How to promote an event in VK. Event Promotion: Tips and Comments from Expert Practitioners

Today, one of the most interesting areas in marketing is event marketing. Event marketing refers to the holding of various events that promote (and sometimes are aimed only at this) sales, PR, and product recognition. Event marketing is useful because it is based on a rather interesting, long-term contact with the audience, immersing them in the atmosphere of the brand.

A marketing format that attracts people not with advertising messages like “buy-buy-buy”, but entertains and educates, allowing potential consumers to immerse themselves in the atmosphere of the brand, is a fairly popular direction for promoting a wide variety of goods and services today. Typically, product marketing begins with defining the concept of the event. After all the features and ideas have been spelled out in detail and preparations have begun, the stage of advertising the event itself also begins.

In fact, marketing becomes complex - if at first we just needed to sell the product, now we use a scheme in which we first sell the event, and then at the event we worry about selling the product. On the other hand, such marketing is much more effective and inspires more trust among the audience. In addition, you can collect contacts from people who came but didn’t buy anything and use these contacts for repeated communication - the percentage of those who will buy next time can increase significantly. If you work with contacts correctly, of course.

So, as we see, marketing that uses events is a very popular format.

But it often happens that the main problem that event organizers face is not the problem of finding ideas for the script, but the problem of PR and advertising the event itself. After all, you need to fully recoup the costs of organizing and sell the product, making a very wide coverage. And organizing events is a troublesome business, as you know.

So, we have already determined that the most important problem is the problem of attracting people to the event. It doesn't matter if they pay for it or not. It is difficult to attract people to both paid and free events.

Let's sort out all the difficulties and write an algorithm for advertising an event on the Internet.

1. We start with the concept of the event. This is the most difficult, but incredibly interesting item of work. There will be no event without a concept. A concept is a general idea that clearly states the essence of the event. A concept is not just an idea taken from the ceiling. It's not just a pretty idea. The concept should perfectly match your product and include an understanding of why the audience would want to attend the event. This is the key question - today there are many places where you can have a good time. And if you offer a competing alternative program, then there must be very compelling reasons for a person to change his mind in your favor. The concept precisely answers this most important question - why they will come to your event.

2. Determination of the best communication channels. Today, marketers have so many tools that they have to choose among those that are at hand, rather than looking for new ones. Some tools are not needed at all to attract people, others may be almost the only channels of communication with the audience to attract people to the event. I think it’s no secret to anyone that the best option is to use social networks. Social networks are the best way to create a viral effect. There is a special solution - if you want to attend the event for free, then write a comment on your own on the promo page, and also repost it to your page on a social network. This is an excellent technique that has been tested in more than one course (training, seminar) and allows you to reach many people who are potentially interested in your topic in a matter of days. In general, it all comes down to making the event famous among a certain group of people on the Internet in a minimum amount of time and almost without spending money on contextual advertising and advertising on social networks. The group is usually determined not only by age and interests, but also by location, for example, if you are holding an event in St. Petersburg, then, of course, it will not be entirely convenient for people from Minsk or Kiev. Therefore, take geolocation into account.

3. Details and details of the program. Be sure to consider that even if you are holding a free event that takes little time, people may not come if there is no clear program. The program is a list of what awaits people who want to attend your event. Usually the best blocks are included at the end of the program so that people come and stay until the end. But you also need to take into account that people will under no circumstances come to places where they are not interested. All promotional materials should demonstrate your competence and prove that the time spent on your event will be of great value.

4. Cooperation with other companies. Some other companies may also be interested in co-hosting an event with you. This is promising, given that people who know about their company will now be able to find out about your event. In general, use every opportunity to expand your contact list of potential partners and get more people to the event.

5. Actively use banner advertising on the right sites. Make beautiful and informative banners and make a list of platforms where your potential audience is. You can then start advertising your event about 1-2 months in advance. This way you will definitely get the right number of participants. Considering that banner impressions are cheap, you can calculate the optimal budget and optimal timing for posting your ads.

It is profitable to advertise events on the Internet. The main thing is to start working in advance and test all the proposed tools. You will advertise each new event much cheaper and easier, but you need to start as soon as you decide to hold the event and decide on the dates.

This way you will have time to correct errors that will definitely arise the first time.


Practical seminar - specific technologies that have proven their effectiveness

12 ways to recruit a group for training

Have you ever encountered a situation where you came up withwonderful training, training program or therapeutic group, launched advertising, told everyone they could that soon you have a grandiose event, and 2.5 people came to you, which They can’t even pay off the rent for the hall?

I used to encounter this problem all the time! It even happened that not a single person came.

But how can that be?

I have such a great training, it took me so long to come up with it, I tried so hard, I didn’t sleep at night... And then the day “X” comes, and people are “X-renushki”!

But if this continues from time to time, the demotivation to organize your own group classes becomes higher each time. A thought begins to creep in

- Am I even good for anything, since people don’t come to me?

- Have I really come up with a topic that no one needs?

- Can someone organize training for me? And even if someone undertakes to recruit people for you, he will take quite a percentage for it...

- Can’t I really recruit a group myself?

But fortunately, working methods for recruiting a group have long been invented that work, if not with a 100% guarantee, but with a 90% guarantee!

In order to solve this problem, you need to master a few simple tactics for selling your group classes.Moreover, most tactics are completely do not require additional investment in advertising and promotion. Even with the resources you currently have you can significantly increase the number of people who will come to you for training.

I invite you to a seminar whose goal is to solve this problem once and for all!


12 ways to recruit a group in psychological practice

Whatever you take, the pig is in a poke, I’ll briefly tell you about some methods...

1.Full information

The problem of recruiting a group for training is that that you are selling "air". After all, your training cannot be felt like an iron or a washing machine. Moreover, if you can accurately describe what a new iron or washing machine will give the client, then It is much more difficult to describe how the training will be useful.

For your client, training is an abstraction, air, something invisible. He doesn't know how this will happen, whether it will solve his problems, and whether this is really what he needs.

How to convey the information correctly, so that the client would want to come to you for some kind of abstraction? The answer will be given at the seminar.

2. Selecting the target audience

To successfully sell any training, you need to clearly choose your target audience.

Many trainers and psychologists understand this. But for some reason, only a few actually use niche marketing in sales, i.e. deliberate narrowing target audience.

The idea behind niching is that you don't need to sell your training to everyone. It is enough to find only the group of people who really need it. And then they will buy it THEMSELVES.

But trainers and psychologists regularly make the same mistake, being afraid to narrow the audience, and trying to sell the training to everyone, naturally they fail.

At the seminar we will look at how to sell your training to a specific target audience.

3. Front - tactics

To sell training, a so-called front product. An inexpensive information product that solves your client’s problem on a surface level or simply provides high-quality information about the problem itself and how to solve it. AND if the client liked your front product, if you call him after this for a full-fledged training, he will be happy to come to you.

What can be a front product and how to use it when selling training? And most importantly, how to create this front-end product quickly? There is a solution to this topic, and you will learn it at the seminar.

4 . Using selling texts

These are special texts that are created to sell your training. This is not just information about training, which you see a lot when you go to any website of any training center. Informing does not sell your training.

Selling text- this is a text that provides consistently specific information to your client and pushes him to make a decision to attend your training. No, this is not manipulation. This is a way to reach your customer.

What is the structure of such a text? What are the main elements? In what order? We'll figure it out.

5. Long recruitment time

A constant problem for organizers and trainers is too short a period.

“What should I do, I scheduled a training, rented a gym, two weeks left, and I have three people signed up?”

“Nothing anymore.” If you don’t have systematic psychological practice, you won’t be able to significantly make the training a plus.

The tactic for effective recruitment here is in maximizing training recruitment time. The sooner your potential clients learn about the training, the better. The more time they will have to “ripen” and make a decision.

What deadlines should be set for what types of trainings? How much time will be enough and in what case? And there have been working models here for a long time, which you will learn about in the seminar.

Also at the seminar we will look at ways...

  1. The first swallow - the most delicious - the first
  2. Melting discounts - those who didn’t have time are late
  3. Bonus systems - creating extra value
  4. Sales presentation - how to sell training in 45 minutes to “cold” clients
  5. Division by status - how to use the different solvency of your clients to recruit a group
  6. Dead line tactics - creating scarcity
  7. Partnership - how to properly use the resources of colleagues

We will look at each of these methods specifically step by step!

As a result of the seminar you will receive

Clear group recruitment algorithms under any circumstances

- You will be able to use these algorithms immediately after the seminar

All these methods do not require huge investments in advertising and PR.

- You will get rid of headaches - “How to recruit a group?”

You will learn how to recruit a group for trainings and more - and this is the main thing!

If you use these methods WRONGLY, you will still increase the number of people, coming to your trainings at times.

md. Chernaya Rechka, 15 Russia, Saint-Petersburg 8 812 497 19 87

Promotion of events using VKontakte. Quite an unusual way


Of course, now there are many ways you can recruit people for an upcoming event: a conference, seminar, webinar, training, etc.

What I will share below is some additional tool that you definitely need to test in your business.

ATTENTION: it won't suit everyone. And some will even consider it unethical.

Remember, there is common sense everywhere. My goal: to give you a really working tool, but how you will use it for yourself is another question.

A little background:

One evening, I was scrolling through the VKontakte news feed. I rarely pay attention to targeted ads on the left, because... Usually there are flashes of someone's faces that are absolutely not interesting to me. And suddenly…

...I see an avatar of a very good friend of mine in the ad.

My gaze immediately moves to the left. I read the headline: “Applied for ...” (some kind of conference was indicated there).

Agree: it’s curious when you see a photo of your friend, and even with such a caption.

Now I couldn’t sit still quietly, because... my inquisitive mind demanded an answer to how they did it.

After thinking about it for about 10 minutes, I realized what the point was...

Promoting events using this method?

At first I thought about writing everything out in text form, but I decided to make a video about this.

After viewing, several questions may arise at once:

Again, I will focus on common sense. Yes, this method is not suitable in all cases.

However, as you saw from the example above, I was very curious about what kind of conference was being advertised.

Draw your conclusions!

That's all for me 😉

P.S. If you found this article helpful, subscribe to blog updates and recommend it to your friends, especially those who are interested in promoting their events.

Organizing events involves tight time frames, the need to reach the target audience as much as possible, and a limited budget.

In this article we will talk in detail about the technical component of the process, and about the most effective and low-budget ways to attract potential visitors to the event page, and how to turn them into real participants in the event:

Preparatory stage

First of all, you need to decide target audience. Who are you organizing this event for? Who is this person?

  1. How old is he?
  2. What city does he live in?
  3. What are you interested in?
  4. What thematic groups does he belong to? What publics are you subscribed to?
  5. How educated is he?
  6. What do you do in your spare time?
  7. What communication style do you prefer?
  8. What area does he work in?
  9. What position does he hold?

And countless more similar questions. More questions - a clearer portrait of your ideal client, your direct target audience.
A clear portrait of the ideal client - precise selection of the target audience.
Accurate selection of the target audience - the most interested participants in the event.

The next important question: on which social network to promote the event?? When choosing a platform for promotion, we take into account the most important parameters:

  1. Specifics of the user audience.
  2. Principles of building a news feed.
  3. Advertising functionality and average budget.

How to create an event on VKontakte?

Go to the tab “My groups” and press “Create a community”. Next select the type - "Event".

In the window that opens, enter a name and select the “Event” type.

If you already have a VKontakte group, you can create an event by clicking on the appropriate link in the group description.

How to create an event on Facebook?

Go to the news feed, select the “Event” button in the list on the left, and the “Create” button on the page that opens.
Determine the degree of publicity of the event: closed or open.
Pay attention to the checkbox next to the “Guests can invite friends” function!

VKontakte and Facebook pages are well indexed by search engines, so include the most popular thematic search queries in the event description.

How to promote an event on social networks? Primary promotion

VKontakte: “Invite friends” button

Click on the button under the event avatar that reflects your intention to participate in it. In the drop-down list, select “Invite friends” and... just like in the good old days! — mechanically click on the line “Send an invitation” next to the names of your friends.

VKontakte does not allow you to invite more 40 friends in a day.
If you exceed the limit, you will have to enter the captcha over and over again every 10 invitations.

Facebook: converting the database of e-mail addresses

How to convert your email list into subscribers?
Download all contacts from your mail in CSV file format. If you use Gmail, then go to “Contacts” and click “Export” in the “Advanced” tab, as shown in the screenshot:

In the window that appears, click "All contacts" or a group of contacts and "CSV format for import into Outlook or another application."

Then go to your Facebook event page and click the “Invite Friends from Email Contacts” button. In the window that opens, click on the top line “Download” and upload the ready-made CSV file.

If you already have a thematic community on VKontakte, place the event page in the “Links” section.

Setting up targeted advertising


VKontakte has a good arsenal of tools for selecting target audiences; after filling out all the forms, the network will calculate the number of people who meet the requirements and the cost of a click.

Facebook offers to target ads to specific audiences using email addresses, phone numbers, and network IDs.
You can also select demographics (age, gender, language, country of residence) or interests that will define the target audience (based on user connections to pages or applications).

Targeting can also use connections between people, and if their friends are included in the ad, they will see it.
You will have access to information about:

  • number of people who viewed the advertisement;
  • who saved the link to it;
  • who is going to attend the event.

Retargeting when choosing an audience, it takes into account those people who visited the advertiser’s website or certain pages of it. The likelihood that they will be interested in the subject of advertising (event) is very high. And advertising the event will practically follow the site visitor, as a potential previously interested client, throughout the Internet.

Smart content marketing. Less spam - more creativity.

Demonstrate the popularity of past events: both those where you were the organizer, and those with similar themes and formats.
Create albums on the event page with photographs of previous meetings or events of a similar format and identical theme. It is desirable that there are many happy people in the photographs.
And it’s even better if they get a glimpse of a happy opinion leader in your field.
Publish video reports from previous events.
Open discussions: get closer to the people. Create topics “Your questions”, “Feedback from previous events”, “Open registration”.

Ask potential visitors to leave their phone number and e-mail when registering. This information will then allow you to send e-mails and SMS messages.

Conduct internal competitions for subscribers with the following conditions:

  • repost a publication;
  • presentation of prizes directly at the event.

Ticket raffles/discounts on entry for reposting are currently available.

An example of a draw for reposting and working with a thematic platform.

Posting event announcements on popular third-party resources. Working with opinion leaders

VKontakte provides the opportunity to announce posts in other groups. Make a list of groups/publics/communities that are suitable by topic and geolocation. Placement can be either on a paid basis or on barter terms.

A very important nuance: in what format will the event be held? Offline or online?
If offline, then focus on urban communities: Interesting St. Petersburg, Typical St. Petersburg, etc. In this case, the geolocation factor is decisive for you.
If you are hosting an online event that people from anywhere in the world can join, then topic groups are your best friends.

And posting a publication about your event from a famous blogger means:

  • Accurate hit to the target audience.
  • +100500 to loyalty due to the authority of the blogger.
  • Maximum unobtrusive advertising.

Placement on third-party resources

Budget for the cost of publishing an event announcement on large city or thematic portals.
The most popular: the site about creative industries LookAtMe with a daily updated database of announcements and advertising, the online guide The Village with an overview of city events, Restoclub with data on all quality establishments of the northern capital. Event posters posted on such sites are visited and consistently provide an influx of participants.

How to remind about an event on the eve of the event. The finish line.

With a couple of days left before the event, it's time to bring out the big guns.

Mention of participants in discussions

Write a sincere post in discussions mentioning the id of users who confirmed their desire to attend the event. People will receive a notification in the “My Answers” ​​section.

Write to your potential participants. It is better to choose those who showed maximum activity in the group.
You will only be able to send 40 messages to people who are not your friends. Step right, step left - the administration is blocking you.

It’s not for nothing that you asked people to leave their phone numbers. Write an SMS saying that you are waiting for them at the appointed place at the appointed time.

Be ubiquitous and don’t forget to give out nice discounts. For example, the letter may contain a promotional code by which the visitor can receive a souvenir or a discount on a ticket at the exhibition.

Countdown on the wall

The end of the event is just the beginning...

After the event is over, do not forget about feedback from its participants. after all, they are a loyal audience for future interaction. At a minimum, you need to thank the guests for their participation, publish photos and videos of the event, and offer to discuss questions if any remain.

Under no circumstances should comments containing critical statements be deleted. You should be grateful for criticism; negative reviews cannot be ignored, but you should deal with them with a constructive approach: correcting shortcomings is work on the path to success.

Created events, both on Facebook and VKontakte, cannot be deleted without leaving a trace. In the first case, irrelevant events can be removed from the Chronicle, and in the second, by changing the date to the past, they can be made invisible in upcoming events. All information about the community can also be changed and deleted manually.

We live in an era of summits, conferences, master classes, webinars, concerts, creative meetings, business breakfasts. If your task is to organize a worthy event, then you need good content to be able to stand out and talk about the benefits of your event. Only the power of words will help you convince people to come.

This article will describe in detail the types of content for events: what to write, when to start preparing the text, what should never be forgotten when organizing an event. How to talk about the event so that tickets sell out and sponsors send you a personal message, and after the conference guests flood Instagram with posts of gratitude.

Why am I writing this article?

I created a lot of content for events: letters that stir up interest, announcements on social networks and the media, letters for partners and sponsors, texts for landing pages. In addition, I know people who have been organizing events for many years (and even wrote a book about it). Therefore, this article will be based on both my work and the experience of event marketers, whose events have become not just successful, but iconic.

My goal is to bring the seemingly unimportant and forgotten into the light of day.

In fact, there is nothing unimportant about organizing events.

I believe that content includes unexpected call to action wording, a sticker, a signature in an email, and event stickers in Telegram.

I also want to show you with specific examples what kind of event content I think is cool. So buckle up: there will be a lot of text and illustrations.

What events are we talking about?

I’ll say right away that we will not focus on the format of the event. Content for online and offline events is similar. In both cases, 80% of the preparation time for the event is spent generating content, the remaining 20% ​​is searching for a venue and organizational issues.

I will talk about content for:

  • festivals,
  • conferences,
  • seminars,
  • meetups,
  • workshops,
  • concerts,
  • webinars,
  • round tables,
  • online courses,
  • article marathons and other competitions.

All types of events require content.

“I would recommend that event organizers write texts themselves, even if not very beautiful, even clumsily. And then call not even a copywriter, but a good editor in order to clean up all the texts, enrich them and make them cool. But if you have a good copywriter who has worked in the events market, then he can do it too.

Why do you need to do this? Because no matter how long and tediously you set the technical specifications, or immerse yourself in your project, no matter how you hammer into the performer’s head what you want in the end, the copywriter will still not write the way you need. It’s better if you write, and then he will put the text in order.”

What types of content are used to create and promote the event?

To make it easier for you to navigate, I will describe in detail the requirements for each type of content: how far in advance it needs to be prepared, what it should contain, what function it performs for the event.

Landing page for the event

This is the main tool for work. The strength of the desire to attend your event depends on the design, clear usability and texts. If your event is intimate, for your own people, you just need to create an event on social networks, call your friends and create a simple page on TimePad. But if you have a large-scale event, you can’t do without a good landing page.

Before the creation of the website begins, the event organizers gather and decide on the concept of the event and its essence. If you already have the addresses and contacts of visitors to past events, you can conduct a survey and identify the most interesting topics, the most “painful” points. The answers can serve as the basis for the text - what you will talk about on the landing page. The main goal is to show that the event is useful, solves certain problems, and why you should definitely attend it (this does not apply to concerts and entertainment events).

Important: be sure to adapt the event website for mobile devices.

What should be on the event website?

  • Name of the event, its format (paid or free). If the event is free, then you need to write about it on the first screen.
  • Date of the event, duration of the event.
  • Brief description (concept in 2-3 words).
  • Long description (about what, for whom, benefits).
  • Speakers (who, where, with what topic - here it is important to emphasize the speaker’s expertise in the text).
  • Program.
  • Address of the event, directions + modes of transport.
  • Ticket prices.
  • Registration conditions.
  • Name of the organizer, contact details of the organizers.

It will be great if you work out objections directly on the landing page and eliminate all questions with your text. The screenshot below has good text and original, memorable icons:

Don’t forget about the facts: how many people were at previous events, how many have already registered, how many places are left. The counters work well.

If there is a lot of text, break it up into columns. Use icons:

And here’s another trick: how to hide a large amount of text, which you can’t do without, because it convinces you to come to the event:

If you click on the desired button, this is what you get:

You need to talk about speakers in detail and cheerfully. After all, a certain percentage of conference participants buy a ticket in the hope of hearing someone:

The reasons to attend the conference can be clearly stated:

This is a very good idea:

A very important block of the event landing page is the section with the program. Here you need to briefly talk about the speaker, present his report in such a way that you really want to listen.

The organizers must introduce themselves and list all their credentials, achievements, participation in other conferences, and successful projects. Modesty does not decorate, actions decorate.

Why this is required: This is a trust block. When a visitor sees that an event was organized by professionals, he expects a meaningful event. And this is another argument in favor of buying a ticket.

It would be good to explain in detail what is included in the participant package if you do not have a single ticket price.

An excellent show of concern on the part of the organizers - a simple map of how to get there. You can also add an emergency phone number for those who get lost.

I really liked the trick in the screenshot below. It shows that the organizers are extremely caring people. They care how the conference participants acted, whether they implemented the knowledge they gained.

Before launching the landing page, check whether all the links are correct, whether the payment forms work, whether the emails are included in your database, whether the contacts (phone numbers, emails) are correct, whether the names of the speakers and their places of work are spelled correctly. I will not mention spelling and grammatical errors; these are always checked. Hire a good proofreader so it doesn't hurt excruciatingly.

We're finally moving on to other types of event content.

Texts for mailings

You need to prepare all the content for letters in advance. At the same time, segment your subscriber base into those who have already attended your events and those who registered for the first time. And you will always have time to make changes - if something changes during preparation.

If you have collected a database of emails from past events, then you should definitely use it for invitations to the next event. The organizers also write chains of letters for those who registered in order to maintain interest in the event and make the event long-awaited.

BEFORE the event

The more expensive a ticket to your event is, the more emails you need to prepare. “Warming up” should be intense and thoughtful.

  • First prepare letter "acquaintance" and confirmation of registration." Let them know that you will be sending useful emails.

"Certainly. First of all, we visited industry platforms (,, cmsmagazine, etc.) with press releases and added them to event calendars. It is important to remember that not only “standard” PR content is effective here; non-advertising formats work great: interviews with the top person, articles.

I had this experience with many publications, from those listed above to the Netpik blog and WebPromoExperts. We also visited regional sites. There we need a third type of content – ​​announcements that work to attract local businesses.

In addition to posting text content, we launched branding on large portals (a very effective tool for promoting the conference).

It is important to maintain a balance between different types of content and not to churn out typical press releases.

The result was measured by the number of clicks to the event website and the conversion rate (purchase of tickets).”

Study the necessary sites, see how various events were announced there, create tasks for copywriters and agree in advance on the release date of your PR publication.

Texts for posts on social networks and advertising there

Personal pages. I follow several event organizers. In my opinion, one of them simply brilliantly stirs up interest, announces, engages, intrigues and talks about the future event. This is Liya Smekun, organizer of the Medical Business Forum. Don't be lazy, go link, and then it will immediately become clear to you what storytelling is on social networks.

If the organizer has literary talent, is not lazy and understands the power of social networks, then he adds a bag of “pluses” to his event:

  • Acceptance and trust - after all, the organizer tells how the process goes from the inside, and this is always interesting.
  • If something unexpected happens - the invitations were not printed, the location was canceled at the last minute and you have to look for another, the key speaker fell ill - you need to talk about it. And show how you competently get out of a difficult situation.
  • A whole community of loyal people, ambassadors of his brand, can form around the organizer. They will recommend the organizer and his events.

I remember Natalia Frankel's post about the organizer bag. But she wrote it a year and a half ago. It was so sweet, funny and so real that I was not at all surprised when I found out that Natasha wrote a book about events.

Such nice, detailed posts give the reader confidence: this person is a pro. We can confidently recommend him as an organizer and his events.

If you think that your #workdays are not interesting to anyone, then this is not true. Anyone who sincerely loves their job and is familiar with all its nuances is interesting. So sit down and write. Create your own semi-personal, semi-work content.

Event page. As for the content on the event page, you need a whole content plan, brainstorming and interesting features.

What is important to indicate? Return to the Landing Pages section. The event page on social networks is your landing page. Only, in addition to the main points - topic, place, time, price - you also need “warming content”. This could be photos from last year’s event, a story about choosing a location, posts with interesting facts on the topic of your event. If it’s a concert, then videos with musicians’ songs, biographical facts, cool photos.

If you are making a page for an educational, thematic event, then just have time to write here. And about the trends that you will consider at the conference. And about speaker cases. And how you will organize networking at the event. About consultations with speakers at an agreed time - there is such a feature that is very attractive and justifies the price of the event. Let me give you an example of how you can introduce a speaker.

On the event page you can post video invitations, talk about hashtags, features of the event (massage area, photo area - as an example). You can hint that there will be some kind of surprise, an unexpected guest. It is advisable to write questions for a master class or meetup in advance.

It is important to keep participants in joyful tension all the time in anticipation of your event.

If you have partners and sponsors, tell us about them, as you did on the SMM-Dasant conference page:

And after the event, don’t forget to thank all the participants, collect reviews, and post photos (after branding them, of course).

Video and photo content

On many landing pages and event pages on social networks, organizers actively use videos recorded at past events. This is both social proof that the event was crowded and interesting, and a subtle indirect announcement: since last year was great, we will do it even better.

How else can you use video content? Sell ​​event recordings! For example, the “Target” conference has a very complex format. This conference is free. For a whole week, participants listen to speakers in the morning and evening. Those who want not to miss anything buy records. This is how the organizers make money from the event.

WebPromoExperts Academy online conferences used to be completely free. Such conferences take place all day long and involve many speakers. The organizers rent a special studio with equipment. The costs are significant. Now the recordings are not made publicly available, but sold.

The effect is that content that people pay for tends to be more valuable. And one more secret: if a participant knows that the video will later be freely available, he is in no hurry to listen to the conference online. And for organizers, as a rule, it is important to participate here and now. Firstly, because there are sponsors and their special offers for participants. And secondly, there is an opportunity to ask your questions to the speakers in the chat and get feedback.

The speaker can also record a video invitation to the event:
This works well.

Photos of events are posted on his page and participants are invited to tag themselves and share these photos on social networks. There is a double benefit here: the participant shows subscribers how handsome and smart he is by going to conferences. And for the organizers, word of mouth turns on. The event brand becomes recognizable.

While I was writing this article, I found a photo:

Streams on social networks

Facebook and Instagram love streaming. So feel free to stream the day before the event and invite everyone to come. You can “accidentally” meet the speaker and immediately turn on the stream asking if he is ready, ask him about a small spoiler. You can play something live.

Streams of the event are going well. Because there is no editing here. The viewer sees how many people actually came, what the mood is, the atmosphere, what is available at the location, what they are serving, and so on.

You can stream with random participants: ask them questions, ask them to say hello to someone. It's engaging and looks cute.

You can run the competition online. Right among the participants who are watching the stream, give away an interesting book or a ticket to the next event or consultation with a speaker.

Prepare talking points for your live broadcasts. This way you won’t forget to talk about important things.

Highlights on Instagram

If you are the organizer of an event and you have a crowded Instagram, then why not tell in Stories about what the event will be and why it is interesting.

Your saved history is visible to everyone who logs into your account. If the event has its own account, you can make several of these saved stories: about the location, program, features, speakers.

Here's what you can do on Instagram:

Dasha Andreeva, co-founder of SMM agency Wish Do :

“You can announce in profiles and promote them (posts + targets + opinion leaders), essentially like a company profile.

And on the day of the event itself, you can make Stories, live broadcasts, and record IGTV videos.

You can enter a separate hashtag for event participants and win a prize for activity (reviews in posts, Stories).”

And for each such story you need to think through the content. Incorporate these ideas into your event content plan.

Special hashtags

They work, tested by more than one organizer. You need to come up with a short, memorable hashtag that plays off the name of the event. And tell the participants about it in advance - in the newsletter, on the event page on social networks, on the landing page. Or do as written in the article “12 Creative Ways to Promote an Event Hashtag”.

Using the hashtag, you will then collect reviews. And if you make it, then everyone in the photo zone will be happy to use it and take selfies with your hashtag.

This is what it looks like later, for example, on Instagram.

At the 8P conference last year there was a trick: whoever posted a photo on Instagram with the event hashtag could print it out for free right in the lobby on a special printer.

Texts for chatbot in Telegram

Not so long ago, event organizers discovered the amazing possibilities of Telegram. I asked the organizer of SMM Rocks 4 questions about the benefits of Telegram for events. And this is what he answered me:

Sergey Aliksyuk, managing partner at

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