Igor the wolf astronaut children. Test cosmonaut squad of the USSR Ministry of Aviation Industry

Igor Petrovich Volk (born April 12, 1937) is a Russian cosmonaut. Hero of the Soviet Union (by decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of July 29, 1984). Recipient of the Order of Lenin, the Red Banner, and medals. Honored Test Pilot of the USSR, President of the International Association "Earth and Cosmonautics", Reserve Colonel.

Volk Igor Petrovich - pilot-cosmonaut of the USSR.

Born on April 12, 1937 in the city of Zmiev, Kharkov region (Ukraine). He spent his youth in the cities of Voroshilov (now Ussuriysk) in the Primorsky Territory and Kursk. In 1954 he graduated from the Kursk Aero Club.

In the army since 1954. In 1956 he graduated from the Kirovograd Military Aviation School of Pilots. Served in combat units of the Air Force. Since 1963 - in reserve.

In 1965 he graduated from the School of Test Pilots, in 1969 – the evening department of the Zhukovsky branch of the Moscow Aviation Institute with a degree in mechanical engineer.

From May 1965 to 2001 - on flight test work at the Flight Research Institute (city of Zhukovsky, Moscow region). In 1995-1997 – head of the Flight Test Center of the Flight Research Institute named after M.M. Gromov.

He lifted into the sky and tested the atmospheric analogue of the Buran spacecraft - BTS-002. He also conducted spin tests of Su-27 and Su-27UB aircraft; a number of complex test works on supersonic combat aircraft MiG-21, MiG-23, MiG-25, MiG-29, Su-7, Su-9, Su-11, Su-15, Su-27 and many others. In 1980-1995 – Head of the Industry Complex for the Training of Test Cosmonauts at the LII.

In 1978 he was enrolled in the Soviet cosmonaut corps. He was trained to fly on ships of the Buran type. In 1980 he graduated from the Cosmonaut Training Center.

Enlisted in the cosmonaut corps in 1978. He was trained for flights on the Buran spacecraft. According to the training program, he made a space flight (from July 17 to July 29, 1984) as a cosmonaut-researcher of the Soyuz T-12 spacecraft (crew: Dzhanibekov, Savitskaya). Rabo

flew on the orbital complex "Salyut-7" - "Soyuz T-11" (crew: Kizim, Solovyov, Atkov) - "Soyuz T-12". Flight duration is 11 days, 19 hours and 15 minutes. As part of the tests, immediately after landing, he piloted an airplane and a helicopter in order to acquire skills in piloting the Buran spacecraft.

Until 1995 he remained part of the cosmonaut corps.

On July 17-29, 1984, he made a space flight as a research cosmonaut on the Soyuz T-12 spacecraft and the Salyut-7 orbital station lasting 11 days 19 hours (together with V.A. Dzhanibekov and S.E. Savitskaya ). Immediately after returning from space flight to Earth, he conducted an experiment on controlling Tu-154LL and MiG-25LL aircraft, which were close in aerodynamic qualities to the Buran, making flights to Zhukovsky and back to Baikonur in order to evaluate the pilot’s reaction when piloting the Buran after exposure factors of space flight.

For the successful implementation of a space flight and the courage and heroism shown during this, pilot-cosmonaut Igor Petrovich Volk was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union on July 29, 1984, with the Order of Lenin and the Gold Star medal.

Lived in the city of Zhukovsky, Moscow region, currently lives in Moscow. Heads the Russian National Aero Club.

Honored Test Pilot of the USSR (1983), Pilot-Cosmonaut of the USSR (1984), Reserve Colonel. Awarded the Order of Lenin, the Red Banner of Labor, Friendship of Peoples, “For Services to the Fatherland” 4th degree, and medals.

Igor Petrovich Volkborn on April 12, 1937 in the city of Zmiev
in 1976-1990 - town of Gottwald ) Kharkov region of the Ukrainian SSR ,
in family Volka Peter Ivanovich (1912 - ? ) , automotive engineer
Wolf of Irina Ivanovna (1913 - ? ) , medical worker.
except him
Wolf family younger sister was raisedIgor Petrovich -
( as a girl - Wolf ) Galina Petrovna (Born 1940) ,
pharmacist, currently - retired.

Igor Volk studiedV seven-year school No. 1 in the city of Zmiev And secondary school no. 14
V city ​​of Voroshilov
( from November 29, 1957 – city ​​of Ussuriysk ) Primorsky Krai .
In 1954 he graduated from secondary school No. 5 in the city of Kursk.
With studies V school
Igor Volk was studying V Kursk flying club,
where I learned my first skills in flying an airplane independently.
He made his first flight on an airplane in April 1954.
In 1954 Igor Petrovich Volk was called up for active service in the Armed Forces of the USSR V communications With admission to the Kirovograd Military Aviation School of Pilots, which he graduated early in 1956,
completing the entire course of study in two years
With assignment
military rank "lieutenant"

By after graduating from college he was sent For further service
V Azerbaijan SSR V Baku Air Defense District.
While serving V pilot in this district, lieutenant
I.P. The wolf was flying on jet front-line bomber Il-28 and on heavy twin-engine
multi-role jet aircraft Tu-16
In 1963 senior lieutenant
I.P. The wolf was firedfrom USSR Armed Forces V stock
V communications With receipt V Test pilot school of the Flight Research Institute
(LII) Ministry of Aviation Industry of the USSR.
By leaving school in 1965 he was accepted on work V Flight Test Center
Flight Research Institute of the USSR Ministry of Aviation Industry
(PERSONS LII MAP USSR, Zhukovsky city, Moscow region ) on job title
test pilot
In 1969 Igor Petrovich Volk graduated from the evening department of the Moscow branch
Aviation Institute named after Sergo Ordzhonikidze
V city ​​of Zhukovsky
Moscow region
By specialty "mechanical engineer".

Igor Petrovich Volkmastered all types of modern domestic fighter aircraft , military transport And bomber mission.
They completed a series of works
By testing various automatic flight control systems, as well as by fine-tuning experienced And modified
power plants
He tested airplanes
on corkscrew and on high angles of attack, on inertial
, strength, aerodynamics And flight dynamics.

I.P. Wolfconducted a number of studies By fighter refueling V air, and
a whole range of important And difficult tests And experiments, including tests on corkscrew multirole all-weather fighters of the fourth
generation Su-27
And Su-27U.

In 1968 he raised V sky And conducted tests of the light supersonic front-line fighter of the third generation MiG-21 I/2.
I.P. The wolf spent a number of complex test works on fighter planes;
aerodynamic research on critical modes on airplanes
, MiG-23, MiG-25, Su-7; Su-15 maneuvering training on supersonic

in 1971 ) ,testing of prototype engines on MiG-21 aircraft, MiG-23, Su-9, Su-11,
Su-15;tests of the Su-15 aircraft With influxes on corkscrew
( in 1973 ) ;
Su-27 aircraft And Su-27UB on corkscrew And critical angles of attack.

Space training:
Igor Petrovich Volk entered V a group of test pilots of the product "105.11"
(subsonic analogue of an experimental manned orbital aircraft -
, being developed in the 1970s Moscow Design Bureau named after
A.I. Mikoyan
V within the framework of the creation of the aerospace system "Spiral".
I.P. WolfV group included: Fastovets Aviard Gavrilovich, Fedotov Alexander Vasilievich, Ostapenko Pyotr Maksimovich, Menitsky Valery Evgenievich
And Uryadov Vasily Evgenievich.
By test program
products "105.11" (EPOS)I.P. The wolf was executed:
October 22, 1976 - tenth speed run of the product, duration
2 minutes 15 seconds ;
October 23, 1976 - seventh flight of the product, duration
2 minutes 44 seconds .
July 12, 1977 By Order of the Head of the Flight Research Institute No. 630
Volk Igor Petrovich was enrolled V special training group By training program To space flight on reusable spacecraft
use of "Buran"
, work By which was created V our country
full swing
August 3, 1978 after a thorough examination
I.P. Wolf got a positive
conclusion of the Main Medical Commission
- -
December 1, 1978 By the decision of the State Interdepartmental Commission, he
was selected
V as a candidate V astronauts By program "Buran".
February 1, 1979 By order Minister of Aviation Industry of the USSR No. 34

Igor Petrovich Volk was enrolled V lead group of test pilots No. 1
complex "A" of the Flight Research Institute
With the purpose of preparing By topic 11F35
(reusable spacecraft "Buran") With appointment
on group commander position.
From April 1979 to December 1980 he underwent general space training V Center
cosmonaut training named after Yu.A. Gagarin by collecting method
V composition of the group, By
the end of which July 30, 1980 By the decision of the State Interdepartmental
I.P. Wolf was recommended For enrollment V group
cosmonaut researchers
September 26, 1980 Included by Order of the Minister of General Engineering of the USSR No. 345
V composition of the team of cosmonaut researchers
(without specifying the squad name - approx.. ) .
August 10, 1981 By order of the Head of the Flight Research Institute No. 26
Volk Igor Petrovich wasenrolled V created, on based on the Order
Minister of Aviation Industry of the USSR No. 263 Cosmonaut Detachment -
After passing all exams
By general space training By decision
Interdepartmental Qualification Commission
dated February 12, 1982
Volk Igor Petrovich waswas qualified
"test cosmonaut"
Considering the particular complexity of the first test flights of the Buran
, which
was a fundamentally new aerospace manned spacecraft
, was
an unprecedented decision was made
:before flight on "Buran" its future commanders were supposed to gain experience of real space flight.
Since September 1982
Igor Petrovich Volk was trained To space flight
V composition of the main crew of the third visiting expedition on long-term
orbital station "Salyut-7"
Leonid Denisovich Kizim
And Vl Adimir Alekseevich Solovyov .

In May 1983
I.P. The wolf was bredfrom crew V communications With changing the program
on long-term orbital station "Salyut-7".

Since December 26, 1983 Igor Petrovich Volk received direct training
To flight on spacecraft "Soyuz T" By visiting expedition program,
together With
Vladimir Aleksandrovich Dzhanibekov
And Svetlana Evgenievna Savitskaya .
Your only space flight Igor Petrovich Volk
committed from July 17 to July 29
1984 as a research cosmonaut
"Soyuz T-12 " And visiting expeditions
Long-term orbital station "Salyut-7", together With Vladimir Aleksandrovich Dzhanibekov And Svetlana Evgenievna Savitskaya .

The flight duration was 11 days 19 hours 14 minutes 36 seconds .
Call sign
In flight time on station "Salyut-7"
I.P. Wolf conducted the "Pilot" experiment .
IN remote control simulators were installed in the service compartment of the Soyuz T-12 spacecraft And pens
control of the orbital ship "Buran"
I.P. Wolf was involved in assessing the piloting of a reusable ship V first days
, that is, in period of acute adaptation To weightlessness.
Immediately after returning
from space flight on Earth,With the purpose of assessing the reaction
at piloting the Buran after exposure to space flight factors
Igor Petrovich Volk took flight V Zhukovsky on airplane Tu-154LL and on airfield
LII changed clothes
V the high altitude suit is back on Baikonur Cosmodrome
on MiG-25LL aircraft.
Further space training :
Since 1984 I.P. Wolf worked on developing the manual control system And systems
automatic landing
on laboratory aircraft Tu-154LL, equipped with the Buran ship control system, as well as on laboratory aircraft Su-7LL And MiG-25LL, the aerodynamic qualities of which were approximated To reusable transport spacecraft "Buran".

The leadership of the USSR Ministry of Aviation Industry And Flight-
research institute
Igor Petrovich Volk was planned V first
crew of the space shuttle "Buran"
He was undergoing training
V as Crew Commander together with co-pilot,test cosmonaut LII named after M.M. Gromova
Rimantas-Antanas Antano Stankevicius ( before his tragic death September 9, 1990 - approx. ) ; flight engineer,
test cosmonaut of the Scientific and Production Association "Energia"
Alexander Sergeevich Ivanchenkov And co-pilot, astronaut-
tester LII named after M.M. Gromova
Magomed Omarovich Tolboev .


I.P. Wolf completed the first five taxiing maneuvers By runway V as commander And twelve flights on a special aircraft analogue of the Buran ship For horizontal flight tests OK-GLI (BTS-02)V as commander
And co-pilot:

date achieved speed
crew note
1 29.12. 1984 45 I.P. Wolf
R.-A.A. Stankevicius

Problems were recorded in the SU-35 (digital fly-by-wire control system)
and RS-3

2 02.08. 1985 200 I.P. Wolf
R.-A.A. Stankevicius

Checking the control system when driving on the runway with a snake with the front landing gear control system turned on (at a speed of 30...40 km/h); checking braking (at a speed of 100 km/h) with a load on the main landing gear, then turning and accelerating to maximum speed and braking using braking parachutes

3 05.10. 1985 270 I.P. Wolf
R.-A.A. Stankevicius

Destruction of the pneumatic (tire) of the outer wheel of the left main landing gear during braking due to skidding

4 15.10. 1985 300 I.P. Wolf
R.-A.A. Stankevicius

Taxiing with the nose of the aircraft raised. The maximum speed was equal to the lift-off speed

5 0 5.11. 1985 170 I.P. Wolf
R.-A.A. Stankevicius
Last Taxiing
flight number
date flight time
(in minutes)
crew note
1 10.11. 1985 12 I.P. Wolf
R.-A.A. Stankevicius
Lift-off speed
330 km/h.
At a speed of 450 km/h, a series of smooth maneuvers with variable amplitudes are performed to test the stability and controllability characteristics.
Maximum speed 480 km/h, altitude 1500 m, distance from the runway 37 km.
During the landing approach, engine thrust was used, descending along a flat glide path with an inclination of 3°.
In the flight report I.P. Wolf wrote:
“The ship sits tightly in the air, stable in climb and descent. There were no noticeable destabilizing moments during retraction and deployment of the landing gear.”.
2 03.01. 1986 35 I.P. Wolf
R.-A.A. Stankevicius
Takeoff at 14:18 UHF.
Maximum speed 520 km/h, altitude 3000 m.
Landing at 14:53 UHF
3 27.05. 1986 23 I.P. Wolf
R.-A.A. Stankevicius
Maximum speed 540 km/h, altitude 4000 m.
Flight with L-39 escort aircraft
and Tu-134
4 11.06. 1986 22 I.P. Wolf
R.-A.A. Stankevicius
Start of practicing standard landing on a steep glide path.
Initially, planning was carried out in manual control mode,
then the automatic was turned on channel by channel.
Maximum speed 530 km/h.
Altitude 4000 m.
During the flight, the BTS-02 was accompanied by a Tu-134
and for the first time LL MiG-25 SOTN
7 10.12. 1986 24 I.P. Wolf
R.-A.A. Stankevicius
Maximum height
4300 m.
Disabling automation just before touching
8 23.12. 1986 17 I.P. Wolf
R.-A.A. Stankevicius
Maximum height
4300 m.
With the help of automatic landing modes we reached
until the main wheels touch the runway -
this can be considered the first automatic
landing, although the run was completed
with manual control
10 16.02. 1987 28 I.P. Wolf
R.-A.A. Stankevicius
Starting from turning on the automation at a key point and ending at a complete stop on the runway,
The pilots did not perform any control actions.
Officially the first in full automatic landing from an altitude of 4000 m.
12 25.06. 1987 19 R.-A.A. Stankevicius
I.P. Wolf
Automatic landing
from an altitude of 4900 m.
13 05.10. 1987 21 A.V. Shchukin
I.P. Wolf
Automatic landing
from an altitude of 4900 m.
15 16.01. 1988 22 I.P. Wolf
R.-A.A. Stankevicius
Automatic landing
from an altitude of 4000 m.
Escort aircraft Tu-134 (onboard N187)
piloted by M.O. Tolboev
(the flight lasted 51 minutes),
aircraft with tail number 6809 (presumably L-39)
V.V. Zabolotsky
(flight duration
45 min.)
18 04.03. 1988 18 I.P. Wolf
R.-A.A. Stankevicius
Automatic landing
from an altitude of 3900 m.
SOTN (MiG-25 with onboard N0578) piloted
M.O. Tolboev (flight duration 31 minutes), the second escort aircraft - a twin Su-17 (tail number 6119) was piloted
V.V. Zabolotsky (flight duration 37 minutes).
24 15.04. 1988 19 I.P. Wolf
R.-A.A. Stankevicius
Automatic landing
from an altitude of 4000 m.
Last flight.
The escort aircraft (board/No. 6809, presumably L-39) was piloted by
V.V. Zabolotsky

In 1987 Volk Igor Petrovichwas awarded a military rank
"reserve colonel"
By order of the Minister of Aviation Industry of the USSR
, in February 1987
Igor Petrovich Volk Was assignedon position of Head of Industry
test cosmonaut training complex

From 1995 to 1997 he worked V positions of Head of Flight Test

Deputy Head of LII
And simultaneously was the President of the airline
LII named after M.M. Gromova
February 26, 2002
Igor Petrovich Volk quitfrom LII V communications With care on pension.
During flight work, the total flight time I.P. Wolf amounted to more than 7000 hours ,
including raid V test flights - more than 3500 hours.

Test pilot 4th class
since 1965 ) ;
Test pilot 3rd class
( since July 22, 1966 ) ;
Test pilot 2nd class
since 1969 ) ;
Test pilot 1st class
since November 16, 1971) ;
Cosmonaut 3rd class
since 1984 ) .
Social and political activities:
From 1984 to 1987
Igor Petrovich Volkwas a Deputy of the Zhukovsky City Council .
From 1986 to 1990 he was the President of the All-Union Tennis Federation of the USSR.
In 1988 I.P. Wolf was elected President of the Federation of Aviation Enthusiasts.
Since 1989 he was a member of the Executive Committee of the Green Movement.
In 1999 I.P. Wolf nominated as a candidate V State Duma of the Federal
meeting of the Russian Federation of the 3rd convocation
By Lyubertsy single-mandate
constituency No. 107
from Party of pensioners, But was filmed With registration.

He was a candidate
V State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of the 3rd convocation By Kolomna single-mandate constituency
№ 106
on by-elections March 18, 2001.
3, 72% votes .
From June 2003 to March 29, 2005
Igor Petrovich Volkwas the first
Vice-President of the Russian Cosmonautics Federation
Chairman of the executive committee of the FKR.
He came in
V initiative group "Green World", promoting projects
Igor Petrovich Volkwas elected President of the International Association
"Earth and Space"
IN As part of the work of this association, the public fund "Children and Aviation" was created,
whose goal is to create a city of the future For aviation development.
This project was presented
Igor Petrovich in December 2016 Bulgarian
city ​​of Plovdiv
And was supported by the elected November 13, 2016 President of Bulgaria
Rumen Radev, reserve major general,former Air Force Commander
, being besides old friend And comrade
Igor Petrovich.
TO unfortunately, visit
Igor Petrovich Volk V Bulgaria was the last V his life.
Igor Petrovich Volk was carried away piloting sports aircraft,
alpine skiing, travel on car; loved ballet;played masterfully
V tennis: He participated V team tournaments held V Cosmonaut Training Center named after Yu.A. Gagarin.
Since April 1990 he was a member of the editorial board of the magazine
"Wings of the Motherland"
November 21, 2013
I.P. Wolf signed an open letter to the President of Russia
With requirement to support the production of domestic aircraft.

Since June 2009 Igor Petrovich also served as President of the Cultural
educational non-profit partnership
And Chairman
Partnership Council "Earth and Space of German Titov"
I.P. Wolf is the author of the book "The Goal - 2001". Aviation and space technology of the world"
V co-authorship WithValery Anisimov ; Moscow, publishing house "Press-avia", 1991) .

This book is not online!
Igor Petrovich Volk- author of the foreword To book
"Burnt by the storm"
(book author - Melnikov Nikolay Sergeevich
, Full member of the Russian
Academy of Natural Sciences
, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor,
Head of the Department of Aircraft Control and Navigation, Moscow Aviation
Institute named after Sergo Ordzhonikidze, one of the technical leaders of the program
creation of the reusable spacecraft "Buran"
) .
open link
Being an active supporter of the environmental movement V USSR And Russia

he actively supported the environmental projects of the EcoGrad magazine
and in May 2016 supported the environmentalists' program on elections And primaries
Party "United Russia"
V Moscow region.

Decree om Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated March 25, 1974
For contribution to testing and research of new aircraft technology , test pilot of the Flight Research Institute of the USSR Ministry of Aviation Industry
Volk Igor Petrovichwas awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor .
Decree om Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated August 18, 1983 ,
For many years of creative work in the field of flight testing
and research into new aircraft technology
, test pilot of the Flight Research Institute of the USSR Ministry of Aviation Industry
Volk Igor Petrovichwas awarded the title
"Honored Test Pilot of the USSR"
Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of July 29, 1984
"For the implementation of space flight on the Soyuz T-12 spacecraft and the orbital
station "Salyut-7" and the courage and heroism shown at the same time"
Volk Igor Petrovichwas awarded the title
Hero of the Soviet Union with the presentation of the Order of Lenin to him
and Gold Star medals
(№ 11515 )
By Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. UP-1275 of December 30, 1990
"For services to the creation and testing of a reusable space system" "Energia - Buran" , test pilot at the Flight Research Institute named after
MM. Gromov Ministry of Aviation Industry of the USSR
Volk Igor Petrovichwas awarded the order
Friendship between nations.
By Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 342 of April 11, 1997
"For services to the state , great contribution to the development of the domestic
aviation and astronautics"
Head of Flight Test
Center of the Flight Research Institute named after M.M. Gromova -
Deputy Head of LII
Volk Igor Petrovich was awarded

Order "For Merit to the Fatherland" IV degree
By Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 436 of April 12, 2011
""For great achievements in the field of research, development and use
outer space
,many years of conscientious work, active social activities"
Hero of the Soviet Union,
USSR pilot-cosmonaut
Volk Igor Petrovich was awarded
Medal "For Merit in Space Exploration"

open link
By joint decision Governor and Government Moscow region
Volk Igor Petrovich was awardedBadge of Honor
Moscow region "For useful"
The International Aerospace Union awarded
I.P. Wolf
Vernadsky's gold star, 1st degree
Like the “For Useful” sign, this award was given
Igor Petrovich 12th of April
2007 in the House of Scientists of the Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute
in the city of Zhukovsky, Moscow region
, in honor of Cosmonautics Day
and in honor of the 70th anniversary of his birth
In August 1995, the US International Flight Research Corporation
Igor Petrovich Volk"Revoredo Trophy".
He became the first in our country
(and eleventh in the world) aviator,awarded
this rare prize
The ornate trophy's plinth is engraved with the words
"To Igor Volk, a man of great courage and heroism, an outstanding
test pilot - for his contribution to expanding the horizons of advanced technologies
global aircraft industry
His significant achievements in space flight included a bright
a page in the annals of world aviation"


IN olk Igor Petrovich - cosmonaut-researcher of the Soyuz T-12 spacecraft and the Salyut-7 orbital station.

Born on April 12, 1937 in the city of Zmiev, Kharkov region, Ukrainian SSR (now Ukraine). He spent his youth in the cities of Voroshilov (now Ussuriysk) in the Primorsky Territory and Kursk. In 1954 he graduated from 10th grade school and the Kursk flying club.

In the army since 1954. In 1956 he graduated from the Kirovograd Military Aviation School of Pilots. Served in air defense aviation (Baku air defense district). Since 1963, captain I.P. Volk has been in reserve.

In 1965 he graduated from the School of Test Pilots, in 1969 – from the Zhukovsky branch of the Moscow Aviation Institute.

From May 1965 to 2000 - on flight test work at the Flight Research Institute (city of Zhukovsky, Moscow region). In 1995–1997, he was the head of the Flight Test Center of the Flight Research Institute named after M.M. Gromov.

Conducted spin tests of Su-27 and Su-27UB aircraft; a number of complex test works on supersonic combat aircraft MiG-21, MiG-23, MiG-25, MiG-29, Su-7, Su-9, Su-11, Su-15, Su-27 and many others. On November 10, 1985, he lifted into the sky and tested the atmospheric analogue of the Buran spacecraft - BTS-002.

In 1978 he joined the cosmonaut corps. In 1980 he graduated from the Cosmonaut Training Center. Since August 1981, he was the commander of the industrial test cosmonaut squad, and in 1987–1995, the head of the Industrial Test Cosmonaut Training Complex of the USSR Ministry of Aviation Industry. As part of the training program for space flight on the Buran, he tested the manual control system and the automatic landing system on the Tu-154LL, equipped with the Buran control system, as well as on the Su-7LL and MiG-25LL, the aerodynamic qualities of which were close to the Buran "

On July 17-29, 1984, he made a space flight as a research cosmonaut on the Soyuz T-12 spacecraft and the Salyut-7 orbital station lasting 11 days 19 hours (together with V.A. Dzhanibekov and S.E. Savitskaya ). Immediately after returning from space flight to Earth, he conducted an experiment on controlling Tu-154LL and MiG-25LL aircraft, which were close in aerodynamic qualities to the Buran, flying to Akhtubinsk and back to Baikonur in order to assess the pilot’s reaction when piloting the Buran after exposure factors of space flight.

For the successful implementation of a space flight and the courage and heroism shown to the pilot-cosmonaut Volk Igor Petrovich On July 29, 1984, he was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union with the Order of Lenin and the Gold Star medal.

In 1986–1990 - President of the USSR Tennis Federation. He headed the Russian National Aero Club.

The 58th cosmonaut of the USSR and Russia and the 143rd cosmonaut of the world, Igor Petrovich Volk, was born on April 12, 1937 in the city of Zmiev, Kharkov region of the Ukrainian SSR (now Ukraine).

Igor Volk spent his youth in the cities of Voroshilov (now Ussuriysk) in the Primorsky Territory and Kursk.

In 1954 he graduated from the courses of the Kursk Aero Club, in 1956 - the Kirovograd Military Aviation School of Pilots in Ukraine, in 1965 - the School of Test Pilots of the Flight Research Institute (LII) of the Ministry of Aviation Industry (MAP) in the city of Zhukovsky, Moscow Region, in 1969 - evening department of the Zhukovsky branch of the Moscow Aviation Institute, majoring in mechanical engineer.

Since 1954, Igor Volk has been in active service. Since 1956, he served as a pilot in the Baku Air Defense District (Azerbaijan SSR), flying Il-28 and Tu-16 aircraft. In 1963 he retired to the reserve with the rank of senior lieutenant.

From May 1965 to 2001, Volk was engaged in flight test work at the Flight Research Institute (city of Zhukovsky, Moscow Region), test pilot at the Flight Test Center (FTC) LII MAP.

He flew on almost all domestic fighter, military transport and bomber aircraft developed and produced in the second half of the 20th century. Participated in atmospheric tests of an aerospace aircraft developed under the Spiral program. Conducted a number of complex tests of experimental combat aircraft. Completed a series of works to develop various automatic flight control systems, as well as to fine-tune experimental and modified power plants. He tested aircraft for spin and high angles of attack, for inertial interaction, strength, aerodynamics and flight dynamics. Conducted research on in-flight refueling of fighter aircraft.

His examiners, mentors, and then his comrades in heaven were Kokkinaki, Anokhin, Garnaev, Amet-khan, Gudkov.

From 1978 to 1980, Igor Volk was the commander of test pilot detachment No. 1 of complex “A” of the Flight Test Center.

Simultaneously with his space training, he continued to work as a test pilot, conducting a number of important and complex tests and experiments, including spin tests of the Su-27 and Su-27U aircraft.

Total flight time is more than 7,000 hours, flight time in test flights is more than 3,500 hours.

In 1979, Igor Volk was ordered to join the lead group of test pilots, formed for the purpose of training on topic 11F35 (Buran).

In 1979 - 1980, Igor Volk underwent general space training at the Cosmonaut Training Center (CPC) named after. Yu.A. Gagarin, without stopping his test work at the LII, and graduated with honors. July 30, 1980. In September 1980, he was included in the team of cosmonaut researchers.

In preparation for the Buran flight, from July 17 to July 29, 1984, he made a space flight as a cosmonaut-researcher on the Soyuz T-12 spacecraft (together with Vladimir Dzhanibekov and Svetlana Savitskaya). He worked on board the orbital complex Salyut-7 - Soyuz T-11 (crew Leonid Kizim, Vladimir Solove and Oleg Atkov) - Soyuz T-12.

Less than 2 hours after returning from space flight to Earth, he conducted an experiment on controlling a Tu-154 laboratory aircraft, equipped with a Buran control system, and a MiG-25 aircraft, similar in aerodynamic qualities to the Buran, making flights in the Moscow region and back to Baikonur, in order to assess the pilot’s reaction when piloting Buran analogues after exposure to space flight factors.

Since 1984, Igor Volk, under the program of training for space flight at the Buran spacecraft, has been testing manual control and automatic landing systems on the Tu-154 laboratory aircraft equipped with the Buran control system, on the Su-7 and MiG-25, in aerodynamics close to MTKK "Buran".

He lifted into the sky and tested the atmospheric analogue of the Buran spacecraft - BTS-002, and in 1986-1987 made 12 test flights on it (without entering orbit).

In February 1987, Igor Volk was appointed head of the Industry Test Cosmonaut Training Complex (OKPKI), remaining a test cosmonaut and test pilot. After the closure of the Buran program, he remained in the cosmonaut corps until 1995, but did not undergo flight training. Did some testing work.

In 1995-1997, Igor Volk was the head of the Flight Test Center - deputy head of the Flight Research Institute named after M.M. Gromova.

Igor Volk - Honored Test Pilot of the USSR (1983), Pilot-Cosmonaut of the USSR (1984), Reserve Colonel.

In 1984, for the successful implementation of a space flight and the courage and heroism displayed, pilot-cosmonaut Igor Volk was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union with the Order of Lenin and the Gold Star medal.

Igor Volk was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor, Friendship of Peoples, "For Services to the Fatherland" 4th degree, and medals.

Married, has two daughters; enjoys alpine skiing, tennis, and football.

The material was prepared based on information from RIA Novosti and open sources

> > > Volk Igor Petrovich

Volk Igor Petrovich (1937-)

Short biography:

USSR cosmonaut:№58;
World cosmonaut:№143;
Number of flights: 1;
Duration: 11 days 19 hours 14 minutes 36 seconds;

Igor Volk– 58th Soviet cosmonaut, hero of the USSR: biography, photo, space, personal life, significant dates, first flight, Buran, Soyuz, Salyut, Pamir-3.

58 cosmonauts of the USSR and 143 cosmonauts of the world.

Volk Igor Petrovich is a test cosmonaut of the USSR, who visited the transcendental depths of space only once, and stayed there for 11 days 19 hours 14 minutes 36 seconds.

After graduating from the seven-year school in the city of Zmiev, this is school No. 1, he studied at secondary school No. 14 in the city of Voroshilov (now Ussuriysk) in the Primorsky Territory of the RSFSR.

In 1954 he graduated from secondary school No. 5 in the city of Kursk. During the same period, he attended classes at the Kursk Aero Club, where he learned to fly. The first flight was recorded in April 1954.

In 1969, a diploma in the specialty “mechanical engineer” was issued by the Zhukovsky branch of the Moscow Aviation Institute named after Sergo Ordzhonikidze. All this time I studied in the evening department.


On July 12, 1977, by order No. 630 of the head of the LII, he was enrolled in the special training group for the Buran program. On August 3, 1978, he received a positive opinion from the Chief Medical Commission (GMC). At the end of 1978, he received a promotion and was appointed commander of test pilot detachment No. 1 of complex “A” of the Flight Test Center.

On February 1, 1979, by order No. 34 of the Ministry of Aviation Industry (MAP), he was enrolled in the lead group for training on topic 11F35 (“Buran”).

On February 12, 1982, he received the title of “test cosmonaut,” which happened by decision of the International Space Commission after passing all tests in general space training.

From September 1982 to May 1983, preparations for a space flight lasted as part of the main crew with Leonid Kizim and Vladimir Solovyov, but the program was changed to the Salyut-7 DOS.

From December 26, 1983, he underwent direct training for the flight on the Soyuz T spacecraft under the visiting expedition program, together with Vladimir Dzhanibekov and Svetlana Savitskaya.

First flight

From July 17 to July 29, 1984, as a cosmonaut-researcher of the visiting expedition on the Soyuz T-12 and Salyut-7 spacecraft. Call sign: "Pamir-3".

The flight lasted: 11 days 19 hours 14 minutes 36 seconds.

According to the plans of MAP and LII, Volk was supposed to become the crew commander (together with Rimantas Stankevičius) for the first space flight of the MTSC Buran. He also trained as a crew commander together with Alexander Ivanchenkov from NPO Energia, and since 1988 - together with Magomed Tolboev.

Personal life

Father - Volk Petr Ivanovich, born in 1912, automotive engineer.

Mother - Volk Irina Ivanovna, born in 1913, medical worker.

Wife - Wolf (Skvortsova) Valentina Aleksandrovna, b. 12/31/1940, housewife.

Father of two daughters:

Daughter - Marina Igorevna Volk, born in 1961, teacher.

Daughter - Volk Irina Igorevna, born in 1968, teacher.


His hobbies include piloting sports aircraft, tennis, alpine skiing, and ballet.

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