Project Venus VKontakte. "The Venus Project" - a new look at the structure of humanity from Jacques Fresco

In October 2008, after the network premiere of the sequel to Peter Joseph's conspiracy film Zeitgeist. Addition” (Zeitgeist. Addendum), the Internet public suddenly stopped perceiving Jacques Fresco as an eccentric professor. His technocratic project for the future “Venus” now seems to many to be almost the only alternative to the existing order of things. After the first Zeitgeist predicted an economic crisis two years in advance, Fresco's ideas began to be listened to.

Jacque Fresco (Venus Project)

Jacque Fresco was born on March 13, 1916 in Brooklyn, USA. All his life, Jacques tried to prove to the world that it was impossible to live like this, that an economy built on loans and mortgages could not exist for long.

He dreamed of building an economic system based on resources (“resource-oriented”), but no one wanted to listen. And then Fresco thought about his own state, let’s say in the middle of the sea, let’s say with effective technological solutions. And as a result, what is now known as the “Venus Project” was formed.

Jacques Fresco is an engineer, designer, and also a futurist, not only by profession, but also by vocation. In addition, he is also a social engineer. All these skills and qualities allowed one person to come up with such a grandiose project.

The following goals are declared on the official website:

Global recognition of the Earth's natural resources as the property of all humanity.
- Abolition of artificial borders dividing people.
- Transition from monetary-oriented national economies of individual countries to a global resource-oriented economy.
- Stabilization of the world population through increased education and voluntary birth control.
- Environmental restoration.
- Reconstruction of cities, transport systems, agricultural and industrial enterprises into energy-saving, environmentally friendly systems that can meet the needs of all people.
- Gradual complete abandonment of such forms of governance as corporations and governments (local, national or transnational).
- Interchange of technologies and their use for the benefit of all peoples.
- Development and use of clean renewable energy sources.
- Making only the highest quality products for everyone in the world
- Conducting preliminary studies of any large construction projects regarding possible environmental impacts.
- Encouraging creativity and creativity in a person in all its manifestations.
-Getting rid of the remnants of the past (nationalism, fanaticism) and prejudices by increasing the level of education of the world's population.
-Elimination of any types of elitism, including technical ones.
-Develop methodologies through scientific research rather than random opinions.
-Creation of a new language of communication based on bringing it closer to the outside world.
-Providing people not only with everything necessary for life, but also nurturing individuality through tasks that stimulate the human mind.
-Intellectual and emotional preparation of people for upcoming changes.

The Venus Project

The Venus Project is a technocratic project developed by Jacques Fresco, the goal of which is to create a social order based on a “resource-based economy” based on the widespread use of technical and technological solutions. It is planned to increase energy production and develop new areas of human habitation, reducing the need for human work in the production sector. It is assumed that reliance on existing natural resources, technological innovations and techniques will ensure sustainable development for human society.

Fresco argues that the world is rich in natural and energy resources and that "with new modern technology and reasonable efficiency", the needs of the entire planet's population can be met in abundance. The author of the project believes that the money system on which modern society is built is vicious and inevitably leads to self-destruction. In his opinion, it is this system that specifically assumes monopoly restrictions and declares limited resources. If some resource is in abundance (for example, air), it cannot be sold. The focus on mandatory sales of what is produced does not stimulate the search for solutions aimed at truly eliminating resource scarcity, for example, at obtaining huge amounts of energy. After all, it will then be impossible to sell it.

Supporters of the project believe that what is needed is efficiency in the use of natural resources, not efficiency in the use of money:

At the beginning of World War II, the United States had more than 600 first-class combat aircraft. But we quickly increased their number, producing 90,000 aircraft per year. At the beginning of the war, the question was: “Do we have enough money to produce the required instruments of war?” The answer was: “No, we don’t have enough money or gold; but we have more than enough resources.” It was the available resources that allowed the United States to achieve the high productivity and efficiency it needed to avoid losing the war. Unfortunately, this was only thought about during times of war.

In justifying the Venus Project, Fresco tries to prove that the production of money has nothing to do with the Law of Value. He believes that the monetary policy of modern states is based on an absurd formula: X = X + Y (where X is the money currently available in the state, and Y is the interest that must be paid on loans). Y is money that is not currently available, but must be printed, otherwise it will be impossible to pay off interest on loans. Fresco concludes that the monetary system is a self-destructive system because it is a pyramid scheme. He believes that inflationary processes are inherent in the very idea of ​​the monetary system. Fresco proves that money is printed by Central Banks out of thin air and that no “Law of Value” actually exists. At the same time, Fresco does not consider options for business development without attracting loans.

The next step is to give up money. According to Fresco, this will save people from greed, wealth, discrimination, and crime. In a resource-based economy, everyone gets what they need for free. The need to work will disappear thanks to automation, which cannot exist in a monetary system, since it is not profitable. It is debatable whether people will stop working. Jacques Fresco argues in the film Zeitgeist: Appendix that this will not stop, as people will become free and begin to pursue their own interests in work.

Fresco argues that for this concept to function properly, all of the Earth's resources must be declared the heritage of all the people of the Earth. The practice of allocating resources through monetary methods is inappropriate and ineffective for our survival.

Jacques Fresco is a man who has been working for many years on the idea of ​​organizing the social structures of the future, based not on traditional models of economics and consumption, but on the possibilities of modern science. The goal of the project is the sustainable development of civilization without conflicts.

Jacques was born in 1916 and managed to catch the Great Depression, then received a good education and became known as an industrial designer and architect. In recent years, he has been busy talking about his somewhat fantastical dream project. Just a couple of days ago, Digital October gave his lecture (live teleconference) about this project.

Jacques in his creative laboratory

Here are the main points:

  • The political system that worked well 50 years ago is now outdated.
  • We owe most of our modern systems to the Romans. But they had a different society.
  • We have already produced a huge knowledge base. We need to develop it, and not count money.
  • Here are calculations of what cities should be like, systems of relationships, etc.
  • Integration will be slow and smooth, but it needs to be done.
  • The first thing you need to start with is changing the education system.
  • The second is a transition to some form of government similar to communism.
  • Third, consistent automation of all routine processes, including government work.


Jacques began with a brief tour of his project. Among other things, he noted that one of the things that needs to change in the future is language. The fact is that it is also outdated: depending on the context and cultural baggage, it allows you to perceive the same data in different ways (note: Orwell, with his Newspeak, at one time provided a fairly large basis for why such a language is needed). The new system will have a new language, and without a high level of interpretation. For comparison, the language of mathematics and technology is a language that does not depend on cultural baggage, this language is the same. Engineers understand each other well. Technical documents will be read the same anywhere on the planet. Communication in everyday language is very much tied to context.

About politics

The political system worked well 50 years ago, but now science has made it completely obsolete - and it is about to change our social life. The Venus Project is a new social system.
I don't believe in the beauty of a money economy. I believe that most social evils are a consequence of the money economy.
The resource economy will be characterized by higher efficiency. Over time, changing economies will lead to changes in human behavior.

About the population

Our planet can only support a certain number of people. If we continue to develop as we are now, disputes, conflicts, and so on will continue. A small number of countries control most of the natural resources - this leads to wars. The simplest way from the point of view of humanity is to agree that natural resources belong to all countries around the world.

But we cannot do this yet. As long as we have police, military and other similar forces, as long as people live for themselves, there will be no civilized society. If such a community is formed, it will show good rates of improvement in well-being, so all the “breakaways” will sooner or later change their minds. Jacques does not consider himself a utopian. Even what he is currently designing will seem like a straitjacket to our children. The task is to move towards the better step by step, creating the ideal that seems optimal at the moment and changing plans as the scientific, technical and social base grows.

Here's an example: in the future there should be no cars - only well-designed public transport. Such a system, for example, should work without traffic lights at all. Over time, all transport systems will be automated. The same applies to other city systems. The more design time we have, the more we can automate.

Sooner or later we will automate the government.

About cities

This is the city of the future according to today's projects. All decisions about its design are made on the basis of scientific analysis. Designed by Jacque Fresco,

The structure of the city: the outskirts are residential areas, then there are scientific centers, then the tents of cultural objects, the center - schools, shops, the core of transport systems, the intercity transport terminal, etc., the very center is a general information terminal, a kind of “oracle” that performs prognostic function. The city envisions maximum use of geothermal sources, high-rise construction and other technologies (approx. similar to the city-habitats from “Reality Dysfunction”). Designed by Jacque Fresco,

Today's system is built on limited resources, but it is possible to begin to act - for example, to design cities - based on existing and accessible resources, using some semblance of technocratic solutions. Jacques shows his city project: “The whole city can be a park. There is no need, for example, to create kitchens in each house - you can create shared restaurants.” The profession of a waiter will also go away - for example, if you are a diabetic, you will be offered only those dishes that you can.

“The first kitchen factory in the USSR was opened in the spring of 1925 in Ivanovo-Voznesensk. Many processes of cooking, as well as washing dishes and cutting vegetables and bread, were mechanized there. She served eight canteens at factories and factories in the city.”


One of the main tenets of culture is freedom of choice. However, there is now a system (at least, Jacques says about the USA) in which people are chosen to maintain the existing order. That is why the state places great emphasis on loyalty: without loyalty it is difficult to maintain the system unchanged. Jacques believes that this requires reconsideration: we need to not “listen to the user,” but work as a system architect, putting forward solutions that may be unpopular, but useful for society and the planet as a whole. Already today, most people have no loyalty to countries - and this is normal.

About the Terminator and technocracy

Jacques says the fear of cars originated in Hollywood. We see how cars kill people - and this gives rise to fear. Over time, we will be able to design more powerful machines. There is no need to be afraid that machines can do more than humans, this has already happened a long time ago. Jacques doesn't believe machines will experience emotions or have goals of their own. They can simply work perfectly without interruption.

About eugenics and education

Outstanding abilities are a product of society's upbringing. It's nice to think that you were born a genius, but genius can be trained. Genes determine a lot, but circumstances - the social environment - often matter more. Jacques for natural processes and motivation. He tells how he taught children to read: he read aloud, and then, at the most interesting part, he yawned and said that he was tired. When my son asked what was next, he said: “Well, if you could read, you would have figured it out yourself.” Society should act in much the same way, motivating participants rather than forcing them.

About communism

Communism painted a similar picture of a bright future, but did not provide solutions to problems. No religion, no philosophical movement offers solutions to specific problems. Communism did not abolish money or the police - it promised people work, but not creative work.

And finally - another illustration about the project

Imagine that it is raining gold. You collect gold dust and accumulate it in your closet... but the golden shower does not end, and the dust has nowhere to go - it depreciates in value! In the city of the future "Venus" there is no point in accumulating anything - everything should be in abundance!

About Jacques

Jacques looks like an old professor, loves specifics (“If you don’t like my answer, just say: I DID NOT ANSWER. Don’t need this politeness”), can’t stand the patent system, the army and a number of other things that he considers hopelessly outdated. He will soon be 96 years old: he does not want to “sit in a chair and wait to die”, instead he tries to keep abreast of everything that is happening in the world.

No, this is not the Iron Man character, but Jacques Fresco in his youth.

Project “Venus” is a project for a new society that can save the whole world from total self-destruction and turn it into a highly developed civilization.

Project "Venus"- developed Jacques Fresco, a famous industrial designer and futurist, a technocratic project of a social order close to utopian communism.

The goal of the project is to create " resource-based economy» with the help of modern technologies. It is assumed that reliance on existing natural resources, technological innovations and techniques will ensure sustainable development for human society. In this case, the laws of commodity exchange, including the Law of Value, are either ignored or deliberately rejected. Fresco argues that the world is rich in natural and energy resources and that "with new modern technology and reasonable efficiency", the needs of the entire planet's population can be met in abundance. The author of the project believes that the money system on which modern society is built is vicious and inevitably leads to self-destruction. In his opinion, this system presupposes monopoly restrictions and limited resources. If some resource is in abundance (for example, air), it cannot be sold. This approach does not stimulate the search for solutions aimed at truly eliminating resource scarcity, for example, at obtaining huge amounts of energy. After all, it will then be impossible to sell it.


Project “Venus” is at the stage of introducing a value system that will help us form a new social core. Our project will present diagrams and models of a prototype society to further test the validity of our proposals; we will strive to achieve a suitable benchmark to which people can adapt intellectually and emotionally in the new technological era. We fully admit that some small details of our social scheme can be improved or replaced by something more suitable.

Since we live in a society based on money, we therefore need money to implement our project. We can get them in several ways. First way. Development of a major film describing the benefits of the new social system for all people on the planet. Second way. Construction of a specialized park where visitors could experience some of the benefits offered project “Venus”. Books, photo and video materials, models, a film script and a 25-acre research center are already ready.

All profits from the proposed projects, as well as donations, publications, videos, seminars, lectures and subsidies will be used to create the first experimental city. Our proposals are presented to the general public and all educational institutions for consideration. We also invite you to cooperate. If enough people find our proposal acceptable and join us in active advocacy, then we can form the core of the organization and carry out our goals with greater force project “Venus”.

During the Great Depression of 1929, when banks went bankrupt and people were laid off from their jobs, the situation seemed hopeless. Such conditions forced people to create new organizations and draw the attention of the whole society to these problems - in fact, this is how the ideas of Socialism, Communism, Technocracy and World Federalism were born. These people have created social awareness on a global scale. It was a natural reaction to the current situation, with the goal of changing and correcting something.

At present, people are not sufficiently informed to design a suitable workable social system using rational methods. The Venus Project will not be implemented by today's political leaders, who are appointed to positions not to change the course of things, but to leave everything as it is. Only through the collapse of existing social institutions and political incompetence will these people be able to find other possible alternatives for the development of society. The only thing that motivates them is harsh conditions that directly threaten their safety and existence.

Not a single nation in the world will abolish its sovereignty for the sake of a social system that has never been tested before. Therefore, a social collapse is needed that will stimulate the search for alternative social schemes. This would be one of the most significant events in human history.

Project “Venus” cannot be implemented on a global scale until the world economic system collapses.

The collapse of the global monetary system will be facilitated by processes such as automation and labor outsourcing. This will be able to unite not only workers, but also doctors, engineers, architects and people of other specialties. Once the solvency of workers and professionals declines, the industries that depend on them will cease to function. This will ultimately lead to the complete collapse of the entire monetary system. People simply won't have the purchasing power to continue to support this system. Even the video industry has created electronic announcers who will replace most people on television.

This collapse of the aging system has long been underway on a global scale.

While the collapse of the system is getting closer and closer, so far not a single person or organization has offered their options for the further development of humanity, which society may soon need so much. Our old system doesn't work. Even though people are well aware of what they need, they will continue to repeat the same mistakes - wars, recessions, booms and busts, hunger, poverty and other unnecessary suffering.

Target project “Venus” cannot be achieved until people are well informed about it and how to achieve it.

Thus, our main task is to teach through the media. If enough people study this direction, accept our proposals and want to implement them, we will begin to work towards the construction of the first experimental city. The Venus project has diagrams and plans for a community prototype.

The Venus project proposes to build a new experimental city that performs 2 functions:

(1) Research the viability of Venus Project schemes and proposals to provide information to help people transition intellectually and emotionally.
(2) Formation of a permanent planning center used to develop further short-term and long-term global projects that will contribute to the implementation of a resource-based economy that will help overcome scarcity, hunger, poverty and other ills of society.

This will not be some place closed to a select few, but a city open to the public to visit. The proposed circular configuration of such new cities is not just a stylish architectural concept; it is the result of years of research into providing an environment that best serves the needs of residents and conserves resources. Without comprehensive knowledge of the symbiotic interactions between Man and the Environment, it will be very difficult to develop realistic methods to solve our problems. The Venus project takes into account many important factors and all ideas are carefully and thoroughly worked out.

Like other innovative social projects, it was started by a few dedicated individuals who dedicated their time to spreading awareness of the humane benefits of this new direction. People were invited to help in whatever way they could in the initial phases of designing a new experimental city. An interdisciplinary team of systems engineers, computer programmers, architects, urban planners, sociologists, teachers and others who could help.

The Venus Project does not view environmental conditions as static, unchanging. We must allow the process of adaptation to be continuous within the system. This will avoid temporary solutions being perpetuated beyond their usefulness period.

The circular design could serve as a prototype for other cities to be built around the world. The dynamics of development will depend on the capabilities of the funds, as well as on how much people will identify themselves with the project, actively participate and support this direction.

With the development and widespread spread of such communities, they will be able to create the basis of a new social model through predominantly evolutionary processes rather than revolutionary ones.

The Venus Project does not advocate the violent overthrow of the old free enterprise system, but we do believe that it will cease to exist through evolution. We will do our best to ensure that you are sufficiently informed about the ideas of the project, through books and video materials, and invite you to join us for the sake of building a new civilization that can provide a decent life for everyone.

People want to know what needs to be done for the sake of universal unification. If you see yourself as part of the Venus Project, try to learn more about it through books and CDs. You can also help promote this direction in any way available to you. Talk to other people about our ideas, do charity work, donations, publications, promote lectures, help create promotional materials - all this will help. If you want to make a film, this will also be very important. We still have a lot of things to do to help get our ideas out to others.

Our research and proposals will become available to the general public and educational institutions. If enough people accept our proposals and join us, they can help form the core of the organization to achieve the project's goals.

The future rests on our shoulders and if we cannot accept this, then others will think for us.

Jacques Fresco– a controversial figure in the world of modern science. Some perceive him as a man obsessed with the ideas of improving the world, others consider the American designer and futurist a modern genius. His views are extraordinary, at times utopian. Jacques Fresco's extraordinary ideas and intellect made him one of the greatest scientists of our time.

Fresco was interested in issues of holistic design, social engineering, and developed the problem of wise management of natural resources. Fresco's research interests focused on the issue of resource-based economics. According to the scientist, the path to a developed, stable society lies through the reasonable distribution of food, intellectual, and educational resources.

Biography of the scientist

Jacques Fresco was born in Brooklyn in the spring of 1916. The boy attended secondary school. His interests and views were different from his peers. Young Jacques refused to swear allegiance to the American flag, explaining that scientific progress could not be attributed to American scientists. This is a credit to the global scientific community. It would make more sense to be grateful to the population of the entire planet. After this incident, Fresco began to study according to an individual program. After the death of the school director, the boy left it. Starting at the age of 14, he began hitchhiking.

The meeting in 1931 with A. Einstein turned out to be very important in the life of the scientist. At the age of 18, he became seriously interested in design.

In 1940, Fresco returned from Fr. Tuamotu, where he communicated with the local population. After living with the aborigines for a year, the scientist came to the conclusion that by distributing resources it is possible to build a society without wars, violence, and aggression. This trip became decisive in the scientist’s views.

During the Great Depression, Fresco wondered why so many people were forced to starve when plants and factories were full of raw materials and resources. Money, according to Fresco, paralyzes society, making it manageable and helpless at the same time. He outlined his views in his author’s project “Venus”.

Fresco said that scientists who spend their entire lives working on one problem will never be able to look objectively at the problem of humanity. Their views are one-sided. Most of the problems come down to how to distribute money among the top of society instead of improving society, making it more intelligent and educated. A real scientist must care about the global problems of humanity.

The dream of developing in the aviation field has come true. While serving in the American army, Jacques was able to participate in the development and improvement of wings, anti-freeze equipment for them, as well as the development of a safety system. However, the design ideas were rejected.

In 1942, Fresco's labors were rewarded. He received a patent for his own development - a model of a “radical variable deflection wing” for pilots.

Fresco participated in the Manhattan Project. He established himself as a brilliant constructor and designer, working on the “trend house” and “Sandwich House” projects. The housing was supposed to be built of glass and aluminum. It is possible to improve the quality of life of humanity, according to Fresco, by abandoning the idea of ​​enrichment and becoming closer to nature. The ideas for budget houses were also not taken seriously, and the request for support was rejected.

Scientific works and achievements

Since the late 40s, Fresco headed a research laboratory, where he lectured, designed, and acted as a scientific consultant. Since 1955, he moved to California, then to Miami, Florida. Here he participated in a design project for Alcoa and Major Realty.

Fresco outlined his extraordinary scientific views about the cybernetic community in the book “Looking Ahead,” which made him popular. Jacques Fresco dealt with issues of socio-cybernetics, later creating a corporation of the same name.

He attributed the reason for his excellent health and longevity to his positive perception of life. Jacque Fresco died in 2017 at the age of 101.

Jacques Fresco is also one of the founders of a non-profit international non-governmental organization « Venus Project » (The Venus Project).


It all started in 1975 with the Sociocyberengineering project, on the basis of which the Venus Project was founded in 1994.

The ideas of the project are popularized in books and on screens (several documentaries, films, interviews have been shot). Many different materials are available on the organization’s website, including for downloading, so that anyone can understand the concepts of the project. As for specific developments, in particular technology drawings, they have not yet been made public.

There are local branches almost all over the world, including in the CIS (the “Designing the Future” movement). Volunteers, in particular translators, also help.

Basic provisions

"The Venus Project"‒ is a socio-economic system with a resource-based economy, in which technology and automation are used not for profit, but to improve the standard of living of all people. It must end many economic and social problems.

Project goals

The founders and activists of the organization believe that the task is feasible if:

  1. Recognize on a global scale that the Earth's resources belong to everyone;
  2. Abolish borders between states;
  3. Give up money, corporations and governments;
  4. Stabilize the global population (voluntary birth control);
  5. Restore the environment;
  6. Make all existing material objects environmentally friendly;
  7. Share technology for the common good;
  8. Introduce renewable energy sources;
  9. Manufacture only high-quality products;
  10. Carefully study large construction projects in order to prevent undesirable consequences for the environment;
  11. Raise the level of education for all, encourage creativity and nurture individuality;
  12. Create a new language of communication based on the closeness of people with the outside world;
  13. Prepare the world's population (intellectually and emotionally) for change.

Action plan

The transition is expected to occur through evolutionary means. As production automation increases, purchasing power will decrease. Money will gradually become obsolete.

First stage

The task of this stage is to inform. This has already been partially implemented. In addition to published materials (in more than 25 languages), distance learning is offered. The research center (the American city of Venus, Florida) invites visitors to look at the models and find out the questions that interest them.

Second phase

In 2016, the documentary film “The Choice is Ours” was released. Funds are being raised for a feature film that will show a future society implementing the proposed ideas.

Third stage

Testing all ideas in an experimental research city.

Fourth stage

Creating a theme park whose task is not only to entertain, but also to teach about different types of behavior and how the environment reacts to it.

Connection with the Zeitgeist movement

The project owes its fame to the films “Zeitgeist: Appendix” and “Zeitgeist: The Next Step.” But for several years now the organization has been talking about its independence from this movement, explaining that it did not reflect the ideas of the project.


Despite the assertions of the project's supporters that the concept has a scientific basis, it has many critics. Nobody has heard of independent studies. There is no answer to the questions of how this can be put into practice, and whether possible problems have been taken into account during the transition to a new type of economic system. Some even call the Venus Project a utopia.

“We will either learn to live together, or we will perish alone.”

“If we make a film about modern culture and show it to people of the future, it will be a horror film.”

“The consumer society is a society of lonely people who have everything except what they really need”

“The problem is not that we cannot provide for the poor, but that we cannot satisfy the needs of the rich.”

“If you believe that the world cannot be changed, it only means that you are not one of those who will change it.”

“Earthlings don’t have the money to bring water to dry areas of the Earth, but they do have the money to look for water on Mars. After this, it is worth asking the question: is there intelligence on Earth?

“The main danger is to sit with your hands folded”

Jacque Fresco, a 99-year-old American industrial designer, manufacturing engineer and futurist, is the founder and director of the Venus Project. The main topics of his lectures are cities of sustainable development, an economy based on the rational use of natural resources, universal automation and others. Let us consider further what the essence of the Venus project is.

Prerequisites for the appearance

The Venus Project is changing the culture of people living today. The idea is to build the future with new people who are convinced of the futility of the financial system and the artificially created resource deficit. The main directions of social development according to the scheme proposed by the author will be the economy of common means and automated high technologies. These elements will be able to ensure absolute satisfaction of needs. The Venus project by Jacques Fresco is aimed at shifting the attention of the planet's population from the aggressive possession of resources towards useful and cognitive activities. This will make it possible to maintain the quality of life of each individual at a high level in the future.

Lecture in Stockholm

The Venus Project is a research center located in the state. Florida, in Venus. He gained his popularity thanks to the film released in 2008 - “Zeitgeist: Appendix.” Jacques Fresco, the author of the project, together with Roxanne Meadows (his assistant), are creating a model of the future, according to which nature, technology and people will exist in dynamic balance. The scheme excludes any neglect of any of the elements of the system. Scientists are developing the Venus project in Russia and abroad, holding lectures and seminars, and producing teaching materials. The efforts of the activists are focused on searching for the true causes of existing global problems in society. The conclusions that scientists draw predict serious upheavals at every level of civilization.

Defense industry

Jacques Fresco in his lectures draws attention to the fact that the world has technological potential, the scale of which is enormous. In modern conditions, technical means have been developed, which are expressed in patents, making it possible to facilitate activities and obtain the expected results. The potential that Fresco talks about is growing every year. A huge amount of resources is spent on building military power, maintaining the army in combat readiness, and improving defense production in order to ensure security and preserve the sovereignty of states. The budgets of many countries provide for the injection of billions for these needs. This is mainly due to the fact that all internal and external conflicts are usually resolved by force. Directly or indirectly, the redistribution of funds from the defense sector affects the well-being of the civilian population. The Venus project by Jacques Fresco primarily involves reducing funding for the military industry. This will ensure the safety of budget funds. The freed flows should be directed to the development of scientific industries that are useful for society. Sooner or later this will have a beneficial effect on the quality of life of citizens.

Monetary system

The financial institution arose quite a long time ago. In modern conditions, it generates constant economic inequality, dividing the population into rich and poor. In an effort to acquire natural resources, people use different market instruments. If they do not contribute to achieving results, forceful aggression and bribery are used. A shortage is artificially created, a monopoly develops, and the development of new products slows down. A relatively small group of people thus manipulates production volumes and, accordingly, pricing. For example, to prevent abundance in the agricultural sector, some states pay extra for low yields. This allows you to avoid bankruptcy of enterprises and default. In other countries, on the contrary, rigid frameworks are being formed through which the production level is forcibly reduced. All this contributes to the development of corruption, social inequality, theft and other vices of society.


In his speeches, Fresco gives a formula that exists due to the functioning of the banking and monetary systems: Z = X + Y, where X is existing money; Y is the interest income that the debtor must pay.

The latter constitute indirect slavery. Money Y must be printed, because in reality it does not exist, because it is not backed by actual material values. Loans contribute to inflation. Banks that have money do not give it away for free. They use them to satisfy their own needs and create a carefree life for themselves. At the same time, in the process of creating shortages and other economic restrictions, labor depreciates and prices rise. Fresco says that, in fact, the credit and banking structure is formed in the form of a financial pyramid. The result of its existence will be the absolute collapse of the entire system. Evidence of the destructive effect of the financial structure is the rather difficult situation in the European Union, the increase in national debts of countries, the flooding of markets with cheap Chinese goods, and crisis waves. All this became the basis on which the Venus project began to be built.

People's behavior

It is mainly influenced by their environment and upbringing. A person is thus shaped by conditions, Fresco believes. The Venus Project is based on the constant change and movement of the world due to the action of natural law. Taking into account the creation of new technologies and the developing crisis in the arrangement of society, a new one must be formed to replace the old system.

Depression and self-esteem: Jacques Fresco, The Venus Project

A person is not born merciless and cruel. It is the environment that makes it aggressive. Fresco believes that the idea that the formation of people's character is influenced by genes is erroneous. People cannot be born with hatred and malice towards each other. All these qualities and reactions are formed and developed in the process of gaining life experience. Undoubtedly, human nature requires us to define the boundaries of our territory and impose competition for property and spoils. But given the abundance of material values ​​that Jacques Fresco's Venus project suggests, there will be no point in fighting. A person is formed under the influence of:

  • Parents.
  • Mentality.
  • Friends.
  • Religions.
  • Financial condition.
  • Education.
  • The level of information content of the environment and other things.

Everything that happens depends on people. Everyone must choose a constructive or destructive path of development. A person will take a step and attract the future. It will be followed by a change in one’s own consciousness and a transition to a qualitatively new level.


They have a special meaning for modern people. Values ​​depend on the environment in which an individual grew up. Due to the fact that the conditions surrounding people act as a product of selfishness and the monetary system, a person becomes naturally predictable. Those raised under the influence of capitalist ideals will care about building a business and making a profit more than meeting the needs of those around them. In the modern world, any enterprise that directs its cash flows to primarily improve the well-being of its employees, and not to purchase new equipment and advertising, has less opportunity to compete worthy of competition in the market.


The existing norms, of which there are a huge number, are not able to solve the main problems of society. The top of the administrative apparatus and the bureaucracy legitimize corruption and theft of the elite. At the same time, minor crimes of citizens belonging to the low and middle class are punished to the fullest extent. As long as natural resources are used to improve the well-being of the elite, as long as there are needy and disadvantaged people, no one, not even people who respect morality, will be able to stop fraud, lies and other vices in power. No matter how many laws are invented, there will always be violators. This will gradually lead to a weakening, and subsequently to the loss of the human rights function of the norms. At the same time, restrictions will be strengthened and punishments will be toughened. The moral side of a person does not change either in freedom or during imprisonment. Thus, governments do not eliminate the cause, but temporarily eliminate the consequences of a disease in society. The Venus project by Jacques Fresco is aimed at freeing people from the constant need to earn money in order to provide themselves with essential products. They must be freed from oppression and the struggle for survival.

"Paradise or Oblivion" (Jacques Fresco: Venus Project)

The goal of the model is to form a global civilization in which a resource-based economic system will function, a network of “smart” cities will be developed, and universal automation will be used. In the modern world, robots and machines are quite successfully replacing humans in the production process. This, in turn, contributes to job cuts and lower wages. As a result, unemployment increases and decreases. Jacques Fresco's Venus project is aimed at automation, which acts both as a path to collapse and as a movement towards a new world order. Developed cybernetization and artificial intelligence will significantly reduce humanity’s expenditure on monotonous activities.


The implementation of the project is based on a scientific approach. The model of the future involves the use of time-tested methods and principles. according to Fresco, choosing between astrology, magic and science, he will give preference to the latter. The universal language of disciplines, clear formulas and interpretations can be understood by an educated person. The implementation of the project should begin with a complete revision:

  1. Physical resources.
  2. Production capacity.
  3. Personnel.
  4. Congestion places.
  5. People's needs.

Having formed an information base about the location of resource sources, the construction of certain objects, human needs, work processes, built-in sensors will ensure the transfer of current data to the server system. Based on them, artificial intelligence will subsequently conduct analysis and solve current problems. A resource-based economic model will allow achieving high performance. Today there are already developments that can provide the world's population with endless supplies of energy. The following are expected to be used as driving forces:

Available technologies

Today, methods have already been developed using which it is possible to build power plants to generate an endless flow of energy. For example, geothermal plants can produce five hundred times more power than all the world's minerals. In a number of countries, energy that is extracted from the depths of the earth provides heat to greenhouse plants. Energy can be obtained by constructing electric turbines in areas of fast water flow. For example, in the Gulf Stream area. It is possible to connect the shores of the Bering Strait and use this bridge as a transport channel for moving material, collecting marine products, and international travel. The model of the future makes everything practically free. As for the remaining nuances of completing certain technological operations, this will become a matter for enthusiasts.

Public opinion

The Venus project in Russia and other countries is very controversial. Many people talk about the utopianism of the author’s ideas. Evaluating the model, the opinion is expressed that the scheme lacks the most important thing - a clear plan for overcoming the crisis. Reviews about the Venus project are mostly negative. According to many members of the public, the author is not proposing evolutionary development. His model is focused on the destruction of the existing system, a structure that has been formed over millennia.

The criticism of the Venus project by Marxists is quite harsh. They consider the proposed concept to be “utopian socialism of the twenty-first century.” In fact, Fresco offers an alternative to private property - the means of production. As the model suggests, after being educated and given clarification, people should simply choose the proposed idea and follow it. In such a subjective approach, Marxists see the utopianism of the project. The author himself doesn't really offer anything concrete. He only believes that all crises will be eliminated only because the system will independently destroy the prerequisites for their occurrence. He proposes to speed up this process by destroying the monetary system.

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