Trade margin in retail trade accounting entries. How should the markup (in percentage) be reflected in retail trade in accounting? Write-off of trade margins in retail transactions

To be honest, sometimes it seems to me that it is impossible to fully cover this issue)) But the head is afraid, but the hands do the work. So, today’s topic is the routine operation of closing the month "Calculation of trade margin". As before, I will try to tell you in as much detail as possible not only about the month-closing operation itself, but also about the meaning it carries for accounting purposes. To do this, we will consider an example of accounting for goods in retail using an account 42 "Trade margin", accounting for the receipt of this product at the retail warehouse and reflection of sales using the document "Retail Sales Report".

Let me remind you that the site already has a number of articles that are devoted to the issue of closing a month in the 1C BUKH 3.0 program:

Accounting parameters and accounting policies in 1C ACCOUNTING

Firstly, it is imperative to discuss the settings in the program that need to be made for correct accounting. If you need to keep records of retail trade in 1C, as in our case, then open "Accounting parameters" and on the “Trade” tab check the box "Retail trade is underway". Here you can also set up accounting for retail goods based on item turnover and VAT rates. This will not happen in our example. It is also necessary that the checkbox be checked on the “Inventories” tab of the accounting parameters “Inventory accounting is carried out: by warehouses (storage locations)”. According to the conditions of the example, it will be sufficient to record inventory in warehouses only in count.

Now go to settings "Accounting Policy". By the way, access to both accounting parameters and accounting policies can be obtained in the “Main” menu section. So, open the “Accounting Policy” and on the “Inventories” tab, select the method of valuing goods "At sale price".

We write down the settings.

Setting up a retail warehouse and setting item prices in 1C BUKH

Now we need to set the sales price for the item we are purchasing. This is done using the document “Setting item prices.” A link to it can be found in the “Warehouse” section of the main menu. We create a new document and in the “Price type” field we indicate “Basic purchase price”, and in the tabular section we select our product and indicate the price. The planned purchase price for our product “Retail goods (ATT for sale)” will be 20,000 rubles.

Everything is ready to reflect the receipt and sale of goods in retail.

Accounting for goods in retail using 1C BUH

To reflect the acquisition of goods that are accounted for in retail at their sales value, you should use the document “Receipt of goods and services.” Let's create a new document. Be sure to select the retail warehouse in it that we reviewed a little earlier - “ATT Warehouse”. In the tabular part of the document, select the item for which we set the sales price. For clarity, we will take into account the goods without VAT and in the quantity of 1 piece.

Let's review the document and analyze the transactions made:

Let me remind you that the sales price at which this product should be taken into account is 20,000 rubles. We reflected this price using the document “Setting item prices.” The goods arrive at a price of 8,000 rubles. and a posting is generated that takes into account our product at this price in the debit of the account 41.11 “Goods in retail trade (in ATT at sales price)”. But we need 20,000 rubles. Therefore, another entry is generated for the missing amount of 12,000 rubles, where the account is used as a loan account 42.01 “Trade margin in automated retail outlets”.

Next, we need to reflect retail revenue and write-off of goods sold at retail. To do this you need to use the document “Retail Sales Report.” This document is located in the “Sales” section of the main menu. When creating a new document, you must select the type of operation “KKM”. This means that we have an automated point of sale. In the document itself, select the warehouse “ATT Warehouse” and in the tabular part the nomenclature “Product in retail (ATT by sales)”. At the same time, the price of the product will be filled in, because for this item we entered the document “Setting item prices”. If the sale is carried out with VAT, then the price in the “Retail Sales Report” document will be filled in taking into account VAT. I repeat, in our example, for clarity, VAT is not taken into account.

Let's go through the document and look at the postings.

The first entry reflects the write-off of goods from the credit of account 41.11 to the cost of the account 90.02.01 “Cost of sales for activities with the main tax system”. The second entry reflects the fact of receipt of funds, forming an entry to the debit of account 50.01, as well as receipt of revenue on the credit of account 90.01.1 “Revenue from activities with the main taxation system.”

Dt 90.02.1 Kt 42.01 -12,000 rub.

It is this posting that will be formed by the regulatory procedure for closing the month “Calculation of trade margins” at the close of July 2014. Please note that this is a reverse posting. To be honest, I don’t know exactly why it’s a reversal, since I’m not an expert in accounting methodology, but that’s how 1C does it. If you can tell me, you can leave your comments, I will be grateful to you.

I'll repeat it again. This posting adjusts revenue due to the trade margin generated upon receipt of goods. And the trade margin was obtained as the difference between the receipt price and the selling price at which we account for retail goods in this example.

That's all I wanted to talk about today! If you liked this article, you can use social networking buttons to keep it for yourself!

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One of the types of entrepreneurship is trade in products and goods wholesale and retail. The seller’s profit in this case is considered to be the trade margin, which is the difference between the initial cost of the product and the final selling price. In the article we will analyze the meaning and definition of trade margins, as well as accounting entries for account 42.

Trade margin value

In order to obtain the planned profit, the seller, when selling goods, forms the cost using the amount of markup on the original cost. The resulting difference must cover all estimated costs, including the following:

  • VAT and other indirect taxes;
  • sales costs (third-party services, employee salaries);
  • other expenses.

At the same time, the markup ensures not only the covering of expenses, but also the profit of the seller. At the same time, the value of the trade margin should not impede the further competitiveness of the product on the market in comparison with other similar items.

Video lesson. Account 42 in accounting “Trade margin”: examples

Video lesson on accounting for account 42 “Trade margin”. The lesson is taught by the chief accountant, expert, site teacher Gandeva N.V. Typical situations, examples and wiring are considered ⇓

Determination of trade margin

To determine the final cost of goods in wholesale and retail trade, different algorithms are used.

When selling wholesale, the trade margin is the difference between the wholesale selling price and the purchase price.

To account for retail trade, it is allowed to accept goods not only at cost, but also at final selling prices. Such actions are permissible, since sometimes it is impossible to determine the natural value of a unit of goods. An exception is a unit of large products, for example, household appliances. But when selling smaller goods (office supplies, food), detailed accounting is impossible. In retail companies, it is preferable in such cases to account for goods at selling prices.

The selling price of a product consists of the cost price and an added margin. The latter value can be established by organizations independently, with some exceptions indicated below.

It is possible to set a markup using the Register of Retail Prices, approved by the manager. For any type of product, information is provided about the supplier, the purchase price, the amount of markup in % terms, and the final market price. Each place of subsequent sale can have its own price.

The approved register may look like this:

Product Provider Cost price Markup 1 Retail price 1 Markup 2 Retail price 2
PenLLC "Prestige"45.00 rub.30% 58.50 rub.35% 60.75 rub.
PenLLC "Titan"RUB 54.0030% 70.20 rub.35% RUB 72.90
PencilLLC "Dream"25.00 rub.30% RUB 32.5035% RUB 33.75

The markup can also be uniform for all types of goods or depend on their type. It is recommended that the chosen method of determining retail prices be fixed in the current accounting policy.

State regulation of pricing

Prices for certain products are controlled by the state. The government determines the acceptable price for certain goods that have special social significance. If a product is on the List of Price-Controlled Products, then their final cost, including markup, must be formed in accordance with current laws and regulations at the federal and local levels.

If there is a steady increase in prices for goods of social importance, the Government has the right to temporarily limit their maximum limit. But this can be done if the price increase level exceeds 30% over a 30-day period. The maximum permissible value of the cost of such goods, established by the Government, can be maintained for up to 90 days.

Socially significant goods include the following: meat, milk, sunflower oil and butter, flour, eggs, sugar, salt, bread, cereals, potatoes, some types of fruits and vegetables. In addition to food products, the list of goods for which control over selling prices can be established includes children's products, medicines, medical products, goods intended for sale in the Far North and regions equivalent to it.

If cases of overpricing are detected for goods regulated by states, the responsible persons and organizations will face fines. For management, fines of up to 50,000 rubles are provided, for legal entities - in the amount of twice the amount of revenue exceeded as a result of overstatement for the entire period of overstatement, but for a total duration of no more than a year.

Accounting for trade margins (account 42: postings)

In the accounting of trade enterprises, trade margins are accounted for separately. For these purposes, the “Trade margin” account is used. All kinds of discounts and product losses and other data can also be reflected here.

When determining the markup, the following entries can be used:

  1. Dt 41-2 - Kt 42 - the extra charge is reflected.
  2. Dt 90 - Kt 42 - the amount of markup due to damage or loss of goods is reversed.

For the balance of goods, the markup is determined as follows: a percentage consisting of the ratio at the beginning of the month of the amount of the markup on inventory balances and received for the month to the amount of goods sold and final balances. The amount for goods sold is determined based on sales prices.

In organizations that pay VAT, the formation and accounting of markups is different. For example, tax defaulters (organizations on the simplified tax system or exempt from VAT) create a markup on account 42 itself.

If a trading company is a payer of this indirect tax, then it must use 2 subaccounts:

  • 42-1 - accrued markup on the price from the supplier;
  • 42-2 - VAT on the sales price, which is part of the markup.

When selling goods at retail, the tax amount is included in the final price.

Example. A trading company, which is a VAT payer, purchased goods for further sale at a price of 354 rubles per unit, including 18% VAT. Quantity of goods: 80 pieces. The trade margin is 20%. In accounting, the company uses subaccounts 42-1 and 42-2.

The following transactions will be reflected in the accounting:

Dt 41-2 - Kt 60 - 300*80=24,000 rub. - goods received from the supplier.

Dt 19 - Kt 60 - 54*80*=4320 rub. ― reflected input VAT from the supplier.

Dt 68 ― Kt 19 ― 4320 rub. ― the tax amount is accepted for deduction.

Dt 41-2 ― Kt 42-1 ― 4800 rub. ― trade margin on the price of goods without tax.

Dt 41-2 ― Kt 42-2 ― 864 rub. ― VAT is taken into account as part of the trade margin.

The total markup amount is 4800 rubles. + 864 rub. = 5664 rubles for the total batch of goods received. At the same time, the selling price of 1 unit of goods is 424.80 rubles.

In some circumstances, the trading margin may be reduced. This happens due to a sale and the need for a markdown. The operation to reduce the markup is reversed by the following posting:

Dt 41 - Kt 42 - reversal according to the amount of the markup.

Dt 91-2 - Kt 41 - excess of the reduction amount over the markup.

The main purpose of the existence of any commercial company is to generate income. For this reason, products or services are not sold at . If everything were like this, the organization would work “to zero.” However, a trade margin is added to the cost, allowing you to make a profit.

What is a trade margin?

Trade margin is a certain amount that is added to the cost of the product. This markup constitutes the company's net income. In essence, this is added value, which is formed by increasing the price. Cost is the total cost of manufacturing products. These are expenses for transportation, raw materials, management, commercial and other expenses. Goods are almost never sold at cost, since in this case the company will only cover its costs, but will not make a profit. The final cost of goods and services includes cost and trade margin. This allows you to cover all expenses and make a profit.

The size of the markup in most cases is not set at the state level. But some products have price limits. If the cost exceeds the established figure, the company will have to pay a fine. This is an indirect limitation on the amount of markup. These restrictions apply to essential products. However, it cannot be said that for all other goods a markup of any size can be established. There is always such a factor as indirect restrictions. This is competition, the level of demand.


The company is engaged in the production of shoes. The cost of one pair of shoes is 1000 rubles. The company sets the retail price at 1,500 rubles. That is, the markup was 50%. The boots are selling quite well. They are in demand among the target audience (TA), who prefer budget options. The company, satisfied with sales, decides to increase the markup to 100%. That is, the cost of the boots will be 2,000 rubles. In this case, sales will fall, since the company has lost its target audience, but has not found new consumers, since the quality of the product remains the same. That is, indirect restrictions continue to apply. Let's look at the company's profit figures. The company sells 100 shoes per month. The costs for them will be 100,000 rubles. The company will receive revenue in the amount of 150,000 rubles. The profit generated from the markup will be 50,000 rubles.

What factors determine the size of the markup?

The size of the trade margin is formed based on the following factors:

  • Cost price. The cost of the product, including the markup, must cover all the company’s production costs. The cost may include transport, management, commercial expenses, rent, energy costs, and depreciation.
  • The segment in which the company operates. The markup percentage is directly dependent on the segment. In some industries that involve seasonal work, markups may vary throughout the year.
  • Elasticity of demand. This indicator reflects the dependence of demand on an increase or decrease in cost. If demand is elastic, when determining markups, you need to keep in mind the need to establish discounts designed to increase demand. Even goods sold at discounts must make a profit. If demand is inelastic, the need to establish discounts can be ignored.
  • Availability of additional services. Some companies offer free services included with the main service. For example, this could be a free consultation or installation. All these additional services are free of charge, very conditionally, since the costs for them also affect the size of the markup.
  • Features of the target audience. The manager needs to understand how much the buyer can and is willing to pay for the product. It depends on the type of product, region, location of the company, level of competition.
  • Competition. The markup depends on the level of competition and the competitiveness of the organization. For example, an organization operates in a highly competitive industry. In this case, the markup will be small. Otherwise, consumers will turn to a competitor offering a better price. However, a significant deviation from the average cost is possible if the company is highly competitive.

It must be said that the markup is not always rational. For example, there is such a thing as prestigious consumption. In this case, products from prestigious brands are purchased at an inflated price. That is, the markup will be very high. Essentially, the consumer will pay for the brand.

IMPORTANT! It is important for a company to determine the threshold cost. This is the minimum cost at which the product will be sold, and the company will not be in a loss-making position.

ATTENTION! A single markup may apply to all products. You can also set a separate markup for each product category.

Accounting markup

The accounting entries used will depend on the specific transaction being carried out.

Write-off of markup when selling products

The markup should be written off after the products are sold. The total markup is calculated at the end of the month. Moreover, it is determined based on the average markup for all products. The average markup percentage is determined by this formula:

P = (TNn + TNp – TNv) / (V + OT) x 100%

The formula uses these values:

  • P – average % markup.
  • ТНн – markup on the balance of products at the beginning of the reporting period.
  • ТНп – markup on products received during the reporting period.
  • ТНв – markup on products disposed of during the reporting period (for example, goods returned to the supplier).
  • B – sales revenue.
  • OT – balance of production at the end of the month.

After this, the markup amount is set:

ТНр = В x П / 100%

The specified markup amount will be reversed as follows:

DT90-2 KT42

The posting includes an indication of the transaction amount and the name of the primary documents.

Reducing the markup

Sometimes a company decides to reduce the cost of products. In this case, the markup will also decrease. This is reflected as follows:

DT41 KT42

The operation involves writing off part of the cost of the goods. It should be reflected as follows:

DT91-2 KT41

IMPORTANT! If the amount of the markdown exceeds the amount of the markup, taxable profit is not reduced.

Product Returns

The consumer can return the product if it is not of the required quality: defective, expired product. In this case, the company must return the buyer's money. The wiring will be as follows:

DT90-2 KT42

In this case, you will need to reverse the tax accrued from the markup.

Accounting for markups

Once the trade valuation has been determined, it must be recorded in the retail price register. The register is the primary document on the basis of which accounting entries are reflected. It records the retail price of the product. The size of the markup is fixed using this posting:

DT41 KT42

IMPORTANT! The register is formed on the basis of Appendix No. 2 to the recommendations. However, there is no mandatory form of registry. It can be created according to the needs of the company. But in any case, the primary documentation must contain the mandatory details specified in Article 9 of the Accounting Law.

Accounting support for transactions for the purchase and sale of products in retail when accounting for assets in selling prices occurs by displaying the following main operations:

  • Acceptance of goods from the supplier.
  • Displaying the selling price in the company's accounting records, registering products with the company, fixing the trade margin on account 42.
  • Transfer of assets to the end consumer, confirmation of payment and complete transfer of rights to the goods (completion of a purchase and sale transaction).
  • Calculation of financial results of sales, monitoring of performance results.

The essence of the concept of retail: the sale of goods purchased from various suppliers to the end consumer individually or in small quantities with the transfer of ownership of the product at the time of the transaction.

Retail trade is an operation for the sale of products under a purchase and sale agreement drawn up orally (the time of conclusion is the receipt by the buyer of a check or other document confirming payment for the goods). Customers' payment for purchased products can be accepted in cash using cash registers, in accordance with Federal Law 54-FZ of May 22, 2003, or by bank cards under an acquiring agreement concluded with the bank if payment terminals are available at the point of sale.

Most often, product accounting in companies whose main activity is retail trade is carried out in sales prices. Accounting for goods in retail trade at sales prices has a number of features compared to accounting at purchase prices.

The purchase of products is recorded on the account. 41 (to maintain separate accounting for different types of activities, a subaccount 41.2 can be additionally opened).

Question 6. Accounting for goods and trade margins

Goods received from the supplier are immediately reflected in the prices they sell to consumers. At the same time, an additional operation is carried out to record the trade margin.

Note from the author! Trade margin is the difference between a certain selling price of a product and the cost of production (purchase cost and costs of delivering products). Isolating a trade margin on a separate account is a generalization of information about the company’s possible profits in retail trade.

Setting a trade markup

A company engaged in retail trade has the right to choose how to set a trade markup on its product.

Something to keep in mind! The method must be fixed in the accounting policy.

  1. A single markup percentage for all products, regardless of their cost (for example, 20% for each item of the product).
  2. A fixed amount, expressed in ruble equivalent (for example, 1000 rubles for the purchase price).
  3. The selling price of the product is determined, then, based on this, the amount of the established markup is calculated (for example, with a purchase price of 100 rubles, the selling price is 120 rubles, which means the trade markup on the product is 20 rubles).

The assessment of the effectiveness of the established markups is analyzed when closing the 90th account, intended to summarize the activities of the enterprise.

Basic entries when accounting for products in retail sales prices:

  1. Purchasing products for resale
  2. Sales to retail consumers



    Transfer of products, write-off of costs

    Dt90.02 Kt41

    Reversing the amounts of established markups

    Dt90.02 Kt42

    Accounting for proceeds received from sales

    Dt62.R Kt90.01 (62.R - a separate sub-account for recording retail transactions)

    Accounting for acquiring transactions (payments by buyers for goods with bank cards)

    Dt57.03 Kt62R

    Accepting cash from customers

    Crediting income from acquiring transactions to the current account

    Dt51 Kt57.03 (Dt91.02 Kt57.03 - bank commission for accepting and processing payments under the acquiring agreement)

    Note! When setting discounts on goods, the trade margin is also reversed in correspondence with account 41.

  3. Determination of financial results, analysis of ongoing activities

    Dt90 Kt99 - profit.

    Dt99 Kt90 - loss.

Features of writing off goods and providing discounts to customers

If goods were written off for personal use in the organization, or shortages were identified during the inventory, then the accountant displays the transactions of writing off the trade margin with the following entries:

Dt44 Kt42 - the amount of markup on goods used for the personal needs of the company is reversed.

Dt94 Kt42 - write-off of trade margins on products disposed of due to shortages, damage or theft.

Case Study

Limited Liability Company "Trava" is engaged in retail trade in the trading floor of a shopping center.

The total cost of the purchased goods was 8,000 rubles (excluding VAT). The accounting policy of the LLC establishes a trade margin of 30% for the entire range.

When selling products in the store, discount card holders are given a 10% discount.

Business transactions

Dt41 Kt60 - 8000 rubles - posting of items for further sale in the store.

Dt41 Kt42 - 2400 rubles - the amount of the established trade margin is displayed.

That is, the selling price of the goods is set: 10,400 rubles.

Dt50 Kt90.01 - 9360 - sale to the owner of a discount card taking into account the discount.

Dt90.02 Kt41 - 10400 rub. - write-off of the cost of products sold.

Dt90.02 Kt42 - 1040 - red reversal - reversal of the trade margin when taking into account the discount.

Dt90.02 Kt42 - 1360 - red reversal - reversal of the markup on sold products.

Determining the financial result of the transaction

Dt90 Kt99 - 1360 - determination of the company's profit.

Features of accounting for buyer's prepayment at retail

In retail trade, the concept of advance payments for goods is not provided; the transaction is considered completed when the product and ownership of it are transferred to the end consumer. As a result, all advance payments from buyers are shown in the seller's accounting as follows:

  • As accounts payable on account. 62, subaccount for accounting for advance payments (Dt50 Kt62).
  • Then, at the time of transfer of the product to the buyer, an entry is made with the allocation of revenue - Dt62 Kt90.01.
  • Final payment for goods: Dt50 Kt62.
  • Transfer of advance payment to payment for goods Dt62 (sub-account for settlements for advance payments) Kt62.

Victor Stepanov, 2018-04-21

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Reference materials on the topic

Analytical accounting for account 42 “Trade margin” should provide separate reflection of the amounts of discounts (surcharges) and differences in prices related to goods in retail organizations and to goods shipped.

Account 42 “Trade margin” corresponds for the loan with:

1) account 41 “Goods”;

2) account 44 “Sales expenses”;

3) account 90 “Sales”;

4) score 94 “Shortages and losses from damage to valuables.”

Let's look at an example of how trade margins are calculated and written off at a retail enterprise that keeps records of goods at sales prices.

LLC "Lora" purchased for sale in its store a batch of 200 irons at a price of 59 rubles, for a total amount of 11,800 rubles, including VAT 18% - 1800 rubles. LLC "Lora" keeps records of goods at sales prices. The consignment of goods was paid for on the day of receipt. The trade margin for this group of goods is set at 40%. LLC "Lora" is on the general taxation system.

When registering goods, the accountant at Laura LLC makes the following entries:

Debit account 41 “Goods”,

– 10,000 rub. – received goods are capitalized;

Debit account 19 “Value added tax”,

Credit to account 60 “Settlements with suppliers and contractors”

– 1800 rub. – VAT on goods received is taken into account;

Debit of account 60 “Settlements with suppliers and contractors”,

Credit account 51 “Current accounts”

– 11,800 rub. – goods have been paid to the supplier;

Debit of account 68 “Calculations for taxes and fees”,

Credit to account 19 “Value added tax”

– 1800 rub. – tax deduction taken into account VAT;

Debit account 41 “Goods”,

– 6520 rub. – reflects the trade margin on capitalized goods.

The trade margin is calculated as follows:

10,000 rub. X 40% = 4000 rub. – the amount of the trade margin excluding VAT;

(RUB 10,000 + RUB 4,000) X 18% = RUB 2,520 – the amount of VAT to be included in the trade margin;

4000 rub. + 2520 rub. = 6520 rub.

Account 42: trade margin. Example, wiring

– the total amount of the trade margin.

Thus, the selling price of the entire batch of irons was 16,520 rubles, and the selling price of one iron, respectively, was 82.6 rubles.

In the same month, the entire batch of irons was sold to consumers.

The following entries were made in the accounting records of Laura LLC:

Debit account 50 “Cashier”,

Credit account 90 “Sales” subaccount 1 “Revenue”

– 16,520 rub. – revenue from the sale of goods was received at the cash register;

Credit account 41 “Goods”

– 16,520 rub. – the accounting value of goods sold is written off;

Debit account 90 “Sales” subaccount 2 “Cost of sales”,

Credit to account 42 “Trade margin”

6520 rub. – the amount of realized trade margin was reversed;

Debit account 90 “Sales” subaccount 3 “Value added tax”,

Credit to account 68 “Calculations for taxes and fees”

– 2520 rub. – VAT payable has been accrued;

Debit of account 90 “Sales” of subaccount 9 “Profit from sales”,

Credit 99 “Profits and losses”

– 4000 rub. – reflects the financial result from the sale of goods.

The subaccounts of account 90 “Sales” involved in this operation are as follows:

1) subaccount 1 “Revenue”;

2) subaccount 2 “Cost of sales”;

3) subaccount 3 “Value added tax”;

4) subaccount 9 “Profit/loss from sales”.

According to the Accounting Regulations “Accounting for Inventories” PBU 5/01, trading organizations are required to reflect goods in the balance sheet at the cost of their acquisition. Organizations that record goods at sales value take into account the difference between the cost of acquisition and the cost of selling goods in the financial statements as a separate line.

The cost of goods when they are sold is allowed to be written off using the following valuation methods:

1) at unit cost;

2) at average cost;

3) at the cost of the first acquisitions (FIFO).

The cost of goods, in addition to its direct cost paid to the supplier, may also include additional costs. PBU 5/01 “Accounting for inventories” recognizes the following expenses as actual costs for the acquisition of inventories (including goods):

1) amounts paid in accordance with the agreement to the supplier (seller);

2) amounts paid to organizations for information and consulting services related to the acquisition of inventories;

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Postings for accounting for trade margins in retail trade

Synthetic accounting of retail sales of goods is maintained on account 90 “Sales”. The credit of the account reflects the sales value of goods sold (including VAT), and the debit reflects the cost of goods sold, selling expenses, and VAT.

Based on the cashier’s report, daily entries are generated reflecting the amount of revenue from the sale of goods:

D 50 “Cashier” K 90-1 “Revenue”.

When closing the reporting period (month), the trading organization makes the following entries:

a) charges VAT:

D 90-3 “VAT” K 68 “Calculations for VAT”;

b) writes off sales expenses for the reporting month:

D 90-2 “Cost of sales” K 44 “Sales expenses”.

Next, you should write off the cost of the goods and determine the gross income from trading activities. The reflection of these transactions in retail trade depends on the method chosen by the organization for valuing inventory (at purchase or sales prices).

Example 3.1. In the first quarter of 2010, the trading enterprise received revenue from the sale of goods through the retail network (the enterprise does not conduct other types of activities) in the amount of 660,800 rubles, including VAT - 18%. The company keeps records of goods at purchase prices. The cost of goods sold during the reporting period was 420,000 rubles, sales expenses amounted to 60,000 rubles.

The following accounting entries will be made:

D 50 “Cashier” K 90-1 “Revenue” - 660,800 rubles. - revenue from the sale of goods is reflected;

D 90-3 “VAT” K 68, subaccount “Calculations for VAT” - 100,800 rubles. - VAT is charged on the cost of goods sold;

D 90-2 “Cost of sales” K 41 “Goods” - 420,000 rubles. - the cost of goods sold is written off;

D 90-2 “Cost of sales” K 44 “Sales expenses” - 60,000 rubles. - sales expenses are written off.

In accordance with the Instructions for the use of the Chart of Accounts, an organization can, at its discretion, clarify the contents of sub-accounts, exclude and combine them, introduce additional sub-accounts based on the specifics of the activity and in order to obtain comprehensive information for reporting and making management decisions. In the example, a trading organization decided to account for sales expenses written off from account 44, separately from the cost of goods sold. To summarize information about expenses associated with the sale of goods, the organization uses account 90:

D 90-9 “Profit/loss from sales” K 99 “Profits and losses” - 80,000 rubles. (660,800 rub. - 100,800 rub. - 420,000 rub.

Postings for accounting of goods in retail at sales prices

- 60,000 rubles) - the financial result from sales for the first quarter was revealed.

Goods purchased by an organization for sale are assessed at the cost of their acquisition. However, retail organizations are allowed to evaluate purchased goods at their selling price, taking into account markups (discounts), i.e. the organization can reflect on account 41 “Goods” the price that is indicated on the price tag (in the price list) and is payable by the buyer.

The trade margin related to the cost of goods sold is called gross income.

The methodology for calculating trade margins is fixed by law, therefore a trade organization has the right to use any methodology approved by the organization, namely, it establishes:

— first the selling price, and then calculate the trade margin;

— for a specific product (group of products) a trade margin in the form of a fixed amount (used when the organization is a dealer of the product manufacturer);

— for a specific product (group of products) a trade margin in the form of a fixed percentage.

The size of the trade margin on goods can be any. The exception is goods for which state price regulation is carried out. For them, the maximum amounts of retail markups to the actual selling price of the manufacturer are established (for example, for medicines).

In order to identify the financial result from sales, not all revenue should be debited from account 90, but only the cost of purchasing goods. It is defined as the difference between the cost of goods at retail prices and the trade margin related to the goods sold. To do this, simultaneously with writing off the sales value, the amount of the trade margin attributable to the goods sold (realized trade overlay) is written off from account 90. Therefore, the main thing when accounting for goods at sales prices is the correct calculation of the amount of markup on goods sold.

Let us consider how, with different methods for determining the accounting price of goods, transactions for the sale of goods are reflected in accounting.

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