Regulations on the production and technical department (PTO). VET department: decoding what it does What the production and technical department does

In addition, PTO employees must not only constantly monitor the progress of projects implemented by various subcontractors, but also provide the necessary instructions regarding work on sites. VET workers, collaborating with planning departments and accounting departments, make various calculations for applications and plans, and draw up reporting documentation. The responsibilities of the department include:

  • maintaining technical records of the operation of various equipment;
  • preparation of technical reports;
  • analysis of technical and economic performance indicators;
  • planning equipment repair schedules;
  • monitoring compliance with standard costs of materials;
  • timely preparation of requests for necessary materials or equipment parts.

Among all the employees of this department, the most complex types of work are performed by VET engineers.

Production and technical department in construction

The customer provides the entire package of technical documentation to verify compliance of estimates with working drawings. Department employees carry out an analysis and, if there are any comments, formalize them for transmission to the customer. After resolving all disagreements, an agreement or contract is drawn up for the volumes described in the estimate at current prices.

The estimate is an integral annex to the contract, which indicates the cost in monetary terms, the timing of the work and the conditions for its production. When the contract is concluded, all design and estimate documentation is transferred from the customer to the production department. It is registered and approved by the chief engineer “for production”.
In addition to technical documentation, the customer also submits other papers (for site allocation and others) to complete the package of documents for obtaining permission to carry out work.


In addition, the technical equipment engineer participates in the commission for commissioning of the finished facility. He is also responsible for ensuring that preliminary calculations correspond to actual costs. If during the implementation of the project there is a need to include additional financing or introduce any new types of work, the engineer justifies this and makes all the necessary calculations.

What rights does an engineer of the production and technical department have? A department engineer has the right to give instructions and tasks to employees in order for them to fulfill their functional duties. He can also control all stages of construction and production work (timeliness of completion, compliance with norms and regulations, quality level).

Production and technical department.


The PTO in its work is guided by: - ​​the Charter of the joint-stock company; - regulatory legal documents on construction issues on the territory of the Russian Federation; - orders, instructions of the management of the joint-stock company; - guidelines and methodological materials regulating production planning, operational production management; - these Regulations. 2. The main tasks of VET Organization of construction and reconstruction, preparation of production. Ensuring timely commissioning of construction projects.

Saving enterprise funds through the effective use of capital investments, developing measures to reduce the cost of construction and installation work. Organization of rhythmic work of sections, divisions and the enterprise as a whole. Increasing the organizational and technical level of electrical installation production.

Structure of a construction organization

After processing all sets and placing orders for materials and products (prefabricated reinforced concrete, reinforcement, concrete, mortar, etc.), orders for products and structures are placed in the summary sheet to manufacturing plants and supplier companies. Before the start of construction, the department issues a work progress log to the site, laced and numbered, with the manager’s signature and seal. In addition, a work log is filled out to control the volumes completed.
At the end of the month, certificates of completed work are accepted from line engineering and technical personnel and subcontractors. Draft percentage bills must be checked and endorsed by a representative of the customer’s technical supervision. Only after this the documents are processed. The production department engineer checks the percentage compliance with the estimate.

Regulations on the production and technical department (PTD)

Approved technical documentation is issued to the construction site to subcontractors with whom contracts are concluded according to the same scheme. The department's engineers draw up a work execution project (WPP), technological maps, and a construction organization project (COP) if there is a license for this type of activity. The next stage is engineering preparation. These are the volumes that are planned to be completed in a month. Linear engineering and technical personnel compose sets of works for which the production and technical department in construction draws up applications for material assets, deciphers labor costs by performer, analyzes the compliance of applications submitted by foremen with design technical documentation and regulatory documents.

VTO ​​engineer. what kind of profession is this? What are the responsibilities of a technical engineer?

This is a commercial proposal, an estimate that has been examined by an organization that has a license and other package required to participate in the tender. The production and technical department in construction takes part in the annual or non-planned inventory of management, prepares information through correspondence with the State Administration, customers and subcontractors. Performs an examination of estimates of third-party organizations, if provided for by the license, prepares materials for participation in competitions, and, together with the firm’s lawyer, prepares the necessary materials for participation in Arbitration Courts.
Prepares materials within the framework of management accounting policies, participates in production meetings, technical councils, samples and analyzes the balances of completed volumes for construction projects and other current issues.
Carrying out technical supervision of construction: - current control of the volume and quality of work performed, their compliance with the approved design and estimate documentation, working drawings, building codes, standards, safety regulations, requirements for rational labor organization; - checking compliance with the decisions developed in the work project; - control of timely delivery of work to the customer and regulatory authorities; - development of measures to reduce the cost of construction and coordination of changes in design solutions with the customer and design organizations; - solving current issues regarding the production of work that arise during construction. 4. Commissioning of objects: - preparation of documentation on completed objects for the selection committee; - control of timely delivery of work to the customer (signing of acts).

Structure of the production and technical department of a construction organization

General provisions The Production and Technical Department (PTO) is an independent structural unit of OJSC Luch (JSC) and reports directly to the Deputy General Director for Production Activities. VET is created, reorganized and liquidated by order of the general director of the JSC. The head of the VET directly manages the activities of the department. A person with a higher technical education in a specialty corresponding to the profile of the JSC, with at least 5 years of experience in electrical installation production in engineering positions, is appointed to the position of head of the technical and technical equipment. Appointment to the position of head of the VET of a joint-stock company, transfer and dismissal are made by the general director with the agreement and petition of the deputy general director for production activities.
Charter of the enterprise; — regulatory legal documents on construction issues on the territory of the Russian Federation; - orders, instructions from the management of the enterprise; — guidance and methodological materials regulating production planning, operational production management; - these Regulations. 2. The main tasks of VET: - Organization of construction and reconstruction, preparation of production; — Ensuring timely commissioning of construction projects; — Saving enterprise funds through the effective use of capital investments, developing measures to reduce the cost of construction and installation work; — Organization of rhythmic work of sections, divisions and the enterprise as a whole; — Increasing organizational and technical production; — Coordination of annual volumes of work with customers, general contractors and subcontractors. 3. VET structure.
Review, study and implementation of calculations, carrying out the necessary approval for the implementation of the design task according to the information received from the customer for the design. Performs the graphic part of the project and its reproduction, in accordance with the requirements of design documentation. 11. Calculates the cost of design work and prepares documentation for payment.

Reading time: 7 minutes. Views 2.5k. Published 06/24/2018

Construction work is a complex process, which is accompanied by the preparation of related documentation. Such documents include projects for the future facility, contracts for the supply of raw materials and consumables, and other acts. There are special schedules for construction work, which indicate the amount of energy and labor resources spent. In this article, we propose to consider the question of what the production and technical department (PTO) does.

PTO is a commonly used abbreviation that stands for production and technical department

What is PTO

The main task of the production and technical department is to prepare for the various stages of construction work. According to experts, this department is a fundamental structural unit of companies operating in the construction industry. The task of the employees of this division is to process primary information about the implementation of the project A. This means that PTO employees accept design documents from the customer, study the estimate and issue a permit to begin construction. These tasks are performed at the stage of preparation for construction work.

Upon completion of the work, technical and technical equipment engineers generate documents on the operational characteristics of the facility. Next, all documents are transferred to the customer along with the object itself. The task of these specialists is to analyze incoming applications and evaluate them for compliance with various standards established by regulatory authorities. In addition, employees of the production and technical department have the right to hold tenders and competitions among suppliers for construction materials and raw materials. At each stage of construction, the task of engineers is to calculate the labor costs necessary to implement the project.

During the construction itself, employees of this department monitor the work process and evaluate the amount of material resources used. In case of deviation from the estimate, engineers need to develop a corrective action plan. All information obtained during the analysis is used in the formation of management accounting. Based on this information, work reports and internal statements are prepared, according to which employees receive wages.

The VET department (the transcript sounds like the production and technical department) performs many different functions. The task of this unit is to obtain permits for various events, tenders and examinations. Construction work involves large internal and external document flow between the contractor and the customer. Employees of the department in question may be tasked with collecting documents, according to the list prepared by the customer.

Main tasks

As mentioned above, the TVET department has many different responsibilities. Among them, it is worth highlighting the assessment of technical and economic parameters, as well as technical accounting and the formation of schedules for repair work. In addition, it should be highlighted:

  1. Formation of technical documents.
  2. Control over the implementation of various standards.
  3. Controlling the rate of consumption of energy resources and building materials.
  4. Submitting applications for the purchase of additional equipment and consumables.

VET is part of the structure of construction companies, installation, energy and industrial enterprises, and is also represented in housing and communal services organizations

According to experts, the most difficult task falls on the engineers of this division. The main task of engineers is the formation of design documents and related applications in the form of calculations and estimates. In addition to handling paperwork, engineers need to monitor the production process and assist with installation procedures. In addition to all of the above, they are responsible for negotiating with business partners and subcontractors.

Production and technical department, functions:

  1. Development of a strategy for introducing innovative technologies into the production process.
  2. Monitoring the execution of work involving subcontractors.
  3. Conducting instructions.
  4. Control of the construction work plan.

As practice shows, employees of the division in question must interact closely with the accounting department. Such cooperation allows for timely scheduled calculations, on the basis of which reporting documents are generated.

Department structure

Employees of this department can be divided into two conditional groups. The first group is engaged in preparation for production, drawing up designs for future construction projects. The second group is engaged in drawing up estimates and concluding contracts. The structure of the unit itself is formed by the management of the department. When forming a staff, the specifics of the company’s activities and a number of additional economic factors are taken into account. Next, the staffing schedule is agreed upon with the general director of the company. After approval, the structure of the department is approved by issuing the appropriate act.

Functional responsibilities within the department are distributed according to internal instructions. The head of the production and technical department is responsible for the development and implementation of these documents.

Production and technical department in construction

As a rule, in the absence of an estimate and contractual unit, the responsibility for drawing up estimates is assigned to the production service. Employees of this department participate in preparations for negotiations, during which a contract is concluded. At this stage, the customer must transfer technical documents to the contractor to analyze their compliance with the existing drawings.

If inaccuracies and errors are identified, special reports are drawn up and sent to the customer.

The main goal of the department and its employees is to monitor all areas of production

At a further stage, the contract itself is drawn up, to which an estimate of the future project is attached. The annex to the agreement between the parties must fix the cost of services and the guaranteed time frame for fulfilling obligations. The received technical documents are registered in special journals. They are then used as the basis for obtaining permits for construction work.

The VET department in construction is involved in engineering training. At this stage, the amount of work that must be completed within a month is determined. For this purpose, calculations are prepared on the costs of energy and labor resources. Next, consumables and necessary raw materials are purchased. At this stage, a summary statement is filled out, which records the cost of cement, reinforcement, precast concrete and other consumables. Before the construction itself, a special statement is created where the volume of work performed will be recorded. This statement must be laced and numbered, and also contain the signature of the company owner and company seal.

At the end of the above period, engineers check the work completion certificates received from subcontractors. These acts are used to process all project documentation. These actions are carried out every month in order to control the construction work. As a rule, most customers try to hire those companies that have a design department in their structure. If the order is related to the repair or reconstruction of an object, the technical maintenance engineer draws up a defect report for future work.

After agreeing on various issues related to the future project, VET workers prepare an estimate. At the next stage, the work is coordinated with the fire inspectorate and the SES. Next, a contract is concluded, on the basis of which the contractor begins to fulfill its obligations.

Those cases where there is a division within an organization that produces its own products deserve special attention. In this case, VET workers are tasked with calculating the final cost of goods. During such calculations, it is very important to take into account the cost of each product.

Among the main responsibilities of VET in the construction industry, it is worth highlighting the preparation of acts for obtaining permits. This department also develops various documents for participation in competitions. Such documents include estimates, licenses and commercial invitations. Engineers of this division take part in conducting regular inventory, and also interact with various regulatory authorities and contractors. In some cases, employees of this department are tasked with analyzing estimates and projects of third-party companies. To perform these actions, an appropriate license is required.

Taking into account the peculiarities of this or that area of ​​work of a technical equipment engineer, the requirements for his qualifications are serious.

Conclusions (+ video)

The production and technical service of a construction company is engaged in the generation of documents necessary for each stage of construction. These materials are used to transfer to the verification commission and the customer himself. All calculations and analyzes attached to the acts form the basis of the final package of documents. The technical department is headed by a technical director, who can occupy the position of chief engineer of the company. Based on all of the above, we can conclude that every employee of this unit must have a higher education.

In any organization, the production and technical department is responsible for planning production activities, its technical support and operational management. This department is an independent division of the organization and reports to its immediate manager or his deputy. At the same time, he constantly interacts with other departments and services of the organization. The production and technical department is guided in its work by current legislation, acts of the legal code, specialized methodological materials and organizational documents of the enterprise.

Who is a VET engineer?

This is a specialist who participates in research and scientific development of VET and works with estimates, projects, technical documentation and the like. He is responsible for the collection and analysis of scientific and technical information, as well as for carrying out the necessary work within a clearly established time frame and its quality.

The VET engineer is also the leader of the work on schematic design of all kinds of scientific and technical developments. He oversees the testing of new devices and describes their operating principles and technical characteristics. In addition, he is responsible for compliance with safety regulations during the implementation of new developments. Collecting the necessary documents to file a patent for a new invention is also his job.

What is expected from a technical equipment engineer?

An employee of such a high technical level is obliged to constantly improve his knowledge by studying various specialized literature and staying up to date with the latest scientific and technical achievements. The duties of a VET engineer include participation in conferences, including international ones, seminars and other similar events for the exchange of professional experience. He is also required to prepare publications on new scientific discoveries and developments. His presence is necessary during various examinations.

A VET engineer, of course, must have a technical mindset, be well versed in technical terminology and be able to competently draw up any documentation. In addition to all this, he needs to navigate the labor legislation of his country.

Of course, developing technical projects is not done alone. A whole group of specialists participates in it. Therefore, a VET engineer must, among other things, be sociable, hear the point of view of other specialists and find a common language with the team.

Skill level by category

A category III VET engineer can be a person with a higher technical education without work experience or with a secondary technical education and three years of experience as a category I VET technician, advanced training by at least one level within five years of work and a professional certificate.

A Category II VET engineer must have a higher technical education, three years of professional experience, at least one advanced training within five years and a professional certificate.

For a VET engineer of category I (highest) similar requirements are imposed, but they are also supplemented by the need for three years of experience as a VET engineer of category II. The lead technical engineer, who supervises junior employees and other department engineers, must, of course, have deep and up-to-date technical knowledge and sufficient professional experience.

Types of higher technical education

In the production and technical department, productive work is impossible without a quality education. A PM engineer can specialize in the following areas:

  • construction;
  • transport construction;
  • civil and industrial construction;
  • production of building materials, products and structures;
  • drainage and water supply;
  • hydraulic engineering;
  • ventilation and heat and gas supply.

If necessary, a person who has a technical education in any of these specialties can undergo retraining in accordance with the position he will occupy.

Job description

A job description is a document that is filled out when a person is hired and with which he must be familiarized. Among the general provisions that are mentioned, first of all, what professional knowledge he should have. It also describes his duties, responsibilities and rights, the basic conditions of his work and the criteria by which the results of his work and business qualities are assessed.

Main responsibilities

Responsibilities of a technical equipment engineer include:

  1. High-quality performance of job duties specified in the employment contract and job description.
  2. Compliance with labor discipline.
  3. Compliance with labor standards.
  4. Compliance with established work procedures.
  5. Compliance with all safety requirements.
  6. Carefully handle the property of the employer and colleagues, as well as property for which the employer is responsible.
  7. Timely notification to the employer or the head of his department about situations that pose a threat to human life or to the safety of property for which the employer is responsible.

An engineer has a great responsibility and anyone who decides to master this profession must be prepared for it. Depending on the specialization, the professional responsibilities of different engineers vary. For example, a technical equipment engineer in construction must perform the following tasks:

  • control that the cost of construction or installation work carried out according to the project and estimates corresponds to their quality and volume;
  • take part in the preparation of construction subcontracts and contracts;
  • accept and issue the necessary design and estimate documentation;
  • improve your qualifications and expand your professional knowledge.

Basic rights

Of course, when applying for a job, a person must have a clear understanding not only of his responsibilities, but also of his rights. Then he will have satisfying, productive work waiting for him.

A VET engineer under an employment contract has the following rights:

  1. To give him a job.
  2. On timely salary in full.
  3. To a safe workplace in terms of state labor protection standards.
  4. For professional training, advanced training in the manner established by law, and retraining in the relevant technical specialty.
  5. For rest, which, for example, includes a normal working day, weekly days off and paid annual leave.
  6. To create trade unions and join them in order to protect their rights, professional interests and freedoms.
  7. To resolve various labor disputes of a collective and individual nature, as well as to strike as provided for by law.
  8. For compulsory social insurance.
  9. To compensate for damage, including moral damage, which was caused as a result of the performance of professional duties, in the amount and manner established by law.

Working conditions

The job description of a technical equipment engineer stipulates the following working conditions:

  • working hours in accordance with established labor regulations;
  • characteristics of working conditions at the workplace;
  • the employee’s obligation to go on professional business trips;
  • emergency procedures;
  • relationships with other team members in accordance with their positions;
  • instructions on who will be temporarily assigned the duties of the employee in the event of his absence.

Criteria for assessing professional qualities and labor productivity

The main criteria for assessing the professional qualities of an engineer are:

  • qualification level;
  • professional work experience in a technical specialty;
  • professional competence;
  • level of compliance with labor discipline;
  • flexibility in performing work and the ability to quickly find sometimes non-standard solutions to complex production issues;
  • ability to work with documentation;
  • work ethics, creativity, initiative and other important professional qualities.

The main criteria for assessing the results of an engineer’s work are:

  • quality of work performed;
  • timely performance of official duties;
  • level of labor productivity.

The engineer's business qualities and work results are assessed in accordance with objective indicators and the impartial opinion of the immediate supervisor and the team with whom he works.

As you can see, the work of an engineer is quite complex and responsible. When deciding to become an engineer, you need to realize that this profession will require complete dedication. But it will also bring satisfaction, since in any organization a technical equipment engineer is an irreplaceable worker whose work is highly valued.

Regulations on the Production and Technical Department (PTO)

1. General Provisions

The Production and Technical Department (PTO) is an independent structural unit and reports directly to the Deputy General Director for Production Activities.

VET is created, reorganized and liquidated by order of the general director.

The head of the VET directly manages the activities of the department.

A person with a higher technical education in a specialty corresponding to the profile of the enterprise, with at least 5 years of experience in the given production in engineering and technical positions, is appointed to the position of head of the VET.

Appointment to the position of head of technical training, transfer and dismissal are made by the general director with the agreement and petition of the deputy general director for production activities.

VET in its work is guided by:

Charter of the enterprise;

Regulatory legal documents on construction issues on the territory of the Russian Federation;

Orders, instructions from the management of the enterprise;

Guiding and methodological materials regulating production planning, operational production management;

By these Regulations.

2. Main tasks of VET:

Organization of construction and reconstruction, preparation of production;

Ensuring timely commissioning of construction projects;

Saving enterprise funds through the effective use of capital investments, developing measures to reduce the cost of construction and installation work;

Organization of rhythmic work of sections, divisions and the enterprise as a whole;

Increasing organizational and technical production;

Coordination of annual volumes of work with customers, general contractors and subcontractors.

3. VET structure.

PTO consists of:

Pre-production and design groups,

Estimate and contract group.

Changes in the structure and staff of VET are developed by the head of the department, based on the conditions and characteristics of the enterprise’s activities, in accordance with the feasibility and requirements of the economic situation, agreed with the general director and approved by order

The distribution of functional responsibilities between VET employees is determined by job descriptions approved by the head of the VET and the General Director.

3. Functions of VET.

A) pre-production and design group.

1.Preparation of production:

Obtaining working documentation; checking the design documentation for compliance with the physical volumes of the EMR and the specifications of materials provided for by the project, and the completeness of the package of documents. Drawing up comments and suggestions, consideration with customers, drawing up decisions;

Obtaining permits for work, incl. opening warrants, work orders, orders and coordinating the execution of work with supervisory, control and other territorial bodies;

Drawing up work schedules based on data provided by line personnel;

Development of work projects;

Development of technological maps;

Drawing up requests for materials and equipment;

Checking superintendents’ requests for materials, registration (extract) of materials and equipment supplied by the customer;

Preparation of orders for the manufacture of products;

Monitoring the status of orders and the quality of their production.

2. Timely delivery to construction sites of working documentation, work projects, work production logs and other specialized journals, as well as the necessary documentation in accordance with regulatory requirements and customer requirements.

3. Carrying out technical supervision of construction:

Verification of compliance with the decisions developed in the work project;

Monitoring the timely delivery of work to the customer and regulatory authorities;

Development of measures to reduce the cost of construction and coordination of changes in design solutions with the customer and design organizations;

Solving current issues related to work that arise during construction.

4. Commissioning of objects:

Preparation of documentation on completed objects for the selection committee;

Control of timely delivery of work to the customer (signing of acts).

5.Working with subcontractors:

Current control of the volume and quality of work performed, for their compliance with the approved design and estimate documentation, working drawings, building codes, standards, safety regulations, requirements for rational labor organization;

Monitoring the implementation of the work schedule;

Checking the PPR developed by subcontractors and monitoring compliance with the decisions made;

Monitoring compliance with the work schedule and timely delivery of work.

6. Participation in the work of the qualification commission for assigning categories to workers.

7. Reception of material reports, implementation of control measurements.

8. Taking photographs of the working day.

9. Calculating orders for products, preparing cost estimates.

10. Review, study and implementation of calculations, carrying out the necessary approval for the implementation of the design task according to the information received from the customer for the design. Performs the graphic part of the project and its reproduction, in accordance with the requirements of design documentation.

11. Calculates the cost of design work and prepares documentation for payment.

Preparation and delivery of completed design documentation to the customer.

12. Preservation of control copies of completed projects.

B) Estimate and contract group.

1. Preparation and execution of contracts concluded with customers, contractors and subcontractors for the performance of construction and installation work. Coordination of estimate documentation when concluding contracts.

2. Receiving design and estimate documentation for the production program from customers, contractors and subcontractors and providing documentation for linear sections.

3. Drawing up local estimates, forms KS-2, KS-3 for construction and installation work at construction sites.

4. Taking part in the compilation of sets of work together with linear sections for the next month.

5. Preparation of contracts, estimates and other necessary documents for participation in tenders.

6. Conducting analysis based on the results of participation in tenders for the period (6 months, 9 months, a year).

4. Rights and responsibilities of the head of the VET

The head of the VET bears full responsibility for the fulfillment of the duties assigned to the department in accordance with these Regulations.

The head and employees of the VET, within their competence, represent the interests of the enterprise in other organizations on issues related to production activities.

Demand and receive from divisions of the enterprise the provision of information and documents necessary to perform work within the competence of VET workers.

The head of the VET has the right:

Submit proposals for consideration by the JSC management on measures to organize the work of the VET in order to increase its efficiency;

Sign and endorse documents within your competence;

Inform the management of the enterprise about all shortcomings in the activities of the organization (structural unit, individual employees) identified in the process of performing their official duties, and make proposals for their elimination;

Involve specialists from the structural divisions of the enterprise to perform the duties assigned to them in cases where this is provided for by the Regulations of the structural divisions;

Request from the heads of structural divisions of the enterprise, receive and use information and documents necessary for the performance of their official duties;

Require the management of the enterprise to provide assistance in the performance of their official duties and the exercise of rights.

5. Relationships between the technical department and other departments of the enterprise.

The PTO interacts with the structural divisions of the enterprise on issues within its competence, in accordance with these Regulations and the document flow in force at the enterprise.

VET engineer is a mandatory position in every industry. You can find it at any construction site. What is the task of such an employee and the main goals of his work, we will consider in this article.

Before considering the features of this position, let’s consider what is meant by the abbreviation PTO. It stands for production and technical department, which must include an engineer holding this position. The department faces a number of tasks, the main of which is working with. Each of its employees is assigned their own functions. This department can also be combined with the design department.

All about the VET engineer

The construction of buildings of various types is a complex, labor-intensive process. It is important that during its implementation all norms and rules are observed. For this purpose, projects are initially developed, according to which the construction of buildings is subsequently carried out. The future fate of the object depends on how well the project is drawn up. It is important that the erected structure is reliable and stable, first of all, since the safety of others depends on this factor.

The development of the project is entrusted to the VET. In order to perform this work correctly, a certain level of qualifications is required.

First of all, this is graduation from a higher educational institution in the relevant specialty and work experience of at least 3 years. But for certain objects that do not involve capital construction, the main thing that is required of a person holding this position is the ability to work with design documents, which, according to GOST, include the following:

  • drawing
  • technical specifications
  • specification
  • statement
  • scheme
  • test methods and sequence
  • calculations, which are usually performed in the form of an estimate
  • technical instructions
  • documentation for putting the facility into operation
  • repair documentation, etc.

The engineer's task is to be able not only to draw up such papers, but also to read documents drawn up by other persons. His work is based on knowledge, as well as the norms and forms of documentation established by the state.

Valuable skills for an employee

A technical equipment engineer is not just an accountant who fills out paperwork. He must have special qualities in order to clearly understand and understand how the work process occurs. It is important to take into account every little detail and control every stage of work.

It is not enough to be familiar, you need to thoroughly know the norms of such acts as:

  • OT Rules
  • Safety regulations
  • Labor Code of the Russian Federation

What kind of knowledge an employee needs depends on the type of activity of the company in which he is employed.

Areas of activity of a VET engineer

According to the law, the production and technical department is present in most organizations.

If this position is not provided in a construction company, it will be called an estimator. He faces the same tasks as the VET engineer. He must ensure that the design work is carried out and that the statutory instructions are followed. In production, the position of estimator can be combined with a production engineer. The estimator is assigned the following types of responsibilities:

  • imputation of all rights that are assigned to him by job description
  • for the speed of completing assigned tasks
  • report on work performance to management
  • violation of work time
  • deviation from order
  • and other situations provided for in the instructions

Production and technical departments are usually required in areas such as installation, energy, and industrial enterprises. It is also necessarily included in housing and communal services.

The main thing that the department has to do is control all stages of the work. When it comes to housing and communal services, the department is faced with the goal of monitoring the rules of operation of the property that is owned by the complex.

In the energy sector, it is especially important that the estimator knows how the energy system works, what its operating conditions are and the basic safety measures when using it.

Rights and obligations

As mentioned above, the estimator works directly at the construction site. He has a lot of responsibilities related to more than just maintaining documentation. It is important for him to monitor the compliance of the actual work, as well as its result, with the documentation.

As part of this, it performs the following actions:

  1. Control of estimate documentation, verifies the compliance of planned and actual expenses.
  2. Prepares additional estimates if there is a need for unforeseen work.
  3. Supervises the preparation of reports
  4. Ensures that customer requirements are taken into account when performing work.
  5. Agrees with the customer on additional costs
  6. Prepares papers to resolve a dispute, if any, with employees.
  7. Checks the acceptance certificate for work performed by the contractor.
  8. Performs official assignments established by the company management.
  9. Prepares and submits progress reports to management.

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