New business plans for housewives. Work for housewives: the best options for earning money

There is a category of women who, even at home, cannot sit quietly and do only household chores. They come up with crazy or not so crazy ideas, and they successfully implement them. As a result, today we can talk about such a specific phenomenon as a business for housewives, which covers a lot of multidirectional activities. We will talk about some of them below.


The first thought that comes to the topic “Business for a housewife” is knitting. Almost every woman has held knitting needles or a crochet hook at least once in her life. But today new possibilities have appeared for this idea - special electronic knitting machines, which can be purchased for about 2 thousand dollars. Such a machine works in tandem with a personal PC, on which special software must be installed. It can be used to model any knitted items. You can sell them among friends, through markets, and also using the Internet. If desired, the business can be developed into a separate mini-atelier. Of course, for this you need to be able to offer customers original, beautiful, high-quality products.

Preparing food for delivery

Today, food delivery to offices or homes is very popular. Many people prefer to eat homemade food, which is even cheaper than in any nearby cafe. To implement this idea, you will need skills in preparing set meals and a little courage to find clients. You can take orders and search for clients via the Internet. But it’s more effective and convenient to go to nearby offices with a trial batch of lunches and leave them your business card. If potential clients are satisfied, you will be guaranteed orders. It is recommended to keep prices at 100-150 rubles. per serving.

Making homemade jam

The technology of making jam or marmalade has been familiar to everyone since childhood. Many people still prepare it for their own needs, but few people think about implementing this idea on the scale of their own business. But in fact, homemade jam or jam is very popular in large cities. You can offer a product based on traditional fruits or with the addition of exotic ones. The costs include only the purchase of consumables and packaging.

Production of cakes and pastries to order

One of the popular and sought-after areas of business for housewives is the production of cakes and pastries to order. They differ from store-bought products in that you can fulfill an order according to the client’s wishes, decorating it to suit a specific theme of the celebration: wedding, birthday, anniversary, corporate party, etc.

You can prepare such a cake without special equipment, but its presence helps make the cake much more beautiful and neat. At the same time, the cost of custom-made cakes is much higher than store-bought products, and the markup on them ranges from 70% or more, depending on the complexity of the handmade work.

Mini bakery

Another line of business for those who love to cook and bake is the production of bakery products. It could be muffins, buns, bread, pies - anything. In this case, it is also advisable to purchase special equipment. The product can be sold in offices, through a kiosk, or manufactured based on pre-orders.

Nanny at home

The easiest way for a woman to implement those ideas that are in tune with her way of life. So, if she is on maternity leave, it is logical to offer nanny services at home. After all, she already looks after her child, but for some reason few people think of looking after two or three and even getting paid for it. Although a mother who is looking for a nanny is much more comfortable giving her child to a person who understands how to treat him. The cost of such services depends on the market average for a given region.

Breeding purebred cats

Some women embody ideas that are not related to housework. For example, breeding purebred cats. Usually they choose one specific breed and do breeding work. The cost of one purebred kitten can reach 10 thousand dollars. But in order to receive such income, you need to spend money and time on raising it. First of all, you need to buy a stud cat with the right to breed and sell breeding offspring. You can open a cattery only if such a cat has participated in at least two exhibitions, for which there is a corresponding certificate. Only this gives you the right to sell elite kittens at a market price.

But if you are not interested in excess profits, you can engage in breeding without the appropriate certificates. Accordingly, documentation is not included with the kittens and they cost much less.

Butterfly breeding

Those who like to bring beautiful ideas to life will appreciate butterfly breeding. Today, they are readily purchased by private individuals and holiday agencies for various events. The cost of one tropical butterfly can reach 1,500 rubles, so if you organize your business correctly, you can recoup your investment quite quickly. You need to spend money on:

  • insectarium - an aquarium for insects;
  • dry branches for an aquarium where butterflies will dry their wings;
  • technical means to maintain the required temperature in the aquarium;
  • pupae of tropical butterflies (50-300 RUR/piece);
  • a greenhouse for tropical plants where the larvae will feed.

Production of soft toys

Today, environmental ideas are in fashion, so soft toys made by hand from environmentally friendly materials are especially highly valued by mothers. To implement this idea, you will need a sewing machine and other sewing equipment, as well as a computer. It is better to take a multifunctional machine. A computer is needed to create patterns for toys, which are formed in a special program. But in the initial stages, you can use ready-made ones from the Internet. You can sell ready-made toys online or in markets.

Hand Made Soap Making

Today there are no barriers to making soap yourself. You can find many recipes on the Internet, and supplies are sold in specialty stores. True, production requires adherence to safety rules, since the alkali used in production is quite dangerous. Therefore, it is advisable to prepare soap in a separate room in a special container.

But if you replace the alkali with a natural base, you can produce an environmentally friendly material that will be more valuable on the market. You can sell products not only via the Internet, but also in stores selling organic products, souvenirs and others.

Growing fish and plants for aquariums

This business is suitable for those housewives who are interested in aquarium farming. Today it is fashionable to install aquariums with exotic fish and special vegetation for them in offices and various institutions. For this business you will need to purchase:

  • aquariums;
  • technical means to maintain the microclimate in them;
  • fry;
  • plants;
  • feed.

You can sell goods not only to offices and companies, but also to individuals.

Growing exotic plants

Growing indoor plants is as common for a woman as preparing food for the household. But a business can only be built on exotic plants. You can specialize in a specific plant. Today, for example, orchids are very popular. True, in this case it is necessary to thoroughly study the features of their cultivation, since exotic plants are usually very whimsical. But if you manage to provide them with proper care, you can grow healthy and strong plants. They are willingly taken not only into the home, but also into offices, as decorations for holidays, and in places of public visiting. If it is possible to grow several types of exotic flowerpots, they can be taken to flower shops.

Manicure services at home

Today, taking care of yourself is a rule of good manners, not a luxury. And professional care is in demand more and more. The advantage of manicure services at home is that they do not require bulky equipment - the master can carry everything with him. The range of manicure services today is wide, so you can almost always find clients. Moreover, manicure services at home are cheaper than in salons - there is no need to pay rent and utility bills.

To provide such services, you must complete special courses and obtain the appropriate certificate. You can also improve your skills via the Internet by watching training videos. Then you need to get a health record and buy the necessary equipment.

Your first clients may be acquaintances, relatives, friends, who will then recommend you to others. Take photos of your work and create a portfolio to post on your social media pages. It is through them that clients most often come.

A housewife is considered to be a woman who does not work for hire, but is supported by her husband and at the same time devotes herself entirely to maintaining cleanliness in the house, cooking, caring for children and other family affairs. But busying around the house and doing the same routine work every day, creating coziness and comfort for the household, is not the most rewarding thing. Why not try to diversify your everyday life and realize yourself in something new, interesting and at the same time useful and profitable? Consider business ideas for housewives that are realistic and easy to implement.

Business for housewives: needlework

Things made by a craftswoman by hand are always valued much higher than mass-produced factory goods, whether they are wardrobe items, women's jewelry or children's toys. In order to start making money on needlework, it is not at all necessary to complete special courses and obtain qualifications. , based on creativity, you can draw from the Internet, there are also many sites that host step-by-step instructions and master classes, and most of them are free. Therefore, even if you don’t know how to do something, don’t be afraid to try and get down to business more boldly.

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Handmade women's handbags

A bag is an essential accessory for any woman. What, no matter how a new handbag, can cheer up a woman and make her happier? Especially if it is a handmade thing, made of high-quality natural materials and, at the same time, practical and comfortable. If you believe the statistics of key queries from one of the popular search engines, then every month in Russia more than 400,000 people are looking for information on the topic “buy a bag”.

Meanwhile, in order to organize such a business for housewives, too much investment is not required. At the very beginning, you can even do without a professional sewing machine (an ordinary household one will be enough). Designer handbags, as a rule, are made of genuine leather, suede, husky, velor. In addition, you will need high-quality fittings and decoration elements (beads, knitted flowers, brushes, pendants, leather appliqués, etc.). You will have to spend money on the purchase of raw materials and advertising. You can sell such products both in person, starting with friends and acquaintances, and on the Internet using your own one-page website (see) or a group on social networks.

Candy stand

It is appropriate to try yourself in this business on the eve of romantic holidays, especially Valentine's Day or Women's Day on March 8th. Now you won’t surprise anyone with an ordinary bouquet of flowers, but if you add a flower arrangement with beautifully decorated chocolates, it will turn out very original, and most importantly, it’s also delicious! Such a gift will appeal to anyone and will be remembered for a long time.

If you think that such picturesque edible creations are difficult to make on your own, then you are mistaken. To learn how to make them, you need to be careful and have good taste. Materials that are most often used in flower and candy floristry:

  • corrugated paper of different colors;
  • decorative ribbons, bows and lace;
  • beads and rhinestones;
  • paper filler;
  • wire, molds, skewers and stamens for bouquets;
  • mesh and packing material, etc.

Even if there are no outlets in your city where you can buy all this, take advantage of the offers of online stores with delivery in Russia. The cost of one such bouquet averages 250-300 rubles, and the selling price starts from 700 rubles. The benefit is obvious. Therefore, if you do not know what to do as a housewife to earn money, pay attention to this idea, study the prices for similar products in your area, look for the necessary materials at the best price, watch a few video tutorials and go for it!

Scrapbooking as a business idea

Continuing the theme of gifts, I would like to bring to your attention one more original idea. Surely every girl in her childhood had something like a scrapbook, where beautiful photographs, interesting magazine notes, and memorable little things were pasted. Today, such albums, or rather, their improved versions, are in great demand, and not only among children. Themes for the design of a scrapbook (literally - a scrapbook) are:

  • weddings;
  • trips;
  • birth of a child;
  • kindergarten/school;
  • love story, etc.

To make such albums on your own, you need to master the most common scrapbooking techniques, study what materials and tools are best to use, view finished works, and it is also desirable to acquire Photoshop skills. When creating your first albums, don't be afraid to experiment, bring your own personality and don't forget to take pictures of everything, because you will definitely need a portfolio to get clients. You can offer your work to friends and acquaintances, Internet users, as well as shops and shops selling souvenirs.

Production of semi-finished products

This idea is perfect for residents of large and medium-sized cities, where the fast pace of life and the lack of free time encourage people to often buy ready-to-eat foods and convenience foods that can be prepared quickly and easily.

The most popular are:

  • dumplings with ground pork and beef (see) and dumplings with various fillings;
  • cutlets and zrazy;
  • pancakes stuffed with various fillings;
  • cabbage rolls;
  • pizza.

Important! Certain conditions are necessary for the storage of these products. So, frozen semi-finished products should be stored at a temperature of no more than -12 degrees Celsius for no longer than 8 months, chilled - at a temperature of 0 to 3 degrees, but not more than 1 day.

Therefore, in order for a housewife to earn money in the production of semi-finished products, she will have to purchase equipment such as a freezer. The remaining costs will be related mainly to the purchase of raw materials and ingredients. As for income, on average, such a business within the home format is able to bring 15-20 thousand rubles a month, depending on the intensity of production and the number of customers (buyers).

Entrepreneurial Ideas for Children's Services

How can a housewife make money while sitting at home with children? Simple enough: if you have the experience of raising children, the skills to properly care for them, you can find several options for earning money at home, and your own kids will not be a hindrance to this at all.

Website dedicated to motherhood

What does a modern mother do if she does not know how to start complementary foods? If suddenly the child has a slight rash? If you can't wean your baby off the pacifier? If the child can not get used to the potty? A modern mother, of course, will ask a pediatrician for advice, but besides that, she will raise a lot of information on the Internet in order to find answers to all her questions.

Take advantage of the existing trend and create your own website (page, blog, Youtube channel), through which you can conduct consultations, upload thematic videos, talk about personal experience, answer questions, etc. Fill your resource with interesting materials, consult with specialists about his progress. If you manage to make the site popular and visited, it will be able to bring you a steady income through advertising, affiliate programs and other tricks.


Of course, not every woman will be able to look after other people's children, feed them and entertain them on the territory of her own home. However, if your own and other people's children are in the same age category, this greatly simplifies the task. Yes, and they pay decently for such services: at least 100 rubles. for 1 hour. And if at the same time you also work with your child (for example, learning English, drawing, etc.), then the payment can increase up to two times - parents appreciate it.

If you have at least a secondary medical education, you can complete baby massage courses, get an appropriate certificate and start earning money by opening your small office at home. The cost of training is about 20,000 rubles. for 100 academic hours.

The word “housewife” is familiar to everyone today, if not everyone. In most cases, it represents the stereotype of a woman constantly involved in housework and raising children.

Daily cleaning, laundry, cooking for breakfast, lunch and dinner of three or more courses, often capricious kids and a dissatisfied husband. Perhaps the woman is glad to leave her “post” as a housewife, but she understands like no one else: no one will take care of the family better than her.

But daily “Groundhog Day” is also not an option. This is fraught with bad mood, fatigue and emotional burnout. It turns out to be a double-edged sword: you don’t have the opportunity to go to work yet, and you also don’t want to get bogged down in your home routine. In such cases, the Almighty Internet comes to the rescue, providing a lot of earning opportunities for housewives.

The main thing here is to choose exactly “your” niche, to which your soul will lie. And the modern housewife’s ability to combine income and her favorite pastime will be the envy of almost every office employee, who most often does something she doesn’t like very much and at the same time is completely dependent on her working day.

Choosing your niche

Such work for housewives, alluring in its apparent simplicity, is of interest not only to mothers on maternity leave. There are many options for earning money today. They may not be directly related to the Internet, but today you can’t live without it.

Social networks, forums, bulletin boards are a proven and convenient way to find customers, and communication with them often occurs through various applications - instant messengers, Skype or email. Therefore, when starting to implement your own business idea, or even at the initial stage of its search or development, make sure that you have at your disposal a work laptop that will not be “squeezed out” by those at home at the most inopportune moment.

So, here we go: how can a housewife make money when it’s the 21st century and the opportunities for earning money are almost unlimited.

1. Handicrafts. An option for making money for all times, it was practiced even before the advent of the Internet. This includes knitting, embroidery, as well as such newfangled activities as hand-made and scrapbooking. Despite the fact that such crafts and things can be bought in stores without any problems, there was, is and will be a demand for handmade products. The secret lies in the uniqueness of each product.

Such an affordable business for housewives is quite capable of thriving if you know how and love to crochet, embroider, or make various interesting and creative things with your own hands, like decoupage or cute little boxes. This also includes a type of income such as arranging bouquets of sweets, which have been in significant demand in recent years.

If you have long been interested in the question of what to do as a housewife and still earn money, but there is no particular desire to do handicrafts, then perhaps the following business ideas for housewives are what you need.

2. Intellectual work. This includes writing articles for websites, consulting, and conducting various webinars. Writing articles is a well-worn topic that was popular a few years ago. Now, in order to receive reasonable money for such work, you need to have at least a philological education, have impeccably literate written language, constantly read and improve yourself in order to expand your knowledge and vocabulary.

Being a writer is a calling that requires a special talent for expressing your thoughts. “Mediocre” texts are not particularly valued now, especially since competition on article exchanges today is enormous. This kind of work for housewives at home is suitable if “live” communication with people does not attract a woman, and complete silence and the uniform sound of typing keys is a unique way to relax from the household routine.

3. Coaching or psychological consultations. Recently, work related to various consultations via the Internet has begun to gain popularity. This is not surprising: most people prefer to receive the necessary information in the comfort of their own home, rather than go out somewhere and wait in lines.

On the Internet today you can easily get advice from a teacher, speech therapist, lawyer, psychologist and even a doctor. Although the last option is a last resort, because we all know that no Internet can replace a real examination by a specialist.

Have more confidence and everything will work out

If you answer the question of how to make money for a housewife, if there is no time for needlework, writing articles does not attract her, and calling customer databases called “cold calls” is simply boring, then you can offer a completely adequate option for earning money - try yourself as a psychologist - consultant.

Yes, yes, and there is no need to immediately say that “this is not mine.” Such consultations are in great demand today among the same housewives who have no one to speak out and no one to consult with.

In order to do this, you do not need to have the appropriate education. If you have a good appearance, a pleasant voice and no problems with speaking, then coaching (consultations) is exactly what you can use to start making money as a housewife.

Basically, a psychologist provides help and support in a difficult situation or when choosing a path. Listening carefully, supporting, giving advice, convincing that everything will definitely work out - these, of course, are not all the “responsibilities” of a psychological consultation specialist. There is a lot of available literature on the Internet on the topic of working as a psychologist, and it is also easy to get training in counseling, which will open up a new profession for you.

When starting to choose a job while sitting at home on maternity leave with children, first of all, start from your own interests. Remote work should be fun, not a burden.

Be sure to keep in mind that the time allotted for work in the office is formed much easier than at home. Keep in mind that you will often be distracted by your child or husband, who at first may not understand that your mother is constantly busy with something new and still incomprehensible, instead of sitting and doing household chores.

Having decided on the choice of activity, draw up a kind of business plan for yourself. Write down everything in detail point by point: what, when, where, why and how much. This is what all business people do. Such a plan will ensure consistency and thoughtfulness of your actions and will allow you not to miss anything.

Most likely, you will need initial capital to purchase available tools and materials (if you plan to do handicrafts) or to purchase special literature that will provide you with professional knowledge and help you become a more qualified specialist.

You should always have a notepad and pen at hand - now these are your essential attributes. Write down everything there: necessary contacts, sudden ideas, interesting thoughts... After all, now you are not only a caring mother and wife, but also a practical businesswoman who earns money herself and at the same time is engaged in translating her own ideas and developments into reality. Author: Nadezhda Shmagileva

Many women who, for one reason or another, spend most of their time at home doing housework, sooner or later begin to think about how to learn to extract additional dividends from their situation. Of course, while on maternity leave, it is quite difficult to find a lot of time for work or hobbies, but if you wish, you can organize a small business without leaving home, which will allow you to kill several birds with one stone - the woman will do what she loves without being distracted from her main duties as a housewife, and at the same time still earn a certain amount of money. Sounds quite adventurous, doesn't it? However, organizing a small business at home is not as difficult as it seems at first, and a woman will be able to choose the appropriate direction based on her preferences, skills and desires. Below are just a few home-based small business ideas for women who are homemakers:

1) Home cooking

2) Home studio

Every housewife is forced to prepare a variety of tasty and healthy food for her family every day. If cooking gives you sincere pleasure, and everyone around you is delighted with your culinary abilities, then this is a great way to earn extra money without leaving home. You just need to use a little imagination, cast aside modesty and call on inspiration to help. The opening of home cooking at home does not need to be formalized, although if things go well, it won’t hurt to register with the relevant authorities in order to subsequently avoid problems with the tax authorities. So where do you start? The first step is to choose your main specialization. Are you great at baking? This means you should focus on making pies, crumpets and buns. Are you great at preparing homemade drinks, fruit drinks and compotes? This can also be an excellent source of permanent income, the size of which will directly depend on your performance and ability to advertise yourself. If you decide to seriously start a home culinary business, then the first thing you should take care of after you have decided on the main specialization of your mini-cooking is the constant presence in the house of all the products necessary for cooking. Please ensure that your supplies of flour, sugar, eggs (if baking is your main focus) or fresh fruit (if you decide to make refreshing drinks) are regularly replenished, as the lack of the necessary ingredients will force you to waste extra time on them. acquisition. After you have acquired supplies of the necessary products, you can think about how to convey to people information about the availability of delicious and fresh culinary products that can be purchased in your home. There are several ways to advertise your mini-cooking:

  • "Word of mouth" radio. Seek help from your friends who are familiar with your culinary talents. It is unlikely that you will be denied a small advertisement
  • Advertisement on the Internet
  • Neighbors who are loyal to you will also probably not refuse you a small favor and will contribute to your advertising

If you really love and know how to cook and are serious about the idea of ​​​​creating home cooking, then regular income will not take long to arrive.

We sew at home to order

Many women who do housework are fond of embroidery, sewing and knitting. So why not turn a pleasant hobby into a useful and profitable mini-business at home? To do this you will need very little:

1) Ability to sew well

2) Availability of a sewing machine and other sewing tools

3) Responsibility

4) Availability of free time

To find your first orders, you can contact your friends, asking if any of them need an exclusive outfit that no one else will have? An equally effective method of finding clients for your home studio would be an advertisement in the newspaper, on the Internet, especially on specialized websites, as well as visiting exhibitions of interest. If you really know how to sew well, take a responsible approach to your responsibilities and have enough free time, then soon your clients will definitely find you, since exclusive handmade items, be it an original dress or a skillfully embroidered pillowcase, are available at any time were very much appreciated among the people. Thus, without leaving home, without being distracted from housework and communication with your child and spouse, you can provide yourself with a regular income, while doing what you love and enjoy.

Home business - profitable and easy!

Above are just two ways to make money at home for creative, responsible and energetic women who want to have their own income, even while on maternity leave. In fact, there are many more home business options for housewives, and if you wish, you can always find an activity that will bring you not only moral satisfaction, but also a decent income. The most important thing is to believe in yourself!

  • Making money online – stereotypes and myths
  • The Internet is the engine of progress
  • Interesting ideas for home business
  • Pet breeding
  • hand made
  • Preschool developmental
  • Shopping, resale of clothes
  • Hackneyed earning options

The word business is associated with a busy work schedule that leaves no time for household chores and family, so there is an opinion that a housewife cannot master this type of activity. This has long been a stereotype; today you can earn money without leaving home, and running a household with your family will not be a hindrance. In this article we will look at all business options for housewives, so that readers of the site //site/ can choose the right option for themselves!

Making money online - stereotypes and myths

Modern business idea generators place all their hopes on the Internet. They believe that even a schoolchild and a housewife can make money online. Theoretically, this is indeed possible, but practice shows that earnings on the Internet is not so simple and requires certain conditions to be met:

  • Online business should be fun;
  • It is necessary to effectively organize your free time - turn it into working time. Outside of official work, where it is necessary to maintain a daily routine, this is quite difficult to do;
  • The desire for self-education. You won’t be able to earn even a little money right away; this is preceded by the process of acquiring specific skills and knowledge;
  • Understanding the need to improve skills and business development. This is necessary so as not to be trampled by competitors.

Only this combination of qualities will allow earn money while staying at home with children.

The Internet is the engine of progress

The global network occupies a significant place in the life of a modern person; it is firmly entrenched in everyday life and business, but earnings may not be 100% connected with the World Wide Web. At the same time, the Internet remains a powerful means of promoting goods and services.

Social networks, message boards, thematic portals and forums have become excellent tools with which a housewife can express herself and her capabilities for free. The Internet also provides a convenient payment system - electronic payment systems, which make business mobile. Therefore all options earning money from home connected to the Internet to one degree or another.

In rural areas, you can grow decorative flowers for the holidays, such as violets. These beautiful flowers in small pots bring real income. The cost of such a gift is on average 200 rubles per piece. You can sell them yourself or sell them to resellers. But in this case, the cost of flowers will be lower. You can also grow seedlings.

May be of interest: How to make money growing and selling seedlings?

It is quite possible to organize such a business for housewives at home. It is possible to grow flowers on a balcony or loggia, but due to limited space, profit will be limited.

Pet breeding

Business can be done by breeding rare breeds of domestic animals. In this case, the housewife combines business with pleasure. But such activity is associated with certain difficulties:

  1. Start-up capital is required - elite animals with a pedigree are quite expensive.
  2. Careful and professional care of the animal is required.
  3. You should know the specifics of caring for your offspring and you should also get vaccinations.
  4. Animals in the house are a certain kind of problem: torn wallpaper, scruffy shoes, wool on clothes. But at the same time, there is no better entertainment for children, because pets often literally become members of the family. Therefore, this business, in addition to problems, brings pleasure and positive emotions.

In addition, you can exhibit animals at exhibitions in order to receive titles, which will increase their status and, accordingly, the cost of their offspring.

More details about how to make money by breeding purebred cats, we talked about in the corresponding article!

hand made

Hand Made - this phrase opens up access to impressive income. Today, various crafts are in great demand. The reason is that it is exclusive; hand-made souvenirs cannot be found in stores. These are truly unique things, not mass-produced items. This feature allows you to organize income, which is also suitable for housewives.

This business is perfect for young mothers. While playing with kids, you can develop and come up with new crafts and souvenirs. For example, sculpt a model from plasticine, and then implement it in other materials.

Preschool developmental

You can make money by tutoring, or rather by developing preschool children. A housewife spends her free time working with children, solving logic problems with them, learning numbers and letters, tongue twisters, poetry, and drawing. Tutors involved in child development are in demand both in the capital and in the provinces. May be of interest: Selling chicken eggs is a profitable home business

Shopping, resale of clothes

Today, reselling things online is very popular. There are many specialized online platforms for this. This kind of earnings does not involve creating your own portal, and accordingly saves time and money. In this case, a housewife can turn shopping into an easy business. All you have to do is take a photo and post the item with a description on the portal.

In Second Hand stores, branded items are bought for pennies and resold for more money online. This business requires only one thing - to understand things. Children's and women's clothing are in high demand, followed by shoes and outerwear. You can also try make money selling Chinese things. Today this is a fairly relevant business idea, although not new.

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