How to write a cover letter for documents correctly. Covering letters for documents: principles of drafting and little tricks Covering letter for the annual report of a budgetary institution

A cover letter is a form of business etiquette. In addition to a simple register of transferred documents, it contains recommendations for handling them. In addition, according to the registration data, you can determine the execution time and the fact of sending. For an example of how to write a cover letter for documents, see the article.

How to write a cover letter for documents

There is no single unified form of writing. Requirements for the preparation of organizational and administrative documentation are described in GOST R 6.30-2003. The requirements of this standard are recommended.

How to write a cover letter for documents? Let's start with the basic rules:

  • on company letterhead;
  • indicating the date and registration number.

Let's take a closer look at a sample cover letter about sending documents, what main sections the text can be divided into and what information should be reflected in them.

Letter section

Short description


About sending a response to a claim


Theme that defines its purpose

Covering letter of submitted documents


A specific appeal to the manager, preferably addressed, indicating the name and patronymic

Dear Ivan Ivanovich!

Purpose of the message

Brief formulation

In response to your claim, I am enclosing confirmation that the stated requirements were met within the time limits specified in the Supply Agreement.

Main part

Statement of the essence with summing up and expression of hope, gratitude, etc.

According to the information received from you, there were facts of violation of clauses 2.3 and 3.6 of the Agreement. In turn, I inform you that the components were transferred on time, which is confirmed by the Invoice, and the work was completed on time, which is confirmed by the date of acceptance of the work on the Work Order. I consider the requirements set forth in claim No. 2, sent to us on July 14, 2017, to have been fulfilled in full. I ask you to consider and send information about your decision to us within the period established by law. I express my gratitude to you for using the services of our company, and I hope for further cooperation.


List of applications. Polite signature


  1. Supply contract, number of sheets.
  2. Consignment note, number of sheets.
  3. Work order, number of sheets.
  4. Photo of the installed banner, number of sheets.

Head, Sidorova Maria Ivanovna.

Full name and contact details of the performer.

Example of a cover letter for documents

Enterprise employees not only have to send such requests to counterparties, but also receive them from them. It makes sense for business clerks to develop a form for an incoming cover letter for documents. It will be required if the counterparty provides the package without explanation. This often happens when collaborating with individuals, but for legal entities this case is no exception. To optimize document flow, the counterparty will be able to fill out the proposed form, which will indicate all the necessary information.

Sample cover letter for transfer of documents. Form designed to be filled out by the counterparty:

What not to indicate

The text of the appeal is kept in a business style. Despite the fact that the message is not an independent form, you should not allow familiarity when composing it. The covering letter for documents should not evaluate what is happening, be emotional and contain phrases that in one way or another may offend the recipient. An example of phrases that cannot be used and options for replacing them:

Who signs the letter

The appeal can be signed by the head of the department, manager, chief accountant, or head of the organization. In this case, communication ethics should be observed. If the text contains an appeal to the head of the company, then it must be signed by an equal manager. It should also be remembered that the manager delegates the execution of instructions to the performers. Therefore, when signing, the director should indicate the contractor’s contacts so that the recipient does not have to waste time searching for the responsible person. Printing in this case is not mandatory.

Upon receipt, the recipient will assign the document an incoming number and date, which the clerk will enter manually or using a stamp. Using this information, it will be possible to easily track the stages of its passage and clarify at which level of consideration the application is at one time or another.

“Where does it say that we must write a cover letter for the documents being sent?” You will have to answer this question honestly: “Nowhere.” Drawing up a cover letter is an unwritten rule of office work and a business custom, but not a requirement contained in binding documents. However, if you look at it, it becomes clear: the cover letter is needed primarily not by the recipient, but by the sender.


How can a cover letter be useful to the sender? Covering letter:

It has the “Date of document preparation” attribute, which means, if necessary, it can serve as proof that the documents were sent on time;

Contains a complete list of documents to be sent (the “Note on the presence of an application” detail), so that if some important document gets lost, no one can say that it was not sent;

It is subject to registration with the addressee, in contrast to the documents sent with it, and since the execution date is counted from the registration date, the sender can refer to this date if he wants to receive a response.

The covering letter for the documents, like all other incoming correspondence, is subject to registration with the secretary of the recipient organization. But if you know from experience that problems may arise with this, it is better to avoid an unpleasant conversation and simply send the entire package of documents by mail, receiving notification of delivery of the letter. Having a notification in hand, the sender no longer has to worry about whether the letter was registered, and leave it up to the conscience of the recipient.


Rules for registering details can be found in the following documents:

GOST R 6.30-2003 “Unified documentation systems. Unified system of organizational and administrative documentation. Requirements for document preparation";

Organizational and administrative documentation. Documentation requirements. Guidelines for the implementation of GOST R 6.30-2003 (hereinafter - Guidelines for the implementation of GOST).

Letter form. The ready-made letter form, designed in accordance with GOST 6.30-2003, already contains the necessary details.

Mandatory details of the form include:


Name of company;

Background information about the organization.

The organization's emblem or trademark (service mark) is an optional property.

The cover letter can be prepared on letterhead (see Example 1), structural unit letterhead (see Example 2) or on official letterhead (see Example 3).

Text. The text of the cover letter is often formal in nature and only informs about the direction of documents. The most important part of the information is contained in the application descriptions. However, cover letter texts can vary in level of complexity.

Elementary. The simplest text of a follow-up letter might look like this:

As you can see, this text only contains a message that certain documents have been sent to the recipient.

With justification. If the sending of a package of documents attached to the letter is prescribed by a regulatory legal act or an agreement between organizations, then the text of the covering letter begins with the words “In pursuance of...” or other wording containing a reference to the standard:

With instructions. The text of the cover letter of the next level of complexity also contains an indication of what the recipient should do with the documents sent to him:

Thus, the text of the cover letter can be divided into two parts:

Notification about sending documents (mandatory);

Instructions for handling sent documents (optional).

Marking the presence of the application. The peculiarity of a cover letter is that its semantic center is not the text at all, but the list of attached documents. In this regard, let us remember the general rule for the design of this detail: in cover letters, a note about the presence of an attachment is placed under the text of the letter from the border of the left margin (Appendix No. 11 to clause 3.3.2 of the Rosarkhiv Methodological Recommendations) (see Examples 1-3).

We will pay special attention to the correct design of this detail in special cases.

The first case is simple. If the attached document is already named in the text of the letter, in the “Note on the presence of an attachment” it is enough to indicate only the number of sheets and copies of this document, for example:

The second case is complex. If there are several application documents, then each of them receives its own serial number, followed by an indication of the number of sheets and copies. Documents are listed either in random order or from the main document to the secondary ones. In the text of the letter, the attached documents are not named, for example:

The third case is printing. When sending a catalogue, brand book, teaching aid produced in a printing house, that is, any bound document, the number of its sheets is not indicated:

Case four is electronic. Neither the Methodological Recommendations of Rosarkhiv, nor GOST 6.30-2003, nor the Methodological Recommendations for the Implementation of GOST contain rules for attaching external information media to letters. At the same time, the practice of sending flash cards or CDs to each other by organizations is quite widespread. You have to invent your own design rules, guided by elementary logic. Thus, it makes no sense to indicate the number of sheets and copies of an electronic document. Its name, format (so that the recipient knows in advance whether the file will open on his computer) and, perhaps, volume will be enough. Don’t forget to indicate the type of media, for example:

Case five is combined. There are complex letters that are both informational and accompanying. If one letter is sent to several addresses, and all recipients receive information, and some also receive attachment documents, then the details are formatted as follows:

Case six is ​​descriptive. If there are so many attachments that listing them would take more than one page, it is advisable to make an inventory of them and issue it as the only attachment to the letter. This is done so that the employee responsible for carrying out the assignment for the letter receives an inventory of them along with all the attachments, because the cover letter and its attachments almost always take different routes in the organization. The inventory will be called “Inventory of attachments to the letter dated... No...”.

The text and mark about the presence of the application will look like this in this case:

Other details

The remaining details of the cover letter are drawn up in the general manner prescribed by GOST 6.30-2003 and the Methodological Recommendations of the Federal Archive.

Required details include:

Document date;

Document registration number;


Title to the text;


Note about the performer.

Optional details in this case are:

Document approval visas, which usually remain on a copy of the document with the executor.


Cover letters travel through organizations along exactly the same routes as all other business letters of various types.

2. Together with visas and a package of applications (this is mandatory!), the draft letter goes to the CEO or other authorized official for signature.

3. The signed project turns into a full-fledged document with legal force and goes through the registration procedure in the office or with the secretary of the signatory manager.

4. Delivery of the cover letter and all documents attached to it to the addressee is organized.

5. In the office of the recipient organization, the received cover letter and its attachments undergo an initial review procedure. The purpose of this procedure is to ensure that all delivered applications correspond to those listed in the “Application Availability Mark” attribute.

6. If everything is in order, the letter is registered (what to do if not everything is in order is described below).

7. A registered incoming letter is submitted for consideration to the first person of the organization or another authorized manager, as a general rule - along with attachments. But the organization may have its own rules in this regard. For example, if the letter is standard and it is known exactly which of the officials will be appointed as the executor under it, the secretary can agree with the director and transfer the attachments to the executor immediately, without waiting for the resolution. In extremely rare cases, if a standard letter contains “non-standard” information, the attachments are promptly delivered to the manager for review.

8. With or without attachments, the cover letter is submitted for consideration to the management of the recipient organization.

9. The manager appoints an executor by issuing a regular resolution and returns the document to the secretary.

10. The secretary transfers the task to the executor according to the rules accepted in the organization. At this point, most often the cover letter and its attachments are separated: the performer is interested in the latter, not the letter, and he most likely knows what to do with the attachments. If the letter contains any special instructions for working with the attached documents, then the executor receives a copy from the secretary, and not the original letter. The original remains with the secretary (in the office) and is filed in the file.

11. Meanwhile, the application goes its own way, which is determined by the type of document and can be as long as desired.

If something went wrong. If, during the initial examination in the office, even upon delivery, it turns out that the attached package is missing one or more documents stated in the covering letter, a report about this is drawn up (see Example 4), and the letter is returned to the sender.


Cover letters are stored separately from the applications with which they are sent to the organization. In the electronic document management system, when registering these applications, a link is placed to the registration card of the incoming letter, but this is not necessary: ​​the covering letter completes its function exactly at the moment when the contractor picks up the documents attached to it to begin working with them.

As for the storage periods of cover letters, they fall under the articles of the List of standard management archival documents generated in the course of the activities of state bodies, local governments and organizations, indicating storage periods (approved by order of the Ministry of Culture of Russia dated August 25, 2010 No. 558; hereinafter referred to as the List 2010):

Correspondence with government bodies of the Russian Federation, government bodies of the constituent entities

Russian Federation, local government bodies in the main (core) areas of activity - 5 l. EPC (Article 32 of the 2010 List);

Correspondence with a higher-level organization on the main (core) areas of activity - 5 sheets. EPC (Article 33 of the 2010 List);

Correspondence with subordinate (subordinate) organizations in the main (core) areas of activity - 5 l. EPC (Article 34 of the 2010 List);

Correspondence with other organizations in the main (core) areas of activity - 5 sheets. EPC (Article 35 of the 2010 List).

As we can see, cover letters are stored for 5 years, after which their value must be examined and either their storage period extended or destroyed. Destruction is also carried out in accordance with the general procedure.


1. The main purpose of the cover letter is to confirm that the documents attached to it were sent and delivered to the addressee.

2. A cover letter is drawn up according to the same rules as other business letters; Particular attention should be paid to the design of the “Appendix Availability Mark” requisite.

3. If an incomplete package of documents is delivered with a covering letter, a special report is drawn up about this.

4. The document flow of cover letters is carried out according to the general rules for working with incoming documents adopted by the organization.

5. The covering letter and the documents delivered with it are stored separately from each other for the period established for them.

A covering letter is a type of business letter that is needed to describe a package of documents sent to the addressee if these documents do not contain the address part.

Thus, The cover letter does not carry any information load, but it performs three important functions:

  • confirms the fact of sending;
  • provides a list of sent documents and instructions for handling them;
  • Thanks to registration data, it allows you to determine the deadline.

Like most business letters, the cover letter is on letterhead and receives the sender's reference number. We have discussed the rules for preparing official letters in detail more than once in the magazine, so now we will focus on the features of the cover letter.

A detailed analysis of a service letter with many examples of its composition is available in the article “We draw up a service letter"

Speech patterns

The basis of the cover letter is a list of attachments. The text of the document is short and conditionally divided into two parts:

  • message about sending documents,
  • request for a timely response (reading, approval, return of a signed copy, etc.).

The first part usually starts like this:

  • “In fulfillment... we send you...”,
  • "We are sending you..."
  • “We present to you...”

Next, you can indicate the purpose of sending documents: "for approval", "for information", "for signature", "for filling"(if we are talking about a survey form or questionnaire). We recommend using the cliche “we send you” or “we send you”, because You can submit something only for information, but not for signing or approval.

The second part may contain the following words:

  • “Please sign, seal and send one copy to our address...”
  • “We ask you to consider and send to us within the period established by law...”,
  • “Please send to our address one copy of a duly executed…”.

Requisites “Mark about the presence of applications”

As we have already determined, the main thing in a cover letter for documents is the attachments. Therefore, we will pay special attention to the issue of designing this particular requisite. Regardless of how the application is formatted, business practice requires a complete listing of the documents attached to the letter, indicating the number of copies and the number of sheets in each of them. Without this information, the cover letter will lose all meaning.

So, when the documents being sent are already reported in the body of the letter, there is no point in listing their names again. It is enough to indicate the number of sheets and copies. See Example 1.

Example 1

A fragment of text and a note about the presence of an application (the name of the application is indicated in the text of the letter)

If the application is not indicated in the body of the letter, in addition to quantitative data, you must indicate its name. If a package includes several documents, the attachments are numbered. See Example 2.

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Example 2

A fragment of text and a mark indicating the presence of the application (the name of the application is indicated in the mark indicating its presence)

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Although GOST R 6.30-2003 states that when listing multiple applications in a mark about their presence the generalizing word before the colon is in the singular “Appendix:”; in such cases, we still recommend writing it in the plural “Appendices:”, as we showed in Example 2.

Firstly, this is correct from the point of view of the rules of the Russian language. And secondly, the developers of this GOST themselves later “corrected themselves” when they began to give explanations regarding its application in their methodological recommendations. See quotations from these two documents below. But many people stubbornly continue to write the word “Application:” in the singular, even if it is followed by a list of several documents. Don't do this and we've explained why.

Document fragment

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GOST R 6.30-2003 “Unified documentation systems. Unified system of organizational and administrative documentation. Requirements for document preparation"

3.21. ...If the letter has an attachment that is not named in the text, then indicate its name, the number of sheets and the number of copies; If there are several applications, they are numbered:

Document fragment

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Organizational and administrative documentation. Documentation requirements. Guidelines for the implementation of GOST R 6.30-2003

3.16. ...If the letter has an attachment that is not named in the text, then indicate its name, the number of sheets and the number of copies; if there are several attachments, they are numbered:

There are also discrepancies regarding how to write the word “attachment” in the body of the letter: with a small or capital letter, with or without the “No” sign. The fact is that you can indicate the name of the attached document in the text of the cover letter in different ways; compare for yourself by looking at Example 3: in the second case it is appropriate to indicate in brackets that the document is an application, and in subsequent cases we show how this can be done in different ways. All options are correct, it’s just important to maintain uniformity in the letter. And it’s even better to choose and fix one option in your organization’s clerical instructions (or other local regulations on similar issues), then there will be uniformity in all documents and there will be less confusion for performers.

Example 3

Various ways to indicate the name of the application in the body of the letter

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For a bound application, the number of sheets need not be specified (Example 4).

Example 4

Description of the bound application

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When there are so many attachments that it is more convenient to list them on a separate sheet (it will be called “Inventory of attachments to the letter dated... No...”), it will be enough to refer to such an inventory in the letter (Example 5).

Example 5

If there are so many applications that it is more convenient to list them in a separate inventory

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If you attach to your letter another letter that has its own attachment, you need to inform the addressee about this (Example 6).

Example 6

The letter attachment has its own attachment

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Finally, if your letter is addressed to several organizations at once, and the attachment is addressed to only one of them (others receive the letter only for review), this should also be said (Example 7).

Example 7

The attachment is sent to only one email recipient out of several

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A note about the presence of attachments is placed below the text of the letter and above the signature. Usually these distances (indents) are made identical and equal to approximately 2-3 line spacing (this is clearly shown in the example of the design of an entire letter in Example 9).

As a general rule, if a document has attachments, then a mark indicating their presence is placed on it below the text and above the signature, and on the attached documents (each in the upper right part of the first sheet) it is written which document they are an attachment to (indicating the attachment number , if there are several), as in Example 8.

Example 8

Application number and main document data on 1 sheet of application

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But the covering letter has the accounting function of the documents being sent, acting as a kind of inventory of the attachments in the envelope; in reality, the documents named in such a letter as attachments are sent. If the letter had a different function (for example, it was an offer, making an offer to sign an agreement and listing the terms of the proposed cooperation), then the “key” document in its meaning would be the letter, and the attached documents would only help it fulfill its function. But we are talking about a cover letter, and in this case you should not “spoil” the documents being sent with information about the “inventory of contents in the envelope” - i.e. There is no need to put such a mark on them!

Signing and registration with the sender

The signatory of a business letter is the same official as in regular business correspondence (usually either the head of the organization or an authorized top manager). If we are talking about sending primary accounting documents, the chief accountant can also sign the letter.

To prevent the recipient of the letter from later asking all clarifying questions to its signatory (indicated by number 1 in Example 9), the executor should also be indicated in this document (ibid., see number 2).

Before sending, the cover letter must be assigned an outgoing number (indicated by the number 3).

And the addressee will assign him his incoming number when registering the fact of receipt of the document, while the date of receipt and the incoming number can be indicated on it (handwritten or using a stamp, as in Example 9 - see number 4).

Example 9

Covering letter

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Example 11

Cover letter form for applicants - individuals

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Surprise for applicants - individuals

The need to write a cover letter for documents concerns everyone, regardless of whether it is an organization or an individual. Meanwhile, when an ordinary person comes to an organization, as a rule, no letter is drawn up to accompany his documents. It’s a pity, because it would be more convenient for you not to remember and somehow record it yourself, but to have information written by the visitor: from whom, what documents, to which of your employees and why to transfer. If you systematically deal with individuals, especially on a number of standard issues, and at the same time receive from them documents with which your organization must then do something, then we recommend that you develop a cover letter form for such cases and ask each such person to fill it out visitor. See example form in Example 11.

You will register the completed form and give a copy of the letter with the incoming number to the applicant, and send the package of documents received from him along the proper route. Then, when you call to inquire about your documents, the person will no longer ask about the “dacha in Malinovka”, but about a certain letter with a unique index.

Please respond within a certain time frame

Many organizations like to immediately set a deadline for the addressee in their cover letters, and the methods can vary from polite “Please sign the documents and return them within ten days.” to imperative “The response time to a letter is 5 working days”. Is it worth writing like this? And how to react to such conditions?

Let us remember that according to the rules of business dealings. This guideline should be remembered if there is no other deadline in the cover letter.

Only a higher, controlling organization or any government body, a regulatory document obligatory for your execution, can set a mandatory deadline. The parties themselves can agree and document the voluntarily assumed obligations:

Example 10

The deadline for responding to a letter can be established in the contract

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The agreement provides for a mandatory pre-trial procedure for resolving disputes and disagreements. A Party that believes that its rights under this Agreement have been violated is obliged to send a written reasoned claim to the other Party. The party that has received a written reasoned claim is obliged to consider it and give a written reasoned response within 10 (Ten) calendar days from the date of its receipt...

When equals in company status are communicating (if previously no one above them or they have not established rules of interaction for themselves), you can ask for a faster response, but you need a good reason for this. For example: “Please send the completed questionnaire within fourteen days, since we must provide a response to the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation by October 1, 2013.”. Orders in such cases are incorrect, including from the point of view of business etiquette.

Storing Cover Letters

A covering letter becomes unnecessary as soon as the contractor picks up its applications and makes sure that they are complete. From now on, work will be done on them, and the letter should be marked as completed and placed in the file.

The question often arises about how to store cover letters and attachments to them: separately or together? Usually, an attachment to a letter is placed in a special file reserved specifically for this type of document. There is no place for cover letters: certificates of work performed, invoices, contracts and many other documents are stored separately and often for different periods of time.

This point should be taken into account when compiling a list of cases. Some companies (with a small volume of document flow) create one file “Covering Letters” and place all letters of this kind in it, regardless of what was attached to them. Others have to create several cases using cover letters and place them in the case lists of structural divisions. Then, for example, the sent contract will go into the “Service Agreements” file, and the cover letter to it will go into the “Covering letters for contracts for core activities” file.

It also happens that the letter remains in storage at the company, but the attachment does not. This applies, for example, to draft documents (as in Example 9). The draft regulation is not yet a document and will most likely be subject to corrections more than once; it is not necessary to store it.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in writing a cover letter, but it itself can save not only your documents, but also time.

A slight difficulty, as usual, may arise when a company implements the rule of drawing up and submitting a properly executed cover letter along with a package of documents. But this problem can be solved quite simply by establishing this rule in a local regulatory act. And the benefits of it are difficult to overestimate.


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Drawing up a cover letter of a certain sample when sending documents to companies or government departments is an optional, but desirable step. About how to correctly develop the correct form of such a document and some of the nuances of working with it - right now.

The document is drawn up in any form, since there is no unified template. The main purpose is to give the recipient a correct idea of ​​what documents were sent and, most importantly, what the sender’s goal is.

Although the company is not formally required to write cover letters, in business document flow this is a fairly well-established norm that should be followed. It allows you to solve several problems at once:

  1. First of all, it contains the basic explanations of the sender that he wants to convey to the addressee. In this case, this matters, since business correspondence is indirect communication, which should be extremely clear to both parties.
  2. The covering letter also contains a list of documents - in fact, the list itself duplicates the full name and number of documents that were sent. This eliminates possible errors during registration.
  3. By specifying a list of documents, it is possible to avoid certain difficulties in restoring them in the event of loss. In addition, it indicates outgoing and incoming document numbers, thanks to which you can easily find them and control the direction of movement.
  4. Finally, the addressee, who has accepted not only the documents, but also the accompanying letter, will be able to quickly understand the essence of the sender’s wishes and quickly respond to them in accordance with the situation.

Therefore, we can say that competently preparing a cover letter for documents, creating your own uniform samples to make the process uniform is in the interests of the sender himself.

Cover Letter Sample 2019

Despite the fact that there is no approved form for such a document, and each organization has the right to determine for itself how to draw it up, there are generally accepted rules that should be followed.

  1. In the “header”, as usual, the full official names of the addressee (“To…”) and sender (“from…”) are indicated.
  2. Next comes a note about the number under which the letter is registered with the sender’s company.
  3. Then comes the actual text of the document. It is very important to start a phrase correctly. In this case there are 3 options:
  • "We'll send it to you"– for those cases when documentation is sent to the same companies (for example, counterparties);
  • "we present to you"– the letter is sent to the tax office, courts, head office – i.e. all institutions having a higher position;
  • "we are sending you"– if we are talking about documents that are sent, on the contrary, to subordinate departments (for example, departments, branches of the same company).
  1. After describing the purpose of sending, you need to provide a complete list of documents (inventory), which can be conveniently presented in table form. It should contain the following columns:
  • full title of the document;
  • number of copies;
  • if necessary, it is also indicated in what form the document was sent - original or copy (certified or uncertified).
  1. At the end of the table, the total number of documents sent along with the covering letter is indicated.
  2. Finally, an appendix is ​​indicated, which lists additional documents, if any are also sent to the addressee. It is important to understand that the word “Appendix” is written in the singular only when there is only one document. If the documents are plural, then “Appendices” are written. Along with the title of the document are given:
  • date of acceptance of the document;
  • total number of copies sent;
  • the number of pages in each document (the total number of sheets for all copies is written);
  • if necessary, indicate the need for firmware.

Not only the general director, but also the corresponding authorized person signs the covering letter to the documents, regardless of its format. The signature is traditionally placed by the employee whose activities are directly related to the documents being sent:

  1. The general director or the head of a branch or division signs general flow documents related to the entire company, as well as documents of particular importance (for example, annual reports that are sent to the head office).
  2. The chief accountant signs letters that accompany financial documents - usually they are sent to the tax office.
  3. The company's in-house lawyer sends cover letters in the case of documents that are related, for example, to legal proceedings, to the conclusion of agreements with potential counterparties, etc.

NOTE. In cases where we are talking about mass distribution of documents of the same type (for example, several invoices or contracts of the same type with contractors), you can combine them into one group and write the total number of sheets in all copies at once.

How to Register a Cover Letter

It is important to observe the peculiarities of business etiquette in terms of the design of cover letters - first of all, it is better to use the same sample, document template, and it must be signed by the sender by the same person whose signature is on the letter itself.

It is sent using Russian Post or private mail - as a rule, it is better to do this by registered mail. The number of the shipment must be entered, which is recorded in the document flow log of the sending company. Under this address number he puts his own number - and thus the risk of confusion is significantly reduced.

As a rule, a cover letter is prepared in at least 2 copies - 1 for the addressee, 1 for the sender. Such a document is stored for a period of time, the feasibility and duration of which are determined by the company itself. Typically, in modern document management of companies, all documents have backup copies in electronic form - this allows you to quickly find them and securely store them until required.

Response time

As for the timing of the response, this is a less clear-cut question. On the one hand, there is a general rule according to which the processing time for any appeal to government bodies, as well as to firms, companies, public associations, should not exceed 1 month, i.e. 30 calendar days. The countdown of the deadline begins on the working day following the day when the correspondence reaches the addressee.

On the other hand, very often in practice cases arise when the sender expects the addressee to respond to his request as quickly as possible. Then you need to write down the following request separately, for example: “We kindly ask you to sign the necessary documents and give a substantive answer within 7 working days.” If we are talking about a branch, a structural unit that is directly subordinate to the sender, the wording is more categorical: “The deadline for response is 3 business days from the date of official notification of receipt of this cover letter.”

NOTE. If an agreement between companies initially prescribes a certain procedure for handling claims and pre-trial settlement of possible disagreements, it is necessary to proceed from the text of such agreements. An example of the text is given below.

Storage procedure

Covering letters refer to private documents of an organization, the contents of which it can disclose or classify at its discretion (this applies to both incoming and outgoing documents). Therefore, the choice of a specific storage method depends on the decision of management.

In general, the following rules are followed:

  1. Since the main legal significance is not the cover letter itself and its sample, but rather the documents that it precedes, the main attention is paid to their safety.
  2. After all attachments (i.e. the documents themselves) have been seized, the storage period is determined individually.
  3. In some cases, companies create a special “Covering Letters” folder in which they place the relevant documentation. This option is suitable for small companies with small document flows.
  4. If the document flow is too large, and the company has several branches, then special nomenclatures of cases are drawn up - i.e. lists of documents grouped for general purposes, for example “Supply Agreements”, “Rental Agreements”, “Judicial”, etc.

Thus, the best option is to create your own single sample of cover letters for documents and organize a system for storing them that is adequate to the volume of the company’s document flow.

A cover letter is an additional document to the submitted resume.
If you send yours to a serious company with a well-known name (brand), then

The requirements for writing a cover letter are quite high.

The document must be prepared on a separate sheet; all details, which include the date of compilation, heading, signature, name and address of the recipient, must be placed in accordance with the rules and requirements for the design of business letters.

If sent by email, then the cover letter, accordingly, should be attached in Word document format.

A resume sent by e-mail to less famous and prestigious companies can be accompanied by well-written text in the body of the letter, without formatting it on a separate sheet.

In this case, contact information, initials (or first and last name) and last name must be visible.

A short version of a cover letter looks something like this (examples 1-3):

Cover letter for resume Example 1.

Dear Valeria,

in response to your “specialist in attracting wholesale clients” published in the magazine “Salary and Work”, I am sending my resume. If necessary, I am ready to provide any additional information to consider my candidacy.

Best wishes,

Petrova Elena, tel. 8-917-121-12-12

Example 2.

Good afternoon, Anastasia.

In the resume file attached to the letter. I am applying for the position of Credit Manager. Information about the vacancy was taken from the site. I would be extremely grateful if you do not ignore your resume.

Example 3.

Dear Ivan Ivanovich,

I ask you to consider me for the vacant position of system administrator, deputy head of the IT department.

I will be glad to receive an invitation to an interview from you.

Sincerely, Elena Petrova, tel. 8-917-121-12-12

Expanded version of cover letter

(which is intended for European and American organizations professing the HR management style) is compiled according to a similar scheme. It is necessary to reflect in the text of the cover letter:

1. Title (name) of the position (acceptably two similar or related positions) for which the resume is sent; It is also advisable to note from which source (website, newspaper) you learned about the vacant position(s); offering oneself as a candidate.

Example 4:

After reading the information on your website, I learned that your company has opened a recruitment for vacant positions in the field of sanitary control of meat and dairy raw materials.

In this regard, I would like to offer for consideration my candidacy for a vacancy related to the implementation of the function of sanitary and veterinary control, quality control of finished products and raw materials.

I believe that my knowledge and work experience can be useful both as a specialist in the procurement of meat and dairy raw materials, and as a head of the sanitary control service.

2. A very concise, but meaningful and accurate summary of the resume, which aims to confirm the compliance of your personal and professional qualities with the vacancy for which you are applying.

3. Your desire and readiness to give back, work and professional growth in the area indicated in the position, or better yet, within the walls of this company.

Example 5:

All my professional skills and knowledge, as well as expectations for subsequent promotion, are in the field of working with clients and active direct sales (both at the administrative and executive level).

Currently, I have more than 6 years of experience in direct sales on the B2B market in the manufacturing field, as well as experience in a leadership position in this area for the last two years of work.

As head of the sales department at my last job, I was personally responsible for the results and activities of the sales department in the B2B field (cosmetology and medical equipment).

Example 6:

I have been successfully operating for several years in this area in the system of state customs and veterinary control authorities, I have experience of cooperation and established connections with both leading domestic companies in the food industry and with the largest foreign suppliers. The attached resume will give an idea of ​​my potential capabilities, qualifications and professional experience.

4. Your readiness for, during which you will provide more detailed information about yourself.

5. Contact details.

Example 7:

I will gladly accept the offer to meet and tell you a little more about your possible potential and work experience. You can contact me by email...or by phone...


Example 8:

I will be happy to answer all your questions during the interview if you are interested. You can contact me by email... Thank you in advance for your time.


Cover letter sample

A cover letter is not universal for all areas and types of vacancies that interest you.

Due to the fact that the addressees of the letter are different people, the text of the letter will also differ, in accordance with each vacancy of interest, and will be slightly modified.

The cover letter always refers to a specific position in a specific organization.

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