Scenario for a competition: cook, pastry chef, methodological development on the topic. Scenario for a holiday cook show "autumn fantasies" Scenario for a cook's day at a technical school


State budgetary professional

Educational institution of the Krasnodar region

"Novokubansky Agrarian and Polytechnic College"

Extracurricular activity

Chef by profession, pastry chef

"Skilled Chef Tournament"

The development was presented by industrial training master Khmara Lyubov Viktorovna.



Instilling interest and love for the chosen profession;

Develop creativity; spirit of competition, ingenuity, sense of rivalry;

Foster respect for working people, cultural and hygienic skills;



Generalize and expand knowledge on the subject of cooking.

Introduce students to a system of cultural values ​​that reflect the richness of universal human culture, including the culture of their people;

Equip students with a knowledge system.


To promote a sense of respect and belonging in the conduct of collective events at the technical school, awakening an emotional attitude to life;

To form in students a scientific worldview, moral personality traits, views, and beliefs.


To develop students’ memory, attention, logical thinking, observation, to stimulate students’ creativity;

Contribute to the development of communication skills of senior and junior students, the ability to work in a team, and conduct public speaking;

To develop in students cognitive interest, creativity, will, emotions, cognitive abilities - memory, speech, attention, imagination and perception.


A game; -contest; -quiz; -conversation.

Material, technical and didactic support of the event:

Posters, tables for competitions and games (3), three meat grinders (the “build a meat grinder” competition, a tray, a set of products (vegetables and fruits), dishes, walnuts (the “whole nut” competition), “Utensils” lotto cards, containers where rice and beans are mixed, tablecloths, and serving dishes.

Venue: GBPOU KK NAPT club

The hall is decorated with colorful posters and balloons. Phonograms of songs are played. Students meet and invite guests to the event. First, second and third year students sit in the hall. The music stops.

The presenter comes out:

Good afternoon to everyone present at our event. We have gathered here to hold a tournament - a skillful cook.

I want to start our event with a parable about a cook.

“Once upon a time, philosophers gathered and argued about which profession was more important. One said:

The teacher is most needed. Without education, progress will stop.

Without builders, a person will have nowhere to hide, and humanity will lose beautiful buildings,” said the second philosopher.

Musicians, artists and poets make our lives special. “Art distinguishes man from animals,” exclaimed the third philosopher.

Here the student and at the same time the servant of the owner of the house intervened in the conversation.

Dear scientists, you have forgotten about the profession of a cook.

You are not supposed to interfere in our conversation. Cooking is not an art. Go, prepare dinner,” the owner got angry.

The student silently left the room. On this day, the philosophers did not wait for lunch; the student disappeared. The owner had to prepare dinner himself. Unfortunately, after eating the philosophers felt ill and went home.

The owner found another servant. Time passed, and the philosopher, the owner of the house, noticed that his friends stopped visiting him, and he himself was unable to think after eating. The philosopher thought, and then fired the new cook and sent a note to the former student with one phrase: “Cooking is not a craft, but an art.”

Soon scientists began to gather again in the philosopher’s house. Discussions were interrupted only by a delicious lunch prepared by the student.

“Cooking is not a craft, but an art,” the owner said after dinner.

Popular wisdom says that any profession requires skill. And the profession of a cook is a special profession. If you love cooking and strive for mastery, the result is honor and honor.

Hippocrates also said that our food should be a remedy, and our remedy should be our food. An old Russian proverb says: “A good cook is worth a doctor.” Indeed, a cook, like a doctor, cannot be indifferent. After all, his health, mood, and labor productivity depend on how to feed a person. And this is also a profession that requires constant search and creative imagination, because you need to pleasantly surprise a visitor every time he enters a canteen, cafe, or restaurant.

Before we start our tournament, we need to select participants. We have three groups of cooks, so there will be three teams. We will select participants from each group using questions.

And so, first, questions for group 27 P:

1). Sugar in pieces. ( refined sugar.)

2).Guess the riddle:

The whole family is dressed in silver scales: mother, grandmother and daughters, grandfather, father and sons. ( fish )

3). Guess the riddle:

White as snow, in honor of everyone, you like me, but it’s harmful to my teeth.(sugar ).

4). They don’t eat it raw, they throw it away when it’s cooked. ( Bay leaf ).

And so, the participants of group 27 P are:

Now we will select participants in group 26 P; students who answer questions become participants in the tournament.

So first question:

1). Soroka's signature dish is white-sided fish. ( porridge ).

2). A bewildered kitchen worker. ( cook ).

3). Guess the riddle:

He's so green... We'll pour water on him. How big the sweet little one will grow....( watermelon )

4). Guess the riddle:

This fruit tastes good and looks like a light bulb. ( pear )

And so, the participants of group 26 P are:


Selecting members of the 25 P group:

  1. Common name for beets, carrots, turnips...( root vegetables)
  2. Guess the riddle:

The grandfather is sitting, wearing a hundred fur coats,

who undresses him

he sheds tears. ( onion )

  1. There is a yellow ball in the garden,

only he doesn’t run at a gallop,

he's like the full moon

The seeds in it are delicious. ( pumpkin ).

4). What is the name of a drink made from milk, juice and sugar. ( cocktail).

Participants of group 25 P are:


Now we have three teams that will compete with each other.

And of course, not a single tournament can do without a jury. I present to you our esteemed jury:

Chairman of the jury: Our dear director Grigoryan Vazgen Khachaturovich.

And the jury members:

Morozova Tatyana Mikhailovna,

Ganakina Alexandra Vasilievna.

Let's welcome the jury and teams.

Teams dress in special clothes. clothes and a ribbon is tied to each team.

The first competition is called “Assemble a meat grinder.”

The cook must have a chef's acumen: he must be quick, dexterous, and his hands must be dexterous and quick.

One player per team is invited for the “Meat Grinder” competition.

For every correct answer or action, the team receives a star. The star is attached to a colored stand.


Second competition "Kitchen utensils".

Cards are laid out on the table.

Each player gets a card on which the name of one kitchen tool, fixture or utensil is written. The player must tell what it is used for so that the players on his team can guess what tool or utensil we are talking about. If their players find it difficult to answer, then the opportunity to answer passes to the other team. The team that defines the subject more correctly and quickly wins.

For example: A sieve is drawn on the card. The player, without naming the drawn object, gives it a definition. This is a hoop with a stretched mesh for straining and sifting. Flour is sifted through it. You can also wipe vegetables.

The appendix includes an envelope with cards showing: (Fork, frying pan, glass, mug, slotted spoon, colander, gravy boat, knife, thermos, saucepan, teapot, jug, plate).

Summarizing. Teams earn stars.

The third competition is called "Die Hard"

Each team is given 5 walnuts. The team that cracks the nut faster and gets the nut grains more intact wins.

It is suggested to crack the nuts using a garlic press.

The fourth competition is called “Fast and Skillful”

One person from each team participates. The competition is who can peel the potatoes faster and better.

In order to start this competition, I suggest you remember the safety precautions when working with a knife. To do this, I draw your attention to the screen.

On the screen are the rules for working with a knife.

It is necessary to have gloves, knives and bowls of water for peeling potatoes and for peelings.

Let's sum up the results of this competition.

Fifth competition "Guessing Game"

Now we'll see if you can guess by touch what vegetables and fruits are in these boxes.

Boxes containing a bag of product are brought out.

(vegetables and fruits: beets, carrots, potatoes, onions, garlic, apples, quinces, pears, etc.)

The team that names all the vegetables and fruits correctly and quickly wins. For each correctly guessed vegetable, a star is given.

The sixth competition is called “Separate the cereal”

It so happened that beans spilled into the rice cereal. And you need to put the rice in the pan. You need to quickly separate the beans from the rice grains.

Each team is given rice cereal mixed with beans.

The cleanliness and speed of the participants is taken into account.

For this competition you will need: bowls with cereals, serving bowls and bowls for separated cereals.

Let's sum up the results of this competition.

Well, the final seventh competition is “Serving”

A cook must not only cook well, but also know how to properly set the table. Now we’ll see how you cope with this “table setting” task.

The order of card selection is given to the team with the fewest stars.

First card: Table setting for tea.

Second card: Table setting for a romantic dinner for 2 people.

Third card: Setting the festive table.

In the meantime, our teams are setting their tables, we will solve riddles and answer questions - tasks.

1). In the middle of the century, knights wore this vegetable on their chests as a talisman.(Onion.).

2). What kind of fish are called “red”? (Pink salmon, Trout, salmon.)

3). This delicious yellow fruit

Sails straight from Africa

Monkeys at the zoo

Provides food for a whole year. ( Banana.)

4). It looks like an orange

Rough skinned, juicy.

There is one drawback -

It's very sour...( Lemon.)

5).This fruit is like a tumbler,

Dressed in a yellow shirt.

Disturbing the peace in the garden,

It fell from the tree….( Pear .)

6). She's so fragrant

The pulp is sweet!

From now on we fell in love

Queens of the field...(Melons)

7).Sits on a spoon, legs dangling. ( Noodles)

8).What is poured into a frying pan and folded into four. (pancakes)

9).They stuffed her mouth with meat,

And she chews it

Chews - chews and does not swallow,

Sends it to the plate. (meat grinder).

10).I don’t eat myself, but I feed people. ( spoon).

11).I am long and green, I am tasty when salty,

Delicious and raw. Who am I? (Cucumber).

12).This is not a toy at all - Fragrant... (Parsley).

13).It doesn’t upset anyone, but makes everyone cry. (Onion).

14).Even though he didn’t see the ink,

Suddenly turned purple

And shines with praise

Very important... (Eggplant).

15).At least it grew in the garden,

Knows the notes "G" and "F". (Beans).

16).What caused the princess's insomnia. (Pea).

17).The bird ended up in the soup for its thoughts. (Turkey).

18).Favorite food of the inhabitants of the island of Chunga-changa.(Cacoons, bananas).

19).What is served at the end of lunch. (Dessert).

20). Leafy vegetable or cold dish. (Salad).

21).Type of dry biscuits. (Cracker).

22).The fooled kitchen worker. (Cook).

23).Candied fruit slice. (Candied fruit).

24).Particle of liquid. (A drop).

25).Which product sometimes fails on the first try. (Pancakes).

26).Which vegetable used to be called “red salt”. (Pepper).

27).Diplomat and method of preparing herring. (Ambassador).

28).What you can’t keep in your mouth. (Boiling water).

29).He will be born in water, but is afraid of water.(Salt).

30).Without breaking the pot. You won't even eat porridge. (Nut).

Whichever member of the audience answers the most questions receives a small prize (candy).

Now let's return to our participants. Look how well they set the tables.

The next stage is the presentation of table settings. Anything else you might want to add from dishes or decor.

The jury determines correctness and aesthetics.

The results of the competition are summed up.


Presenter - But now our event is coming to an end. All that remains is to sum up the results of the “Skilled Chef” tournament.

And while the winning team is being determined. I would like to read you a poem about the profession of a chef:

White apron and cap,

The dawn itself is blushing.

It’s a trifle for us to guess,

Who is here in front of us?

He's at the stove all day

Both in winter and in summer.

So that you and I are full,

He fries cutlets for us.

Compote is boiling on the stove

And the broth is clear.

Feed the people as soon as possible -

This is his task.

The driver is full and the soldier is full -

So everything is fine.

The astronaut is fed up in the rocket,

Children in kindergarten...

Maybe they won't believe me

Someone will smile.

There is nothing more needed on earth

Cooks work!

So, we let the jury speak.

Prepare certificates.

We summarize the results and awards.

Thanks to everyone who took part in our tournament - Skilled Chef. The most skilled cooks are the members of the group ______

Thank you all for your attention. I hope everyone enjoyed our tournament.

Lyubov Artamonova
Scenario for the leisure activity “Merry Cooks”

Program content: Clarify children’s knowledge about the profession cooks. Instill respect for food service workers.

Material: wooden spoons, suits cooks, salted dough, dummies of vegetables, imitation pasta made from dance ropes, bowl.

Preliminary work: Conversations about the profession cooks, reading books about the profession, learning poetry.

Progress of the lesson.

Children enter the hall and stand in a semicircle.

I ask them a riddle:

White apron and cap,

The dawn itself is blushing.

It’s a trifle for you to guess,

Who is in front of us? (children's answers)

That's right, that's cook. Is our the lesson is dedicated to him.

Children read poetry.

Cook Vasya is very clever

Peels carrots with a knife,

Cheese on a coarse grater rubs:

Back and forth, and back and forth.

The soup is disturbing ladle

And crushes the potatoes with a masher,

Cutting dill with a knife:

Whip – whack – whack and it’s in the bowl.

It turned out delicious so that

Personally takes samples from dishes.

Salt and pepper everything and

And it tastes bitter with mustard.

He's at the stove all day

Both in winter and in summer.

So that you and I are full,

He fries cutlets for us.

Fries, steams and bakes -

Here's the pie, here's the porridge...

And for that, kudos to him,

Our gratitude!

Guys, have you just read poems about cooks, what kind of profession is this, why is it needed? What are they doing? cooks? (children's answers).

Right, cooks They cook our lunches and bake pies. So now we will make pies.

Children approach the tables on which the salted dough lies and begin to make pies. Place them on a tray.

Well done, what beautiful pies you made. Let's ask our assistant to take them to the kitchen to bake them. (the teacher's assistant takes the tray out of the hall).

You did a great job and now we will sing a song about pies.

(Children sing a song "Pies")

Well done, sit down and let's continue talking about work cooks. What else is cooking cook? (Children's answers, I bring to the fact that chefs prepare salads)

Right, chefs and salads are preparing. And we'll play a game “Who can pick vegetables for a salad faster?”.

There are replicas of vegetables on the floor; children, two in a team, collect vegetables in a basket. The game is played two to three times.

So we made the salad. Now we need to cook the soup. It also requires vegetables, and which ones we learn from the poem by Y. Tuwim "Vegetables"

A child reads a poem.

Well, we have the salad and soup ready. All that's left is to prepare the pasta for the second course.

(Children perform a dance with spoons according to the song "I love pasta")

Now that our lunch is ready, we can invite guests.

(Children sing a song "We invite guests").

While you and I were singing and dancing, our pies were baked.

Glory, glory cooks,

After all, they cook for us,

It’s so delicious it’s simply amazing!

Everything is decorated beautifully!

A surprise moment - the teacher's assistant brings in real pies.

We are going to the group and will drink tea and pies.

Publications on the topic:

Scenario of the leisure event “The enemy of nature is garbage!” Scenario of the leisure activity “The enemy of nature is garbage!” Characters: Leading Queen of Nature Dirty Dunno 5 children (flowers).

I, Nazarov Yuri Alekseevich, physical education instructor at the Novouzensky Center “Family”. I have been working in this team since September 2014.

Didactic game for speech development “Cooks” Purpose: education of relative adjectives on the topics: “Fruits”, “Vegetables”, “Berry” Means.

Summary of a lesson on manual labor in the middle group "Cooks" Summary of a lesson on manual labor in the middle group of a kindergarten Topic: “COOKS” Objectives: 1. To introduce children to the work of a pastry chef.

Scenario of a leisure activity with the participation of parents “Space is Calling” (preparatory groups) Scenario Leisure activity with the participation of parents Preparatory groups Butterflies and Dreamers “Space is Calling” Preliminary work: Reading.

Scenario of the leisure event on April 1 “Vytvoryashki” Presenter. We will open the holiday today, wind and rain are not a hindrance to us. After all, we waited a long time, let’s face it. Funny, cheerful April Fool's Day! Among the people.

Scenario of the leisure activity “My mother is the best in the world” for the middle group Goal: popularization of the holiday - Mother's Day; unification of families of pupils; creating a cheerful mood. Objectives: promote development.

Leds solar. Wholesale led uv lamp nl102102z. Modern crystal chandelier. Wholesale bronze lamps. Wholesale t5 lamp. Bird cage handles. Glass, abs. Style: : Crystal pendant light. Ll-520.

Khufu Pyramid

Pendants lamp. Glass ball hanging. Modern chandelier balls / pendant lamp modern. Led light bulb pot. Zinc alloy. 110v-220v. Package included: Other bedrooms,study,parlor,master bedroom. Abajour. Hotel hall,hotel room,other bedrooms. Mc1883. SDF pendant light-03801. Pipe e27. Colored glass hanging lamps. DC 4.5-5v. Light pendant geometric. Wholesale bulbs lily. Light rattan ball. Par lamp. About cable:

Wholesale Kiing Diamond

3-5 sq.m.Wholesale sinuse wave. Colored light pendant. Vintage loft pendant light. Modern led pendant lamp. Iwhd1569. Master protection. ABC-127. Lantern chineseGlass pendant lamps: Applications: Wedding hall decorations.

Red Modern

With remote control. Material:abs+aluminium. Nordic lights. Led acrylic pendant light fixture. America princess-0139. Wholesale barber. Holigoo. 4-ssdd080. Ej63715Pl-6218. Luminair plafonnier. Lamparas vintage retro: Mersyside service door to door logistics. America princess-0362. Led panel light. Xxx. Ice cube. 81-100w. Development of a holiday script (at school 7-11 grades)

"Cook's Day"

Class teacher of 8th grade, State Budgetary Educational Institution “Lyceum – Boarding School No. 61”


Bimbaeva Victoria Aleksandrovna, first qualification category.

Scene "Waitress" (She's the host)

The waitress enters the hall and approaches the tables where the cooks are sitting.

(The cooks are sitting at 2 tables, there are sheets of paper with recipes for dishes on the tables, they must find an error in the recipe)

Comes to the first table

-Will you order anything else? . . . No?

-Did you like everything about our dish? What, too salty?.... Excuse me, what don't you like? (holds up microphone to answer)

- well, you really won’t please! What, call the chef? Now just a second, wait.

Moves to another table

- Yes, I’m listening, what happened to you? Too sour, what's wrong (hands over microphone),

Well, what can you do to replace the dish? No? Call the chef?!

She runs away upset. The cook comes out.

- Who wanted to see me? You? And you too? What happened......(listens)

- Sorry, it's just some kind of misunderstanding! (Dashes around) Maybe we can find it? some alternative solution, now I will fix everything!

-Serve the hall with hot, spicy, incendiary “Jive”!!!

(Duet performance: Voronin B., Dmitrieva D. - dance)

Presenter: Characters: Presenter, Cook, Peasant, Pig
And now come to the stage
A special guest will come out,
From everything I did myself
He's taking samples.
Everyone's craft
At least he owns it a little,
Only the way he can
Hardly anyone knows how.
No lotions or perfumes
It smells very tasty.
Clean hands ready
Wash from morning to night!
He knows how to distinguish
Third from second.
Who is he, just guess
This is ours...
The presenter pauses, giving the audience the opportunity to respond.
The Cook comes out from behind the scenes.
I hope among you
There are no little ones
Those who are within an hour
Don't stuff the cutlet.
They look so sad
Until the end of time!
And a good appetite -
Makes a person beautiful!
I'm doing magic at the stove
In a high cap.
To delicious dreams
Completed on time
To “enough” and “a little bit”
They didn't tell me
And without any “I don’t want”
They ate and praised!
Here, today and now
A miracle will happen -
I'll cook for you
The chef pauses to give the audience a chance to respond.
Submit inventory here
There's cooking to be done!
Here is a table for you, and here is a stove.
What else?
A stove and table appear on the stage. The presenter hands the Cook all the items one by one in the order in which he asks.
Grater and knives
Various sizes.
The host hands the Cook a hefty knife.
So. Well, that's all, it seems.
The knife is too big.
The cook puts the knife under the screen. The presenter hands him a smaller knife. The cook examines him.
We need to sharpen it!
The host sharpens the knife and gives it to the Cook.
And also, honey,
To steam and cook
I need…
The chef pauses to give the audience a chance to respond.
The host gives the Cook a pan. The cook puts it on the stove. A Peasant appears on the stage, pushing a box in front of him with lush tops sticking out of it.
Get it!
What's this?
Fresh food:
Meat, eggs, milk,
Vegetables and fruits!
I brought it from the village myself,
To give to you personally!

There was also coconut on the list.
Sorry, but out of stock.
We have a shortage of them
Eternal in the garden -
I planted it more than once before winter,
But no, they don’t sprout!
Pour boiling water over them
And keep it in the greenhouse -
Like on the seashore
They will make ears!
My recipe without coconut
He just dies!
But since there is no coconut,
So, no coconut.
The cook opens the box.
First of all, I'm a carrot
I'll chop it finely.
Peasant (boastful)
ABOUT! Carrots are my love!
Variety "Klondike"! like this
You won't find it anywhere...
The cook pulls the carrot tops and pulls out a carrot core.
What kind of joke is this?
I can cook from it
Dish? No, pipes!
Okay, since there are no carrots,
There will be no carrots!
Where is the meat for the cutlets?
A meat grinder appears on the stage. The cook looks into the box. A pig's snout sticks out towards him. There is some contented grunting and slurping.
Cook (indignantly):
What is it?
So pork! First grade!
Very fresh!
Oh, you, my darling!
It's nice how it grunts!
So much meat for me
No need for cutlets!

So cut her off
From the front or from the back!
The cook takes out the largest knife and carefully approaches the box. The pig jumps out and runs away squealing. The cook rushes after him. They knock over the meat grinder, stove, table and pan and run noisily back and forth across the stage. Finally, the Cook falls and drops the knife. The pig is hiding behind the scenes.
Cook (breathing heavily):
She ran away and hello!
TO peasant:
What to take with her - beast!
Cook (with a sigh):
Okay, since there is no pork,
There will be no pork!
The Cook and the Peasant look into the box.
There is nothing to get from here!
Cook (indignantly):
Yes, it’s your “meat”
Ate everything clean
All my supplies!
A Pig comes out from behind and grunts loudly.
Since she doesn't want to know,
What food product
Take her to
TO the peasant takes the Pig and leaves. The cook puts order on the stage - puts the stove and table in their original place.
Cook (confused):
They screwed me over
And even on stage!
How do I cook now?
Will the audience appreciate it?
Don't be sad, I have
There is one salvation
After all, today is your holiday!

Look, there are so many of you here!

Whatever it is, they will build it

They will come to help!

The phonogram for “The Dance of the Cooks” is turned on.

Cook (joyfully):

Yes! Young people are growing up

It's a good change for us

And our experience and our work are not in vain!

We fry, steam, and craft for you with love!

Growing up so that you, the school is glorified

and we, the cooks, were remembered more often.

If in our skill

Someone doubts

then we can prove it without difficulty

That we can handle everything.

Presenter :

So, our dear professionals, culinary specialists!! The Hell's Kitchen competition is announced

(Music intro, Hell's Kitchen)

For the public's amusement and mental development, I offer you
Culinary quiz, and not simple, but complex . (The cooks sit at 2 tables, divided by teams). Two teams participate in our competition. Captain of the first team………………………………………………………, captain of the second team………………………………………………………

Cook: The rules are simple:

There are 14 questions in total in the quiz:
we read a question to each team in turn, and you answer as you know, and who will give the correct answer,
he will earn 1 POINT. When all questions are answered
answers, the competition is considered over. You are ready? “Hell's Kitchen”, chef battles begin!

Topic: So dear to us, Russian Cuisine!! Question for the first team

1. Due to numerous posts, Russian cuisine is divided into 2 tables. What are their names.

lean and frugal.

2. Guess the missing word in the proverb: “What?____ is not a wedge, it won’t split your belly.”


3. What Russian dish can be prepared following this process? Prepare a vegetable mixture from neutral vegetables (carrots, cucumbers, potatoes) cut into small cubes; Mix it with meat or fish (sausage, if necessary); Mix with spicy dressing; Let stand for at least half an hour; Mix with spicy herbs (dill, parsley, green onions); Pour kvass (kefir); Add sour cream and chopped egg white.


4. Guess the name of the dish missing in the proverb:

What? “I saw a Tatar in a dream _____, but there was no spoon; went to bed with a spoon - didn’t see _____”


5. Varieties of which dish, Russian cuisine, are listed? Full (rich), Prefabricated Green, Gray (seedlings), Fish Daily, Royal, Empty (no meat). From sauerkraut

6. What is this? "... - a popular salad in Russia and the countries of the former USSR made from herring, mayonnaise and vegetables..."

Herring under a Fur Coat

7. Find out the dish by the description: “A similar dish served as food for sailors and travelers already in the Middle Ages, since the products necessary for preparing the dish are very nutritious and easy to transport. The dish became known in Russia at the beginning of the 18th century, arriving with Italian masters "Meat at sea was stored in the form of corned beef in barrels. The meat was minced and fried with tomato paste, the resulting mixture was mixed with pasta..."

Navy pasta

8. What holiday dish can be prepared based on the recipe? "Ingredients: 1 can of canned fish in oil, 100 g of hard cheese, 5 eggs, 100 g of butter, 1 onion, 250 g of mayonnaise (1 can). The products are laid out in layers in a salad bowl. Cool the salad in the refrigerator for at least an hour."

Mimosa salad

9. What is this? "... - a spicy seasoning (sauce) common in Siberia for the main dish of tomatoes, horseradish, garlic and salt minced through a meat grinder..."


10. What is the Russian dish SYAT?


11. What is "Gruzdyanka"?

milk mushroom soup

12. What famous “Soviet” cake are we talking about? "...the recipe ___, which was loved in the USSR, was invented by the head of the confectionery department of a Moscow restaurant, Vladimir Mikhailovich Guralnik, who is the author of more than 30 original cakes and pastries, including the Bird's Milk cake. At the very beginning of his culinary career, Before the revolution, Guralnik, as an apprentice in a restaurant, studied confectionery art from master pastry chefs from Czechoslovakia, who regularly came to Moscow to exchange experiences.In principle, ____ is a variation on the theme of the Viennese Sachertorte, the recipe of which, however, contains no cream at all absent…"


13. What is this? "...- a culinary product made from dough in the shape of horns, which is where it got its name... an analogue of the French croissant..."


14. What is this? "... - a traditional liquid cold dish, which is bread or crackers, crusts crumbled in water with salt and flavored with a small amount of vegetable oil; bread okroshka made with kvass, sometimes with onions crumbled into kvass. Milk (baby milk) can also serve as a base dish)…"


Leading: Thank you very much to our chefs: for their great skill, creativity, care, and the lyceum students are in a hurry to continue our festive program with their “Culinary Show” " (Skit)

Leading: The art of cooking is one of the most ancient. A real cook is a talent that not every person is endowed with. In fact, a chef must have a special culinary taste and dexterity in his hands, because throughout the day he constantly cleans, cuts, and mixes something.

(Children of the 7th grade in a chef's uniform read poetry)

1. A good cook is like an artist
With a palette of fruits, cream, roses
Creates a luxury of cakes,
A connoisseur of recipes, tastes, doses.

2. He is a musician - a good cook!
Create from a range of flavors
Concert - that's it, my word,
Only a great cook is capable.

3. Crispy crust sculptor,
Juggler, artist, sorcerer, sniffer,
Master of Science,
Great magician, trickster...

4. In poetry, the magician of words
The shortest one knows the way to the Muse.
And as a poet, a good cook
He will reveal to us what the salt and the essence are.

5. How Couturier dictates fashion,
So the cook, having blown up the fog,
The weather makes the difference in tastes,
Ace of the kitchen, a true gourmet.

6. And for the hungry people
In hot white clouds
Gluttony to please
Creates abundance and scope.

Leading: Creates abundance….. and scope…..! What wonderful words. Our dear, beloved, irreplaceable chefs! On this day, October 20, we are pleased to congratulate you all on “Chef's Day”. And wish you a festive mood! Let's continue our congratulations with words from the parable. (11th grade student)

Popular wisdom says that any profession requires skill. And the profession of a cook is a special profession. If you love cooking and strive for mastery, then the result will be honor and honor to you.

“Once upon a time, philosophers gathered and argued about which profession was more important. One said:

The teacher is most needed. Without education, progress will stop.

Without builders, a person will have nowhere to hide, and humanity will lose beautiful buildings,” said the second philosopher.

Musicians, artists and poets make our lives special. Art distinguishes man from animals, exclaimed the third philosopher.

Here the student and at the same time the servant of the owner of the house intervened in the conversation.

Dear scientists, you forgot about the profession of a cook


You are not supposed to interfere in our conversation. Cooking is not an art. Go, prepare dinner,” the owner got angry.

The student silently left the room. On this day, the philosophers did not wait for lunch; the student disappeared. The owner had to prepare dinner himself.

Unfortunately, after eating the philosophers felt ill and went home.

The owner found another servant. Time passed, and the philosopher, the owner of the house, noticed that his friends stopped visiting him, and he himself was unable to think after eating.

The philosopher thought, and then fired the new cook and sent a note to the former student with one phrase: “Cooking is not a craft, but an art.”

Soon, pundits began to gather again in the philosopher’s house. The discussion was interrupted only by a delicious lunch prepared by the student.


not a craft, but an art,

the owner said after dinner.”

Hippocrates also said that our food should be a remedy, and our remedy should be our food. An old Russian proverb says: “A good cook is worth a doctor.” Indeed, a cook, like a doctor, cannot be indifferent.

After all, his health, mood, and labor productivity depend on how to feed a person. This is also a profession that requires constant search and creative imagination, because you need to pleasantly surprise a visitor every time he enters a canteen, cafe or restaurant.

Thank you so much for everything!

Leading: The floor is given to the chairman of the parent committee ………………………….

Flash mob 8th, 9th grade. – presentation of flowers

Leading: This concludes our festive concert dedicated to Chef's Day, thank you very much for all our dear and beloved chefs!!!

Cook – show “Autumn Fantasies”

(Scenario for a holiday dedicated to International Chef’s Day)

After all, if God exists somewhere,

I see him at the great slab, -

steamed, with a ladle in hand.

With a mysterious, kind smile

And - of course - in a white cap. R. Rozhdestvensky

Purpose of the event:

    Expanding, consolidating and deepening knowledge about the profession of “Cook” through a competitive game program.


    Expand and consolidate knowledge about the profession of “cook” and famous representatives of this profession.

    To develop cognitive activity, creative imagination and abilities of students, to create a situation of success.

    Cultivate a respectful attitude towards people of this profession; a sense of pride in the chosen profession;


    Multimedia projector;


    Musical soundtracks;


    Newspapers made by students;

    Competitive dishes.

Competition program:

    Table setting, decoration on the theme “Autumn Fantasies” - 270, 272, 266

(groups “cook, waiter, bartender”);

    Presentation of dishes – 259, 260, 267, 268, 269 (groups “cook, pastry chef”),

demonstration performance by bartenders (group 252);

262 (group “merchant in trade”).


Opening speech by the Deputy Director for Water Resources Management on the holiday dedicated to International Chef's Day.

Song “Autumn” (performed by students of 272 groups)



I . The cook is creating at the stove,

It's like he soars on wings.

Everything is seething around him,

The kitchen is his forge.

II . Each of his creations -

Just a fairy tale, delicious,

Thoughts, creativity flight.

Anyone who has tried it will understand.


    The history of the profession – “Cook”.

I . Statisticians have calculated that there are over 40 thousand professions in the world, of which about a thousand are the most common. And one of the thousands of common, most ancient professions is a cook.

II . Excavations of ancient settlements indicate that a special place in the life of ancestors was given to the hearth, the place of food preparation. The gods were also presented with food as tribute.

I . The profession of a cook is a creative one, because having studied all the techniques of culinary processing, he can prepare many varied and nutritious dishes from the simplest products. For example: more than 60 dishes made from potatoes alone.


II . Cooking is the science of nutrition, the art of cooking, the science of balanced, rational nutrition in the hands of the cook, figuratively speaking, gives humanity adequate nutrition, and therefore health and performance. Hence the importance and necessity of cooking, a business aimed at preserving and improving the life of humanity.

I . The profession of a cook also plays a significant role in the social life of society - in family relationships: statistically they say that the percentage of divorces in a family where a woman knows how to cook deliciously = 2, and when she does not have such abilities = 20.

II . So, not only the health and standard of living of the population, but also family happiness are in the hands of culinary specialists.

Welcome to our friendly, helpful family of chefs, culinary specialists, and pastry chefs!


(Boris Creamer “To the Cooks”. Read by student 254 grams.)

Kashchei will get better,

Become a gourmet

From rich cabbage soup

Under the dill fog.

There, in the cauldrons, there is commotion

Mixed with couples

I sing to the cooks

I'm friends with chefs.

The roosters are dreaming,

A smile wanders in the beak,

And for your fish soup

The fish has already been cut up.

Even a doctor of sciences

Sleeps when you're awake

No, not buckwheat and onions, -

You are in short supply of sleep!

I'm incorruptible, no

The sound is empty, indeed.

The sound of shiny coins

And ranks and portfolios,

But I'll give up right now

I will fall before you

You will fry at least once

I'll have potatoes with mushrooms!

To the hot stove

Leaned over tiredly

Those scarlet cheeks

Like two scarlet sails.

I'll say "ce la vie"

If I'm not with you,

There is no tastier love

Than love with chefs!


musical number

    Profession "P product "


I . As soon as the cave people tamed fire and began to fry meat over a fire, they quickly found out which of their fellow tribesmen made a tastier and juicier mammoth, and began to trust this important mission only to him. Thus the first chef was born. In the further course of history, the profession of a cook was embodied in the provision of personal cooking services for rich and noble people, and only with the development of the restaurant business did this profession become widespread.…


II . Most likely, the word “cook” comes from the East Slavic “var”, meaning boiling water and heat.

Chefs date back to Ancient Greece and Rome.

Livy wrote:

In ancient Rome, food was prepared by the mistress of the house or a slave. Subsequently, they began to hire a cook at the market (macellum) on special occasions. With increasing luxury came permanent chefs.

I . In Russia in the 17th-19th centuries. Many foreign chefs worked in private homes and restaurants.

In Ancient Rome, in medieval Europe, especially in France, cooks were considered artists.

( Alexander the Terrible “I invited the cook for his name day” student reads, 259 gr.)

I called the cook for his name day,

He took the knife out of the tight sheath,

The accordion player's bellows burst,

From this chilling picture.

On the cook's fist "Cupid"

With a huge ax and the inscription “Faith”.

He skinned a herring as an example,

And I imagined that it was “Zhmur”.

He asked not to enter the kitchen,

I looked through the crack, but it was all in vain.

It must be great to be a chef

More beautiful, probably, than love!

    Facts from history:

II . A cook is an honorable profession. For example, in French chronicles the name of the cook followed immediately after the king.


Napoleon Bonaparte grew up in a poor family that made a living by selling gutted, plucked chickens. The future emperor hated chicken meat. Therefore, when he came to power, he called the cook to his place and ordered that chicken not be served on the table. The cook was offended - no one ever told him what to cook - and the very next day he served Napoleon chicken. The enraged emperor called the cook again, and he asked him to try the dish. I don’t know by what miracle, but the emperor still ate a piece and paid tribute to the skill of his courtier.


Alexandr Duma completed his career as a writer, creating the Great Culinary Dictionary at the end of his life.


ComposerGioachino Rossini (a portrait is projected onto the screen through the projector) was an excellent cook, had a large staff of cooks and a first-class kitchen. Sometimes he himself prepared pasta and salad with truffles.


Another interesting character in Soviet history isWilliam Vasilievich Pokhlebkin . This world-famous scientist was a famous international historian, the author of monographs on modern history, and historical reference books. But now we know him better from books on culinary art. Pokhlebkin wrote more than 50 books on this topic. Their circulation is currently close to 100 million copies worldwide.

His books on cooking, “Secrets of Good Cuisine” and “National Cuisines of Our Peoples,” contain not strict recipes, but methods for preparing various dishes, including those that have long been forgotten. To some extent, these books are also historical, as they contain information about the history of various dishes and cooking in general. Among professionals, he is known as the first theoretical chef in history, who gave world cuisine a universal classification based on technology.

A book about tea - “Tea: Its types, properties, use” - is revered by many lovers of this drink.

Russian chefs have only now begun to enter the international “market” of culinary art. And although we cannot boast of success yet, many talented young chefs have appeared in Russia, promising ones, who are raising the profession of a cook to the pre-revolutionary level: it is again respected and paid.


Victor Belyaev . A classic of Russian cooking.

SLIDE 14, 15.

Viktor Belyaev has made a real gastronomic career from a simple cook to the general director of the Kremlevsky food processing plant and the president of the Interregional Association of Culinary Artists of Russia. Impressive, don't you agree? But he achieved this in 30 years. Belyaev believes that a chef should be able to do everything - peel potatoes and prepare banquet dishes.


PARABLE. Why did the student return?

Philosophers once gathered and argued about which profession was more important. One said:

The teacher is the most needed. Without education, progress will stop.

Without builders, a person will have nowhere to hide, and humanity will lose beautiful buildings,” said the second philosopher.

Musicians, artists and poets make our lives special. Art distinguishes man from animals, exclaimed the third philosopher.

Here the student and at the same time the servant of the owner of the house intervened in the conversation.

Dear scientists, you have forgotten about the profession of a cook.

You are not supposed to interfere in our conversation. Cooking is not an art. “Go cook dinner,” the owner got angry.


The student silently left the room. On this day, the philosophers did not wait for lunch; the student disappeared. The owner had to prepare dinner himself. Unfortunately, after eating the philosophers felt ill and went home.

The owner found another servant. Time passed, and the philosopher, the owner of the house, noticed that his friends stopped visiting him, and he himself was unable to think after eating. The philosopher thought, and then fired the new cook and sent a note to the former student with one phrase: “Cooking is not a craft, but an art.”

Soon, pundits began to gather again in the philosopher’s house. The discussion was interrupted only by a delicious lunch prepared by the student.

“Cooking is not a craft, but an art,” the owner said after dinner.


    The social significance of the profession in society.

II . The profession of a cook is unique in its own way. Although, some people do not perceive it that way, believing that there is nothing complicated in the art of cooking: you just need to combine the ingredients, and the oven itself will bring the dish to perfection. And who doesn’t know how to cook these days? Anyone could work as a cook! However, it is not.

I . In this matter, the main thing is talent, sense of taste, imagination. On the one hand, this profession requires scrupulous precision, on the other, the presence of a creative streak to come up with an original recipe or an exquisite decoration for a dish. The sense of smell and subtle sense of taste will help a chef reach heights in his career. Also, a good cook must be attentive, neat, organized, and must have a good memory.


II . The advantages of this profession include the fact that the work of a cook is in great demand and there is always the possibility of a stable income. In addition, career growth is possible, which includes development from an assistant cook to a chef in a prestigious establishment.

I . The disadvantages include the fact that the work of a cook, in essence, is quite difficult. Sometimes you have to work in the evening and at night in a state of constant composure and attentiveness. In addition, in order to work in a hot kitchen, you need to be in good health.


(Oleg Grigoriev. “Cook”. Read by a student 270 grams.)

The cook was preparing dinner

And then the lights were turned off.

The cook takes the bream

And puts it in compote.

He throws logs into the cauldron,

He puts jam in the oven,

Stirs the soup with a stalk,

Ugli hits with a ladle.

Sugar pours into broth

And he is very pleased.

That was the vinaigrette,

When they fixed the light!

Musical number

    About the profession.

II . A cook is not just a person who conjures magic in the kitchen and from whose hands delicious and beautiful dishes come out. He must know a lot: the structure and specifics of the work of public catering establishments, sanitary standards, safety regulations, carry out primary processing of raw materials, distinguish fresh fish from defrosted, choose the right meat, vegetables, prepare all this for use...

I . In addition, the cook needs knowledge about the composition of food and its calorie content, food storage, nutritional physiology, menu design rules, food preparation technology and equipment operation. And the food must be presented beautifully, creating a unique, inimitable still life from each dish.


The wisdom is countless.

Sometimes knowledge of restaurant economics is required:

proper paperwork,

calculations and pricing,

even the ability to operate cash registers.

I . But in ancient times, people began to study as a cook’s assistant at the age of five. The cooks watched everything that happened in the kitchen and had to instantly carry out the cook’s orders. At the same time, the children gradually learned the terminology and after a while they felt absolutely free in the kitchen.

II . After 10 years, cooks with “apprenticeship experience” were given more complex tasks at two or three years: plucking poultry, sifting flour, sorting cereals, sorting fruits and mushrooms, washing root vegetables.

Such a long training helped to preserve the secrets of professionals (only a few were initiated) and gave masterly mastery of this knowledge, the ability to prepare a delicious dish from any products.

I . By the way, cooks are usually men, but confectioners are women. This is probably due to the heavy lifting that cooks have to do. But there may be exceptions everywhere.


Who should choose this profession?

Of course, for those who love to cook, fantasize, and please others.


II . What requirements must a future chef meet?


subtle taste sensations;

well-developed sense of smell;

good memory.






And for a top-class master, smoking is taboo, because tobacco smoke distorts taste perception.

    What synonyms for the word “cook” do you know?

After students answer, it is shown and read out. SLIDE 24

Culinary - a person skilled in cooking, a cook.

Cook, cook - in everyday life, a woman preparing food.

Cook - one who works in the kitchen, prepares food, cook (an outdated word).

Cook - a cook in a military unit or in a workers' artel (special).

Cook - marine, ship, ship, sailor's cook. It's called an officercook .

Kukhmister (from German.Kü chenmeister) – a qualified cook or owner of a small restaurant, canteen (obsolete).

Musical number

    SLIDE 25

The hostess came from the market one day,

The hostess brought home from the market:

Potatoes, cabbage, carrots, peas,

Parsley and beets. Oh!..

Here the vegetables started an argument on the table -

Who is better, tastier and more necessary on earth: Potato? Cabbage? Carrot? Peas?

Parsley or beets? Oh!..

Meanwhile, the hostess took the knife

And with this knife she began to chop:

Potatoes. Cabbage. Carrot. Peas. Parsley and beets. Oh! Covered with a lid, in a stuffy pot Boiled, boiled in boiling water: Potatoes. Cabbage. Carrot. Peas.

Parsley and beets. Oh!..

And the vegetable soup turned out to be not bad!

(S.V. Mikhalkov “Vegetables”).

Leading I . - We continue to talk with you about these healthy vegetables.

Adolescence and adolescence are a very crucial period of life. This is the time when complex restructuring of the body, metabolism, activity of the endocrine system, and brain occurs.

Leading II . Studying significantly increases the physical and emotional stress on the body, which has to expend a lot of energy, and the only source of human energy is food. Therefore, his health largely depends on how a person eats and whether he follows a diet.

Leading I . Proper nutrition is an absolutely necessary factor for ensuring normal hematopoiesis, vision, sexual development, maintaining the normal condition of the skin, and the protective function of the body.

Tasks (tokens are given for the correct answer)


    Guess - What is it?

    • Mango.(Fruit.)

      Carp. (Fish).

      Raisin.(Berry ).

      Watermelon. (Berry ).

      Red salmon. (Fish .)

      Hazel. (Nut. )

      Pistachios.(Nut .)

      Cappuccino. (Drink.)

      Morel. (Mushroom.)

      Kumis. (Drink.)

      Carnation. (Spice .)

      Ivasi. (Fish. )

      Grouse. (Bird. )

      Kvass. (Drink.)

      Squash.(Vegetable .)

      Avocado.(Fruit .)

    SLIDE 27

    Do you know?

    What is nutrition? ( This process of assimilation by the body of nutrients necessary to maintain life, health and performance).

    What foods are considered healthy? ? ( Products that contain substances without which a person cannot live and develop. They are necessary for a person every day).

    What goes into the human body with food? (Water, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and mineral salts).

    What are proteins? (The basis of life. They ensure the growth of the body, the formation of all organs and systems. They are necessary at any age, but especially in childhood and adolescence, when the body develops).

    What are fats? (These are the energy reserves of our body. They are found in all tissues or accumulate in some organs of the body (kidneys, heart, etc.).

    What are carbohydrates? (The main source of energy for the body. The need for them is 4-5 times greater than for proteins and fats).

    What rules must be followed while eating?

- Wash your hands with soap before eating.

-Do not talk while eating or read. “When I eat, I am deaf and dumb.”

-Eat in small pieces, slowly.

-Wash fruits and vegetables before eating.

-Eat in moderation.

    What is a diet? ( Frequency of meals, intervals between meals; distribution of daily caloric intake between individual meals. The most rational is four meals a day.).

    What dishes do you know?

- Cold appetizers (various salads and vinaigrette)

- First courses (borscht, rassolnik, broth, vegetable and fish soups.)

- Second courses (meat or fish dish with vegetable side dish).

- Porridge.

- Third (compote, fruits, juices).

    What are vitamins? Where are the most vitamins found? (Biologically active organic compounds that are of great importance for normal metabolism and vital functions of the body. In fruits and vegetables).

    What vegetable juices do you know?

Carrot, beetroot, tomato, pumpkin, cabbage.

    What are the benefits of fish and seafood? (This is the most important source of nutrients of high biological value. Fish proteins are better digested and absorbed by the body. Fish contains phosphorus and calcium, which are necessary for the growth and strength of teeth and bones. “Eat fish - you will have nimble legs.” It contains a lot of vitamins A and D, trace elements, iodine).

    What dairy products do you know and how are they useful? ( Milk, kefir, fermented baked milk, acidophilus, yogurt, sour cream, cottage cheese, curd cheese, glazed cheese, cheese. Milk contains protein and fat. Milk sugar, water, calcium, phosphorus, iron, vitamins A, groups B, PP, C).


    What food groups should be included in the diet of a growing organism?

Meat and meat products;

Fish and fish products;

Milk and dairy products;


Edible fats;

Fruits and vegetables;

Bread and bakery products, pasta. Cereals, legumes;

Sugar and confectionery.


    "Filling with raisins."

    What is the fish soup called? (Uha.)

    What is a dried pitted apricot called? (Dried apricots. )

    What is a dried apricot with a pit called? (Dried apricots).

    Which note will be superfluous in the compote? (Salt).

    What is the "home" for all products?( Fridge ).

    Name the Chinese's favorite cereal. (Rice .)

    How to check if an egg is hard-boiled? (You need to spin it. If it rotates quickly, it means it's cooked.)

    What kind of porridge is called Hercules porridge? (From oatmeal.)

    What is the name of a chilled mixture of various drinks (Cocktail ).

    What is dried plum (prune) called?


    What's healthy to eat for breakfast? (Porridge).

What porridges do you know? (semolina, oatmeal, wheat, buckwheat, corn, rolled oats, rice).

How to make porridge tastier? - add butter (“You can’t spoil porridge with butter”), berries, fruits, raisins, jam, nuts


    Guess and make the correct chain - from what plants and grains the porridge was made

Millet - _____________________ - _______________________;

(millet - millet)

Semolina - ______________________ - _______________________;

(wheat - semolina)

Wheat_______________________ - _______________________;

(wheat - wheat)

Oatmeal -________________________ - ________________________;

(oats - oat flakes)

Buckwheat - _____________________ - ________________________.

(buckwheat - buckwheat)

    - Guess the riddles:

I'll go to the warm earth,

I will rise towards the sun,

Then there are people like me in it,

There will be a whole family!(Corn )

I tried all summer -

Dressed, dressed...

And when autumn came,

She gave us some clothes.

A hundred clothes

We put it in a barrel (cabbage)

The girl wrapped herself in leaves over the garden bed,

Only a curly strand came out.

She is dressed in golden chain mail -

The rings are pressed tightly against each other


Wide leaves grew in the garden bed

What do they call them, guys?

Summer salads with them are delicious,

Try this treat quickly.


Red on the outside

White inside

There is a crest on the head -

Green forest(radish)

Fall apart in disarray

On your featherbed - garden bed

One hundred green bear cubs

They lie with nipples in their mouths,

Continuously sucking juice

And grow, grow, grow


A bush with a pleasant smell,

Fragrant, spicy, aromatic.

It has the shape of an umbrella,

When the seeds in it ripen.


Bright lanterns hang on the bushes,

It's like there's a holiday parade going on here.

Green, red, yellow fruits,

Who are they, do you recognize them?

(bell pepper)


    Continue the proverbs:

    Take care of your dress again, and your health... (from a young age).

    Cleanliness is half...(health).

    If you are sick, get treatment, but if you are healthy... (beware).

    Move more - you will live...(longer).

    After lunch, lie down, after dinner... (walk).

    If you ruin your health, you can’t buy a new one...(you can’t buy it).

    In a healthy body healthy mind).

    Onion seven ailments...(heals).

    Each has its own illness...(severe).

    He who is sick does not know his health... (does not happen).

Musical number

Band performances

    Table setting, decoration on the theme “Autumn Fantasies” - 270, 272, 266 (groups “cook, waiter, bartender”

    Presentation of dishes (name, ingredients) – 259, 260, 267, 268, 269 (groups “cook, pastry chef”), demonstration performance by bartenders (group 252)

    Advertising of vegetables, display of goods on the topic “Autumn Fantasies” - 254, 255, 262 (groups “merchant in trade”).

    In the meantime, take a look at the screen.


I say there are twelve chefs drawn on this page. And they tell me that there is only one cook here, and the rest are not cooks. But if the others are not cooks, then who are they? (Twelve cooks. A story for children by Daniil Kharms with a picture)

SLIDE 34 – SLIDE 52 Profession "Cook" in art

Ode to chefs. R. Rozhdestvensky. (Student reads 270 gr.)

The earth is also generous

That there are chefs in the world!…

Blessed are their simple destinies,

And your hands seem to have pure thoughts.

Their profession is essentially good:

An angry person will not stand at the stove.

I know what is older than any bible

Cool lumps of cookbooks...

Inviting smell - tart and abundant -

On the street, like music, arose...

Puffing in the oven

dishes are touchable.

And naval borscht

worries in the dark.

And the pancake blossoms

in a frying pan.

And it bubbles deliciously


Green pepper

starts with meat

communication in silver smoke.

Science meets shamanism

And triumphs

against all odds!

It's happening!

Now the marches would break out...

And the cook is a snow-white mountain -

Among the big pots

stands like a marshal

and says decisively:

"It's time!..."

He told you everything.

He doesn't expect a reward

In the look -

questioning chill...

And a strange reflection

theater ramp

Suddenly it fills the kitchen to the basics.

Let them talk about eternity


Let the tragedian sing

dust of eras.

And I -

About prose.

About food.

About food.

After all, if God exists somewhere,

I see him

at the great slab, -


with a ladle in hand.

With a mysterious

kind smile.

And - certainly -

IN white cap.


If you want to be healthy, you need to exercise and eat right. Eat healthy food rich in vitamins.


Awarding of teams, active participants of the show.


List of sources used.

    The cook and the art of cooking. sb - deluxe . kz / catalog / cookery

    Poems about the profession of “cook”:

Boris Creamer "To the Cooks"

Alexander the Terrible “I invited the cook for his name day”

Oleg Grigoriev. "Cook"

Ode to chefs. R. Rozhdestvensky

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  • Game program “Talk about proper nutrition.”

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