After your business, become a hired worker. Employment or your own business: what to choose? You can always radically change your path

Ruslan Zaydullin, CEO of the DOC+ mobile clinic

I once saw a study about the average age (too lazy to look for the link, of course) of the founders of successful startups, and despite the romantic ideas about brilliant students who left their second year to change the world, the proportion of people with experience is much higher (read about the results of the study - Rusbase).

Let's look at the question objectively: going to do business without corporate experience is considered cool, because you, not knowing how the “old people” from boring companies do it, do everything anew, with a clear and open mind to the world, inventing things taking into account your own sense of correctness and modernity and adequacy. This has its own logic, of course, and a person who has worked for 30 years in the same company/industry with a low innovation rate and the main focus on process optimization (rather than on inventing from scratch) can really automatically start doing “as he always did” , and this will not lead to cool innovation.

On the other hand, when you are solving a problem in a startup (and it needs to be solved quickly and preferably immediately effectively), then experience in solving a similar problem is extremely useful.

In addition, not all tasks are core for a startup - it has some key innovation, in which some process/product is done differently from everyone else, but other non-key areas can often be solved using generally accepted methods.

Experience in some function (or better in several) in a mature company (or better in several) in a mature industry (well, you get the idea) provides a set of cases in the spirit of “big guys solve this problem this way,” which can be used, reducing risks and increasing work speed. Therefore, corporate experience, it seems to me, significantly increases the chances - the main thing is that these are cool and relevant companies, and you look at this experience not as a bible, but simply as one of the ways to organize work.

2. I wouldn’t be able to do business right after college.

Ekaterina Makarova, co-founder of BelkaCar car sharing

If a specialist is especially talented, he can immediately start developing his own business, but this is rather a non-standard situation. These are people of Durov’s level. But here I mean medium and large businesses. The main basis is formed by the experience of working in large companies, without which a person is not able to build the necessary processes in his business. If he has never worked for hire, he will not draw up even a basic contract.

Experience working in large companies taught me competent project management. I would not have been able to do business right after university, because the amount of information needed to solve current problems was close to zero at that time.

Again, you need to understand that the time period during which you can actually master everything that will be needed in the future in hiring strongly depends on the specifics of the business. In IT, it takes on average up to 5 years to gain normal experience. Some may need less time, but this depends on the level of genius of a particular specialist.

Most large companies offer various internship options and cross-functional Leadership programs, where those interested can try themselves in several departments, trying out one or another functionality. This is my main advice - try more, this is the golden time to decide what you want to do in the future.

3. The main thing is not to sit still

Egor Evlannikov, head of the closed club for entrepreneurs “Equium” and co-founder of the network of creative spaces SoulFul Loft

The world is changing very quickly, and everything that was previously truly stable (for example, corporations, large banks) is now forced to transform to the modern pace. Classical education is no longer entirely relevant - you study for 5 years, but whether it will be useful to you or not is unclear. The only thing that will definitely be valuable is experience. Therefore, it is not so important whether an aspiring specialist chooses the path of entrepreneurship or employment - real development can only occur through work, so both of these opportunities are equally successful.

Any experience is both an advantage and a disadvantage. The positive side is understandable, the negative is that sometimes the experience is constraining.

Corporate experience is needed, rather, not by an entrepreneur, but by an operating director who is involved in building, developing and scaling a business, because at some point you come to the task of building a system. And when a person worked from the inside, he understands how a system in big business is built not from books, but as part of it.

My first hire was non-classical. I worked in television and then learned to work under conditions of a very tight schedule, super-tight limited resources, without sleep for several days. We were in a situation where the overall success of the project depended on each person on the team, and even small positions like administrator were so critical that they could entail losses of millions of rubles per day. And when you work with stars of the first magnitude, and everything happens on some island in the Indian Ocean, the cost of a mistake increases several times. In companies with developed sales departments, I saw how different systems can be built - both tangible and intangible.

If I had the opportunity to start all over again, I would choose exactly the path I took, because I am a very happy person and really love what I do. Of all the business projects I have ever been involved in, 3 or 4 succeeded, but it is mistakes that become the necessary critical basis for building a strong foundation.

In order to understand what you are ready to do for the rest of your life, you need to try different things, and therefore there needs to be a balance between trying and “listening” to yourself. The main thing is not to sit still, but to do, do and burn

4. Work at a startup first.

Mikhail Peregudov, CEO and founder of the Food Party

Of course, there is no single recipe for how to successfully start your own business; everyone has a different path. There is the first option - to create your own business after university or even without completing your studies, but there is no point in reading such articles for such people. But there is another, more optimal scenario, which was described by Jack Ma, the founder of Alibaba Group. The recipe is this: study until the age of 20-23, from 23 to 30 work in a small but growing company. In a small one - because you will have a direct connection with the founders, and you will see how they manage the business, and in a growing one - because this means that these are successful founders, and it will make sense for them to learn, and you yourself will develop. After that, start your business.

When I heard this story from Jack Ma, I smiled. That's what happened to me. After graduating from university, I got into the startup, where I worked hand in hand with the founders, and then I launched the “Food Party”. The experience of working in a startup helped me launch my project, it was a very productive time. And I adopted many of the features and solutions from working at webinar.

5. Do what you like

Evgeny Nikonov, founder of the creative agency BezNebes

It’s worth saying right away that we can’t generalize here and not one choice will suit everyone. The fact is that the beginning of a career is different for each person. You can try hiring, because in this case the young specialist can gain the experience and knowledge he needs in the future. If he makes a mistake while working for another company, more experienced colleagues or management will help him correct it. But if you make a serious mistake at the very beginning of your company, it can be fraught with much more serious consequences.

In addition, not everyone likes to run their own business; some do a much better job as an employee. And there is nothing wrong with that - you can make a great career both as an entrepreneur and as an employee of a company.

Experience is, first of all, the ability to communicate with people, work in a team (no matter how hackneyed this phrase may be), the skill of multitasking and stress resistance. By working for a company, a future entrepreneur can gain an understanding of how a business generally functions. This kind of work gives you the opportunity to look at everything globally - training, career growth.

I worked for hire many years ago - in the early 2000s I was engaged in designing the radio broadcast of a then popular radio station. There was a lot of work, it was interesting, plus it helped me gain much-needed experience in solving non-standard situations, communicating with a variety of people, and acting quickly. It cannot be said that the experience and skills gained were critical for the implementation of their own plans. But they still brought some benefit.

I would probably become the second person after Satoshi Nakamoto in terms of the number of bitcoins mined. You know what they say: “If I had known the purchase, I would have lived in Sochi.” This is, of course, a joke. Seriously, I wouldn’t change anything, everything went and goes exactly as it should.

After graduating from university, you are free to do whatever you want. And you need to try yourself in everything you like. After all, it is true what they say that a person succeeds precisely in those areas that he likes. Think about what you like, what you would like to do, if not for the rest of your life, then at least for a decent amount of time. Look for yourself and your favorite activity.

I’ll also give you some advice that applies to both boys and girls - after university it is not at all necessary to immediately create a social unit, that is, a family. Of course, if you want it, go ahead. But if you are looking for someone to throw in your lot with just because “it’s supposed to be that way,” then think about it again. You can always start a family a little later, but you should use the time after university to make a good career and start a business.

6. Your startup will teach you how to make decisions

Dmitry Dumik, founder of Chatfuel

The best thing you can do for yourself in the years after college is to gain as many skills as possible, make as many mistakes as possible, and get to know yourself as well as possible.

The fastest way to do this is to start something of your own, but this is much more painful. But you will have a chance to hone perhaps the most important skill - the ability to make decisions in a situation where no one knows a damn thing and there is no one to rely on except yourself.

7. Ignore the opinions of authorities

Konstantin Evdakov, CEO of CarMoney

It’s definitely worth starting your own business - I’m an entrepreneur and have never worked for hire. I started building my own business in my first year, so I basically had no education. But in such matters, you must listen, first of all, to yourself, because entrepreneurship is worth going into if you are willing to take risks and take responsibility for yourself and for others. If not, try yourself in hiring - a talented and hardworking employee will build an excellent career in hiring.

Of course, having corporate experience is a big plus for an entrepreneur. He learns how large companies are structured and administered, which can help when creating his own business. However, if I were starting all over again, I would not change anything and concentrate on my business again.

8. You can always radically change your path

Andrey Myakin, co-founder and operating director of TNOMER company

If you feel that you can start a business, start it. But proportionality is important: you as an individual, your experience and knowledge must be commensurate with the business. It’s difficult to jump into big waters right away, but you can get a feel for it by opening a micro-business. You can develop your business in parallel with hired work, while gaining useful experience and expanding your circle of acquaintances.

As a student, I tried my hand at small projects. After university, I launched a youth clothing franchise in 5 regions. At other times, he advised clients on creating their own regional networks. But all this was in the background; I devoted most of my time to my career. It was the corporate experience that defined and shaped the main part of my background, which became the foundation for large business.
Experience is the amount of information passed through the prism of your perception. And corporate experience is the maximum concentration of information flows and business processes.

Regardless of the scope and scale of business, the most fundamental thing is the ability to plan. The manager must understand when and what tasks to solve himself, and what to delegate to the team. You need to be able to grade tasks, identify priorities, include them in the overall chain, allocate sufficient resources, and determine the expected result.

The second skill that I acquired on my corporate path is the ability to analyze a huge number of processes at once. And the third important point is the circle of communication. After university you make friends in one or two areas. I traveled around the country from South Sakhalin to Kaliningrad, I made friends from different fields: media, PR, finance, legal sphere, GR. And this is extremely useful for your own business. It was the corporate history that formed the circle of my friends and acquaintances, in particular business partners.

I would give advice to those who have just entered university. From the first year, absorb as much knowledge, contacts, and experience as possible. Because university is 5 wonderful years for development, when you have no children, no property and no great responsibility. There, in the future, it will no longer be possible to suspend traffic for several years. Make the most of it now.

Communicate with successful and interesting people, build equal relationships with them. Try to understand what you love to do. Remember that your chosen profession does not define you for life. You can always radically change your path - don’t be afraid of it.

9. Work for hire to understand all the processes

Vladimir Shabason, co-founder of the service

People who have a business acumen should try to start their own business as early as possible. Especially if by the time you graduate from university you have a great idea that won’t let you go, and an understanding of how to implement it. You need to try and gain experience.

But there are many nuances in business, so I would suggest the following strategy. One of my friends really wanted to open his own cafe. And he even had an interesting concept. But before starting his own business, he went to work as a hired administrator in a restaurant. Over the course of six months, my friend learned a lot about the restaurant business that would never be taught at university. Then he was offered the position of manager, but the motivation to open his own business was very strong, and he refused. Now this man famously runs his own cafe and is going to open a second one.

I think this is the right strategy - decide on the business segment you are interested in, work for hire to learn all the processes, while simultaneously honing your unique idea and developing connections, and only then go into your own business.

The main thing is not to succumb to the employer’s persuasion and not to remain in the position of an employee, otherwise there is a chance of getting stuck.

But all this is true only for people with a business streak. Careerists have their own path. It’s also better to think in advance about “plan B” - what to live on and what to do if the business doesn’t work out.

10. Launch your business now

Yakov Novikov, co-founder of Modulbank

The best time to start a business is today. You shouldn’t wait until you finish university and have a 5-year career in a corporation. There are many examples of entrepreneurs starting successful businesses without education. At the same time, a stable job can become a serious barrier to starting a business - you have to risk your money, you stop receiving SMS messages with your salary twice a month - but you want stability.

But if you go to work, choose a company that will become a cool school for you. For example, each of our employees goes through the “hero’s path” as an entrepreneur, developing skills that significantly increase his market capitalization or help him launch his own business. In general, when we launched the bank, we wanted the employee to leave with one goal - to launch his own business.

11. Without experience it is impossible to build a successful business

Alexey Antonov, co-founder of SONM

Hiring is the best way to start your career. Most initiatives of your own business after university, unfortunately, are doomed to failure for objective reasons. It is impossible to build a successful business in any field without experience, no matter how talented you are. Cases of success of startups created by founders immediately after graduation are exceptions, there are 1-2% of them. Moreover, a startup, in principle, is not a very promising idea if you are looking for something reliable. It is better to start a business having already developed your own expertise.

On the other hand, after working in a corporation for too long, you risk losing both your enthusiasm and passion, and you will never get to your business. Therefore, as with answers to all such important questions, there will be no clear solution. If all the other cards are in order, you are a purposeful person interested in development, you know how to manage people, lead, and have your own capital - then, having earned expertise in any industry, you can try to start doing something. But you shouldn’t just rush into battle, even with the support of your parents or relatives, and without ever working anywhere. It will simply be more expensive training, instead of hired work, where at least they pay.

In general, employment helps develop many other qualities in oneself, in addition to expertise in a specific field. Many aspiring startups have never worked under anyone’s leadership, so they don’t know how to manage themselves and don’t like to manage them. Working for hire allows you to figure out how to manage finances, where and where numbers go in business, inevitably teaches you how to work with documents, and just learn how it’s done.

Personally, I use almost everything I learned while working for hire in business. I can’t imagine what goes through a university student’s head after graduation, because 10 years after graduating from university you already forget what you were thinking about. How can you start your own business at 20 years old, what will it be like?

There is such a popular phrase that behind every Mark Zuckerberg in a T-shirt, there are eight guys in jackets, and they are all over forty or fifty years old. This is approximately how it happens in practice.

Almost everything I learned in business was either through experience or came from different situations. For example, a long passion for playing poker and applying what I learned in practice within business helped me a lot. For example, understanding what risk/reward is, the expected value of some action, how Game Theory (GTO) works, what variance is, and so on.

Therefore, you need to start working as early as possible. Get carried away with something related to money, become a fan of a certain business or direction. Understand it, become an expert in it, and inevitably it will start making money. You don't have to make this your main occupation, but it's a good idea. If you want to make money, it is better to face reality and engage in profitable activities. At least, all my life I was looking for what would be the most profitable for me in terms of money, and only then it became my favorite thing, and not vice versa.

Work for yourself, you can't plow on your uncle

You can't work for yourself, work for my uncle

Surprisingly, one catch in the right place - and the meaning of the entire sentence changes dramatically. So, one subtlety in understanding the essence can radically change both your life and your path to.

In this article I will share arguments from personal experience, the pros and cons of working for yourself or being hired.

In general, I often come across categorical statements: if you want to succeed, work only for yourself, or stable operation means reliability... and many, many other statements in favor of one way or another of earning money and financial well-being.

It is curious that those people who can earn money themselves, earn good money, do not want to leave their long-established hired jobs. And those who have never been involved in entrepreneurial activity are sure that this is the path to a personal Eldorado (mostly young people think so; the older generation often “idolize” traditional employment in production).



Stable and predicted income. This is perhaps the most compelling argument. The employer is legally obligated to pay and pay on time.

There is always a lot of work. Even if there is no work in your specialty, modern business is structured in such a way that there will always be more work in general than unique ideas for your business.

Capital is always with me. Your hands and abilities are the necessary working capital so that after just a month of using it you will receive an appropriate monetary reward. In your business, you may not see income for several years.

Low responsibility. As a plus - because about your discipline, and increasing the level and efficiency of work - another person will think for you, and not you personally. You only need to match the employee template set by your boss. The patterns are generally simple (work, don’t be smart, agree).

Psychological factors.(It’s a vague factor – it can be different for each person).

Well, you don’t like to command and that’s all. You like it when another person solves all your problems for you.

Having your own business involves moving against others and against your own weaknesses; you often need a very strong will; a passive person will never be able to succeed in his business, but as a worker for his uncle, he can be excellent.

Work for others if you don't want to stand out and be a black sheep.

Work for hire - coincides with your personal desires. For example, a scientific podium. (All your life you have dreamed of working at a hadron collider; as a businessman, you are unlikely to build one for yourself).


Fixed salary. There is a ceiling that no matter how hard you try, you can’t jump over it.

Do what you need, not what you want.

Need to adapt under other people's rules, schedules, to be a faceless cog in a gigantic structure.

Work only for yourself


Self-realization. This is a very significant factor for success in general. Working and creating your own business is a huge field for using your talents, a great opportunity for self-realization and ambitions (if you have them, of course).

There is no monetary ceiling. It’s worth clarifying that business is different from business. But if you have taken the path of entrepreneurship, what prevents you from directing your business in a direction that is either closer to your spirit or more profitable?

Psychological factors. As in the case of hiring, individual factors must be taken into account. I will highlight those key factors in personality traits that are necessary and significant in choosing a job. This is a strong will, great self-discipline, a free-thinking personality that does not tolerate restrictions, an innate leader (with such personal “parameters” you will be out of place in any other person’s work, and you only need your own business).


Freedom? In fact, according to your mind, you will adapt to your superiors, and to yourself - you will adapt to the tax authorities, customers, suppliers, laws. Yes, in business there is more choice - but there are also more rules to play by.

I do what I want? Oh, really? Unlike an employee who spent his 40 hours at work, you will work on your work twice as long without sleep or rest, without days off.

I'm the boss. Subordinates are such creatures that they like to relieve themselves of responsibility and, in addition, create additional problems on your head. Will your ambitions withstand all those problems that will appear in a flurry from everywhere? (especially when you least expect it)

Self-realization. Okay, just great, you have the opportunity to self-realize in accounting, the technological process from A to Z, in the psychology of a just tyrant, in kowtowing to local boyars... (very long list...)

Verdict: should you work for yourself or should you still work for hire?

In general, this is a very complex topic. My experience (I was both an employee and an employer, and on my own, now I combine it) says that a comprehensive analysis is needed in making a decision.

Simple practical advice: you probably have friends in one activity or another - see how they are doing. I know successful, satisfied employees and eternal losers, would-be businessmen. In no case would I be categorical in offering you one specific path - without knowing your personality...

In general, only you can give the most correct answer to this question. In difficult questions, I do this: I take a sheet of blank paper, write down the question correctly and, depending on the question itself, I give the appropriate markings (pros, cons, severity, like or dislike...). (You only need to write by hand and in such a way that it is easy for you to understand what you mean - about the “magical” properties of this approach.)

Don’t believe if someone convinced you within a couple of sentences (all the various scammers, marketers, forex, pyramids) that it’s cool to work for yourself... You’ll be left without your last shirt.

The answer must be well thought out - your entire future life depends on it... and not only yours (think about others too, about those who depend on you).

: work for yourself or be a hired worker.

HeadHunter's research service conducted a survey among 5,049 company employees and found that 84% of respondents would like to work only for themselves.

First of all, they are driven by the desire for independence: the desire to become their own master, without obeying anyone (59%). The desire to earn big money is the defining motive of 20% of respondents, and 19% are interested in trying themselves as the manager of their own project. Representatives of the fields "Automotive Business", "Construction/Real Estate" and "Sales" most often would like to start their own business, but among workers in the professional fields "Medicine/Pharmaceutics" and "Law" there are the least of these.
In every second case, the reason for abandoning one’s own business is financial difficulties. 22% of those who had their own business, but are currently employed, noted that administrative and bureaucratic difficulties are to blame. Failure of an idea or loss of interest are the reasons for leaving entrepreneurship for 15% and 14% of respondents, respectively.
The majority of active businessmen (40%) note that Russian legislation only hinders them from running their own business. Only 7% of respondents, who are confident that current legislation favors the creation and development of business, could argue with them.

* excluding those who combine employment and their own business or currently have their own business
80% of workers admitted that they had thought about starting their own business, and 15% had already tried to bring this idea to life.

Financial difficulties in every second case are the reason for abandoning one’s own business. 22% of those who ran their own business, but are currently employed, noted that administrative and bureaucratic difficulties are to blame. Failure of an idea or loss of interest are the reasons for leaving entrepreneurship for 15% and 14% of respondents, respectively.

* excluding those who combine employment and their own business, or currently have their own business
84% of respondents dream of creating their own business. Moreover, almost the same number of respondents (82%) who already had their own business, but for one reason or another abandoned it, remain enthusiastic and want to try their luck again.

* excluding those who combine employment and their own business, or currently have their own business
Men are more likely than women (87% versus 81%) to be ready to start their own business.

* excluding those who combine employment and their own business, or currently have their own business
The percentage of those wishing to organize their own business among top managers and specialists is the same (83% each).

* excluding those who combine employment and their own business, or currently have their own business
Residents of the regions, compared to both Russian capitals, more often dream of starting their own business.

* excluding those who combine employment and their own business, or currently have their own business
Representatives of the fields “Automotive Business”, “Construction/Real Estate” and “Sales” more often than others would like to start their own business.

It is not the prestige of their own business or even interest in it that attracts most workers. The main motive is the desire to be your own boss (59%).

Employment attracts people primarily because of its stability and tranquility (44%).

20% of those who manage to “sit on two chairs” note that they successfully cope with both the role of an entrepreneur and an employee. However, 73% of respondents admitted that they were experiencing some difficulties.

The majority of respondents who have their own business note that Russian legislation only prevents them from doing so.

* on average for two groups: “I have a business”, “I combine my own business with paid work”
Workers in the Purchasing sector are most dissatisfied with Russian legislation: 57% of all respondents in this group interfere with running their business. Lawyers are the most positive towards the state, but only 11% of them.

“Gives loans for the development of small businesses.”

“Company registration is quick and there are funds to support small companies.”

“Preferential lending, consulting centers, business incubators.”

“It gives you the opportunity to create a business, but it doesn’t give you the opportunity to work.”

“Modern Russian legislation is gradually improving and improving, but it is necessary that businessmen themselves read the laws so that they develop a sense of justice.”

“Doing business in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, to the extent that there is sufficient judicial practice, will not only make it easier, but also reduce possible costs.”

“Made minimal tax costs for small businesses.”

Doesn't help and even gets in the way:

“There is nothing to comment here, open an LLC, a bank account and immediately receive a fine for failure to notify the tax authority within 5 days about opening a bank account (so what if you didn’t know this), etc. Summary - the entire system of organizing your own business is unfriendly to those who are trying to open this business; we are drowning in papers, deadlines for filing them, taxes, fines, etc. Even in a small business, you spend half of your time on its paperwork, and not on the actual business you wanted to do.”
“Before starting your own business, in our time you need start-up capital, but with our earnings this is impossible. My responsibility – my family – does not allow me to take on the huge risks of a loan at high interest rates.”

“Strangled by a cloud of reports and taxes.”

“The legislation establishes biased, unreasonable obligations that do not allow running a legal business, drives the entrepreneur into such strict and unfavorable frameworks and conditions that it is almost impossible to fulfill them, and forces him to choose: take risks and violate the laws, or refuse to do business.”

“Too much time and money have to be spent on administrative issues instead of on business development.”

“Inadequate legislative framework, especially regarding contributions to the Pension Fund (they don’t even care that there was no income, but pay the money).”

“Illegal competition (it’s more profitable to do everything illegally in order to be in the market and make money), or you must have your own significant capital, which in 3 years would begin to pay dividends.”

“Modern legislation does not create conditions at all and does not stimulate small and medium-sized businesses. Those who are at the trough survive, and the so-called public procurement tenders are also corrupt. I know from personal experience.”

“Many bureaucratic obstacles, imperfect tax legislation, high tax burden, lack of stimulation for the development of the private (small, medium, large) sector, lack of legal protection of interests, unfair competition from large monopoly and near-monopoly enterprises.”

“If Putin and Medvedev believe that any of the businessmen (except those who pull billions out of the ground or sell their products at exorbitant prices for budget money) will be able to pay 43% of the full salary of employees, this only means that it is beneficial for the authorities to every businessman was on the hook!!!”

“The promised 60 thousand rubles. from the exchange for the development of small businesses, while even for a weak franchise you need a start-up of about 3 million rubles - a drop in the bucket. I haven’t yet had time to encounter bureaucratic difficulties, but I’ve heard a lot of different scary stories from my friends. It’s almost impossible (you don’t have the nerves) to get permission for a new billboard, for example, without a bribe. Or how nothing is being done to combat the racketeering that still exists and thrives, just in the shadows and using other methods. For example, in New Zealand you can live on unemployment benefits and spend time developing a business, and to register as an entrepreneur you just need to submit an application on the website.”

“It is impossible to do business under such tax legislation, when you have not earned anything yet, but already have to pay taxes to the state - this is nonsense. All over the world it is accepted that “no income - no tax”, and only in this fucking country everything is turned upside down.”

“High taxes, difficulty in forming start-up capital, high administrative barriers on the part of regulatory authorities (SES, firefighters, etc.), low standard of living of the country’s population and, accordingly, low solvency. It is very difficult for small businesses to survive in the fight for customers.”

“The taxes alone are worth it. Once upon a time they calculated the profit from trade, and with a markup of 27%, the net profit was 3%, the rest went to the state. How can you work?

Hello businessmen! What's up? How are you? For me it’s spring) Today I decided to raise such a serious and pressing topic as “opening my own business.” Naturally, it’s impossible to describe everything in one article! Here I would like to consider the main pros and cons of “owning my own business” and try to answer the question - Should I open my own business or continue to be hired?

Let me make a reservation right away that this material is more suitable for beginners in the topic of business - those who are tired or for other reasons do not want to work for hire and have decided to open their own business.

The advantages of your business

These are the advantages. Moreover, I put money in last place for a reason. The initial stage of doing business is not the most profitable, plus it takes some time to recoup the investment, and even if this is your first business, the payback period will clearly extend.

As a result, if the business is not big (for example, a small car wash, a mini-cafe, a business in a garage, etc.), then to break even it will take at least six months to a year. If we talk about large businesses, then the payback period can be 5 years or more...

Therefore, I would not recommend counting on wealth at first))

Cons of your business

As you can see, there are plenty of pros and cons. Therefore, before throwing myself into the pool headlong, I would carefully analyze and weigh all the pros and cons.

Among my friends there are those who neglected all these factors and hastened to implement their not-so-new and promising idea. The results were mediocre. One comrade simply could not establish at least some processes, everything stopped at the stage of searching for clients, while another completely went bankrupt!

Of course, there are also “crazy” adventurers who will not only dive into the pool, but also boil it thoroughly)) And many of these launch innovative and successful startups. But, it seems to me, the percentage of such geniuses is extremely small, and I am clearly not like that: I more often analyze and carefully weigh. That’s why I give advice from my bell tower.

  • The best option is to start your own business in parallel with your main job. Market analysis, searching for potential clients, developing a business plan, an experimental sample of a product or service, even first sales - all this can be done while combining your main place of work. After all, they pay a salary there, and a regular income at the start of a business will not be superfluous at all!
  • It’s very good if you start organizing your business while in a leadership position. Even if there is an option to work as a boss, but for the “same” money and with a larger range of tasks - agree! You will gain experience that will be very useful!
  • If the planned business does not require significant investments, it is better to try to set aside the Nth amount in advance. A little at a time, but put it aside. This money will always come in handy)) As an example, if you put aside 10,000 rubles from your salary every month, then in half a year you will get 60,000. This is quite enough for many home or garage ideas.
  • In continuation of the previous point, try not to take loans. Of course, if a large-scale project is planned, then it is rarely possible without investments and loans. But if you want to start producing custom-carved furniture in your garage, then 60 thousand of your set aside funds is just enough for a minimum set of tools.
  • Be sure to plan, write down and count everything! If you don’t have such skills and habits, then start developing them. You can't keep everything in your head. It is a fact. There is a lot of good literature on the topic of planning; you can buy a good book at any bookstore.

    Well planned is half done

  • Try to find companions. It’s still difficult for one person, especially if you’ve never had such experience and haven’t worked as a top manager. Perhaps someone you know would like to do the same thing, or there is a specialist who can be brought in on a partnership basis.
  • Start to form yourself. Perhaps many will neglect this advice, but many have never read business literature, have not thought about planning personal time, calculating personal finances, or attended seminars or trainings. Without all this, even if you manage to start car repairs in the garage, you won’t get further than an inspection hole and a set of keys!

So should I open it or not?

I think so. If you are an initiative person, purposeful, with your own specific opinion, who has not 1-2, but many ideas, and the thought of your business comes to your head more and more often, then it’s definitely worth a try. But! Be sure to take into account the above: having thought it through well, planned it, saved some money, and combined it with your main job.

But once you start, just move forward! Believe, live your business to the last!

And for starters, although not entirely on the topic of starting a business, an interesting conversation.

With respect and faith in a bright future, Alexey Zaitsev.

Decide to create your own business or remain employed? You can already handle the second, but many consider founding a business an impossible task. The prevailing opinion is that this is not given to everyone, it requires a lot of time, a certain talent and large financial investments. Let's look at why most people think that starting a business is so difficult.

All unique ideas have long been exhausted

Indeed, almost all business niches have already been occupied and there are no completely unique ideas left. The famous inventor Thomas Edison said that the best and most unique ideas can be borrowed; they do not necessarily have to be invented. An advantage over competitors in one business line can be achieved through high-quality customer service, expansion of the product line, and timely delivery of goods.

Philip Kotler, professor of international marketing at the Graduate School of Management, wrote: “The person who buys a hammer drill from you is not actually buying a hammer drill, but a hole in the wall in the place and time convenient for him.”

To run a business you need special education

It is not always so. Many very famous foreign business leaders never managed to obtain higher education for various reasons. For example, Steve Jobs, an American entrepreneur, inventor, one of the founders of Apple, graduated from high school and entered Reed College in Portland (Oregon). After six months of training, Jobs dropped out of college. Since the tedious compulsory program did not interest him, he saw no point in studying it. But with the permission of the dean’s office, Jobs could attend creative classes that he considered interesting for free. For example, calligraphy courses later came in handy in business. He said, “If I hadn’t gotten into calligraphy in college, the Mac wouldn’t have had so many fonts, proportional kerning, and leading.”

Mark Zuckerberg, a programmer and entrepreneur, head of Facebook, Inc., never completed his studies at Harvard University, where he studied psychology until 2004. Zuckerberg is now considered the youngest billionaire in history.

But this does not mean that it is possible. If you decide to create your own business, then additional training will not hurt. But do not forget that the theory must always be supported by real management experience.

It is difficult to draw up contracts and understand the tax system

When starting your business, you will have to enter into contracts with economic entities or with citizens (individuals for the provision of services or the supply of goods). The entry into the scope of civil law relations begins. Types of contracts, the procedure for their conclusion and termination are defined in the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. It also defines entrepreneurial activity as independent, carried out at one’s own risk and aimed at systematically generating income.

Data on the tax system, the procedure for their payment and the submission of tax returns are contained in the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. Tax legislation also includes federal and regional laws on taxes and fees, and regulatory legal acts of municipalities. Many of the documents are presented on the Internet on the website of the Federal Tax Service of Russia. But you can register your own business when a real need arises. For example, when the first clients appear.

No starting capital

This is one of the most important problems. You can use your own funds if your initial income allows it. Maxim Faldin, the creator of Wikimart, in his book “Runetology,” tells how in 2009 he and his partners sold their apartments near Moscow in order to invest initial capital in a startup. Today, the monthly volume of orders in the online store is $4 million.

But if you don’t have your own funds or real estate that can be sold, then angel investors can help. These are people who can invest large amounts of money if they see that the project is promising. In this case, such a person becomes a co-owner of the share that will be discussed in advance.

Underwater rocks

Why are employees afraid of starting their own business? Completing documents and choosing a taxation system is not such a difficult task. Employees think most about what business niche to choose and where to get initial capital. According to the World Bank's annual Doing Business ranking, Russia ranks 120th among 183 countries in terms of the complexity of doing business.

Officially, to open your own business in Russia you need to spend a whole month on paperwork. For comparison, residents of New Zealand need one day, Georgia – two, Hong Kong – three.

Employees are a new phenomenon

Excerpt from the book “Before You Start Your Business”, authors: Robert Kiyosaki and Sharon Lechter: “Employees are a new phenomenon. In an era when the economy was based on agriculture, that is, in the agrarian era, most people were self-employed entrepreneurs. Many of them were peasants and worked on the king's lands. However, they did not receive any salary. It was just the opposite: it was the peasants who paid the king a tax for the right to use his land.

The category of people who were not peasants included artisans or shopkeepers, that is, as we would call them now, representatives of small businesses. These were butchers, bakers, tinsmiths, etc. But they were all independent entrepreneurs, not hired workers. Most children who are raised in families of entrepreneurs follow in the footsteps of their parents and also become entrepreneurs. And this once again proves that everything depends on training. But when the industrial era arrived, the need for hired workers increased sharply.”

The Power of Excuses

Many people want to create their own business, but they always have excuses why they cannot leave their full-time job:

  • There are no funds to open your own business.
  • No connections in the business world.
  • No suitable education.
  • I'm afraid that starting your own business is too risky.
  • I have no time. Starting your own business is a big risk.
  • I'm used to security and stability (stable salary, benefits package, etc.).
Hired workers strive precisely for security, and private entrepreneurs strive for freedom. Anyone can become an entrepreneur: it all starts with the desire to have freedom, not security.

Nowadays, more and more people are thinking about starting their own business. However, not everyone understands that in order to create your own business, just an idea or desire is not enough.

Almost anyone with any type of temperament can become a business owner. Other psychological qualities are important here. First of all, owning a business is a huge responsibility. This is where you need to start analyzing: can I (do I want) to take full responsibility for both my earnings, which may be unstable, and for other people who will work for me?

At the moment, the media, especially on the Internet, are clearly promoting that having your own business is cool. If you are an intelligent, strong-willed and creative person, then you should definitely open your own business in order to express yourself and live the way you want. However, it is worth remembering that not everyone will be able to run their own business and open up in it, as in a hired job. Many specialists work for hire in different companies. And they successfully build a career and earn good money. Therefore, before you start opening an individual entrepreneur or LLC, analyze your capabilities, abilities and desires.

A potential entrepreneur is distinguished by high self-motivation, discipline, initiative, the ability to take risks, responsibility, sociability, and activity. But if you cannot work without special orders and instructions, motivate yourself to work without orders from a superior, prefer that other people make important decisions, if a constant salary is important to you, you are very efficient and love stability, then you will be more comfortable in hired work. But in business you need to take risks, and therefore you can “burn out”.

And remember, not everyone needs to be a businessman. Any person is capable of bringing maximum benefit to society if he is in his place, where he is comfortable, and where his main abilities are revealed. And it doesn’t matter whether it’s your own business or a hired job.


To determine which is best for you, answer the questions in the table below. In which column did you get more answers? YES»?

Not really Not really

You do your job not the way your boss said, but the way it will be more effective.

You are a good performer, you complete everything accurately and on time.

You often initiate new projects.

You are afraid to take the initiative at work and express your opinion.

You take on additional responsibilities.

You do not take on additional responsibilities.

In the absence of your boss at your workplace, you continue to do your work, or work in parallel with your other important project.

In the absence of your boss at your workplace, you drink tea, surf on social networks or just chat with colleagues.

You often take on even more responsibility.

You get very anxious if you have additional responsibility.

You enjoy organizational activities and easily gather people around you.

You cannot, and do not like to gather and organize other people for some purpose.

Everywhere you look for or see new ideas, new solutions, ways to earn extra money.

You are not looking for ideas for extra income, but are simply waiting for payday.

If there are more “Yes” answers in the left column, then you can open your own business. Yes, you have probably thought about this yourself more than once. If you have more “Yes” answers in the right column, then you are more comfortable working for hire. If the answers are divided, it means you haven't yet decided what you need. Wait, think, weigh the pros and cons before making a decision.

Business. Earnings. Credit. Cryptocurrency