Presentation on the topic: Security of information systems Encryption. Presentation on the topic "Information security

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Information security is the state of security of the information environment. Information protection – actions to prevent possible damage or destruction of information, as well as unauthorized access to it (but at the same time, ensuring unhindered access to information by legitimate users)

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Measures to ensure information security, technical and legal Hardware and software and technologies for protection against malware, external network attacks, etc. (including anti-virus programs) A set of regulations and legal acts governing information security issues

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Legal basis of information security Federal Law No. 149-FZ “On information, information technologies and information protection” (adopted on July 27, 2006) Article 1 states that this law “regulates relations arising in: 1) the exercise of the right to search, receiving, transmitting, producing and distributing information; 2) application of information technologies; 3) ensuring the protection of information.” Article 3 formulates the concepts of “security” and “information protection” within the framework of the principles of legal regulation of relations in the field of information, information technology and information protection. One of the basic principles is postulated to “ensure the security of the Russian Federation during the creation of information systems, their operation and the protection of the information contained in them.”

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Legal basis of information security Federal Law No. 149-FZ “On information, information technologies and information protection” (adopted on July 27, 2006) Article 10 “Dissemination of information or provision of information” addresses the problem of spam mailings. Article 16 discusses the basic concepts and provisions relating to information protection. Article 17 defines liability for offenses in the field of information, information technology and information protection.

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Legal basis of information security Federal Law No. 149-FZ “On Information, Information Technologies and Information Protection” (adopted on July 27, 2006) Any actions leading to damage or destruction of information, its intentional distortion, as well as the desire to gain unauthorized access accessing someone else's confidential information (what the authors of viruses, trojans and other malware do) is a crime

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Legal basis of information security Federal Law No. 152-FZ “On Personal Data” (adopted on July 27, 2006) defines the basic concepts and provisions for the protection of personal, i.e. personal information of each person. Article 3 states that personal data is “any information relating to an individual identified or determined on the basis of such information (subject of personal data), including his last name, first name, patronymic, year, month, date and place of birth, address , family, social, property status, education, profession, income, other information.”

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Legal basis of information security The Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (CC RF) No. 63-FZ (adopted on June 13, 1996) defines penalties for crimes related to computer information. Chapter 28 Article 272. Unlawful access to computer information. Article 273. Creation, use and distribution of malicious computer programs. Article 274. Violation of the rules for operating computers, computer systems or their networks.

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Legal basis of information security Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) No. 63-FZ (adopted on June 13, 1996) Chapter 28. Article 272 1. Unlawful access to legally protected computer information, that is, information on computer media, in electronic computing machine (computer), computer system or their network, if this act entailed the destruction, blocking, modification or copying of information, disruption of the operation of the computer, computer system or their network - is punishable by a fine in the amount of up to two hundred thousand rubles or in the amount of wages or other income of the convicted person for a period of up to eighteen months, or correctional labor for a term of six months to one year, or imprisonment for a term of up to two years. 2. The same act, committed by a group of persons by prior conspiracy or by an organized group or by a person using his official position, as well as having access to a computer, a computer system or their network, is punishable by a fine in the amount of one hundred thousand to three hundred thousand rubles or the amount of wages or other income of the convicted person for a period of one to two years, or correctional labor for a term of one to two years, or arrest for a term of three to six months, or imprisonment for a term of up to five years.

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Legal basis of information security Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) No. 63-FZ (adopted on June 13, 1996) Chapter 28. Article 273 1. Creating computer programs or making changes to existing programs, knowingly leading to unauthorized destruction, blocking, modification or copying of information, disruption of the operation of a computer, computer system or their network, as well as the use or distribution of such programs or computer media with such programs - is punishable by imprisonment for a term of up to three years with a fine of up to two hundred thousand rubles or in the amount of wages. or other income of the convicted person for a period of up to eighteen months. 2. The same acts, which through negligence entailed grave consequences, are punishable by imprisonment for a term of three to seven years.

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Legal basis of information security Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) No. 63-FZ (adopted on June 13, 1996) Chapter 28. Article 274 1. Violation of the rules for operating a computer, computer system or their network by a person with access to a computer, computer system or their networks, resulting in the destruction, blocking or modification of computer information protected by law, if this act caused significant harm, is punishable by deprivation of the right to hold certain positions or engage in certain activities for a term of up to five years, or by compulsory labor for a term of one hundred eighty to two hundred and forty hours, or restriction of freedom for up to two years. 2. The same act, which has caused grave consequences through negligence, is punishable by imprisonment for a term of up to four years.

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Legal basis of information security Penalties for creating malware fine and confiscation of computer equipment prison term death penalty (Philippines)

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Legal basis of information security Famous hackers Kevin Mitnick - arrested on February 15, 1995, sentenced to 46 months real and three years of suspended imprisonment, as well as to pay a significant fine (released on January 21, 2000). Pierre-Guy Lavoie, a 22-year-old Canadian hacker, was sentenced under Canadian law to 12 months of community service and a suspended sentence of 12 months for guessing passwords to break into other people's computers. 26-year-old Vasily Gorshkov from Chelyabinsk - on October 10, 2001, sentenced to 20 counts of charges for numerous computer crimes. Oleg Zezev, citizen of Kazakhstan - on July 1, 2003, sentenced by the Manhattan Federal Court to 51 months in prison for computer extortion /

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License (user license) – a set of rules for the distribution, access and use of information, established (within the limits permitted by law) by the owner of the program - its creator or seller. Licensing policy is a comprehensive mechanism that defines the entire set of conditions for providing a particular program to users, including a system of price discounts and restrictions and special conditions for its use specified in the license. Fundamentals of licensing policy in the field of distribution of programs and data

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Types of software Proprietary (proprietary) Free and open source Commercial (commercia) Trial (trial) and demo versions (demo) Shareware (freeware) Free (free software) Open (open source)

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Programs distributed only through sale. An option is possible when the program itself is provided free of charge, and a subscription to online or other services provided using this program is sold. It is possible that the fee is charged both for the program itself (once upon purchase) and in the form of a subscription fee for a certain period of time. Commercial software

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Programs that can be obtained and used for free, but with certain restrictions specified in the license (for example, free use only for non-commercial, personal or educational purposes), or that ask the user for a small voluntary monetary donation as a reward to the author as an incentive to further improve the program if the user liked it. Shareware

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Programs that, according to the license, do not require any monetary payments to the author at all. Only possible actions of the user in relation to this program are limited - for example, only its personal use “as is” is allowed, but it is not allowed to change anything in the executable code, rewrite the program to others, etc. As a rule, these are programs created by individual enthusiasts “for themselves and for friends” or written by novice programmers who want to “create a name for themselves.” Free software

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It assumes that the user (according to a special, free license) is granted the rights (“freedom”) to unlimited installation, launch, free use, study, distribution and modification (improvement) of such programs. Free software The main emphasis is on providing, along with the executable program, its source program code (listing), open for viewing, studying and making changes. An open license allows you to modify an open program (make changes and corrections to its source code and then compile it into a new version of the executable program) and use fragments of its source code to create your own programs. However, open source software does not have to be free or even free, although most open source software is also free. Open source software

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Commercial license Typical conditions specified in a license (license agreement) for a commercial program: 1) exclusive property rights to all components of the software package belong to the copyright holder, the purchase of the program does not transfer to the user any property rights, but only the rights listed in the license to use this program, subject to a number of specified conditions, as well as the right to receive updates and services specified in the license; 2) to legally fix the agreement between the copyright holder and the user, it is enough for the user to express his consent by clicking on the Agree button (or similar) and continuing to install the program, rather than interrupting this process; 3) it is clearly stated what the user can do with the program (or with its help) and what other services (and under what conditions) he can receive from the copyright holder;

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Commercial license Typical conditions specified in a license (license agreement) for a commercial program: 4) determines the ability for the user to make for himself an “insurance” (archival) copy of the program, as well as to completely transfer his rights, stipulated by the license, to another user; 5) actions on the program that the user is prohibited from performing are indicated; 6) there are a number of indications of situations in which the copyright holder (program manufacturer) declines responsibility for incorrect operation or complete inoperability of the program, as well as for possible direct or indirect damage from its use.

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GNU GPL open license Unlike the commercial one, the open license (GNU General Public License, GNU GPL) certifies that this software is free for all its users and guarantees them the following rights (“freedoms”): freedom to run the program for any purpose; freedom to study the source code of the program, the principles of its operation and its improvement (modification); freedom to distribute copies of the program; freedom to improve and modify the program and release new versions of it to the public. In addition, the GNU GPL license ensures that users of all programs created from the said source code also receive all of the above rights. For example, it is prohibited to create any other software based on a free program with a GPL license that does not include an open source listing.

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Threats when using unlicensed software Unlicensed (pirated) - refers to software obtained and/or used in an illegal way, i.e. in violation of the user license rules (usually from third parties or through third parties who do not have the rights to distribute such a program ).

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Threats when using unlicensed software Distribution and use of unlicensed software is a violation of the Copyright Law, for which the culprit bears civil, administrative or criminal liability. By “breaking” the protection of a program, a hacker can unknowingly damage its code. The work of a “hacked” program becomes unstable. In addition, hackers use “hacked” programs as “bait” by embedding “Trojan programs” into them. Websites and disks through which “hacked” programs or tools for “hacking” them are distributed can be infected with various malicious programs Using unlicensed software , you are putting the data on your computer at risk. As a result, at best, you will need to reinstall the operating system and all application software, and at worst, this may lead to the irreparable loss of your work over a long period of time or to the fact that your confidential information (and possibly money) will be lost. in the hands of attackers. Such damage may be significantly greater than the cost of the licensed version of the program.

Main goals and objectives of information securityThe information environment is a set of
conditions, means and methods based on
computer systems designed for
creation and use of information
Information threat is a set of
factors that pose a danger to
functioning of the information environment.
Information security – totality
measures to protect the information environment
society and man.

Basic definitions

Vulnerability is caused by storage features,
use, transfer, protection and resources leading to violation
security of a specific resource.
Security threat - potential security breach,
any circumstance that may cause
damage to the enterprise.
An attack is the implementation of a threat.
Damage is the consequences resulting from an offense.
Damage can be material, physical, moral.
The violator is the person who attempted to carry out
prohibited operations and using various

Objects that should be provided with information security include:

Informational resources;
System of creation, distribution and use
information resources;
Information infrastructure of society
(information communications, communication networks, centers
data analysis and processing, systems and tools
information protection);
Mass media;
Human and state rights to receive,
dissemination and use of information;
Intellectual property protection and
confidential information

Sources of the main information threats for Russia

External sources
Country politics
Information war
Criminal activity
Other sources
Internal sources
Level gap
Technology gap
Insufficient level
Other sources

Deliberate threats

Information theft
Distribution of computer
Physical impact on equipment

Computer viruses
"Trojan horses"
Network attacks

Random threats

Computer user errors;
Mistakes made by professional developers
information systems: algorithmic,
program, structural;
Equipment failure and malfunctions, including interference
and signal distortion on communication lines;
Force majeure

The importance of information security for various specialists from the perspective of the company and stakeholders

Information Services
commercial activity
Banking activities

Applied tasks
Management tasks
Security of personal
Ensure completeness
Information Services
Ensuring accessibility
and safe work
commercial activity
Leakage Prevention
Banking activities
Ensuring integrity

Security policy is a set of
technical, software and organizational
measures aimed at protecting information in
computer network.
Protection methods
information from
information threats
Restricting access to
Access control
Protection methods
information from
information threats
Increased operational reliability
electronic and mechanical
nodes and elements
Structural redundancy –
duplication or tripling
elements, devices
Functional control with
diagnostics of failures

2. Classification of threats

1. By type of threat source
1.1. Anthropogenic sources of threats
1.2. Technogenic sources
1.3. Natural disasters
2. According to the internal characteristics of the topology
3. According to external signs of topology
4. Based on impact

2.1. Types of threat sources

2.1.1. Anthropogenic sources
2.2.2. Technogenic sources
2.2.3. Natural disasters

2.1.1. Anthropogenic sources

Criminal structures
Potential criminals and hackers
Unfair partners
Representatives of supervisory organizations and emergency services
Representatives of law enforcement agencies
Key personnel (users, programmers,
Information security representatives (administrators)
Support staff (cleaners, security)
Technical personnel (life support, operation)

2.1.2. Technogenic sources

Communications (information transfer)
Networks of engineering communications (energy supply,
water supply, heating,
ventilation, sewerage)
Poor quality technical means of information processing
Poor quality processing software
Auxiliary equipment (security, alarm, telephony)
Other technical means used in the institution

2.1.3. Natural disasters

Various unforeseen
Unexplained phenomena
Other force majeure

2.2. Based on topology

Insider threats:
unqualified internal company policy on
information technology and security management;
lack of appropriate personnel qualifications for
ensuring the activities and management of the protected object;
intentional and unintentional actions of personnel
for security violations;
staff betrayal;
man-made accidents and destruction, fires.

2.2. Based on topology

External threats
negative impacts of unscrupulous competitors and
government agencies;
intentional and unintentional actions
interested structures and individuals;
leakage of confidential information on media
information and communication channels;
unauthorized entry into the protected facility;
unauthorized access to storage media and
communication channels for the purpose of theft, distortion, destruction,
blocking information;
natural disasters and other force majeure circumstances;
intentional and unintentional actions of suppliers
security services and suppliers
technical and software products.

2.3. Based on impact

Threats to data and program confidentiality
Threats to the integrity of data, programs,
Threats to access information resources

3. Correlation of danger based on topology from common internal and external threats

4. Violation model

Modeling of disturbance processes
information security is appropriate
carry out based on consideration of logical
chains: “threat – source of threat – method
implementation – vulnerability – consequences”

4. Violation model

Requirements for the violation model
The security service must build
model of a typical attacker.
It is necessary to evaluate from whom to protect in
first of all. Based on the built
a model of the attacker can be built
adequate information system
protection. Properly designed model
violator is a guarantee of construction
adequate protection.

4. Violation model

Requirements for the information security system
The information security system must be adequate
level of importance, secrecy and criticality of the protected
Its cost should not exceed the possible
damage from a violation of the security of protected
Overcoming the defense system must be
not economically feasible compared to possible
benefit from gaining access, destruction, modification
or blocking of protected information.

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A presentation on the topic “Information Security” (grade 9) can be downloaded absolutely free on our website. Project subject: Computer science. Colorful slides and illustrations will help you engage your classmates or audience. To view the content, use the player, or if you want to download the report, click on the corresponding text under the player. The presentation contains 10 slide(s).

Presentation slides

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PROJECT in computer science

Information Security

Completed by: Igonina Marina Aleksandrovna

9th grade student of the municipal educational institution "Tazinskaya basic secondary school" of the Bolshebereznikovsky municipal district of the Republic of Moldova

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Get acquainted with the basics of information security, determine the main directions of development of this area of ​​​​knowledge, and form the elements of “information culture”.

Objective of the project:

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security of information and its supporting infrastructure from any accidental or malicious influences that may result in damage to the information itself, its owners or supporting infrastructure


minimizing damage, predicting and preventing malicious influences

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What threatens information security

targeted theft or destruction of data on a workstation or server; Damage to data by the user as a result of careless actions.

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2. "Electronic" methods of influence carried out by hackers

unauthorized entry into computer networks; DOS attacks.

Hackers are people who engage in computer crimes both professionally (including as part of competition) and simply out of curiosity.

A DOS attack (abbreviated from Denial of Service) is an external attack on enterprise network nodes responsible for its safe and efficient operation (file, mail servers). Attackers organize massive sending of data packets to these nodes in order to overload them and, as a result, put them out of action for some time. This, as a rule, entails disruptions in the business processes of the victim company, loss of customers, damage to reputation, etc.

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3. Computer viruses

A separate category of electronic methods of influence are computer viruses and other malicious programs. They represent a real danger for modern businesses that widely use computer networks, the Internet and e-mail. The penetration of a virus into corporate network nodes can lead to disruption of their functioning, loss of working time, loss of data, theft of confidential information and even direct theft of financial resources. A virus program that has penetrated a corporate network can give attackers partial or complete control over the company's activities.

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email has recently become the main channel for the spread of malware; spam takes a lot of time to view and subsequently delete messages, causing employees a feeling of psychological discomfort; both individuals and organizations become victims of fraudulent schemes carried out by spammers (victims often try not to disclose such events); important correspondence is often deleted along with spam, which can lead to the loss of customers, broken contracts and other unpleasant consequences; the danger of losing correspondence especially increases when using RBL blacklists and other “crude” spam filtering methods.

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5. “Natural” threats

A company’s information security can be affected by a variety of external factors: data loss can be caused by improper storage, theft of computers and media, force majeure, etc.

  1. Try to involve the audience in the story, set up interaction with the audience using leading questions, a game part, do not be afraid to joke and smile sincerely (where appropriate).
  2. Try to explain the slide in your own words, add additional interesting facts; you don’t just need to read the information from the slides, the audience can read it themselves.
  3. There is no need to overload the slides of your project with text blocks; more illustrations and a minimum of text will better convey information and attract attention. The slide should contain only key information; the rest is best told to the audience orally.
  4. The text must be well readable, otherwise the audience will not be able to see the information being presented, will be greatly distracted from the story, trying to at least make out something, or will completely lose all interest. To do this, you need to choose the right font, taking into account where and how the presentation will be broadcast, and also choose the right combination of background and text.
  5. It is important to rehearse your report, think about how you will greet the audience, what you will say first, and how you will end the presentation. All comes with experience.
  6. Choose the right outfit, because... The speaker's clothing also plays a big role in the perception of his speech.
  7. Try to speak confidently, smoothly and coherently.
  8. Try to enjoy the performance, then you will be more at ease and less nervous.

The problem of information security of the individual, society and state. Legal regulation of problems related to information and computers. The problem of information security of the individual, society and state.

  • As we move towards the information society, the problem of protecting the right of the individual, society and the state to the confidentiality of certain types of information becomes increasingly acute. Already today, in countries where computer networks are widely used, enormous efforts are being made to protect information. Every person who entrusts information about themselves to a government agency or company has the right to expect that it will not be disclosed or used to their detriment.
  • Adopted in Russia in 2000 Doctrine of information security of the Russian Federation.
TO information security objects of the Russian Federation relate:
  • all types of information resources;
  • the rights of citizens, legal entities and the state to receive, disseminate and use information, protect information and intellectual property;
  • a system of information, distribution and use of information resources, including information systems of various classes and purposes, libraries, archives, databases and data banks, etc.
  • information infrastructure, including information processing and analysis centers, information exchange and telecommunication channels, etc.
  • a system of forming public consciousness based on the media and propaganda.
National interests of the Russian Federation include:
  • a) compliance with the constitutional rights and freedoms of man and citizen in the field of obtaining information and its use, ensuring the spiritual formation of Russia, preserving and strengthening the values ​​of society;
  • b) information support for the state policy of the Russian Federation, associated with bringing reliable information about the state policy of the Russian Federation to the Russian and international public;
  • c) development of modern information technologies for the public information industry;
  • d) protecting information resources from unauthorized access, ensuring the security of information and telecommunication systems.
The doctrine formulates countries, including legal, organizational, technical and economic, as well as features of ensuring information security of the Russian Federation in various spheres of public life: economic, political, defense, science and technology, etc.
  • The doctrine formulates information security methods countries, including legal, organizational, technical and economic, as well as features of ensuring information security of the Russian Federation in various spheres of public life: economic, political, defense, science and technology, etc.
  • The doctrine declares one of the most important problems in the area under discussion problem of information inequality.
Information security methods It is especially important to overcome manifestations of information inequality in education because:
  • a tendency has emerged to divide educational institutions into elite and mass ones with a corresponding difference in resource provision;
  • there is a great difference in the income levels of students’ families;
  • There is a significant gap in the amount of financial support for educational institutions in different regions of the country.
Legal regulation of problems related to information and computers. Legal regulation in the information sphere is a new and difficult task for the state. There are a number of laws in this area in the Russian Federation. Law “On Legal Protection of Computer Programs and Databases” He determined that applies to the specified objects that are the result of the creative activity of the author. The authors have the exclusive right to publish programs and databases, distribute them, modify them and otherwise use them. However property rights for the specified objects created in the performance of official duties or on the instructions of the employer, belong to the employer. For the current state of our society, it is issues related to violation of copyright and property rights that are the most relevant. Law “On Information, Informatization and Information Protection”. The law creates conditions for Russia’s inclusion in international information exchange, lays the foundations for preventing mismanagement of information resources and informatization, and partially ensures information security and the rights of legal entities and individuals to information. The law considers information resources in two aspects: as a material product that can be bought and sold, and as an intellectual product that is subject to intellectual property rights, copyright. In 1996 in The law creates conditions for Russia’s inclusion in international information exchange, lays the foundations for preventing mismanagement of information resources and informatization, and partially ensures information security and the rights of legal entities and individuals to information. The law considers information resources in two aspects: as a material product that can be bought and sold, and as an intellectual product that is subject to intellectual property rights, copyright. Criminal Code
  • The section “Crimes in the field of computer information” was introduced for the first time. He determined the punishment for certain types of crimes: In 1996,
  • The section “Crimes in the field of computer information” was introduced for the first time. He determined the punishment for certain types of crimes:
  • unauthorized access to computer information;
creation, use and distribution of malicious computer programs;

deliberate violation of the rules for operating computers and their networks.

Thank you for your attention!

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Information security The media security lesson was prepared by Lifanova N.V., class teacher of the 10th grade, Kosmyninskaya secondary school

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Regulatory framework Federal Law No. 436-FZ “On the protection of children from information harmful to their health and development” Establishes rules for the media safety of children when circulating media products, printed, audiovisual products on any type of media, computer programs and databases in Russia data, as well as information posted in information and telecommunication networks and mobile radiotelephone networks.

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Information security of children is a state of protection of children in which there is no risk associated with information, including information distributed on the Internet, causing harm to their health, physical, mental, spiritual and moral development (Federal Law of December 29, 2010 No. 436-FZ " On the protection of children from information harmful to their health and development").

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Statistics: 10 million children under the age of 14 actively use the Internet, which makes up 18% of the Internet audience in our country. (Data from the Center for Safe Internet in Russia)

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Statistics In the world, 1,600,000,000 young boys and girls use mobile phones Already in 2003, the number of mobile phones in Russia reached 31.5 million and exceeded the number of landline devices. At the end of February 2010, the subscriber base of cellular operators totaled 210.05 million users ( Data from the Center for Safe Internet in Russia)

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Survey data in Europe About 90% of children aged 12 to 19 years old have mobile phones and about half - aged 9-12 years. In some countries, it is generally customary to give children “mobile phones” when they reach eight years of age.

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Sociological research: 88% of four-year-old children go online with their parents. At the age of 8-9, children increasingly go online on their own. By the age of 14, joint, family use of the network remains only for 7% of adolescents. More than half of Internet users under the age of 14 view sites with inappropriate content. 39% of children visit porn sites, 19% watch scenes of violence, 16% are addicted to gambling. 14% of children are interested in drugs and alcohol, 11% of minor users visit extremist and nationalist resources

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Types of online threats Explicit materials of a sexual nature Virtual acquaintances and friends Cyberbullying - teenage virtual terror Bullicide - driving a child to suicide through psychological violence Electronic resources containing materials of an extremist and terrorist nature.

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Types of online threats Electronic resources created and supported by destructive religious sects. Computer scammers, spammers, phishers. Propaganda of drugs, violence and cruelty, suicidal behavior, abortion, self-harm. Dubious entertainment: online games that promote sex, cruelty and violence. A morbid addiction to participating in online processes, the so-called “Internet addiction” Social networks and blogs, on which a child leaves a lot of real information about himself, makes unsafe acquaintances, and is often subjected to destructive psychological, moral and spiritual treatment unnoticed by him.

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PEGI logos Bad Language - Profanity The game contains rude and obscene language. Discrimination - Discrimination The presence in a product of scenes or materials that may denigrate or discriminate against certain social groups. Fear: The game materials may be scary and frightening for young children. Gambling - Gambling The game offers the opportunity to gamble and place a bet, including with real money. Sexual Content - Obscene Game contains nudity and/or sexual content. Violence - Violence The game is replete with scenes of violence.

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Internet addiction Obsessive web surfing - endless travel on the World Wide Web, searching for information. Addiction to virtual communication and virtual dating - large volumes of correspondence, constant participation in chat rooms, web forums, redundancy of acquaintances and friends on the Internet. Gaming addiction is an obsessive passion for playing computer games online. Obsessive financial need - online gambling, unnecessary purchases in online stores or constant participation in online auctions. Addiction to watching movies via the Internet, when the patient can spend the whole day in front of the screen without stopping due to the fact that you can watch almost any movie or program online. Cybersex addiction is an obsessive desire to visit porn sites and engage in cybersex.

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Signs of Internet addiction: excessive, unmotivated abuse of time spent working on the Internet, not due to professional, educational or other creative activities; use of the Internet as the predominant means of communication; creation and operation of virtual images that are extremely far from real ones; attraction to Internet games and/or creation of malicious programs (without any purpose); subjectively perceived inability to cope without working online

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This is important to know! When you register on sites, do not provide personal information (mobile phone number, residential address and other data). Use your webcam only when chatting with friends. Make sure that strangers do not have the opportunity to see your conversation. Learn how to turn your webcam on and off yourself. You should know that if you publish photos or videos on the Internet, everyone can see them.

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This is important to know! Don't post photos that show other people. Do this only with their consent. Publish only such information that you will not regret publishing. Unsolicited emails from strangers are called “Spam”. If you receive such a letter, do not respond to it. If you reply to such an email, the sender will know that you are using your email account and will continue to send you spam.

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This is important to know! If you receive a message from an unfamiliar address, it is better not to open it. Such emails may contain viruses. Do not add strangers to your ICQ contact list. If you receive letters with unpleasant or insulting content, or if someone behaves inappropriately towards you, tell an adult about it. If a person you met on the Internet invites you to meet in real life, then warn him that you will come to meet him with an adult. If your virtual friend is really who he claims to be, he will normally react to your concern for his own safety.

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This is important to know! If you have questions or problems while working in an online environment, be sure to talk to someone you trust about it. Your parents or other adults can help or give good advice about what to do. Any problem can be solved! You can contact the “Children Online” helpline by phone: 88002500015 (toll-free in Russia) or by e-mail: [email protected]. Experts will advise you what to do.

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Internet Etiquette When communicating online, treat other people the way you would like to be treated. Avoid using bad language and don't say things that will make someone feel bad. Learn "netiquette" when you're online. What is considered good to do and say and what is not? For example, if you type a message in CAPITAL LETTERS, your interlocutor may think that you are yelling at him. If someone says something rude or unpleasant, don't respond. Leave the chat or forum immediately.

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Watch your back! If you see or know that a friend is being bullied online, support them and tell an adult. After all, you would want him to do the same for you. Do not send messages or images that may harm or upset anyone. Even if you didn't start it, you will be considered part of the bullying circle. Always be on guard if someone, especially a stranger, wants to talk to you about adult relationships. Remember that online you can never be sure of a person’s true nature and intentions. Approaching a child or teenager with sexual intentions is always a serious cause for concern. You should tell a trusted adult about this so that you can report the unpleasant situation to law enforcement. If you have been lured or tricked into performing sexual acts or sharing sexual images of yourself, you should always tell a trusted adult to get advice or help. No adult has the right to demand this from a child or teenager - the responsibility always lies with the adult.

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Set your limits When using social networks or any other online services, take care of your privacy and the privacy of your family and friends. If you've signed up for a social networking site, use your privacy settings to protect your online profile so that only your friends can view it. Ask your parents to help with the settings if you find it difficult. This rule is very important.

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Set your limits Keep your personal information secret, especially when communicating on adult social networks. Use a nickname instead of your real name on any online service where many strangers can read your information. Ask your parents before giving your name, address, phone number or any other personal information to anyone online. Think twice before you post or talk about anything online. Are you ready to tell everyone online about this: your close friends, as well as strangers? Remember that once you post information, photographs or any other material online, you will never be able to remove it from the Internet or prevent other people from using it. Before you enter any information about yourself on any site, find out how that information may be used. Can all or part of the information be published and, if yes, where? If you feel uncomfortable with the amount of information requested, if you do not trust the site, do not provide information. Look for another similar service that requires less information to work with, or its administration promises to handle your data more carefully.

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It is important! 1. Ignore the bad behavior of other users, get away from unpleasant conversations or sites with inappropriate content. Just like in real life, there are people who, for various reasons, behave aggressively, offensively or provocatively towards others or want to spread harmful content. It is usually best to ignore and then block such users. 2. Don't post anything that you wouldn't want others to know, that you would never tell them in person. 3. Respect other people's content that you post or share. For example, a photo a friend gave you is his property, not yours. You may only post it online if you have his permission to do so and you must indicate where you got it from. 4. It is important to refrain from responding to provocative messages received through SMS, MMS, instant messaging programs, emails, chat rooms or while communicating in online environments with other users. Instead, you need to take steps to eliminate or limit attempts to provoke you.

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If you are being bullied online: Ignore. Don't answer the offender. If he doesn't get a response, he may get bored and leave. Block this person. This will protect you from viewing messages from a specific user. Tell someone. Tell your mom or dad or another adult you trust. Save the evidence. This can be helpful in finding whoever was trying to intimidate you. Save texts, emails, online conversations, or voicemails as evidence.

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Report this to: Your school management. The educational institution must have a policy for dealing with bullying. Your internet service provider, mobile operator or website administrator. They can take steps to help you. To the police. If you believe that there is a threat to your safety, either an adult or you yourself should contact law enforcement. Call the “Children Online” helpline by phone: 88002500015 (free call in Russia) or by e-mail: [email protected]. Experts will tell you what to do best Your rights online You have the right to access information and services that are appropriate to your age and personal preferences. You have the right to freely express yourself and the right to be respected, and at the same time, you must always respect others. You can freely discuss and criticize everything that is published or available on the Internet. You have the right to say NO to someone who asks you to do something online that makes you feel uncomfortable.

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Use your computer safely Make sure you have a firewall and antivirus software installed on your computer. Learn to use them correctly. Remember that these programs must be updated in a timely manner. Know your computer's operating system (Windows, Linux, etc.) well. Know how to fix bugs and make updates. If you have a parental control program installed on your computer, talk to your parents and agree on settings for the program that are appropriate for your age and needs. Do not try to hack or bypass such a program! If you receive a file that you are not sure about or don't know who sent it, DO NOT open it. This is how Trojans and viruses infect your computer.

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Children, do not go on the Internet at night. Children, do not go on the Internet at night. There is nothing good on the Internet. You can see your aunt naked there. What will happen to the baby then!? There are monsters running around everywhere with machine guns and shooting at the kids with terrible force. Terrible monsters live there And rush on the heels of youngsters. A Black Hole opened there for a day. And four schoolchildren died yesterday. Children, don’t go on the Internet at night: Suddenly a skeleton will jump out at you from the screen! He's terrible, he won't chicken out, he'll bite you off. And, delving into the jaws, he will go on his bones. You can see an evil spider there - then HE will probably eat the child. He will entangle you in nets with his huge claws. The bones will crunch, but you will have to be patient. And only panties and shoes will hang in the web. And keep in mind, pranksters, there is a dangerous site called Odnoklassniki - everyone who goes there disappears for several years. Let my lectures bore you - But children often disappear on the Internet. Many children have disappeared on the Internet. (E Uspensky)

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For the girl Masha, they bought a computer and taught her how to access the Internet, Masha doesn’t eat, Masha doesn’t sleep, she spends all night on the Internet. Mashenka’s appearance has also changed dramatically: plump lips have not been painted for a long time, bags under the eyes and yellow teeth. My posture is in vain, I started smoking, I had a hard time getting money for beer. I haven’t combed my hair for a long time, there’s dandruff on my shoulders, half a meter long claws on my hands and feet... But in Masha’s chats everything is going well, the boys follow her in a crowd, they write her letters, send her postcards, they compose poems and songs sing. Masha is a beauty, everyone talks, Smacks, greetings, soar with love, Virtual sex, a stronghold of friendship, Masha rules, without any hassle. What happened to men in chats, That virtual Masha is all covered in gold, And a modest girl, without the Internet, Sheds a mirror-colored tear? And the fact that the photo of the car was posted, On a well-known website that gives her benefits, And the fact that the photo is already ten years old, For some reason, no one really cares.... The meaning of this small work, Everyone should remember sometimes: C you, not only the Internet... There is a mess at home, hungry children. Mom sits on the Internet all day..

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Using the Internet is a joy. Have the most fun while staying safe.

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Pros and cons of being a bodyguard