Ideas on how to make money. Business ideas on how to make money in winter and summer

These materials are intended for those who want to succeed in life, significantly increase their income and become rich, but do not have the initial capital to fulfill their dreams, who have decided to embark on a business path and feel ready for it. They will help you earn money using the vast opportunities of the Russian market, find the type of activity that best suits your character, your abilities and opportunities, and take the first step along the broad road of modern business.

There are many examples of how novice entrepreneurs managed to earn tens of rubles in a relatively short period of time. Of course, in order to achieve such a goal, it is necessary to show a certain determination, perseverance and energy. Therefore, some examples will not be full. They have a unique incarnation of their authors. For some, this is luck, for others it is a cold calculation. Therefore, to earn money you need to go the other way - your own!

First, determine what the market needs the most today, be it some kind of service or some kind of product. Answer for yourself what is in greatest demand, and immediately come up with the best option to satisfy this need in accordance with your strengths and capabilities - formula for your earnings and success. And be sure - start the incarnation, according to this formula of yours, and the matter itself will prompt the further course of action, correct your mistakes. Thinking - where to start?

We offer you a number of simple and most effective ways to earn money and activities that do not require special investments or, on the contrary, help to accumulate this very capital. They were very popular in the 90s - the end of the 20th century. And, it would seem, why do you need this junk? And then, what is sometimes new is a well-forgotten old. So, what did they earn in Russia, literally, 15-20 years ago.

1. Good old business - printing services
Having any printing equipment, for example, a copier, or having constant access to it, you can easily earn money by fulfilling orders from organizations and individuals. Fortunately, the prices for printing services are rather high, and it will not be difficult to find customers.

It is enough to submit to newspapers or put up advertisements around the city. Your ads posted in places where printing services are constantly required will give the greatest effect. These are the premises of district administrations, notary offices, banks, universities, libraries, etc.

Having earned a certain amount on this business, you can purchase more expensive and, accordingly, much more profitable printing equipment such as a risograph. This business will always find its customers and will always remain very profitable and promising.

2. Production of original layouts of documents
The production of original layouts, that is, the execution of various documents, forms and other printed materials on a computer, you can engage in both a separate activity and in combination with printing activities.

To carry out this business, you need to have a computer and a good printer, on which the quality of your work depends to a large extent. Do not spare money and get a laser printer, which, with excellent print quality, will quickly pay back your expenses for its purchase and will bring you a solid profit, because the production of one original layout on an A4 sheet costs from 5 US dollars and more.

In order to find clients, similarly to printing activities, apply to newspapers or post advertisements around the city.

3. Laminating paper documents
Take up lamination - covering documents, forms, photographs, etc. with protective plastic. The laminating machine is miniature, relatively inexpensive and will pay back the cost of its purchase within the first month of operation. Offer your services in crowded places and places where they are most needed, such as photo shops and other places.

Thus, you will ensure yourself a good and stable income. The approximate cost of laminating one document is 1 US dollar.

4. Earnings on the manufacture of envelopes
The prices of unstamped envelopes are steadily rising along with the increase in postage rates. You can earn money by making a template, buying paper and making them.

And by posting your ads in post offices or publishing them in local and foreign advertising and information publications, you will ensure a good sale of the manufactured envelopes.

5. Complete publishing business
Publishing is one of the most profitable businesses. It can bring profit, depending on your capabilities, from a few to tens of rubles. First, decide what you will publish.

It can be a solid book of 200-300 pages or a brochure of 10-20 pages. When selecting material for a book or brochure, it is very important not to infringe copyright and therefore not fall under a certain article of the law. When reprinting materials from foreign sources, be sure to make a link to this source.

Carefully consider the use value of your books and the cost of publishing them. If you do not have sufficient funds, arrange a subscription to it with an advance payment. This will allow you to collect the necessary amount for the publication of your materials.

Sell ​​your book among subscribers, at bookstores, through Rospechat kiosks, etc. By placing an ad in the media or posting them around the city, for example, at the same bookstores, you can also sell it by mail.

6. Selling books from a private library
Despite the abundance of books on the market, their sale remains a very profitable and promising business. Buy books for sale directly from publishers or from wholesalers, where they are sold without a trade margin, much cheaper than in bookstores in the city. Sell ​​them in crowded places" at the same bookstores, bookstores, mail order, etc.

After collecting a number of the most interesting books of various genres and adding books from your home collection to them, organize a private library and lend books on bail. This idea is feasible not only at train stations and airports, where people are happy to spend time reading an interesting book while waiting for a train or plane, but also in any friend crowded place. Go to the nearest library and see that despite the huge number of books on the shelves, it is almost impossible to choose something worthwhile.

7. Sound and video recording
If you have a double cassette recorder, or better yet a CD recorder and have some free time, get into recording. By duplicating recordings of popular music and selling them in crowded places, such as clothing markets, near the subway, etc., or by taking orders for recording, you can make good money.

You will receive the largest number of orders by posting your ads in technical schools, universities, hostels and other places where there are a lot of young people. Selling cassettes by mail will also give a good effect. To do this, submit an advertisement in the newspapers and to everyone who responds to it, send a detailed catalog of the available recordings indicating the cost of the cassettes and the conditions for their forwarding and payment. Purchase clean cassettes at clothing markets or from wholesalers.

Now almost every second family has a video recorder and video recording can also become a very profitable business. You will need two VCRs for this. Otherwise, everything is similar to sound recording.

In the long term, having earned a small amount of capital, it is important to expand and organize a small sound and video recording company, scattered around the city with several outlets.

8. Video rental
It is not even necessary to have a VCR to carry out this activity. By purchasing several dozens of video cassettes (DVD, CD) with recordings of popular and new films and organizing their rental on bail, you will receive a source of daily stable income. The only condition that guarantees you success in this business is that the repertoire of films must change periodically.

9. Repair of household appliances
Our domestic equipment, and in particular televisions, often fail and a very good income can give you a job repairing them. If you do not have the qualifications necessary for this, enroll in the appropriate courses and in two or three months you will feel like a specialist in the field of radio engineering and acquire the necessary knowledge and skills to repair TVs. And by publishing your ads in newspapers, pasting them around the city or putting them in mailboxes (everyone now has a TV), you will get an excellent opportunity to test this knowledge in practice.

You can also repair other household appliances, such as refrigerators, audio-video recorders, computers, etc. In addition, not all of our TVs are equipped with a PAL unit, LF input, UHF and remote control units. By purchasing these blocks in radio stores, in specialized markets, or by making them yourself, install them in TVs. It should be noted that, for example, without a UHF or LF input unit, it is impossible to connect a VCR to a TV, and without a PAL unit, it is impossible to see a color image, since most video cassettes are recorded in this particular color system. Therefore, by installing these blocks, you will get a large number of customers and will earn good money.

10. Production of radio electronics
This work can be done without even having the special soldering iron skills that will come with practice. Buy circuits in radio shops or specialized markets, detailed descriptions for assembly and commissioning, radio components, boards, cases and other necessary materials for the independent manufacture of remote control units, PAL, telephones with automatic number identification (AON), computers such as "Sinclair".

They are very easy to manufacture, assembled in a few days and are in constant demand from buyers. More powerful computers such as PCs are very expensive and inaccessible to a middle-income family, and Sinclair, with its availability and cheapness, allows you to get acquainted with the fascinating world of computer games in practice, get basic programming skills (unlike game consoles) and will remain very popular. The meaning of PAL blocks is mentioned above, and you probably know very well about the popularity of caller ID phones.

Sell ​​your products in the same markets, at radio shops or advertise in periodic advertising and information publications, post them around the city. Success is guaranteed to you!

11. Private transport
Having a personal car and knowing your city well. You will earn big money by being a private taxi driver. And for this it is not at all necessary to drive around the city, looking around in search of voters. Stand outside large stores that sell bulky items such as furniture, refrigerators, televisions, and so on.

Delivery services do not always work quickly, and often do not exist at all, and you can help people deliver their purchased items. You can “pick up” clients standing at stations or just at the subway and at bus stops where public transport does not run well. This work is most effective in the late evening or even at night, when transport does not run at all or runs very rarely.

It should not be overlooked that many commercial enterprises require drivers with personal vehicles, for example, to transport goods to retail outlets in the morning and transport them back to the warehouse in the evening. This job pays very well.

12. Driving training
Usually, the level of driving education in driving schools does not allow you to prepare well for the exam in the traffic police. By publishing your ads in newspapers, pasting them around the city, at driving schools and making a set of students, you will ensure yourself a decent income. To attract the largest number of clients, set the tuition fees slightly lower than in a driving school.

Let's give the first lessons only on quiet streets, in special closed areas, and so on. And only as your student masters driving skills; take it to busier sections of roads, to intersections with heavy traffic. It is very important that your student is able to put into practice the theoretical knowledge of the rules of the road that he receives at school.

Please note that this business can only be occupied by those who have a driving experience of at least 3 years. And do not forget to install on the windshield and rear window of your car identification marks "Training". Perhaps you will start releasing special video courses.

13. Breeding purebred dogs
Dogs can not only relieve stress, cheer up their owners, but also bring income to the family. And which! The annual "salary" of an ordinary dog ​​is a few rubles. It should be noted that this business requires at the initial stage not only monetary costs and physical strength, but also a certain mental attitude. Without this attitude, without love, care, without responsibility for the fate of your pets, there is nothing to get down to business.

Buy a puppy only with a good pedigree and carefully check the authenticity of his documents. It is best to buy in kennel clubs or at sales shows that are regularly held by these clubs. Here you can compare puppies, consult with cynologists about which puppy is the most promising for breeding. Remember that only a quality puppy with proper care, upbringing and a good attitude towards him will eventually turn into a quality dog. And for your future business, this is crucial.

It should be noted that breeding purebred cats can also bring a good income.

14. Breeding pets
Breeding pets can bring a good income: hamsters, white mice, guinea pigs, etc. These small animals are unpretentious, feed exclusively on food of plant origin, multiply with amazing speed and are always popular with children.

The breeding of budgerigars and aquarium fish is also of great commercial interest. Many people who have taken up this business live only on the income from this activity. Of course, in order to achieve such a result, it is necessary to pay constant attention to your pets, to have certain experience and great knowledge in this matter. Read the relevant literature, consult with specialists and people involved in the breeding of your chosen species, and in time you will get no less result.

You can sell pets, birds, fish at "bird" markets, pet stores, etc. In the future, you can open your own zoo or even a private pet store, selling not only animals, but also food for them, cages, aquariums, various devices to take care of them, etc.

15. Photographers Service
Even with minimal skills in handling a camera and photographic equipment, you can do photography. At first, it is not at all necessary to have a photo lab. You can take the film for processing in a photo studio. Shoot outdoors and at home, in kindergartens and schools, at weddings and other celebrations. Deliver the photographs taken to the customer yourself or send them by mail. Recently, Polaroid cameras have appeared on the Russian market, which allow you to take pictures almost instantly. True, according to unverified data, the photographs taken in this way are not of very high quality and darken over time.

Having accumulated some experience in this matter, you can open a private photo studio and take artistic and ID photos. The services of a photographer are always needed and well paid.

Today, some people have a video camera, and if you are one of them, it makes sense to engage in video filming as well.

16. Hairdressing services
No one can do without the services of a hairdresser. And besides. that the prices for all types of hairdressing services are persistently creeping up, you can organize your own hairdressing salon and earn excellent money by completing relatively inexpensive courses and receiving a certificate.

Equip your hallway with a mirror and shelves, buy the necessary fixtures and start with your friends, work colleagues. If your first practice turns out to be successful, the rumor about inexpensive hairdressing services through your acquaintances and acquaintances of your acquaintances will spread like circles from a stone thrown into water and you will not have problems with clients and, as a result, with money. In the future, you can submit advertisements to the media, hang them around the city and work on call at the client's home.

17. Household services or a husband for an hour
Organize a private atelier of household services. Work alone or with helpers, such as your family members, in your own home or at a client's home. Clean apartments and offices, wash and iron linen, wash windows, look after apartments in the absence of owners: water flowers, take out mail, take care of pets. You can earn good money by exterminating domestic insects.

18. Tutoring
If you have knowledge in the field of sciences, take up tutoring. Submit ads in newspapers or hang them in schools, technical schools, universities, just in crowded places in your city. Help your clients in mastering the sciences, prepare them for tests, exams, admission to universities, technical schools. You can perform various tasks, drawing work, draw up term papers and graduation projects, and so on.

Compiling a collection of the best essays, a collection of solutions to typical problems in mathematics, physics, chemistry, with their subsequent sale through kiosks and Rospechat stores, through street book sellers, by mail or in the same universities can bring good income.

19. Translation services
Today, many firms and entrepreneurs enter the international market, wishing to establish business contacts with foreign partners. As a rule, the conclusion of any contract or transaction is preceded by a lengthy correspondence, and they, having difficulty with the language, need the services of an interpreter. Such services are also absolutely necessary for people working with various publications in foreign languages, when translating various technical literature, advertising brochures, and so on.

Using your knowledge of the language, you can earn good money by working as such a translator. And if your knowledge allows you to communicate freely in a foreign language, work at international exhibitions, presentations, excursions with the participation of foreign guests, and so on.

Get a typewriter with a Latin script and, in parallel with the translation, arrange business correspondence abroad. It will not be superfluous to have a typewriter with a Russian font for translating into Russian. To find profitable customers, publish in newspapers or post advertisements around the city.

Recently, many shops and wholesale depots have appeared in Russia selling “Second hand” - used clothes by weight, where you can buy quite tolerable things for a ridiculous price, among which there are practically new ones, for example, out of fashion in a number of countries. But that doesn't mean it's the same for us.

Start selling these clothes. This business is very profitable! Go to one of the large stores or wholesalers and pick up a small amount of clothes to start with. .Usually I sell goods to wholesale buyers in bags of 25-100 kilograms and offer significant discounts. In order not to "pierce", consult with the employees of the store (base) - what product is better to take for sale and where to sell it.

Having bought goods, go to the market or go to other cities, while taking into account the specifics and climatic conditions of this region, and sell clothes already by the piece, and not by weight. The result of such trading is always the same - a good profit.

21. Knitting and sewing
A good income can be brought by knitting or sewing. If you do not know how to knit by hand, buy an industrial machine. Having given her a program, you can knit sweaters, scarves, children's clothes, etc. To do sewing, you need to have a good sewing machine. In addition to a variety of clothes, you can sew various leather products: waist belts, purses, watch straps, etc., car covers, overalls, and make a soft toy.

You can sew or knit to order models developed independently or according to patterns and drawings in specialized publications, fashion magazines. Sell ​​your products at clothing markets or sell them to consignment and commercial stores.

22. Food production
Relatively inexpensive, small-sized and easy-to-use equipment for the production of popcorn, crisp potatoes, cotton candy and other food products pays off in 2-3 months of work and can bring a stable monthly income of several rubles.

In the long term, with a little capital saved, you can buy more expensive and much more profitable equipment such as a bakery or a distillation plant.

23. Fast food organization
After buying buns and ham in bulk, make sandwiches or, if you have culinary skills, bake pies and go to the clothing market with hungry sellers and buyers. You can sell your masterpieces of culinary art and just standing on crowded, busy places in your city.

Once you've made a small fortune, buy equipment to make and sell hot dogs, hamburgers, and so on. Know that feeding people is always profitable!

24. Sale of soft drinks
Organize a stall or mini-cafe selling soft drinks, ice cream, etc. In hot weather, you can earn good money selling these products, for example, on beaches or in gardens. Buy ice cream directly from a cold store or from wholesalers, and you can make drinks yourself, for example, from concentrates.

During the summer period, many enterprises need kvass sellers. Earnings - percentage of revenue. During the day, you can sell 2-3 barrels of kvass, while earning a significant amount. You can cook kvass yourself.

Hello! Today you will learn how to make money for a beginner at home and not only.

In this article I will give you many different ways to earn money. All of the methods listed below are working, personally tested by me.

Reselling Items on Bulletin Boards

This way of making money really works because many people don't know the real value of the goods or simply sell cheap to get rid of this or that product faster.

Many collectors are looking for unique items in this way and are willing to offer good money for them. You won’t believe it, but things stale in your grandmother’s closet can benefit someone else, and thereby save you from trash and bring good profit. Soberly evaluate the old things in your pantry and you will certainly earn money selling them. Perhaps somewhere in the bins lies the first Soviet camera, a Singer typewriter, a tablecloth with unique embroidery or a record player.

Some photo studios, as well as theaters and even hand-makers are looking for goods in a similar way and are happy to buy interesting retro items.

On Avito you can find many things that are sold at a reduced price. You just need to buy them and sell them for more, and the difference in price is your earnings!

I will give an example from my own life, because I am talking about proven methods.

Once I accidentally saw how much elk antlers cost, the average price was 5000 rubles. Then I found horns on Avito for 3000 rubles, bought them and after 4-5 days they bought them from me for 5000 on the same Avito. I just made a better photo and description. Net profit 2000 rub. in 5 days. I agree that it is not enough, but if you do it fully, you can sell more.

Also, I tried to buy Macbooks in Moscow with Avito, and sell them in my city, because in our city there are few ads and they are more expensive, but in Moscow there are a lot and prices are cheaper;) The conclusion is simple - you can make money!

Shipping and payment:

  • In your city, you can sell through a personal meeting. Send orders to other cities by agreement. But most often by Russian Post. Shipping costs are usually borne by the buyer. But then again, whatever.
  • Payment can be accepted either by transferring funds to a bank card or to an electronic wallet.

Selling goods from abroad

Also a great option, which I have been doing and continue to do, but more formally and on a larger scale. Now there are opportunities to buy goods from Taobao, Aliexpress, 1688 etc.

Almost everything is cheaper there. You can just buy there and sell on the same bulletin boards in your city. With Ebay and Aliexpress, you can order absolutely to any city and any country, so this type of income is available to everyone! I tried to sell a lot of goods, but now I deal with bags from China, but more on that later.

My friends sell phone cases, other friends sell unusual gifts and interior items, others sell iPhones and other Apple equipment. So try it too ;)

Provision of services

We all know something and these skills can be easily sold. If you know foreign languages, then you can teach it to others. Or, for example, you know how to repair plumbing, so why not do it for money.

Today, more and more girls prefer working with flexible hours. What could be better than not managing your own working day. In the service sector, you can make good money on hairdressing and makeup. After completing special courses, more and more girls I know earn on manicure, depilation, hairstyles and make-up, preparing girls for important events (weddings, anniversaries, graduations, etc.). Providing your services is a great way to earn fast money.

How to make money on it? Easily! Just start telling everyone about your services, make your own website, place an ad wherever possible and everything will go uphill for you;) Although what am I telling ...

For those who are interested in this topic, I wrote an article on how to get started. Read it, it's all there step by step! I also provided services for developing websites, setting up contextual advertising, and much more.

How to make money on a website or blog

Making money on the Internet is easy, the main thing is to decide on your niche: your website, blog, online store, selling goods from a one-page etc. But more about everything.

This is one of my favorite activities and for me it is not only earnings, but also a favorite hobby. This blog site, where you are now, I am happy to lead and write articles for you, this is really my hobby. Also, I had and have blogs for making money, on which I earn money from advertising, affiliate programs and so on.

A blog differs from a website in that most often it is tied to the personality of the author, his worldview and life position. It is worth noting that it is these blogs that are more popular. But not the last place in their promotion is occupied by seo-optimization. Read more about this in the Business Promotion section.

Blog is an information site where you write interesting and useful articles on topics that interest people. If your articles are well written, the search engines show them in the search results, thereby giving you visitors. But you can also promote your blog yourself.

When you have a lot of readers on your blog, you can easily earn money from it from advertising, from affiliate programs, or from posting links and paid articles. This is a working way to make money online.

Additional jobs

If you work or study and your schedule allows you to take on additional part-time work, do not miss this opportunity. I, too, when I was a schoolboy and a student, and also worked part-time to earn money.

You can take care of the kids or work in a store doing loading and unloading jobs with pay at the end of the day, or you can do work in your main line of work. Roughly speaking, "left", but not to steal, but to be leftist, to serve any clients on your own, and not in the company in which you officially work. There are also many options for courier and all sorts of handymen positions.

  • If you are a student of the Faculty of Foreign Languages, then your knowledge is quite enough to give additional lessons to schoolchildren. A modern approach to teaching foreign languages ​​through Skype lessons is a great opportunity to recruit a group of students not only in your city, but also in other areas.

You can package your knowledge into a training course and thus sell it for good money. If the information you collect helps someone, it will quickly spread among potential customers.

  • As an additional income for successful people, during a financial downturn, you can organize the sale of seasonal goods: “anti-freeze” in the autumn-spring period or flowers, on the eve of the spring holidays, as well as live and artificial Christmas trees a couple of weeks before the New Year.
  • If you inherited an apartment from your grandmother, then in order to earn money for its repair, you can, at first, rent it out daily or monthly.
  • If you live in a resort area, then organize a business for tourists. Tents with souvenirs and goods of local origin (honey, fish, sweets) will allow you to decently and really earn money during the influx of tourists.
  • And if you are the owner of a luxurious premium car, then why not offer your services to the newlyweds to accompany them on a significant day to the registry office or a banquet hall.

Receiving dividends or interest on deposits also refers to additional earnings. But to get started, they require some investment.

Open your online store

After I started selling from China, I soon opened my online store. Thus, the second paragraph of this article can be legalized and made into a full-fledged business. An online store is a fairly profitable business, pays off quickly, requires small initial investments and is quite simple to organize. In general, you can earn a lot of money! At the start, you can work alone or with your spouse, as I did. When the turnover increases, you can think about hiring employees (call center, driver, loader).

Now everyone is very actively buying on the Internet, in addition, you can test a niche on any goods by first purchasing a small batch and selling it on Avito (point 1).

I already wrote an article on how . You can sell almost anything in an online store!

Sell ​​products from one-page websites

Through sales through Landing page you can earn a lot of money faster than with an online store. The whole point of making money is that you analyze demand, choose a product for sale, test it for saleability, create a one-page landing page and sell it all over Russia. This type of business is now in trend!


In the continuation of sales in online stores and on bulletin boards, it is worth saying that you can make various goods with your own hands and sell them. There is such a project "Fair of Masters", where they sell such goods and buy them very well.

You can also sell your crafts in the online store, social networks and message boards. Many people like something unusual and this theme works very well. Therefore, if you know how to make something or are a jack of all trades, then this is your kind of making money!

How to make money freelancing

How not to earn

Well, now I will tell you about the ways in which you will never make money.

Be careful! If you search the Internet for ways to make money, then you often come across advertisements for some kind of quick money making, such as pyramid schemes, MLMs, get rich quick schemes and so on. Don't believe it! In many of them you are asked to invest some money, then invite friends and acquaintances and earn money for everyone who comes. To a greater extent, these are deceivers, in some cases you will sell crazy goods at high prices (in MLM they often do this), the pyramids will collapse and you and your friends will be left without money.

All sorts of sites offering gold trading also work, but all this is a lie and there is no earnings from gold, but also from invited people. In general, where you are asked to pay money for joining somewhere, then invite people, then most often this is a scam. Just remember one thing...there are no get-rich-quick schemes, they just don't exist and that's it, it's a scam!

You can't make money risking your health.. This includes making money from donating blood, donating cut hair, and other absurdities and experiments that can offer you for money. All this is not worth it. The money you get is small, but the consequences can be very different.

Earnings on computer games. If you are a schoolboy or a slacker, then of course you can try to make money on it. But it is important to understand that you can spend a lot of time on this, and you will not achieve the result.


Perhaps I have not listed all the ways to make money, but I have listed what I am really sure of and checked for myself, what helped me out in difficult times, except for hand-made. But more importantly, I warned you about all sorts of scammers in the last paragraph.

We turn on the brains! Only your ingenuity will help you make money quickly and easily! Therefore, turn on the fantasy and go! At one time, sellers of "sea air" and "therapeutic" mud made decent money on tourists. Good breeding - good money!

It's never too late to learn! If your career has come to a standstill, you feel hopeless, then maybe it's time to radically change your life?! Get additional education or take refresher courses, learn something new, fortunately, today it is easy to do it without even leaving your home, through online learning.

Saving. Sometimes you just need to cut your expenses to make money. Have you tried counting your monthly expenses? I advise you to do this and you will be horrified at how much you spend on unnecessary things.

What is left for you now? Try yourself in everything that is possible! The main thing is not to sit still, but to constantly move forward and do, do, do, then everything will work out for you! Think big, take risks, create your own business, test niches, generally move, and don't sit still;)

I look forward to your additions, objections and questions in the comments! Thank you for your attention!

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. The Internet often provides simple, but quite profitable and real options for getting money for performing work of various types.

I already talked about some of them in an article about, but I would like to summarize the whole thing.

In this article, we will list a number of and that do not require special knowledge or skills from you (as well as cash investments), but at the same time they can provide quite a decent income. And for general development, I recommend that you read about.

The idea of ​​​​earning in inteta No. 1 - content and freelance exchanges

Literally everyone who wants to achieve something really significant on the Internet needs content. These are the building blocks of which websites and the entire Internet as a whole are built. Therefore, the demand for it never weakens. Yes, many, like me, write articles for my site on their own, but still, most of those who are engaged in online business are forced to resort to the services of copywriters.

How much can a copywriter really earn? It all depends on his talent and how he can present himself (for example, knowing how to write, you can “rise up” very decently). Searching directly for customers is quite difficult, so most use the services of intermediaries - content exchanges. Here it is easier to get orders and you can show yourself in all its glory without the need to additionally prove your class.

So, in my opinion, the first thing to pay attention to is: ETXT, Advego , TurboText , Contentmonster .

If your talents are buried not in the field of writing texts, but, for example, in drawing banners, writing scripts, setting up sites or servers, then you should look for real money already in.

Often, no specific knowledge is required at all - the main thing is to do the job correctly. In this regard, the exchange is out of competition. Workzilla- it is for beginners and everyone starts with it.

I can also recommend for beginners the recently appeared Kwork service, which allows you to arrange your service in the form of a product (worth 500 rubles) and sell it to everyone. This exchange is rapidly gaining momentum, you can read more about it.

Online earnings number 2 - social networks

Almost all Internet users have accounts in social networks, but not everyone knows that you can really earn extra money on them. How? Well, many companies or site owners seek to promote their groups in social networks, use other elements of social activity. This brings them additional profit, which means they are ready to pay real money for it.

In the online community, in connection with the current situation, services have appeared that are intermediaries between such "businessmen" and those who do not mind joining their groups, subscribing to channels, pages, etc. The most popular and proven services: VK-target, VKserfing and some others.

Option number 3 - work on cryptocurrency faucets

I decided to separate this method into a separate section, although it mostly falls under the section on generating income from showing ads to you, below. But here the peculiarity is that as a reward you do not receive rubles or dollars, but shares of bitcoin or another popular cryptocurrency.

It goes without saying that the amount of income is not huge (work available to everyone is paid, as a rule, not high), but you don’t really need to do anything - just go to the site and go through the captcha. As a result, you will receive a small amount of cryptocurrency units in your account. But over time, you can get pretty decent Satoshi:

Most of all there are bitcoin faucets, where, in fact, they distribute for free (a small share of bitcoin). Each individual site (faucet) gives per day, but you can use many similar sites, thereby significantly increasing your income. I would recommend start with these:

An important question is what to do with all this cryptocurrency. Do not worry, it can be quite easily exchanged for any money convenient for you (both electronic and real) in a great variety:

The first option is much easier to implement, but exchanges can be more profitable.

Scheme No. 4 - installing applications on a phone or tablet

You won’t earn much from each service, but if you use several at once, it will already be more or less tangible and real. The main task is to install applications on your gadget (developers need this to climb higher in Google Play or the Apple Store). Everything is very simple and does not take much time.

To start making money on Android (the most popular model) or any other type of mobile device, you need to install several applications on your phone, from which you can then download the required programs and get paid for it:

Here is an example of earning in two of them (the more services you use, the higher the total income will be):

Online earning scheme No. 5 - paid surveys and reviews

This idea of ​​a part-time job is similar to the first of the described options, but there are other nuances and other main services that pay real money for completing surveys and leaving reviews on the Internet.

Let's Let's start with paid surveys. Who pays for what here? The fact is that large businesses need feedback in order to better guess the "Wishlist" of their potential customers and thereby increase their profits. Polls are the best suited for solving this problem, and therefore intermediaries (exchanges) have appeared that offer part-time jobs to ordinary Internet users by taking surveys on various topics.

The following services are currently the most popular: My opinion(you can read) Questionnaire(Receive 50 rubles only for registration), Expert Opinion, Paid Poll, Rublklub, Questionnaire and others.

I have already described the details and realities of this online business in the review article "", as well as in articles about the nuances of working in services and.

Read the details of this online work in the articles and.

Earning scheme No. 7 - commenting on posts and videos

If any entry or article has comments, this immediately inspires the trust of visitors to the resource. So that it is not noticeable that all comments are written by one person, bloggers often. To make real money in the niche in question, you first need to select and register on one or more exchanges, for example, on Zatexta or, or on well-known sites: Advego, Etxt, TextSale and others.

The downside is that the comments are very small volume text. Therefore, the real cost of work is low, you often have to switch from one order to another, this reduces efficiency. But, like online earnings on forums, commenting does not require special knowledge and a high level of Russian language proficiency, which is good for many.

Sometimes customers ask performers to first read an article or watch a video in order to describe their opinion well later. It is advisable to pay attention to such orders: in this case, the money actually earned is usually much higher, and with the ability to isolate the main thing, you do not have to analyze the material as a whole. As we advised above, work only with those people who pay immediately, and do not require the initial creation of large texts.

The idea of ​​online earnings No. 8 - file hosting

Each of us at least once, but used a file-sharing server. Similar platforms (for example, Ska4ay, DepositFiles, Turbobit and others) allow you to download various files for free. During the download process, the user sees a lot of advertising banners, for clicks on which the exchanger administrators receive real money.

Earnings on the Internet on file hosting can be done in two ways:

  1. You post affiliate link and earn on purchases by referrals of paid accounts. As you know, when downloading files from a regular account, you have to wait a while, see unpleasant ads, and a Premium account eliminates these problems. If the person you referred pays for Premium, you will immediately receive a portion of the money they spent.
  2. You can get money on file hosting, hosting files for downloading, the server will pay for each separate download of the hosted document, of course, much less than with the development of the affiliate program, but still worthy.

To make money online by adding your own files, for example, to Ska4ay, you need to follow a number of recommendations.

  1. First, than more there will be a file, the more significant the payment (in the reviews of each individual exchanger we will indicate the prices), so you should not upload and post links to Word documents that the Internet compresses to the maximum. Quality weighs the most Images And videos. The key is to start posting download links wherever possible (pay special attention to social media groups). When people download your documents, the file hosting service will start accruing payment to the balance.
  2. The more documents you upload, the more you can actually earn, plays a role and quantity, And quality material. If you approach such online work consciously, you can turn file hosting services into a good source of additional income, and if you use not only natural traffic, but also cheating, your income will be very high.

In any case, it will be much easier here than where the content must be copyright. It is advisable to try to promote an affiliate program only if you have a large audience: a subscriber base or your own website, otherwise you will waste your time.

The ninth idea of ​​online earnings is writing posts on forums

On almost any topic on the network, there are places where people exchange opinions and ask for advice. In order for new forums to take their place in this information niche, they need to be promoted - administrators are ready to pay people for creating topics or for comments on a particular issue. What are the advantages / disadvantages of this online work and what advice to give to those who want to get real money?

Super idea - making money on your website, blog or forum

I can only guarantee one thing - it simply won’t, unless you are a masochist like me (I love torturing myself by writing long articles detailing all the possible nuances of what is being described). You need to love this business, otherwise sooner or later you will abandon it.

The first couple of years you will have to work for the future, putting your teeth on the shelf. There will be little chance of success, because the competition is high, and luck does not always turn to the right side for everyone. But still this the most beautiful idea of ​​real online earnings which is as difficult to implement as it is tempting...

So, I described the technical side of creating my project in great detail in numerous articles on this blog (by the way,). There are a lot of technical nuances here, and most importantly, their correct implementation will not bring you a penny of real money - you will simply "catch up with the hungry." Money brings content and its success on the Internet (real or artificially produced).

Although, of course, you can create a forum and hope that the content will be created for you by visitors for free, but everything is far from being so simple. It is very difficult to monetize a forum, and it is even more difficult to promote it. The same can be said about online services - yes, the content is secondary there, but you need a "freaky" idea and excellent implementation. See how many successful services are in RuNet? Not so much. But this does not mean that you don’t need to try, it’s just that there are a lot of “wise men” who, apart from the “Bablo” button, see nothing before their eyes.

You can’t get away from this, but there are other ways that may well complement, and, on occasion, replace (if the context cannot be set) the main source of income. These are banners, teasers (be careful with shock ads), selling links (smart, for example, not indexed, i.e. purely for PR), placing advertising reviews, buttons, (very underestimated, in my opinion, a way of monetization, while really well working), etc. of things.

Everything is good that works (we drink everything that burns), but at the same time it doesn’t really harm (it doesn’t greatly reduce the depth and time of browsing pages, and also doesn’t anger search engines beyond measure). A big one IMHO.

I would like to hear your personal IMHO ...

Good luck to you! See you soon on the blog pages site

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Mobile earnings from the phone on Internet applications for Android and iOs (without attachments)

Today, tens of thousands of people are looking for business ideas on the Internet without investment. But if you don’t dissemble, then you can’t start a business without investments at all. But we have tried to select ten interesting business ideas that require insignificant funds available to most of our fellow citizens (even students and alcoholics). A thousand rubles was taken beyond the border of the permissible! True, many of these undertakings will require rather big labor costs. Well, the presence of some means of production.

No. 1. Atelier at home or custom-made bow ties

If you have a sewing machine, your arms grow from a place closer to your head than to your feet, and you don't only cross stitch, then this idea will suit you. And even a thousand rubles for the purchase of materials (fabrics and threads) will be able to meet. Do you have a machine? Well, we will manage with advertising in a fashionable way now - creating a group, publics on social networks VKontakte, Facebook (less competition), as well as on thematic sites dedicated to fashion. You can do not just fitting clothes or hemming curtains, but also quite fashionable now sewing butterflies, ties and handkerchiefs. And you can have your own 10-30 thousand rubles of net income per month. Not bad for a student.

Labor costs
Advantages- Stability of earnings, quick start.

No. 2. Field computer administrator

Can you reinstall Windows? Do you know how to install an antivirus in ten minutes and what is safe mode? Can you imagine how to connect a mouse to a computer? No, you are not an administrator yet, but you can become one. It is advisable to have a laptop at hand. As well as the strength to place dozens of ads on sites ranging from aggregators like Avito to social networks. Yes, you will find clients quickly. The cost of one trip, depending on labor costs, is 1 - 5 thousand rubles (possibly more). The flow of customers has begun - do not refuse anyone, connect friends who are also versed in this topic. Monthly income can be 30-60 thousand rubles.

Labor costs- about 3-9 hours a day, depending on the number of orders and the success of the promotion.
Advantages- zero investment, a large number of potential customers.
Flaws- High density of competition, you really need to understand "the topic".

No. 3. Food delivery to offices

This is where your culinary skills come in handy. It is quite possible to buy ingredients for a complex lunch for 8-10 people with the starting capital (1 thousand rubles) - just feed a standard office. At the rate of 150-180 rubles per serving. Yes. Lunches with delivery are not such a high-margin business. But you can count on your 25-40 thousand rubles a month. And if you also connect other "cooks" ...

Labor costs- about 4 hours a day depending on the number of orders.
Advantages- customers will be exactly.
Flaws- it is necessary to conduct a real advertising "campaign" to attract customers in office centers.

No. 4. Photographer for anything

Do you have a good camera and a desire to take pictures? Do your photos make your friends vomit? You can become a photographer! Photo shoots, photosets, erotic photography, love story, wedding photographer and much more: everything is in your hands. Photoshop skills are highly desirable! But the work is quite free and multifaceted. It is better not to cooperate with the media - they pay frankly little. Monthly earnings range from 30 to 150 thousand rubles. You have to do a lot of self-promotion.

Labor costs- from 1 to 12 hours a day. It all depends on the flow of customers!
Advantages- zero investment.
Flaws- you need to be a real professional in this business, otherwise dissatisfied customers and competitors will do something bad to you.

No. 5. Husband/wife for an hour

More than 28% of families in Russia are incomplete. Moreover, if women need a strong male shoulder, then men lack comfort in their homes (and cleanliness). This type of business is not prostitution at all (or whatever you think there is). But to help women assemble this strange wardrobe not from Ikea, fix the bed, the faucet, replace the wallpaper ... Or tidy up the apartment of single men. Yes, there is a real demand for such services. The average check is 1000-1500 rubles. Monthly income can reach 60-70 thousand rubles.

Labor costs- 2-3 hours a day.
Advantages- business without investments.
Flaws- you really need to be able to do something with your hands.

No. 6. Vkontakte community

Do you consider yourself an advertising guru, friends and strangers like your posts, and acquaintances unsubscribe from you in an attempt to avoid the flow of news from your feed? Then, perhaps, you should try yourself as a cool smm manager. Your income (look real) can range from 10 to 200 thousand rubles a month, depending on the activity of the audience and the number of participants in the group.

Labor costs- 1-10 hours a day.
Advantages- complete lack of investment, flexible schedule.
Flaws- you must be a really cool smm-schik.

No. 7. real estate agency in person.

Searching for ads on city sites and open ad areas, a sea of ​​"positive" from customers, the need to get discounts, preferences and the eternal search for buyers or sellers - all this and much more you can get working as a realtor. Oh yes, dozens of calls are waiting for you. Get ready to be sent. But you will gain a huge experience in direct sales and work with objections.

Labor costs- 5 to 12 hours a day.
Advantages- you will definitely meet a thousand rubles and learn how to sell. Monthly income can be about 30 - 80 thousand rubles.

No. 8: Manicure at home

If you are a girl and are fond of manicure (or false nails), have experimented on your girlfriends, then you can be advised to open a beauty salon at home. For a thousand rubles, just buy expensive varnishes from Tiffany and or false nails. Feel like a beautician!

Labor costs- 3 to 8 hours a day
Advantages- high income. From 20 to 100 thousand rubles per month. It all depends on your skills and hours of work.

No. 9 Movers on call

Strong guys are needed by everyone and always. And really everyone - from private clients who just want to transport the piano, to small, medium and large companies that periodically or one-time need to lift, move something, and so on.

The second important point is that you yourself do not have to be a loader. That is why the idea becomes twice as attractive.

To begin with, you are looking for people who could fulfill these duties. The good thing is that no one will require special education or a license for such work. With these people, whose informal base you can constantly change and supplement, you agree on a piecework payment option.

In the minimum case, the business is then ready. You just look for orders and implement them. However, this method will be too superficial and will not bring good returns.

It would be better to open a sole proprietorship and open a checking account. After all, if you plan to work with organizations, it is the account that will help to avoid difficulties. Cash firms are not too fond of, and so, there will be somewhere to transfer payment to you.

Now, a little about how to look for orders. After all, without orders, there is no meaning to all activities. There are several standard and simplest options:

  1. We go to the worldwide network and look for any organizations in our city. And then we just call ahead with an offer of our services right now and for the future. Be sure to leave contacts. We warn you right away, the exhaust from cold ringing will be small. But it will. On average - 100-200 calls will provide you with one order. And then - on the rise. Someone will remember you if necessary, someone will take note.
  2. The simplest ads on boards and social networks. Without it, nowhere. Let your company's contacts be visible. Usually people do not hesitate to call at the slightest need, if only to find out the price.

Don't forget to consider the price. And before that, monitor the current prices in your city.

Labor costs- about 4-8 hours a day, depending on the number of orders and the success of the promotion.
Advantages- There are always orders
Flaws- low rates

No. 10 SMS informing parents about school attendance by children

As they say, an idea worth a million, but with its own difficulties. And the safety of children is a topic that never ceases to be relevant.

The point is to install special machines in schools and provide children with cards. When a child comes to school and leaves it, he puts his card to the machine. Immediately, the parent receives a notification on the phone about this.

Income is based on the subscription fee for using the service. The service itself is completely voluntary and has nothing to do with the usual access system in schools.

The question arises - how to negotiate with parents and with the educational institution itself. Actually, it's a bit complicated. The school management will be interested in the installation if two conditions are met. First, the equipment for the school will be free. Second, at least some of the parents will support the idea.

It will be possible to agree with the parents if you immediately explain that this is a voluntary matter. And that no one will take too much from them. Only payment for the SMS messages themselves. In that case, many will agree that keeping abreast of the movements of your child for a small fee is a good idea.

Business, of course, will require investments, but, which is very good, they will be small and quickly paid off. So, the equipment itself for one point will cost about 20 thousand. One card will cost 30 rubles. Cards can be issued to parents on bail. For example, 100 rubles. But this is a pledge, not a purchase.

Next comes the monthly subscription fee. For example, the same 100 rubles. This will not hit the pocket, regardless of the level of family income. Now a pack of cigarettes costs the same. Only smokers spend 100 rubles a day on this, not a month. One SMS message will cost a few cents.

According to statistics, 30 percent of parents perceive the idea very well. But the biggest difficulty is getting them to pay on time and not forget about it.

After the launch, you will need to adjust your work in such a way as to respond in time to a change in the mobile phone numbers of the parents, to which notifications will be sent. And also quickly and without extra costs to change the lost and broken cards of children.

Once launched in one school, the installation of equipment in others will go easier because there will be a good working example. To understand how quickly this type of investment can be recouped, take 1,000 children per school as a calculation point. This will give a rough idea of ​​the level of earnings.
Advantages- Relevance of the topic
Flaws- Difficult to negotiate

No. 11 Sale of draft milk

Milk is one of those products for which demand never falls. Even during an unstable economic situation, when prices soar, leaving the income of the population far behind them. Therefore, creating a business for the needs of customers, simplifying the business with a competitive product, is not too difficult. Moreover, milk, for example, from a barrel, can really be sold cheaper than bottled milk in any network hypermarket.

To start, you can purchase a barrel, for example, 500 liters. And that will be the only significant cost. If you are trying to save money, it is more profitable to consider selling barrels from the hands, and not from the manufacturer. In this case, you can meet the 50-70 thousand rubles.

Such a barrel calmly clings to the car and is calmly transported from place to place. If you do not have a car, you can add to the scheme who can transport it by agreeing on a fixed amount per flight.

The next major step is to find a supplier. It can be any farmer, located not too far away. The scheme of working with him is simple - every morning you take milk from him and make the calculation on the spot.

However, it is important to remember here that milk must be taken to the laboratory for analysis in order for you to be issued a certificate. And when everything is done, milk and a certificate are “on hand”, you need to come to a specific point and trade (it would be better to hire a seller).

As for the price, it is quite realistic to buy milk on farms at a price of 15-20 rubles per liter. Of course, in particular cases, everything will depend on the volume of goods. You need to sell a little cheaper than the store, but not by much. Otherwise it will be unprofitable. For example, 30 with a little rubles.

What you need from the documentation:

  • IP registration
  • Employment contract with the seller
  • Sanitary book for the seller
  • Papers for renting a place of trade
  • Product certificate

It is better to rent a place near the market, or get permission from the city administration for a specific point.

Labor costs- about 8 hours a day

Advantages- Demand for the product is constant

Flaws- Requires a lot of permissions

№12 Rental of 4-wheel bicycles

4-wheel bicycles, or, as they are called, velomobiles, are an excellent kind of family vacation in any park areas equipped with normal paths. Naturally, such units will not be specially bought. But renting, as practice shows, is a popular idea. Moreover, up to 6 people can fit on one velomobile. Therefore, entertainment is interesting for both a family of several people and a group of friends.

For business, park areas, embankments in cities, and recreation areas may be suitable. As for the price, on average, about 50 thousand rubles will be asked for a Chinese-made velomobile. However, there is a cheaper way - to find a master who would make wheeled vehicles to order. There is nothing difficult in this. But of course you have to search.

For those who are very limited in funds, an option with installments or a loan may be suitable.

After you have decided on a place, you need to understand who is its owner. If it does not belong to a specific company or individual, then you will need to obtain permission from the city administration.

The rental price should be based on your costs, but in this case you can’t go too far, otherwise customers simply won’t respond even if they want to. For example, 100 rubles for half an hour is quite an adequate price for a more or less large city.

When organizing, remember that the client is required to take not only a fee, but also a deposit. Usually it is an identity document. Otherwise, you will quickly lose your “fleet”. If you want to protect yourself from theft completely, install a special device - a tracker that will show the coordinates of each velomobile.

If the rental is large enough, then it will be more profitable to hire additional staff who will work in shifts.

Labor costs- about 4-6 hours a day

Advantages- Wide audience
Flaws- In large cities there is already high competition + seasonality

#13 Cargo transportation without costs

The idea is based on the fact that you do not need your own freight transport. Because you will be working with hired drivers who have their own trucks.

In fact, there are a lot of such drivers who could respond to your request. This is due to the fact that the search for customers is not the most pleasant experience, and many are limited to a simple announcement of the opportunity to hire themselves with their own transport. Not everyone also climbs into the advertising jungle.

How exactly to work with drivers is up to you. The main thing is to agree in advance. Some prefer piecework pay based on the number of hours worked. Others calculate mileage. It may be easier to set a "own percentage". That is, you find a customer and transfer it to a specific driver, who, having completed the work and received the money, gives you the agreed part.

Finding customers is not as difficult as it seems. There are several common options:

  • Calling organizations in your city
  • Paper advertisements around the city
  • Specialized sites on the Internet

When talking to a client, be sure to state your terms in full. And when the customer gives his consent, immediately discuss all the details - the place, time, the cargo itself, additional conditions and wishes, phone numbers and responsible persons.

Even if the client is “one-time”, save his contacts, in this way you will ensure that you will have your own customer base, which in the future will be able to re-offer your own services and report on promotions.

Labor costs- full time on the phone

Advantages- standing orders
Flaws- High density of competition.

No. 14 Sale of berries and fruits from Thailand

At first glance, the idea may seem strange. After all, for a long time we no longer live behind the Iron Curtain. And trips to exotic places where you can enjoy this are not so sky-high unattainable. However, in an era of economic crisis, as statistics show, many people prefer to postpone their holidays for the future. And in fact, a very large percentage of the population does not leave our country.

Therefore, organizing a business selling “specific products” from hot countries is a completely feasible task. The main thing here is to find a supplier. The problem is that those who constantly work with the delivery of goods from other countries and can help with the execution of all documents do not handle cargo in small volumes. And they will not take on small parties. Therefore, you will have to spend time and effort searching.

Another option is to find a person who will buy goods in a particular country and send them to you by air. Naturally, the payment will be negotiable.

The price at which you will sell products in Russia will have to be made up of several factors. For example, customs costs, prime cost, buyer's labor fees, postal percentage will be affected. But the most important thing is the period for which the product deteriorates. The smaller it is, the greater the percentage of the markup on the price tag you will need to add. Because the loss of part of the goods in such a business is an inevitable fate.

The assortment can be quite diverse, unlike the store, where often you will not find anything other than a couple of items. So, you can start selling such dishes:

  • durian
  • pomelo
  • Coconut
  • Banana
  • Rambutan
  • A pineapple
  • Darogonfruit
  • Mango
  • Guava
  • Mangosteen
  • Jackfruit
  • Longkong
  • passion fruit
  • Chempedak
  • Tamarind
  • Salak
  • Tangerine
  • sapodilla
  • Papaya

And this is not a complete list of what is possible. Naturally, over time, you will be able to optimize the assortment depending on the results.
Advantages- Unusual, the ability to focus on an audience with a high level of income.
Flaws- Possible difficulties with customs

No. 15 Sale of production waste and expired products

A strange idea for making money, however, has a completely working scheme. The fact is that many food products, when they expire, are simply disposed of. Naturally, factories and firms that have to throw away a product that has not passed the sales stage spend some money on these processes. It is necessary to pay for transportation, the disposal itself, the work of people involved in this business. Naturally, it would be more profitable for them to get rid of these expenses if someone took away or redeemed such products.

Question - for what? Everything is simple. If you take, for example, bread, which is already subject to disposal, then you need to keep in mind that it is still suitable. As an option - to feed livestock on numerous farms. The same is true for the confectionery industry.

Therefore, your task is to find a "supplier" of such products. If you go to the factory, you can stumble upon a refusal. Because, alas, some industries use an expired product, breaking it down into ingredients, which are subsequently mixed into a new fresh batch of the same product.

But, of course, not everyone does this. Therefore, among several plants and factories, you will definitely be able to find a supplier.

The question is better to start with accounting. This is where pricing takes place. It is also possible to agree on payment of a symbolic price on your part. Up to 1 ruble per kilogram of product. But there will definitely be a price tag.

Once a supplier is found, finding a buyer is easy. This will help a small price on your product. Start with ads on profile portals. You can also visit the farms in person to reach an agreement. Over time, regular customers will participate in this scheme.

Labor costs- about 8 hours a day

Advantages- Low cost of goods
Flaws- Graph Density

No. 16 Redecoration of the entrances of apartment buildings

The scheme of this type of business is based on contracts with management companies and housing offices. The fact is that the departments themselves often do not have their own teams of workers who will carry out the orders. And, considering how many houses even in small towns need to be monitored, the work is ongoing. The housing office is very likely to turn to hired brigades. Here is a hired team that will be ready to take on orders and you have to assemble. And that will be the first step.

Finding a person who can perform certain construction and repair work will not be difficult. If you do not have such among your friends, look for ads, there are a lot of them now. For starters, a small staff will be enough - 2-3 people.

The second step is to determine the price of the work. It is better if your team includes a builder or repairman who already knows the value of his employment. So you can immediately voice the price tags when communicating with a potential customer. This is important so that the client does not “fly off”. If this is difficult, contact the construction companies. They usually provide free consultations.

After that, it remains to find a housing office that needs a team and discuss the conditions with it. It is important to conclude a contract after agreeing on the terms so that you can receive payment. Part of the funds will go to the salary of your team, and part - to you.

As an addition to this business or its expansion, you can earn money on the transportation and delivery of building materials.

Labor costs- Constant communication in person and by phone
Advantages- standing orders
Flaws- Competition and red tape

№17 Dry fog as a remedy for odors

Dry fog is so named because the device that is used to eliminate odors throws out a special air suspension that looks exactly like fog. In fact, the mixture has a special composition, which is sprayed in the form of microscopic crystals. They are able to penetrate even the smallest holes and gaps, simultaneously absorbing any odors.

The dry fog sprayer is by no means bulky. Like a vacuum cleaner, it can be dragged with one hand. The cost of such a unit varies between 20-30 thousand rubles.

In addition to the device itself, as a consumable, you will need to purchase the actual liquid, from which the “miracle machine” will generate fog. The cost of one bottle is about 100 rubles. It is enough for about 1 car as a whole, if the smell needs to be removed from the car.

The odor removal procedure takes about forty minutes. In experienced hands - even less. Dry fog is able to cope with many odors. For example, it calmly removes the old smell of tobacco in the cabin. According to statistics, you can not think about the appearance of this smell after the procedure for at least a whole month.

When building a business, you don’t need to overestimate the price tag for the procedure, so you will get more customers. 500 rubles at a time will be enough. The main thing to remember is that in order to achieve the effect, you must first remove the object - the source of the smell. So, if it is a spoiled rotten product, then you first need to remove it, and then proceed to the cleaning procedure.

Another important detail is the plaque. It can be formed during the settling of a mist suspension. Therefore, you should remember about safety precautions when covering important elements with a film.

The price for services is usually formed by area. The larger the room where you want to remove the smell, the higher the price tag of the procedure.

Advantages- Low competition
Flaws- Difficult customer search

No. 18 Sale of waste from livestock farms

We have already analyzed the opportunity to make money on the sale of expired products from food production to farmers. But these same farmers can also find goods for subsequent sale to another buyer.

We are talking about animal waste products from farms. Usually they are stored near the farm itself. Of course, there are those who are engaged in the export and sale themselves, but not everyone can allocate time.

In order to take out waste from the “supplier” to the customer, the first thing you need is a suitable truck. There are several options here. Firstly, in the village located next to the farm, there may be a suitable vehicle. And with the driver. And given that in the villages the standard level of income is less than in the city, it will be easy to agree on payment.

Secondly, you can buy a car yourself. And supported is best. Because you will carry manure and because it makes no sense to spend large sums on a new car from the very beginning.

After the issue with the vehicle is resolved, it will be necessary to negotiate directly with the farmer, who always has goods in stock. And since without such proposals the farmer himself has to take out the waste, it will not be difficult to negotiate with him.

The next stage of setting up a business is connected with the workers who will load the “material” into the car. Again, it is worth hiring people, either living in the nearby village or the farm workers themselves.

The last step is to find a buyer. Such waste goes well as fertilizer for plants. Therefore, the main audience to be guided by is the owners of crop farms and summer residents. In the second case, you can put a car with manure on the right days directly at the entrance to summer cottages. Then the clients themselves will be interested in you about the cost of the sold manure. Or you can use standard methods - posting ads and the Internet.

According to statistics, the cost of one manure machine varies within 2000 rubles. In successful cases, you can sell more than one car of manure per day.

Labor costs- Full time work

Advantages- There are always suppliers
Flaws- "Dirty job

#19 Acquaintances in the process of completing quests

This idea combines two services popular with people. Quest rooms are a popular entertainment and dating service, which, judging by the numerous dating sites, will never lose popularity.

The gaming environment and new sensations always encourage closer cooperation, even for complete strangers. Therefore, the idea deserves attention. Naturally, the search for potential customers in this case is primarily conducted through the Internet. And even if in the process of passing the game in real time people did not have the opportunity to find a mate, a good time will not leave them in a bad mood. Customers will still be happy.

Advantages- Combination of two popular ideas
Flaws- Competition

No. 20 Advertising on your own windows

We are all used to seeing advertisements everywhere for a long time - from newspapers to street ads on banners and even simple poles. Advertising today is the engine of any business and advertisers are constantly looking for new effective platforms. So, finding a client among those who need to place their ads is a matter of time and desire.

Recently, the idea has begun to develop to offer advertising space on their own windows and balconies of residential buildings. If you are a person who is ready to sacrifice his “glass” or a place on the facade for the sake of earning money, then you should think about this method.

It makes no sense to paint how to find a client, first of all you need to be able to offer and not be afraid to communicate. But for those lacking those skills, there's an easier way to subtly sell your space. You can organize a small billboard, where, before an advertisement from a particular company or person appears, your sign will hang about the sale of this very place for advertising.

It all depends on your creativity. Alternatively, you can write popular words: “here can be your ad.” And it is natural to add a telephone for communication under this slogan. In this case, it is more likely that the client will find you. Especially if the place that you offer is really well suited, that is, it is viewed from the side and will be visible to a large number of people.

Labor costs- Almost not

Advantages- Passive income
Flaws- You will have to sacrifice your windows or facade

Incredible Facts

Don't know how to make money? Maybe you should come up with your original way? However, there are already many original ways to earn money. For example, you may be offered to buy a star, a friend, and even a personal paparazzi! People know how to make money from literally everything.

We invite you to learn about the most incredible business ideas, which bring real profit, although they may seem rather silly.

selling stars

Who owns the stars in the sky? Probably no one. Therefore, anyone can name a star and receive a special certificate of registration, which says that from now on this star belongs only to you.

International Star Register (ISR) allows people to name stars starting with 1979. Celebrities, dignitaries and ordinary people from all over the world use this service and buy stars for themselves, friends and relatives.

ISR invites you to choose any of the free stars and call it any name. You are getting special package, which contains a beautiful certificate, a sky map with the coordinates of the star you bought, and a booklet with information on astronomy.

All new names are published in official astronomical guide, however, the scientific community does not recognize this guide.

Friend for hire

Almost all of us have friends, but we are not used to buying them. However, today everything is possible. For example, you can offer yourself as a friend for a certain fee. All you need to do is create your profile on the site "Friend for Hire", indicate your free hours and wait for someone not interested in your candidacy.

Website "Friend for Hire" allows you to register for free and receive up to $50 per hour for playing the role of a friend at events such as weddings, sporting events, concerts, cinema and theater trips, bike rides, restaurant trips and more.

Site owner Scott Rosenbaum I took the idea from dating sites and noticed that such sites usually do not offer "just friendship". The new site has become completely platonic.

Hiring Paparazzi website

It turns out public people are not the only ones who can be followed by the paparazzi. Today anyone can hire a personal paparazzi photographer who will follow him with a camera all day long. offers you feel like a celebrity and hire paparazzi for yourself or someone else for different occasions, for example, for a birthday, for a bachelor party, a bachelorette party, a stag party, or just for fun.

Through their website, students Ed Moyes And Ross Harper managed to earn about 50 thousand pounds, which they spent on their college education. They advertised by various companies on.. their faces.

Moyes and Harper painted advertisements on their faces, then took pictures and filmed doing various funny things. The company advertised by the students paid them to jumped with a parachute or jumped into the icy water, in general, in every possible way attracted attention.

Photos and videos with advertising appeared on the site. When the guys first started working, they got paid for advertising only 1 pound, however, young entrepreneurs promised that they could earn 3,500 pounds in 10 days of advertising campaigns. Later it became their permanent way of earning.

Tutor online

Student of Fortune (Lucky student) is an online learning forum for those who want to find or offer homework, teaching, and writing services. If you are an expert on a subject, you can make good money on negligent students, or help them learn something.

If you yourself are a student or schoolchild, you have money, and homework or writing essays does not attract you, you can help others earn. Also you can order tutoring services.

All you need to do to make money is register on the site, review questions periodically and find ones you can help with. You can then offer your services. For example, you can offer advice on clarifying some unclear issue.

Butterfly sale

Is it possible to sell butterflies and make millions on it? It may seem ridiculous to you, but the "butterfly business" Jose Muniza brings good income. It's funny, but he opened his business for a dispute.

It all started when a friend of José offered to bet for 100 dollars that Muniz will not be able to sell a single live butterfly. Today, after 7 years, a former business consultant and his wife Karen own the company Amazing Butterflies(, which is a live butterfly distributor with offices in several Florida cities with an annual income of at 1 million dollars.

It turns out that live butterflies are very popular item for wedding ceremonies, parties, children's parties and other events.

Sale of land from Ireland

Alan Jenkins, an entrepreneur from Belfast, and Pat Burke, a scientist from Tipperary, has already shipped about $1 million! Their company, which is called Official Irish Dirt receives commissions from Irish people all over the world who want to they were sent to their native land.

The idea for a new business came to Jenkins. Once he was visiting a friend in Florida and got to a meeting of the American-Irish community Sons of Erin, where immigrants from Ireland talked about what they would like bring from the motherland of the earth and store it in burial urns.

Shortly thereafter, Jekins met Burke, who was a research assistant at Irish Department of Agriculture. They decided to open a joint business, which is flourishing today, because in the USA lives about 40 million Irish who dream of receiving a gift in the form of land from their homeland.

By the way, today not only Irish land is on sale, but also Irish clover seeds:

Original Business: Sock Subscription

Entrepreneur from Switzerland Samuel Lichty came up with an original idea of ​​making money: he organized subscription to.. socks. Each subscriber in exchange for 89 dollars receives an annual subscription to 9 pairs of socks, which are sent to him in batches several times a year.

It is interesting that even such a seemingly stupid idea has become quite popular, and many people are willing to sign up to receive socks, because they are too lazy to go to the store for a new pair every time.

Each new subscriber receives a message about how much time he will save by ordering the service: approximately 12 hours a day or 3 weeks in a lifetime. That's how much time, according to Lichti, the average Swiss spends buying socks.

In 2005 Lichti began to provide services for the delivery of socks also in the United States. Two years later the company blacksocks also began to offer services underwear subscriptions. Today at Lichti about 60 thousand active subscribers in 74 countries. Last year the company blacksocks even opened an office in New York.

Original business idea: bird police

David Marks discovered a lucrative business opportunity when he realized his dog was ready drive away geese and other birds from golf courses.

David founded the company Geese Police in 1986, which provided services to get rid of intruders in city parks, near corporate property, on golf courses and various lawns. Oddly enough, some birds can be very aggressive:

Using for this work trained dogs of the breed Border Collie, David can clear the area of ​​birds without causing them any harm. Today the company Geese Police grew and expanded significantly in 2000 business income was about $2 million!

cat business

Jordana Serebrenick doing extraordinary business. A couple of years ago she opened a company Catch Your Cat, which provides cat catching services.

Although cats are generally quite affable and friendly creatures, they can be quite aggressive if they defend their space. Sometimes pull your pet out from under the sofa or other corner of the apartment is quite difficult. A professional comes to the rescue, who for 80 dollars catch the cat and put it in a cage.

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