Promotions in pet stores to attract customers. Advertising of pet products

Who doesn’t know the mischievous cat Boris, the cat Felix and the golden Irish setter from the “Chappie” ad? As you might have guessed, today we will talk about. We will give you examples of the best advertising for happy owners of four-legged friends.

The pet food market formed in Russia about fifteen years ago and is currently actively developing. In terms of the number of pets per capita, Russia ranks second in the world after the United States. Most of all we have cats as pets - from 25 to 30 million. In second place are dogs (about 20 million).

Advertising of pet products can be seen on posters and light boxes, but most often on TV. Let's remember the most famous commercials featuring pets and let’s figure out what their specifics are.

The tabby cat (British Shorthair) has long been the face of the company "Whiskas". And it is no coincidence - after all, producers consider cats and male cats of this breed to be the standard of a domestic cat. Moreover, Whiskas advertisements feature kittens and adult cats bred in the German nursery Silver Treasure. The best representatives of the British Shorthair breed in Europe are traditionally bred here. That's why cats food advertising they always look so well-groomed.

  1. Lack of bright colors, including in the color of cats.
  2. Calmness, comfort, light playfulness of four-legged actors.
  3. A message to traditional values.

2. Chappi

And here are Whiskas colleagues producing dog food Chappi, chose a different strategy. Their commercials feature several dogs of different breeds “talking” to each other. The plot is always almost the same: the famous Irish setter advises his unlucky friends to change their food to “Chappy” and describes its advantages. This ad is colorful, fun, and the dogs in it are playful, cheerful, and active. At the end, the emphasis is usually on the taste of the product: “Chappy” is delicious meat dishes prepared according to favorite family recipes.”


To advertise the “elite” cat food “Sheba”, the Mars company invited a star in the advertisement - actress Eva Longoria with her favorite. How can you not trust the taste of an American beauty? Sexy, daring, luxurious - this is how it turned out Sheba advertising.

“For passionate natures”:

4. Kitekat

"Kitekat" - food for energetic cats"

5. Catsan

IN cat litter advertising We only remove white kittens and cats. The commercials are dominated by blue and white colors, which viewers associate with cleanliness and freshness. “The smell locks it up!” – assures a joyful voice in the Russian version of the advertisement. In Germany, advertisers appeal to comfort and trust: “Catsan – for a pleasant feeling of being at home”

To summarize, we note what needs to be done to remove advertising of pet products.

1. Find an animal that will become a symbol of your brand;

2. Think over the philosophy of your company, the idea and mood of the advertising campaign and video;

3. Emphasize: on the emotional component, taste, functionality, etc.

4. Choose the right color scheme.

Where to advertise pet products?

  • Specialized magazines and newspapers for pet owners;
  • Advertising in the advertising block of local newspapers in the "Animals" section;
  • Advertising on buses and stops ().

Despite the fact that foreign companies are currently leading the pet food market, it is quite possible that your product will become special and win the hearts of customers.

If you are planning to start selling pet products, you need to not only choose a profitable location, rent a premises and order the first batch of goods, but also carefully consider your marketing strategy. Advertising for pet stores is of enormous importance, because their products are not intended for the widest audience. Therefore, you need to attract the maximum number of customers and make them your regular visitors.

Point design




Signposts are an excellent means of attracting the attention of passers-by. Remember, just by glancing at this simple design, a passerby should immediately understand what kind of store this is and what is sold in it. That is why you should not write half of the assortment and prices on it in small print - a large inscription, a picture depicting animals and a list of the main categories of goods, for example, food, medicine, etc. will be enough.

Advertising in elevators

If you are located in a residential area, it would be a good idea to order advertising in elevators. It should, first of all, be noticeable against the background of other advertisements. Moreover, on an advertising poster it is best to write about some promotion that is attractive to customers.


Signs are especially relevant if your pet store is located in the shade of trees, around the corner, in a place that is not so open to the eye. You can use both simple signs - arrows with the words “pet store”, and full-fledged banners with an arrow showing the desired direction.

Internet advertising


The effectiveness of a pet store website as an advertising tool will depend on several factors. Thus, large companies and online stores simply need their own page on the world wide web, whereas if you work in a small city and the bulk of your audience consists of residents of a certain microdistrict, creating your own website will become impractical.

If you decide to create a website on your own, be sure to read our articles:

Here we have laid out our experience and opinions on the use of various tools that you will simply need in your work. This will allow you to reduce the time it takes to select the necessary resources for its creation and get profit from the site as quickly as possible.

Groups on social networks

In general, owners of small pet stores do not need to create a page on a social network - it is far from a guarantee that you will gain the required number of subscribers. However, this method of promotion is not too expensive and can benefit you: if you are ready to organize promotions such as a “pack of food for reposting”, give discounts to subscribers and advertise your VKontakte group in larger groups in your city, this will be a good way to attract customers.

Printable advertisement


Flyers and brochures will help you expand your customer base. Remember, most people take one look at a flyer and then immediately throw it away. That is why it is better to write about the promotion in large print or, even better, to offer a discount to the bearer of the leaflet.

Word of mouth

In any business, reputation is the main engine of success. Monitor the quality of the product, its constant availability in the warehouse, the work of the employees, try to provide excellent service to each client - if the visitor is satisfied, he will bring acquaintances and friends with him.

What advertising doesn't work for pet stores?

  1. Billboards, advertising on transport. The argument against billboards is simple - most often, it is too expensive for newly opened, small stores. As for images on transport, such an action is simply ineffective for this business.
  2. Advertising on radio and TV. The media has a very large audience reach, which means that such advertising will be comparable to shooting sparrows from a cannon. Moreover, if large chains can afford it, then small stores will simply undermine their own budget without receiving any significant benefits.
  3. Advertising in newspapers and magazines. It also costs a lot and is not relevant for pet stores.

Examples of slogans and texts for advertising a pet store

  1. Everything for your animals.
  2. For those born to be loved.
  3. A store for smart owners.
  4. Come in yourself, bring the owner!
  5. With love and care for your pets.
  6. This is where the animals come.
  7. For the most caring.
  8. For animal life!
  9. More than water.
  10. Source of harmony.

Almost every family has a pet. Many people have a cat or dog, a hamster or a budgie, exotic reptiles, aquarium fish and turtles at home. Who is not being kept in apartments now? Recently, it has become very fashionable to keep Madagascar cockroaches, grass snakes, chinchillas, iguanas and even chameleons. There are no limits to human imagination.

Each person goes to a pet store and buys an animal based on his preferences and wallet capabilities. When purchasing an animal for your home, do not forget about the responsibility you take on. You will be required not only to give affection and love to your pet, but also to take on certain obligations to care for it.

Animals act on humans as a kind of sedative. They are able to create an atmosphere of warmth and comfort in the house. If you come home from work tired and irritated, then seeing the kind and devoted eyes of your four-legged friend, you will understand that life is good.

Do you want to start your business from scratch and are at a loss as to where your knowledge and skills will be most useful? Try opening a pet store from scratch. The demand for these goods has been and will always remain. Even if the economic situation in the country is not very favorable, people will never give up their pets.

This type of business activity attracts many businessmen. The reason for this is quite simple: a pet store will be in demand in any locality, even the smallest.

The importance of a business plan for opening a pet store

How can you make money selling pet products? You can get an answer to this question by drawing up a detailed business plan for a pet store with calculations. When opening any business, you first need to understand its essence, decide what exactly you plan to sell to clients.

A novice businessman can take the wrong path by immediately starting to sell animals and accessories. This, of course, brings a good profit, but do not forget that their care will require money, and you don’t have too much of it yet. For example, it costs about 3.5 thousand rubles a month to maintain one purebred cat. This does not include the cage, vaccinations at the vet, etc. Therefore, it is better to start with various small items and feed.

A business plan is a description of the future concept of your business. He will not allow you to deviate from your goal. With its help, you will be able to accurately calculate the costs of opening, calculate all possible risks and prospects. By strictly adhering to your plan, you will not miss a single detail. Finally, another advantage of a business plan is that it will help you attract people who want to invest their money in the development of your business.

The conclusion follows: the step-by-step instructions “How to open a pet store” are your first step on the path to success. Without it, your actions may be uncertain.

When drawing up a business plan, you must follow the following instructions:

  • your store;
  • analyze the market and the capabilities of potential buyers in your city;
  • study your competitors well;
  • study the target audience;
  • describe the organization of the entire work process;
  • describe the service and product sold;
  • make the necessary financial calculations.

Market analysis. Competition

Before opening a pet supply store, study the market and, if possible, try to analyze the mistakes of your competitors. If there are already similar stores in your locality, do not be discouraged - it means that there is a demand for this type of product.

Despite the periodic economic difficulties that arise in our country, the domestic market for animal products is one of the most promising. This market segment is quite resistant to economic downturns. Even if you have to cut the expenditure side of the family budget, rarely does anyone agree to cut expenses on a pet.

In Russia there are more than 30 million domestic cats and about 22 million dogs. Leading pet market experts unanimously claim that the demand for pet products is constantly growing. The annual growth of the pet food market is 25 - 30%.

The competition in this business is quite high. The market for pet products is completing its formation. His condition at the moment can be described as “on the rise.”

By lowering the price of your products a little, you can lure away your competitors' customers. Pay attention to what items your opponents don't have in their store and place a bet on it. Customers love when they are given gifts. Small little things given to the buyer can later play a decisive role in choosing a store. If you provide auxiliary services (for example, grooming animals, manicures for cats and dogs), this will bring additional profit.

Don't forget that many people don't have time to go shopping. If you organize home delivery of goods, this will be a significant plus for your business.

Goals, objectives, target audience

Target The goal that every future owner of this business should set is to meet the needs of the city population for pet products. You will need to try to make sure that the assortment of goods on the shelves of your store pleases the buyer, and customers do not go to other retail outlets in search of the things they need.

You must strive to achieve your goals tasks, namely: attracting customers using various methods, improving customer service, increasing and updating the assortment.

Knowledge target audience- this is half the success. In this case, the target audience of this business is quite large and diverse. As we have already said, everyone loves animals, and almost every Russian family has a favorite animal. And all of them, as you know, want to eat, need care products, vitamins, toilet fillers, etc. Therefore, you will always have clients.

What documents are needed to open a pet store?

The documents must indicate that you will be engaged not only in retail trade, but also in services for the public. You cannot do without this if you decide in the future to open a small atelier where you will sew clothes for our little brothers, or a grooming salon where you can cut an animal’s hair, wash its ears, eyes, and brush its teeth.

Once the document is issued to you, you will need to register with the Pension Fund and the Tax Inspectorate to obtain the status. If your plans include selling veterinary drugs, you will need to obtain additional permits. To sell medicines, your company must have a veterinarian on staff, and you will need a special license. To sell animals you also need to obtain permission.

At the moment, individual entrepreneurs in retail trade work according to, but under one condition: the retail area should not be more than 150 sq.m. If this condition is not met, then you need to switch to (in this case, all income and expenses are taken into account).

Pet store assortment

The product range should be aimed at buyers with an average income. Your store should have a large selection of products. Without which no pet store is possible:

  • feed for all types of animals;
  • drinking bowls, bowls, feeders;
  • toys, combs, shampoos;
  • special literature on the rules of keeping animals;
  • aquarium accessories;
  • leashes, collars, muzzles;
  • toilets and fillers for them;
  • vitamins;
  • houses for pets. Mattresses for dogs. For cats – claw sharpeners;
  • anthelmintics;
  • drops for removing fleas;
  • drops for ears and eyes;
  • contraceptive drugs;
  • if your store is located near the private sector, do not forget about such things as mineral feed for farm animals and accessories for horse farming.

Attracting buyers

In order to attract customers to your store, you must fulfill the following requirements:

Is it profitable to open a pet store?

In order to find out your expected level of income, you need to make a list of all costs. The average markup on goods in a pet store does not exceed 30%. The highest markup can be set for medicines and accessories (from 50 to 100%). For popular goods – no more than 20%.

We understand that the exact cost and return figures will depend on many individual factors. Therefore, let's consider approximate costs For a medium-sized store in a city with a population of about 500,000 people:

  • renovation of the premises and signage – 200,000 rubles;
  • purchase of commercial equipment - 100 - 150,000 rubles;
  • stock of goods - 1,500,000 rubles;
  • working capital 250,000 rub.
  • Total: 2,100,000.

Now about arrived the same store monthly:

  • revenue – 1,000,000 – 1,100,000 rubles;
  • cost of goods – 758,620 rubles;
  • gross profit – 341,379 rubles;
  • expenses - 219,500 rubles;
  • UTII tax - 20,000;
  • net profit - 100,000 rubles.

Payback will directly depend on the money invested for opening and on sales volume. A small store will pay for itself in about 6–7 months. A large store will pay for itself in at least 2 years.

Profitability pet store - 20-25%. These are quite high figures.

Your store will bring good profits only if it is located in the “right” location and customer service is at a high professional level.

As for prices, they should not be higher than those of competitors. The product range needs to be constantly updated and the quantity of goods replenished. If you follow these recommendations, opening a pet store will bring you good profits.

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Hello! In this article we will talk about promotions to attract customers.

Today you will learn:

  • How to conduct promotions for;
  • What types of shares exist and how to come up with a share;
  • How to calculate stock performance.

What are “shares” and why are they needed?

During the height of the economic crisis in the country, the issue of attracting new customers faces almost every enterprise. The situation is aggravated by the high level in almost all areas of business.

In such harsh conditions, entrepreneurs are forced to resort to the most stringent measures to attract customers. One of these measures is sales promotion.

Sales promotion – a promotion tool aimed at short-term increase in demand with the help of various promotions that stimulate purchases.

Promotions will allow you to achieve the following goals:

  • Short-term increase in sales volumes;
  • Capture market share for a long time;
  • Attracting new consumers:
  • Poaching consumers from competitors;
  • Stimulating large volumes of purchases;
  • Retaining loyal consumers.


  • Drawing attention to the company, brand and product;
  • Providing information about the product and the company to potential consumers;
  • Significant increase in sales during the promotion period;
  • Quick consumer response to stimulating effects;
  • Sales focus.


  • The short-term impact, as a rule, increases sales only for the duration of the promotion;
  • Often have a negative impact on the image of the organization. If a high-level company begins to sell goods at a discount of more than 70%, it loses wealthy buyers and attracts those who are ready to purchase products only at discounts;
  • Significantly reduces company profits. A discount of even 5% has a painful impact on the company’s profits, which we will talk about a little later.

If these shortcomings don’t scare you, then let’s move on.

Promotion strategy development process

Any activity to attract visitors must begin with developing a strategy. Stocks are no exception.

The process of developing a sales promotion strategy includes the following stages:

  • Formation of sales promotion goals;
  • Identifying suitable stocks, which we will talk about a little later;
  • Development of an incentive program: designation of the timing of the promotion, determination of the amount of the incentive (budget), determination of the conditions for participation in the promotion, methods of promotion and distribution of the incentive package, development of a mechanism for responding to the promotion, preliminary testing;
  • Practical implementation of the incentive program through the use of various promotions;
  • Evaluation of results.

Types of promotions to attract customers

At the moment, there are a very large number of different stock options.

The choice of one or another means of sales promotion depends on the following factors:

  • Specifics of activity.
  • Product type. For example, let's say you sell wedding dresses. It would be strange to give a second when buying one;
  • Store format and location. For example, we own a stall selling pies at the station. There are three more similar stalls next to us. To attract consumers, we decided to hold a promotion. As a gift to a random lucky winner, we are providing a coupon for one free pie per day for a month. However, 90% of our consumers are passing through this place and they will not be interested in this promotion, and it will not help us resolve the issue with competitors;
  • Activities of competitors in this area;
  • Financial capabilities of the company;
  • Purposes of the action.

Determine each of these parameters for yourself. Have you determined? Then let's move on to the types of shares.


Discounts are the most popular and easiest way. Buyers are happy to buy goods with red price tags. The more you lower the price, the more purchases you will get. But be careful. Every percentage of the price hurts the margin of your products.

During the month of discounts, sales volume increased by 20% and amounted to 148 pies or 2,664 rubles. The pie margin for the promotion period was: 18-17.3 = 0.7 rubles.

Let's calculate the profit received during the month of the promotion: 0.7 * 148 = 103.6 rubles. Thus, thanks to discounts, we lost 209.4 rubles in profit with an increase in purchases by 20%.

Make it a rule to carry out such calculations before introducing a discount system.

Human psychology is designed in such a way that he practically does not notice a price reduction of less than 15%. Therefore, a 5 or 10% discount will not lead to a significant increase in demand.

Discount forms:

  • Seasonal sales;
  • Discounts for large volume purchases;
  • Discounts in honor of a special occasion (customer’s birthday, store opening date, etc.);
  • Discounts for purchasing a certain category of products.
  • Discount on defective goods;
  • Discount on “product of the day”;
  • Discount when purchasing in ;
  • “Bring a friend” discount.

Please note that the introduction of any discount must be tied to a specific occasion. If you simply lower your prices, the consumer will think about the quality of your product. It is discounts that tend to negatively affect the image of an organization if they are applied ineptly.

Gifts for purchase

This is also a very popular type of promotion. You can give away both your own products and those of your partners for purchase. In the first case, you will again have to calculate the change in sales volumes and profits so as not to go into the negative. But the second option is very tempting.

Find a partner company that needs to promote its product or brand and offer cooperation.

Example. Since the idea of ​​discounts at our pies stall failed, we decided to give gifts for purchases. To do this, we agreed with the store opposite that we would attract our customers to their outlet by issuing them a coupon to receive free tea from them. The store agrees, since the likelihood that a visitor will buy some product from them by going for free tea is very high.

Types of “gift with purchase” promotion:

  • The second lowest priced product is free;
  • Bonus from partners;
  • Lottery;
  • Discount card for purchase.

Loyalty cards

Almost everyone has several cards from their favorite stores in their wallet. They allow the buyer to benefit from shopping in this store.

The following forms of discount cards are distinguished:

  • Discount cards– provide the client with a fixed discount. It does not change during the use of this card. Aimed at retaining visitors and linking them to the outlet;
  • Savings cards– often the amount of benefit depends on the total quantity of goods purchased in monetary terms. The more you bought during the entire period of using the card, the greater your discount. Aimed at increasing the number of purchases and retaining customers;
  • club card– provided to special customers, for example, for a large purchase volume. It carries certain privileges, including: the opportunity to participate in promotions, permanent discounts, gifts.

You can’t just give out cards; time their donation to coincide with some event or set conditions.

Here are some options for you:

  • Store birthday;
  • Large purchase volume;
  • Issuance of discount cards to first visitors;
  • Issuance of cards for participation in the competition;
  • Selling cards.

Competitions and giveaways

This type of stock is actively gaining momentum. Hold a prize draw, come up with a competition, the winners of which will receive your products as a gift. This will allow you to increase company awareness and consumer loyalty.

There are two types of competitions:

  • Related companies. In this case, the buyer must purchase a certain quantity of goods in order to receive a surprise. For example, buy 10 bottles of soda to collect the caps from them and get a prize. Aimed at increasing demand and attracting attention to the company;
  • Unrelated to product. The consumer performs a task without having to purchase the company's product. For example, a consumer must write a story about their day at school in order to receive a free school supply kit.


As a rule, it is carried out in large supermarkets. Moreover, this type of promotion is aimed not so much at increasing the sales volume of the product being tasted, but at increasing the sales volume of the supermarket as a whole. According to statistics, consumers who have tried a product buy 25% more than they planned in that store.

We will talk about calculating the effectiveness of this type of promotion a little later.

How to come up with a promotion to attract customers

To come up with a promotion to attract customers, you need to go through the following steps:

  • Define your advertising campaign goals. What do you want to achieve? Increasing sales, increasing customer loyalty, attracting new customers or retaining existing ones. Write down all your goals;
  • Determine the participants of the marketing campaign. Who exactly do you want to influence, who will influence it, who will control its implementation. Discounts can scare away wealthy clients from your company and attract consumers in the middle and low price segment. A club card may have the opposite effect. Promoters, salespeople, and customer service managers can influence consumers. The entire process will be controlled by a director or administrator. All personnel involved in the action must be trained: familiarized with the conditions, and given instructions.
  • Determine the motives of each participant. The consumer is interested in additional benefits, the seller is interested in premiums or bonuses for good results, the administrator is interested in fulfilling the plan, increasing sales volume. Correctly identifying the motives of each participant will allow you to effectively manage the process.
  • Work to identify your customers' needs. What exactly might interest them?
  • Think about when your promotion will be most relevant. For example, ice cream in winter will not cause such a stir among consumers as gingerbread cookies and hot chocolate.
  • Decide on the type of promotion. It directly depends on the one for which you are holding the promotion. It is also important to determine the value of the gift. Remember that a large number of small bonuses attract consumers more than a few expensive gifts.
  • Make the terms of participation in the promotion clear and short, otherwise the client will suspect deception or simply will not study your proposal. There shouldn't be too many conditions.
  • Communicate with your consumer, answer his questions, play with him. This way you will gain precious trust.

Analysis of the effectiveness of the campaign

We have already discussed how to evaluate the effectiveness of discounts; evaluation of the effectiveness of the implementation of loyalty cards, gifts and competitions is carried out in the same way.

Remember that an increase in sales does not at all guarantee an increase in profits, because you lose on a discount or gift. In this case, when calculating efficiency, the gift should be considered as a discount (the cost of the gift = the amount of the discount).

Example. For the purchase of 5 pies at a time, we give chewing gum. The promotion will last one week. The price of chewing gum is 2 rubles. Let's assume that only those who initially wanted to buy them will buy the fifth pie, and we have 10 out of 50 people a week. Thus, thanks to the promotion, sales volume will increase by 200 rubles or by 10 pies. Our margin before the promotion was 2.7 rubles. The sales volume before the promotion was 90 pies. We calculate the profit for the week before the promotion 90 * 2.7 = 2 43 rubles.

Let's calculate how much additional profit we will receive from the promotion: 2.7 * 10 = 27 rubles. And we will lose: 2*10 = 20 rubles. Thus, the promotion will allow us to increase profits by only 7 rubles.

Now let's learn how to calculate the effectiveness of tastings.

Let's say we are conducting a tasting of our pies. The promotion will run for 2 days, 3 hours a day. The price of our product is 20 rubles. The cost is 17.3 rubles.

We plan to reach an audience of 20 people. The number of pies required is 20 pieces. In addition, we need a tray costing 200 rubles and a package of napkins costing 30 rubles.

Thus, the cost of carrying out the campaign will be 576 rubles.

Let's calculate using the formula: Break-even point = total costs/margin = 576/2.7 = 213 pies. We will have to sell this number of pies based on the results of the tasting.

According to the rule of information dissemination, everyone who tastes the pie will tell three of their friends about the product, and each of these three will tell three more.

Thus, the maximum number of buyers who will come to the stall based on the results of the tasting will be 180 people. We don’t know how many pies they will buy, but according to pessimistic calculations (everyone will buy only one pie), this number of buyers is not enough. The project is risky.

Examples of the best stocks

Promotion at the airport.

A couple of years ago, an American airline held a raffle for travel packages. The conditions were as follows: a person waiting for a flight was asked to press a button, after which the computer randomly determined the country to which the lucky person would go. In this case, all travel expenses were paid by the airline.

Free lunch.

One of the Chinese sites ran an interesting promotion. For a month, every hour for 1.5 seconds a button appeared on the resource page, by clicking on which the lucky person received a free lunch. By the way, the number of site visitors increased 4 times this month.

An example from Russia.

The Moscow Geocafe holds a promotion every day. Its conditions are as follows: at 18:00 Moscow time, a drawing for a free dinner was held between cafe visitors. The winner was determined randomly. Second and third places were also determined and received a bottle of wine and a 50% discount on their order, respectively.

Promotion in the store.

In one of the Vilnius denim stores, the following promotion was held: all customers who came without pants were given free jeans of their choice. As a result, on the day of the promotion, a line of freebie lovers lined up in the store. However, be careful with such promotions, otherwise you may face legal consequences.

Alexander Kaptsov

Reading time: 10 minutes


An interesting idea for a novice entrepreneur might be opening your own pet store. From an economic point of view, the attractiveness of such a business is quite obvious, because according to statistics, every third family necessarily has a cat, and every fifth has a dog. There are also lovers of aquarium fish, birds and hamsters. The demand for pet products is stable at any time of the year, so we can talk about the profitability of the business. The main thing is to correctly determine the range of products needed and draw up a competent business plan.

Opening a pet store: the pros and cons of business

As with any business activity, opening a pet store has its pros and cons:

Since there are still more advantages to starting this business, it makes sense to invest money in a pet store. When promoting an idea, decisive importance is given to the competent territorial location of the premises and a carefully selected assortment.

What documents are needed to open a pet store from scratch - requirements and permits

In order to work calmly, and not wait for the arrival of regulatory authorities, it is better to immediately legalize your business.

Where to start preparing all the necessary documentation:

  1. Naturally, the first step should be to register the enterprise as an LLC or individual entrepreneur. Registration as an individual entrepreneur is advisable if the area of ​​the pet store is less than 50 m2, and the planned turnover will be small. Registration of the status of a legal entity (LLC) makes it possible to conclude contracts with wholesale suppliers and obtain a license to sell medicines if there is a veterinarian on staff.
  2. The next step is obtaining permits from the SES and fire inspectorate. They will be issued on the basis of a report from commissions that will visit the establishment to check its compliance with current regulations.
  3. Permits from the environmental protection society and veterinary service will also be required.
  4. License for sale of veterinary drugs.
  5. OKVED codes (47.76.2; 46.38.22; 46.11, etc.) and the optimal taxation system (STS or ENDV).
  6. Registering a cash register.

An entrepreneur will have to spend several months and about 70,000 rubles to collect and prepare the necessary documentation. Professionals will resolve all issues faster.

What is needed to organize a pet store from scratch?

To start a pet store from scratch, you will need not only the official registration of the enterprise and obtaining permission to work. We will have to solve a lot of organizational issues regarding the choice of premises and the purchase of equipment, interior design and promotional events, drawing up staffing and selection of assortment. But first things first.


According to experts, the most successful option for locating a pet store may be to place it in the premises of a veterinary hospital or on the territory of an animal hotel. This is explained by the fact that people with animals regularly come to such institutions. It is this category of visitors that is most interested in purchasing goods in a pet store.

If the implementation of such an option is unrealistic, then you can open a store in any other public place, not necessarily on the main streets. You can even rent a small room in a large shopping center or in a residential area.

The main thing is that the retail outlet is located on the ground floor of the building and has a front entrance, the sign above which can be used as advertising. It should be bright and memorable.

Premises for a pet store

To choose the right premises for a pet store, first of all, you need to decide on its format:

  • To operate a small stall, 8-10 m2 is enough.
  • An average pet store will require a space of 50-80 m2.
  • Well, a supermarket for animals should be located on an area of ​​at least 100-150 m2. In this case, it is better for an entrepreneur to rent a separate one-story building.

If the area of ​​the pet store is sufficient, the optimal solution would be to allocate thematic zones in it. For example, these could be the departments: “Everything for cats”, “Aquarium”, “Clean paws”, “Poultry house” and so on. Store visitors will be able to make purchases more conveniently and purposefully.

To save money, it is best to rent a premise that is already ready and adapted for work in a non-residential building. This makes it easier to obtain all the necessary permits and open your store faster.

Furniture and interior design

You rarely see interesting interior solutions in pet stores, and you can play on this to attract visitors. A colorfully designed facade with funny images of animals, as well as aquariums or cages with birds displayed in the display windows, will most likely arouse the interest of buyers and a desire to visit the store. Inside, the interior can be complemented by paintings of pets, funny plush toys “living” on the windowsills, and original furniture. Fresh flowers and plants will be an excellent decoration for the store and an excellent backdrop for wildlife. This is something you don’t need to save money on!

Proper placement of cages, terrariums and aquariums will allow you to view them from all sides. The best option for installing them would be special podiums. If you suddenly want to update your interior, then shelving on wheels will come to the rescue. They can be moved in any direction, easily creating different compositions. However, without closed display cases, a work table and counters, the list of furniture will be incomplete.

Reference . Only food and large objects may be freely available. Veterinary products must be placed in closed display cases.

Equipment and inventory

As for setting up a stall for selling feed, equipping it couldn’t be easier. All you need to do is install shelving and table scales – that’s all you need.

It will be more difficult to decide on a pet store, because the purchase will require significant costs:

  • Refrigeration equipment (cabinets and display cases) – 77,000-80,000 rubles.
  • Cash counter – 3,000 rubles.
  • Lamps for heating animals, UV radiation systems – RUB 5,580-76,130/piece.
  • Cages, aquariums, terrariums - from 1950 rubles/piece.

Moreover, ordinary cages used at home are not suitable for keeping animals in a store. They must have a certain margin of safety, be easy to clean, and so on.

Installation of electrical equipment will also be an expensive part. But you can’t do without it, since many animals need lighting. If an entrepreneur does not yet have enough funds or experience to keep large breeds, then at first he can start selling small animals - hamsters and budgerigars. They do not require special care and can be kept in ordinary cages.


Professionals know how difficult it is to create the desired assortment immediately after opening a store. Typically, this takes about three months, taking into account the specifics of the region. At first, in order to establish trade, you can borrow the experience of existing pet stores, and then use your own developments.

According to experts, the greatest profit for business comes from animal feed. Food for cats and dogs sells out best, and a little worse for rodents and birds. The second most popular group of products are tray fillers and care products. The sale of cages, aquariums, food bowls, cat houses, and animal care literature also brings a certain profit, but it cannot be compared with the sale of food. However, the store’s assortment should be varied, since the quantity and quality of goods affect the level of sales and profitability of the business.

The ratio of product groups in the pet store’s assortment as a percentage:


Recruiting employees for a pet store is undoubtedly an important step in establishing a successful business. Moreover, this business has a certain specificity – working with animals. That is why only people with a veterinary education can apply for the position of sales consultants. At a minimum, the store must have 2 sellers. Among the professional qualities they should have: communication skills, desire to learn, knowledge of the topic. Sellers will have to spend 40,000 rubles monthly on salaries. plus 10% of revenue.

Who else to invite to work:

  1. Store directors . At first, the entrepreneur can perform the functions of a director himself.
  2. Veterinarian . It is not necessary to enroll him in the staff. He can work independently, conducting a private reception.
  3. Accountant . With a small turnover and in the process of promotion, accounting can be ordered from an outsourcing company. The monthly cost of such a service will cost 2,600-3,300 rubles.
  4. Cleaning woman . The salary of a cleaning lady is usually 12,000 rubles.

If the store is a family affair, then try to do it on your own, without involving outsiders.

Marketing and advertising of a pet store: how to promote a business from scratch?

Even the best pet store must take care at the start of the project about proper advertising for its promotion.

When asking the question of how to promote a business from scratch, you can get many solutions:

  • The original design of display windows and a bright sign will certainly attract the attention of passers-by to the store.
  • Posting advertisements at bus stops, billboards and in transport will allow you to reach a significant resource of potential buyers.
  • Promoting your store through social networks and thematic groups on the Internet will expand your audience of customers.

In addition, it would be a good idea to carry out all kinds of PR campaigns:

  1. Feed tasting events.
  2. Promotional programs such as “Buy two products for the price of one”, “Make a purchase, get a gift”.
  3. Bonuses and discounts for regular customers.

Ready-made business plan for a pet store from scratch: calculation of profitability and costs

In its most general form, a business plan is presented as follows:

  • The store is located on the ground floor of the building.
  • Its area is 60 m2.
  • Number of employees – 3 people.

Start-up costs:

Business. Earnings. Credit. Cryptocurrency