Trading stand for fruits covered in chocolate. Business idea: Chocolate fountains

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When holding birthdays, weddings, corporate and other holidays, you want the event to be remembered. And be sure to be finger-licking delicious! You can set the tables with dishes, invite animators, decorate the room with balls, flowers, arrange noisy and colorful fireworks.

And if you add a chocolate fountain to the holiday, then both guests and hosts will definitely have euphoria from being at an unforgettable event. Such a holiday will be remembered by everyone for a long time.

What is a chocolate fountain? A tall metal multi-tiered structure that is powered from the mains. But instead of water, liquid chocolate flows in cascades.

The design is installed in a special tray with hot chocolate, which constantly circulates. Can you imagine the smell in the room? This smell alone will instantly set your guests up for a holiday.

Around the fountain, on an elegant dish, place cut fruits and small skewers or forks for piercing them. Everyone will love dipping fruit in a chocolate fountain.

What is this business idea? You need to buy a dozen or two fountains of various sizes and rent them out for celebrations and all kinds of holidays. You can even install a point with a fountain near an entertainment or shopping center.

The production of chocolate fountains is established in many countries of the planet. The height of the fountains varies from half a meter to two meters, from 3-tier to 7-tier. They are constructed of stainless steel, wear-resistant and strong, so there is no need to worry about breakdowns and repair costs. Depending on the size and country of origin, the price of the fountain varies from 3,000 to 20,000 – 25,000 rubles.

Finding and buying a good chocolate fountain, for example via the Internet, is not at all difficult. It is enough to write in the search line of any search engine such phrases: “Buy a chocolate fountain in Moscow” or such a phrase: “Buy a chocolate fountain in St. Petersburg” and you will be offered a large number of offers. Choose, negotiate and purchase. Honestly, you won't regret it.

To make the fountain work to its fullest, you need from five to fifteen kilograms of chocolate. Chocolate varieties are chosen by customers. For weddings, cascades of white chocolate will look symbolic and more beautiful, although, again, this depends on the taste of the customer.

An Internet search can also help here. Again, write something like: “Chocolate for a chocolate fountain buy” or “Chocolate for a chocolate fountain” and all your problems with finding the right chocolate will be solved very quickly.

For a children's holiday, milk chocolate is better, since not every child perceives the white colors of chocolate, he has a clear idea in his mind: once chocolate, then brown. The color scheme of hot chocolate can be diversified by adding safe dyes to white. The results are soft pastel colors.

The profitability of a business depends directly on the region and, naturally, on the number of orders. The costs can be recouped in the first two weeks, or in 2 months. The price of renting a chocolate fountain from agencies in the capital varies from 5 to 15 thousand rubles (this is for a large, 2-meter fountain for 120 - 150 people).

Each fountain pays for itself in two or three rentals. Fountains take up little space; if you consider the business to be fickle, then you can make good money on it.

If you rent a point in the entertainment center and install a fountain there, the equipment will generate regular income. Fruit skewered on skewers can be served to customers on disposable small plates.

The cost of dessert per plate, depending on the number of pieces and the presence of exotic items on the menu, will vary from two to five dollars. Subtract the cost of renting the outlet, chocolate and fruit from your income, and you get a net profit, which, I assure you, is several times higher than the amount spent on the business.

And when a larger customer appears, nothing will stop you from renting out the fountain for a day or two.

When you feel that they know about you and the business is up and running, then in addition to the chocolate fountains you will need to buy fountains for champagne, juices or wines. Believe me, these fountains will be the center of attention at any celebration or event. They will become a highlight that everyone will remember.

What else is good about business? To put it on stream, you don’t need to have any special skills or knowledge. Initially, it will be necessary to advertise in a local newspaper or on the radio, preferably in the press with a photo - this will attract the attention of customers.

If opportunities allow, you can shoot a short video for street screens - chocolate fountains always look more spectacular and bright, which is sure to attract attention.

Selling fast food on the street is a good idea for making money that doesn’t require a lot of money. Many budding entrepreneurs focus on street trading, opening kebab shops, hot dog and pizza stalls. The competition in this area of ​​​​earnings is quite large, therefore, for a beginner, it is sometimes very difficult to find a good and profitable place, interest buyers and recoup all investments in a short time.

Among the variety of fast food, it is quite difficult to decide on the idea of ​​​​earning money. I recommend that you do not open another hot dog stand, but do something more - open a kiosk selling caramel apples.

In our previous article, we have already discussed in detail a similar idea of ​​​​earning, we told you about and trading them on the street. Today, we will continue such an interesting topic and talk in more detail about the profitability of the caramel apple business.

The history of the dessert

To begin with, it’s worth talking about the dessert itself and what it is. It is worth noting that this delicacy appeared quite recently and not everyone has yet been able to try this dessert on the streets of their city.

Caramel apple can easily be classified as street fast food. This dessert is prepared on the street, in crowded places in the city, in a specially equipped tent, right in front of visitors. The caramel apple is a simple yet delicious treat that consists of a regular apple on a skewer, topped with sweet caramel and sprinkled with nuts, dried fruit or cinnamon.

The history of this dessert goes far beyond the borders of our country. This delicacy was first invented by the inhabitants of the East. It is worth noting that at that time, caramel was used as a preservative in order to preserve the freshness of the fruit longer. After Europeans tried this delicacy, it continued its march around the world and recently appeared in our country.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Caramel Apple Business

Any field of activity has its pros and cons. Therefore, before starting a business, you need to study the idea in detail and come to a conclusion whether it is suitable for you or not.

Little competition. It should be noted that the caramel apple is a new, less popular dessert. Not every city can yet try it. This means that there is practically no competition in this field of activity. Therefore, do not lose the opportunity to occupy a profitable niche.

Minimum financial investment. This type of earnings can safely be classified as . Renting a tent and purchasing equipment will cost you several tens of thousands of rubles. As for raw materials, ordinary apples are used to prepare the dessert, which cost pennies during the season. Thus, the low cost of the product does not differ much from its price, which will undoubtedly attract buyers.

A healthy and vitamin-rich treat. This dessert differs from others in its relative usefulness. An apple is a vitamin-rich fruit that even adherents of a healthy diet consume. As for the glaze, there is very little of it and although it is not very useful, it will not do much harm to your figure. Therefore, this dessert will be popular in any city, among children and adults.

Appearance. A caramelized apple sprinkled with nuts, chocolate chips, cinnamon and other goodies looks very impressive. Many people will not be able to resist trying this delicacy. And the divine aroma will attract visitors from afar.

Disadvantages of business in the production of caramel apples

Seasonality of business. This type of income, as a rule, is relevant only in the warm season. In winter, all summer tents close and fast food workers go on vacation to wait for the next season. You can follow their example, either by accumulating capital or by starting a pizzeria.

Equipment for the production of caramel apples

To engage in this type of business, you need to purchase the following equipment:
  1. Mobile cart. First of all, you should buy a special portable cart that will be convenient to transport from place to place. It is advisable that it be with an umbrella that will protect you from the sun or rain, because you will have to stand in any weather. In addition, buy a portable chair, because standing all day is very difficult.
  2. A caramelizer is a special equipment that makes caramel for apples. Its cost depends on manufacturers and power. You can purchase this equipment for approximately 15–20 thousand rubles.
  3. A device for putting apples on a skewer. Naturally, you can do without it and do it manually. But it’s still better to buy this inexpensive device; with it you will save time and also will not spoil the appearance of the dessert.

Purchase of raw materials

It is worth noting that the appearance of the delicacy depends on the quality of the apples, so you should buy only selected fruits. Don’t forget about the type of apples; they should not be too sweet, otherwise the dessert will be too cloying.

In addition to apples, you will need caramel mixture, sugar and water.

Packaging and accessories for serving dessert. As noted above, caramel apples are served on sticks. This is done for convenience, so that the caramel does not melt or flow, and it is convenient for people to eat dessert.

Caramel apples can be presented in different ways. This amazing and tasty dessert will look original both on a regular skewer and in an original paper box. Decide for yourself how to serve it. Just keep in mind that a lot depends on the design; people like it when the delicacy is not only tasty, but also beautiful.

How to make a caramel apple?

Now it’s worth talking directly about the process of preparing this dessert.

First of all, you need to purchase the main component of the dessert - apples. We have already said above that you need to choose fruits very carefully, taking into account their appearance as well as taste. Apples that are too sweet are not suitable; it is better to give preference to varieties with sourness.

After the fruits are purchased, they need to be washed and dried.

Preparing the glaze. For many, this stage seems the most difficult, but it is not so. Water, sugar and caramel mixture are placed in the caramelizer. The mixture is heated at a certain temperature, resulting in the formation of finished caramel, which is used for apples.

Apples are strung on a stick and dipped into hot caramel. After this, they are taken out and cooled. As a rule, the dessert is sprinkled with nuts, candied fruits, coconut, and chocolate. The result is a very impressive and equally tasty delicacy that both children and adults will enjoy.

Sales and customer acquisition

Caramel apples, like any type of fast food, are best sold in crowded places in the city. Therefore, it is advisable to place your outlet in places with large crowds of people. It is very profitable to sell dessert during major holidays; there are several times more buyers these days. You can also participate in various street food festivals and fairs.

Catering. This is another option for making money. You can provide catering services in your city. Clients can be a variety of companies and individuals; for example, many people will order this dessert for a birthday or party.

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Costs and profits

First of all, let's discuss the amount of investment. To start a business, you will need:

  • Registration with the tax service;
  • Renting a place and purchasing a portable tent;
  • Purchase of equipment;
  • Purchase of raw materials.

Fast food is now more common than ever. This is due to the general employment of the population, which wants to get everything as quickly as possible, literally “on the run.” Owners of fast food outlets are happy to help them with this - they try to offer something new and interest potential customers. These include hot dogs, corn dogs, cone pizza, falafel, and shawarma... However, in most cases, the emphasis is on unsweetened, rather heavy and high-calorie foods. What about children? It is they who, in most cases, serve as the “engine” of trade - parents are ready to indulge in the name of their contentment and their peace of mind.

For such cases, trays with loose ice cream are provided, but is this enough for the spoiled public? In addition, the composition of ice cream is not always pleasing - parents are inclined to refuse the child if they consider the treat harmful to his health.

A new trend - caramel apples - is just beginning to gain popularity on the Russian market. Surely everyone has seen this dessert more than once in American films. The appearance and composition of this dessert can attract both children and adults, plus, this type of product looks very fresh against the backdrop of boring fast food.

A little history

Caramel apples appeared in the Far East due to practicality - the fruit needed an increase in shelf life. Otherwise, there would simply be nothing to trade - the product would not survive the long delivery period. As everyone knows, sugar is a preservative; it helps preserve food longer. From the East, apples migrated to Europe, and from there to America, becoming a cult dish.

Over time, the recipe underwent changes - the caramel became softer and less crunchy, which simplified the process of eating. Today, these apples are no less impressive than donuts, thanks to their decoration and presentation.

Prospects and features

By and large, caramel apples (photo) consist of whole fruit of the correct shape on a wooden stick, sugar, sugar syrup and water. Well, sprinkles. Moreover, there is very little sugar itself, since the syrup envelops the apple with a thin layer, simply adding flavor.

The apple itself is practically not subjected to heat treatment. When purchasing a treat, people end up simply eating fresh fruit. Hence, there is no heaviness in the stomach, minimal contraindications and even benefits.

The advantage is that these apples are nowhere to be found now - entrepreneurs underestimate their potential, because production is too simple, as is the finished product. Also, the benefit is that caramel apples will be most popular in street trading conditions. That is, you won’t have to pay a lot of money to rent the premises.

However, this is a double-edged sword - sales on the street are seasonal, that is, apples can only be sold in the warm season.

The cost of one such apple is a maximum of 10-12 rubles, while the retail cost is a minimum of 50 rubles. If you get good at cooking and provide customers with a high-quality, tasty and beautiful product, then the initial costs will pay off very quickly.


In order to cook apples, it is enough to purchase the following list of equipment:

China or not China?

In the process of choosing equipment, everyone is guided by the same principle - cheaper, but better quality. The most “close to the people” in terms of price tag are the Chinese-made items. Further, in increasing order - Russia and the USA. What should I do? Let's look at the pros and cons.

  • China. Inexpensive, but the pig is in a poke. This equipment can work for years or begin to give problems within a couple of months. Subject to repair and service. According to general statistics, it survives the season without any problems.
  • Russia. More expensive by 15-20% on average. Warranties and spare parts. On average it lasts 1-2 years.
  • USA. At least 50% more expensive than Chinese equipment. The average service life is 5 years.

Principle of operation

How to cook caramel apples? A business based on them does not require any special knowledge or chefs, since the cooking process is outrageously simple. We will describe it as completely as possible.

Reviews and place on the market

Of course, it’s scary to start something new, not particularly known to the general public, but the “Caramel Apples” business has very positive reviews. This is due both to the unfamiliarity of the treats on the Russian market, and to the general love of people for food and entertainment.

According to entrepreneurs, fruits are in demand in places where idle people gather. These are all kinds of squares, fairs, festivals and parks. They are especially good because there are always a lot of children there. And what parent can resist a request to buy not chips, not a hot dog, but such a healthy and tasty apple, even with a little sugar on top?

The product is also in demand in catering. This word refers to catering for events, or more precisely, providing food. Mobile caramel apples are a business for not very rich, but promising and sociable people.

Homemade caramel apples

What if you want to please your family with apples? You can’t buy a set of equipment for this, right? You can do it on your own. To make this treat at home, you will need the following products:

  • apples (preferably sweet and sour for contrast) - 3 pieces;
  • white sugar - 200 grams;
  • water - 25 grams;
  • corn syrup (or glucose syrup) - 70 grams;
  • wooden sticks for shish kebab - 3 pcs.;
  • optional - sprinkles, food coloring (for more shockingness).

Process description

Making caramel apples starts with the apples themselves. Wash and dry them, stick them on sticks. Set aside.

Mix sugar, syrup, water and coloring (if adding it, a couple of drops will be enough) in a heavy-bottomed saucepan. Cook over low heat until the sugar dissolves.

Increase the heat to high and, without stirring, bring the caramel to 130 degrees. Remove from the stove as it will start to burn. Immediately dip the apples into the caramel one at a time, turning the stick along its axis until an even, smooth caramel coating is achieved. Make sure the caramel is not too thick. Otherwise it will be difficult to eat. While the caramel is soft, you can roll it over the sprinkles. To do this, it is better to take something appetizingly crunchy, such as toasted nuts. Let cool completely and here they are - caramel apples! Reviews and delight from loved ones will let you know that you made the right decision.

Articles about chocolate covered fruits In recent years, shopping centers and holiday parks have been flooded with offers of quick, but often very unhealthy, snacks. This is a profitable business that does not require large financial investments or lengthy training from the owners. The Sweet Life company was able to combine benefits for potential consumers and benefits for the entrepreneur in its business offer.
Can “fast food” be healthy?
The benefits of fruit and incredible taste sensations in one product - all lovers of sweets will become regular and loyal customers! Apples in caramel and banana in chocolate can be prepared extremely simply and impeccably beautiful using the “Fruits in Caramel and Chocolate” equipment from the Sweet Life company.
Caramel apples and other fresh fruits on a wooden stick, covered with glaze - it's delicious, simple, healthy, elegant - and profitable! Just buy a caramelizer and a chocolate food warmer and you will get such a beautiful and aromatic product that no one will be able to remain indifferent and simply pass by. And most importantly, even adherents of healthy eating rules will not be able to resist, because the sweet glaze is so thin, and there are so many benefits inside.
Interesting? We offer equipment at prices guaranteed to be lower than those of competing companies. Buying a caramelizer and a food warmer for chocolate and becoming the owner of a cool, effective business - isn’t this a lucrative offer?
Advantages of a business offer from the company “Sweet Life”
By purchasing our equipment, you are purchasing a ready-made business that will pay for itself in the shortest possible time. It’s also worth paying attention to the franchise offer from “Sweet Life” - you won’t need to share profits with us for many years, just pay once and get our experience and step-by-step guidance on developing and promoting your business in one profitable offer.
Equipment that produces caramel apples and chocolate-covered bananas will bring you profit and delight customers for many years, because the metal frame of the stand is guaranteed to provide you with work for more than 5 years. The quality of our equipment is confirmed by official certificates and test reports.
All products offered by our company are not only an example of quality and reliability, but also an excellent way to effectively invest in a low-cost and highly profitable business. And what could be more pleasant than a business that brings profit to you and delights everyone around you with delicious sweets and incomparable fruits?
Investments, profit, return on business - contact us and we will provide the necessary information complete with equipment.
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