Presentation on the development of creative abilities of preschool children. Presentation: Development of creative abilities of children in preschool age

“Modeling as a means of developing the creative abilities of preschool children.”

Shchukina Elena Anatolyevna

teacher MBDOU d - s No. 52



  • Implementation of the task of creating favorable conditions for the development of children in accordance with their age and individual characteristics and inclinations, development of creative abilities and initiative in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Education.
  • Implementation of the basic tasks of aesthetic education, training and development of children at all stages of preschool childhood.
  • A preschool child is very flexible and easy to teach, but a preschooler is characterized by rapid fatigue and loss of interest in activities. The use of modeling and schematization methods arouses interest in children and helps to achieve the goals of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education.
  • Using a graphic analogy, we teach children to see the main thing and systematize the knowledge they have acquired.
  • Preparing preschoolers for successful adaptation.

Objective of the project

Creating conditions for the development of children's creative abilities in productive activities, using modeling and schematization methods.

Project objectives

  • To increase competence in the issue of creative development of preschool children in artistic and creative activities.
  • To promote the development of creative abilities of students through models and diagrams.
  • Use a developing subject-spatial environment to develop children’s interest in artistic and creative activities.
  • Increasing the level of development of creative abilities and creative initiative among students.
  • Expansion and enrichment of artistic experience.
  • Formation of prerequisites for educational activities (independent planning of activities, self-control, self-esteem, generalized methods of action) and the ability to interact with each other.
  • The presence of a developing subject-spatial environment that stimulates the creative activity of children.
  • Creating a comfortable psychological and pedagogical climate when working with children.
  • Joint organized activities within the framework of the group work “Skillful Hands”.

Project implementation stages

Stage I (preparatory)

  • Studying the theoretical aspect of the problem of developing creative abilities in preschool children in artistic and creative activities (I.A. Lykova, T.S. Komarova, V.N. Lukyanenko, O.M. Dyachenko, N.G. Salmina).
  • Analysis of the legal, organizational, methodological, material and technical base.
  • Identification of the level of development of creative abilities in preschool children.
  • Development of long-term planning for the “Skillful Hands” circle.
  • Creation of a developing subject-spatial environment.

Problem Status

Based on the classification of sign-symbolic means presented in the monographs of E.E. Sapogova and N.G. Salmina, we consider schematization and modeling as types of sign-symbolic activities that have their own functions and characteristics, and as means by which artistic and creative abilities can be developed in students. Specific code systems are used in schematization and modeling. Modeling differs from schematization in that in schematization the choice of means is based on spatial and graphic characteristics, in modeling - not only on spatial and graphic, but also on alphanumeric ones. In principle, the schemes that are used in schematization and modeling can be the same. The difference between these types of sign-symbolic activity is rooted in their structural solution: schemes act as an instrument of activity, and models as its object. In the structure of schematization as an activity, the following components of its operation can be distinguished: 1) preliminary analysis; 2) construction of a diagram (or perception of a finished scheme); 3) working with reality using a diagram.

The construction of schemes, as N. G. Salmina notes, is rare in traditional teaching. In pedagogical practice, only the last operation is usually used as an independent action - working with reality using a diagram or model.

A model is a kind of frame, structure of an object or phenomenon. In general, there are three stages of working on models: 1) imitation, which consists of repeating and memorizing the model; 2) manipulation, in which various changes are made to the model, as a result of which its variants arise; 3) creative - students build a large number of new models and their variants, using not so much a change in the model, but also the coupling of two or more models.

When a student sees in a visual form, thanks to diagrams and models, the essential characteristics of objects (hidden properties and connections of objects), he carries out a more complete analysis of reality. When using schemes and models, all possible resources of the child are included (in particular, perception, thinking, memory, imagination, speech). Thus, the systematic formation of artistic and creative activity of students on the basis of modeling and schematization leads to the diversified development of all resources (functions) of the individual, and not changes in the sphere of one process - this, in our opinion, is one of the criteria for the effectiveness of training.

Implementation of the first stage Creating a developmental environment

Stage II(about main) Content

  • The content of the circle activities “Skillful Hands” is implemented by the programs: “Colored Palms” I.A. Lykova, T.N. Doronova "Rainbow".
  • Methods used in the learning process:
  • visual:

Use of ICT.

  • practical:



For example:


Target: exercise children in creating different images based on transformation of forms and creative imagination.


Fashion several geometric solids (ball, cube, brick, pyramid) or shapes (circle, square, triangle). Offer to combine them and turn them into different objects.

Make two similar chickens (or another image) from different shapes.

“Reading the shape” - a ball, a disk, a cylinder, a straight and wavy flagellum, a pyramid, a cone, a blot, etc. What does it look like? In this exercise, it is better to use neutral-colored material so as not to evoke color associations in children.

Assemble the figure according to the picture or diagram. For example: plane, dog, girl, tower, boat, etc.

"Dancing Men"

Goal: learn to analyze the simplest diagrams (figures of men in different poses); create an expressive dynamic image based on the information read and convey a given movement in sculpting.


Repeat the movement or take the same pose as the person depicted on the card. And then sculpt it.

Sculpt a person in any pose at will.

Combine the sculpted figures into an overall composition.

Algorithm for working with a model, diagram

Working with reference diagrams

there are several

Stage I. This is the introduction

circuit elements, symbols.

For example, notations:



Stage II. The use of elements of supporting diagrams and symbols in all types of classes, in various types of activities, because The child should not get used to the fact that this symbol is applicable only in one area because the symbol is universal.

Stage III. Introduction of negatives.

For example,

Not big

Not round

Not edible

Stage IV. A combination of characters, “reading” a string of characters.

V stage. Children's independent search for images symbolizing some quality. The task of this stage is to actively search for images and be able to justify your choice.

Stage VI. Looking at the table and analyzing what is shown on it.

VII stage. The information is recoded, i.e. transformation from abstract symbols to images.

Working with parents

  • consultation for parents “Development of creative abilities in modeling”;
  • booklet "Schemes";
  • holding exhibitions of children's works from the Skillful Hands group;
  • information on the kindergarten website (work report);
  • holding a final lesson at the end of the year with the participation of parents;
  • compiling a photo album of the best works.

Participation of pupils in the city competition “Gift for Mom”.

Postcard “Congratulations to our defenders”

The final stage Content

  • Summarizing.
  • Compilation of the initial diagnosis with the final one.
  • Presentation of project results.
  • Participation in competitions and exhibitions at various levels (city, international).


1. A subject-development environment has been designed and created to promote the development of creative abilities of preschool children.

2. A work project has been introduced to develop the creative abilities of preschool children.

3. The level of development of children's creative abilities has increased.

4. Participation of pupils in the III All-Russian competition of children's drawings “Country of Safety”.

Comparative analysis Level of development of creative abilities

Level of mastery of visual modeling by preschoolers


Appendix No. 1

The essence and structure of the methodology for identifying the levels of preschoolers’ mastery of visual modeling



Identification technique

Establishing the “reality-model” connection

“Magic Photography” technique (based on techniques

G.A. Glotova and A.V. P Avlyukova)


Choice of conditional substituents

The child is shown an object drawing; explain the possibility

High: child sa-

Middle: child

laid out independently

“Choose similar” technique (based on techniques

the possibility of creating its spatial model (“Vol-

L.A. Wenger and O.M. Dyachenko)

figure and answered

Below average: child

is having difficulty

creative photography"), replacing objects with figures when

is having difficulty

The child is presented with a set of various objects:

High: child sa-

maintaining spatial relationships between them.

skills in constructing figures

successfully completed

juice, stick, plastic ball, ring, and also

ry, uses the hint

Object drawings with a small amount of

skills in completing the task

Middle: old child

of objects (3 and 4) and substitute figures (direct

unable to complete the task

pictures with images resembling each of

what adult, answers

even after help

with a task or with

Below average: valid

blanks and squares of different sizes) (6 pcs.).

for almost everything

available items: clothes brush, soap, bus;


a little hint

and execute it correctly

actions are of the nature

true, but experiencing


questions, strives to complete

pencil, fishing rod, spoon; tomato, apple, toy

chaotic, inconsistent

side; donut, wheel, hoop. Color, size and proportions

sewing task

difficulties, enjoys

Questions are asked: “What is this?”, “How are they different?”,


drawings are different.

prompted by an adult

“What’s in common?”, “How did you know what is shown in the picture?”,

The child is asked to look at objects and select

“How did you know what this figure means?”

corresponding pictures for them.



Identification technique

Translation of text into sign-symbolic language


Methodology “Pictogram” (based on the test by A.F. Luria)

Children are offered words and expressions, direct images


Execution of actions (construction and use)

High: all pictures

which is difficult or impossible to satisfy: a delicious dinner,

“Fence” technique (based on L.A. Wenger’s technique). Two boxes with identical material are placed on the table: building parts of two shapes (cubes and “bricks”) and chips of two colors (red and blue). One box is for the experimenter, the other is for the child. An adult builds a “fence” of 6–8 parts, alternating parts of different shapes. The child is asked to take a good look and remember how the “fence” is made. Then the building is covered with a screen, and the child is asked to reproduce it from his own details from memory. After the child expresses doubt about his ability to accurately reproduce the model or, when comparing with the model, becomes convinced that he built the “fence” inaccurately,

hard work, kindness, strength, rest.

correspond to the meaning

with visual models

Medium: drawings

he is asked to see how an adult would act in a similar situation. The child builds his own fence, and the inspector, looking at its construction, lays out a model of chips that conveys the number and alternation of elements of the original, while one of the figures is replaced with a chip of one color, the other with a chip of a different color. Then, as in the first case, the original is covered with a screen, and the experimenter reproduces its design using his model.

partially correspond

They explain that you don’t need to make an exact and specific drawing, but rather draw any image or icon that will help you remember the word.

Below Average: Drawings

given word, wear

After completing the work, children must remember the encoded words.

do not correspond to the meaning of the intended word, the drawings are detailed and specific, not generalized, monotony is clearly visible; words reproduced

generalized character;

the plan, very specific and with a great degree of detail; the child reproduced all or part of the words

High: the child understands the meaning of the model built by the adult; explains the principle of substitution of one of the

child reproduced

forms with a chip of one color, and the other with a chip of a different color; built a model, exactly

Medium: task you-

partially or not reproduced

all words

Low: task completed

fills correctly

completely exhausted

reflecting the arrangement of parts in a pattern given by an adult; used it correctly and independently

sounds wrong

with the help of an adult

models when recreating a sample

or not executed

The art of singing is the ability to reveal the soul,
forcing others to listen to her.

“The importance of music in school goes far beyond

art. Just like literature and art

art and music invade all areas of the upbringing and education of our schoolchildren, being a powerful and irreplaceable means of shaping their spiritual world.”

D.B. Kabalevsky.

Man is endowed by nature with a special gift - a voice. This voice helps a person communicate with the world around him, express his attitude to various phenomena of life.

The singing voice apparatus is an extraordinary instrument, fraught with an exceptional wealth of colors and various shades. A person begins to use a singing voice from childhood as his ear for music and vocal apparatus develop. From an early age, children feel the need for emotional communication and experience a craving for creativity.
Introducing children to the art of singing contributes to the development of their creative imagination and immerses them in the world of classical poetry and dramatic art.

Music education should not be limited to one lesson per week. A good addition is extracurricular and extracurricular work, participation in which opens up the opportunity for schoolchildren to deeply engage in what attracts them.

Extracurricular musical and educational work naturally complements music lessons and is aimed at expanding the musical horizons of children, deepening the knowledge they receive, and also improving performing skills.

Organizing extracurricular musical events involves following certain methodological recommendations:

1. Observe the basic principles of organizing children's extracurricular musical activities: continuity, orderliness, consistency, systematicity and passion.

2. Diversify the content of extracurricular activities to accumulate children’s musical experience and enrich them with new musical impressions.

3. Select high-quality artistic illustrative material and demonstrate its excellent performance by both the teacher and schoolchildren.

4. Increasing the entertaining content of extracurricular activities and the novelty of its elements.

5. Take into account the age characteristics of children and the musical level of their development, select appropriate forms of extracurricular activities, accessible musical and literary material.

6. Direct extracurricular musical work to develop children’s activity, imagination and initiative.

7. Maintain a certain duration of classes depending on the age of the children.

The success of all the various work in music education is largely determined by the extent to which students master various types of musical activities and feel the need for it.

Organizational forms of extracurricular musical and educational work can be:

  • mass - school choir, orchestra of folk instruments, holidays, carnivals, shows, competitions, collective visits to opera performances, concert halls, museums of musical culture, music lecture halls, etc.
  • Club classes - solo, instrumental, choral, ensemble, dance, music electives.
  • Various types of musical entertainment - holidays, matinees, games, round dances, theme evenings, discos, theatrical performances, etc.

IPM 1. Information about the author. IPM 2. Conditions for the formation of experience. IPM 3. Theoretical basis of experience. IPM 4. Relevance and prospects of experience. IPM 5. Novelty of experience. IPM 6. Targeting of experience. IPM 7. Labor intensity of experience. IPM 8. Technology of experience. IPM 9. Effectiveness of experience. IPM 10. IPM assessment sheet 1. Information about the author Full name – Piskunova Veronika Vladimirovna Education: secondary specialized Name of educational institution, year of graduation: Aktobe Pedagogical School, 1993. Diploma specialty: “Primary school teacher.” Place of work: municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten of a general developmental type with priority implementation of activities for the artistic and aesthetic development of children No. 109" in Orenburg Position: Educator. Teaching experience: 14 years. Work experience in current position: 14 years. Qualification: I qualification category. IPM 2. Conditions for the formation of experience “The origins of children’s abilities and gifts are at their fingertips. From the fingers, figuratively speaking, come the finest threads - Streams that feed the source of Creative thought. In other words, the more skill in a child’s hand, the smarter the child.” V.A. Sukhomlinsky Drawing is one of the most important means of understanding the world and developing aesthetic perception, as it is associated with the independent, practical and creative activity of the child. V.A. Sukhomlinsky wrote: “Communication with art is one of the great joys of life.” Preschool age is the period when visual activity can become, and most often is, a sustainable hobby not only for “especially” gifted children, but for all children. IPM 3. Theoretical basis of experience “Drawing contributes to the diversified development of a child’s personality.” Aristotle The problem of visual activity has always been relevant; it was considered by L.S. Vygotsky, V.S. Mukhina, E.I. Ignatiev. A significant contribution to the development of children’s visual activities was made by G.V. Labunskaya, E.N. Flerina, N.P. Sakulina, T.S. Komarov, who argued that the children's visual activity of preschoolers, with all its originality, is similar to the similar activity of adults and gradually acquires the same structure and life meaning; that children's creativity is a unique, original sphere of spiritual life. A significant contribution to the development of the issue related to teaching non-traditional drawing techniques was made by T.S. Komarova, I.A. Lykova, K.K. Utrobina, D.N. Koldina. A special place today is occupied by the works of K. K. Utrobina and D.N. Koldina. Their works define the role of non-traditional drawing techniques in the development of visual skills of preschool children, and present a system of knowledge on teaching children non-traditional drawing techniques. The main approach to working with children is personality-oriented, determining the degree of interaction between teacher and student by the characteristics of their personal development. Leading methodological principles: the principle of creativity, the principle of activity, the principle of continuity, the principle of the integrity of the picture of the world, the principle of variability, the principle of humanity. The term “non-traditional” (from the Latin tradition - habitual) implies the use of materials, tools, drawing methods that are not generally accepted, traditional, or widely known. Non-traditional image techniques require compliance with the sequence of actions performed. Thus, children learn to plan the drawing process. Working with non-traditional drawing techniques stimulates positive motivation in the child, causes a joyful mood, and removes fear of the drawing process. Many types of non-traditional drawing help to increase the level of development of hand-eye coordination (for example, drawing on glass, painting fabric, drawing on velvet paper, etc.). Correction of fine motor skills of the fingers is facilitated, for example, by such an unconventional imaging technique as drawing on paste with your hands. This and other techniques require precision and speed of movement (you need to perform the next action before the paint has dried), the ability to correctly determine the force of pressure on a material or tool (so that the paper does not tear or the crayon does not break), patience, and careful attention. IPM 4. Relevance and prospects of experience Relevance of the project. The relevance of the experience lies in the fact that modern society has a need for a creative personality. Many abilities and feelings that nature endows us with, unfortunately, remain underdeveloped and undisclosed, and therefore unrealized in a future life. The presence of a developed imagination in adulthood determines the success of any type of professional activity of a person. Therefore, the development of creative abilities is one of the main tasks of preschool education. Perspective. 1. Encourage children to demonstrate independent creativity in independent activities. 2. To develop material on developing children’s creativity using non-traditional techniques in modeling and appliqué. 3. Invite parents to participate in exhibitions of joint creativity using non-traditional techniques. IPM 5. Novelty of experience The experience we propose embodies a new approach to the artistic and creative development of preschool children, which consists in setting and implementing fundamentally new tasks of art pedagogy. The basis of teaching experience is a gradual immersion in the world of art, especially its connections with life. Each educational activity is a new step in knowledge, and this knowledge occurs both through the perception of art (professional and folk) and through the practical creative activity of the child. Their unity in every lesson is mandatory. All educational activities are built in the form of a game - traveling through fairy-tale countries (visiting paints, brushes, sticks, etc.). The main goal of these transformations into a fun game is to teach a growing person to think, fantasize, think boldly and freely, fully demonstrating his abilities. IPM 6. Targeting of experience These methodological recommendations are intended for educators with different levels of teaching skills. The proposed work experience can be implemented both in separate educational activities and in the free activities of children. IPM 7. Labor-intensive experience Difficulties in applying this experience of non-traditional drawing techniques may lie in: planning and building a system of classes taking into account the age and individual characteristics of children, selecting equipment and materials, using methods and techniques for working with children, based on their individual characteristics, developing criteria for monitoring the level mastering the knowledge, skills and abilities of children. IPM 8. Technology of experience The essence of experience: the process of artistic and aesthetic education of preschoolers is based on the formation in children of knowledge about the variety of techniques for reflecting the real world on a sheet of paper using non-traditional drawing techniques in combination with other methods and techniques of teaching and upbringing. By participating in the creative process, children show interest in the natural world, the harmony of colors and shapes. This allows them to look at their surroundings in a special way and instill a love for all living things. Recently, a new classification of methods has been developed. The authors of the new classification are I.Ya. Lerner and M.N. Skatkin. It includes the following teaching methods: informative-receptive, reproductive, research, heuristic, method of problem-based presentation of material. Training using non-traditional drawing techniques occurs in the following directions: from drawing individual objects to drawing plot episodes and further to plot drawing from the use of ready-made equipment and materials to the use of those that you need to make yourself from the use of the simplest types of non-traditional drawing techniques to more complex ones from using the method of imitation to independently executing a plan from the use of one type of technique in a drawing to the use of mixed techniques images from individual work to a collective depiction of objects, subjects of unconventional drawing techniques Non-traditional drawing techniques Poking with a hard semi-dry brush Wax crayons + watercolor Foam imprint Watercolor crayons Foam imprint Blotography with thread Imprint with potato stamps Blot with a tube Subject monotype Blot ordinary Leaf prints Poking Landscape monotype Stencil printing Cork stamp Candle + watercolor Finger drawing Print with crumpled paper Drawing with the palm Print with stamps made from an eraser IPM 9. Effectiveness of experience In the process of creativity, children learned to create things with their own hands, learned the mysteries, joys and disappointments of creation - all these are important components of the learning and development process. The creative process taught children to explore, discover and master their world. Most of us have already forgotten about the joy that drawing brought us as children, but it was undoubtedly there. I consider the result of my work not only the process of development of a preschooler in all types of his creative activities, but also the preservation of skills that will help them improve their potential in the future. Thus, based on the work done, I saw that children’s interest in non-traditional drawing techniques has increased. Children began to creatively peer into the world around them, find different shades, and gained experience in aesthetic perception. They create new, original things, show creativity and imagination, realize their plans, and independently find the means to implement them. Children's drawings have become more interesting, more meaningful, and their ideas have become richer. Masterpieces live, breathe, smile, and most importantly, each drawing seems to be a work of art. The children gained self-confidence, the timid ones overcame their fear of a blank sheet of paper, and began to feel like little artists.

My kids love to draw. And if we draw in an unusual way, then it simply delights them. We often draw with our palms. Drawing with palms is another way to depict the world around us. I start drawing with my children’s hands from an early age. They do not yet know how to draw with a brush, and using their palm or finger is the best way for a small child. Paint for babies should be poured into a flat saucer so that the child can easily dip his hands. From the age of 5, children can already paint their palms with a brush. In such classes, children become familiar with the properties of paints, color, and develop artistic taste and spatial imagination. In the process of drawing with palms, fine motor skills, sensory skills, and color perception develop. With the help of your palms you can create any abstractions and draw plot pictures. By turning your palm over in different ways, you can add different details and realize any ideas while enjoying the color. I would like to present to your attention the hand drawn works of preparatory group children.

Galina Anatolyevna Kucherova
Presentation “Development of creative abilities of children of senior preschool age”

Target: “Creating conditions for the formation of a comprehensively intellectual, aesthetically developed creative personality; assistance initiative development, fiction, creative abilities in children of senior preschool age, through various types of applied activities."

Stages of implementation of the circle’s activities "SKILLFUL HANDS"

1. Collection and analysis of information on this problem

2. Statement of the problem

3. Drawing up a work plan

4. Conducting monitoring at the beginning of the implementation of circle activities and its end

5. WORK PROGRAM of additional education children's mug"SKILLFUL HANDS"

6. Creation development environment

7. Working with parents

8. Practical implementation of circle activities

9. Methodological manual


1. From simple to complex.

2. Systematic work.

3. Individual approach.

4. The principle of thematic cycles. Here am I I tried that the topics of our circle coincided with thematic planning.

5. Different types creativity.

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