Production of plastic windows - the main stages of production. Business Idea: How to Start a Plastic Window Business Plastic Window Manufacturing Plants

The Okna R company is one of the leaders in the production of plastic windows in Moscow and the Moscow region, for more than 15 years it has been providing a full cycle of services: we design and manufacture window, balcony and door structures, deliver them to the glazing facility, professional installation, warranty service and repair of any complexity.

In the production of window structures, the priorities for us are the high quality of finished products and an affordable price.

Equipping the plastic window factory with the latest European equipment, using only proven components from well-known brands for the production (Rehau profiles, Lisec and Guardian Industries double-glazed windows, Maco and Fornax fittings), as well as compliance with the requirements of GOSTs and strict control at every stage - guarantee the high quality of our products .

At Windows R, you can:

  • purchase standard plastic windows of standard sizes or order the manufacture of non-standard designs according to individual sketches and sizes;
  • not limited to ordering only white windows, we offer window lamination with Renolit colored films for various types of wood or metal;
  • order windows with the required set of characteristics by choosing a double-glazed window with energy-saving, triplex, multifunctional or colored glass.

The range of products and services of the Okna R company is not limited to the production and installation of PVC windows, we also manufacture aluminum windows for glazing balconies and loggias, professional turnkey finishing of these premises, production of plastic doors for various purposes (entrance, interior, office and balcony ), manufacture and installation of blinds and roller blinds.

For dealers and construction companies, we provide an excellent opportunity to order wholesale plastic windows and other products on mutually beneficial terms.

Plastic window assembly process

  1. Profile cutting. From a six-meter Rehau profile, blanks of window frames are cut at an angle to the required dimensions. In the manufacture of non-standard window structures, the profile is bent to a certain radius.
  2. Reinforcement. Next, the plastic profile is reinforced to increase the rigidity and strength of the final product.
  3. Seam welding. Thanks to the assembly on automatic equipment, four corners of the structure are welded at the same time, which makes it possible to avoid defects and distortions during production.
  4. Construction assembly. According to the exact marking, fittings are mounted and a sealant is installed in special grooves. After that, a double-glazed window is fixed in the window frame with the help of glazing beads.
  5. Order picking. At the final stage of production, the linings on the hinges, window handles, supply valves and other accessories prescribed in the contract are installed.

Depending on the workload of production lines and the complexity of designs, the production of plastic windows takes from 5 to 10 days.

Premium German brand on the Russian market since 1995. With us you get real German quality from a company with a 48-year history around the world.

  • ALL profile systems of the highest class "A"
  • ALL are frost-resistant and marked with the letter "M"
  • ALL have maximum 4-sided steel reinforcement
  • Uniform quality standard regardless of the country of production

The more air chambers, the less air exchange and, accordingly, the higher the thermal insulation.

The wider the profile and the greater the installation depth, the higher the thermal insulation.

Profiles ONLY top class "A"

According to the thickness of the inner walls, ALL of our profiles are of the highest class "A" - the thickness of their front wall is at least 3 mm.

  • class "A": front wall not less than 3.0 mm
  • class "B": front wall not less than 2.5 mm
  • class "C": wall thickness is not standardized

Please note that 80-90% of the Russian market are "B" and "C" classes and only 10-20% of "A" class profiles. At the same time, in our range of VEKA profiles ONLY class "A".

As a matter of principle, we DO NOT use profile systems of classes "B" and "C" (with a front wall width of less than 3.0 mm).

ONLY frost-resistant profiles

According to GOST 30673-99 “PVC profiles for window and door blocks”, in terms of resistance to climatic influences, ALL of our profiles are “frost-resistant” - for areas with AVERAGE monthly air temperature in January BELOW minus 20 ° С.

GOST standards for different classes:

  • normal version "N": the average temperature in January is minus 20 ° C and above
  • frost-resistant version "M": the average temperature in January is lower than minus 20°С

In our assortment ONLY frost-resistant profile systems, marked with the letter "M".

Heat transfer resistance (thermal heat resistance) is the main coefficient of thermal insulation. It is determined by the ratio of the temperature difference outside and inside the room to the heat flow passing through the window. The higher this number, the better the thermal insulation efficiency.

Evolutionary double-glazed windows SmartGlass 2.0

Our multifunctional double-glazed windows work for you both in winter and in summer. In winter, sputtering of silver particles saves up to 90% of the heat energy of heating devices, and in summer a double-glazed window reflects 25% more solar heat than ordinary plastic windows.

  • 42% more HEAT in winter (energy saving properties)
  • 25% less HEAT in summer (sun protection properties)

All our double-glazed windows contain special energy-efficient glasses. We DO NOT use conventional glass even in the most basic configurations.

AirDrive I, II and III climate control systems

Optimal ventilation mechanisms are built into the windows - the sashes open slightly by 1-5 mm, depending on the selected mode. These are NOT external devices (combs or valves), but BUILT-IN furniture ventilation.

Three options:

  • AirDrive I: night ventilation (1 mode)
  • AirDrive II: discrete multi-stage ventilation (3 modes)
  • AirDrive III: discrete multi-stage ventilation (5 modes)

We try not to install combs because of their appearance (only at your request). In principle, we do not use valves due to the fact that they violate the integrity of the window, reduce its tightness and strength (since the profile and its reinforcement are drilled through).

September 30, 2016
Specialization: a professional in the field of construction and repair (a full cycle of finishing work, both internal and external, from sewerage to electrics and finishing work), installation of window structures. Hobbies: see column "SPECIALIZATION AND SKILLS"

The manufacturing technology of metal-plastic structures is complex and simple at the same time. It will be almost impossible for an unprepared person to understand all the intricacies of the process, but after reading the appropriate instructions (such as this article), there will be an order of magnitude fewer questions.

In addition, having familiarized yourself with the methods of work, you can more clearly imagine the structure of the window. This, in turn, will allow you to order designs more meaningfully, understanding which element is responsible for what.

Raw Materials

In order for the products to turn out to be of the highest quality, not only modern equipment for the production of plastic windows and the professionalism of master assemblers are important, but also the correct selection of materials. This article is of an overview nature, therefore I will give only the main list, without touching on the nuances of the selection and production of raw materials - anyway, this information will be relevant to you only if you yourself are engaged in the production process.

So, what are metal-plastic windows made of?

  1. PVC profile is the main raw material, without which, of course, no window will work. As a rule, the workshop works with several types of profile, respectively, all elements of the system must be in stock, from frames and sashes to glazing beads and additional elements.
  2. Reinforcing profile - supplied separately, installed in a plastic profile directly at the installation stage. The nomenclature of reinforcement is not so extensive, but still a dozen items (different thickness + different configurations) should be present.
  3. Glazing - either ready-made double-glazed windows assembled at a separate enterprise according to the required dimensions, or sheet glass and spacers. In the second case, the materials are delivered to a separate workshop, where glass is cut and double-glazed windows are assembled.

  1. Accessories - in any case, they are purchased, since the process of manufacturing accessories is very complicated and time-consuming. Fitting sets are stored in a warehouse and, as necessary, are delivered to the assembly site for tying the sashes.

Naturally, these are only the main groups of components with which the equipment for the production of PVC windows works. In this list, I did not include numerous consumables - fasteners, pads, sealing cords, packaging, etc. - in general, everything without which the Czech cannot function normally.

Working with a profile

Assembly preparation

I will begin the description of the window assembly process in the sequence in which the parts enter the shop and get processed. And in the first place in this list there will be a whole range of operations, which can be conditionally called the preparation of a profile for assembly.

Work is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. First, a reinforcing profile is cut in a separate section. Steel blanks are cut on a stationary circular saw either exactly to the size of the product, or - for large scale production - in increments of 50 mm. The second method is less time-consuming, while the quality of the product almost does not suffer - all the same, the fittings are made a little shorter than the plastic part of the window.
  2. At the same time, PVC profiles for frames, sashes and imposts are cut on the sawing machine. Here, work is already underway in accordance with the task formed by the accounting department: the trimming accuracy is +/- 1 mm. Modern sawing machines allow you to set the size of the part by reading the barcode from the job sheet, which makes it possible to minimize the amount of marriage.

  1. After trimming, PVC blanks are fed to a milling machine. This device, controlled by a computer program, mills drainage holes to remove moisture from the profile cavities.
  2. Further, the reinforcing profile and the blanks of frames and sashes are assembled in one area. Here the armir tab and its fixation are performed. To fix the metal liner, self-tapping screws with a drill are used, which are twisted either using a pneumatic screwdriver or on a special machine.
  3. Sometimes at the same stage, strikers are installed on the frame profile, which play the role of hooks for the locking pins of the fitting mechanism.

  1. The blanks of the impost after reinforcement and installation of strikers fall on the milling site. Here, the ends of the imposts are milled for a tight connection with the frame - according to GOST 30674-99 "Window blocks made of PVC profiles", the difference in the front planes should not exceed 1 mm. Mechanical connectors are inserted and fixed into the ends of the impost.
  2. On frame profiles, holes are milled for installing a handle.

Frame and sash welding

At the next stage, the set of parts is turned into windows. In this case, professional welding machines for the production of windows are used.

The welding machine is a design with two or four heating elements (the so-called two- and four-head models). It works like this:

  1. In the process of work, the master puts four parts into the guides of the machine, after which the corner cuts of the profile are joined to the heating plates.
  2. The machine heads are heated to a temperature of 240 - 2550C - it is with this heating that PVC melts and becomes fluid.

  1. After heating, the profile panels are folded and clamped in automatic clamps until the seam is completely cooled and the plastic polymerizes.

High-quality welding equipment for the manufacture of windows ensures uniform heating of plastic and guarantees high strength of the seam due to its uniformity. When using handicraft welding units (without exaggeration, I have seen models assembled from several pairs of ordinary irons), the plastic melts unevenly, and therefore, at the slightest load, the seam cracks.

  1. The welded frame is fed to the cleaning machine (sometimes cleaning is performed directly on the welding machine in automatic mode). At the same time, special devices remove the influx of plastic from the front surface of the profile, leaving a smooth and clean seam.

Assembly area

Frames and sashes after welding get to the assembly area. Here, the masters do most of the work with their own hands: the operations require high precision, which is difficult to ensure in automated production.

A typical algorithm includes the following operations:

  1. Cleaning the inner corners of frames and sashes using a cutting tool.
  2. Installation of mullions by marking with fastening of a mechanical connector to the frame: from the outside - using a long bolt, from the inside - using several self-tapping screws.
  3. Installation of the stand profile on the frame. The support profile is completed with a sealing cord made of foamed polyethylene, after which it is installed on the lower part of the frame, snapping onto the fasteners. To increase the strength, the base profile is fixed with self-tapping screws.
  4. Installation of hinges on the frame. To fasten the hinge parts, holes are drilled in the frame (a template must be used, the configuration of the grooves in which corresponds to the configuration of the support rods at the hinge of the selected fitting system). The hinges are installed in the holes and fixed with self-tapping screws.

  1. Installation of corner strikers is also carried out according to the template.

A typical instruction involves parallel strapping of the sash with fittings:

  1. The sash after primary processing (cleaning of internal corners) enters the strapping section.
  2. The fitting kit is adjusted in size to the dimensions of the sash. At the same time, it is trimmed on a special machine.
  3. Fitted fittings are installed in the fitting groove, after which its individual elements are fixed with self-tapping screws.

  1. Hanging the sash on the hinges. At the same time, transport clips are often placed on the frame to prevent damage to the fittings during transportation, and the position of the sash is adjusted using hinges.
  2. At the same stage, the master necessarily checks how easily the sash opens and closes.

To check moving parts, the so-called "duty" handle is usually used. The handle, which will be installed on the window later, most often comes packaged and mounted directly on the object, in order to avoid damage.

  1. Installation of additional fittings - micro-lift, micro-ventilation / step-by-step ventilation, fanlight scissors, etc.

This completes the work with the window frame. The frame with the tied sash enters the next section, where it is carried out.

Work with double-glazed windows

Production of double-glazed windows

Most of the companies involved in the production of PVC profile windows prefer to work with ready-made double-glazed windows. Those. the dimensions of the required products are given by the manufacturers, and the manufacturer makes the glazing on order.

But in this way the price of the product turns out to be somewhat higher, therefore, in order to save money (and to obtain additional profit), a separate workshop is created in which double-glazed windows are assembled from individual parts. The sequence of actions in this case is as follows:

  1. Glass (ordinary sheet, energy-saving or multifunctional) is cut on special tables.
  2. After cutting, the ends are processed with special abrasive materials - this is how small chips are removed, which can provoke the appearance of cracks.
  3. Glass cut to size is washed to remove dust, dirt, traces of abrasive powder, handprints, etc.

  1. After washing, drying is carried out. This is best done with compressed air: its flow perfectly blows off dust particles and hairs adhering to a wet surface.
  2. Then the distance frame is assembled. The frame profile is cut to size, filled with a special granular desiccant, and then connected at the corners using special adapters.
  3. After that, the glass unit is assembled on a special table. Butyl sealant is applied to the edges of the distance frame, which provides primary fixation of the glasses.

At this stage, the chamber between the glasses can be filled with dried air, which is supplied from a hose. If it is planned to fill the package with argon or krypton, then special valves are installed in the remote frame, through which inert time is pumped.

  1. In the process of assembling and pressing a double-glazed window, decorative profiles - the so-called spross - can be placed inside it. They are used to imitate window frames.
  2. When the primary sealing is completed, the ends of the double-glazed window are coated with a secondary sealant.
  3. Then the structure is installed in a pyramid, where it is in a vertical position until the butyl tape and other sealing substances are completely polymerized.

Finished double-glazed windows are either packed and sent to the customer, or transported to the glazing site.

Glazing area

Glazing is the final stage. It is performed quite simply:

  1. The structures are installed on an inclined stand - so that the installed double-glazed windows do not fall out.
  2. Special spacers are added to the frames and sashes, which evenly distribute the weight of the double-glazed windows.
  3. Glazing is reinforced on the gaskets, which is fixed with the help of glazing beads.

  1. Glazing beads, as a rule, are cut directly on the glazing area according to the dimensions taken from the structure. This approach allows you to minimize the amount of marriage, since the permissible error in the length of the glazing bead is +/- 1 mm, otherwise there is a risk of either getting a gap in the corner or causing cracking of the entire frame.

Glazed structures are packed in polyethylene and sent to the warehouse. An order is formed there - additional profiles, window sills, ebbs, mosquito nets, handles and other details are added to the windows themselves.


Machines for the production of plastic windows are very different, and they perform a huge list of functions. And yet, the general scheme for the manufacture of such structures remains unchanged - in any case, most companies work exactly according to the algorithm described above (of course, adjusted for the characteristics of the enterprise).

The video in this article will give you the opportunity to get acquainted with the process I described in more detail, and if you are interested in the nuances, I will be happy to talk with you either in the comments or on the project forum.

There are several reasons why it is profitable to order plastic windows from the Prosvet Windows company. One of them is our own production base. Today, the buyer seeks to choose not just plastic windows, the prices of which correspond to certain characteristics. He needs to get first-class quality, a high level of service and warranty from the manufacturer. We can offer all this.

Long-term cooperation with the German concern REHAU allows us to manufacture high-quality plastic windows and sell them at the best prices. Manufacture of products takes place on modern equipment, taking into account all innovative technologies. Moreover, the company has developed its own certification system. And now each of our clients is sure that when ordering REHAU PVC windows, he is completely insured against fakes.

The production process begins with computer processing of the data obtained during the measurement - the type of window, its dimensions, color, type of double-glazed window and other additional characteristics. The whole complex of works on the production of PVC windows is fully controlled. Before delivery to the site, the products are carefully checked by the Technical Control Department.

Why own production is beneficial?

The impeccable quality of the product, in which we are confident, is achieved. And we guarantee it to all customers who purchase plastic windows. The price pleases, the service is improving, the quality is growing - aren't these signs of a successful company?

Why own production is interesting?

The range of manufactured products is increasing every year. Treating work as creativity is a great motivation for all our employees. We know how to make beautiful and high-quality windows and, importantly, we get real pleasure from the result.

Why own production helps?

Each customer is always primarily interested in the timing of the production of PVC windows. We respect our customers, so we produce windows quickly and on time. Our customers do not depend on anyone - from the production base, high-quality windows are delivered immediately to the objects, bypassing the warehouses of intermediary firms. This saves time and allows you to work quite mobile.

The production of plastic windows by the company "Windows Prosvet" is:

  • Use of German REHAU profiles. We are official representatives of this brand and have a license to produce REHAU window profiles in Russia.
  • Large-scale production: more than 4000 square meters of finished products per month!
  • Huge selection. We are always happy to offer various options for plastic windows and balcony blocks and fully ensure the installation of structures.

These advantages allow our products to win over competitors not only in quality, but also in all other indicators. We have our own production at our disposal, to which we devote all our strength every day so that our customers have the opportunity to buy only the best PVC windows of genuine German quality!

For glazing balconies and loggias, installing windows in apartments, cottages and country houses, we use plastic profile systems of well-known European and Russian brands:


Profiles from the German manufacturer Rehau are distinguished by their durability, high quality and a wide variety of solutions - from inexpensive solutions to elite energy-saving windows.

In addition to standard swing systems, the company's product range also includes sliding structures (Euro Slide) with a high thermal insulation index.


PVC systems from the German company KBE combine affordable price, good quality and environmental friendliness. In the production of profiles, greenline technology is used (harmful lead compounds are replaced by calcium and zinc).

All brand profiles are adapted to Russian climatic conditions.


German windows with excellent geometry and classic design at a bargain price. The production uses safe stabilizers without lead.

There are two pvc systems in the company's catalog: three-chamber 60 mm for regions of the middle zone and five-chamber 70 mm for regions with cold climates and sudden temperature changes.


Mont Blanc windows from a Russian manufacturer are designed taking into account the climatic features of Russia and the use of modern European technologies.

The affordable price of Montblanc windows is due to the location of the plant on the territory of the Russian Federation, which made it possible to reduce logistics costs.


Brusbox, one of the largest manufacturers of profiles and window sills in Russia, offers plastic window systems designed to suit our climate zone.

Brusbox Glide three-chamber sliding systems are the best choice for narrow balconies and loggias.


The Slidors company offers sliding plastic systems for inexpensive semi-warm glazing of balconies and loggias. Profile reinforcement provides strength and rigidity of the structure, resistance to wind loads.

An additional advantage of the systems is the presence of a blocker that excludes the opening of the wings from the outside and illegal entry.

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