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Attention to the participants of the MGIMO Olympiad for schoolchildren!
Rules for using your personal account
For all registered on the site
participants of the MGIMO Olympiad, it is important for schoolchildren to know and
comply with the RULES for using your personal account, which
quite simple and easy to implement.
These are the next steps for each registered participant:
1. Login to your personal account - click the “Login” link (top left on the main page
page of the Olympics website).
2. Enter your login (username) and your password to log in. To come in.
3. Go to editing your profile - click the "Edit" tab.
4. Find the “Letter of Application” field (between the blocks “SCANS OF DOCUMENTS” and
5. In the "Letter of Application" field (large rectangular field for entering
multiline text) enter (type) or copy into this field
pre-prepared text containing:
 personal data (your full name, date of birth and other information
- as shown in the OLYMPIAD TASKS);
 purpose and motives for participation in the MGIMO Olympiad for schoolchildren;
 what is known about MGIMO, why did you choose MGIMO...
Based on the results of consideration of your application letter, the Organizing Committee will
is aware of the level and profile of your training, professional
orientation towards further education (faculty, area of ​​training), and
it will be possible to determine which specialized jury will evaluate your
Your application letter is your admission to full participation in the Olympics
MGIMO for schoolchildren.
6. Having received the status of a full participant in the Olympics, you can
send your completed assignments - ESSAYs - through the block
"COMPLETED TASKS" in your personal account/profile.
7. Before the end of the qualifying stage of the Olympics, that is, until 23:55 (Moscow time)
12/31/2014, You can (via the “Edit” tab) make adjustments to
your application letter, edit personal data already entered,
attach (if possible) scans of certificates, diplomas, as well as
delete already attached files with completed essays and attach new ones
(if you think you need to update your work), or additional
files with new works.
After entering new information or attaching (deleting) files, scans and
etc. DO NOT forget about the "Save" tab.
The services of each participant’s personal account provide for all this.
The Organizing Committee of the Olympics recommends that all participants carefully
study the SELECTION STAGE TASKS, including instructions,
requirements for writing an essay on a chosen topic, essay evaluation criteria, and
also all lists of recommended literature and materials on the complex
Olympics items, Internet sources and various useful
information that can be found on the MGIMO information portal
and other information portals and sites (the corresponding links are
in the lists of recommended literature and materials). Then you can
make sure the topic chosen for the essay is correct and the materials are available
to write, edit, supplement and correct it so that
confidently send the completed Olympiad task for verification and
assessment by our jury.
About all the Olympics news, updates in recommended materials and
The Organizing Committee will definitely inform you about the literature lists.
We wish you good luck and creative success!
Organizing Committee

Now each clan can establish a Headquarters and increase its power many times over! It is built for free and is invulnerable to enemy attacks for the first 24 hours. Any clan that has existed for more than 7 days can build a Headquarters. To do this, the Head must select a suitable Foundation on the Wasteland map and click “Place”. The headquarters provides access to Training Programs, which provide various bonuses: from increasing the characteristics of troops to reducing the consumption of credits. To increase the bonus, you need to increase the level of the Programs. This can be done using special Holodisks, which are obtained in Tournaments and tasks for the clan. Program bonuses are limited to the Headquarters level. Each new level of the Headquarters gives additional influence points. You can increase the level of your Headquarters using Tools received for participating in Tournaments. Remember, commander: if the enemy breaks the defense of your clan Headquarters, he will lose one level. In this case, 50% of the Tools spent on increasing the level will be returned, and the Headquarters will be protected from downgrading for the next 24 hours. The level of the training programs will remain the same. A clan without a Headquarters is like a soldier without a machine gun. Cannon fodder! Do you get the hint, commander?

Commander, I have prepared for you a review of the “Clan Headquarters” update so that you are aware of all the events. This update opens up new opportunities for you and your clanmates!

So, let's go!

Where does it all begin? Since the creation of the Headquarters! Only the Head of the clan can create a Headquarters, and only if the Headquarters has not yet been built. You can create a Headquarters 7 days after the creation of the clan. Building a Clan Headquarters is a free feature. You can create your headquarters in a specially designated location on the map, so choose your location wisely! But even if you try the mutagen with your clanmates in honor of the founding of your Headquarters and decide that you have taken a strategically unfavorable place, you can always move your Headquarters to another point on the map. Once you have created your stronghold, you can sleep peacefully, because for the first 24 hours it will be protected and cannot be attacked.

Having created the Headquarters, you need to develop it and maintain order. You can keep track of everything that happens at Headquarters in the Information tab. In this tab you can see the history of changes in clan resources, the current progress of the Headquarters moving to a new level, current active bonuses, and changes in the name of the Headquarters. In a word - thanks to this tab, commander, you can keep your finger on the pulse. The “Garrison” tab will also be useful, where you can view the number of troops defending the Headquarters.

The clan headquarters also opens up new opportunities - Headquarters training programs. Training programs will give bonuses to everyone who is a member of the clan. Also, Training Programs will increase the Influence of the clan! All Training Programs can be upgraded to level 20. It is important to note that the Training Programs are directly related to the Headquarters level. For example: your Headquarters has been upgraded to level 10 and the Training Program has already been upgraded to level 10. Your Headquarters is then demoted to level 9, in which case the Training Program will remain level 10, but will provide a level 9 bonus until the Headquarters level is raised. The study of Training Programs is not tied to the level of the Headquarters; even with a Level 0 Headquarters you can upgrade the Training Program to the maximum level. The Training Program can only be improved with the help of Holodisks.

Improvement of the Clan Headquarters. You can increase the level of the Headquarters through the “Information” window. This can be done by the Head of the clan or by the commander who has the rights to do so. There are several conditions under which you can improve your Headquarters:
- a sufficient number of Tools;
- number of Emitters and their minimum level;
- clan rating - the place in the rating that a clan should occupy;
- lowering the level of the enemy Headquarters.

Headquarters level. Remember, commander, your Headquarters may lose its level if enemies successfully attack it. So don't skimp on good protection! And if it has already happened that the Headquarters has lost its level, then 50% of the Tools spent on moving to the level that the Headquarters lost will be returned to you. In addition, for 24 hours the Headquarters will be protected from further reduction in level.

Headquarters resources. There are only two resources: Tools and Holodisks.
Tools are needed to increase the level of the Headquarters. You can get Tools in Tournaments, and also purchase them for Crystals. For Crystals, you can purchase only the number of Tools that are necessary to upgrade to the next level.
Holodisks are needed to improve the training programs at Headquarters. You can get them in Tournaments, in tasks for the clan and buy them for Crystals.

It is important to know that the points received will not be awarded to the player personally, but will count toward the entire clan. If the commander leaves the clan, the received Tools and Holodisks will not be credited to his account, but will remain in the clan.

Interaction with Headquarters. You can send a single attack or a joint attack to the Headquarters. An attack is not a robbery or a seizure, it means an attack with the aim of destroying the enemy troops stationed at the Headquarters. The same function exists when interacting with Vaults. Attacks and reconnaissance can only be sent to someone else's Headquarters if it is not under protection (after creation). Attacks on the Headquarters cannot be sent by commanders who are not members of a clan, and clans that do not have Headquarters cannot send an attack. It is worth noting an important point: attacks that go to your Headquarters will not be displayed.
Reinforcements can only be sent to your Headquarters.

Limits on attacking Clan Headquarters:
- attack of one warrior - 250,000 (credits);
- joint attack - 500,000 (credits).

Commander, let your clan be an invincible stronghold on the map! Victory and prosperity!

No. None of the existing methods of contraception provides 100% guarantee of protection against sexually transmitted infections or pregnancy. To be one hundred percent sure, you need to abstain from sex.

A surefire way to reduce your risk of sexually transmitted diseases is to have sex with the same partner, who in turn only has sex with you.

But the most reliable way to avoid problems is to have sex with a condom. It is worth noting here that even one small mistake can lead to the condom failing at the most crucial moment - slipping or breaking during sex. Thus, knowing how to use condoms becomes extremely important for your health.

Attention: Some “fancy” condoms, such as those that glow in the dark or have funny attachments, may not protect against sexually transmitted diseases or pregnancy. This information is always indicated in the instructions or on the packaging.

How to choose a condom size?

The size of a condom can play an important role in its reliability. If the condom is smaller than needed, it may break, and if it is larger than needed, it may slip off and even get stuck in the vagina. Finding the right size condom can only be done experimentally – by trial and error. Since most often it is not girls, but boys, who purchase condoms, in this section I will address them specifically.

According to statistics, most young people have a standard size penis - from 13 to 15-16 cm in an erect state. If you belong to this category, then standard, classic condoms will most likely suit you. However, even those with a classic size may find the condom too narrow or too wide. If this is the case, then pay attention to the width of the condom indicated on the packaging: on classic condoms it is usually 52-54 mm. If the standard seems narrow for you, next time buy condoms with a larger width (54-57 mm), usually the packaging says XXL or King size, but it is still better to pay attention to the width of the condom, and not to its inviting cover.

If the standard was too wide and tended to slide down during sex, then pay attention to condoms with a smaller width (52 mm or less). Typically, such condoms are called tight-fitting.

Latex or polyurethane?

Most manufactured condoms are made of latex - this material is quite reliable, protects against pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections, and is also affordable. However, in rare cases, latex condoms cause allergies and can cause rashes, redness, as well as vaginal dryness and discomfort for the partner. If you or your partner is allergic to latex, you should use polyurethane condoms. These condoms are also reliable, but are slightly more expensive than latex ones.

Where to buy and how to store?

Buy condoms only at a pharmacy, because that is where the most suitable conditions for long-term storage are. Condoms purchased in a supermarket or a kiosk may be exposed to the adverse effects of warm air or direct sunlight.

Improperly storing condoms can cause them to break during sex. It is not advisable to keep a condom in your wallet or pocket - constant friction and high temperatures can affect the strength of the contraceptive. Latex condoms can be stored at temperatures from 0 to +25C. Store condoms in a cool, dark place, such as your bedside table or medicine cabinet.

Be sure to keep an eye on the expiration date

Condoms do not last forever, and expired contraception does not provide any guarantee of protection during sex. Before using a condom, check its expiration date. Don't hesitate to throw away expired food, as it can cost you dearly.

Do not use condoms that do not indicate the manufacturer, expiration date, or batch number on the individual sachet.

How to put on a condom correctly?

    A condom should be placed on an already erect (hard) penis before sexual intercourse begins.

    Open the individual condom package by pulling one of its corners. It is not advisable to open the package with your mouth, as your teeth can damage the condom.

    After pulling the foreskin downwards (to expose the head of the penis), pinch the tip of the condom (the sperm reservoir) with two fingers and slide it over the head. There should be no air left in the reservoir as this may cause the condom to break during sex.

    Start unrolling the condom over the entire length of the penis. If the condom doesn't unroll, it means you put it on the wrong side. Remove the condom and turn it over to the other side. Pinch the reservoir again with two fingers and unroll the condom to the full length of the penis.

    The condom should be removed immediately after ejaculation, while the penis is still hard. When removing the penis, hold the condom with your hand so that it does not remain inside your partner. Carefully remove the condom and tie it with a knot. Throw it in the trash can (and never in the toilet).

What not to do

Do not put a condom in your or your partner's mouth. If suddenly inhaled, it may enter the respiratory tract and cause suffocation. Condoms are made for the penis only.

Do not wear multiple condoms at once, as this will not improve your safety. On the contrary, friction between two condoms can cause them to break during sex. If you are worried about your safety, choose reliable condoms with the largest wall thickness (at least 0.06mm). There are super-thick condoms with a wall thickness of up to 0.09 mm.

If you need additional lubrication, use only a lubricant that is guaranteed not to ruin the condom. Remember: do not use grease-containing materials such as petroleum jelly, baby cream, baby oil, hand lotion, etc. as a lubricant. Only use lubricants that indicate that they can be used with a condom. By the way, lipstick can also reduce the reliability of a condom.

A condom is strictly a disposable item. Never reuse a condom. If it has been removed from the penis, it cannot be put on again, even if there is no liquid there.

Do not use a condom if you do not know its expiration date or if its packaging is damaged.

A condom should be put on before sexual intercourse. In any other case, protection against pregnancy or sexually transmitted infections will be very low. You can become infected with herpes and other dangerous infections if you do not use a condom from the very beginning of sexual intercourse.

What to do if the condom breaks?

Unfortunately, sometimes condoms break even when used correctly. To avoid this, it is better to choose condoms with a classic thickness of more than 0.06 mm (this is indicated on the package). But if trouble does happen, then these instructions will help you do everything right, reducing the risk of unpleasant consequences to a minimum.

Attention! It doesn't matter at what point you noticed that the condom broke. Even if this happens before ejaculation, you still run the risk of transmitting sexually transmitted infections or having an unwanted pregnancy..

There is a lot of advice on the Internet regarding what to do if a condom breaks, and the vast majority of these tips are not only ineffective, but even dangerous to health. Listen to the following advice from gynecologists instead of following dubious instructions from dubious sites.

You will not reduce the risk of getting pregnant, since some of the sperm have already entered the uterus and no amount of douching will help “wash” them out of the uterus.

You should not douche at all under any pretext - this is a dangerous undertaking for your health. Douching will not reduce your chance of getting pregnant, but it may increase your risk of sexually transmitted diseases. Potassium permanganate, hydrogen peroxide, water, lemon juice and many other incredible remedies will not help - but they will cause burns, inflammation, discomfort and other unpleasant symptoms for many weeks or months.

Soap is alkaline and can significantly reduce your body's resistance to sexually transmitted infections. Washing with soap will not reduce the risk of pregnancy, but it will increase the risk of inflammatory diseases of the vagina. If you want, then do it as usual.

To reduce the risk of sexually transmitted diseases, purchase Chlorhexidine solution and vaginal suppositories containing Chlorhexidine (for example, the well-known drug Hexicon). The girl should insert one Hexicon suppository into the vagina and lie on the bed for several hours so that the candle does not leak out and has its effect. The guy should carefully treat the penis with Hexicon solution. Hexicon is effective only if used in the first 2 hours after unprotected sexual intercourse. Even if you did everything correctly and on time, you will still need to get tested.

If you have sex with an unfamiliar partner, or if you are not sure that he is healthy, it is better to take safety measures. 2-3 weeks after sex, get tested for syphilis, and hepatitis B and C. If the results of tests for HIV infection and viral hepatitis are negative, they will need to be repeated in a few months. If you suspect that your partner is HIV-infected, contact a venereologist who will tell you what to do next.

Even when taken on time, emergency contraception does not provide a 100% guarantee of protection against pregnancy. Be sure to do it 4-5 weeks after sexual intercourse during which the condom broke. The test should be done in case, as well as if your period came on time and you do not have any symptoms of pregnancy.

If you have a regular partner and you are sure that he is healthy and is not cheating on you, then think about choosing more than a condom.

What to do if the condom slips and gets stuck in the vagina?

First of all, don't panic. A stuck condom itself is not dangerous to health and will not be able to go further than the vagina and get into. It's still in the vagina and isn't that hard to get out.

Get into an upright position and try to push (as if you're pooping) - the condom should come out within a few seconds or minutes. If after this manipulation the condom does not come out, then it will definitely at least drop lower, which means you can get it out with two fingers.

If all else fails and the condom cannot be removed, contact your gynecologist as soon as possible. The gynecologist will be able to quickly and painlessly remove the stuck condom.

To avoid pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases, you should follow the same instructions as in the case of a broken condom (see tips above).

What makes you think that Muslim society did not have loans at interest? Yes, the Koran prohibits, but there are Jews, Armenians and Hindus. And the very role of interest-bearing loans is being dismantled too much. Roughly speaking, without credit we would still be living in feudalism. Because Without credit, capitalism is not possible and, accordingly, everything that capitalism gave humanity - antibiotics, computers, fertilizers - would not have appeared.

I agree that now the time has come for a new, fairer economic formation, but there is no need to criticize our predecessors. According to F. Braudel (honestly much better than Marx and Engels), it was the northern Protestant countries where credit was allowed that became the basis for the development of a new social system. And then they pulled everyone else towards them. Yes, through robbery and murder. But they pulled it up.

ZY Judging by your avatar, you are an oriental person, therefore a Sufi parable.

The emperor was walking through the forest and got lost. When he saw a man sleeping under a tree, he was happy, thinking that maybe he would show him the way. But, coming closer, he saw that his mouth was open - some people sleep with their mouths open - and a snake crawled into his mouth. The emperor saw the snake's tail. He raised his whip and began to whip the man. He suddenly woke up - and could not understand anything! He shouted: “What are you doing? Why are you beating me? What bad have I done? My God! What an evil man he is. He is strong, he is stronger than a horse, he is so strong that I cannot even fight him.”

The emperor forced him to eat rotten fruits that were lying on the ground. He didn't stop and whipped the man with his whip as hard as he could. The man cried and ate, the fruit was rotten and stank. The Emperor whipped him so hard that he forced him to eat so much fruit that he vomited and lost consciousness. When he vomited, a snake fell out.

When this man saw the snake, he realized what had happened. He bowed to the emperor and said:

Out of great compassion you whipped me and forced me to eat rotten fruits and shed my blood. This is great luck. God sent you at the right moment, otherwise I would have died. But I want to say one thing: if you said that I swallowed a snake or that a snake crawled into me, I would not scold and curse you.

The Emperor replied:

If I told you, it would be impossible to remove the snake. You would die of fear. But you didn't die from the beating. If I told you that you swallowed a snake, I could not force you to eat fruit; you would lose consciousness and it would be impossible to save you. So I had to force myself to remain silent and beat you instead. All I cared about was how to make you throw up. I had to stop caring about you because if I made you throw up, it would throw the snake out of you.

This story is the basis of a Sufi saying. Maybe you've heard the expression, although you've never heard the story before.

Here is the expression: “It is better to have an intelligent enemy than a stupid friend.”

The first type of announcement is informative: the elevator is not working, the water will be turned off tomorrow, keep quiet. Typical informational advertisements suffer from impersonal construction, aggression, official language, lack of usefulness and lack of information.

Badly Fine
Dear residents!

We would like to inform you that tomorrow morning, from 8 to 11, the heating equipment in your home will be checked.

We kindly ask you to stay at home at this time.

Tomorrow from 8 to 11 am, mechanics will check pipes and radiators in apartments.

Please stay home during this time.

Locksmiths can turn on the heating only when they are sure that the batteries in each apartment are working properly.
If you have questions, the dispatcher will answer them by phone:..

Dear patients!!!

You are allowed to enter the doctor's office only wearing shoe covers or replacement shoes.

Enter the doctor's office wearing shoe covers or a change of shoes.

Dirty shoes violate sanitary standards and spread infections.

Free shoe covers in the box at the entrance.

Dear visitors!!!

For your safety, there is video surveillance in the sales area.

To protect you from pickpockets, store employees have installed video surveillance in the sales area.

If you become a victim of a thief, the administrator will call the police and help you find the criminal.

Alcoholic products are not sold to persons under 18 years of age. Please present your passport when requested by the cashier. The law prohibits the sale of cigarettes and alcohol to minors.

Please present your passport when requested by the cashier so that we can comply with the law.

The ads became convincing and stopped annoying. To achieve this I used the following rules:

Get straight to the point. An address like “Dear residents” makes it difficult to grasp the essence. If an advertisement hangs on a bus, everyone already understands that it is for passengers, but in a clinic it is for patients. The word “respected” is so worn out that it no longer has anything to do with respect. Write straight to the point: “The elevator is not working.”

Add benefit. People are not stupid: they understand the content of advertisements, even if they are poorly written. But ads won't work unless readers take the request seriously.

The reader thinks that the ad is not for him: “We work here, where else can we smoke?”, “I live in this yard and always park my car here.” To make your ad work, show the benefit to the reader: “Don’t park your car in the yard. Children play ball and can break the window.”

Get rid of exclamation marks. An exclamation point reflects a strong emotion. Two or three exclamation marks in a row - aggression. The number of exclamation points shows the degree of despair of the author, but does not affect the reader in any way. Is it just annoying:

Add an actor. Typical advertisements, like good guerrillas, do not reveal their authors. The maximum they offer is the signature “Administration”. Therefore, in the advertisements there is no one who “does not release products,” “allows entry only in shoe covers,” and “checks plumbing equipment.”

This approach blurs responsibility. The reader does not understand to whom he will be guilty if he breaks the rule. Therefore, the reader should not follow him. Compare: “Upon entering, show your pass to the security officer. Administration" and "Upon entering, present your pass to the security officer. Head of security V.V. Taranin. Tel.: (495) ...".

Write in human language. Many people think that in order to be respectable, advertisements should be written in formal language. This is wrong.

A good ad is written simply and in a humane way. It’s easier to read and everyone understands it. Remove “produced,” “given,” and “carried out” from the announcement.

Show you care. A good announcement not only prohibits or warns, but also suggests the right path. Not just “no entry without shoe covers,” but also “free shoe covers at the entrance.”

A simple, thoughtful announcement without any red tape is a feast for the heart.

Business. Earnings. Credit. Cryptocurrency