Official representative offices of network companies in Belarus. Which of the world's network marketing companies have representative offices in Belarus?

In our era of computers and sophisticated gadgets, accessing the Internet has become something natural and commonplace. It is very difficult to find a person who has not yet become acquainted with the endless possibilities of the World Wide Web. Tens of millions of people from all over the world access the Internet every day, and where there is a crowd of people, there is demand; where there is demand, there is supply! Particularly savvy people have long guessed that these people can make good money, and in quite comfortable conditions, without leaving home. Recently, MLM business, that is, network marketing, has become increasingly popular.

At first glance, the work is very simple: you sit with a mug of coffee, click the keys and that’s it - your salary drips in. But, is it so easy and profitable, in fact, I decided to figure it out myself. Many people have already invited me to MLM, but I kept refusing, saying it’s not my thing, but the other day something just clicked in my head and I decided to write to one of the representatives of such a business. Naturally, she responded with lightning speed (who would have doubted it), began writing to me about what a wonderful business it is, that the company is Swedish and has existed since 1967, that the salary is official, length of service, bonuses, tax deductions, does not require investments, and everything about them they themselves will teach me ... in general, not work, but a fairy tale. And I registered.

And now the essence of the work, or what needs to be done in reality: managers and directors earn normal money in this business, but ordinary consultants have absolutely nothing to gain. In order to become at least a manager and start receiving a salary of 20 thousand rubles, you need to reach the 18% level, and for this you need to attract new consultants, train them, motivate them and encourage them to make purchases. The scheme is as follows: a newcomer is first registered, they begin to train him and gradually introduce him to the essence of the matter, at the same time the superior sponsor (this is the one who attracted him) builds one branch of the structure for him. After a couple of days, the newcomer begins to look for interested people himself and register them in his second branch. It should be noted that within 2 months every new person must place an order, otherwise the system will simply delete it.

For each product you are given bb (bonus points), in order to move to a new level you need to collect a certain number of bb, and this is not only your purchases, but also all bb made by people in your structure.

So, in order to switch to 3%, I need to make 200 bb, in a month of work 20 people appeared in my structure (this despite the fact that I didn’t make any special efforts), of which only 3-4 people are really active, that is, they are trying to do something. then do. BB must be done in 3 weeks, otherwise everything is updated. At the moment, my structure has made only 38 bb, which means I still have 162 bb left (products worth 4-5 thousand rubles). Alternatively, you can buy goods yourself with the missing bb and then try to sell them or show the catalog to your relatives, in case they like something, or you can skip this month and wait until there are more people in the team and they, in turn, begin to attract others and do bb for me. That's just to lure new consultants is not so easy.

How are new employees attracted?

You need to look for people first of all where they are looking for you, that is, on ad sites. We post about 10-20 ads a day with different texts, which are removed by moderators after a couple of hours. If you're lucky, during this time you receive responses from people who want to do it, but don't yet know the essence of the work. Then the active “processing” of the candidates begins, they are told all the delights of the MLM business, but some details are not touched upon, for example, that in order to receive a salary it is necessary to open an individual entrepreneur. As a result, out of 100 people per day, 6-7 can register, and only 1-2 of them will work.

There is also such a thing as a “warm market”, this is all social. networks, family and friends. Well, with relatives everything is clear - you go to visit them and eloquently describe your new job, and on social networks it’s even easier - a couple of statuses about work, constantly adding new people as friends so that they like and spread your information. And then you send interested people your business plan (your blog where everything is described in detail).

About IP.

Since MLM is a business, in order to receive your salary you need to register as an individual entrepreneur; of course, an LLC will do, but it’s all about the taxes that you will subsequently have to pay. All higher-level sponsors strongly recommend opening an individual entrepreneur after reaching the “director” level, so as not to pay extra taxes, and until then, the salary will accumulate in the company’s internal account and will not go anywhere.

Network marketing in Belarus

Network marketing in Belarus - this is not the initial stage, but this type of business is still gaining momentum, everyone who today considers an opportunity in this industry - Not will be about this regret 100%.

In general, you can write about network marketing for a long time, since this business is not done in one day and gaining experience in it costs many hours of work for each distributor of an MLM company.

And no matter how trite it may sound, but network marketing allowed many to change their lives, although not only this model changes people’s lives. But in this case, large expenses are not required and you can safely start develop business combining it with the main activity. In general, this is what this model suggests, and based on the increase in income level, consider the option of leaving the main source of income (employment). This happened to me, so I know what I’m writing about in this article.

I personally know more than a dozen people from our country (Republic of Belarus) who, thanks to the mlm industry, improved their quality of life, left passive income and today they move freely around the world, exploring our great globe!

What are the main points I consider the most important in network marketing, if you are not too lazy? read the article to the end, then I’ll definitely tell you about it there.

Network marketing using the Internet.

Also today, such a network business model as Internet business. This is very good for the speed of development of this business, and those who use it today have huge advantages in relation to doing business offline.

Although in business offline There are also advantages, I’ll name one of them - this is the building of strong relationships between sponsor and distributor and vice versa distributor and sponsor. On the Internet, this model loses its foundation a little.

Although, taking into account the ease of communication and the number of communications that can be done in a day, in any case, it is much easier to find LEADERS in your structure. And this the basis of network business. As he says Tom Schreiter (Big Al):

— 1 LEADER costs 100 DISTRIBUTORS. Distributors come and go, but leaders mean money in the bank.

If you delve into the basis of building network structures, you can understand another small minus development of network marketing on the Internet- the Internet is flooded a bunch of financial pyramids, which hide behind network marketing and spoil the name of this industry. And in view of this, many beginners who want to start an MLM business due to inexperience in choosing the right company can fall into a financial trap. pyramid and after that forget about the network business forever, thinking that it’s scam and scam.

And today in Belarus this direction is developing much more intensively than serious network companies . In the next article I think I will recommend a bunch of books, which I studied to fully understand what MLM business is.

The most important thing in network marketing

See you in touch!

The Ministry of Trade has prepared a rating of the largest retail operators in Belarus, combining information from the Trade Register as of February 1, 2016, Violetta Brezovskaya, head of the trade and services organization department of the Ministry of Trade, told TUT.BY.

The trade department provided the top ten food and non-food operators. The ranking was based on the total retail space for one legal entity. Therefore, small controversial issues arose. Thus, Korona-Techno household appliances and electronics stores and fashion boutiques fell under the wing of the food “Crown”. Because these are all branches of Tabak-Invest. But the Ministry of Trade did not include the Techno Plus household appliances and electronics stores controlled by Sergei Litvin and Vladimir Vasilko in the “composition” of Euroopt, since they are not registered with Eurotorg.

The Ministry of Trade said that in the future, when similar ratings are published, the calculation methodology may be improved.

Who are the owners?

The owners of the country's largest retailer, Euroopt, are Belarusian businessmen Sergey Litvin And Vladimir Vasilko who have been living abroad for a long time.

The Korona chain of stores is a branch of the Tabak-Invest company Pavel Topouzidis And Viktor Petrovich. The retail business grew following the tobacco factory. The Ministry of Trade also integrated Korona-Techno household appliances and electronics stores and fashion boutiques into the rating.

The Almi retailer is owned by a native of Pinsk Alexandru Zaribco, living in Russia and conducting his main business there.

The Rublevsky supermarket chain is part of the trade, distribution and logistics RTL Holding, which was created by Sergei Tkachuk, Georgy Rogazinsky And Alexey Loiko.

It is believed that Dobron is controlled by the owners of Euroopt. But this information is not confirmed there.

Head of BelWillesden Oleg Baranovsky is considered one of the owners of the Hippo network.

Belmarket stores are under the wing of the Russian investment company A1, created by the famous Alfa Group of the Russian billionaire Mikhail Fridman.

In the late 1990s, a group of Lithuanian and Belarusian investors created the distribution company Libretik. On the Lithuanian side, its founders were Arunas Pipiras, Marius Macevicius, Alma Jauncemene, from Belarusian - Vadim Avanesov, Maxim Balashov and Oleg Delendik. Later, the retailer "Neighbours" was born.

Mart INN was founded by minority shareholders of the Lithuanian chain Maxima Mindaugas and Gintaras Marcinkevičius. On November 2 last year, he became a founding member Dainius Dundulis, which owns Norfa stores in Lithuania.

The network of hypermarkets "Prostor" is being developed by the group of companies "Triple" Yuri Chizh.

Baranovichi furniture factory "Laguna", combining several production assets, has become a national leader thanks to its entrepreneurial acumen Alexander Rakitsky and his partners.

After emigration Laurent Arinich In connection with a major emergency that resulted in the death of people, Pinskdrev came under the wing of the state. The rating does not include franchised stores.

The retailer "Island of Cleanliness" is part of the Romax holding, which unites manufacturers of household chemicals, perfumes and cosmetics, toilet paper and napkins and an importer of similar foreign products. Family controlled company Victor Romuc.

Andrey Balabin together with partners, manages the “5 ELEMENT” network for the sale of household appliances and electronics.

The CEO of the West East Union company, which owns the Buslik chain, is Sergey Misyachenko.

"OMA", founded by Belarusian businessmen led by Oleg Glazunov, is now controlled by the Finnish corporation Kesko and its Lithuanian subsidiary Senukai.

The owner of the Mila chain is the Parfumbytkhim company, a large distributor of cosmetics and household chemicals.

The network of shoes and accessories Kari belongs to a Russian businessman Igor Yakovlev, whose fortune Forbes estimates at $ 800 million.

Astomstroy combines construction stores under the Novoselkin and Mile brands. The head is listed Tatiana Koltsova.

The owners of the retailer Elektrosila are Andrey Khomich And Gennady Konoiko.

The recent opening of a representative office of the cosmetics company Mary Kay in Minsk prompted Pro-Business. find out what other international network (MLM) businesses have their own offices in Belarus.

We've taken a look at the top ten spots on the 2014 DSN Global 100 List. This annual review is compiled by the American publication Direct Selling News, including 100 of the world's leading companies developing their business through MLM (multilevel marketing) - the sale of goods and services by creating a multi-level network of distributors. Very often, such distributors are individuals who, in addition to reselling products, have the right to form their own team of sales agents subordinate to them.

In Belarus, 4 of the top 10 network companies have their own representative offices (offices).

In addition, in our country there are official representative offices of Zepter, Faberlic and other well-known network companies.

The products of companies that do not have official representation are also sold in our country. In this case, sales agents purchase products for further resale at the warehouses of the office closest to Belarus. The purchase and delivery of goods can also be carried out through a higher-level distributor. He may also live or work in another country.

Due to the intricate mechanism of procurement, supply and distribution of products, there are practically no accurate financial and economic indicators of activity both for the entire MLM segment and for individual product groups. Judging by the many announcements of cooperation, the business of network companies is developing successfully. At least their representatives talk about this at meetings with potential distributors.

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