Trump's inauguration day. Donald Trump's inauguration: how it happened

All the details of the inauguration of the 45th US President Donald Trump on January 20, 2017. #Inauguration

On January 20, 2017, the inauguration of the 45th President of the United States takes place in Washington, DC, in the main building of the US Congress complex - the United States Capitol.

At the foot of the Capitol there is a special stage where the main events take place.

There are thousands of chairs for spectators on the lawn below. The National Mall, Washington's central boulevard, has also been prepared, where hundreds of thousands of inauguration spectators gather; it is fenced with a high lattice fence and divided into several blocks.

Near Pennsylvania Avenue, along which Trump is destined to march with the inaugural parade from the Capitol to the White House, there are prefabricated stands for spectators, where people are allowed in with separate tickets. At the Newseum there is a huge poster saluting the 45th President of the United States.

President-elect Donald Trump and his wife arrived in Washington on Thursday by plane and attended several official events.

In particular, in the first half of the day, he, along with US Vice President-elect Mike Pence, took part in a symbolic ceremony of laying a wreath to fallen American soldiers at Arlington National Cemetery. Access to this event was allowed only to family members of top officials, administration representatives and separately accredited media.

On Thursday evening, Donald Trump and his wife appeared at the inaugural concert in downtown Washington near the Lincoln Memorial. Trump saluted the monument and joined the concert audience behind a special glass fence.

That evening, Trump and his wife, as well as Pence and other members of the new administration, attended a candlelit dinner with campaign donors at Washington's Union Station.

During dinner, Trump allowed himself to joke about his hair. He said it might rain during the inauguration. "I don't care. It doesn't matter. If it does shed, then that's okay because people will know I have real hair. It might be a mess, but they'll see it's my real hair," he said. , causing laughter from the audience.

The inauguration ceremony itself begins at 09:30 US East Coast time - 17:30 Moscow time - with musical performances at the western staircase of the Capitol. 16 year old singer.

After 11 a.m., speeches by religious leaders will begin, then Vice President Michael Pence will be sworn in, and at noon - 20:00 Moscow time - Donald Trump himself will pronounce the text of the oath. He will swear on President Abraham Lincoln's inaugural Bible, as well as the Bible his mother gave him in 1955. Trump will then deliver his inaugural address, which, since the inauguration of President George Washington in 1789, has been the most important inaugural event and is seen as a declaration of principles for the new administration.

On the eve of the celebrations, US Vice President-elect Mike Pence spoke about preparations for them.

"Our job was to make sure that the president-elect had the opportunity to make decisions, to assemble a team around him that would make America great again, and I agreed to be a small part of that process. Our job is to be ready on Day One "The American people can rest assured that we will be ready," Pence said.

To see with their own eyes the historical event on January 20, 900 thousand Americans will flock to Washington. At the same time, there will also be protests by various groups who are unhappy with the election of Trump. Also, more than fifty congressmen from the Democratic Party will boycott the current ceremony.

Donald Trump's inauguration. Live Stream.

The protocol includes several stages of the ceremony. Trump and new Vice President Mike Pence and their wives will arrive at the White House. They will be met at the door by current President Barack Obama and his wife and current Vice President Joe Biden and his wife. A 15-minute tea party will follow.

The swearing-in of the vice president begins on the west steps of the Capitol.

After her, the newly elected US President takes the floor - he must give a speech immediately before the inauguration. Donald Trump has refused the services of speechwriters and is writing his own speech, using the speeches of John F. Kennedy and Ronald Reagan as a model.

After the inauguration, the former and new presidents return to the White House, but now Trump is sitting in the car on the right, and Obama is on the left. Upon arrival at the presidential residence, Obama boards a helicopter and flies to the Andrews military base.

Meanwhile, Trump is on the White House podium taking in the inauguration parade, which runs along Pennsylvania Avenue from Congress to the White House.

Before the inauguration ceremony, US President Donald Trump was given a briefing on the use of nuclear missile launch codes. NBC reports.

According to the channel's sources, the “suitcase,” which is called Football in the United States, contains computers, modems, mobile and satellite phones, as well as instructions for use.

It is noted that nuclear weapons are launched using special nuclear codes that are transmitted over highly secure communication lines.

Donald Trump took the oath of office as President of the United States of America and began a four-year term as head of state.

According to tradition, the ceremony took place in the Capitol in the presence of a million-strong crowd of Americans.

The ceremony was attended by Trump's predecessor Barack Obama and his wife, ex-Presidents Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton, as well as the new president's wife Melania Trump and the president's children.

Donald Trump laid his hand on the Bible and recited the text of the oath. A few minutes before, US Vice President Mike Pence took the oath of office.

US President Donald Trump, during his speech at the ceremony in Washington, said that Inauguration Day is a day of triumph for ordinary Americans.

“I would like to thank you all. We, the citizens of the United States, are now uniting to rebuild our country. Together we will shape our country's course for the coming years. We will face difficulties, but we will cope with everything,” Trump said.

According to him, it is on this day that “power passes from Washington back to the people.”

“For too long, a small group here in the US capital has received all the revenue. Washington prospered, but the people did not receive a share of these profits. Politicians lived in luxury and factories closed. But all this will change right now, right from this ceremony. This is your moment of triumph, and it belongs to you,” the US President said.

US President Donald Trump promised to eliminate radical Islamic terrorism in his inauguration speech.

“Radical Islamic terrorism will be eliminated,” Trump said in his inaugural address.

The new US president again shocked the global elite with revolutionary speeches and his first decision - to withdraw from the Trans-Pacific Partnership

“They have been robbing our country for so long! But all this will stop,” Donald Trump promised his voters when he became the 45th President of the United States on January 20. In his speech, the politician branded “a small group of people from Washington” and pledged that from January 20, 2017, the people will rule in America. About how the inauguration celebrations took place in the States, how the cream of the establishment behaved, and what the source of horror of liberal globalists around the world did first, in the BUSINESS Online report.


For Donald Trump Inauguration Day, January 20, began with a service at Washington's St. John's Episcopal Church. It is located opposite the White House, and the tradition of future US presidents visiting it before taking office began several decades ago.

It would be useful for Russian “supporters of a secular state” and ardent fighters against “clericalism” to somehow watch the inauguration of the American president from the first to the last minute. On this day, not only the most magnificent high-society reception takes place in Washington, which you will not see for at least another four years, but they also fervently pray at the Capitol, calling on God to “bless America.” One after another, pastors and rabbis come to the highest podium that the new US president will occupy for his inauguration speech. The Holy Scriptures are read and solemn oaths are taken on the Bible. It is difficult to imagine something like this at the presidential inauguration in the Moscow Kremlin. And not because there are few believers in the Russian leadership, but, apparently, because respect for other faiths and confessions does not allow.

His wife came to the Episcopal Church with Trump Melania and also Vice President-Elect Mike Pence and his wife (this happened at 8:30 local time). They witnessed how the pastor Robert Jeffres told the new US leader immediately after the service: “I told you that you would become the 45th President of the United States long before the voting began.”

Photo: © Jeremy Hogan, RIA Novosti

Meanwhile, the outgoing president Barack Obama spent his last minutes in the Oval Office. According to tradition, he must leave a note to his successor in the presidency. The contents of the note, as a rule, remain a secret. But when Obama walked along the White House colonnade for the last time, one journalist dared to shout: “What is your last message to the American people?” Obama said only: “Thank you,” and hastily continued his “last” journey. It is possible that his note to Trump is also terse.

From the church, the billionaire-turned-president couple headed to the White House, where Barack and Michelle Obama. Michelle carefully shook something off her husband's shoulders, they had a pleasant conversation about something, smiled at each other and at the journalists standing a little further away. But then an impressive motorcade arrived at the door, and Trump was the first to emerge from a huge black SUV. "Hello! How are you?" - he loudly and confidently said to his predecessor and shook his hand. Obama just muttered something in response. Trump had already greeted Michelle Obama when Melania finally showed up. In her hands she held a blue (the color of her suit) box tied with a white ribbon. What could have been there, we again can only guess, but since the Trump spouses were rushing to the White House for a tea party, there could well have been a banal box of chocolates there.

Barack Obama restrainedly hugged Melania, who was in a hurry to present her gift to Michelle. And here an awkward situation arose: Michelle was rushing around with the box, not knowing where to put it or who to give it to. She couldn’t find anything better to do than stick it to her husband, which left him confused as well. He also didn’t know what to do with her. Apparently, the protocol service did not think through this point. But now Michelle, Melania and Donald Trump lined up for photographs, and Barack Obama was still looking for where to place the blue box. Finally, he gave it to someone standing in the doorway of the White House and returned to the porch. Photographers were finally able to take a historic photo in which Melania and Michelle hugged each other, and Hollywood smiles never left their husbands’ faces. Let's note the costumes of today's heroes. Michelle Obama chose a terracotta dress below the knees, and Melania chose a pale blue dress Ralph Lauren. In the end, it turned out that Melania's dress was in perfect harmony with Obama's blue tie, and Michelle could be a perfect match for Donald's red tie.

About 300-400 thousand people were expected on Capitol Hill, which, of course, is much less than at Obama’s inauguration in 2009, when about 2 million people came Photo: ©Vladimir Astapkovich, RIA Novosti

CAPITOL: brooding hillary, a army of former presidents and trump's children

While the outgoing and new President of the States were drinking tea and coffee, inauguration participants were gathering on Capitol Hill. In total, according to law enforcement agencies, about 300-400 thousand people were expected, which, of course, is much less than at Obama’s inauguration in 2009, when about 2 million people came. The inauguration procedure itself traditionally took place in the west wing of the Capitol in Washington. However, not all American presidents took the oath there. Washington was not the capital of the United States until November 17, 1800, so inaugurations took place elsewhere. For example, the first president George Washington took his original oath on the balcony of Federal Hall in New York and his second in Congress Hall in Philadelphia. He took office there John Adams. The first inauguration in Washington took place on March 4, 1801, when the President took office. Thomas Jefferson. He took the oath of office in the Senate wing of the Capitol. Inauguration John Quincy Adams took place in the eastern portico of the Capitol, and only in 1981 the tradition was interrupted Ronald Reagan, who moved the swearing-in location to the West Wing of the Capitol, where the ceremony has been held ever since.

An hour later, Melania Trump and Michelle Obama appeared from the doors of the White House, who managed to throw a coat of the same color over her dress. They proceeded to one of the limousines of the motorcade. After another five minutes, Barack Obama and Donald Trump appeared. Now they both looked for some reason serious and gloomy and, it seemed, were still trying to finish talking about what they had not had time to discuss at breakfast. Obama motioned for Trump to enter the limousine, who obediently proceeded to his seat: according to tradition, the outgoing president sits on the right, and the incoming president sits on the left. The cortege immediately set off and headed through the blocked off streets to the Capitol. Here they were already waiting for a crowd of curious people, fans and protesters who had prepared anti-Trump posters for the inauguration day. A restrained roar - either of delight or of indignation - accompanied the limousine throughout its short journey to the Capitol.

And there, on the balcony, the entire American elite was already gathering. Particular attention was drawn to the former US presidents who arrived at Trump's inauguration. Yes, it appeared George W. Bush, his father was unable to attend the ceremony due to illness. At times she seemed contented, and at times thoughtful, dressed in a white coat. Hillary Clinton, who lost to Trump in the election. She arrived at the inauguration accompanied by her husband, the 42nd President of the United States. Bill Clinton, who, compared to his wife, looked tired, with a forced smile on his face. Hillary nodded every now and then to the beat of the orchestra playing and greeted the arriving guests, while her husband looked somewhat distant. Hillary was so confident in herself that later, when the guests left the balcony after the inauguration, it was Bill who grabbed her hand and obediently followed her. The 39th President of the United States became the oldest participant in the inauguration festivities. Jimmy Carter, who turned 92 last fall.

Soon all the Trump children appeared on the balcony. Ivanka And Tiffany dressed in white suits, Eric And Donald-Jr., holding his head high, went down the stairs. The youngest son looked somewhat ridiculous - Barron. For some reason, the boy was placed at the very end of the column of Trump’s children, and he looked lost. It seems that he only felt better when Melania came down to everyone, whose costume the media had already compared to her outfit Jacqueline Kennedy. She encouraged her son by patting him on the shoulder, after which the boy smiled.

At this point, Michelle Obama joined the group of former presidents, followed by Barack Obama. Everyone looked happy, and Obama probably remembered how a few years ago all these orchestras and all these people congratulated him alone. Well, now it's time for Big Donald. But for now, new Vice President Mike Pence descended onto the balcony to the applause of those gathered on Capitol Hill. A little later, amid shouts of “Trump!” Finally, the hero of the occasion appeared. First of all, he approached Melania - she rewarded him with a kiss, and only after that Big Donald proceeded to greet everyone else.

Trump's children - Ivanka, Donald Jr. and Tiffany Photo: ©Stringer, RIA Novosti


While official Washington exchanged routine pleasantries and smiles, protesters against the new US President once again took to the streets of the American capital. This time they were dressed in black and were very determined. However, their determination was only enough to cause minor street riots. On their way, they shattered the windows of Bank of America, McDonald's fast food restaurant and Starbucks coffee shop, as well as the glass of cars parked in the city center. The police lazily dispersed the hooligans, there are no reports of casualties.

In addition, unknown “oppositionists” handed out marijuana cigarettes in Washington on Friday. For some reason, this action was also directed against Trump, and the DC Cannabis Coalition organization, which advocates the legalization of marijuana not only in the capital’s federal district, but throughout the country, was not afraid to take responsibility for it.

Other Protestants, about 100 people, staged a rally in central Washington on Friday morning against Trump's policies regarding global warming. At the same time, they shouted: “This is how democracy works!” For some reason, these types seemed more dangerous to the Washington police than marijuana distributors and window-smashing hooligans, and they used tear gas and stun grenades against the environmentalists. Special means were also used to disperse anti-Trump demonstrators on the night of January 20.

Let us note that the day before, January 19, thousands of people protested against Donald Trump in New York. The rally was held with the participation of Hollywood stars: director Michael Moore, as well as actors Roberta De Niro, Alec Baldwin And Mark Ruffalo. The mayor of the city himself joined the opposition. Bill de Blasio. The police did not disperse these people with gas and stun grenades...

Photo: ©Stringer, RIA Novosti


Missouri State Senator Opens Inauguration Ceremony Roy Blunt. In his speech, he said that 36 years ago the inauguration took place for the first time in the same place where it is now. Then Reagan took the oath. At the same time, the text of the oath, according to Blunt, has not changed since 1789, when it was first pronounced by George Washington. “This is incredible because this procedure has been going on since 1789 and sets an example for all democracies in the world,” the Missouri senator added.

Next came the turn of religious figures. Pastor Timothy Dolan began with the prayer of King Solomon, in which he asked for wisdom to be given to everyone, at the same time they read the 5th chapter of the Gospel of Matthew, namely the Beatitudes (“Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven...”). The mood was cemented by the University of Missouri Choir.

Then the Democratic Senate Minority Leader came to the microphone. Charles Schumer, who promised that the country would become stronger if it listened to the voice of average Americans who “always save us in difficult times.” As an example, Schumer read excerpts from a letter from Major Belo to his wife Sarah, who was killed in the War Between the States. “Sarah, my love bound me to you. But love for the country came like the wind and chained him to the battlefield,” the senator read. It is thanks to Americans like these that Schumer believes he lives in the greatest country today. “This spirit is alive in each of us. I am confident that a bright future awaits us,” he concluded emotionally.

Finally, the head of the inaugural committee, Senator Blunt, gave a speech in which he again recalled the former President of the country Reagan, who moved the inauguration to the place where it took place today - at the west wing of the Capitol. After this, Cardinal Dolan read a prayer. The musical accompaniment of the ceremony was again provided by the choir of the University of Missouri, which came to Washington especially on the occasion of the inauguration. Former US presidents, their wives and retinues, prayerfully closing their eyes, listened to the cardinal. Obama, whose presidency was ending in just a few minutes, whispered words of appeal to God behind the priest.

Schumer also spoke from the stage. “I stand here, confident in the future of our country, only because of one thing - because of you, Americans!” - he said. Schumer also emphasized the need for a peaceful transition of power that "makes America America."

US Vice President-elect Pence was the first to take the solemn oath. “I, Michael Richard Pence, do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies... I make this commitment without compulsion. I will conscientiously perform my official duties. May God help me!” - he repeated, as if in oblivion, placing his hand on the Reagan family Bible, which is already about 100 years old.

As for Trump, it turned out that he wanted to place his palm on two Bibles at once: the first belonged to him as a child, and the second was once in the possession of the US President Abraham Lincoln(However, this copy of the Holy Scripture was also used by Barack Obama when he took office in 2009 and 2013). Trump was sworn in by the Chief Justice of the US Supreme Court John Roberts. The oath was essentially the same as Pence had already taken: “I, David John Trump, do solemnly swear that I will faithfully serve as President of the United States... So help me God!” After these words, something happened that few people believed just a few months ago: the “eccentric billionaire” officially became the 45th president of the United States.


It was time for the inaugural address. The day before, the future White House press secretary Sean Spicer intrigued journalists with the story that Trump was making changes to his inaugural address, which would be “very personal,” until the last moment. Spicer did not deceive: such a speech on Capitol Hill has probably never been heard before.

“Every four years we gather on these steps to witness the peaceful transfer of power,” the newly minted US leader began. “We are grateful to President Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama for their support and assistance during the transition.” At that moment, the camera captured the face of the 44th President of the United States, who restrainedly nodded in response, as if saying: “It’s not worth it, it’s empty.”

“However, today’s ceremony has special significance,” Trump continued, gradually gaining intonation, like an orchestra picking up its first notes. - Today we are not only transferring power from one presidential administration to another, from one political party to another. From the capital of Washington, we are putting power back in the hands of people across the country.”

Capitol Hill was abuzz as people wearing red Trump baseball caps waved their arms in support. And from that moment on, Mr. Donald spoke not as befits the 45th President of the United States, but as Lenin would have spoken in his place if, instead of the Kshesinskaya mansion in St. Petersburg, he had perched himself on the American Capitol.

“For too long, a small group of people in Washington have reaped the benefits while ordinary people bore the costs and suffered the hardships,” Trump lashed out at the crowd. - Washington prospered, but people did not receive part of this wealth. The political establishment defended only its own interests, but not the interests of the citizens of its country. Their victories did not become your victories. As they celebrated in Washington, poor families across the country faced great hardship."

“All this will change - right here and right now! - the inaugural president promised - Because this moment is yours! It belongs to all those who have gathered here or are watching this ceremony on television. It's your day. This is your holiday. The USA is your country. It doesn’t matter which party is in power, but what matters is that the country is governed by the people. It is important that the government will protect the interests of the people. January 20, 2017 will go down in history as the day when people again became the masters and rulers of this country, when power in the country returned again to the hands of the people of the United States.”

According to Trump, now all of America's forgotten people, men and women, will no longer be forgotten. They will be remembered and will no longer be forgotten. “Now everyone is listening to you,” said the billionaire, in whose chest, as it turned out only now, the heart of a revolutionary and anti-globalist always beat. - There are tens of millions of you, you have become part of a historical movement. This is something unprecedented. At the center of this movement is your belief that a nation is meant to serve its citizens. We will be able to create good conditions for our families and preserve jobs for our citizens. These are fair requests of the law-abiding public. But there is another reality. All over the country, mothers and children are in poverty. Closed factories are scattered across the United States like tombstones. The education system is imperfect, and our young people do not receive knowledge. Crime and gangs dominate - they claim a lot of lives. They have been robbing our country for so long. But all this will stop - right here and now!

Trump's voice grew stronger and stronger until the speaker burst into a cascade of ready-made speeches: “People's dreams are our dreams. Their success will be our success. We have one heart, one home and one great future! The oath I took today is an oath of allegiance to all of you."

According to Big Donald, for decades Americans have worked for the benefit of foreign industries at the expense of their own industries. “We fed the armies of other countries and allowed the resources of our armed forces to be exhausted. We defended the borders of other states and refused to defend our own borders. We spent trillions of dollars overseas while the US infrastructure crumbled. We worked for other countries while the wealth and strength of our country disappeared over the horizon. But this is our past, and now we look only forward, only to the future. Let them hear in every city, in every foreign country: from this day on we will have a new principle for leading the country. From this day forward, America will come first. America first! We will be guided by this principle,” the speaker promised.

Trump also called for a response to countries that “destroy jobs in the United States and take our prosperity with them.” “Protecting our interests will give us prosperity and strength,” he reasoned. “I will fight for this with you as long as I live.” And I will never let you down for anything. We will take back our jobs, our borders, our prosperity. And we will get our dreams back. We will follow two rules: buy American, hire American. We will strive for friendship with other states. We will do this, understanding that the right of all countries is to pursue their own interests first. We will not impose our way of life on anyone. But let our way of life become a shining example for everyone.”

Having formulated his foreign policy credo, the 45th President of the United States also shared his intention to unite “the entire civilized world against radical Islamic terrorism” and guaranteed that he would completely wipe it out from the face of the earth.

“Our policy will be based on the priority of US interests, but through this we will again learn to respect each other’s interests. When you open your heart to patriotism, there will be no room for prejudice,” Trump continued. - The Holy Scripture says: how good it is when people live in unity. Once America is united, it will be impossible to stop it by any means. We should not be afraid, we are protected. We have a great military. But most importantly, God will protect us! We will no longer accept politicians who talk a lot, do little and complain constantly but never do anything concrete. Now is not the time for empty talk. The time has come to act. Our country will prosper again. Regardless of whether our skin color is black or white, the red blood of patriots flows in our veins. We all enjoy the same freedoms, the American flag flies above us all.”

This unprecedented inaugural (and in fact revolutionary) speech ended with slogans that sounded during the Trump election campaign: “Together we will make America strong, rich, proud and safe again. So, together we will make America great again! God bless America!”

Photo: © Jeremy Hogan, RIA Novosti


After escorting Barack and Michelle Obama to the helicopter on which they traditionally left the inauguration site, and listening to the dragonfly whir of the blades, Donald and Melania Trump returned to the Capitol. Here, the 45th President of the United States sat down at a large green table, surrounded by family and congressional leaders, and began signing executive orders one after another making appointments in his administration. After each signature, with a smile, he gave a fountain pen as a souvenir to someone around him, and he himself picked up the next one. Thus, permission was signed for the retired general James Mattis become US Secretary of Defense (7 years have not yet elapsed since his dismissal from the national armed forces). Trump also endorsed a document proclaiming National Patriotism Day.

At the same time, a document appeared on the White House website that justified the darkest expectations of Atlantic globalists. The new administration is set to withdraw from the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TTP), as well as possibly from the North American Free Trade Area (NAFTA) with Mexico and Canada. “Our strategy begins with withdrawing from the Trans-Pacific Partnership,” it said. - President Trump intends to reconsider NAFTA. If our partners refuse new negotiations that give American workers a fair deal, then the President will give notice of the United States' intention to withdraw from NAFTA."

We will learn about the Trump administration's next steps in the very near future. Although, as they say, the 45th President of the United States wants to start his reign with a couple of days off.

Today is the most important day - the inauguration of Donald Trump. American anarchists from the Soros army have prepared an entire operation called: “Disrupt January 20,” but it is unlikely that the granite of Donald Trump’s victory can be in any way affected by such a trifle.

The biggest news is that Donald Trump is alive, and that he has safely reached January 20, 2017 and on Monday, and maybe even earlier, will begin the routine business of the owner of the most important home of humanity - the White House in Washington, DC.

Trump won a crushing victory over the globalist candidate under very clear slogans. These were the slogans of the new American Revolution. For this they supported him, for this they loved him, for this they hated him. Many were afraid, and some probably secretly hoped that he would be killed the day before. After all, in fact, against him is not only the World Government, which was not elected by anyone or appointed by anyone, but also the financial oligarchy, the Federal Reserve System, the American intelligence services, that is, the System. And he is against her. And with him the American people - minus the various liberal rabble. At least this is the picture that we have in front of us and with which we operate.

All this is surprisingly reminiscent of a myth or a film. And since the company also used network technologies, virtuality. But now the time for the next episode is approaching. Exploit previous motives and
The old characters cannot continue. Old Clinton is resting in the trash heap, loser Obama has returned to muscular Michelle. Indignant feminists, LGBT and anarchists will go to their clubs and dens to decompose further. And Trump will turn on the lights in his Oval Office and get busy...

Here is the most interesting thing - what will he do? Obviously, he has no team, no strategy, no plans, no personnel, no ideas, no institutions - which could be relied upon, given all that he has said during his company. America has been the core of globalization for almost 100 years, since the era of Woodrow Wilson's 14 points. The Pentagon and the CIA are fused with postmodernists and perverts. The entire financial system is based on the Fed's money pyramids. The real sector of the economy has left for the Third World. The country is littered with Chinese junk. More than 70% of society is engaged in the service sector - only wiring, not production. And this grandiose performance exists only on bloody vampirism, total lies and cruel exploitation of the peoples of the world. The system that Trump won in the elections is, alas, modern America. And Trump has no other America.

Let's call a spade a spade: Donald Trump won the election in hell under the slogans that he would end it all. How interesting? Of course, probably many, and as we can see from the results, even the majority of Americans are fed up in hell. And once such a brave person came across, Trump was happy to support him. But is this healthy part of American society ready to sacrifice at least something in order to get out of hell? If for this there is will, strength, intelligence, determination, knowledge, experience? One hundred
walking in one direction for years - straight into the abyss, and suddenly suddenly slowing down on its edge. And all this, if you like, blindfolded and with amazing Anglo-Saxon, and visible not only with Anglo-Saxon, persistence. … It’s breathtaking, of course, quite in Hollywood style. But how will this happen in practice?

But the opposite will not work either. Let’s imagine that Trump sits and sits in the Oval Office, realizes that the show is over, and returns to the usual routine scenario - a little more correct than Obama’s, of course, but without any fundamental changes. This is perhaps the most realistic scenario, and disappointment will last for four years. How, by the way, for 8 years Americans and everyone else have been disappointed in Obama.

But there is something that is higher than Trump, and Obama, and the World Government, and Soros with the Rothschilds and Rockefellers, and Wall Street, and the Fed. This is the inexorable course of historical logic. If you walk strictly towards a cliff, at some point you will fall into it. If you don't want to fall, you need to move in the opposite direction. The path into the abyss is clear and clearly outlined: we must continue in the same spirit, and everything will take its course. But in order to save America and, accordingly, to save humanity from America, from hellish America, it is necessary to do something impossible, unusual, radical, stunning. This is exactly what Trump, however, promised his voters. And although it’s hard to believe that Trump will be a real hero, nothing is lost until everything is lost.

Good luck, you watched the program “Dugin Directive” about the inauguration of Donald Trump.

In spite of everything and in defiance of the rational conviction of the impossibility of changing anything in the structures of the American Swamp - probably, purely in Russian, with the hope of an impossible and undeserved miracle, we say, as throughout the entire election campaign: “In Trump we trust.” Come on Donald, do them all. You can handle it.

The first inauguration in Washington took place in the 19th century. Thomas Jefferson was the first to walk from his home to the Houses of Congress. The White House had not yet been built. Now presidents are making almost the same journey, only now from the White House to the US Capitol. Republican Donald Trump promised the public the “greatest inauguration in history.” Her slogan: “Make America Great Again!” Let's see how it was:

On-line translation

  • With this, Russian TVNET completes its online reporting. Thank you for watching Trump's inauguration ceremony with us!

    23:15 The parade is in full swing. Trump is moving slowly. Some Americans chant “USA!”, while others - protesters - chant their slogans. Along the parade route there are many anti-Trump posters, they whistle at him - reports

    22:50 The Obamas - former US President Barack and his wife Michelle - went on vacation to California - reports

    22:30 The parade has begun.

    22.28 ABC journalists caught the moment Donald Trump shakes hands with his former election rival Hillary Clinton and says something to her, ABC News reports

    22:26 At least 50 people were detained during ANTI-Trump protests in Washington, reports.

    22.11 The gala dinner ended. An important event is beginning - a parade, during which Trump will travel 2.5 km across Washington, reports

    22:00 Social networks are trolling Melania Trump. Trump pronounced the words of the oath, placing his hand on two Bibles - Abraham Licoln's and his personal one, which his mother gave him in 1955. In the shot, Melania is holding both Bibles. Sargent users recalled her erotic shooting, noting the contradiction - reports

    21:47 At these moments, protests in Washington continue - in sync with the celebrations. Many protesters openly swear at the new US President in chants, reports

    20:40 Trump signed his first executive orders as US President. One of them is allowing James Mattis to head the Pentagon - reports

    20:37 Obama left the Capitol in Washington - reports

    20:32 Washington police disperse Trump inauguration protesters

    20:29 Trump signed the first documents as US President - reports

    20:24 A Russia Today correspondent who covered protests against the inauguration of Donald Trump was arrested in Washington, reports

    20:00 Trump's first tweets after taking office as US President.

    “We will get our business back. We will return our borders. We will get our wealth back. We will take back our dreams! "

    19:57 Poroshenko congratulated Trump. The Ukrainian President wished the US President success in achieving the noble goals of the free world - reports

    19:45 Obama just flew into Andrews Air Force Base in a helicopter. Trump stayed (he and his wife Melania, the vice president and his wife can be seen on the porch)

    19:34 Celebrations are ahead. At these moments, Trump and Obama begin their return to the White House, but now Trump will get into the car on the right, and Obama will already be on the left. Upon arrival at the White House, Obama will fly to a military base, and Trump will begin to host the parade - it will go from Congress to the White House.

    19:28 The US anthem was sung by Ukrainian-born singer Jackie Ivanko during the inauguration.

    19:07 Trump took the oath of office as President of the United States

    19:04 Mike Pence took the oath of office at the inauguration ceremony of US President-elect Donald Trump. He became the 48th Vice President of the United States

    18:17 Mass protests began in Washington shortly before the inauguration ceremony of Donald Trump, who will take office as US President in almost an hour. Groups of protesters dressed in black marched through the streets, smashing store windows and car windows.

    17:38 Barack and Michelle Obama met Trump and his wife at the entrance to the White House

    16:02 The Americans put on a show at the police checkpoint . 3 hours until the inauguration.

    14:46 The live stream of the inauguration is conducted by the studio of the FOX channel - the Capitol can be seen online. There are four hours left until the inauguration.

    14:37 All of America is talking about only one thing. Journalists are already gathered, Twitter is full of live photos from the scene, it is now 7:37 am in Washington.

    14:20 Yesterday, Trump had to give up his Android smartphone - he used Samsung. Now he will be given a highly secure device approved by the White House Secret Service.

    14:10 And for tomorrow's women's march against Trump (January 21), Scarlett Johansson, Madonna, Julianne Moore, Frances McDormand, Katy Perry, Cher, America Ferrera and other superstars gathered.

    Singer Fiona Apple even came up with a chant: “We don’t want your tiny hands, anywhere near our underpants.”

    14:00 Former President George W. Bush and his wife Barbara are not going to the inauguration due to health reasons.

    In a letter to Trump, Bush said: “My doctor says that if I sit outside in January, I will most likely end up six feet underground. Same with Barbara. So I guess we're stuck in Texas. I want you to know that I wish you all the best."

    13:05 Meanwhile, in the Philippines, anti-Trump protesters burned the US flag. It's not long before the inauguration - 6 hours.

    12:01 Putin's press secretary Dmitry Peskov said that the Kremlin will not watch Trump's inauguration on January 20 and will continue to celebrate Epiphany.

    11:00 . There will be a record number of representatives from Ukraine at Trump's inauguration this year - about a hundred.

    Borislav Bereza and Mikheil Saakashvili arrived in the United States a few days ago. According to sources in the factions, Oksana Bilozir (BPP), first deputy head of the Presidential Administration Vitaly Kovalchuk, deputy head of the Presidential Administration Alexey Filatov, leader of the Fatherland Yulia Tymoshenko, ex-Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk, ex-Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin, deputies Sergei Levochkin, Vadim will fly to the celebrations, according to sources in the factions Novinsky, Alexander Vilkul, Nikolay Skorik, Georgy Logvinsky, Oleg Kryshin, Pavel Unguryan, Andrey Artemenko and others.

    10:45 In Washington, a clash occurred between Trump supporters and his opponents near the building where a party was held in honor of the new president. The police had to use aerosols.

    10:06 In New York, Mayor Bill De Blasio and celebrities came out to protest against Trump: Cher, Robert De Niro, Mark Ruffalo, Michael Moore. Actor Alec Baldwin even parodied Trump:

Donald Trump will be inaugurated on January 20, 2017 VIDEO

Trump will be sworn in with two Bibles at the same time. What does it mean?
One of the holy books belonged to his mother, while the second Bible is the historical book on which Abraham Lincoln was sworn in 156 years ago.

Hand on Bible means "I swear"

Donald Trump will become the 45th President of the United States on Friday, January 20. Tomorrow he will be inaugurated with an oath on one of two Bibles: one his mother owned, while the other was used by former President Abraham Lincoln.

“President-elect Trump is honored to place his hand on Bibles that have special meaning to both his family and our country,” Trump said of himself in a statement to Tom Barrack, the head of the Presidential Inaugural Committee.
Why will there be two Bibles?

The US President will place his hand on the Bible during his swearing-in, a long tradition that dates back to the first President George Washington. By doing this on two Bibles, one on top of the other, he does nothing more than add symbolism to the inauguration.

Trump received the Bible from his mother in 1955 as a gift after graduating from elementary school. The name of the president-elect is written on its cover. The other Bible used for Lincoln's inauguration 156 years ago was the one Obama chose for his presidential oath.

In addition, the significance of this Bible is that Trump chose a Scripture that has gone down in history as the holy book on which the president who abolished slavery took his oath.
Tomorrow more than one and a half thousand guests will come to the inauguration ceremony. The ceremonial gathering of hundreds of politicians and other celebrity guests will be watched by ordinary Americans who say this: “I will be a spectator. And I think that everything will be a little different, but it will still be something that I will remember and tell my children and grandchildren about. It is impossible to convey this in words, it is difficult to convey this feeling. Both presidents whose power we are now witnessing will go down in history. 44 was the first African American, 45 was the first businessman without political experience. And this will undoubtedly go down in history. It will be interesting to see if Trump can keep the promises he made to the American people during his campaign. Let's see".

But not everyone is excited about tomorrow's inauguration. Some show business stars refused to come to Washington, and about 30 Democratic congressmen announced a boycott of Donald Trump. They don't want to see a Republican assume the presidency. They explain their refusal to attend in different ways, including patriotic dissent.
To this end, Donald Trump only asked the congressmen to hand over their tickets, because there are plenty of people who want to come to the inauguration, despite the fact that for most of the participants present at the inauguration, the ceremony is paid, and the ticket price reaches 16 thousand dollars. It's probably worth it and will be something to see.

Today, Trump and Pence will lay wreaths at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.
During the run-up to the inauguration, more than 90 million were raised for donations and celebrations.

For the first time in 60 years, Steve Ray will host the inauguration ceremony. The US anthem will be performed by 16-year-old talent show participant Jackie Ivanko at the ceremony. 11 stars refused to participate in the festive concert. 4 of the 5 living former US presidents will attend the inauguration celebration of the president-elect. George HW Bush will miss the ceremony for health reasons.
Bikers will form a “wall of meat” to protect the president.

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