Real biography of Dmitry Potapenko. Business of Dmitry Potapenko: what does a fighter for the rights of entrepreneurs earn? Companies management development group inc

Soap bubble Dmitry Potapenko. Impenetrable soap bubble. December 15th, 2015

A couple of years ago, having once again noticed this impudent slob on one of the talk shows, appreciating his boorish pressure, he said to his relatives: “Our oppositionists still haven’t grabbed hold of him? It’s in vain. He’s like a bulldozer. He’ll take over the city with his arrogance and blatant lies.”

I waited. For a week now, liberal resources have been busy promoting Mr. Potapenko. Refer tovideo clip , they incomprehensibly exclaim, “Beautiful! He’s cutting down the truth!” They go to search engines and, writing with joy, replicate the biographical information scattered on the Internet of an unprecedentedly successful businessman and two-time world champion in karate.

Let's start with something minor, but striking. With karate.
" Twice world champion in karate. Multiple champion of Moscow and Russia".
Zero specifics. What championships, what countries, what years? People who know first-hand about karate shrug their shoulders. Haven't heard the name "Potapenko".
Yes, even " wrestled professionally"Also a multiple champion, probably?
I almost forgot - a great golfer. " I started playing golf and in my first year I received a medal as « Olympic hope » "

"The first company « Black leopard » I built it from scratch at 18 years old".
Okay, let's skip it.

Obvious inconsistencies in various biographical information and interviews in the early 90s. During the same year, Mr. Potapenko "studied at MIREA", " founded his first retail chain - Tusar electronics stores", " was the director of the Otari Kvantrishvili gambling club", and " worked as a security guard"(immediately after creating your own retail network, or immediately after getting a job with the most influential thief in law?).

In 1995, a twenty-five-year-old security guard with electronic gambling experience became "Vice President Sales and Marketing Grundic GmbH". One bio at a time" in the Baltic countries". According to others" in the CIS and Baltic countries". Again, zero confirmation.
" CEO « JSC MEZ DSP » "(Moscow experimental particle board plant in Podrezkovo).
" Vice President for Investment Development of PBC« CreditImpexBank» " (formerly "Kreditimpex Bank" on the old Arbat?).
" Deputy Group Manager « Logos » ".
" General Director of LLC « Wholesale centers » ".
"General Director and Chief Accountant of CJSC « RemtransAVTO » ".

Such a busy schedule did not interfere with the studies of the multi-machine genius. "MBA, California Heyward State University, Economic option"(correct - California State University, Hayward)." MBA, Economics, All-Russian Academy of Foreign Trade".

Previously, the media (in his words) repeatedly presented Potapenko as "founder and manager of the network « Pyaterochka » ". Often recorded in "owners", "general directors". Upon closer examination, it turned out that he came to a working network (created by Andrei Rogachev and Alexander Girda), so he could not possibly be the founder. Now only"sales network manager « Pyaterochka "(2003-05) "

He has been working for the last 10 years"Managing partner of the European operational management company Management Development Group Inc.". Russia, Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Switzerland, Belgium, all the way to China.
Here you should definitely look into the respected cargomax :
Questions, questions.

Among the heaps of data he voiced, there is no doubt that Potapenko was 45 years old, that he studied at Kuntsevo school 714, that he studied in the karate section in the area, was a farce, submitted documents to MIREA, traded at Gorbushka, hung around with bandits and much more. years ago I was involved with Pyaterochka.

A cross between Khlestakov and Bender, comes from a criminal background? With the organic makings of a self-promoter, in the armor-piercing style of “lying without blinking an eye”? Or a truly talented, mega-creative businessman operating fabulous millions in six (at least) countries?

As an adult, I lean towards the first option. That is, to Ostap Ibragimovich Khlestakov. A salesperson (lectures, seminars, forums, TV - all based on a fabulous biography) and monetizing the results of this dust-free work.

Potapenko repeats from interview to interview: " I am the son of two GRU colonels". Not far from the lieutenant's son...

An amazing candidate for the position of new Navalny. Plus new Nemtsov, new Kasparov and new Kasyanov combined. It breaks better and holds a blow better. He will be able to portray his closeness to the people in a less lame manner. Speaks simple, understandable language, sometimes obscene. A quick reaction coupled with the aforementioned boorish pressure and attack.

Remember the pre-election photos of the Navalny family, taken in an American, deliberately benevolent format? The Potapenko family also does not disappoint. Watchable wife-psychologist Elena, two daughters (the eldest of whom, according to their father, "winner of almost all Russian Olympiads in physics and mathematics").

There are an abundance of soap bubbles in politics. The promise and danger of Potapenko lies in his thick-skinned impenetrability. A kind of impenetrable soap bubble.

Four quotes from the future opposition leader

"We, of course, have a very high opinion of ourselves (the country, the people). We supposedly know a lot, but in fact we really are Mongolia, just with a gas baton"

"We are the last redneck, we can’t do anything other than get drunk and sing songs. The main thing for us to say is “We are from Russia!” Let us already understand that the world is moving along the path of globalization. Russia depends on buyers abroad and it’s time to start talking politely there and stop being rude"

"Are you for the country?
- No you're wrong. I am for myself"

"What's good about Russia? We have a great client: we spit on him, but he adores us"

Biography of Dmitry Potapenko - a success story





Basic information: Dmitry Potapenko is a well-known entrepreneur with a sensitive strategic mind. He has a unique personality, eccentric appearance (the businessman’s height is 189 cm, weight is 98 kg), his clothes are not much different from the average man. Despite the crisis decline in the country, his business is only developing.

Life path of an entrepreneur

Potapenko Dmitry Valerievich was born on March 30, 1970 in Moscow. He has three diplomas of higher education, also an MBA certificate, DNV GL Group. An unexpected speech (December 2015) during an economic symposium, as well as a tense discussion between the entrepreneur and the deputy chairman of the State Duma committee in the industrial field, V. Gutenev, helped Potapenko gain the name of an honest person who stands for the truth, regardless of the position the person occupies. However, Dmitry has critics who consider him a mixture of Ostap Bender and the illusively charming Khlestakov Ivan.

Currently, the businessman is the main partner of Management Development Group Inc, which exists in the form of several dozen food chains, manufacturing companies and cafes, such as:

- “Gastronomchik”;

- “ArtPrague”;

- "HozMag";

- “Pizza Uno”,

Experts say that Potapenko’s annual profit is more than $300,000,000 million.

The early years and family circle of Dmitry Potapenko

The result of the joint marriage of 2 colonels of the Main Directorate of Intelligence Operations, he spent a quite happy childhood. During school, Dmitry was a member of many activist circles (for example, Komsomol). The young man was especially fascinated by karate, in which he holds two championship titles. But this information is not entirely reliable. The biography that a businessman has is very similar to a story with an adventure plot. Telling reporters about his life, he himself more than once noticed the colorfulness of certain moments. Primary school went smoothly, the grades were excellent, but with age he seemed to have lost interest in acquiring knowledge. Still, after 11th grade, the teenager entered MIREA.

At nineteen, the young man left his parents’ home, began to live independently, and gained vast experience in different types of income:

Orderly (mental hospital, morgue);

Management of a banned gambling organization owned by Otari Kvantrishvili, an influential figure in the illegal world;

Personal security guard of billionaire Vitaly Malkin.

Career advancement

The very first trade skill was selling chewing gum to peers during adolescence, then selling equipment at Gorbushka. Then things became more serious, and here is a rather impressive list of works presented below:

1995 - 2000 - Vice President (GrundicGmbH in the Baltic States);

1998 - 2001 - General Director of the Open Joint Stock Company "MEZ DSP", Vice President of PBC "CreditImpexBank", responsible for connections along with the promotion of investments);

2001 - 2003 - deputy. in the Logos enterprise, head of the Limited Liability Company "Wholesale Trade Headquarters";

2003 - 2005 - manager at Pyaterochka (Moscow/region);

2005 - present time - founder, co-manager of Management Development Group Inc.

Private life of a businessman

The lucky retail salesperson is married. His wife Elena also has a lot of specialties: lawyer, economist, psychologist. Now she works as the general director of the psychotraining organization “Maximum”, which is engaged in personal development and increasing individual potential.

The couple raised two daughters. Gracheva Maria - older, was fond of technical sciences (in particular, mathematics, physics), had prize-winning places. After school I entered the Faculty of Physics at Moscow State University.

Natalya Potapenko, the youngest daughter, graduated from a lyceum school with in-depth study of IT.

Dmitry Valerievich devotes all his free time to his family, goes to the fitness room, according to him, there is no love for luxury, although he has quite a lot.

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An unspoken business principle is that money loves silence. The colorful and charismatic Dmitry Potapenko, an entrepreneur with 25 years of experience, lives contrary to this popular wisdom. From a young age, he embarks on risky ventures, opens his own businesses, develops a ready-made business, while managing to appear on radio and television, give interviews, conduct seminars and, more recently, write books.

Dmitry Potapenko

Potapenko's childhood and early life

Despite the publicity, the details of the businessman’s career path are difficult to reconstruct: it contains many gaps, ambiguous episodes and discrepancies. It is reliably known that Dmitry Potapenko was born in Moscow in 1970. Evil tongues were talking about the family's affiliation with the special services, but there was no serious confirmation of the rumors.

Potapenko's education

As a child, the future businessman practiced karate, tried wrestling, but did not forget about the exact sciences, as a result of which Dmitry Potapenko became a student at the Moscow State Institute of Radio Engineering, Electronics and Automation. Even then, his entrepreneurial abilities were evident, and in 1992 the first Potapenkovo ​​chain of electronics stores was founded "Tusar", which lasted until the end of the 90s. More accurate information about her has not reached our days. A year later, Potapenko completed his studies with the qualification “technological design engineer”, but there is no connection between his further career and education. He also has an economic education, although in an interview he ironically calls himself a “plow economist”: in 2003, he received an MBA degree from the All-Russian Academy of Foreign Trade.

Dmitry Potapenko

Career of Dmitry Potapenko

Potapenko himself believes that his serious career began in 1995, when he became vice president of marketing for the representative office of the German concern Grundig in the Baltic countries. Before that he worked part-time orderly at the morgue, sold equipment at the legendary Gorbushka - in general, he led a standard life for an active young man in the 90s. The sporting successes of his youth were also useful in adult life - Dmitry Potapenko worked as a personal security guard for the president of the Russian Credit bank.

Dmitry Potapenko, founder and managing partner of Management Development Group

The 1998 crisis - an impetus for career development

Dmitry Potapenko met the default of 1998 in the position of general director of the Moscow Experimental Plant of Particle Boards - an enterprise that did not prosper in the 90s, and after Potapenko left, it eked out a modest existence. He remembers this period as one of the most critical in his career. At the same time, the entrepreneur held one of the senior positions in CreditImpexBank, which has now died due to the revocation of its license, but Potapenko no longer had anything to do with this.

Success in Russian retail

Dmitry Potapenko truly became a public face in the early 2000s. The success of the Pyaterochka chain, of which he has worked as a manager in Moscow and the Moscow region since 2003, is associated with his activities. It was at this time that he was invited to television shows dedicated to business issues and on radio broadcasts. He earns a reputation as a witty, straightforward speaker who is not afraid of either authority or competitors. The experience of working for the owner became for Dmitry Potapenko an interesting, but intermediate step in his career - since 2005, he became the founder and managing partner of ManagementDevelopmentGroupInc.

Speech by famous businessman Dmitry Potapenko in Kirov

Small networks are the basis of Potapenko’s business

Today's enterprise of Dmitry Potapenko is, in fact, a union of entrepreneurs who are ready to legally confront business giants on an all-Russian scale. Strategic Management Fund ManagementDevelopmentGroupInc. helps businesses and networks pass government audits and grow as a result of the audit. It is difficult to find more detailed information about the project - in the Russian segment of the Internet it is presented as a one-page site with a minimum of information.

Brands Potapenko

Not too much is known about the brands promoted by the company. The Stavropol “Gastronomchik”, for example, is trying to reach the level of online trading; ProdECO’s contacts are completely lost against the background of the manufacturer of special equipment of the same name. This is not surprising, since in numerous interviews Dmitry Potapenko stated that two or three stores per city is already a network, and it is precisely such projects that are the object of his business interests. In total, according to various sources, the annual turnover of managed mini-grids has reached $300 million.

Business abroad

In addition to Russia, Dmitry Potapenko conducts business in 9 more countries. It all started with several grocery outlets in the Czech Republic, which he accidentally got as payment for a debt. A businessman views his assets abroad as a long-term investment that pays off more slowly than in Russia, but functions more reliably. This is primarily due to the attitude of the state towards business - in the Czech Republic it is an assistant to the entrepreneur, and not an executor squeezing out the last juice. In addition to the Czech Republic, Dmitry Potapenko has projects in Belgium, Bulgaria and China.

Photo from Potapenko's VKontakte account

Political career

His extraordinary oratorical qualities, pressure, and directness made Dmitry Potapenko popular with the audience. His desire to fight for the rights of entrepreneurs forced him in 2016 to join the business ombudsman party “Right Cause,” which was soon renamed the “Growth Party.” Under its banner, Potapenko ran for the State Duma in the 2016 elections. He conducted his campaign in Kaliningrad. The businessman claims that on principle he did not use “dirty” technologies, paying for votes; naturally, in the existing political conditions, he lost, but gained invaluable experience and the opportunity to once again speak publicly about the rights of business.

Speech by Dmitry Potapenko at the Business Forum "Strategy-2017"

Personal life

The family life of Dmitry Potapenko, despite all the openness of the entrepreneur, also gives many reasons for gossip. His wife is a native of Penza, Elena, a lawyer by first education, an accountant by the second, and a psychologist by the third. The latest achievement of a charming young woman is a specialization in psychological counseling and psychocorrection. From 2009 to 2016 she was the general director of the Penza center "Maximum", who conducted business training, is now engaged in private practice.

Dmitry Potapenko with his wife Elena

An obvious workaholic, Elena believes that her husband works around the clock. According to some reports, Potapenko got married in 2014, a year after they started dating. Now they are raising two daughters, one of whom is studying at the institute, the second at school. Dmitry’s infamous statement about a wife who would hang herself because of boots worth more than 4.5 thousand rubles, from an interview in “Arguments and Facts” in 2012, probably refers to some other wife.

Potapenko now

Reports on the activities of the company managed by Dmitry Potapenko have not become public, but his popularity as a journalist and radio host is growing. On Fridays, the entrepreneur can be heard in the program “In fact” on the Komsomolskaya Pravda radio. On Thursdays, he invites his fellow businessmen to the “Potapenko Course” program on “Echo of Moscow,” which he has hosted since January 2016. The editor-in-chief of this station, , was delighted with the speech of Dmitry Potapenko, who was just starting his political career, on the interaction between the state and business, and allocated him an hour for the author’s broadcast.

The entrepreneur is characterized by ineradicable optimism: he believes that Russian business will survive in any political and economic situation. This does not prevent him from recommending partial transfer of assets abroad for insurance purposes. The opinion of a businessman can be heard in his own Youtube channel, where he uploads all broadcasts on radio and television, a series of interviews “Business Cases”, dozens of speeches at forums and seminars.

Potapenko the writer

The new incarnation of Dmitry Potapenko is his “Honest book on how to do business in Russia.” In it, he opens the eyes of beginners and describes what awaits them in their work. This is the real experience of a businessman, and advice and warnings for beginners. A captivating narrative depicts in detail the interaction with inspection authorities, law enforcement agencies, competitors - everything that awaits the daredevil who decides on the feat of doing business in Russia. As is typical for Dmitry Potapenko, all the horrors and nightmares of entrepreneurship are described with humor and optimism.

Moscow Institute of Radio Engineering, Electronics and Automation; Diploma "Engineer-design-technologist". MBA, Economics, VAVT under the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade. MBA, California Heyward State University, Economic Option.

The whole truth about entrepreneur and business consultant Dmitry Potapenko!

Dmitry Potapenko, 2016 Photo Valwell from, available under license Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International

Dmitry Valerievich Potapenko born on March 30, 1970 in a Muscovite family. After graduating from school, he entered the Moscow Institute of Radio Engineering, Electronics and Automation and in 1993 received a diploma in his specialty "technological design engineer". In 2002, he completed the postgraduate education program MBA (Economics), VAVT under the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade. Has a certificate from the Moscow Regional Audit Chamber "International Accounting and Reporting Standards" IAS/GAAP.

Dmitry Potapenko is a well-known media character who openly speaks about business problems in the country and criticizes the authorities, for example, during a speech on December 8, 2015 at the Moscow Economic Forum in defense of truckers protesting against the introduction of the system "Plato" and subsequent discussion with Vladimir Gutenev. He is the author of articles on the website, host of original programs "Potapenko Course" on Echo of Moscow, "Business and a little personal" on the radio "TVNZ". Also hosted original programs "Entrepreneur's Hour" And "Cash Transfer" on City FM.

Participated in the elections to the State Duma of Russia of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of the VII convocation (2016) in the federal part of the federal list from "Growth Party" in the top three, along with Boris Titov and ex-Socialist Revolutionary Oksana Dmitrieva, but they did not overcome the 5% barrier. Ran from "Growth Party" in the 97th Kaliningrad single-mandate electoral district, Kaliningrad region, but failed with a slightly predictable result.

He began working as a small entrepreneur at the age of 19. Since 2003 he has been working in Management Development Group, Inc. ( "Management Development Group"), since 2005 CEO and managing partner of this online resource. The project provides consulting services in the field of strategic management. One of the domains hosting a one-page website MDG,, is also registered in his name (proof).

Details: LLC "Management development groups". Legal address: 117463, Moscow, st. Inessa Armand, 3. OGRN: 1097746815495. INN: 7728720007. Checkpoint: 772801001. Registration date: 12/18/2009. General Director: Potapenko Dmitry Valerievich. Management Development Group Inc. s.r.o., Prague 3, Blodkova 1280/8, PSČ 130 00. IČO: 28415086. Statutární orgán: Dmitry Potapenko. Date: 12.6.2008.

Dmitry Potapenko positions himself as "Entrepreneur. Advisor. Citizen", "retail expert"(in the field of managing large retail chains) and offers consulting services on "effective management and development". The advertising campaign for speeches, meetings and seminars with D. Potapenko is carried out on his website

Meetings with him may be of interest to beginning retailers, both managers and owners of small stores or small chains, whose ultimate dream is to create their own "Five" or "Magnet". Also, his practical experience and advice may be of interest to novice owners of low-budget and unpretentious catering establishments.

It is not recommended to attend his lectures for those who dream of creating their own high-tech startup, trainees who are looking for an internship and young professionals without practical work experience who want to work for him - Dm. Potapenko does not like all these categories of the population and is ready “throw their diplomas into a shredder”. Of course, this is a joke, but it is unlikely that he will be able to give positive advice to all these listeners.

In addition, Potapenko is "anti-intellectual" And "anti-theoretical" "business coach". So, for several years he repeated himself about "Field Marshal Clausewitz of the First World War", until it was corrected by visitors to the YouTube channel. And when asked by a listener about Michael Porter, he admitted that he didn’t know this [Sources: Dmitry Potapenko on business processes, 2012; Advice to aspiring entrepreneurs from Dmitry Potapenko and answers to other questions, a fragment of Dmitry Potapenko’s speech as part of "Anti-crisis tour - 2016". Official YouTube community of entrepreneur Dmitry Potapenko:]. By the way, regarding the question of the second, American MBA diploma (Business & Economic Option) from California State University, Hayward (California State University in the East Bay) - on D. Potapenko’s personal website it was not possible to find a photo of this education document, although the others are present, up to domestic diplomas and certificates of advanced training.

Despite numerous speeches and positioning as a successful entrepreneur, it can be assumed that D. Potapenko needs money, since blocks of advertising are posted on his personal website Google Adsense(proof), and you can also find an advertisement for advertisers about the possibility of placing a banner for several thousand rubles per month (proof). Along with the character's habit of dressing cheaply and tastelessly, for example, his constant polo shirt with a stand-up collar and his famous blue suit, which he regularly appears in and from which he has long been "increased", but the short pants of which he wears with short socks - (see, for example, a screenshot from the performance of Potapenko and Ekaterina Shulman on Channel 1, 03/14/2017, screenshot) - all this leads to some thoughts...

In November 2016, Dmitry Potapenko’s book went on sale “An honest book about how to do business in Russia”, which contains information about the business “no unnecessary theorizing, just practice”. The publication is available in paper and electronic versions. ISBN: 978-5-17-099208-9. This publication is aimed at aspiring entrepreneurs and startups, for whom the author, without any cuts or embellishments, talks about all the problems and difficulties that they will encounter when starting their own business.

Contact details

Facebook: And

Twitter: (account has not been updated since spring 2016) and


Vkontakte community:




Youtube: And


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