Where to look for official customers? Dedicated to a novice copywriter How did you find your first customers.

Every copywriter is faced with the task of finding a customer. In what ways can this problem be solved? First, contact the freelance exchange, where customers meet with contractors and agree on the terms of partnership. Secondly, go to the content exchange and post your articles there or catch the posted orders for writing the text. Over time, there may be cooperation with a regular customer. Thirdly, create your own website (blog), where you can offer your services and wait for the arrival of customers. Where else?

Readers' opinion

My wife worked part-time on articles for some time, but then she stopped, because the payment was very small. She did not look on the stock exchanges, but took ready-made customers who were offered to her by her acquaintances, who could not cope with the volumes. So, if you make friends with the same copywriters, you can exchange orders and adequate opinions about customers.

I looked on the exchanges ... at first there were normal prices for orders. And a few years ago they fell very sharply ... As I was told, illiterate students who decided to earn extra money got to this resource and their intervention thus affected the price policy of the exchange ... I left there ...

Kind of weird. Well, students intervened, but after all, every copywriter has an accumulated customer base, a rating. It's kind of weird that you just picked up and left. Yes, and you can always put your prices on the exchanges. Those who need the quality and uniqueness of the material will not be stingy.

You can also find customers on the forums. I have found it myself twice. And twice the customers themselves offered me articles to write for them. Of course, the payment was much higher than on the exchanges. And there was no commission to pay.

Alexandra A.

Alexandra A., I will supplement your thought, if you do not mind. It is good to look for customers on popular SEO forums, there are a lot of webmasters who always need good content. I will not publish links to these forums here, if you are interested, write in a personal message, I will give the url of the most promoted ones. The truth is that there are not many of them, I know so far only 4 forums.

It all depends on your level. If you are just a beginner writer, then it is best to go to the stock exchange and train there by doing simple work. After getting used to it a little, you can already look for work outside the exchange - browse forums, websites, job boards for vacancies or post your own there. High-level copywriters, well-known on the Internet, will only need to place a price list on their website or blog, after which customers will run to them themselves.

1. Exchanges.
2. Forums, especially SEO forums.
3. Your website or blog
4. Learn
5. Acquaintances
6. Settle down with an intermediary (ideal for a novice copywriter, provided, of course, that the intermediary is a responsible and adequate person).

I think this topic can be closed. Iguana83 described all possible ways to find customers. I also want to add a little way that almost all copywriters use. Just go to the site, and through the feedback form, offer your services directly.

It is required to write texts for sites with piecework payment. Payouts daily without waiting. There are no restrictions for candidates, except for the ability to write texts on given topics. Easy job for 2-3 hours a day. Earnings are above average. Write to email: [email protected]

There are special sites where employers are looking for remote employees. There are not only copywriters, but also all possible remote jobs. For example on i worka. You look for a vacancy that suits you, write off or call up, provide your portfolio and so on .. The only negative is that you will first have to work for 2 weeks on a trial period.

Effy, these special sites are called freelance exchanges, and on many of these exchanges you can find work not only on the Internet, but also offline. It is enough to search for the query "Freelance Exchange", and you will be given thousands of sites where you will definitely find a job to your liking.

Yuran123, It's somehow inconvenient. What site do you think you can knock on like that? It even seems rude to me. Although you can write very politely, they say I work as a copywriter, can I try, that is, such introductory phrases can brighten up such an invasion. Thanks for the idea.

Yuran123, I don’t think this is a good idea, you will need to go around a lot of sites in search of normal conditions, and it’s not known how to work with such a client. If a copywriter asked for it, he does not know how honest a person is, he can write a work, but the customer does not pay. And at the same time, no one will give an advance payment, since it seems like he asked for it.

It seems to me that now it is very difficult to find a customer, there is a lot of competition, so many copywriters have divorced. I think the most reliable option is to write to the owners of the sites, although this is a bit brazen. I often look for freelance sites, but there are a lot of people who want it without me. Another thing is when you are well versed in topics such as: Construction, Web design and the like, then it is easier to find. Your own website (blog) will not hurt either, as it is important to have a portfolio in order to find a serious customer.

I will add where the copywriter should look for customers, based on my own experience. I wrote articles on the forums. There are such forums in which there is a section "articles". There you can add your copyright, under your name. I received a lot of orders through this section once. If there is no “articles” section on the forums, then open a topic and write an article under this topic. My topic is forex trading, and I also received orders through such articles on the forums.
I do not believe that it is difficult to find a customer. There are many ways and I have tried it myself. Although, copywriting is my hobby, not a way to make money.

Polina, you again inspired me to search and desire to do something. Searching the forums is a very good idea, especially for me as I don't really like to impose myself. I understand correctly, you exhibited articles, someone liked them and ordered you on the same topics? Of course, I don’t understand such serious topics as forex, just to write, but I’ll try to look for forums with topics close to me. They may not be as successful as the forex theme, but it's worth a try.

Quite right. Usually, they first write in a personal message with the question: “Is that article your copywriting? Are you sure you wrote that article yourself?
I wrote about forex as an example. It is clear from your posts that you are successful in making money online. Surely you have experience. Therefore, I advise you to write on this topic. But not on aunt's forums, where you 99% will not find a customer. Post on SEO forums, earnings forums, etc.
There is no longer a copywriter looking for customers, but customers (potential) themselves have the opportunity to see your texts.

There are still a lot of online magazines that provide the opportunity to send their articles to editors, everything is automated, so you can quite find yourself cooperation and good earnings here, higher than on the stock exchange, and you can choose a magazine with a topic of interest.

Letters often come asking where a copywriter should look for customers. Having a decent salary is the dream of every author. But for this you need to find paying customers. Writer's exchanges are for beginners and penny texts. If your qualifications allow you to create interesting articles, the style appeals to readers - it's time to enter a new level of pricing. Therefore, today we are talking about where a copywriter can find customers for decent content.

5 places for a copywriter to look for customers

I’ll make a reservation right away that my method is for those who prefer to write thoughtfully, hone their skills, constantly develop, and. If you are afraid of communicating with top management or company owners, and it’s easier for you to take a volume to write 20,000 characters a day, the described methods should not be taken seriously. They will only take time and force you to make unnecessary gestures. There will be enough orders for everyone at the textodromes.

Do you write piece texts? Read the top 5 ways to find "expensive" clients.

We advise sites for free - we declare ourselves

Money is found next to big money. Where hundreds of articles are ordered with a budget of 10-20 thousand rubles, we have nothing to do. It is clear that an online store needs to fill in 5,000 product cards with the same type of descriptions. But you won’t be able to make money here - “high-performance” authors are required here.

Therefore, we go where the goods are few in number, but expensive. Buyers of "luxury" will not read nonsense about the fact that "today motor yachts are more popular than ever." Such sites require "catchy" texts and a syllable at the level of glossy magazines.

Do not be afraid to appreciate (but soberly) evaluate your work. 1000 rubles per page? 5,000? 10,000? It all depends on your level, fame, and the ability to "sell yourself." If you can’t justify why you (namely you!) need to pay 20,000 for the material, then how will you write “salesperson” for this company?


Take the time - attach an analysis of one of the pages, and designate an alternative to the most terrible phrases. The latest news is from the last month or year? Be sure to say about it, and give a link to how you masterfully write news and know how to work with newsmakers.

Empty criticism is fruitless. Be sure to include examples with links to your site.

Don't expect instant results. There were cases when a potential client remembered the offer after 7-8 months.

We work at exhibitions - we go to conquer Moscow

It so happened that the Russian-speaking exhibition life is concentrated in Moscow. Even if you live in a remote region, take the time to buy a train ticket (or get in a car) and head to the capital. Do not be afraid to tear your ass off the sofa - your efforts will be rewarded.

Remember that the exhibition is not only new acquaintances and customers, but also fresh first-hand information, as well as unique illustrations. Take your camera with you and take pictures of everything that catches your eye. Starting from Moscow "traffic jams", ending with the control panel of the machine, or the car engine. You will figure it out at home - there are no extra photos.

How to start a conversation at an exhibition

So, we arrived at the exhibition center. We slowly go around the exposition, communicate, collect information about new products. We talk with potential partners, interview visitors. The optimal time is the first and last exhibition days. On these dates, the probability of meeting the owner of the company at the booth, and not a bored manager (who will throw your business card in the trash), increases significantly.

  • One method is to take the booklet and read it. Point out problem areas and propose a corrective solution. You can do this with a pen in the margins, and attach your business card.
  • Another way is to start discussing the merits of the product, along the way to give a few ideas on how to improve it. After establishing contact, reveal the cards.
  • A way for the lazy is to simply stick business cards on each stand. The efficiency is minimal, but this is a trial step for those who are afraid of communicating with customers.

copywriter business card

If you have several directions, make a business card for each of them. In the same style, but with unique text. So that people can see that in front of them is exactly the one they need. If you go to a boat show, take a “copywriter for boats and yachts” card. You visit a car dealership - it is appropriate to say that you are an automotive journalist with 20 years of experience (of course, we are writing the truth).

Life hack - where to sleep for a writer

In this chapter I will deviate from the topic. Since I am writing for authors, the lion's share of which lives far from the capital region, I will share some subtleties. Fortunately, I have accumulated enough experience of meeting delegations when I was the head of logistics in Moscow.

It is convenient to arrive by train arriving early in the morning. And leave - the next day in the evening. We get two full days, during which we will visit 4 expositions with just one overnight stay.

  • Hotels near metro convenient for further movement, but the prices are designed for highly paid writers. If you are taking the first steps, leave this option for the future.
  • Hotels near MKAD and in the nearest suburbs. Here the prices are more humane, it is really possible to find accommodation for a reasonable price.
  • Hostels - for those who do not need a separate room, and who do not suffer from individualist complexes. Even in the city center, you will spend the night warm for an acceptable fee, and in the morning you will be able to move forward on business.
  • Grandmothers with signs "Apartments for a day" - I recommend to bypass them. In addition to unsanitary conditions, it is easy to get unnecessary drunken conversations with the owners, and the risk of losing property.

The cheapest option is to come by car and spend the night in it. To reduce the cost, take fellow travelers through the site or at the bus station. And any parking lot on the outskirts for 100-150 rubles. will gladly host you on its territory. At the same time, you can ask for boiling water, or visit the bathroom.

Save on transfer

Arrived by plane - do not rush to respond to the offers of airport taxi drivers. Proceed to the departure parking lot. There, personal drivers drop off the bosses, and go back "empty". If you have experience, you will get to the city in a premium car for the price of a juice pack.

There is no desire to communicate - download the application and order transport online. Or you go by train.

Direct communication with potential partners

Since you're in a capital city, take advantage of the high concentration of offices per square kilometer. Choose 2-3 companies that are suitable for the topic, and go to negotiations. Do not be surprised if they tell you on the phone that management is insanely busy and the company does not need your services.

Come in person - talk, argue, offer.

There is a trend - the better the existing text on the company's website - the more likely it is that you will work together. If there is a swamp of “water” on the portal, it is likely that everyone is happy with everything, and you will waste precious time.

shop copywriter

Work lies in wait for the master copywriter everywhere. If you see a price tag with an error in the store, or an incompetent description of the product, talk to the director. Perhaps he had thought about it for a long time, but he did not have time to look for the right person.

We cooperate with manufacturers and suppliers

We read in the instructions, on the packaging of the goods, or in the booklet, found "water" in the brochure - we go to the contacts of the enterprise or importer. "Writer of a machine-building plant" - it sounds proud

We write in magazines - increase fame

As a rule, thematic publications are also present at specialized exhibitions. In a live conversation, it is easier to find a common language with the editor, to interest him in cooperation. Of course, you can send an article by e-mail, and wait for a response. But a preliminary agreement will remove unnecessary questions and provide direct contacts.

Have no illusions - the fee for the first publications is unlikely to exceed $100. As long as you don't have a name, no one will pay the top bar. Therefore, you have to bite the bullet and climb up, gaining "fame in narrow circles."

Once the outcome of a conversation withThe PR director of a large company decided the magazine lying in the conference room. To the question, “why should we use your services, because we don’t even know who you are and how you write,” I silently handed the well-known magazine with my article to my interlocutor. Then the conversation went in a different direction - in the eyes of my counterpart, I immediately switched from a petitioner who came to “sell articles” into a journalist who visited the office.

Articles without illustrations are of little interest to anyone. Therefore, immediately illustrate your creation with unique (not published on the Web) photographs.

See collaboration with magazines not as a momentary source of income, but as an investment in the future. Fame with a competent approach is quite successfully monetized.

Own website - business card of a copywriter

Of course, reaching a new level of cooperation is unthinkable without a personal representation on the Internet. Therefore, the presence of the site is not discussed. Potential partners come to the page from a search, here they can see a portfolio, get acquainted with your style, find out prices. Therefore, keep the portal in order, keep it up to date.

We use text exchanges as an advertising platform

As soon as the author "fledges", he is no longer interested in low-paying orders on exchanges, and he deletes accounts. But occasionally quite adequate buyers (including heads of small companies) come to textodromes for high-quality texts. They may even have a long blacklist and a low average score. Because "exchangers" cannot provide them with the content of the required level.

Therefore, if you leave accounts, make sure that your resume and portfolio are up to date. Set the price at which you work. Sometimes the customer is not looking for the minimum cost, but the maximum, counting on the appropriate qualifications.

You should not expect massive responses from exchanges, but 2-3 clients a year will contact you.

What gives a comprehensive search for customers

Sooner or later, an intelligent author outgrows freelance exchanges and text sites. Even on the most "cool" maximum - 1000 r. per kilosign without spaces. But you deserve more! Therefore, I voiced 5 options for a copywriter to look for direct customers - use, combine. Open new niches, improve your skills, and with it - and.

You are afraid to immediately plunge into an independent search - start gradually to feel your worth.

  • Reach level 5 at the TextBroker.
  • Send resume to editors (work.glvrd.ru).
  • Send the release to top copywriting agencies: (for example - mastertext.ru/partnerstvo/).
  • Study magazines in your field, write interesting articles, send them for consideration.

Expand the horizons of coverage, grow up and in breadth. Do not be upset if six months of work does not bring visible results. Time needs to pass. The client base is accumulating gradually. And when you want to quit this “movement”, a client whom you have been “spudding” for a long time will appear on the horizon and order a text at a decent price.

Good luck and development in the field of copywriting!

Ilya Ilmarin
Journalist, copywriter,
Author of texts for business and media.

In contact with

It's no secret that many of the advanced Internet users tried their luck in the field of copywriting.

Everyone remembers literature lessons, essays on the topics covered, they try to earn with their school knowledge, being sure that copywriting is nothing more than writing essays on a given topic.

And yet, even a talented copywriter on a personal website or working with a client does not always make serious money: many are disappointed by sitting at the keyboard for a long time, others are not satisfied with the price for work, and still others simply cannot find a long-awaited generous client.

At the beginning of my freelance work, I also looked disappointed at stock prices and, like many other copywriters, dreamed of a generous customer. At one point, I was lucky: I found a client for whom I wrote for a “good” price, and six months later I was simply thrilled by the first hundred dollars I earned, which I proudly held in my hands.

Today, remembering those rates and earnings, I smile: both the financial side and the work then are completely different from what both I and my client can get from each other today.

What advice would you give to beginners in freelancing? You can give a lot of advice, but the most important skill that you must definitely learn is the ability to find a customer. It's good if the work with him will be long-term. This is what I consider copywriting success number one.

Where to find a client or where to start

Where to find copywriting happiness, how to show the customer that the price of a high-class copywriter, which we are, is fully justified?

Method one: "The client finds the contractor on his own"

This way to get a client is very rare. In my practice, this happened once: a client found me through articles in the search results. Articles were published on a personal website and talked about phosphate-free chemistry.

This is how a customer appeared with an online store of French phosphate-free chemicals, for which almost all the content had to be changed.

Conclusion: if you have your own personal website or LiveJournal page, write also interestingly, with a twinkle, professionally. By doing this, we earn credibility and “stuff” our hand in writing texts (no one has yet canceled the benefits of practical exercises).

Method two: "Customers from the copywriting exchange"

This method is not about waiting for the client to “bite” on our magic resume with the phrase “ready to work for $ 0.5 for 1000 characters without spaces.”

After registering on the exchange, go to the section with a job offer and start looking for interesting offers on your own. It should be noted that the highest paid topics will be technical, as well as financial and construction topics.

After a suitable offer is found, it is very important to contact the customer and offer yourself correctly.

A year ago, I needed a staff of copywriters and, having accepted several dozen resumes, now I can already name a list of the most common phrases that kill the customer’s interest in the bud and force them to immediately close the portfolio without any emotions.

  • Willing to work for oh… dollar
  • Ready for cooperation, you won't regret... My skype, mail
  • I can complete any task quickly.

These are phrases that can be used, but only in context.

What do I propose to write in my account on the exchange or in a message to the customer?

  • Feel free to offer the entire list of your services, emphasizing their uniqueness.
  • Even if you have a portfolio, do not send the customer to view it yourself, try to communicate with him or in correspondence, or even better via Skype and discuss all the portfolio items together, justify the price of each service. It is important to immediately describe the package of services that few people offer on the exchange.

Here is an example of my service package:

  1. If necessary, the selection of keywords by topic, their distribution into articles.
  2. Professional approach to each article: 100% uniqueness, no rewriting.
  3. Introduction into the text, both single keywords and sets of many homogeneous keys (10-40 pcs. examples of work are attached)
  4. If necessary, deep rewriting, verification in two services (Advego, Text.Ru) with a total of 100% uniqueness.
  5. Creation of unique pictures, iconography on the topic of the article.
  6. Additional services for placing texts in the site admin panel, formatting included.
  7. The package price implies a discount of 2 to 5%.

In almost all cases of cooperation, I sell this package to the client: it is convenient for the client and profitable for me.

Another mistake newbies make is persistently offering services. Most often, such actions are perceived as importunity, although in two cases out of ten this technique may work. As they say, the courage of the city takes… But I would not recommend this way of presentation to any of my students.

A job has appeared, and the client wants small services? In no case do not refuse simple routine work.

Why? It's simple: this is how we gain invaluable experience, comprehend many secrets of copywriting or content management. After such workshops, you can think about raising the prices for your services, but often the customer himself notices your efforts and raises the rates.

But at the same time, you should not take on everything that is found on the network, the conversation is about your regular customers. Otherwise, choose topics that are interesting for you, develop, even while working for someone.

Method three: "Social networks"

Although not very popular, but a very effective way to find a client. In any social network, you can find groups in which copywriters hang out.

There are especially many such communities on VKontakte and Facebook. These are special "exchanges" where the guys share their experience and even warn each other about dysfunctional customers.

This method is the most reliable for beginners: in such communities they warn against mistakes, and no one needs to deduct commissions from their earnings. In social groups, communication with the client goes without intermediaries, unlike exchanges, where the client and the contractor communicate through third parties.

Method number 4: "Active search"

This method is used by experienced copywriters who are confident in what they offer. If you know well, for example, medical topics (or any other), type in the search bar several thematic queries and start visiting sites from the top 20 results.

Usually on any site there is a feedback form where you can send your commercial offer. How to compose it is a topic for a completely different conversation.

So, dear colleagues, I hope that using at least one of the proposed methods, you will find your golden client!

I wish you continued well-being in your home and good luck in your favorite business!

Always yours Elena Skopich

Nowadays, many construction professionals are increasingly opening their own business. This way of earning has certain advantages. The presence of healthy competition is a good incentive to improve the quality of the work done. In addition, you can set your own price. However, this activity also includes a constant search for orders. And here the usual methods of popularization do not always work.

About search tricks

In the construction business, word of mouth creates the best advertising. If the team has successfully completed its work, then satisfied customers will begin to recommend it to all their friends and relatives. Moreover, the same neighbors, looking at the current renovation process, decide to update their housing with the help of a team that works nearby. Therefore, when fulfilling an order, you need to try to get along not only with the owners, but also with their neighbors.

Also, very good results were shown by a method involving the distribution of flyers and business cards. The easiest way, of course, is to negotiate with the sellers of hardware stores and leave them flyers with business cards. All this is done naturally for a monetary reward. So many people will be able to find out about your team, and advertising costs will be minimal. Aspiring construction entrepreneurs can also distribute leaflets themselves.
The construction industry still has the old methods of finding customers and orders. We are talking, of course, about ads in newspapers and next to the entrances of residential buildings. Many people believe that if an ad is posted at their entrance, then its author lives somewhere nearby. This means that it will be much easier to contact him. This approach to finding clients is convenient to apply in those areas that are a priority for you. Note that ads in newspapers work less often, but still work.

Many builders have a large circle of acquaintances by the nature of their work. Note that it is very useful to know who your competitors are, whether they can become your partners. There are several reasons for this, and the search for orders is just one of them. Often, customers ask to recommend someone to carry out a certain type of construction work that is not included in the price list of their performers. And here they just remember old acquaintances. There are situations when you can simply outbid an order from competitors who, for certain reasons, cannot undertake its implementation.

Search for orders via the Internet

It would be foolish not to try to promote your services on the Internet. There are two ways to search for orders for construction teams in this field.

1) Publication of ads on thematic sites and forums. It is important to choose only those resources that are popular. You can limit yourself to submitting the same ad. But if this is not enough for you, then you can create your own section in which you will communicate with potential clients, give advice, collect applications, and gain authority.

2) Creating your own website. The second option for finding customers will give solidity to any team. A potential client will see that you take the matter seriously. But it’s not enough just to create a website. It needs to be unrolled. The content of the site must be constantly updated and promptly respond to all feedback and requests.

Each of these methods has its own advantages and disadvantages. You can choose the one that suits you the most.

Search for orders during the period of stagnation

Searching for orders in a crisis is always more difficult. An activity that has a construction profile differs from other types of entrepreneurship in that it has periods of stagnation and activity. It often has to do with the seasons. For example, in winter, building or overhauling a house is simply unrealistic. Moreover, if we are talking about a company, then you will have to pay a salary to all its members, regardless of whether orders are received or not. The same applies to state taxes. There are several ways to find customers during a period of stagnation.

1) Active search. This method implies the presence of an employee who will actively look for customers. It is desirable that it be a person with experience and relevant skills. He must regularly monitor the thematic press, collect information about tenders. In addition, he must collect useful contacts, send out commercial offers by e-mail, and so on. Such standard activities can attract long-awaited customers.

2) Visiting construction sites. If you plan to engage in construction at a high level, then be sure to walk through the large construction projects that are available in your city. Talk to customers. It is possible that they will be interested in your offers and will use your services next time. In addition, this is a good opportunity to lure customers from those performers who do not cope with their duties.

3) Major connections. In this case, you should establish contact with large construction companies and contractors. Do not be afraid to ask what current projects they have, whether they agree to cooperate with you. At a minimum, you will find yourself in the contact database of a serious company. As a maximum, get long-term access to large orders.

4) When attracting customers, one should not forget about the passive promotion of their services. In other words, you place an advertisement, earn a reputation for yourself, participate in various exhibitions. And that's it, new customers will find you. This approach works great if you have been in the construction business for quite some time, have a good reputation and a solid client base.

But ideally, it would be best to combine passive and active types of search.

Search for orders at the initial stage of development

As a rule, the construction industry is divided between large entrepreneurs. But this does not mean that a beginner in this case has no chance at all. Its key task is to find reliable clients in the construction industry.

1) The first thing to do is to create a catalog of finished works. It will be your main resource. With it, potential customers will be able to verify the quality of your orders.

2) Creating your own website. You can create a business card site. It is desirable that it be professional. It will give a complete picture of what you do, what is the specifics of your activity, and what level are your design skills. On such a site, you can post samples of your work, specify prices, create a review book, and provide contact information. You can promote your site with contextual advertisements. The use of SEO will also help.

3) Establishing contacts. Try to establish contact with manufacturers of materials for construction and decoration. Everything is very simple here. The manufacturer advises your team to all his customers as competent performers. In return, he receives a small percentage of every order you receive. And you, in turn, will send your customers to partner stores to purchase materials for construction, repair and decoration.

4) Placement of announcements in thematic editions. These can be magazines or newspapers that talk about interior design and building materials. Be sure to design a module that will be remembered. Add a link to your online portfolio of your work.

5) Establishing contacts with large construction holdings. Quite often, large companies prefer to transfer some construction projects to smaller firms. In this case, you will have to give part of the cash profit to the main contractor. But in return, you can get a solid customer base.

6) If there is a union of builders in your area, be sure to join it. This is also a good opportunity to make useful business connections, get new customers and create partnerships with entrepreneurs who are engaged in a similar kind of activity.
The main goal of the novice construction team is to achieve the highest level of work. Clients must be happy with you. This is important because most people look for construction crews through people they know. Recommendations from satisfied customers sometimes work better than any advertisement.

Useful Ways to Advertise

In addition to the usual methods, there are several other ways to attract customers.

1) Placement of thematic articles in magazines - print and online publications. Tell us in the article about the methods of your work, about what needs and needs of customers you can satisfy.

2) Radio advertising. This method will allow you to expand the base of customers who often listen to radio broadcasts. Create a short video in which, in a few words, tell about your activities, as well as provide contact information.

3) Telephone and subject reference books of electronic format. With their help, you can find potential customers.

4) Exhibitions. This does not mean participation in the exhibition itself. You can just come as a visitor. So you can make contact with the people you need for free.

Video. We choose a team of builders and a designer for the construction or renovation of a house

Good day, my dears! I am glad to welcome you again to our Academy, where talents are born and develop.

But being talented and hungry isn't great, so finding clients online is vital for a copywriter.

Who still does not know how and where to look for customers for selling texts? Maybe you didn't even think about it at all?

Let's change the situation!

Learn the new lesson in video or text format.

4 Ways to Find New Clients Online Directly

I know that many of you work on closed or open exchanges. And they don’t even think about looking for customers for articles directly.

Why do you think?

Someone is afraid, someone does not know how to do it. And some people didn't really think about it. Therefore, today I suggest that you not only think, but also try something new. The point is to help you reach the next level, to do personal marketing.

I highlight 4 main directions how and where a copywriter finds clients online.

  • Company websites

That is, the sites of various enterprises. It can be absolutely any company: commercial, some kind of web studio companies, content creation companies, that is, everything related to merchant sites.

  • Websites of infobusinessmen

Here we include, first of all, landing pages, where we can find the contact of the seller. And also separate sites of information businessmen, where they present themselves as trainers, coaches, psychologists.

  • Online shopping

Also sites-sellers, only with small specific features that you need to understand if you are going to look for customers for texts among online stores.

  • Blogs

Many people now blog, including corporate and personal blogs. This is one of the promising areas for finding permanent income, regular customers.

And now let's take a step-by-step look at exactly how to search for customers on the Internet.

Step 1: Refine keywords

For example, you want to find customers by topic " Organization of holidays».

First, let's make a list of keywords that will help you find the customer directly.

Let's go to wordstat.yandex.ru- one of my favorite and convenient services. Who is more comfortable using the selection of keywords in Google - go to Google 🙂

Let's start this list from scratch. Our task is to find business card sites of companies that offer organization of holidays. They will become our key customers.


In Wordstat, I entered the query "organization of holidays" and received huge list of words .

We cross out phrases like “holiday organization plan”, “holiday organization business plan” from this list. That is, we leave only those requests that have the semantic load we need.

These can be: "agency for organizing holidays", "organization of children's holidays", "organization of holidays on March 8". May be geographical: "organization of holidays Moscow."

We highlight the words that suit us. It is with them that we will try to find new promising customers.

Step 2: Keyword Check

Search for clients on the Internet is gaining momentum 🙂 We start checking keywords.

Let's take the first sentence.

It is desirable that it was not the phrase "organization of holidays." Although you can work with it. But most often, for such high-frequency queries (that is, with a large number of queries), companies that are unlikely to want to use your services are in the top. They usually pay a lot of money for promotion and they already have a whole staff of specialists.

Take precise phrases. For example, " organization of children's parties. They are more productive precisely in terms of finding regular customers for texts.

Step 3. Checking sites "for lice"

The fact is that not every site is suitable for our clients.

Very often sites from the top ten are already paying someone for promotion. Even if these are low-frequency queries, usually someone is already getting paid.

We are more interested in sites on 2-5 pages.

But before registering a site as a client, make sure that this site is alive →

  • See latest update date

This can be done by news or by a copyright sign. If there is a 2007 copyright sign, then the likelihood that this site was visited after 2007 is very small.

Examine the text content of the site. If the date is last year, and half of the pages are not filled, then it is likely that the resource has already been abandoned, although the domain is being renewed.

  • Pay attention to the amount of ads

The more third-party advertising on the site, the more likely it is not a seller site, but a site created purely for advertising. The content there was done quickly somehow, and that's it. And they forgot about this site. He brings advertising. No one will pay you for such a site.

Or the owner buys very cheap texts so that the site is constantly updated. So cheap that one article costs no more than 100-150 rubles. Draw your own conclusions.

  • Look for contacts

Sites with only a feedback form are not suitable for us. We need an email so we can contact the site owner directly.

  • Evaluate the site purely from a human point of view

How well is it made? Is the structure visible? Can anything be improved or rewritten?

Do some initial analysis.

Step 4. Building a database of potential customers

The database must be maintained in the form of a table. The main columns are:

"Site name", "Site address", "Contact person"

These three columns are for primary information.

"Problems" and "Suggestions"

What is wrong with the site and what can you suggest to improve the situation. I recommend filling it out right now. You will need the information very much for further work when you write letters to clients.

"Date of first letter" and "Date of second letter"

For timing.

A second letter is needed if the client did not respond to your first letter within a week. If there is no answer even after the second letter, then we consider that the contact did not take place.


This column is needed in order not to forget how your potential customer reacted.

Someone will ask you to write later. Someone says that texts will be needed very soon. With these clients you will need to work again in the future. That is, bring them back to contact and still try to get an order.

Step 5. Evaluation of the base to start work

After you have processed 3-5 keywords from your list, you will have more than 100 potential customers .

Your base must be very large! It's not 10 clients. You must select at least 100.

There will be a lot of work indeed.

I understand that it is not so easy to search for clients on the Internet directly. But if you learn how to do it, if you collect this database, it will be just a mine of information for you. And a treasure trove of potential profits. In the future, with this base, you can do a lot of interesting and useful things for your work.

Without this base, all further work meaningless . And if you select the customer base somehow, without following certain principles, then there will be no sense from this base either.

Be sure to immediately make notes on the site and provide additional columns, if necessary.

And we still have one more important question →

What to write to the client so that he reacts?

It is very difficult to cover everything within one lesson. Therefore, I additionally prepared for you. Use it to your health.

However, on the topic of finding customers on the Internet, you can talk and talk! And it is also important not only to attract a customer, but also to keep him, especially when there is a misunderstanding between you. For example, when your customer decided to teach you, because he thinks that he knows more about writing texts.

Want even more detailed step-by-step instructions?

Then study "". But only if you really want to not only find, collect customers, but also process them correctly and receive orders.

Tell us, have you tried or not to look for clients on the Internet directly? What did you get out of it? Did you collect the base, how did the clients react? I will be glad to your answers.

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