Construction business: how to start a company. How to start your construction business? How to start your construction business from scratch

Building a business from scratch is a profitable investment. It is worth saying that today many people dream of starting their own business, which can bring good profits. And therefore, some people need to pay attention to the business idea of ​​a construction business without investment. Construction is considered the most modern commerce, which will always develop and bring good profits. Therefore, it is necessary to understand the nuances of this case and trace its features.

How to Start a Construction Business: Business Features

Let's now answer the question of how to start a construction business from scratch without money. So, like any commercial enterprise, the construction business is divided into several categories.

  1. The field of civil engineering.
  2. The field of road construction.
  3. The sphere of industrial construction of buildings.

Construction company services can also be divided into two types - these are basic services and additional services. The main construction works include the construction of:

  • residential buildings,
  • warehouses,
  • baths.

Also, the main works include: installation, dismantling of buildings and repair of premises.

Additional services include leasing equipment and personnel. This category also includes the sale of building materials and paid training for employees of other similar companies.

To start a construction business, follow these steps. So, it is necessary:

  1. Make a clear and competent business plan.
  2. Complete all registration documents.
  3. Collect all the necessary papers.
  4. Purchase inventory, machinery and equipment.

Also, the success of this business depends on qualified personnel. Therefore, it is worth choosing competent and skillful workers. In addition, it must be said that a successful existence depends on finding new customers. It follows that the search for customers also needs to be given a lot of time and attention.

You probably realized that it is important to devote a lot of time and maximum attention to compilation. Why is it worth doing this? Yes, all because it will help to competently organize a company and get a loan from a bank.

It is important to include information about the liabilities and assets of your own firm in your business plan. Also in this paper it is worth writing down methods that will increase and multiply profits. In general, with the help of a business plan, you will not only answer the question of how to start a construction business, but also calculate the profit of your business.

Advantages and disadvantages of the construction business

The most important advantage of such activity will be considered - a good income. The profitability of the construction business is on average 50% or 70%. It is worth noting that this result is considered impressive. Such figures cannot be obtained from other commercial activities. In addition, such a business pays off within a year, and this is very pleasant.

To open a construction business from scratch, you need to have start-up capital available. In addition, it is necessary to hire qualified and conscientious personnel who will perform their duties with high quality.

Like any other commercial activity, the construction business has its pitfalls, as well as some problems. Now it is worth listing the most famous nuances of such a case.

Difficulties with entering the market can simply reduce profits. To avoid this, you should hire experienced builders and other workers who will help you give your company an impeccable reputation in the shortest possible time. A good reputation is the key to success.

Serious difficulties may arise for those firms that have registered relatively recently and have not yet entered a large market. In this case, problems may arise with obtaining a loan. And all because reputable banks do not issue loans to start-ups due to the fact that they are unsure of their stability. Therefore, in order to get a loan, a novice entrepreneur should offer the bank a clear business plan and information about significant assets.

Do not forget about the high level of competition in this business area. Therefore, in order to succeed, you need to provide your customers with good cooperation benefits.

How to start a construction business without investment: Financial component

If you want to learn how to start a construction business? This post is made especially for you. So, in order for your company to develop well over many years of activity, you need to keep proper accounting. Indeed, without the correct calculation of costs and profits, it is difficult to maintain a stable business development and make smart investments.

An important condition in the organization of such a business is the implementation of constant and impressive financial investments. Also, success can bring the retention of money at the stages of unfinished construction. If you comply with the above conditions, you can always get a good profit.

The construction business is a costly business. Financial resources will have to be spent on the purchase of:

  • construction equipment,
  • special technology.

As you can see, such an activity will require good start-up capital and a professional approach. However, the initial costs can be reduced if special equipment is rented. The money saved is best spent on an advertising campaign. It should be noted that it is on advertising that many people spend a lot of money. Therefore, it is best to prepare for such waste in advance.

Collection of documentation

Each construction company should have the following set of documentation. So, you need to get:

  • a document that confirms state registration;
  • a document that confirms registration with the tax service;
  • company charter;
  • company seal and statistical codes;
  • business decision.

In order to obtain an IP, you must also submit the following documents:

  1. A building permit issued by local authorities.
  2. Engineering license.
  3. License for the design of structures and buildings.

How to start a construction business: Personnel

If you have created your construction business from scratch, you will have to hire qualified and competent personnel. The reputation and profitability of the company depends on the quality of the work of the staff. Therefore, in this article, you need to provide a list of positions. So, in your construction company you will have to accept:

  • supply manager,
  • designer,
  • personnel inspector,
  • architect,
  • lawyer,
  • accountant,
  • foreman.

If you are planning to open a small company, then the entire staff of the brigade will consist of four people. It is also important to consider that half of the workers must have higher education. Without this point, it will be difficult to obtain a license.

In order to provide your company with good productivity, you need to provide all your employees with the necessary equipment and construction equipment. At the same time, construction equipment and special technical equipment must be in good condition and comply with all safety requirements. To get success from such a business, you need to choose an expensive, but high-quality tool that can be used for more than one year.

How to attract customers

For the successful development of the construction business, you need not only to be able to win your own group of regular customers. It is worth saying that in this business it is necessary to be able to attract new consumers. If you accomplish this task, you can expand the capabilities of your enterprise. Moreover, new customers will help to reach a new level of development.

Aspiring entrepreneurs can use the following ways to find customers. So, you need:

  1. Build your own database of potential customers.
  2. Start self-development of the site in order to sell the property on the market in the future. At the same time, you can sell not only at the end of the construction process, but also at the initial stage.
  3. You can get new customers after winning the state trend.


Now you know how to start a construction business without major investment. You will definitely like the tips in this article. After all, they are the most up-to-date recommendations that will help you open a business and get significant profit from it in the shortest possible time.

Today we will talk about how to start your construction business correctly and what pitfalls can be in this area. The advantage of this service sector is the constantly growing demand. Just imagine, every day potential clients are looking for their contractor to carry out repairs, they are eager to build their own cozy house or put up a fence near an already finished house. Some representatives of the stronger sex take on this work, but not every man is able to install a double-glazed window, replace a pipe, or even drive a shelf into the wall. And when a person understands his helplessness in the field of construction, our task will be to provide the client with all the services that he only wishes. You can’t refuse a person who brings money into your hands, but you shouldn’t think that opening a construction company is an easy task and there will already be huge incomes in a couple of days. Any business is hard work and now I will explain why.

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The first stage of opening a construction company is registration

First of all, we need to open a company and for this we choose the type of registration. The easiest way is to register a company as a legal entity, that is, a limited liability company. To do this, you need to come up with a name for the company, choose its location, create an authorized capital and founders of the company. Let's analyze these points in a little more detail. The name of the company should be unique and easily recognizable - if you slightly alter the name of a competitor, you get an ugly situation and customers are likely to refuse your services. The location of the company means the city in which your company will operate. The authorized capital is the money that the founders invested in the company, that is, the start-up capital that the company needs for initial functioning.
Let's summarize the package of documents required for registering a company: copies of the passports of the founders of the company, information about the location of the company and the main type of activity, as well as information about the authorized capital and the method of its formation. You can go through the registration yourself, or you can pay a special office and she will do everything herself. The issue price is 3000 rubles.

Scope of activity and permissions

You should not think that if you open a construction company, then you can build and repair everything at once. Construction is divided into three types - industrial, civil and road, and for each of these types you need to obtain a separate permit, have special equipment and specialists. You should not immediately rush into a huge piece of work, you still won’t pull it, it’s better to choose the simplest and most permanent way of repair work - civil engineering. This branch of work includes the repair of residential buildings, the construction of houses, garages, saunas. It is worth noting that the number of small firms that do not live up to a year of their work increases every year in the civil construction market. We won't be like that, right?
You can’t just come to a person and start building a house for him, for any type of construction work you need to have a permit. At the beginning of our work, we need to obtain a building permit and a license to design structures. This package of documents does not incur large costs. Also, many are sure that in order to open a company, you need to have the status of an SRO (Self-Regulatory Organization), but if we are not going to build private houses (cottages no more than 3 floors), the area of ​​\u200b\u200bwhich will not exceed 1500 sq.m, then this no status needed.

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Equipment and machinery

I would like to say right away that not a single small construction company can provide itself with all the equipment for repair or construction. The main problem is the high price of specialized equipment, without which the work cannot be done. The average price of all machinery and equipment for a construction company is 20 thousand dollars and this is the minimum number of all units for the work of one team of workers. If the budget has already been spent, and the company still needs a concrete mixer or other equipment, then you can use the services of leasing companies. Leasing is, in fact, renting something. Sometimes it will be cheaper to rent an excavator than to buy one for a one-time use. Let's add 20 thousand dollars to the list of expenses - for the purchase of a car for a team of workers and all equipment.

Personnel is an important component of a construction company

Our company is small, so it is not necessary to open a large office and spend a lot of money on rent. Everything that a start-up construction company needs can fit in two rooms. One room will be used as a warehouse for equipment, in the second you need to put a table, a computer, a phone and a girl with a sweet voice. It is she who will answer calls, record data and create a customer base.
It is worth starting with one working team of five people. In the brigade, four workers are equal in terms of obligations and rights, they carry out repair work. The average price of a builder is 40 thousand rubles a month, and this amount should be calculated. The fifth person in the team will be the foreman, who is responsible for the quality of the work performed and the preparation of estimates. The salary is 60 thousand rubles. In the future, when the company grows, you need to hire a professional estimator.
As a result, in terms of personnel, the following picture is obtained: 20 thousand rubles for the salary of a secretary, 4 builders for 40 thousand each and a foreman. The total salary per month is 240 thousand rubles.

Finding Clients

Despite the economic crisis, approximately 20% of the entire population of the country spends money on repairs or construction work annually, so it will not be difficult to create a client base. First of all, you should use word of mouth - tell your friends and acquaintances about the opening of a construction company. You will be able to get a couple of orders, because any person at home has something nailed wrong or the door needs to be repaired. This way we will ensure an influx of small orders, but we need to grow to great heights. It is worth advertising your company in places where building materials are sold - a person comes for a new washbasin and notices an advertisement that the washbasin can be delivered very well and of high quality for a small fee.

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Summing up

Any business is a series of problems and failures that you need to go through in order to carve out a place for yourself in the sun. At first it will be difficult to find a normal place for a warehouse, professional workers and a foreman, there will be difficulties with the supply of materials and orders. Try to do everything right and do not be ashamed of small orders, because this, although small, is money for the company. It will not be easy to recoup the initial paperwork, purchase of equipment, rent and salary. The equipment will cost 680 thousand rubles, the registration of the company another ten thousand. The functioning of the company will take 240 thousand for salaries and 8 for renting premises, the same amount for gasoline for a working car. Don't forget about ads. If you have an initial capital of 940 thousand rubles, you can safely open a construction company, but only on condition that you recoup the salary of employees in the first month.

High barriers to entry into the construction services market, represented by the need to make large investments in the project, do not frighten startups. The thing is that if you open a company from scratch and properly organize all processes, you can get a high monetary return. How to start a construction business that could become competitive and highly profitable in the future?

How to open a company: the main registration points

A startupper can choose one of two options for organizing a project: as an individual entrepreneur or a legal entity (LLC). What form of organization is better to choose? The specificity of these services is such that the larger the project in which the businessman plans to participate, the higher the requirements for contracting companies, up to the tender.

At the same time, for repair or finishing work in a private house or kindergarten, the customer is unlikely to organize a tender, giving preference to individual entrepreneurs with the lowest prices for their services. Therefore, it is up to the startupper to open a construction company in the Republic of Belarus as an individual entrepreneur or LLC, depending on the planned scale of the project.

How to start a construction business: permits, permits, licenses

Since 01.01.2010, companies in this market do not need to obtain a license, however, such a company must become a member of a self-regulatory organization (SRO). The SRO is responsible for the functioning of its participants, including financial responsibility in case of poor performance of work.

To join the SRO, a company must submit a package of documents that clearly indicate the list of work of the company, as well as pay a number of membership fees and fees. Their size can range from 100 thousand to 2 million rubles, which automatically eliminates one-day companies. In addition to the money, there is also the organizational side of the matter, which concerns the company's personnel. This will be discussed further.

How to start your own business in construction: staff is everything

The main requirement of each self-regulatory organization is the availability of qualified personnel in the company: engineering and technical workers must have a higher or secondary vocational education within the profile of the work declared for the company to perform. Documents on education, qualifications, length of service, certification of employees should be in order.

Before starting a construction business with a million-dollar profit, Dmitry Smirnov decided to become a member of the Business Youth project. During the courses, he realized that the main guarantee of a successful startup is expertise, that is, the presence of not just skilled employees, but pros, aces, masters - experts, in a word.

You can't save on staff, so Dmitry decided to train his employees in the latest Canadian and Norwegian woodworking technologies. The decision to invest in employees led to a crazy return on capital!

Most of the major market players, before opening their business in construction, were far from building houses. Some firms and individual entrepreneurs simply traded in materials, gradually mastering the technology of their installation and then diversifying their operations.

Some of the large companies that are currently leading the market started their business with the handicraft production of materials, mixtures (concrete) with their delivery, and subsequently with installation at facilities. Feeling financial independence, the owners decided to scale the business, penetrating the market and conquering it.

The origins of a successful startup are always the ability to anticipate, analyze the market and its processes, plan processes for a long period of time. Organizers and participants of the Business Youth project will help to successfully compare different types of information, benefit from seemingly unimportant or negative events, create a team and work in a team for the benefit of the business and its participants.

It is such that it will not work to start it without investments. Even if the newly-made entrepreneur is a jack of all trades and knows all the intricacies of these works, he will need money to buy a tool. And it costs a lot. It is futile to engage in such activities alone, so you will have to purchase equipment for the entire brigade. If you are thinking about how to start a construction business, then you need to consider and choose one of the following areas:

  • repair and finishing works of any level of complexity;
  • geodetic works;
  • construction of buildings and structures.

You can organize your business in two ways. The first option is to register as an individual entrepreneur and perform small amounts of work. In the second case, registration of an LLC is required. This is a more profitable option for the construction business, but it will require significant investments. Those who decide to test themselves as an individual entrepreneur are advised to pay attention to the provision of services for the construction and decoration of frame houses. Today it is the most cost-effective way to organize a construction business. You can start it with a small amount, enough to buy the most necessary tools: circulating and end saws, thickness gauge, screwdrivers, electric jigsaw, concrete mixer and numerous hand tools.

In the event that there is a desire to start a big business, it will be necessary to study all the features and difficulties of its formation. It takes a lot of effort to organize a construction business. The task is not easy, but doable.

How to start a construction company

  1. You need to start by registering an LLC (limited liability company). In this case, it becomes possible to conclude contracts and make settlements with legal entities, which is not available to an individual entrepreneur.
  2. You will need to order and purchase stamps and forms, open an account in one of the banks. You need to put a certain amount of money on it, which from now on will be called the authorized capital.
  3. An important and mandatory step will be joining the SRO - a self-regulatory organization of builders. According to the current Russian legislation, each company engaged in this kind of activity must be a member of it. If this requirement is ignored, then only one type of activity will be available: cosmetic repairs and finishing works. But for their implementation, individual entrepreneurship is enough.
  4. To join the SRO, you will need constituent documents and building certificates, which are proof of the organization's compliance with the required parameters. Registration of certificates is a labor-intensive, time-consuming and costly task. In addition to the fact that it will be necessary to bypass many instances, it will be necessary to collect a lot of documents. Building certification is voluntary, but a lot depends on it, because the legislator is sure that only a certificate can become a guarantor of the quality of services and materials that a company intends to provide or produce.
  5. Within a month, an application for joining the SRO will be considered, and after its approval, full-fledged activities can begin.

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Financial investments

The specifics of the construction business is that all initial large-scale investments will be mothballed for some time, that is, working capital is at the stage of unfinished projects for some period, but after the order is completed, a solid return is obtained. A competent manager must take into account this feature of his business in order to ensure the payment of monthly salaries to his workers and office staff from the reserve fund for the duration of the work under the contract. Currently, under labor law, delaying payments to workers is punishable by hefty fines.

  • start-up capital;

To acquire it, there are only two ways: either invest your own money in the business, or attract investors. But in order to interest them, you need an accurate and detailed business plan that guarantees the profitability of the enterprise. The construction business, despite the fact that it ranks third in terms of profitability among all other activities, is still quite a risky business. Therefore, if there is no own money, it would be wiser to draw up a business plan and try to find investors before starting to register an LLC.

  • a short list of investments and approximate amounts:
  1. Purchase of special equipment - 10,000,000 rubles.
  2. Purchase of equipment and tools - 1,000,000 rubles.
  3. Advertising, taxes, transportation costs - 250,000 rubles.
  4. Rent of an office, industrial and warehouse premises - 300,000 rubles.

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Recruitment and advertising

Competent and executive staff is the key to success in any type of business. It is better to look for specialists for managerial positions in employment agencies. They check recommendations from previous jobs, conduct testing and a preliminary interview. They will also give advice regarding a particular applicant. This greatly facilitates the selection of personnel for the newly minted company. Workers can be invited through advertisements in the press and on television. Young professionals should not be ignored either. Their inexperience is more than offset by the desire for career growth and high incomes. Often, they are the ones who lead the company to the orbit of success.

Simultaneously with the recruitment of staff, an advertising campaign should be launched. To make yourself known, you need to use all its types: booklets, leaflets and banners, videos on TV and sound on the radio, ads in newspapers and the Internet, rental of advertising posters on public transport and others. How competently this campaign will be carried out depends on how many customers will apply for the services you provide. Therefore, it is perhaps the most important moment in the formation of the company. Specialists - advertising managers will help organize the promotion of services on the market.

Starting your own construction business is one of the most lucrative ways to make money today. No wonder: people tend to invest large sums in building their own houses, renovating apartments and improving their own living conditions. However, there is high competition in this entrepreneurial segment, which has a significant impact on the work of many young enterprises.

Creating your own construction company should be thought through to the smallest detail: this is not so much a matter of success as the survival of the enterprise. But the game is worth the candle: having firmly established yourself in this area of ​​​​entrepreneurship, you will multiply your money at times.

The idea of ​​starting a construction business from scratch is undoubtedly attractive, but it can raise many different questions that nip the intentions of start-up businessmen in the bud. Doubts arise even at first: where to start opening a construction company? How to legalize your business? Where to get office space, where to find valuable employees, how, finally, to attract customers and advertise the company? What details need to be taken into account to be successful? How to overcome all the difficulties that beginners face? We will discuss all this in detail in the following article.

Where to begin?

So, when you decide to start your own construction company, you should consider What kind of activity in the construction industry do you want to do. Of course, firms with a narrow specialization will be less in demand than firms with a wide range of services. But it’s not worth spraying on everything at once.

Firstly, their business, aimed at only one sphere of construction, is already requires a lot of investment and a few will require a huge amount of material resources, which not every large company owns. Secondly, in the construction industry It's not so much the quantity that matters, but the quality. Thirdly, the more services you offer, the more tools, workers and, accordingly, money you will need. You must clearly define your direction, develop in it in order to outperform your competitors. With a competent and thoughtful approach, any business is doomed to success.

We list the main activities characteristic of the construction industry:

civil construction. In civil engineering, you will build residential buildings, some on a turnkey basis (that is, you will start construction from scratch and finish with a completely finished object). Civil and industrial construction includes the construction of car garages, baths, summer cottages; erection and dismantling of buildings; site preparation for construction.

Industrial construction. The direction of industrial construction controls the construction of factory buildings, industrial buildings, warehouses and other economic facilities.

road construction. It is considered the most expensive, but complex and costly type of construction. The main customer is the state, and the tasks are reduced to the construction of new highways, the restoration of old roads, and the repair of road surfaces.

In addition, your company can deal with other, less complex tasks:

  1. Own production and sale of materials for construction.
  2. Sale of construction projects.
  3. Leasing of special machinery and equipment.
  4. Organization of training in relevant specialties for employees of other companies.

The options are suitable for companies that have already chosen their field of activity and have managed to occupy a niche in the construction services market. But how to open a construction company if your capital is not yet conducive to global action? There is an exit - you can start your own business with interior decoration. You should not refuse to perform such work: firstly, little money eventually brings a lot of capital. Secondly, if you find diligent workers and establish yourself in the market, you will create your customer base, which will grow later.

So, the specific advantages of finishing work:

This type of activity always relevant: finishing is required for any room, which means that you will not be left without work. If large orders are unlikely to be received by a start-up company (first you need to earn a name, reputation and the trust of large customers), then cosmetic, or even complete repairs of any premises are trusted by almost any enterprise.

To you no need to spend a lot of time recruiting: The labor market is full of finishing specialists. Sometimes employees even bring their own tools, which will save a start-up firm a lot of money. It is worth considering finishing if you have a fairly modest capital or do not want to risk a large one.

It is worth noting that in order to save money for beginners in the construction business pay attention to leasing. Leasing is a service that allows you to rent the necessary equipment: equipment, tools, etc. Leasing should also be adopted by wealthy companies: why keep an excavator and pay a monthly salary to an excavator operator if you need it 2 times a year? In addition, if the nature of your work is constantly changing, renting new, different tools will serve you well.

Legalization (SRO)

One of the obligatory stages of creating your own company is its legalization, registration of the relevant papers. So:

First of all, we register the company as an individual entrepreneur (Individual Entrepreneur) or LLC (Limited Liability Company). To register the first a copy of the passport, which will be certified by a notary, is sufficient.

For the second, copies of the founders' passports will be required, if the founder is an organization You must attach copies of all the constituent documents of this organization. You will also need a letter of guarantee (or a “Certificate of Ownership of Non-Residential Premises”, which is reserved for the office of your company). You can consult a lawyer for details.

Make sure you are registered with the tax office. If during the registration of the enterprise you were not registered there either, provide a package of relevant documents, the composition of which depends on the specific situation. Next, open a checking account.

You must have a building permit. It is not possible to build anything anywhere if you do not have such a document. Large expenses for its receipt will not be required, and the issuance is carried out by local governments in the presence of the head of the municipality and the chief city architect.

It is also necessary have a license for the design of buildings and structures. It will be needed for those entrepreneurs and legal entities who do not have a special legal education. The goal is to provide design services.

The last such resolution is license for engineering surveys during construction. It is she who allows engineering work during the construction and design of the building.

Time to clarify a topic that worries many aspiring entrepreneurs: joining the SRO(self-regulatory organization). The choice of a specific SRO depends on the organization itself, a complete list of them can be found in the Unified Register of Self-Regulatory Organizations of Builders. After the final choice, you need to contact the representative of this SRO, who will inform you about the required set of documents and the application form.

Within a month, the SRO will decide on your legal capacity in the construction services market: the criteria are developed by the organization itself. An example of criteria is the availability of higher education in the specialty of the staff, the experience of the organizers, etc. But the most important point is the fees and contributions that the SRO will have to transfer upon entry. Their size can reach half a million rubles: not every start-up company can afford such expenses.

You can do without SRO in cases where you are going to be engaged in repair and finishing work, installation of light structures for fencing (that is, doors and windows). Also, SRO is not required for companies constructing buildings no higher than three floors, block houses (no more than 10 residential blocks), buildings with an area of ​​​​less than 1500 sq. km., as well as objects of individual housing construction, where the only family lives. Otherwise, the activity of the enterprise is considered unofficial and it is obliged to pay a fine in the amount of 50 thousand rubles.

Premises and staff

Let's move on to the practical side of the issue - the premises for the office of your construction company. If the starting capital allows - It is better to immediately buy a room, and not rent it: by spending big once, you will save more than if you pay a certain amount (also rather big, as a rule) every month / year. But if you do not have the capital to buy a space, renting will help you out.

You can rent an office on your own: find the owner through an ad, on the Internet, ask friends, see the premises in a business business center. Try contacting a special company: it will be faster and easier, but more expensive, because. the company is an intermediary.

You can search for conscientious performers among acquaintances, diligent students of relevant educational institutions, on the Internet, in recruitment agencies. Post ads, talk to people you already know who have the potential for construction work. You can also pay attention to visitors from the CIS countries who do not require high wages; however, the quality of their execution does not always meet high standards, which harms the reputation of your business.

However, even among undemanding migrants, there are good, adequate employees who are ready to work. But beware of people who present themselves as "handymen of all trades": a competent plasterer is unlikely to be also a great cabinetmaker.

You can go the other way and look not for quality workers among the cheap ones, but for cheap ones among the quality ones. In general, any employee can be “educated” specifically for your company: the main thing is to have a developed management skill. Start from the level at which you will work at the moment: a district kindergarten is unlikely to chase exemplary expensive European repairs, and a wealthy banker does not skimp on repairing his apartment.

The video tells about the initial actions of a businessman who wants to join the construction business.

How to attract clients?

Even a construction firm with a great office and brilliant employees can go bust if it doesn't have a customer base. Among the main measures to attract customers are:

"Word of mouth radio". If many people leave good reviews about your company, recommend it to their friends, then the flow of customers to the company is guaranteed. Try to offer your services to acquaintances, friends. Perhaps at first you will be asked to do cosmetic repairs or window installation - this is a worthy start.

Cooperation with companies made a name for themselves in the construction market. Some of their orders can be quite large, which means that you will establish yourself in a solid circle of customers and get paid more than for ordinary repairs, giving the contractor a certain percentage. Over time, perhaps you yourself will become a contractor, receiving the same percentage at zero material costs.

Try take part in special tenders, construction competitions. This will help you make a name for yourself, you just need to show initiative. Of course, participation in large tenders (for example, the construction of Olympic facilities) for a start-up company is a case on the verge of fantasy, but everything starts small: the construction of educational institutions in new residential complexes, sports grounds or shopping centers is a great option for a novice entrepreneur.


Advertising has been and remains the classic method of creating your own big name in the market. For an additional fee, you can hire a professional PR employee, but with a certain activity and a desire to save money, you can easily do everything yourself. So, simple, but effective measures for advertising a construction company:

  1. Creating your own website. It is better to pay for this service: a website made by a professional is always visible. Own structured website creates an image of a successful company. And a site based on free platforms often does not allow you to turn around, it looks unattractive.
  2. Flyers and announcements in new buildings. Elevators, bulletin boards - a great PR move.
  3. Cooperation with stores selling building materials, furniture, appliances. A buyer who comes for a sink and sees your advertisement nearby that the sink can be delivered cheaply and quickly will most likely turn to you for help.
  4. Internet advertising.
  5. Positive feedback about your company (on the company's website, any online recommendation site)
  6. Advertising in towns, villages, etc.

How to open a construction company? The businessman shares his experience in the video below.

Difficulties for beginners

The business comes to success through a series of difficulties that a novice entrepreneur has to overcome: this is an invaluable experience.

So, when opening your construction company, you need to be prepared for the following:

  1. Lack of solid orders at first. Major tasks are faced by a construction company with a name, reputation and connections. No one wants to take the risk of entrusting an important project to a newbie.
  2. The attachment large investment in the business. However, under certain circumstances (see Where to start?), this can be avoided.
  3. Expensive membership in the SRO. Recall that you will not need it for small projects.
  4. Powerful competition. You should not be sprayed on everything at once: be a professional in your field, look for new approaches to the client in order to be different from all other firms. You should not hope to overtake the giants of the industry in the first year: you risk losing a huge amount of time, nerves and money.

Opening a construction company is a laborious task that requires constant attention and activity. We examined in detail where to start, how to attract buyers, how to overtake competitors and advertise the enterprise, where to find employees, premises and legitimize entrepreneurial activity. It is important not to be ashamed of small orders, to improve and develop your business. Think over your actions a few steps ahead, believe in your own strengths and capabilities - and success will surely come to you.

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