industrial Operations Tables - the price is 12-15 thousand rubles per unit.

Important!The above prices are approximate. The cost of the necessary equipment can be significantly reduced when purchasing Chinese products, or significantly increased when purchasing high-quality branded equipment. The price directly depends on the country of origin.

The last step is to decide whether you will sell yourself or hire a qualified salesperson. If you plan to hire an employee, then your salary must be included in the associated costs - not less than 30 thousand rubles. Also, don’t forget about paying for electricity - about 4000 rubles per month.

It turns out that to open your own shawarma business, at the first stage you will need about 130 thousand rubles (seller's salary not included). This amount will be significantly higher if you purchase shawarma products in batches rather than purchasing them daily.

Also, the amount of initial costs will need to include the cost of legalizing the business, that is, opening an individual entrepreneur or LLC. Here everyone decides for themselves.

It should be noted that the payback of such a business is quite fast - with proper organization of the business all costs will be recouped within 3-5 months.

It’s pretty clear how much it costs to open a shawarma shop! You can roughly calculate the payback period. When the kiosk is operating, for example, 12 hours a day, selling 10 units of shawarma per hour with a price tag of 70 rubles, daily profit will be equal to 8400. Will remain clean 6500−7000 rubles (deduction for products spent). You can earn 195 thousand rubles a month. Of these, you will need to pay taxes, rent a place or premises, a bill for consumed electricity, a salary to the seller, purchase a new batch of products and leave a certain amount at the kiosk cash desk (for unforeseen situations and giving change to customers). The owner will have about 100 thousand rubles left net.

The amount of net income may be reduced if the owner rents a stall or takes it on credit.

At the first stage, it is necessary to legalize the business of selling shawarma. For this case, the most suitable option is opening an individual entrepreneur will cost the owner only 800 rubles for paying the state fee.

You can also open an LLC, it will cost a little less, but it will take at least 2 times more time to open it. It is recommended to open an LLC when you are planning a serious expansion of your business, which means attracting third parties - investors to open a whole network of stalls.

Important! For a business selling shawarma, it is recommended to use the UTII taxation system; it is extremely simple and transparent.

After registering the legal form, you need to enter into an agreement to rent a place for trade or premises. At the next stage, permits are obtained from the SES and fire departments.

A shawarma stall can bring in a good income. The business plan shows this. To open such a business in 2017, the following documents are required:

  1. Business license.
  2. Company details.
  3. Certificate of tax registration.
  4. A contract for the rental of a place or premises.
  5. SES permitting documents.
  6. Permitting documentation from fire authorities.
  7. The seller’s medical record (if you don’t have one).

As mentioned above, at first you can open a stall selling shawarma cheap. Subject to the purchase of Chinese or used equipment, without purchasing a new kiosk (used rental) and without hiring employees. In this case, opening a point will cost approximately 130 thousand rubles.

If you hire a seller, this amount will increase for 30-35 thousand rubles., subject to the purchase of a new or restored stall - for 300-350 thousand rubles., and when purchasing high-quality branded equipment, even more 100−140 thousand rubles.

Plus, this will need to include the opening of a legal form and payment of taxes for the first month of activity. For a place near an educational institution, shawarma would be an excellent product. You won’t be able to open a business from scratch; there are costs.

Fast food outlets, as a rule, bring quick, albeit small, profits. One option is a stall selling shawarma - pita bread stuffed with meat and vegetables. Business has undeniable advantages - a small entry into the business and high demand. If the stall is made mobile, then the advantage of such a business will be mobility.

We prepare documents

First of all, you need to complete registration documents. If you plan to sell only shawarma and soft or hot drinks, you can get by with registering as an individual entrepreneur. But if you want to sell alcoholic beverages, you must register an LLC, although a business of this format is not suitable for trading alcohol.

Don’t forget that your stall is a food outlet, and therefore you need to prepare documents for the SES, fire inspection, and environmental service.

Choosing a suitable place

Shawarma is a perishable product, so you need to carefully select the place where the stall will be located. This should be a point with high traffic and low competition. Places near metro exits, train stations, transport interchanges, and intersections of several roads have proven themselves well. You should not place a stall near shopping, entertainment and business centers. As a rule, they have their own cafes or snack bars.

Concluding an agreement to rent a place for a tent is the most difficult thing. Such places are allocated upon preliminary applications. They must be submitted to the local municipal authority. But correctly completed documents are not a guarantee that you will be allocated a place. We must be able to personally agree on this with officials. Usually this takes at least 3 months, not to mention the financial component.

Product prices must be set based on competitive conditions. There is no point in dumping the market to attract customers. It is better to attract them with fresh products from which your shawarma will be prepared. This will be the best advertisement for business. Then, having first established average market prices, they can be gradually raised.


Of course, how to open a shawarma without special equipment. You cannot save on it under any circumstances, since the quality of the finished product depends on the quality of the unit. The stall needs to purchase at least the following equipment:

  • fridge;
  • grill burner;
  • electric or gas grill.

Today the market offers various devices from both imported and domestic manufacturers. Which one to choose depends on your financial capabilities. If you do not have experience in this area, there is no point in purchasing the most expensive equipment. Try to start a business with mid-priced equipment. Once your kiosk starts generating consistent revenue, it's worth investing in an expensive setup with advanced features. Then, in addition to shawarma, you will be able to offer customers, for example, hot dogs.


To prepare shawarma you need the following products:

  • meat;
  • cucumbers;
  • cabbage;
  • pita;
  • mayonnaise;
  • tomato ketchup.

The most expensive product on this list is meat. The cheapest way to cook shawarma is from chicken. But in any case, we need to look for ways to contact direct manufacturers, since it will be expensive to purchase it on the market along with everyone else. A kilogram of meat costs about 80 rubles. You can buy meat already mounted on a peak, but this will cost 120 rubles. In addition, you need to accurately calculate its quantity in order to sell it per day.


One kiosk usually requires one cook. Moreover, at first, his duties can be performed independently. In the future, you need to find a clean and conscientious employee. An employee must have a health certificate when entering the tent. Another necessary employee is an accountant. It is not necessary to hire him on staff. You can outsource these responsibilities.

How much is a business worth?

The spending plan should first provide funds for registration and obtaining various permits. This takes not only a lot of time, but also a lot of money - at least 6 thousand rubles, and sometimes much more.

A separate expense item is equipment. How much it will cost depends on the manufacturer. The cheapest are Chinese devices, which cost from 3 thousand rubles. The most expensive ones are European. Their cost is from 75 thousand rubles. The average option is domestically produced equipment, which will cost approximately 25 thousand rubles. Another 6 thousand rubles. it is necessary to include in the plan for the purchase of a refrigerator 3 thousand rubles. – a cash register, if you will work with it.

If you hire a cook for your tent, you have to pay him at least 12 thousand rubles. plus taxes. The spending plan should also include renting space for a kiosk. How much rent costs depends on the city and location. On average, this amount is 30 thousand rubles.

Also include expenses for groceries, utilities, and other unforeseen situations in your plan. It turns out that to open a shawarma kiosk, you will need at least 100 thousand rubles. starting capital.

Payback calculation

The cost of this business is calculated based on a 12-hour working day. On average, one shawarma in the market costs about 100 rubles. One reel takes approximately 20 kg of meat, from which you can prepare 137 servings of 100 grams each. One serving costs 4 rubles worth of lavash, 8 rubles worth of mayonnaise and vegetables. The total cost of one serving is approximately 30 rubles.

During times of good traffic, you can sell about 10 pieces per hour. According to the most optimistic calculations, the daily revenue will be 120 thousand rubles. Of this, about 2 thousand will be spent on food. That is, the profit per month will be 300 thousand rubles. If you subtract all related expenses, the business payback plan can be estimated at a six-month period.

However, the seasonality of the business must be taken into account. During the cold season, sales tend to drop significantly. In addition, shawarma itself is sold unevenly throughout the day. The greatest demand for it is observed at noon and in the late afternoon. The rest of the time, you can organize the sale of other food. For example, the drop in demand is well compensated by grilled chicken, which is of interest just when the demand for shawarma is falling. You can earn 30 rubles from the sale of one chicken.

Having achieved a certain profit at one point, you can make a plan to open the next point or a network of similar tents.

When did the first shawarma stalls open in our country? It’s unlikely that anyone remembers this now. In Russia they have already become so popular that sometimes there are 2-3 dots in one place.

Shawarma is a fairly popular type of quick snack, otherwise known as fast food. It differs from various McDonald's in its modest price and availability - similar cafes are now found on every corner. And since they occur so often, it means that this type of small business is quite popular. Therefore, you can try to open your own point and try all the delights of this small business.

Market and competitor analysis

First of all, it will be necessary to carry out some preparatory activities. Find out the population of your city and its overwhelming age. Shawarma is most popular among schoolchildren and students. It is not so popular among the adult population, but still it is sold quite often among them.

Choose a suitable place for the stall. The most convenient thing about this type of business is that the kiosk takes up very little space. Therefore, it can be placed almost anywhere. But it is important to understand that competition is still quite high, so it would be wisest to place it where there are no other similar points nearby.

You will have to stand out among your competitors - you need to convince the client to buy the product from you.

In this case, the product is food, so several mandatory requirements must be met. First of all, your food must be of high quality. You should cook only from fresh and high-quality products. Second, you must provide a variety of choices. If you give the client a choice, then he will form a higher opinion of your point. Think about what your competitors are missing and provide it to your potential visitor.

Point of Sale Options

A shawarma point can be placed almost anywhere, but this is the most important factor on which your profit will depend. The best places for placement are:

  • Busy street intersections. As a rule, people tend to walk in such places almost throughout the day, and a accidentally spotted stall with delicious food can cause a sudden attack of hunger in a person, which will be to your advantage.
  • Near educational institutions. Canteens are not very popular among students, unlike various fast foods. Therefore, in one break between classes you can sell more than in the whole day in another place.
  • The kiosk can be located near large shopping centers. As a rule, hundreds of people visit them every day, and high traffic will have a positive effect on your business.
  • You can also place a point near a market or some stadium. The ideal location for shawarma is any place where large crowds of people pass by.

Production plan

For shawarma stalls, as a rule, stationary kiosks are rented. Your premises will be needed equip with water, toilet and ventilation. When it comes to a kiosk, this becomes quite problematic. For water, you can use a cooler, and for a toilet, it will be suitable if it is located in one of the neighboring buildings.

The necessary equipment is quite inexpensive, so you should not skimp on grills and refrigerators, on which the quality of your product will depend. For full operation you need to purchase:

  • Electric grill and burner for it.
  • Fridge.
  • Cash register equipment.

Additionally, the kiosk should be equipped with a place for the seller to rest and eat, as well as a comfortable table for preparing the shawarma itself. You also need to purchase cutting knives and other small utensils.

It is necessary to cook only from high-quality products, in no case using expired or rotten meat and vegetables.

As the popularity of your point increases, you can additionally purchase more modern equipment or expand the menu by adding a variety of hot dogs, hamburgers, pancakes, etc.

Organizational plan

The most important thing is to hire a good cook. He must be able to cook not only tasty, but also quickly. The higher the quality of the product, the higher the amount you can ask for it. When choosing staff, you should choose a diligent and hardworking employee. It will take a long time to work, and the process itself is quite monotonous. In addition, there are often unscrupulous or simply irritated customers, so your employee must also be polite and stress-resistant.

Most often, this same employee must maintain order in his workplace. Therefore, it is important to equip the kiosk with everything necessary to be able to maintain cleanliness.

Financial plan

  • Rent a kiosk (costs approximately 30-40 thousand rubles per month).
  • Staff salaries (30-50 thousand rubles monthly).
  • Cost of equipment – ​​depending on the country of manufacture, the price may vary. European equipment costs about 70-80 thousand rubles, domestic equipment - 35-50 thousand, Chinese analogues - from 20 thousand rubles.
  • Cost of products and ingredients (with good traffic 2-5 thousand rubles per day).
  • Possible advertising costs (an advertising campaign can be carried out for 10-15 thousand rubles).
  • Other expenses (payment for electricity, water, etc. - 5-8 thousand rubles monthly).

You'll spend the most when purchasing equipment, but it only needs to be purchased once, so you only have to spend on it once. You will then need to set aside a portion of your income each month for kiosk rental renewals, employee salaries, taxes, necessary ingredients, and other expenses.

Profit will come from the goods sold. Typically a shawarma spot pays for itself in about 6-8 months.

Opening schedule

Before you can open your location and start working, you will have to complete a number of steps. These include:

  • You need . You also need to obtain all necessary certificates and permits. This is necessary for conducting official activities. You can register as an individual entrepreneur within 5 working days.
  • Then you need to rent a kiosk and equip it with all the necessary equipment. You can rent and place a stall in the right place in a week or maximum two.
  • Next, you need to obtain permission from the fire department and the SES. This is the most important and at the same time the longest stage. Collecting all the necessary documentation may take several months.
  • Recruitment. You need to find one or two suitable chefs. It all depends on the population of your city and the expected work schedule.
  • Advertising campaign. Of course, you shouldn't use all available media to tell the world about your discovery. A small radio announcement and a sign above the kiosk will be sufficient.

You can watch interesting material about opening a fast food restaurant in the video:

Marketing plan

Even when opening such a small business, you should not forget about marketing and advertising. Your establishment should stand out from the general gray mass of the city - if a person just glances around, he should definitely stop at your kiosk!

The correct appearance of your establishment will not only attract the eye, but also awaken people’s appetite.

The main advertisement you can provide for your product is its quality. Shawarma has gained immense popularity in Russia, and, more often than not, if a client likes your food once, he will come back to you again. In addition, he will tell his friends and acquaintances about you, which will serve as viral advertising.

You can come up with a catchy and interesting name. Many businesses become famous simply because of their name, so this is something to think about carefully. Additionally, you can come up with a slogan for your kiosk or chain.

Risk analysis

Opening a shawarma stall is quite cheap, and besides, this product is quite popular. The only risk you take is if you choose the wrong location or serve poor quality food to your visitors. In this case, your establishment may not only be closed, but also a complaint may be filed against you in court.

Alexander Kaptsov

Reading time: 5 minutes


Shawarma is a dish that came to us from Arab cuisine. It was loved by many Russians. Despite the authorities' attempts to close outlets selling Arabic fast food, more and more of them are opening. What's the matter? The incredible popularity of this dish. We can conclude that such a business is profitable.

Is it easy to open a shawarma? Possible difficulties and advantages of business

It should be noted that the success of the business directly depends on the choice of location. Poor location of the stall will lead to bankruptcy.

It is also necessary to be aware of the difficulties awaiting an entrepreneur.

How will they manifest themselves:

  • Seasonality of business . The dish is in particular demand in the summer and off-season. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare for periodic declines in sales volumes.
  • Difficulties in registering a business . The catering industry requires obtaining multiple permits from various authorities. This sometimes takes a long period of time.
  • In purchasing special equipment, which implies decent costs - up to 50,000 rubles.

Positive sides

The main advantages of the business include:

  • Small staff.
  • Fast payback.

Knowing about all the pros and cons, a future businessman can plan his actions in advance. Let's try to create an example for selling shawarma.

Opening shawarma in a stall - stages, steps

As noted above, shawarma production is a profitable activity, which means a lot of competition.

Therefore, when opening a stall, you should act according to a clear plan consisting of the following points:

  • Choosing an advantageous location

The main criterion in this matter is the constant flow of people. This factor provides clientele. Ideal locations are in markets, metro stations or train stations.

What is characteristic of these objects? Potential customers are in a hurry and need food they can eat on the go. There are two options here: open a point in the building and pay rent up to 60,000 rubles, or install a small one, which will allow you to save a little. Both options require obtaining special permission to locate a retail facility. In the second case, from local authorities.

It is important to take into account the shortage of advantageous places for such activities. Sometimes this issue is resolved for quite a long time - up to three months.

  • Registration of individual entrepreneur status

Private individuals do not have the right to produce and sell shawarma. This means that you will need individual entrepreneur status with all the ensuing consequences - registration with the Pension Fund, tax authorities, choice of taxation form. In this case, a “simplification” is possible.

  • Contacting the SES and other services

The list of sanitary requirements for street trading is quite large and strict. Therefore, you need to prepare thoroughly. The SES website has all the necessary information for entrepreneurs who want to sell shawarma: a list of documentation and a list of rules.

So, a businessman must enter into an agreement with the organization responsible for ensuring that the retail outlet complies with sanitary standards, and obtain the appropriate permits from the services responsible for fire safety and environmental standards. If all of the above is done, then the rest depends only on the businessman.

  • Equipment purchase

We are talking only about high-quality technology. Savings will result in losses in the future - frequent breakdowns and, as a result, loss of clientele. The list of basic devices consists of a grill (gas is recommended, as it is more economical) and a refrigerator.

  • Hiring workers

Particular attention to this stage. Employees are largely responsible for the business. The main selection criteria should be: responsibility and professionalism of candidates. Only these qualities will allow you to gain regular customers. To begin with, two people are enough: one cooks, the other is responsible for ordering products and communicates with customers - standing at the cash register.

  • Purchase of products

A special approach is also required when purchasing products. This event will become a regular process, so permanent suppliers of goods are needed. The best option is a direct agreement with sellers in the markets. This guarantees low prices, discounts and quality products. Long-term cooperation is beneficial for both parties.

Shawarma - what a business plan looks like in numbers Initial investment amount:

  • Equipment – ​​up to 50,000 rubles.
  • Documentation – up to 100,000 rubles.
  • Unforeseen expenses (risks) – 60,000 rubles.

Total: 210,000 rubles.

Monthly expenses:

  • Rent for retail space is up to 60,000 rubles.
  • Payment for gas and electricity – up to 40,000 rubles.
  • Salary to employees is up to 40,000 rubles (based on two people).
  • Purchase of products – up to 90,000 rubles.
  • Taxes – up to 5,500 rubles.

Total: 235,500 rubles.

Estimated monthly income. Up to 200 servings of shawarma are sold per day, the cost of one is 60 rubles. This means that the daily revenue will be 120,000 rubles. Revenue for the month – 360,000 rubles. We subtract expenses, we get net profit for the month - 124,500 rubles. If the work is good, taking into account possible sales declines, the business will pay for itself in 3-6 months .

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