Opening a cargo transportation company: business plan. Step-by-step instructions: how to open a freight forwarding company from scratch? Opening a logistics company

  • Expansion of activities. LLC registration is a solution for the future. If the plans include access to other regions, it is desirable to become a legal entity.

How to open an IP for cargo transportation? Before opening an IP for cargo transportation, the following documents must be submitted to the registration authority:

  • statement;
  • passport and TIN with photocopies;
  • receipt of payment of state duty.

How to open an LLC? To open an LLC, submit to the tax authority:

  • statement;
  • company name certified by Rospatent;
  • founding documents;
  • certificate of opening a current account;
  • receipt for payment of state duty.

Choosing a taxation system and opening an account The optimal form of taxation for a transport company is UTII. At the same time, you can work simultaneously on 20 vehicles.

How to open a freight forwarding company


The company rents a box and a parking lot with a total area of ​​500 sq. meters in the industrial area. One-time costs:

  • purchase of transport - 19 million rubles;
  • purchase of equipment - 550 thousand rubles

  • repair and equipment of the parking lot - 450 thousand rubles;
  • registration - 80 thousand rubles;
  • advertising - 40 thousand rubles;
  • website creation - 50 thousand rubles
  • Info

    The total amount of one-time costs that are required to open a logistics company for cargo transportation is 20 million rubles. If you take used cars, the costs will be reduced to 11 million rubles.

    Fixed costs:
    • rent - 600 thousand rubles;
    • utility bills - 50 thousand rubles;
    • salary - 12 million rubles;
    • overhead costs - 2 million rubles;
    • tax contributions - 2 million rubles.

    Total expenses per year will amount to 17 million rubles. With an annual income of 20 million rubles, the net profit will be 5.5 million rubles.

    Business Idea No. 75: How to open a logistics company for the transportation of goods?

    Net income will be 5,220,000 - 3,060,000 = 2,160,000 rubles. The payback of starting investments in a transport company and reaching a stable monthly profit is 1-2 years.

    Advantages and features of the transport business When planning to develop a business in the field of cargo transportation, each business entity should learn about its advantages and "pitfalls":

    • no need to issue licenses;
    • fierce competition in this business sector;
    • problems with personnel (it is difficult to find conscientious and “clean-handed” employees);
    • the need for large start-up capital;
    • frequent breakdowns of road transport (expenses for repairs and the purchase of spare parts increase);
    • constant advertising of transport services;
    • the ability to reduce the amount of initial investments by attracting rented cars to cooperation, etc.

    Business ideas from scratch

    Your actions:

    1. Draw up the decision and the agreement of the founders on the creation of the LLC.
    2. Form the authorized capital (at least 10 thousand rubles or property equivalent to this amount).
    3. Develop the Articles of Association of the LLC.
    4. Fill out an application for state registration of your company (form No. 11001).
    5. Pay the state duty (4000 rubles).
    6. Attach to the application a receipt of payment of the state duty and copies of constituent documents.
    7. If there are foreign citizens among the founders, an extract from the register of foreign legal entities of the Russian Federation will be required.
    8. Submit the package of documents to the state registration authorities.

    Financial costs To engage in forwarding services, you will need a fairly impressive start-up capital. Minimum 250 thousand rubles. you must have.

    How to open a transport company: organizing a logistics business

    If there is no client base, and at first you will be engaged in dispatching services, 1 dispatcher and you performing all other functions (director, accountant, manager) will be enough. Be sure to equip your office:

    • desktop with a computer with Internet access;
    • telephone with multichannel communication;
    • office equipment: MFP, fax.

    Buy quality software that allows you to:

    • register contracts;
    • consider applications;
    • calculate the cost of services, the cost and profitability of services for each of the clients;
    • automate supply chain management;
    • write out primary documentation quickly and accurately;
    • generate reports;
    • generate an extract at the request of the customer.

    Personnel Look for employees with experience.

    How to open a transport company: business features, costs and profits

    The undoubted advantages in the transport business are:

    • no need to obtain a license;
    • "start" and the initial stages of business development will not require too large financial investments;
    • "buoyancy" and "fortress";
    • According to statistics, the percentage of bankruptcy among transport companies is one of the smallest, because after the first and second waves of the crisis, representatives of this market segment recovered very quickly.

    Opening a transport company from scratch - what do the owners of such a business say? The video below provides the answer. Company registration Most transport companies are registered as CJSC (closed joint-stock companies), LLC, OJSC, as well as PBOYuL (entrepreneur without forming a legal entity).
    Each of these organizational and legal forms is endowed with its own disadvantages and advantages.

    Logistics as a business


    The cost of the “truck” is several million rubles, it is beneficial to use it for long-distance flights, and at the initial stage they will be too big a risk for you. 2 Start doing business with "dispatchers" - forwarding companies that select private carriers to fulfill the orders they have accepted. The cost of cargo delivery offered by the customer company and the profit that you will receive from forwarding intermediaries are very different, but large customers do not work directly with "private traders".

    Therefore, if you want to receive profitable orders for yourself, work with as many "dispatchers" as possible, get into their databases as a conscientious and responsible performer. 3 Invest as much as you can into expanding your "park" of cars - this means that having saved money for a second car, you need to try to save it for a third.

    How to open a transport company

    Only with eight trucks at your disposal can you consider yourself a serious company. The services of transport companies involve a much wider range of opportunities than assistance in moving to a new office or country house.

    It is necessary to strive, of course, to obtain tenders for freight forwarding to other regions of the country. 4 Develop for yourself a reliable, as far as possible, a system for selecting drivers who can be trusted with equipment and expensive goods. Finding a good driver for a truck is not always an easy task, especially when you consider that the cost of delivering cargo sometimes amounts to hundreds of thousands of rubles.
    You can check the "past" of candidates with the help of collection companies or individuals providing similar services. It is possible that driving personnel in the transport business does not solve absolutely everything, but without proven drivers, you definitely won’t “leave” far.

    Open a logistics company from scratch. transport logistics + video

    So you will avoid unwanted mistakes, fuss, conflict situations, queuing. Before choosing such an assistant firm, make sure of its decency, experience and competence.

    Among other things, you will be required to deposit start-up capital and open a bank account for the company. The choice of premises The office premises will not only be the legal address of the enterprise (in connection with which a lease agreement will be required between the owner of the area and the newly formed company), but will also be the "face" of your company, which should not be forgotten.

    It is not necessary, not even desirable, for the office to be "immersed in luxury", but it should look decent: a simple renovation and new office equipment, as well as an impressive plasma or a projector in the presentation room - this is a necessary minimum.

    Studying the business areas in which today you can actively develop, novice entrepreneurs should pay attention to the field of cargo transportation. This industry directly depends on the growth of the industrial sector, as well as on the general economic situation in the state.

    When planning to open a transport company, a novice businessman must first of all monitor the local market, realistically assess his ability to compete, and also draw up a competent financial plan. Registration After making a final decision regarding the opening of a transport company, a businessman must go through the state registration procedure.

    By the way, the beginning of the work of the organization can do without a loader, especially if there are no enterprises with bulky cargo among potential customers. But you can’t do without small inventory at all. In the transportation of goods, reliability is important, because the stocks of stretch tape and working adhesive tape should not end even on the day the enterprise works.

    Personnel At the very beginning, the owner will try to get by with a minimum set of employees, paying them a little more, but also loading them with a lot of responsibilities. The owner himself will most likely begin to perform the work of an accountant and responsible for communications with the clientele.

    Remember that a cargo transportation project is quite exhausting, and therefore it is not worth keeping some employees in several positions for a long time, this will reduce their productivity.

    How to open a logistics company from scratch without transport

    Refrigerators are needed to transport food (including perishables). The costs look like this:

    • refrigerator car (2 units) - 10 million rubles;
    • cargo GAZ 3307 (5 units) - 5.8 million rubles;
    • "Gazelle" GAZ 3302 (5 units) - 3.3 million rubles.

    To cut costs, buy used cars.

    Or start with a part of the fleet, leasing or renting the rest of the equipment. Note! Starting a transport company without cars from scratch is much cheaper.

    The equipment will be required only for the control room. There is no need to purchase vehicles and equip repair boxes. Personnel for a trucking company Before you open a trucking company, you need to hire drivers, commercial department specialists and car mechanics. Drivers 2-3 drivers should be assigned to each car.

    If you decide to open a transport company, you should have a little experience in the market for these services and know which strategy to choose. Here we will consider the question of how to open a transport company, a business plan for opening it, what is needed to organize this business.

    The increase in the volume of imports and exports, as well as the flow of passengers, generates demand in this area. Therefore, freight forwarding companies are constantly opening on the market. But the birth of forwarding and freight companies entails the disappearance of transport companies. Carrier companies solve the shortage of their own transport by attracting neighbor's cars. This is how a new forwarding department or some other department is organized. You should start opening such a business with registration.

    Business plan

    If you decide to open an enterprise that will provide types of services (transportation of passengers, cargo, etc.) in this area, then you can download a ready-made example of a business plan for a transport company for free, which will help you calculate all the costs when organizing this business .

    If you do not want to provide something, then simply delete the items with costs and income for this service.

    How to open a transport company

    So, let's look at the information point by point on how to open a transport company providing forwarding services.

    Company registration

    Most transport companies give preference to such organizational and legal forms as CJSC (closed joint-stock company), OJSC (open joint-stock company), LLC (limited liability company), PBOYUL (unincorporated entrepreneur). But it is worth noting that many transport companies refuse to work with PBOLE due to value added tax. A joint stock company is a more suitable form for creating a business, however, registering a closed joint stock company is a rather complex process and consists of a number of complicated procedures. Therefore, the best option for opening a freight forwarding company would be the “LLC” form.

    To register a legal entity, it is beneficial to turn to organizations that provide legal support in order to avoid mistakes, fuss, and conflict situations. There is an option to purchase a ready-made transport company, but in this case you will have to be content with the existing company name. To register, you will need to deposit initial capital (about 10 thousand rubles) and open a bank account.

    Office and staff space

    The premises for the office of the transport company will be the legal address of the company, so you will have to conclude a lease agreement between the owner of the premises and your company.

    At first, you can limit yourself to recruiting personnel, combining the functions of several positions. However, this approach will significantly slow down the work process of the transport company. Finding an experienced, specialized specialist without guaranteeing him a high salary is quite difficult, so it makes sense to hire a capable worker without experience in this field and train him. As for accounting, a qualified specialist is needed here. Since responsibility for wages will now lie with you, it is better not to risk it and use the services of an audit company.

    Pros and cons of this business

    The undoubted advantage of the freight forwarding business is the small cash investment to start. And also that a license is not required for forwarding activities. But the lack of a license entails dishonest work by dispatchers of private transport companies, and this fact is certainly a disadvantage in this profession.

    Beginning of work

    To avoid mistrust between the client and the supplier, you will need to familiarize your transport company’s suppliers with complete information regarding the carrier, warehouse, broker, etc. And there is no need to worry about the fact that you will be removed from this chain, since the client companies, for the most part, do not have logisticians on staff. Also, by going directly to the broker, the warehouse, the carrier... they have no guarantee of getting the same rate that the freight forwarder gets.

    To start providing transport services, you need to sign a freight forwarding agreement with the client, and a client agreement with the translator. But the work of the forwarder is not limited to this. Tracking the vehicle along the way, solving problems that arise, having a clear idea of ​​what is being transported, bringing the client up to date - this is the essence of a competent auto forwarder. The obvious simplicity of the work of a transport company is fraught with pitfalls. This is knowledge of the laws of movement of transit and export cargo, the correct execution of documents, the presence of a large number of expeditions at the points of departure of goods.


    In the initial stages, you will have to do all the main work yourself. In addition, you will need experience in the field of expeditions, so as not to fail at work at the very beginning of your activity. The first steps should be taken with caution, because the activity of a freight forwarder is to satisfy the interests of the clients of the transport company, to possess information, since there are cases when only the freight forwarder can resolve situations between the carrier and the cargo owner.

    Advertising your services

    In the first stages of work, you should not get carried away with advertising for a transport company, since advertising resonance can lead to a lot of orders that you, as a start-up company, will not be able to cope with. And this will entail negative publicity, which will not have the best effect on the company’s reputation. Start with small advertisements on special websites on the Internet. As a result, you can create your own page for publishing advertisements, articles, etc.

    When is the best time to open?

    Autumn and spring are considered the “hottest” seasons for transport companies. You need to prepare for them in advance, otherwise you will miss profits and ruin your reputation. It is best to start the work of a transport company during the “quiet” period, which occurs in the summer. You will have time to get comfortable, complete all the preparatory work and begin active activities by the fall.

    Always consider your mistakes

    The freight forwarder is the link between service providers and the client. It follows that the forwarder will have to defend the rights of both parties. Therefore, one way to avoid costs is activity insurance. However, there are times when this does not help. For example, imported cargo goes to Russia. The car was delivered on time, loaded at the client’s warehouse in accordance with the documents, the customs of the foreign state gave the go-ahead, but at the Russian border, due to a weight discrepancy, the question of the unreliability of the declaration arose. Russian customs officers are conducting investigations, but nothing can be proven. During this time, the driver is issued a contract for loading and unloading services, the cost of which, depending on the weight, ranges from 600 to 1000 US dollars. Logically, the transport company should pay for the warehouse services. However, it will be possible to prove their guilt only after the car arrives at the delivery site and a control weighing of the cargo and the car takes place. But without paying for storage services, the track will not be released. The forwarder will have to deal with this problem. You will have to pay the costs yourself, in the hope of recovering damages after the investigation.

    Similar situations can await your company at any stage, so you need to have material reserves, the right contacts and practical knowledge.

    You can use the most established directions and methods of transportation. The profit of the transport company in this case will be less, but the risk will be minimized. In the process of work, relying on the main clients, it is possible to introduce auxiliary services, such as consolidation in transit warehouses, assistance with customs clearance, and preparation of related documents.

    The desire to develop, the desire to open a transport company, faith in one’s own strength – these are the components for starting your own business. A successful business is, first of all, creativity, and not a struggle for survival.

    Prepared based on the material , by Ellie Larson.

    Russia is a large country that requires the supply of a large number of goods and services to its various points, separated by vast distances. Consequently, passenger and freight transportation services are in demand, which makes the transport business very profitable. The formation of the structure of this business began with the country's transition to a market economy. This area currently employs about 20% of Russia's working population.

    The road network in the country is continuously growing, which contributes to the development of transport business. In addition, cargo transportation has now become safer than, say, in the 90s, which cannot but attract entrepreneurs. This makes cargo delivery easier and cheaper. This area of ​​business is developing despite the unstable economy of the country, which is a positive factor for investment.

    Business organization

    Before you open a company providing freight transportation services from scratch, you need to decide on the type of future enterprise and the type of transport required for this. If you plan to provide services to individuals, such as delivery of furniture, household appliances, moving assistance, etc., then you will need light-duty trucks (load capacity up to 7 tons).

    If you want to open a large company to provide services to legal entities (shops, wholesale warehouses) in Russia or neighboring countries, you will need trucks with trailers, trucks, and refrigerators. To open a company that provides services to industrial enterprises, dump trucks, tractors and long vehicles are used. There is also the option of an intermediary company that searches for orders. Such a company does not require its own transport.

    The next step when opening a transport company from scratch is choosing a legal form. If the company has one founder, then the individual entrepreneur form is ideal for it. For a company with several founders, it is better to choose a legal form such as LLC.

    The form of taxation of your company will depend on the types of services provided and the amount of transport available. If your company has up to 20 cars and provides services to individuals, then the optimal type of taxation will be UTII. For transport companies providing services to industrial enterprises, you should choose the 3NDFL tax regime. For limited liability companies, a general tax regime is chosen. Intermediary transport companies can apply either a general or simplified tax regime.

    When starting a business such as a transport company from scratch, you should remember that it is mandatory to open a bank account, even if you plan to provide services to individuals. Legal entities work mainly on a cashless basis, so they will not enter into a contract with a company that does not have a bank account.

    Another important point is the selection of personnel for your company. When opening a transport company from scratch, you will need to hire drivers, the number of which depends on the number of cars and work schedule.

    With round-the-clock operation, one car will require up to 3 drivers. The number of dispatchers depends on the number of cars and type of services. For companies with more than 5 cars, a car mechanic will be required. It is advisable to hire an accountant in a company that has more than 10 cars under the general taxation regime.

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    How to make your trucking business successful?

    The success of your business directly depends on the number of clients, so finding them is one of the most important tasks of a businessman.

    When starting a business from scratch, you should take care of good advertising for your company. For a high-quality and quick search for clients, the following types of advertising will help you: posting advertisements around the city, advertising your company on the Internet sites of your city and region, in newspapers and magazines, placing advertisements in furniture stores and household appliance stores. Dispatch companies can also help you find clients.

    If your company works with legal entities, then you can send commercial offers of your services with prices to a certain circle of companies. Currently, large enterprises hold tenders, in which your company must offer optimal conditions to win. In addition, you should enter into contracts with large dispatch firms.

    When opening a transport company, you should remember that clients first of all pay attention to the quality of services, so starting such a business from scratch is quite difficult, regardless of whether it is urban, intercity or international cargo transportation. The profitability of your business depends on the literacy of your company's employees. The simplest option for a transport business is to provide customers with vehicles for rent.

    The quality of the purchased transport determines the future profit of your company. Trucks from Mercedes, Peugeot, Ford, and Hyundai are best suited for this business. Such cars, although they are more expensive, last longer than inexpensive domestic cars. A couple of hackneyed “Gazelles” and “Bulls” are unlikely to bring you much income.

    Cargo transportation is a fairly promising type of activity. People living in villages, big and small towns use the services of transport companies or individuals to transport things and cargo to different places.

    At the moment, cargo transportation is in great demand in our country, so the number of companies offering their services in this area is growing every day. If you want to get into this business, you need to take your place and try to organize work in such a way that it generates income, to create conditions that are radically different from the conditions of competing firms.

    Cargo transportation: business from scratch

    This is quite a troublesome and costly matter. In order to start work, you will have to acquire your own vehicle. If you are limited in funds, then a car like a Gazelle or something like that is quite suitable for the first case.

    What is the job? At the first stage, a written agreement is concluded with the client. The next step is packing goods and belongings. Timely delivery plays a big role in this matter: if you miss delivery deadlines even once, the company’s reputation will suffer, and then you will have to earn a good name for the company again. Unpacking and putting things in place - this work is performed upon additional agreement with the customer.

    How to open a freight transportation company so that the business brings real benefits? Transportation is often carried out by everyone who does not know what to do with themselves. They put the dispatcher on the phone, take orders, but are in no hurry to fulfill them. The cost of work very often does not coincide with that stated in the agreement, so people are dissatisfied with the work of such “firms”. The final amount is sometimes announced only when things have already been unloaded and the client has to pay the announced amounts. To avoid such mistakes, you need to organize your work honestly towards the customer. Only then will people use the services of your office, and it will generate good income.

    The relevance of this type of business

    The relevance of cargo transportation in the modern world is difficult to overestimate. Transportation services are in more and more demand every year.

    Until recently, the customer had to wait for his cargo for several weeks, or even months. Now the situation has changed radically. People began to value their time more. Therefore, we try to deliver luggage as quickly as possible. Regardless of the purpose of delivery, the relevance of transportation is growing at a rapid pace.

    It is difficult to even imagine what will happen if the freight market ceases to function for any reason. Life will come to a standstill, especially in big cities. Essential goods and food products will not be delivered, and medicines will disappear from pharmacies. This list can be continued indefinitely. Therefore, the importance of cargo transportation in the modern world cannot be underestimated.

    Basic goals

    • Competent organization of transportation by vehicles of various types.
    • Delivery of commercial cargo.
    • Office, apartment, country, industrial moves.
    • Transportation of large-size cargo.
    • Providing trained personnel for loading and unloading operations.
    • Providing services for forced storage of goods.

    The most important thing is to have perseverance and strive to achieve your goals. Confidence in yourself and your capabilities is also not in last place.

    Company registration and taxes

    In order to open a freight transport company, you need. If you plan to deal with small-tonnage transportation, your fleet will have several small Gazelle-type vehicles, and your staff will have a small number of employees, then in this case you can.

    You will need to pay a state fee and collect a package of necessary documents. The tax office will give you a list of them. Then an application in the appropriate format is submitted here. It should contain your passport details, a telephone number where tax officials can contact you if necessary, and. All these manipulations can be carried out by you personally or through a trusted person.

    Every registered carrier must pay taxes to the state treasury on time. In order for taxation to be optimal, the following factors must be taken into account:

    • the scale of the future company;
    • types of transportation.

    For sale.

    Coffee machines as an easy way to earn money. about the features of vending.

    Types of taxation for cargo carriers

    • . This is the most acceptable option. It means the following: you can pay 6% of the company’s total income or 15% of income minus expenses.
    • General system. This is not the best option for small businesses. In this case, you must pay all taxes. In your case, this will be a direct road to ruin.
    • . It can only be applied if your fleet has no more than 20 cars. If you cannot choose a taxation system for yourself, then the regional authorities will automatically transfer your company to a single tax.

    In order to earn decent money, make every effort to switch to a single tax. Don’t forget to pay the state in full, and most importantly, on time. There is also a Pension Fund, to which you will also have to make contributions. The amounts of contributions to the Pension Fund often change, so it is necessary to constantly clarify the figures that are transferred from the accounts of your company.

    Where and how to open a transport company?

    Selecting a room

    You cannot do without an office space in which the dispatch service will be located.

    The premises can be rented. The choice of its location must be taken very seriously. Saving money by working from home will not achieve good results. The "home" level of work will not bring large incomes. If you do not have the funds to rent your own premises, you can rent an office in a call center. This will require less investment. Dispatch service can accommodate 20 sq. meters.

    The office needs to be refurbished. Dispatchers must have computers or laptops at their disposal. Having a printer and scanner is a prerequisite. Without a landline phone, work will not be carried out at the proper level. The presence of two telephone lines is a huge advantage in the work of the company. Mobile phones of employees will be involved to no less extent. It is advisable to purchase a walkie-talkie for conversations between drivers and the dispatcher - it is convenient and inexpensive.


    A company that plans to engage in cargo transportation must have dispatchers on staff - at least 2 people. Their main quality should be good diction, excellent memory, communication skills and the ability to think logically.

    A good manager will help to properly organize the work of the enterprise. A competent accountant will keep all the documentation of the company, and there will be a lot of it.

    A prerequisite for successful work is effective advertising. Therefore, an advertising manager will also not be superfluous.

    Buying cars

    Business in this area begins with the purchase of a car. When choosing cars, you need to clearly understand for yourself what goals you set for yourself and what means you have. Used foreign cars are more reliable than domestic cars and are more convenient to use. But Russian cars are much cheaper to repair. At the same time, imported cars break down less often.

    Which car to buy is up to you. Gazelles are often purchased for cargo transportation within the city. Thanks to their maneuverability, they cope well with assigned tasks in urban areas. Gazelles are fuel efficient and inexpensive to maintain.

    If you plan to transport products, tilt vehicles are suitable for this purpose. For large volumes of cargo, vehicles with additional trailers are suitable - in this case, the carrying capacity will increase to 24 tons. For perishable products you need to buy special refrigerators or isothermal vans. For transporting furniture or office moves, the Russian-made Zil-Bychok machine is indispensable. This car will go where a large truck cannot go.

    Which car should I buy to develop my freight transportation business? This question is individual. One point is worth remembering for sure - in order to provide quality services to the population, it is necessary to have an appropriate fleet of cars.

    Road transport services for cargo transportation

    It is very important if you can organize the work of a company that will provide clients with a full range of services. It will be nice if you provide the customer not only with a suitable vehicle, but also with loaders.

    Companies that specialize in this area provide the following services:

    • cargo insurance;
    • services for customs clearance of documents;
    • office, country house, apartment moving;
    • transportation of oversized and heavy cargo;
    • transportation of dangerous and especially valuable things.

    In order for the quality of services to be at a high level, it is necessary to adhere to the following rules:

    • develop a clear route;
    • calculate the cost of the entire procedure;
    • prepare the necessary documentation;
    • carry out continuous monitoring of the movement of cargo along the entire route.

    Marketing plan for company development

    Before you begin the paperwork for starting your own business, you need to have a well-developed marketing plan. What does this include?

    • Conducting an active advertising campaign that will fully highlight the services provided by your company. In this case, it is necessary to attract local media, design and distribute the company’s business cards as much as possible.
    • In the near future, try to attract as many clients as possible and interest regular customers with advantageous offers and bonus discounts.
    • A clearly developed enterprise development strategy, which will outline effective measures to promote and develop the business.

    A well-developed marketing strategy and the right tactical actions will take your company to a leading position among similar companies in the region.

    Marketing research is necessary before drawing up a detailed business plan for the transportation of goods. This data will be the basis for the successful operation and development of the enterprise.

    Financial questions: is it profitable to engage in cargo transportation?

    You must understand that preparing a detailed financial report to create a trucking company is unrealistic. To obtain specific figures, you need accurate data on the state of the future enterprise. An approximate picture will look like this:

    • "Gazelle" will bring about 10 thousand rubles of net profit;
    • “Zil – Bychok” - 20 thousand rubles;
    • a machine with a carrying capacity of 5 tons will give a profit of up to 25 thousand;
    • truck - 100 thousand rubles.

    These figures reflect the picture of an enterprise that regularly pays taxes and salaries to employees.

    If you plan to start a business by purchasing 2 cars, you will have the following expenses:

    • costs for the purchase of cars - 900 thousand–1 million rubles;
    • machine repairs and fuel and lubricant costs – 40–45 thousand rubles;
    • rental of premises – 10 thousand rubles;
    • boxes – 10 thousand rubles;
    • salary to employees - 40 thousand rubles;
    • advertising – 15 thousand rubles;
    • other expenses – 30 thousand rubles.

    Thus, you will need about 1 million 200 thousand rubles. This is provided that you have 1 dispatcher, 1 driver and 1 loader on your staff.

    If you need to attract a second car, you will have to drive it yourself. Accounting reports will be kept by a specialist from another company. This scheme of work assumes an income from one car of 30 thousand rubles. per month.

    All your expenses will pay off no earlier than 1.5–2 years. If you use rented cars, this period can be halved.

    More accurate calculations depend on many factors. So, one of the main components is the location of the company.

    Drawing a conclusion, we can say that organizing a small-tonnage transportation business is a profitable and promising business that novice businessmen should pay attention to.

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